The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 08, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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his sons
I Nine Fascngerg Ate Saved
From Death by a Sam--
isonian Teat
(Veiled Preea lm4 Wtra.l
Chled. Cal., Sept . Nln persons
war hurt and all wr savaa rrom
death by the herola aotion of Dan
Jones, the driver, when the Richardson
Springe stag coacb turned over en a
teep trade today.; ' '
The accident waa caused by a wheel
1 the Boys to Their Father becoming detached from th axi. Th
r vw I a.ililinl lnrrha1 and waa tun.
Theft of Strong; BoxCon-
; taininffi Kotes .Given - by
Brings Family Troubles pun over when jon. with lighting
to a Crisis.
Package Sent Through the
Wells-Fargo Express Of- of the hor...
I. 1 4 i injurl la r
Li ice Disappears fa Port- '58,$? '
j land Discord Arose Over
I i Meyers'; Recent Marriage.
activity; Jumped from his seat and put
his shoulder under the axle.
In this manner Ji supported ' the
stag, until the most dangerous part of
naa neon passed, out n,e
sooner waa the Immediate dancer 01
death to all in the coacb overcome,
than he collapsed and the coach want
Jones waa badly crushed under one
d while th extent or
not known, yet it I
not recover from the
For Utile Dresses l Sale
combinations ' for children's " school
dresses. ' Special price.this ' . OQrr
week at, the yartj . ....... . . . I
New Percales, Ginghams and various
Wash Materials in large assortment, for
children's school dresses, and on sale at
very low prices.
Lluslinvjeur One-Fourlh Less
sorts and qualitiesselling for one fourth .
below regular prices this week. Gowns,
Petticoats, drawers, in every grade, re
duced. This is aii unusual opportunity
to provide for children's wants in dainty : i
undergarments and , ; Otie-FoUtlh
, r . , f ' ,, . , I ,
In the coach were
aken up and thrown about, all
The passengers
y sna
receiving severe bruises.
The : whole aoeldent. with the heroic
work of the driver, took but a few seo.
onds. Reports received her say the
wheel slipped off at a piaoe wnere mere
would have been little hope for anyone
I In the coach if Jones naa not mat
v ... .. i.i la .! I the emergency.
take chars of the big business house
of Joseph Meyers aV Sons and depose I the event of their not being hie to
Mn .k,,-. n- control hia pay to ask for the control of the busi-
frora charge, or at.ieasi control, nisi; T .irnn.iv h his
two sons, Milton W.. Meyers and Henry attorneys that this is what the ago J
L. ileyers, who bays been the active I merchant Intends to do. and that this
v h. - Ar. i is tne main reason ior nis now oems w
I , ' . i. : I , Bead Iitta momaao.
eauonu , lamiiy u., o-v. Th cf jjeyrs case reads
disrupted Via friendly relations of fath- I a ROorj 'j. a dme novel romance
mw mnA aina mwln. nnt of th mpiiiit I lnataast nf a tiaflre from the current
.rri-M nt J.nh to Mr. z. news of the day. Joseph Meyers is one II
T ' " " " , 7 I of the best known mercnants ana oia-
tislde Du Rett, the Salem widow of l tint. n ,h. wtiinmntt. v.l-
former asylum attendant, and the ef- i,y, h cam to Salem yeara ago and
rorts or tne sons 10 navo wieir lainer went tnt0 tna dry goods business, grati
adjudged Insane la order to prevent the I ually enlarging his store until at th
marriage., . .-.!- 1 Ipresent time It is perhaps th largest
; inciuuea in in nai ox srievanoes is mrnnnfii ntnh ihmtnt outside or
the mysterious disappearance of th I Portland In th state. He conducted
v& - 4mvvn, vini. VURJIltSSB UIUU .WWV
throuarh WellaFaroro exnress bv John H.lar whan h formed a eornorstlOn with
'Albert to Meyers at Portland and con-1 his two older sons, Milton W. and
taining papers valued at i,uu. strong l ttenry u. Meyers. .
