THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 10, 1008. GORE TO SPEAK Oil THE COAST At Portland, September 25 . Coast Chairmen and Com ; mitteemen September 2'i. KlAlilJHH HOST TO PORTUHOERS Excursionists Are Given Dinner and Eeception by f!. of C. Members. (Sfwrlal Dlapatcb to Th Jourl 1 ' CMcnao, Sept. 10. Committeeman Hlllr of Oregon report that the fol ' lowing paklng li,to In Oregon have ', been arranged for Senator Gore of Okln C homa: Portland. Friday night. Septem ' lr SS; Oranta Pnan, September 26. V afternoon: MPdfrl, September 2. v flight. Thewe Oaten are fin il. as they . 'gre made with reference, to other dutea In other atntaa. Other date or other . men Of national prominence will b made aoon. Gore la to be Jumped from Maine to tha Pacific coant and bark to Oklahoma '. between the middle of September and October l." ! Committeeman Miller of Oregon will remain here until Kthe final plana are laid. Ila hopea to add to the speaking atrength materially and get aeverai lm ' nortant aridreasea for Oreeon. The propoaal haa been conaldered to ask tba eoaal fiate cniurmen in " ; the meeting at Portland. September It, .' when tha national committeemen or the ' three coaat atatea will ansembla to form campaign plana. Thia propoaal la baaed en the dealra to keep tha national and ' atata organisation close together to pre vent waat of efforts. Tha same Idea has been utilised In many places by both Republicans - ana, uemocraia ana 'the result have bean good. Hitchcock iumbln national committeemen and state chairmen at Colorado 'Springs and thought ha accompllabea gooa ior nia Id LEBANON IS SURE OF OIL OR COAL Citizens Will Infcorporat Company and Employ rrospector. cajididatea thereby. Plans are not complete, ior Kern. It kad been honed he would cover the coast, but this Is not yet decided. DBITEB KILLED WHEN 1. . HOUSE EtJNS AWAY fSInaMal IHaMtrh ta The Journal, t Xtosebarg. Or- Sept. 10. A runaway Korea near raraua, a small country pom- office on the South Umpqua, about to miles south of here, killed J and aerioualr Injured a smaller Boy was riding in a cart with Scott when ohn Beott, who tha horse, became unmanageable It be- , : gan kicking. Soott was first struck onj tha body and then on tha eld or tno head, his skull, being; crashed and death fwas Instant. t Sootfs parents had last arrived from eastern Oregon about a week -ago and he was visiting with them when the . fatality occurred. He was about. 1 : years old.' Tha other boy. was uncon-, scions : Xor 'nearly an? hour. He -- will . recover, however, as . his Injuries are alight. ,? -,-. . THIED DIVIDEND FOE BANK DEP0SIT0ES :'''' '..-' :' , . . . ' . ' - ' -. , (Special Dlaoatch to Tb Jonrnat.l New Tork. Sept. ID. Receiver Charles A. Haana today paid the third dividend to depositors of the failed Na tional Bank of North ..America. - This dividend makes ?u per cent paid In aU since tha bank, closed its doors, oil Jan , Mary 29, last ' The receiver expects to pay tha final 25 per cent dividend be-' fora' ths end of the year, and, accord ing to national bank regulations, if the nssets are sufficient of which there seems no doubt the depositors will then receive interest at the rate, of 6 (Special Dlapatcb t Tb Journal Klamath Falls. Or., Sept. 10. Seventy-four passengers arrived at Klam ath Falls Monday, 30 of tha number be ing the excursion party from Tortland. The atage company waa prepared to take care of the excursionists, but with such a Inrg number of regular pa enaera could not carry them all to Teeter. As a result Severn! walked from Calor. the end of rail, to Teeters' landing. The walk was accepted in a cood-natured way. A bountiful lnner was waiting at the landing, alao a reception committee from the chamber of commerce or mis cuy. No efforts are being spared to snow the excursionist a good time. CHOICE LAND WILL BE TUT ON MARKET (gpeHal Dlapatcb to Tbe Journal.) Klamath Falls. Or.. Sept 10. The Klamath Water Users' association haa made arrangements to help sell the 40, 000 acres of excess holdings that come under the Klamath project I.and owners are asked to make a list of the lands they have for sale, giving full description and price, and these lists will be printed and distributed among the, arm era of the middle west. STRONG FLOW OF GAS STRUCK NEAR ONTARIO . . . . . . tune, his father's paper. .