THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 15. 1903. 13 nits good words FOR HIE DRPCK weht to th mills at St. John last night to !d lumbar for lli orient. ) la voder charter to lialfour, Uulhrl Co. MARINE NOT US. Astoria. Sept !. Arrived at f and left up at a. m., ilwmtr Northland, from Han Franclaco, Arrived at 4:1 and Iff i up at a. m.. steamer Tlvarton, from rn Francisco. tiaa Franclaco. ept 1 1 Arrived at T a, m., ateamer ehoelione, from I'ortland. San Pedro, Sept. 14. Arrived, ateamer Qeora W. Fen wick, from Aatorla. Man Diego, 8pt 14. Arrived, tug iaunneae. wiia log rail in tow. irviu Aatorla. Aatorla. Bent. 14 Arrived at 4:16 and laft up at 1:60 o. m.. ataamar Oeorse W. Elder, from San Pedro and way porta. Ballad at 4:26 P. m-. tug Aatorla. With Markenttna Who In tOW PTfTF.YTlTiY RPTTITT Sailed at i. p. m.. ataamar Johan Toul- I an. ror Ha Franclaoo,, Nan Fronelaco, HepL 14 Balled at It p. m. ateamsr R. I). Inman, for t'ort t ...... ri viy ... I land. . , I 'rriKuirr '"V "" w un.l ..( ft A.ll..A. .cheonsr Willi It. Hume, from Portland. Dublin. HrDt. li. Arrlvad. French AwilA tn VImi In nlrh th Dirk Kusen Psraellne. from Portland. ... . .... AlrV . v. v " ---- I ., . ., . . .... mouth of th river at I a. m.. moderate; wind northwest '. IS mtlea: weather, clear. - Tide at Aatorla Wednesday High water, 6:: a. m.. 4.1 Teat; 6:11 p. m.. 1.0 feet ' Low water. 11:11 a, m- S.l feet. . Captain Williams of the . Steamer Beechley Speaks of Port's Future. IS TAKKX WITH the Destructive) rowers of (he Craft Wm Held Prisoner. NEW BOOKS FOR TIIK LIB1LMEY "'. , Th following book at the publlo library will go Into circulation Seotsm- tr li: BIOGRAPHY. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Captain T. William, maater of th Brltlab steamer Beechley, which ar rived her yesterday and ntrd-th drydock, la ao much pleased with tha river and th harbor that ha declare rortianq la Douna to oecom in ieaa-i i.. i.M lnif4. In port on th Paclflo coast, barring 0;orr. w. Elder g,n pedro,,.l.Bpt. It none. But. Ran Francisco ..Sept. II Ha apoka unsolicited and spontaneous- Rose City.' 8s a Francisco Sept. It ly when h. .aid th Portland drydock Y .Tce.Coo. Bay . . ::::.':::;e.Tr 1 T boats anything by far that they hav I Breakwater, epos Bay, . .HeptlO got in that Una on Puget sound, and I Roanoke, Ban Pedro and way... Sept axcreaaed hlmaelf a verv much Dleaaed I Kureka Eureka and Cooa Bent. 11 with th fact that th contractor who I Nleomedia. orient Oct L la to repair- tha vessel brought hr here. I Arabia, orient Oct IS "You have a aDlendld drydock." said Aleala. orient ..- ....Nov. I Captain Wllllama. ."and everybody her I Numantla, orient .......j. Nov. IS seems to aot as if they, were her to I . Brnlar X.lsrs to Depart. welcome you and b your rriena. xner nr.nkw.t r, Bsv 8ept 1( rErJL'i 0 DoTt or.n ,Vuriii:oo. w. Kid.r. en tt&ro, ....sept, n thlnaj-I-can-do-for-you spirit her that I . m - i an. ia makea on feel at horn. Th ateamer SlTTS-ri ' A'.'.'. BriL 11 rwaa lifted so smoothly that I nover saw Homer. Ban Franolaoo.......8ept to f a netter job performed, and vrythlng Rureka, Eureka and Coo Bept II " waa don with dispatch. If th Job Roanoke, Ban Pedro and way... Hpt 14 is completed as well and promptly as Rose City. San Francisco Sept 1 , it naa peen started I . am sure there Numantla, orient Oct aiinii do no computing on my pari. ' . Captain Williams has steamed the Beechley S.SUO miles with her hull punc lured in mnnv nlnnee and a. lar wood. in bulkhead In place of the Iron bows. Th bulkhead was built in by Captain Colonna . Victoria Colonna, Her rrl.nda ami II. r Tlra.a.1 y Mra. M. F. J.rrold. llol. Howard Mr Ufa anil rtnarluaM Among Our lloatlla Indian, a record of paraunai onaarvailona, JU7. lb.n. by bdmund Ooas. 1101 BOOKS Hf FOREIGN LANOOAOC8. , Favr L'lla Inconnu. Oorky Jpaaud.) Elnat Ira Ilsrbat, Au.cewahlt Kraahluncen. (Jorky (pau.l In Ler Steppe. Aua- gewahlt Ertahlungen L Bras L Uardfen Pu F.u. ' DESCRIPTION AND TRAVELS. Bruce In th Footstep of Marco vain mn account or a journey Polo. overland front Simla to Pekln. HOT, FICTION. Dean Trav.ra. a atory of tha San aartbquak. Hawaii - r.nn.1 in itua. klorrla Tb Footprint and Other Storlaa. Vane Th Black Bag. FINE ARTS. Barber Lead Glased Pottery, HOT. r . B-.r.lln- .nmnirit V aO eount of tha development and practice