suspicion is cast 'Tipon xnm two sons, t nat- was- in-uiyr- soon- - aiss - a
Miirnn .ml Hitrirv. bv the hrM nt. thir I death of Mrs. Meyers senior, and at
father, who Intimates that th two that tim th' greater part of th stock
boys know what naa become of the box. n m new corporation or josepn ;y
t urm r.v. n 1- nv ef" Son was assigned to .the two
' .. i older Doys. in return ror tnis som
Today Joseph Meyers Is In Salem, I snoney changed hands, while for the re-
wner na nas gone, nis rortiana attor i mainuer 01 ma payment inn two suns
neys say, to look alter his own Inter-1 gave a not ior ,tuu, oearing intereet
ests and to assume control of all those I at per cent ana payaoie in iw 7"
business Investments with which ha Is I As security for thisnot the father
th directors of th Meyers A Sons' I o' stock Issued to--the boys, which cer-
In that citv a meeting of I retained possession or tn certiricaics
na 1 01 Btooft iHsu.u w- me uu:
.v I tlflcates he retained In fa
the object of which has ben kept se-! to0J5 i .Krfft,
, "iing through the east, upon nis return
corporation has been called for today, ncat n reima "J nis possession
the object of which has been keot se-MO0'5a4 ' Pdv" '."ilfi J?x.'n.,.th'
cret, but which is said to be for business cu J XJXJr!;tth nmweor.
not in ths nower of th directora . to After the organisation of th new cor
msr was called
W and Henry
Meyers senior is also in Saient to an- charg of the business, desired add!
pear as defendant In tne cas brought I. inn.i mnnv tn. c.rrv on th huslneai
by the sons on petition to declare him .nd Meyers senior lent the corporation
last spring the two sons, then in active
tional money to carry on the business
anl VlavAr. -nentnr lent thn comoration
an Incompetent and secura th appoint-1 $14,000 additional, taking th notes of
ment by, tho court of a guardian, thai the two men. one for $1,000, issued In
nuroiun ukbu ior oy . tn suns oeina 1 March, ana one ior is, uuu. issuea in
Jot U Pierce, well known business I April, both bearing Interest at 6 per
man oc o&ivm.
The mort sensational develonment In
th quarrel that has come to light re
cently Is th alleged theft of th strong
.box of Meyers senior. According to the
' story tola, Josepn Meyers, aner nis
marriage in Portland on (August 19, de
termined to max his horn in Portland.
- At that tim he was staying at the
Portland hotel with his hjlde and he
accordingly requested his Ba-Tem banker.
John 'H.- Albert, to forward his itrong
-box, field in tne uipuai National bank
at Salem, to his address at Portland.
Albert expressed the box August II,
r lacing a value of $10 on th package,
t left Salem In the afternoon or even
ing, reaching Portland at 11:80 at night,
was put In the offlc of th .express
company at tn union aepot ana from
mere my sienyusiy aisappearea.
V'--'' 'v Jewels audi Hotes In Box,
In this box was on not, executed
by th aons in favor of th father for
J3S.S00, bearing intercut payable at
stated Intervals of less than a year, and
running for 10 years. Attached to this
note were the clock certificates held by
the two sons In the business, which bad
been given as security for the. loan mad
or , tn ratner. in aoxution were wo
other demand notes, on for $8,000 and
. on for $0,000, given by th sons at dif
ferent intervals In March and April last;
together with stocks and bonds, bank
books, old family Jewelry and other
items of more extrlnsio a ad sentimental
than of lntiinsio value.
Unon th failure of th express com
pany to deliver th pack
lr fnllowlnv Its ahlcment. Ausu
Mr. Meyers mad inquiries her In Port-
Jand and was told by - th express offi
cials that tn package naa oen stolen.
-The affair was then kept aecret until
-eterday though detc tires have been
working on th case and tt tr said that
they have dueswhich may lead to sen
sational developments at any time.
poaTBlirt7 is Bmau.
H. Backwlth, manager of the' Walls
. Fargo company for Portland, this morn
, Ing said while ths company had no In
terest la th family quarrel, and was
only responsible for the $10 valuation
placed on tne pacicag. yt rrom prin
ciple, th corporation would leave no
ton Unturned in its effort to discover
th oarson who took the Dackax.
; Dan J. Malarkay, on of Mr. Meyers'
' Portland attorneys, has but little to say
tnougn wnat n aou say is to in point.
' XI contends that no .on would hav
deslrad to take th packag except h
bad some Interest in securing posses
loa of it. He then leaves these in-
t erected parties to lnrerenc.
