The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 12, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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Town Topics
Baker....,.'..?,, "Don't Tell Mr
Jiiingalow .......... "Dorothy Ve
,'ernon '
Oi-pheura Vaudeville
Orand Vaudeville
I'antagea vaudeville
Bur .."Hooligan In New York"
I.yrla ....,......,.,.. .'"Lena River
' The Oaks. ........... "Ths School vOlrJ,".
' After charring her husband with In
sanity a few days ago, Mrs.- Hannah J.
Nsylor now charges hltp with cruelty
and abualve treatment, and wanta a
-Ivorce. Just one week ago h sheriff
u summoned by a telephone message
from Naylor at hia home on Seventh
a treat. He found that Naylor was caus
ing disturbance and locked the mai up.
His wife filed an Insanity charge against
him, but the doctor decided that he was
only suffering- from alcoholism and he
was discharged. Some years ago he
. served g terra In the asylum at Salem.
The Naylora were married at Hlllsboro
in June. 108. The wife alleaes that she
was frequently beaten and cursed and i
that her life has become a' burden rrora
ner husband a aprees and 111 temper.
L. Llndlof f.: iras discharged from tn
city fire department, yesterday by tho
executive board becojuse he wandered
more than 100 feet from his station
while on. duty without permission. It
-waa upon t,hla charge that Ltndlotf was
discharged, but behind his dismissal
waa an allegation that he had stolen
two pints of cream from a 'neighboring
creamery, iinaion intenas maimi i
defense before - the civil service com'
mission and la rnnnrtad to have sale
that he Is the victim of Jobbery at the
lianas or Ms fellow employes, indicat
ing that some of .these1 also had a hand
In taking the cream. - Ha was employed
at noss no. o,. , -, . - 5
110(1 AT
Deputy Collector Barnes
Disposes of Goods Seized
aiid Uncalled Cor,
Some Articles Iemaiit and ' Bring
Good ," Ih-lcrs i While Others Are
Knocked Down for a Song- Opium
. Brings Full Market Value, j
' Vice-President COopey , and Superln
tenrent George Sault of the,. Gordon
Valla tTlartHn anrt Msnnf ftcttlrln com
pany are at Oordon ' Falls today and
Mr. Sault will remain there In chary
of the company's affairs. He win su
vtarintanri tna pnn.triioflan of the- Com
pany's mill and. when completed, will
have charge of Its operation. This Is
. tha actual beginning of the building
era at this much talked of textile weav
ing center and -work will not lag from
this time. on. Mr. Sault has been In
charge of the weU known woolen mill
at Stay ton.. Or.
Great factory mistake shoe sale at
211 Morrison street Labels wrong on
tfall shoes. Just arrived. Marks' name
't , - .. n.1UB. VnUtr mfatnAm In..
nil nrrlora 11 In anil them at a sacrifice.
'Men's 4 and S3 shoes, now 12.85; Men
james A. .Hamster, a. at ax., via., 0 u
17 values now $3.86: women's 83.60 and
JM shoes, now i.4o; Doys ana mirin
)inn1 ahnaa. vuum to 13. DOW 11.85:
children's fancy dress shoes, 81.6.0 and
12 values at 250. sue ana i. ueimr a,
successor to Marks' shoe Co., 281 Mor
risdb street, between Fourth and Fifth,
! Mrs. J. H- Cochran. 845 Second street,
Jw, ts much worried over the disappear
once of her husband, who left home last
Sunday night and of whom she has
r.eara nowing since, mrs. ugcnmn nr
ithere had been no auarrel and there- is
no reason for his leaving so far as she
ijenows. She herself is ill and soarcely
able to work. Mr. Cochran Is of dark
complexion. He Is a day laborer and
was working for C. H. Pottage before his
riiaannAaranoA. Anv information con
cerning his whereabouts will be gladly
-received oy nis wire.
A meeting of all the Portland schopl
'teachers .will be held this afternooa at
the west, side high school to organise
tho work for the coming year, Monday
Superintendent Rlgler and Assistant
puperimenaeni uruuv .win uicc. w.n,
the principals of the schools and com
plete the organization. No work will be1
done In the schools Monday, eave to fur
nish the students with a list of the text
The public schools open Monday and
the public baths close today. The baths
were not the success this year that
thav hii'f heen in former years be
cause of the difficulty experienced In
fjcurlng a suitable location for them.
The attendance, however, was large and
the site of the baths will ba definitely
fixed before they are opened for the
use -or the puoiic next year.