or in art, 107. .. , , Duncan Th lloua -. Beautiful n Useful. HOT, . w . .a Holland Dlrn for flchoOis, HOT. ... i. . . n, . . . n Sullivan Patience, or Bunthorn Bride, words by W. 8. Gilbert H". ' HISTORT. Foreman on th Pacino, and the 8lrlan Railway. lt. , . ' Iidd In Korea With Mruts Ito. - LITERATURE.' Calms Introduction, to Rhatorlo, f lAl Ryland Chronological ' OutUna Engltah Literature. HOT. of WEATHER ItEPOnT PiirLosopirr. Pabody, ad.Th Liquor Problem, a summary of Investigation eonduoted by in oommitte of 10. HOS, REUOION. ' I A a ton Shinto, th A nxi.n. w.iib rf J a fan. Hot. I siaiaa. and a larg high preaaure ara nld Harua f r .,. over tne uppr t)l. ia prla. 101. ..j valley controls th weather In th north llutchln.on Th HiIiIm Mh book of Urk fairy tale a. HOT, ' : .' , SCIENCE. Amaa Text Book of Oan.ral Phralca. ror nign school, and colleges, l04. nertMict Chemical Lctur Expert- 1-,,,, ., ,. . A trough of low pres.ur extend from th CanadUa northweat we.iera Montana. Idaho. Nevada and California, to Arison. The barometer a relatively low over the eaat lull wrenc IlE.iL ESTATE TUANSI I.K1 Knrthsrn Countle Inea"it Trust. Ltd., t, Anna W. t.n Cotub, beginning t (...hi I on -t line of n , l.ra.lie Eprlnta tra.-t. 14 fpt miwi f tiortbweel corner of aul I lot. thane auutherly 10 feet, ll.eru westerly lit Iel to beginning ero atatea eaat of the Htx ky mountains. r, p M'hltnnmS .ir. t 11. r. Shower, and thunderatorma hav , oo- ,L ToweL ZLml t.rr..ri curred In Waehlngton. northern Or.gon, m above prwp.rty northern Idaho and weatarn Montana, V -V'M J ' ' 1.90 0 1.409 and llaht to moderately heavy rain has lien in eastern Colorado, western Kan .Oklahoma, northern Texaa and Florida. It la rnnlm In mr.r. Wati. tnents. 1101. linrton and warmer In southern Or.aon Jiryant History of Astronomy, HOT. I "n5M,h,lrB Idaho. KUIOl The Romanes nf t ir. I The Indication, are for fair weather H0. "M tonight and Wedneedav In Orarcn and Heaaier at Smith Tha Eaaentiala otr "'"'on, and ror ahowera and tbun Chemistry, HOI. 01 deratorms tonlnht or Wednesday li Martin Th Friendly Stars, HOT. 80CI0L.OQT. Bell At th Work, a mtnAr . ... Hiaciurini town, IVVY. Idaho, and warmer Wednesday in Ore son and Wash I n t An ..Mm near Ih. ooaat , Temp. Benedict Waif a of tb Slum and ?.,t0 71 Their Way Out. HOT. rihfi,PAt.: li . Falrlio, in Municipal Admin- ri'lfiy-,9nl0, !J Max. Mln. Precln. If Oct. 1R VaT ja, aaattillUTi T....NSV, It Nleomedia, orient Arabia., orient .. Aiesia. orirai ....... . aasaU la Port. Broderlck Cavtle. Br. sh Stream Lamiemnre. Br. ctu N. P. Lbr. Co. WHliame when th steamer was adrift Crown of India, Br. sh Greenwich in th ice off Nome last spring, and yet it was in good solid condition when Ley land Bros.. Br. sh Drydock Donna Franceses, Br. bk Astoria the steamer reached the drydock yes- Churchill. Am. sch ............ AIUII 1 terday. - Asgard. Nor. sh ..Drydock The Beeohlev has had a rouarh time of A 1 vena. Am. sch Astoria It during the pant six months. In the Albert Rick mere, Oer. bk. .... .Oceanic first place she took a cargo of 4,000 W. F. Jewett. Am. sch Astoria tons of coal for Nome. On th way Irene. Am. sch.... Astoria north sh got caught in th lea with Koko Hesd. Am. bktn.. Portland Co. 10 other steamers, and while drifting Washington, Am. ss. ..... 1 .. .Drydock about tha Iron mates nf the bowa above Andorlnha, Br. bk. .. .Montgomery NO. I th water were cut by th ice until tM V'"." yiwn,. in, vnnnri waa .r .nniiirh In normU a I Annie Bmale, Am. SCH IS. 1 . mill man in crawl thrnuirh. It waa than aoi, r r.- dk .vuiuinia riu. 4 bulkhdP.,UpnutWl,nUam ya1 th W0den Mn'k fte'onffew daa after having ftl'M" " Montg0mvi nidn reieRjtpn rrnm in. a-rtn or Tn. in. 1 r - r.- tho Beechley got caught in a fearful ffl?rViir. form that ien? manv Sraft aahnm Th ta- Italian Irving . . .Stream .. . .Stream . .Dolphins Sand dock . .Elevator . . .Stream .Astoria storm that sent many craft ashore. TheN geidemoni Br Beechley also touched bottom and Sfem,!!a'.,Fr- 6k BhrmnageTVa" oT VJZtiFSS & eventually got rid of her cargo and a, Nicholas. Am ship. ' cam nacK to 1'uet sound. . 