-."HfPT. arS'LL-irYoun Reld is years of VII I gat 1U, v. t ii w auintuB a deep well at tha Valley View school house, four miles south of this city, a strong flow of natural gas was en countered, which forced the water to within 10 inches of the top of the ground. It is probable that a company will be organized to thoroughly ..pros pect the land. (Special Dlapatrb ta The J oar nail Lebanon, Or., Sept 10. In response to tha call sent out by Mr. Vehrs, arge number of the subscribers to ths stock that Is to "be sold In order to prospect for oil near this city met In the city hull yesterday. Mr. Myers of La comb waa elected chairman of thaJmeet ng. It was decided to form a corpora tion and Incorporate with $5,000 capital tock. to Te sold at $10 per share. A eommltteeaof five waa elected to get up artlclea of Incorporation: Samuel M. Garland. C. H. Vehra. Carl Mlddleatadt J. L. Orlggs and c m. ittjo. une ar tlclea of incorporation will be ready In about two weeks. Another meeting will then tx called and a board of director elected. The Incorporation Is to . be known as the Lebanon Oil A Mining company. None of the money subscribed will be used for machinery, but a competent man will be employed, to proapect for .11 r. .At 4a M I ' fvl. nvnrAaawl If all of the money should be used In mak ing a holo In the ground. M. la generally believed that oil or mineral in large quantities are to be found near Leb anon. J0UBNALIST; MAY BE A NEWSPAPEE MAN (Special Plapatch to The Journal.) New York. Sept 10. Ogden Mills Reld. son of U'hltelaw Reld, ambassa dor to Entrland. today began his second I day a a reporter on the New York Tri age, and Is a graduate or Yaie. Me will mage a specialty of political writing, and was assigned to that detail today. The fact that young Reld is at work on the Tribune has set at rest the ru mors that the paper Is to be sold. It is thought that Ogden Reld is fitting him. self to assume the management of the paper. rer rit n their money for ths time it wt rag tied up. CONTAINS NO MERCURY Medicines containinar Mercury are often (riven to persons snfferiflar with "Contaeious Blood Poison, and so powerful is the action of this drug that it frequently removes me symptoms in a snort wnuc, una. wuu mc uiscasc up in the system to do greater damage to the delicate internal members. When, however, the treatment is left off, the disease always returns, and the Dglient finds that his health has been injured by this powerful mineral, and F - ... . . 1' . f J i t.; t 1 he 18 Often lelt wltn weaic siomacn, cusiurDcu uigesuon, zacicunai weuma tism, etc The action of S. S. S. is entirely different It contains no Mercury, n?r any other fcarmful drug, but is made entirely of healing, cleansing roots and herbs. It cures Contagious Blood Poison by removing the virus from the blood. It searches out every partiele of the poison and does not leave the least trace for future outbreaks. S. S. S., in addition to curing the disease, builds up and strengthens every part of the hodv. Its fine tonic effects tone no the stomach and digestion, improve the aooetite and regulate the entire system. Home treatment book containing rF . . . . .1 j. 4.1.. j:T t t 9 Ata.. I vaiuaDie inionnauon auuui uic uuncui Duig u ,uuk wiu auj medical advice desired sent free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAHTA. OA FIEES STILL BAGE IN " KLAMATH COUNTEY " (BpMial DUpalc t Ta JawraaLt Klamath rails. Or., Sept ,10. The forget flrea In this section ara still raging. Thirty men left the city Tues day to Mght tb fir In ths reserve back of tha summer resort at Odessa J. y. Kimball, the cruiser of the Weyerhaeuser company, has- a large fore of man fighting fires In those holding. ' , Good Fishing at Newport. Ad vie has allversld and caught on trolls in Ysxiulna bay. just been received, that chlnook salmon are being I S. S. COUPON. NAME!) . . AS C0MMISIS0NEE (Bpectal PUwtca ta Tb JeanaaL) Astoria, or Bept 10. At a me"ng of lh city council last evening, . S, S. Oordon, cashier of tha Flrat National bank, was elected polio commissioner