W" Water through hose for sprinkling
yard or sioewaixa or wssning porcnes
or windows must be paid for In advance
and used only between tne nours or e
an Rum. and S an 9 D. m. It must
not be used for sprinkling streets. If
used contrary to these rules or waste-
fully It will be shu: orr. -
Thirty years of continuous practical
drug experience In Portland. Tou get
the benefit and also the assurance that
?our prescriptions and drug orders in
rimtpri to our care, will receive con
sclent ious treatment. Albert Bernl, the
druggist, 233 Washington street, near
T. M. C. A. Service Sunday, Septem
har 11. fiithlect. "The Inewant Bible.'
hv T. C. Marshall. Mr. Evans will read
from the Scriptures: also a short sketch
Green will tell what this method of
3ID1S reading means iu in in.
The fall term of the Hill Military
academy will open Wednesday, Septem
ber 16. The principal, Dr. J. W. Hill,
lor the vice-principal, Joseph A. Hill,
will be at the academy daily for the
registration of pupils. Office hours,
a m. to i p. m. ..
Ths Portland Methodist Preachers"
meeting will meet in regular session
Monday morning, September 14. at
: Taylor-street Methodist church. The
paper of the session will be presented
by Dr. D. A. Watters.
I The funeral services of Freddie Pohl,
tha (-year-old son of Drs. Emll and Es
ther C Pohl. will be held tomorrow aft
ernoon at 1 o'clock, at the realdence, lit
I Williams avenue. The Interment will be
lat Lone Fir cemetery.
The Range Boiler Insulator Manufac
turing company has filed articles of in-
ieorooratlan with th eounty clerR. It
Lis formed by Karl Olson, Albert B. 01-
a inn ana ltio utston aaa mo c&puai
stock is 2t,ooo. !
The semi-annual clearance sale at tho
custom-house yesterday afternoon net
ted the government I1.B00 In clean, cold
cash. Deputy Collector R. F. Barnes
conducted the sale. In the examiner's
spacious quarters on the ground floor
of thej large building, and the way he
inspirea rivalry among in cuiuiimi
went to show that he had conducted
such sales before.,., .
Some 250 cads Of opium were put up
first, and they brought the full market
value, $5 per can, on the third bid of 6
cents over the second, the first
having started at $4. 85. A prominent
Chinese merchant- got the lot. and bid
ding on the dope waa confined entirely
to Chlnee, none of the numerous white
men- and women In the assembly evi
dently having any hankering for the
dream-producing stuff. The opium was
seised several months ago, and a man
accused 'of smuggling It Into the coun
try from British Columbia ,1s now In
Jail awaiting prosecution. One can waa
held to be Introduced aS evidence at the
forthcoming trial. , i , v
A quantity of stationery, sample wall
paper, a set of harness, some fine sat
suma ware and silk , were disposed
after spirited bidding, and a small quan
tity of cigars brought a fancy price. A
vnn.hinrf tvnawrltar hrouarht 12s.1 A
large safe brought $78, It had been imvl
ported across tne ooraer ana ev
called for. ' .-' 1. - '
For many months tnis sare provea a.
mystery to the customs officials, who
were curious to Know wnai u ronuuueu.
It was finally drilled and on the Inside,
neatly tucked away In a drawer was
fnnnA tha combination chart.
A large box of wall - paper samples
was thougnt to oe. or .no vaiue, ou;
harillv InnA Anntlnnner Bsrnes offered it
before a bidder steppedrxorth and es
tablished a price. No. one dares) to bid
against it and the box of sample strips
of figured paper was his. v
Another man bought a pair of paper
contrivances appearing to be a part of a
dime museum show.. They might have
been wings for a nying: macmne. e
got them for 60 cents. - Another man
ox a craie ox narmonicHB lur at duiik.
'hev had been droooed , Into tho sea
while being unloaded from t -steamer
and the. reeds refused to work- But
the buyer said he would nx tnem up an
riaht. The transaction will net hint a
handsome profit If he succeeds.
Auctioneer Barnes says it waa one of
the most successful sales held for years
and those who attended assert It was
Interesting from beginning to end.
a sheltered landing plao Inside Cap
D lattery. .
The boat carried a small leg-of-mutton
sail. The rudder was lust soon
after getting out in tne sea,
Advance on Through Trans-Pacific
FrHght Declared' Unavoidable.
J. . W. Ransom returned last Bight
from Seattle, where he attended a con
ference between traffic men represent
ing the various trans-Pacirio steamship
lines. The meeting was for the pur
pose of checking In ocean rates' east and
westbound to be used In oonnectlon with
rallrates, both east and west. - ,
. Mr. Ransom says the rates as fixed
were based as nearly as possible on the
old proportion ef through rates, but
owing to the faot ijiet the rail rates
have been raised in many instances, It
leaves the ' through rates higher, al
though In reality tha trans-Paolflo por
tion of the rate waa lowered. Thus any
advances that become effective Novem
ber 1 on through shipments from the
orient win be due to the advanced ran
The new tariff does not affect local
shipments, prices on wheat and flour
and other commodities shipped from
here remaining unchanged.
., ,
N Tha ateamar Alliance aalls .this even
ing for Coos Bay' and the steamer Ku
reta sails for Kureka via Coos bay.