1r.11. e Kiitk n.n. For an even dozen days sh steamed puako. Am. bktn Knappton through a solid blanket of the densest Mabel Gale, Am, sch Knappton fog. A similar foe; enveloped her on Boverlc. Br. sa Knappton tho way from Seattle to the Columbia Pellar. Fr. bk. Llnnton river. It kept her four days on the Ruverin. Sr. Bt. Johns. voyage that ordinarily should have been Cornll Bart Fr. bk..... Llnnton How to Cure Chronic COIiSTIPATIOf There Is probably no ailment ao common as chronla constipation, yet doctors hav never suoceeded In rind ing a drug that would cur it Every sufferer who has triad physic, pills and purgative knowa that they only rive temporary l lief. Every rfoae calls for another and tha quantity has to be increased eacn time to get tn desired result Th true reason for constipation Is that the bowels haven't th atrensth to do their work. Th in testinal muscles becom weak ana inactive throurh a loss of energy and vitality. The comreated matter ferments and form poison which get into th blood, causing rheumatism and other trouble. All you need to remove the con gestion and restore the weakened parts to a strong, healthy condition Is Electricity. Electro-Visor Infuses a alowlns; current of Electrlo Ufa Into the body for hour, while 'you sleep. This fore Is taken up by the obsorblng alands of th stomaoh and bowels. strengthening the muscles and or gans, so that they will do their work as Nature Intended. Electro-Vla-or builds up vitality In very part of your body. It makes the nerves strong and the blood rich and warm. It cures all such troubles as constipation, stomach, Kidney, liver and bowel disorders, nervous debility, lumbaaro. rheumatism and weakness In men and women. Electro-Vlaor Is a body battery which . generates a continuous cur rent of Electricity. It does not burn i n. atiaek and never need charclnf. It la curing people every day, and I can prov it e a I hav used Electro-Vigor about 40 days and am well pleased with Its work. I hav ceased using medicine entirely. I sleep and eat well, hav rained la weight and feel like a new man. B. PREBCOTT. Durkea, Baker Co., Oregon. . a-. THIS IS FREE Cut out this coupon and mall It to m for my free, 100-pag. Illustrated book, which tells all about my meth od of treatment I'll send It free (sealed) if you will mall me mis coupon. winiuvn, jeva. liuntor Socialists at Work, HOI. USEFUL ARTS. Denver. Colo. h.t.Ai 01.. Kansas City, Mo... Llttl Rook, Ark..; American School of t I Ang'les, OU.,. rmour Institute Highway Construe- 2rlnfi lA 1 w - a vi n. t Omaha, Neb.... Gambia fitrale-ht Talk. Mn r-nuaaeipnia, Pa 07 rnoenlx, Arls. ttAI Jo'nea NTotaa on Drain... ,1.. t,."bur.. P. field and laboratory for stu gt Louis. Mo' BOOKS ADDED TO THE JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Aesop Hundert und Acht Asop'sch ranein iur cu jugena. Gibson In Eastern Wonderlands. Grimm A Grimm Household Stories, translated by Lucy Crane and illus trated ry is. tu wennert ' Nugent New Games and Amuse- tnents. Starr Mustafa, th Es-vntfan Hn. Whit aV Smith South Africa Today. 0 74 tt !i 01 Tt It 74 ...100 B4 17 A St Paul, Minn...,, 7J Bait lake. Utah.,,, to ' Ban Franclaco. rai a Seattle. Wash cs Bpokane, Wash.... tt Walla walla. Wash. 84 rraaninston. I). C. gO 41 tl (0 t Tl tt 74 ft tl It 71 to S4 4 to to tl tl to tt 6t .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .09 .00 .00 .00 .00 T. .00 .00 .00 .01 .11 .03 .04 .00 MARRIAGE LICENSES Mabel ft. Edwards to Che. Thompaon, lot U, block t. Watt a aubdlvlalon Of tut 4, Frultval J,IM John Hemmen to Andrew Thony, j v acres permning at nortnwa.i corner of aactlon t, towuhlp I south, rang I east............ 1.044 Harvey M. Tlmms and wlfs to M.lcbolr Kehrll, 14 acre, begin nlng 4d rods west Of southeast comer of section 17, township 1 south, rang 1 ast 1,000 Hub Land company to Maud May berry, lota 17 and It, block S, . Willamette boulevard ISO B. O. Spltsnar to Julius Hallborn, block f Fearer's addition I.IOO Robert E. Thompaon to Deborah -Ho.tner Chsmberlaln, lota 1 and t. block lit, West Irylngton ad dition 4,000 Martin Settler -and wife to Thomas W. Lttser, lot t. block II, High land .TOO Georg 8. Wilson to W. F. Tobey, lot 7, block A." Cherry dale.... ISO C. I- Rotermund and wife to Ber th Moorea. lot I, block .15, Woodstock 1,000 William Klaetach and wife to -C. K Rotermund, lot L block I' . Woodstock 480 Georg. R. Black and wlf to Al bert E. Wllaon and wlf. lota 4 and a, block A, aubd. of St Johna Height 1,000 A. N. Ork to Katharine Wrlaht lot t, block 14, Columbia Hta... HS Albert E. Hornschuch, Vemonla, Or, College Endowment association to S. A. Hall, 11. D. 1314 Seoond Are., Seatta. Wash, Please send ma, prepaid, your free, 100-page, Illustrated book. t-16-8 Nam . . . Address CGeeWo ' Th ValUataowa BMiabl CHINESE Boot and Xsrb REMEDIES rvuao m. ocnneiaer, it. a,12- HoleBworth, S8I Johnson trt, 11 and Myrtl R. Tost 11. Irvln J. Itarah. ana tlln.,. . 