- A peculiar circumstance connected
with the ease is the ract that the tn
terest o the $IS,0 net has fallen
due alnc the dlsaDDeaxanee of th
sirens: box. When Joseph Meyers asked
for the payment 01 tnis interest th
were xoia uiat id. hbtv, mm weji as tire
one for $8,006, payment of which was
'also demanded,' had been lost, th sons
demanded security. Meyera senior gar
a bona, witn J ona n. Aioert as surerr,
for th paper and the th sons refuved
h bond, saying they wer not satis
fied with It and asked for a mortgage
on th real esiat neia oj tnear ratner
Older Xam Xolds Whip,
Failure f th two sons to pay th
interest on th JJ8,O0 not is said to
liav given Joph Meyers -the nprr
l.und In his contest with his sons. Th
nnte was so drawn, it is said, that
whenever there was a lane In the r. w-
inent ef Interest the wble not became
due and demasdabl. This being th
, Meyers senior is now in position
t d-7and th payment of the entire
$;. owe.i mm. oy nis eons aad la
iluat bar proper food t
replace th wast caused by .
thlnklr. or errous break
dewa 1U follow. -
Is a tree bra is food.
'There's a Reason
cent and both payable on demand,
Try to Vreireat Marriage.
Soon after this Joseph Meyers began
paying serious attentions to Mrs. Ze
nalde Du Rett, th widow of a former
attendant at th state insane asyium
and who had for som tim been em-,
ployed in charge of one of the depart
ments of the Myers store. The sons.
Milton and Henry, entered vigorous pro
test to these attentions, Dut witnoui
avaiL '
Meyers 'and Mrs. Du Rette came to
Portland to be married August . IT and
Meyers was arrested on an injtanlty
charge, preferred by his sdns. fee h
was applying for a marriage license at
the office of county Clerk jrieiaa. lie
waa released in cars of a deputy sheriff
,a.nd after an examination by Dre. An-
drew u. emun, josepni ana iioune, was
declared to be sane.- prior to tnis tne
sons had Sought tq have the charges j
dismissed, but were overruled In their I
contention oy judge weDster.
While the Insanity charges were still
pending, however, Meyers and Mrs. Du
Kette were marriea August i Dy juage
Morrow, a license having been issued to
them upon the advice of Judge Web
ster. Alter tnis the two sons nied a
petition In Marlon county asking that
their father be declared an incompetent
and that Lot L Pierce, a Salem mer
chant, be appointed as his guardian.
Their reason for this was alleged to be
their desire to protect the property of
the aged merchant rrom designing per
sons. The hearlnt of this petition was
set ror BtptemDer 19.
Salem, Or., Sept. Neither Joseph
Meyers nor Mr. Meyers, nor the two
sons, Hanry Meyers and Milton Meyers,
seen greatly perturbed ever the loss
from the express office in Portland two
weeks ago of a packet containing Jew
elry and securities worth $60,000. For
two weeks Joseph Meyers kept the loss
of the packet quiet, and yesterday de
cided It waa time the robbery should be
mad known. '
. "They ain't through with me yet,"
was the terse statement of Meyers
senior.. 1 nis morning n&eysrs was oc
cupied "attending to business matters."
He would not talk further than to ay
that Drsvious stories orlnted were true
H bad a very confident air and seemed
well satisfied with th situation. Mra
Meyers waa not so full ef business, and
talked freely.
1 jmrn i .
1 - iff 11 -Lin titer.
mm 1 bmbsbs ii.
Boys and Girls
Ink Tablets, on sale at, each,
Sc,'7c, 8y,,10e and 5f
Note Tablets, bankers' bond.
; on sale,-at .. ,....".'.5e
..Tablet, foolscap and legal
.cap.- in white or yellow, at,
each -104
Students' Note Books at,
each, Sc anVl 8t
Felt Slate Cleaners, each, le)
Eye Shades, for, each, 25c
and 10
Note Books, perforated at.
each .....;f..........10f
Blackboard Erasers, ea. 10
Drawing Crayons, the box,
4c and . r Bef
Adjustable Book Straps, sp
Book Carriers, 10c and.. .5 '
Leather Book Straps at 10c
and 8c).
Water-Color Paints, 10c, 20c
and ..25
Ink,' best quality, - bottle, 3c
and .................... ; T4
Slates, 7all, felt bound, each,
at?;.. ...i,;...ioT
Sponges, on sale for, ea. 14
Slat Pencils,- wood, ea. li
, Slate - Pencils,, common, two
dozen for 5f
Chalk, best quality, 144 sticks
on saje at, the box......iof
Tablets, for pencil use, in the
large size, on sale at., ...5)
Haviland Dinner SetsSpec'l Sale of School Shoes
Very artistic shapes in the Ranson patterns, decoratiomdJOl )fl
green with gold handle and knobs; Apiece sets for....peeiv
100-piece sets f 44.50 112-piece sets......'....?4.25
SETS OF 117 PIECES, special at. 62.50
Silver shape stippled gold bor- Oval shape with gold border
der pattern, gold traced knobs and solid gold handles and
and handles 60-
piece sets, special. .