The steamer Breakwater Is due to ar
rive here tomorrow rrom coos Bay.
i.ha.n tr Datramlnr. ahlnners and ex
porters,' will establish a Portland of
fice In 'the. Lumber Exchange building
on Ootober 1. The rirm operaiea me
German steamer Eva, and has several
v.a.l itnrfpr charter In the trens-Ptt-
plflo-trade. The Eva recently took a
cared, of flour and lumber from -this
port'to tne orient, naving arrivou i
Vladivostok. Siberia, yeaterday.
The German steamer Numantla of the
Portland & Asiatic Steamship company
and the British steamer Beechley which
left Puget sound Thursday to enter me
dry dock here for repairs, are supposed
to be outside the river waiting for the
fog to lift. The fog ws very dense
this morning. The Numantla comes by
way of San Francisco. ,
Steamer Rose . City Leaves for San
Francisco With Big Crowd.
The iHarrim'an liner. Rose City. Cap
tain Kldston, left Ainswoirth wharf at
S o'clock this raornlnir for San Fran'
Cisco with one of the largest crowds
.aL-m. nmi, ,1.1. ,a,.mmAw TKama Hr...
vancii ..iii una u ...... v. . . , noiv
about 400 on board. " It appeared to be
one Of the happiest crowds ever car
ried to sea and a couple of hundred
people were on the. dock to 'see them,
off. -' -
San Francisco traffic Is keeping up
exceptionally fine this season and In
dications favor a heavy traffic late in
the fall. Reservations are made far in
advance of sailing, dates. As usual two
or throe passengers reached the dock
lust in time to see tne Dia liner swing
off from the wharf. One of them, af
ter having sprinted several blocks
would have beeir ahle to lean on board.
but Just as he was to make It the
thought came- to him tnat he had a
trunk and valise in the express wagon
Coming down the Incline, It was a
case of losing the boat or the baggage
and so ne conciuaea to stay nenind.
The steamer Roanoke, which sailed
for San Pedro' and way ports Thursday
night, also carried a large crowd, many
or tnem oemg dookcq ror san ran
v.wnnrt. Sent. 10. Arrived. British
bark Jordanhill. from Portland.
San Francisco, Sept. 12. 8alled at 13
noon, steamer State of California, for
Astoria, Sept. 11. Sailed at 1 p. m.,
British steamer Strathlyon, for Leith.
Left up at 6 p. m., French bark Le
PHler- . . .w.
Astoria, ISCpt. It. nonunion ai mo
mouth of the river at 8 a. m.. obscured,
wind northwest. 13 miles; weather dense
Tides at Astoria Sunday High water
2:7 a. m., 8.8 feet; 2:57 p. m., 9.0
feet Low water 8:47 a. m., 0.8 feet;
9.27 p, m.. 0.8 feet.
James Milligan of Astoria Sails to
Port Townsend in Small Skiff.
James Mllligan. a resident of Astoria.
has lust arrived at Port Townaend
In a small onen boat after a moat sen
sational exnerience at sea. He la bound
for Seattle. The run from Astoria ,1a.
vtrf - Towntmnii vonrumed seven flay
ad three times did he abandon hone o1
ever seeing land again. For mascot he
had cnosen a tiny Kitten and it stood
the rough voyage well.
According to a reDort received from
Port Townsend today Mllligan states
that his trip was Intended as a pleasure
voyage, but proved to be entirely the
contrary. For three nlchts he was un
able to larm on the Washington coast
Hath oay and nignt ne was compelled
to guard hia boat against destruction
or being swamped In- the sea, and when
nearly overcome tnrouxh loss of sleen
and rest after fighting three days for
an enb-anca to the Strait of Juan de
Fuca, Spithout a rudder and badly dam
aged by the storm, he was able to gain
ten, Fourth and Burnalde streets, will
open Monday, September 14, at ( o'clock.
Steamer Jesse Harklns. for Camaa.
Washouiral and war landings, daily ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock at t p. m.
Battle Creek Baths Ladles days, gen
tlemen 1 nights. Main 188. A-1988.
Third floor, Oregonlan building.
There will be special meetings at the.
Balvatlon Army hall. 249 Madison
street tonight at 8 o'clook and Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock- led by Brigadier
W. F. Jenkins and Major jrauikner.
Frew to Any Man Fine suit of
clothes to every twenty-fifth man that
orders a suit Werner Petterson com-
pony, tailors, 141 Second street
Free Lectures Be sure and hear
Professor Knox, the most successful
new thought-lecturer, at Red Men s hall,
Sunday, 8 p. m., on mow to Overcome
Poverty." ' .
- saa-aS
See Portland on a motorcycle. Wt
rent machines with rear ml and
chauffeur. Make your dates Saturday
night - Motorcycle Garage, 128 Twelfth
street "
For sale Modern reetdenra. Twenty
fourth street between Everett and
Flanders: mliMrion style arrh Iter tune.