11. and Bertenla J.'HIrseh. 17 J. C Nolan. 14S Vanmuv.. . 10. and Mary Simmons. 17. Carl Herman Jack. on. 1141 Main avaw nue. 41. and Alta Roaalter. IB. John Bteelbera- 101 an. nua. It, and Christian Anderson. It. P. McC. Baker, Portland, 41, and Lulu B. Comstock, 14. Edward A. Marafc-rl.M XTn,.-. T-1... 11, and Lucie Fields, It. niumas w. t;anon. 8BB cn nton 2fi. H Tld TVira n.rnl. fin(.L.lnU. .a Godfrey Eh man. Ja Eaat Thiri I addition 14, and Ada Folts, 18. JO- . Crouch and wife to J, life study of the world ly or roots and at discovered and Haa made herbs and In that stu Is giving to ,. cure. Ho Karoury, Poisons or Drug's Vs.d Bs cures witnoui operation or Without th Aid of a Kxtlf. Guarantees to cure Catarrh. Asthma. Lung, Throat, Rheumatism, Nervous ness, Nervous Debility, Stomach, Liver, Frank Da Ijinnia Ratnl.r Cv- i I Mary Hanne. 10. ' " Weddlnar Cards. W. D. Rmtth r Washington bids-., earner 4th .n w. -k Ington sts. his wonderful Sons, florists, funeral designs. Morrison, woodlawn HHf C-lttt. Clarke Bros., florists Fine flower and floral designs. tS9 Morrison st Full dress suits for rent all sis, Unique Tailoring Co., 0 Btsrk st Max M. Smith, florist ISO 6th at., on. Klnciey Troubles; also Lost Manhood,' posit Meier St Frank's. Female weaunesa and an private JJls eases. Ms In 7118. made in less than half that tlma Th Beechley is not chartered, but will probably get a cargo her when ready for- the sea, which will be in about a month s time. .Astoria COMPLAIN OP FERRY. TraffloAcross Columbia River Out- grows Boat in Service. (Soeeial DUmtch to The Journal.) Vancouver, Wash., Sept 16. As the traffic across the Columbia river on tho Vancouver ferry increases - each month, conditions are growing worse on that craft It is now a dally oc currence for from one to several teams to be forced to wait a trip because of the crowded deck. It Is not alone the team traffic that is suffering. In the mornings and even ings from 76 to 160 persons cross at a time. As the passenger cabin will not scat more than 65 and as not more than 126 can possibly be crowded into the cabin. It remains for a large number to remaln on the open deck during the seven minutes that it takes to cross the river. In stormy weather, when the wind blows from SO to 40 miles an hour, this means great discomfort for those' outside the cabin. Numerous complaints have been reg istered with the local authorities be cause of the poor service and several have written the local press asking if there Is not some way of securing a better ferry. With the winter season coming on these people declare such an improvement ia absolutely neces sary. - The Portland Light & Power company,- which controls th ferry, has firepared to build a larger Doat in tne mmedlate future and the contract for the construction of the hull is expected to be let any day, bids having been re ceived soma time ago. .Hamburg , . .Antwerp , . .Antwerp , . .Antwerp , . .Antwerp . .Hamburg Lelth .Antwerp ITALIAN CONCERT. Seamen's Institute on Front Street Will Entertain Visitors. A concert will be given, at th Sea men's Institute, Frbnt and . Flanders streets, tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock, under the direction of Mm a. d'Aurla, in honor of the R. N. Puglla, the Italian cruiser In port. - Captain L. Casani-Vlsconti and some of his officers, as well ss th Italian consul. Dr. C. F. Candlanl. hav accent ed invitations, and there will be a larg party of enlisted men. All friends of the mission will also be welcome. Fol lowing is th program: "Record! del .Messlco," Rebagllatl Mandolin club; .song, "II Bacio. Miss Gronnek; violin solo, (a) "Leggende." (b) "Vlllanella," Mis M Trick; song, "Le Parlate d'amor," Miss Suxa Jones; piano solo.. "Rlgoletto Fantasie," Mrs. Carrie Beaumont; vocal duet "Hark to th Mandolin," Mrs. Mil ler and Miss Jones; song, "DVAmor Bull All" ("II Trovatore"), Mm. d'Aurla: "Echoes From th Fair," Rebagllatl Mandolin and vraiiar ciuo; American and