100-piece sets spe
cial, the set.
112-piece setsspe
cial, the set. . .
'117-piece sets spe- (Q Hit
cial, the set uuiw
Oval shape stippled gold edge,
with line inside pink spray,
gold-traced handles and knobs,
!aThV.r... $40.50
100-piece sets-'-spe- frCQ OK
cial, the set........0JleiJ
112-piece sets spe- GCC OC
cial, the set.........DU.i70
117-piece sets spe- '70 fiC
cial, the set. ...... . .) I UOD
knobs, 60-picce sets
special, the set...
100-piece sets spe
cial, the set
"1 12-piece ""sets spe-'
cial; the set ,
SETS Neat shapes with dain
ty decorations
100-piece sets, regular price $20
f".?1:, .$16.00
100-piece sets, regular price $22
luu-piece sets, regular price
$.3.50 special, the
New arrivals in handsomelv hand nainted china, hundreds rf ue-
(frij) ful articles for the table Water Pitchers, Chocolate Pots, Cups
and Saucers, Chop Plates, Salad Bowls, QRve Dishes, Spoon Trays,
Fancy Plates, Bon Bons, Sugar and Creams, Cake and Bread Plates.
Boys', Youths' and Little
Men's Shoes in good quality
and wanted leathers; good as
sortment and all sizes. Regu
lar values to $20, priced as
follows :
Sizes 9 to lSji.,, 91.10
Sizes 1 to 2. ...... ...91.39
Sizes JJ Jo 5 . . . . . .f 1.59
Children's "Friend Afater"
and "FEEL EASY" Shoes
Are the best to be had at any
price, and the best values for
the price to be found in the
northwest. We invariably
make steady customers of those
who buy the first pair of either of these makes.
Prices for "Friend Maker" " "Our Special" Children's
bhoes are:
Sizes 5 to 8......
Sizes 8 to 11
Sizes 11J4 to 2...
Sizes to 7....
Shoes priced as follows :
Sizes 5 to 8 $1.35
Sizes 8l3 to 11...S1.60
Sizes 11J4 to 2... 91.80
Sizes 2 to 7.... 92.39
"Th racket Was revived bv e.
pre efflc la Portland st 11:10 on th
vnlnaT of Ausust 21. nrorjerW bllM"
said Mr. -f think it will be
iouna in a i.w aays. lr w ttad thoucb
mere was anytainx to be eel n el w.
could hav kept tb secret "longer, but
w war reaor tnat it eiiouid be known.
and so told it.
I m not at llbert to see h.iK.r
r. jueyers- two sons Know enrthim
about the lost packet Or not. but
Little maids of 3 to 14 years can be fitted out with clever styles
in Wool Dresses for school wear at decidedly small cost this
week. Shrewd mothers -will find good assortments and tremen
dous values in the immense number that we have divided into
three lots and place on sale for live days, lliey are made in
Buster Brown or waist styles; come in shepherd plaids nrj
or plain serge. Reg. values to $2.75. Sale price Of C
Rep;, values to $5.00. in Reg. values to $7.50. rt AT
Sale price only . .. ... t0 1 1 if Sale price only 1 7 1
GIRLS' SWEATERS of all-wool yarn, double-breasted jtyle,
trimmed with pockets and two rows of pearl buttons; come in
red or white. Regular $2.00 values. Sale price ja
only .eDl.W
$."5.00 grade, same description $2.19
GIRLS' NORFOLK SWEATERS in fancy-stitch effects, made
with high collars. .Regular $4.00 ' values. Sale Ara jq
price tOLmmUQ
Boys' School Shi lis 39 c Up
good patterns, black and white,
striped, blue and mixed patterns or
plain black; regular 50c val- OQ.