H. . Noble. wev Commercial block.
B. V lavldor,J. Faher and L A Ta
arn Have fllad article of Incorporation
I OT the Paclfte Northwest Keeltr a
Htattoa. The capital tr-k la S,fee.
. - i
Any poor girl needing a frleeid. help,
or advice caa err'T'e1 errlte t Matrnn
Adjutant J. feterawn, ttl East Flf
teenta North. Partiaod. Or.
Opeatng deix-. RlecW haTU tonight
E. ft. A. C party. Bill errbeatre.
WetPSn's Exrfer. Il ntb street
lunch H i 4 tal. bwi nut mra m Isikb.
Tbe People's Inrtitute. free kindrrr-J
f)r. Casseday, eye. ear. nose, throat.
ungs. Glasses ntted. ill lekum bldg.
isPhool books bought sold and ex
changed. Jones Book Store. 291 Alder.
Dr. Haynea, optician. 808 Salmon, near
Fifth, formerly wiin A. w. wrigni
Opening dance. Rlngler hall, tonight.
E. 8. A. C party. Stiles' orchestra.
' XX Chambers 4k Ron, opticians. 811
Morrison, street corner of Sixth.
W, A. Wise and assertatea, palaJase
den Us to. Third and Waahlagtoa.
Jareha. the tailor located 891 Vorri
soa street
Berger, signa
S84 TamaUL
Council Creet Panel ng tonight
Journal want stale a sror&
Xsemralaa Balis teVgesieea,
Tha annual meeting of the aovervlrn
mnrf tods ef Oddfellow win take
rUce la Imttt, Pptrmbf 1 , for which
occasion the tt R. N. wltl make aa
opea rata frnt Portland sn4 ail poln
ila Una of Hate. Ttcketa for tH
event will te es eat iwmit ana w an-
ii..!ir of avt . &Tmnr it sod
la. but as the rrtn limit la It daya.
pu f ' i arf- ti4 1 start en thoaa, n r
If thy ae so wish lt ee thy
rf h Psvr tfra ta limit eiplrea.
Final c-tgni limit is n ttoi ei or
al. Ci e xr nij urai errv-a.
1 hira 4 w itii-rae exri. rev any
Sbforotauoe eVatrad. -
Bemlar SLlners Bus to Arrive.
Breakwater, Coos Bay el,J- H
Numantla. orient BDti if
George W. Elder, San Pedro. .. .Sept 16
State, San. Francisco ....Sept. 16
Rose City, San Francisco SeP1: J 2
Homer, San Francisco Sept 17
Alliance, Coos Bay Sept 17
goanoke, San Pedro and way... Sept 21
ureka Eureka and Coos Sept. 22
Nloomsdia, orient ..Oct 1
Arabia, orient Oct 16
Alesla, orient Nov. 1
- Begnlar XVlners te Depart.
Roanoke, San Pedro and way.. .Sept. 24
Alliance. Coos bay . . Sept 13
Eureka, Eureka and Coos Sept. 13
Prukaitar. Coos Bav Sept. 16
Geo. W. Elder, San Pedro Sept. 17
State, San Francisco -JK i
1J. Can Wr A nclncO. ...... .SeDt V
Rose City, San Francisco Sept. 26
Numantla, orient , Vl-,i
Nlcomedia, orient Oct 1R
. ..V.I. ArtAnt - . ...... 1 ... NOV. 1
Alesla. 'orient Nov. 16
Teasels In Fort
Brodcrick Castle, Br. sh Stream
ti,i,mn nr. sh.. N. P. Lbr. Co.
Crown of India, Br. sh .Greenwich
Leyland Bros., Br. sh.. Drydock
Donna Francesca, Br. bk Astoria
Churchill, Am. .sch Astoria
Echo, Am. bkth ABtirl?
Asgard, Nor. sh Drydock
Alvena, Amsch Astoria
iikort -Rlclrlriers. Cier. bk Stream
W. F. Jewett, Am. sch Astoria
Irene, Am. sch Astoria
KoTto Head. Am. bktn. . Portland Lbr. Co.
Washington, Am. ss Drydock
Andorlnha, Br. bk Oceanic
Oliver Olson. Am. sch Young's bay
Annie Smale, Amr sch N. P. mills
Harold Dollar, Am. ss Rainier
Gael, Fr. bk ...Columia No. 1
Vincennes, Fr. bk Stream
Michelet, Fr. bk ..Columbia No. 2
Sueen Anelia, Br. ss. Oceanio
aghlld. JJor. ship. . .Montgomery No. 2
Aberfoyle, Br. bk Stream
Puglla, Italian cruiser.. ..Stream
Desdemona. Br. bk. TJolphlns
Vigo, Nor. ship ....Strean,
Cambrian King. Br, ss E. W: Mill
Aster, Ger. ship Stream
ft Nicholas, Am. ship Astoria
'alls of Nlth, Br. ss. .Montgomery No. 3
Puako, Am. bktn ..Kaappton
Mabel Gale, Am. sch Knappton
Bee, Am. ss.... ...Linnton
Alliance, Am. ss Couch street
nnvarlV. Br. ss Knappton
Le Pelier, Fr. bk ..Astoria
Suverlc, Br. a. .. TWtrfr.";BK' Johns
Cornil Bart. Fr. bk .Linnton
Sehome, Am. sch .Astoria
Johan Poulsen, Am. ss. .Inman-Poulsen
Berlin. Am. sh ....Alblna
Eureka, Am. ss. ,Maran s
Sa Soute to Id inmber. .