Italian national antnems. --LARGE STEAMER CHARTERED. - Kalgbt of the Thistle Coming II ere to Load Wheat lor Europe. It was reported this morning that th Portland Flouring Mills company- h Chartered tn uriuan steamer Knight of th Thistle to carry wheat from this port to Europe. Th Knight of th Thistle la a larre carrier, ha vine- pa. pacity for about ?50.0OO bushels wheat fh arrived at Ban Franclaco Jun li with a cargo of coal from Newport isews ror tn irovemmeni, ana naa been lying there ever since waiting for bnsl ns. Ia view pf the fact that Portland I doing the bulk of the whaet-shlpplng ana tnai steamer seem to DO la the rreater demand this season, it was sup- popva mat sn wouia evantusny o cvred for Portland loading. Tb proba bilities r that ah will be sent north at once, aow that wheat is comlna la evbout aa Quickly as It raa bo takes car of. ALOXO THE WATERFRONT. . i e Th ateamer Breakwater sails this evening for Cv Pay. The Nerth Pacific Steamehlp com . renyt eteamer en. W. Elder arrived lr thte morning from San IVtr and way tort, end the stwar eHat of CaHfornt ta la from San Fraaciacex B:h experience fipe eat hav. Tha lrhthoae terser Arm)! I cn hr war it cat!ie from Sake afr t-arirf eT'eed hr'eruta airf the Aia.kan cit. i !. Arri aa barkcaUna Airerlra K3TT1IUU113. AlU. Dl.ll .....a... Johan Poulsen, Am. ss Knappton Berlin, Am. sh Alblnal Americana,-Am. sch St. Johns Wrestler, Am. bktn Astoria Numantia, uer. ss Aiasaa wnarr Bttechley, Br. ss. , , .Drydock La Rorhejaqueleln, Fr. bk Astoria Neusllly, Fr. bk.. . . , Astoria Henrietta. Ger. ahlp Astoria Northland, Am. sa Couch street Tiverton, Am. ss ; George W. Elder, Am. ss. Martin's Nederland, Dutch ss. E. 4 W. Mills Sa Bouts to Xioad Lnmbar. Alumna Am. sch Kahulul Fairhaven. Am. ss San Francisco Amaranth. Am. bktn..... San Francisco Stanley Dollar, Am. as.. San Francisco Srescent Am. sch Honolulu lymnlc. Am. bk San Francisco R. D. Inman, Am. ss San Francisco Xn Bout With C.ment and General. Bidart, Fr. -fek.... Antwerp rveatsiieias. hir. sn Davtd de Anjers, Fr. sh. Bradloch, Br. bk Killoran, Br. sh Join villa, Fr. bk Carmanian, Br. fx Rochambeau. Fr. bk... . Gulf Stream, Br. bk Alice, Fr. bk London Fugene Schneider, Fr. bk Antwerp La Tour de Auvergne, Fr, bk.. Antwerp Armen, Fr. bk Dublin Glenalvon, Br. bk Antwerp Ooal SJhips En Bout. Flfeshiref Br. bk Newcastle, A. Bossuet Fr. bk Ne wcaa tie, A. Torrlsdale. Br. sh Newcastle, A. Magdala, Br. ss Newcastle, A. Tramp Sa Bout. Guernsey, Nor. ss... Shanghai Westminster, Br. ss Japan Janeta, Br. ss San Francisco Yeddo, Br. ss San Francisco Belke Rlckmers. Ger. ss . .Fusani Thyra, Nor. sa Vancquver. B. C Knight or the Thistle, Br. ss. .San Fran. Sa Bout ia Ballast to oad Grain. Port Crawford, Br. sh Callao River Falloch, Br. bk Callao Orecon. Ger. ah. Yokohama Gen, Faidherbe, Fr. bk. .... .Yokohama Merechai de Noailles, Fr. bk. West coast Homeward Bound. Am. blcvanc vr, B. C. Salnte Anne. Fr. bk. Newcastle. N. 8. W. Lydgate, Br. bk Santa Rosalia Sully, Fr. bk Antwerp uriiion, r. dk , ...Antwerp Genevieve Mollnos, Fr. bk Hobart Leon Blum, Fr. bk Hobart Finland, Rus. sh ........... .Guayaquil Magdalene, Ger. bk Acaquleo Alexander Isenberg. Ger. bk.. Honolulu Thiers. Fr. bk .Belfaat General Foy. Fr: bk Hobart Blarrits, Fr. bk. San Franclaco Wynstay, Br. sh Valparaiso Cresslngton, It sh Callao LAND SEEKERS LINE UP AT LA GRANDE La Grand. Or.. Bopt 16. Hair a hundred persons desiring land In Wal lowa county lined up on th walk near th federal land office today, special police are. on hand disorder. to Several prevent Piles Piles Piles e$10 My Fe In All Uncom plicated Cases. Consult Mo First Even though your case may be one that some other doctor is able to cure, and though his our be absolutely thorough and permanent, there is yet good cause for your coming to me for treat ment. The service I render is entirely unlike and better than the ordinary. I have devised new and scientific methods of treating men's diseases in all their phases. I oure cases that others cannot cure, and cases that others can curs I cure in less time and witnout pain or possibility of injury. All my forms of treatment have been perfected along the. lines of nature's requirements and are in exact harmony with the natural recuperative forces. Therefore, my cures are painless, prompt and thorough. Examination