vie T. F. Laurln. resigned. Ths ap pointment of a new chief of pollcs will p mau sopn. , First 'Annual Paolfla National Live stock show and races, Sent tl, 12, IS, li. IS. tt, at tha Portland Country club grouna.' Ladles, It's 430 Washington. . ft I onograpns Talking Machines ' and Records We will send a Talking Machine or Phono graph to your home, let you try it' for a month free, then if you like it T -Pay for It on Easy Terms All the latest records in stock and any piece played on request at our concert room. HEAR TAFT AND BRYAN IN THEIR LATEST SPEECHES. Free Concert From 7:30 to 9:00 Eycry Evening Dry Shampoo "WOODLARK" Swedish Treatment r WE ARE DEMONS TRATINS Woodlark Dry Shampoo this week. This wonderful novHrr docs away with the old style shampoo. Simply dust a little into the hair then brush it out a rain. ' Leaves the hairrfrv in a fluffy and the scalp jA clean. I'acJcae .UUw FOUNTAIN PENS SOLD UNDER GUARANTEE YOU D0NT HAVE TO KEEP ONE IF NOT SATISFIED Our special fountain pen the "WOOD LARK," made especially to fill the wants of those wishing a first class pen at a mod crate price. It embodies all the sunerior writinjr qualities of the hitrher nriced nens' and is sold under our guarantee, satisfaction or monev refunded. Sent tn anv fl afk address for T&aBay Clothes TvvttvvtvmvmvmmHtmHmmmHHvvvvvf and Saturday Friday IN LADIES, NEW FALL SUITS. SKIRTS AND WAISTS BARGAIN NO. I BARGAIN NO. 2 BARGAIN NO. 3 Ladies' Waists Ladies' Suits Ladies' Silk Petticoats t The greatest value ever offered in Port- X land, Friday and ?at- J . urday $ 1 7.50 $3.98 $4.95 ALSO KIMONOS, UNDERWEAR, CORSETS, DRESS SKIRTS In new stripes and mixtures, , all . .late models; regular $25 values, .Friday and Saturday at ' An assorted lot of silks and nets;' worth Bp. to : $7.50, your choice Friday and Saturday El Do you fully appreciate what we are doing? We are offering you $100 in cash, right at the commencement of the season, as a stimulus to create business. All you Have to do is to think think why YOU trade with US. Tell us YOUR "Reason Why" Columbia-Tailored Clothes are popular. It's for (he best, original "Reason Why" (hat we're giving $109 In casb awards. No element of chance to it simply your ability to state a good "Reason Why" one that we can use in our adver tising. EXTRA ON SALE 500 SUITS REGULAR PRICE $30.00 AND $35.00 COLUMBIA TAILORED A Guarantee of Fit, Workmanship and Materials When It Comes to Selecting a Trunk or Grip You should use good common sense and carefully consider the wear, tear and expense involved. YOU DONT WANT worry and trouble all along the line. Come to us. . Oitr Trunks Are Made to Stan) th Teat. PORTLAND TRUNK MNFG. CO. 54 Third, cor. Pine a-STORES 3 107 Sixth, hear Stark 220 Morrison, near First "HELLO" FOUND A SILVER THIMBLE YET? ' " YES Found one in a loaf of Butter-Nut Bread with the label oh. genuine without thia label None If your Thimble doesn't fit, bring it to the office of Butter-Nut Bread Co. and have it exchanged for one that will. Remember, you receive a handsome premium in addition to the Thimble. BUTTER-NUT BREAD CO. SEC0NB AND COLUMBIA STS. ' BARGAINS IN ALL SECTIONS TOMORROW WATCH THE BIG SALE For Prices See Morxiinf Papers c&xsrr a ooc mi V9 sssai IlltSll ussn These suits are cut from the patterns you se lect in our usual high-grad manner, and are MADE IN PORTLAND THIS MUST APPEAL TO PORTLANDERS: Every garment sold by the Columbia Woolen Mills Co. is made in our own workshop. This is the only tailoring house in Portland that owns and operates its own workshop. The purpose of -this sale is to dispose of an overstock of woolens. To make quick 'dispo sition of these goods, we quote the above re duced prices while the suits are most in demand, rather than make reductions at the end of tbe season. MORE ONLY 3 DAYS JOURNAL'S THIRD ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP CONTEST WHICH BEGAN IN JUNE WILL CLOSE Saturday,September12 AT lO P. M. WAKE UP AND HUSTLE UP THIS MEANS YOU Servt a Vtavrk STta. talking talking machines? all the makes - all the records ' all the time can be found only at ppy Washington Street, PW jCorner of Park TEth) Street. , Portland's Piano House- Not an Agency Not a .Branch.