Alumna. Am. sch JKahulul
Wrestler, Am, bktn . . .v.uaymas
Fairhaven, Am. ss San Franclso
Amaranth. Am. bktn San Francisco
Tiverton, Am. ss ian Francisco
Stanley Dollar, Am. ss..San Francisco
Americana. Am. sch ...Japan
Crescent Am. sch ;Hono ulu
Olympic, Am. bk San Francisco
Sa Boats With Cement and General.
Bldart Fr. bk '.Antwerp,
Neatsftelds, Br. sh Hamburg
David de Anlers, Fr. sh Antwerp
Bradloch, Br. bk An twerp
Ktlloran. Br. sh....- Antwerp
Join villa, Fr. bk Antwerp
Carmaolan. Br. bk Hamburg
Rochambeau. Fr. bk Leith
Gulf Stream. Br. bk Antwerp
Alice. FT. bk
Eugne Schneider. Fr. bk. .... .Antwerp
La Tour de Auvergne, Fr. bk.. Antwerp
Armen. Fr. bk .'.-.Dublin
Glenalvon. Br. bk Antwerp
Ooal Ships Ba Xante.
La Roche Jacquelln, Fr. bk.Newcastle, A.
Flfeshlre, Br. bk Newcastle. A.
Rossuet. Fr. bk Newcastle, A.
Torrlsdale. Br. sh Newcastle, A.
Magdala. Br. ss Newcastle. A.
Steamers Ba JUmte.
Dancing tonight.
Republican oartv.' Whoaa TtenuMlean
party V -bawled out a Bourns man. "f hat's
wny wo caiiaa iiiii meeting to rina out.
ynuse fellows or ue fellows,' hollered
not her.
"irye sei that rag of a horse there
In harness nulling that teamT" sold the
ueneral. -well, who rules the fallow
with the whfp and reins or the nagt
That's the way tha paopls rule through
the Republican party. Saall the people
ruiv in iregonr- aasea tne uenerai:
"the -bunch ud there letting off that
When the obelisk that now stands In ri"V,7r 'Jf SST 2? JZ'JZZ?.
Central Park, the pedestal for Grant's tory leadtrs of the great Republican
monument the cable for tha Broadway party
aa A -t..-l maas fn i Hal I
line snq nug- ...w. .... Co)nl.n CrBt
NOW lorgr fidison company. wwr wmi
transferred to . their . final poaltlona In
New York city they were ' considered
Herculean feats and attracted much at
tention, bringing large crowds to ths
scene, hut on the arrival of Buffalo
Bill's Wild west in mis cuy, mar
raaaon to believe that the strangeness
of the sight will attract even greater ... .-
. Dm 'attractions of.ttlS Wild
West Is known aa "The Great Train
Holdup," and the-englne and cars uaed
In the acene will be escorted through
the streets from the railroad tram to
the exhibition grounds by 'the original
bandit hunters, a numDar oi wnom
part In the train holdup at Wilcox,
Wyo.. where the original scene was lo
cated. Much difficulty was experienced
by the management In obtaining an
engine for "The Gfeat Train Holdup,
as It would be almost Impossible to
anaf from nlaca to nlace a real lo
comotive for use In the exhibition The
riifricultv was overcome, however, but
only by bringing into use tha latest In
rentlon of modern times. ;
aa a haala for Buffalo Bill's Imlta
tlon locomotive an Ordinary truck pro
pelled by electricity Is used. Ta pre
sent the appearance of real driving
wheels of a locomotive. It was neces
sary to reconatruct the wheels of the
irncir Vankaa inrenultv devised an ar
rangement for the engine which puffs
black smoke from the stack, with at
tendant spasmodio noise of a rear an-
s , .
;., ' ' 1
..-Jr l -X.. i, -',- .'I
freely de-
glne. A whistle, bell and powerful elao- Enouw to ,Deait ' right out, w
,ic h..l lrht la alao nrovlded. The an- "..rjlX."