Free Z do not ohartre fo sdvioe, examination or diagnosis. Zf yoa call fo a private talk with me, you will aot b urged to berln treatment. Zf Im possible to call, write. Hours, S a. m, to S p. xo, Sundays, 10 to 1. THE OORmra KOBBZ80V AJTZ 8SOOin stbzsts PBIYATB ElTTBAjrOB, 834 H M0B&Z80H STBEBT, FOBTZ.ABB, OB. A SURE CANCER CURE Just Bclvd front P.kln, Chins Safe, Bur. ana sauaou, IF YOU ARE AFFLICTED DON'T DE LAY DELAYS AKB DANGEROUS. . If you cannot call, write for symptom blank and circular. Inclose 4 cents in stamps. CONSULTATION FREE Th O. G Wo Chinese M.dioin. Oo, 182 H First st. Cor. Morrison, Portland, Oregon. Pleas Mention This Paper. SB. TATX.OB. Th leading Specialist PAY WHEN CURED DR. TAYLOR c- iwihl V iiivJL. llafaa j&UuJ BIRTHS HENZEL September 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hensel. 641 Harold, a son. OYEN September 6, to Mr. and Mra. Vrn iuan 191 A FIah . - a v. v j oil, A O a V A TH, B VUH. CONATY September 12, to Mr. and . Mrs: P. J. Conatv. Rose Cltv anl- tarlum, a daughter. INCH September 11, to Mr. and Mra. Walter Inch. Portland Maternity ho- pltal, a daughter. ABRAHAM September 10. to Mr. and Mra. M. Abraham, cltv. a itaiia-hta riimpiuH eepiemner 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B. French, cltv. a daughter. TUKNiiuiiL September 6, to Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Turnbull. 660 Karl, a daughter. ESDAILE September 7, to Mr, and Mrs. U. K. Esdaile. 748 tllnton. o. dauahter. SCHNEIDER September 7, to Mr. and Annetta Stella Hackney to F. B. Mrs. Herman Schneider, 649 Eaat Rutherford, aent. lot 6, block . Emma McNeill, lot IK hlrwk it College Place 00 College Endowment aaaoclatlon to 'John McNeill, lot It. block 17, and flot IS, block It, Colleg Plac too Georg Watherby to Harper Jaml- ; son, north of northeast 4 of section 11, township a north. rang 6 east , 100 Edwin E. Gordon and wife to George Wetherby, north H of north H of section It, township 1 north, range 6 east .10 P. Strain and wife to Delos R. Mathews, lot 1, block 1, Strain's .-3,000 . Shearer, lot 1. block 1. Hudson's . addition no David 8. High and wife to D. Bruc Narmar, lot 6, block 13, Clifford . . 1,000 John Kampf and wlf to G. N. , Miller, lots 6 and t, bloc' 14, Center addition 100 Paul Strain and wife to Alice Ma rie Taylor, lota 1, 1, block 1. Strains addition 1,000 Mlllnda A. Mitchell to William H. Blckell a 1 acre tract in th Mitchell tract I.BftO Sarah A. Francis to Pearl Leigh ton Mount, lot 16 Belmont place 100 H. H. Emmons and wife to Otis Bklpton et al, lot 21, block "C" Tlbbetfs addition 100 J. L. Smlthson and wife to H. E. Edwarda, lots 1, J, Jl, tt, t, ' 24. block 1. Henrys Fourth ad-, ditlon , 2(S B. F. Stevens, trustee, to May Henry, lot 29, 80, block 8. ' ' Mansfield (20 ' N. M. McDanlel and wife to Sey mour Bay brook, half acre com mencing at point-on the eaat compromise lino of the Marcus Neff D. L. C. in section 29. township 1 north, range 1 east. ' 1.11? feet north of end of said line 1.100 Charles L. Scheffelin and wife to C. W. Davis, lota 10. 11, block ' 4, Evanston 1,000 R. B. Keenan and wife to Herman Clausenius. lots 12. 11. block 2. . northeast Portland ............ 400 Nineteenth, jL. aalai M.SO x. VuHt The only genuine Chinese root and herb remedies in this city. Post-graduates uanton Aieaicai college, tjnina. (jure all weak men and weak women's incurable diseases, such as cancer, lung, heart stomach, liver, kidney, catarrh, rheuma tism and nervous debility. Charges rea sonable. Specialists on gleet stricture, piles, varicocele, hydrocele and rupture. Call or write Yee A York Medicine Co.. 224H First st cor. Salmon, Portland, Or. Cored Quickly by Pyramid PDo Cure as tha Testimony of Thou sands Proves. Trial Packer ay MaO, Tree, rtoe't desnelr ef eurinc riles. mall la practically a asa of teatimen lal proof ef the virtue of Pyramid Pile Cur. These rttle eon-haped Dealers eaoae you ae worry, peia or loea of buslneaa tlma They do their wort eaaiiy. txaaaeatiy and without apparait ffort fi areat ex pen is aec.ssary. ao op- ntmn I rwv. eirr.piy ao t yeur erors'st and bay a bos, price tt eenta, nf r rramld Pile Cur aat foltew th 41 rort ion. er oeml your nam and ad- dre and w will ec4 you a trial peck er, br tn.ll free. Tet tew asd fcav ifcelr Afl.ira prTnil nig Ca, li Pyraa-.U tils, Marshall. Mick. MEN! W