ues, special OUC
ars attached, very fine (trade, per
fect fitting: re(rular$1.50 1 1C
values, sale price )l.ll
light colored; worth to $1.75 for
$1.29 and $1 and $1.25 ral- 7Q
ues for iJC
cardinal, white or navy and in fan
cy trimmed effects; splendid for
outing or indoor wear; better than
an overcoat for all winter; splen-
Composition Books, each,
only ...5, 6, 8 and 105
Composition B o o k a, with
leather covers, eath....25e
Memorandum Books, ranging
in price from 1 to.... 25$
Lead Pencils, each, If), 21,
2 for e, 4ft and. 5e)
Lead Pencils, with rubber
tips, special, 3 for Set; the
dozen 20t
Penholders, each, 14, 2e, 2
for 5, 34, 44 and Set
Pen Points, best quality, the
dozen Set and lOet
Erasers, each, let, Set, 10ft
School Assortment, with pen
cil, penholder, etc, special,
the set .. ....10ft
Eagle Compass -and Divider,
nickel-plated, each, only 25ft
Drawing Crayons, the box,
for only ........ wet and Set
Eye Shades,' each, special
only i...25ft and lOet
Eclipse Fountain Pens, regu
lar $1.50 values..... TSft
Waterman's' Ideal Fountain
Pens, the best made, $2.SO,
$3.50 and ?4.00
Pencil Boxes, with lock and
key, 4ft,. Set, Set, 10ft, 15t
and 25t
School Kits, for boys, lOet
to 35ft
Rulers, plain or brass lined,
each .14 to lOet
Ink Tablets,- stenographers'
special at these prices, 5c
and -1 ........8ft
Girls' School Suits $U.95
For young ladles from 14 to 18
years of age. A lot of 300 suits in
the very best models, for fall wear.
They are very practical garments
and the jackets can be worn, with
any skirt. Cleverly fashioned in
accord with prevailing modes and
made by experts who know how to
add the touches that make them
look well on youthful wearers.
Gfirls' who are particular as to
dress will be intensely enthusiastic
over these very clever creations.
Come in stripes, checks, plaids and
mixtures. Jaunty tailored cos
tumes, regularly worth to $18.50
each. Five Day Sale Price choice
ofthe entire lot at $ 95
Women's Fall Suits
Four times as many exclusive and
distinctive garments here as you will
find in any other one store in Port
land. Nothing but this season's
goods to show you. Last season's
suits all sold because they were
the best styles in Portland, and
this season's modes selling rapid
ly, for the same reason. Expert
garment buyers select all of our
suits. The choosing of this im
portant merchandise is not left to
general merchandise buyers.
n mm p
will soon know aU about It, I think.'
JoseDh Alberta, the BreaMent of -
Capital National bank, would aay noth
ins aoout his patron, air. Meyera, or
uvui Duimes transacted tnroucn tn.
bank by Mc. Meyers. He would not
even aay the packet waa lost. Th.
merer, dots also aad not hi c a to ear.
d like their ahrewd eld rthar m.
ic.uwi io ir.aine nuiur.
though In J Iff .rent place.
The packet contained note, oee for
..wvv ana aaotner far Ilttl rlne b
the .two i sane Milton mini Henry, t th
'wt ir id. Fwrcaae or tn store.
ne hoi's wer pare Me on sic t. An
ther was a time note fr S.a glees
r the hevs lotntlv. It la .i).im
ineee nates wer twine mi te Portland
to be eonrerted Sod wer takes front
the sirees office .rohklw ik
,r'-?i, A"f?,t wtiJe on th war te
a Port; bank.
. etee that time Henry aad VII ton
Meyers bar refused flatlr te m. Imv.
eet th eotea. Bon-ds wer required
tae rather aad after- bowd were
fee they eeelar: that the twua B.M
na in txya bare take
erery aSraot ef the robbery.
WITTtam J. Brraa ertll Wt a .v.
tour ef OU wit areeea tm Ciere-
r5rr IL (Hi tr.e Mine.
! h. miii Wa t-eera la (v.
ljt . c.oci-.r.U at. 4 tnut.r I-aytea. .
mifiiiio on I
Standpattors Say the House
Tote ProTes Them Able to
. Tie Him Up.