. - r- . - AMMt.i I menxai vr seiiiaii rraci , o, buu . . '
gineer n in. ou m .. "r i I rlars. that
.ii of it. riavtoes. lust as a railroad on- cmr"
glneer handles his Iron horse. ' ViTVBOnTXT IS TH8 OBEAH OT
Such an exceptional novelty in xne aoiEircs,
streets of any cltv aa i this "kfness to ; . thor. not many , tflBt clR
'3; of 'united States The great majority prefer darkness (for
ers corralled In tha -west naa- never - tinderstood by no one but them
been shown in any pari oi ins wunu i h. tha .rriirt.rt mav "live
any organisation. io ni by , faith" In those mystic letters
group, add tne oaa signi oi a o I "m. D"
Indiana mil a rnn tlngent of horsemen I " " "
with thlr accoutrements, riding through I A.OO TUT IB WIBB
the streets, and one may conceive wnai Fo tne doctor- but a sorry thing for
one might expect to see upon a visii va th sufferer's health, and as bad for
Buffalo Bill's Wild west snow, neiier hg pocatbook. He pays the doctor to
than one could from seeing a street pa- guela what alls him. and the druggist
raoe, as n i umuiy wi , ur "i to cork up tne guess ana can it raea
tne arrivsi ai me niuuiuun tiuuim. cm-
of the horsemen and their accompanying; I X . .
equipmenU, an equally peculiar aignt i j hits asvwa i
will be the erection or tne inoun "P" r treat my patients according to scl-
and the preparations of the atena ror entfIc prinopJos and scientific knowl-
the exhibition. tVtmt edge that is the essence of wisdom
The publlo is reminded, however, that j fa year, ..head of the pill box and
in moving the properties and parapher- tne wretched operating table at the hos-
nana oi me vtuiu rco. ...... pitai ana
road to the exhibition ground will tn v "
Itself constitute a parade of greater in- ICY CUBES' ABB ABSOITTB AND
terest and vastlv more novel than any PEBTECT.
0 hPr. JBiL1. , L. in "The Great Train nave run a g-uessing contest with a
gin i and cars used in i The Great Train h ,f d Q per80n a, tn8 COnundnim. I
Holdup" will be ,TrTPo? th. llni cure others as I did Mrs. Sarah Hatha-
orlglnal bandit hunters of the union of MlwauKje Or., whom the drug
racina as on l-i -"" doctors had practiced upon ror years
be one which has never been seen In
this or anr other country save In con- SloD WHIT 8KB BATS.
.. ... .. .... 1 T, ( ,1' - .wlilhltlnn I ..
mnnrinn wiin nui .iu j 1 1 1 a t u.....'.... , . .
Thalnanaand R-gh Riders will ride "For . Jja-rx j-
elimination of the hackneyed paraae or " " h- ,n h ,v fT .in in
other dda. Incidentally it may De men- h d h atep pBrt'of the time for 18
tioned that when weather permits Col- before I went to Doctor Fulton.
onel Cody will take a arive "rougn At th t u x hfta eotne to the con.
ih. Ttrinc nal streets to convince tne I . ,i, ..-
rxihllc that the Old SCOUt IS Still in the I titi T l . -,l.k
I ' ' - - -- . rtQ...t I v, iioii ursau iica.iucii, nil 1110
narness, reauy " . tor lagt May I wag nioatea, naa tnron
ly will, st every performance. I b)ng pains in my head, and at times I
V4 CoHiTvaUum Cuttpdlan."
' . PAYS ,
4 Per Cent.
For the convenience of
its customers on Satur
day evenings f rom 6 to 8
114 Second St.
Cor. Washington, Port
land, Oregon.
Council Crest. Dancing tonight.
Killfeather on
severe pain in the region of my heart
I also was exceedingly nervous and my
lower limbs seemed heavy and lifeless
and very much swollen. After the first
few Naturopathic treatments I waa less
narnniia' than T Viast Halairi fr9m vao anrl
A NEW WOMAN! Now I can do all
kinds of work, and lately WALKED
Killfeather was gazing Intently at the
Chamber of Commerce roof this morn
ing. Along came another busy citizen
and proceeded to rubber at the roof.
Th.n cam another and another and an
other, until finally some one asked,
"What'Sithe rubberr
"I'm looking at that white pipe up
there, explained tne t.enerai.
"That's the steam escape pipe" volun
teered one or the gazers.
. "iraiin. nin. nnwthin'." said the Gen
era, "that's the hot air coming out of
the Republican headquarters. They're
having an early morning service up
there.. When I passed the door a min
ute ago I heered MoCusker roar: 'Shall
the people rule?'
"Thnv An rule.' veiled one of the Ful
ton leather-lungs, 'they rule through the
316 Twelfth St., two blocks south of
Jefferson car, one mock rrom either
Eleventh or Thirteenth St. car.
Office Hours, to 12. 1 to 4.
Home Phone A 2128.
Empire Theatre Co. (Inc.) Lessee.
George L. Baker. Gen. Manager.
Phone Main 117. Home of the famous
Baker Stock Company.