p 'Al I your attention to our wonderful " V success, which is du to th fact that w really have no competitor on this Coast aa our staff is complete and is composed of America's most distinguished specialists, each or whom la well known to the profession, hospitals and the community as a man whose life haa been spent la curing men. DON'T BE A WEAK MAN TO A nMITtnat you are but IAU A ktag causes mor aCBWTAi l istumi i surrzmjara and worry txajv ajtt otbxb loiaii. vr f M ATTPD what form of traubleor 'weakness' you may hav. IVKJ iflrAI tail; t CSBTAXXXY la to your ad van tare to ' consult as before you ven TBT elsewhere. Our modern and thoronghly sclera tlfto methods are certain to effect a mriOT and a PSBaiABBn OVU In each case that we undertake. Our Institution Is the moat per fectly equipped for th treatment f AXA Clttlttl common to man. OUR FEB 3I0 1N ANY SIMPLE CASE We FosiUvely Guarantee to Core Every Case We Undertake and N VoaPay When Cared ot Accoxnrr of ocr xtwsttb pmAtTiusj and RTrrrrxT rw- TVrrriOATlOaTg WE HAVE AOQUIBBO THE IUU TO BlAXI 47CBM WHICH SEEM IMPOS81Bl-rj TO STSUa iHICH &fc.La I MrvMJiDWJ iw wiasaa. - TAfR MflTlr'P w Poeltlvely raaraatee to ear Aeeta SMs. lAlvC iXU 1 IWC urri ta nrav says, rxxss aUIe. HMMIB era th stambllag aieeke ef ta srofeeaet aad aaea are tv- 4 res year wixaeeis n i w aui ewse aa aevea says, wataa averaa-e aayatolaaa eeaatdar taapoasluia. WE CURE wiiuntt. y-otrr- ttocb, tmitToia. srosA, aracmo iiood potsow ib ali. STAGFS. TialCOCIU. wrsiOCTIa. MI. TB4CTXD VTSOBOBBa, BCrTCBB, OB AIT OP TBB BUSatU COW MOB TO KSB. Zf yea eaaaet sail writ fee ttelf-BaaaalMtioa Blaak. Itaay asms a. sa- sv s sa. .i.ny, a D4DISPEWSARY POBrzaJTB, OBBOOB area at keaae. ST.LOUIS SBOOarB' AJTD TAMBTHi DEATHS KRUEGER September 14. August Wil liam Krueger, 60 Davidson, age 83; senility. WONG September 12, Wong FookMon, 62 H Second, age 66; nephritis. McWILLlAMS September 11. David Clinton Mcwiiiiams, 9o ast salmon, are 61; apoplexy. Every Woman aoaanoaia snow tbeat th iroodarral Vhlr1if Spray .jisaa iSMa. aa. Beat Sit - M-JlaM cooTvalaaL aXZWtoCliaiii lailaaBy. year 4rarrMSjr U. i.... i-fm t b eaanot surely the 'e??l(i 'lies t uatll aowpt lo eVaeV" otaer. bat wad Mini for Sk r-: V llloauated b.k-MW. RrrrM fall nartlaalaj aad rfinvtion iik IX7 i B id rflMTtlotM vajiiaw. o lactam, DttR) XI aa R. aaa a., a kmt i t 81 by gkldatar. Dre Ce.. Weodara, CWka Oa aad La DaTla Sras Oa. S Staraa, RNBTJLL September 11. Georria Frances xurnouii. ooo mati, are a days; acute pulmonary congestion. AN OSDOL September 14, Nathan W. Van Osdol. Good Samaritan hose gl tallage 6; uraemia iROWN September IS. Julia Marie Brown. 841 Patton road, are zi days: broncho pneumonia. BOLEN September 11, Floyd E. Bo len. Willamette river, age 11 years: drowning (accidental). LYLF Sept 16, at 865 Thirteenth street Mrs. Margaret Wis. aired as years 7 months and 25 days. LYLE September 16, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. B. C. Protaman, Mrs. Margaret Lyle, aged 88 years. Fu neral notice later. Albany papers please copy. Third Electrlo addition: soft Carrie O. Mlspaugh to John Si mon, lot J4, block 1, Haveloek. i 1,800 John Helm to Andy W. Wilson . and wife, lot 14. 16, block 10, Marchmont addition............ 100 H. Longcoy and wife to Martha L. Jeter, lot 6, Brookdale. . . . . . . 100 Elmer W. Quimbv to Thomas A. Edwards and wife, lots 8, 4. block 2. SDrlnawater Acreaae. . . 1.800 H. G. Sahlstrom and wife to Abra ham I, , Bechtold, lots S, 18. block 8. Maplewood addition.... 800 , Pacific Title A Trust Co.. the leading abstractors. 204-6-6-7 Fslllna bldg. W. R. Haislip & Co.. abstracts, cer tificates of title, etc 828 Corbet t bldg. Williams Abstract Company. Inc. will srlv you the lowest prices on abstracts. 