(ratted Free, Imil WV.J
De Moines. Iowa, Sept. I. The hous
took a vote on the senatorial oonust
today with the followtna result: ror
Cummin a, 44: Porter, Dwaeciat. at; Re
eabllcaa stand ts. The pro-
nect is not ervcourarlns t tn r needs
of Oa.trsor Cu a rains and Ue stand-
Ktters say tn vote prwre loey win
able to tl. up th coateet. Aa ad-
sanaiwt waa taken until (hie ar
emeoa. There are soaay eocf rreaeea
aad anvcb bu ttew-holics about th cap-
Itot aad th altaatioa is apt te Oer.iop
uoa at aay time
Pmsb Le4 Wk-e)
KeWTetk, iit. . lttrict Attwrner
lror tndar declared tat k thoM
riliaely that Hrry K. Thaw wonld
e a Me to a t Fittrf tn reepore
te a nsnorj le mnn-iion Mrn trk-
raptcy. rreceedn(a. li ctarlJers
Order for Thaw to appear In Pittsburg
to be merely a teohnloal raor to wet
th slsyer of Btanford Whit out of
New York.
It Is understood that Jerome will
as very mean within his power to tb removal of Thaw to Pitts
burg and will opnose vigorously th ef
fprt to get him out of th state There
Is much soeculatlon as to the leeal
aompllcatlons tbat would b caused oy
uoa a move.
Tomorrow and Thursdav will be nn..
itlrely th last day for discount on
west aids gas bllla. Portland Oaa com
fruited Frew Leeet Wire)
Pueblo, Colo.. Sept. t. Th Imo-
0 ratio stat convention, at whloh joml-
aee ior stat orricea will o nuMd.
pend hr today with a fall quota of
legat in attsneane. A' oaadldate
for L'nltd Ftatee senator aiar be named
and a hot fight is xpctd for som of
th nominatuma.
Holdine that th. ndntnlatratlna ar
uovernor BiK-Btei. th "preacher xo
etrr.-; na waasanaa th Republicaa
party of this state, the DemocraUe
leader ar ootlmlsti renrdlne tkair
chaace In both ta national and state
eiertloo. this fall.
The Kepublloan state ceneenttoa will
be held next Saturday at Dnrr.
Toaon-w and Tnsrwday witl be poe
Irely tb last lays for discount on
remand Oaa corn-
west aid gas sills.
pasy.. - . -
Flnrt Annual Pacifl National Urm-
etork fhow anA r. . Sept. tl, IX. St.
14. tt. ii. at th rorUAAA Country Oub
the'gretinda . -
Tne Iargeet civil serrto class 4
srr hld in Portland Is taking
4 th Maralnatloa for policemen 4
4 at tb city hall today and la tb
4 Its candidates th iamlnrs ar
4 finding all aorta of physical d-
formltles that tn eaadldates
4 nyr knew of tbemsehreev City
4 Pbysloiaa Dr. Fred Zlegler ana
Deputy Health Of fleer Dr. H. O,
4 Parker ar examining the men e
and are rejeottag tbean at th 4
rat of about en est of erery
two examined.
The physioei tests will b feel
4 today, tomorrow aad Thursday. 4)
4 Friday aa tst will be e
4 held at afultaotnah Held and
4 Saturday th aspiring poUeenaa
4 will be glraa a wrlttea teat. Be 4
far as Seeretary XcXatoah could
4 aaeertala this morning all of tb
4 111 applloaata ware priesot to e)
4 .undergo the testa. They flliedi 4
the large waiting; room and 4
e strung out Into tho eorrtdora. e)
; - '
. AU erer the world there ha been.
slaeo ltt. a derided In ere la th.
irumber of fetnal pupCs ta ochool. 4
rrirfted Frew Leased Wke.)
Glob. Arls., Sept, I. After drinking
a bottle of Florida water because he
oould not secure whiskey. Maaael Gar
cia, foremen of a gang quarrying rock
for the government, la dead today.
cure some whiskey but th government
regulations were strict and ho could not
Scur th liquor. Finally h discov
ered that Florida water contained alco
hol, and procuring a bottl of th toilet
artlcl h at Urn p ted to become Intoxicated.
Garcia had vainly endeavored te ee- pany.
Tomorrow and Tburadav will he dm.
HJvaiy th last days for discount on
west std gas bllla. .Portland Gas com-
A Liquid Powder, for the Face,
possesses aU ths dvantarrs claimed for the dusty powders
and paints without any of their annoying features.
Magnolia Balm
Is a clear, harmless Uqald powder that Instantly remores
Tan, Sunburn, Redness'and any discoloration of the Face,
Neck, Arms and Hands. Its use defies detection. No lady who
aloes her personal appearance can afford to be without IL
Prepared In two colors PINK and WHITE.
Sample of either color frw, or boy a Urre bottle for 75
cepts at your drogrists. .
- - -