Today and Tonight
"Dorothv Verne of Xaddon . Ball
Magnificent costumes and scenery. Fas
cinating plot. Evening prices J8c, 85o,
60c. Matinees 15c, 15o. Next Week, be
ginning tomorrow matinee, "The Devil.
Baker Theatre rSe'S M,n 1
Oreyon' Theatre Go. (Xne.), Zasaaa.
Geo. L. Baker. Gen. Manager.
Matinee 2:16 today; last time tonight.
the famous singer
anmAaii j. ion.
In conjunction with the rattling- farce
comedy. "Don't Ten My wire.
Evening prices 25c, 60c, 7 So, 1; mati
nee 25c, JOe
Mala , A-1080. State, ex
cept Ian days ft XoU days,
Advanced Vaudeville Week September 7
creesy ft Days., Planopmenas.
7 Talllsns 7. Ushers. Tlsie Holy.
Belff Bros. "Oen." Ed. ZniVine.
Stars of AU Battoaa
-.BOB MOBBZS ft OO. Including X
Belle Relene and her Leaping Grey
hounds; also John Bodge and the Wrest
ling Ponies; Banner ft Vadisoa, the
greatest comedy animal act In America.
Matinees dally, 16 cents: two shows at
night, 18 and 25 cents.
THE GRAND Vandeville deluxe
Oeo. Street ft Oo
Elrtorio Bveatstn
ths Careers of the
World's Greatest
Military Com-
Armstrozur ft Davis
In "Th. Amateur
Chas. X.ndal
Doro Bono a
KeXiiaa Broa.
rta Bauer
Phones Main (488, A-149.
For the entire week of Sept. 8, the
original production
Matinees Wed., Sat. and Sun. at 2:80. p.
m. Prices 15c.. 85c. . Every evening
at 8:15. Prices 15c, J6o. 85c, 60c. Seats
may be reserved by either phone.
Next Week "The Little , Prospector."
San Francisco
. . . .Tokohama
San Francisco
8an Francisco
Vancouver. B. C
Guernsey, " Nor. ss . .
Westminster. Br. ss.
Janets, Br. sa
Frsnklyns. Br. ss....
Teddo, Br. ss
Nederland. Ger. ss . . .
D-Ike Rlckroers. Ger.
Thyra, Nor. sa
Beechley. Br. ss
ta Beate ta Banast to Zrfa4 arala.
Port Crawford. Br. sh CalUo
Elver Fallocb, Br. bk .Clilao
Oregon. Ger. gh j. . . .Tokohosne
Oea. Faldherbe. Fr. bk Tokohama
Henrietta, Gr. sh West coast
Mererhal de NoalUea. Ft. bk-West coast
Homeward Bound, Am. bk.Vaac'Vr, B. C.
Balnte Anne. Ft. hk.Jiewcaetla, N. 8. W.
Ly firsts. Br. bk Santa Rosalia
Sully. Fr bk Antwerp
Ciilfoa. fr. hk "P'T1?
Genevieve Motlnos. rr. k. . . . . Hohart
Nulellr, Fr. bk
Ui HI am. Ft. bk
Finland. Run. sb . . .
Wagdalme, 0r. ink
Alxndv f-nberg. Gr.
Thlara. FT. bk
Oners I FV, Fr. bk
Blarnta, Fr. bk.
"" preaches twlee Sunday at
The White Temple
.Twelfth and Taylor Sts.
10:30 A. M.
"Lift Up Yur Eyes"
Quintet. Solo, Miss Kathleen
TrtS P. V.
"Qrowlers and Gushers"
Second ' sermon In Yellowstone
Special anthem with violin
Gospel solo, BOSS ETHEL 8XEA
- Saw
Come and ' have free examination.
All' work guaranteed for ten years.
aay attendant always present.
All work done absolutely without naln
by specialists of from 12 to 20 rears'
Boston Dentists
B.ltt Morrlsoa St, Opo. Vostofflee.
Eom Phoaa A-aoso. Phoae Kaln aosa
. ...Hohart
. . ..Hobart
. Acaquie-o
aa Fraadeoo
Ceunctl Creet. tartrg tors' ft
Taffan'a IWisln." at tha Orphram.
One of -the elevatat little ooe-art
lr-t-ha la vaeite-iua ts r-4rs u"e
ctaien." now pi a ring at tha Orpbwtu
thre. The ts laid l tH draw.
trs-moni ef Farn s ne the Hed
sn. and ha Is annat to edoeH a child,
whan aa malraa tha im f that I
ana ha hd rf Sad aft ta the child ef the
r a a Ha hod pat rim nt ta tbe rlnc
as te is aa t r tf ,aMw,
Benjarnin Young
Da Da
Taylor Street Metho
dist Church
Corner Third and Taylor Sts.
The Power of a Personal
XTB-mra sbbticb tonj.
"The Man Christ Jeusw
BATS rsss.