288 stark St., room IX. NEW TODAY. FTJIfKRAL NOTICES PATSON In this city, September 14, at the family residence, 1040 East Six teenth street north, Marian N. Payson, aged 6 years 8 months and 8 days, be loved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert N. Payson. Friends of the family. re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at the above residence at 8 p. m.. Wednesday, Sep tember 16. Interment Rlvervlew ceme tery FRITZ At his late residence, 750 Tag rart at. beloved husband of Mrs. Susan M. Frits, Frank Frits, aged 68 years 2 month a 26 days. Funeral win taae nlace from F. S. Dunnlnir'a parlor. East Alder ana jlasi sin . inuraaay, Sep tember 17. at 1 p. m Friends invited. Interment Lone Fir cemetery. CXDERTAKKXta FOR WOMEN OILY Dr. Sanderson's Compound Bav in and Cotton Root Pills, the best end only reliable remedy for rZMALI TBOXTBZ.E8 ABO ZBBBQUIABXTIBS. Cur th most obstlnste cases In t to 10 daya Price, $2 per box, or 8 boxes for It; mailed in plain wrapper. Address T. j7 PIERCrl ill Oerllnrer bldr, cor. First and Alder. Portland. Or. u , gje-yB; 1 San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 120. Call Bldg. Toleffooae Xeray Slat ADTTr-BTTsaarBBTS abb nna. tcuRioii BacsrrBs. Oregenlaae when la Saa Franc taco caa hav their mall sent ta ear ef Tbe Journal Office. J. L BROWN. Representative. DUNNING. M'ENTEE A GILBADGH. undertakers and emDeimers: modern In ovary detail. Seventh and Pin a Main o. lany assisrsnt. f D Ctnlav 6, Cati Thrrd and w. aaa aiixwr tav wwu Hadleon. Lady asslsunt Main t; A-1699. SAlLerIbyrnes CO.. FPNERAi. bt. rector, embalmars, 170 Ruisell. East 1088. Lady s.slstant EDWARD HOLaaAN UNDERTAKER. izo c ra street. ERICSON UNDERTAKING CO.. EM balmlnr: lady s't; 40t Alder, M tilt. CES1ETERIES ROSE CITT-INOLB GRAVES, 810; family lots, lit to 171. Superintend ent at Cemetery, corner of Fremont t and Cully road. Phone Tabor tot. Fur full Information apply to Frank Schle gel. ail Worcester DIK. pnono A-tllt. CARD OP THA.YKS MR. AXD MRS. HINKEL WISH TO thank their friends for the many klnd nessee shown thena during- the time ef the nines ana weaui or their beloved son, John Conrad Blrned. MR. AXT MR8. HTNXFT CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Each laeertloct. 1 rent a eount ad werd. No ad loea tbaa If casta per tasertloa. Llraertlon. for th price ef . ,.t and feund. help wanted, strae- tloa wanted, for rest and wanted te at ada 1 emt a woro. s laaerueas for tbe price af L t-il six worai i. in. imm -e TKla y arete aieaaura, 1 Inea. 14 1'rtee). 14 rents pt lech. ' TVant Ada will be crd ever the pbee. bet Tb Jneraal t.l t be re spoeslhle for errnra. sheald aey. ore-ar la seek ada ' Prempt paymeat expa4. rhoncj, 3Iain- 7173; A-G031. JT-njra. I a. a t I . a fatvrdara. t a. sa. te It b aa REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Lawyers Abstract 4k Trust Cov. foots t Board ef Trade bldg.j abstract a specialty. Ha year aba tract a saade by the Xltle AN OPPOSTUNITY OF TODAY But Not of Tomorrow Thomas W. Lawson of Boston1 says, speculate if you want to get rich: Law son is very wealthy himself and his advice ought to be worth something. Portland real estate at present- prices Is a sur shot especially Is this tru : of property on the Peninsula. I have TE21N LOTS adjoining th Swift townsito of Kenton, for quick sale at 13,600. These lota ar only TWO BLOCKS FROM The BUSINESS CENTER of the town site, where lota ar selling at price ranging from 8700 to 11.260 -and they ar selling without any adver tising. FOR $3500 This property Ilea closer to the busi ness center of the new towa than a majority -of th residence lots In Kan ton Itself, and will be aa valuable as the best of them. I Will sell th 10 lot for 88.600 (Just on half th price of th cheapest lots la Kenton today) if taken before noon on' Thursday, Sep tember 17. At that date and hour they will be takes off th market tor als months.' v . . . NOW IS YOUR OPPOR TUNITY v Building operations have already be gun, and 100 houses will be reeled there this fall and winter. But when th excitement starts down there prices will soar and you will have no chance to buy at these figure. Portland la going to be a big city, and some peple are going to arrow big and rich with It, You caa b on of them. Why tT Com and see me and I will put you aa tha royal road to fortune. W. N. CARTER tit WTXUAM ATHBTTB. Oecer O. K.melnr aad wlf te Ber tha K. Reev. lota t aad T. block a ivanhee j ga Irving Investment company te Jobs Qalrtey Toting, lot t block It Irvington , Tbtmas J. prown and wifa to Harry F. McKav. et v, ef it H f Mrth.Mt V rf )M-t!Wet 4 cf acttnn 12 towrMp 1 soflth. re t eat 8 TM Real Ita'a Iirtt-f t aa.r.-i. una t Cti.a N. K .ateier . al , ler i, t and 1. I,'- : ;, 1 a-i'vnni . . n ' r ri -. I'a a a- I I i, 2- liari .hi s !. f ' .' Suburban , Morns ttt!l. t-rn h" lertW lii".t. ra. ' dn a-1 f ' I j. r t ef r-r. I r" ' . T