Wc know the business,
and give you the benefit
Moneyback does it
Wk $.'Ttt't tt; fit Mm.
And Northern California
We supply lists, of names and
addresses of men. women and
firms, (all trades, professions,
vocation and locations) on
sheets (typewritten) or on 3x5
Advertising Agency
n Zsaray t- Baa rraaelaoe.
Writ for copy ef RESULTS
A Miane of Business.
8 1. ML
"Tn aoxooz, au."
Song-play, with coasting Blrls, snow
storm Dai let ana ail cute, late sons; nits
by the gingery Curtis players. Big
scenic efTects. IATU1SAT OLD ITS
Cars First and Alder 8ts.
No Cocaine, No Gas
r : No Students
- Our " stiocese Is due to nnlfona
btgb-grad work at reasonable prtoee.
And those afflicted with heartweak
nees eaa now have their teath . ex
tracted ' filled, and brldgework ap
plied without the least pala or daa-
aaa. ' 1 . it j . ,i
BRIOOB WORK ..... ..?
.HQ n-s-- Pl.iTV PtTH...
V V w ' m wm - - i w
TEETff -
Bxaminatioa and Oonsultatloa l"ee.
Rc-Enamcling Teeth
ta tha matest Invention tn niodent
dentistry and baa beea most success
ful of all methods.
We extend to Sll a special injiw
-- a Mil at our ofilee and have
their. teeth examined free of charga
We own and control the largest
ana best equipped dental establish
ment in tha world, having 1 effloee
-11 M
We give a written guarantee wtth
all wora zor iw years, mui
ant. s
Open evenings till T. Sunday 8 to t.
UnioH Painless Dentists
gaiM Morris la B-, Corner yirsi,
PartUnd Oragon
What Live Stock
Insurance Means
.That we Insure the lives of your -horses,
mules and cattle against
death by accident or disease . for
two-thirds their cash value at a
very nominal rata1
Money invested in live stock
should be as fully protected against
death from other causes aa from
fire. One hundred and ninety-nine
animals die ftnnually from acci
dent and disease where one dies
from 8ire.
We have paid 8.8,000 In lossea
from accidents and disease to tha
owners of live stock in Oregon. '
Idaho. Utah and Washington.
TXX-EFK OH- KAIir 875.
Offices, Rooms 8, 9 and 10
Lafayette Bldg., 31 3J
Washington St.
msaBATxo-r pa-ik, oo:
kept, a, s, 10, 11, la, 13
Games begin week days at 8:80 p. m..
Sunday, z:o p. m. Aamission ree
Bleachers, 26c; rrandstand. 10c; boxes,
25c extra: children, bleachers, 10c;
grandstand. tSe.
Boys under II free to bleaehere
Meet Intereettng pnle erer msda
roachooeetbe eaodldate yaw want
t- wla end tr) to it him la the
W hite Houae.
Ba 10a la
S Areaaa Aaaea . tuettl-, Waaa.
Diamond House Paint
f gallon lota, S1.40 per gal
1 gallon lota S1.50 per gal.
Manufactured by
30 Frost - lort4. O
Dr. P. T. Ball
Latest scientific methods of treat
ing diseases without medicinee or
S8TH Waah-agtoa an.
rr ztsrr Htm A sx.
$10.00 SET OF (JJ C
Written Onaraatee for 10 Tear.
OBOWVS Any tooth In the mouth
we crown with solid gold, 82k.
env"J. . : th $4.00
Any Porcelain Crown made no mat
ter WIl&V lHOjr Bias vmivju vr nvw
they are made. Our price $4.00
BHJ-O-ra-'olid' Qold' Top, Solid
Gold Backs. PorceUU 4C0
Fronts, per' tooth .p-ea
1P01- "K S4.00
All other work same price propor-
t vtrw m Vl-.aa Am Rriiinw m rm
Ordered. Absolute Osaxaateea. , : ti
tmxmo Ajro ootr ox 8nesa,
Hours a. m. la I a. ra.
Phone A-1910. Open Bundaya.
pin i aad tai.nnaj S kahv
rat la w en e
aaw aa im raaiaru v
a-ja a i a a-a a iaa)
cbwab Printing Co)
BUT S-osr. irwmn rana..
LABBC A THOM Aft n e A-llia
14 Ix tA FMl. ror. Id sell nMMfa.
otrr or to ar rno -
Wt aa ae yaar eattre C . Wr
aa4 ta w u a r If MM-''".
raetUvaiy 8aialM Ka-raetUg 1
wfcan r.ate or
Siaairtlrs tuta a. 4 ree ra4
the Vaaan tia- 1 ' " ' ' '
U.e Baoe artaat.t.a enl arful wt-
aa nui tm ro a tij
r a wi ir?ii,r""i
Ut A. I f ...:...,.. . .
rw '(, t 'r "
I . r-.. t r - .