The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 07, 1908, Page 11, Image 11

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Campaign of Freaks and No;
; bodies, in Witch the Ft
.tile Whig: Tarty Died
Killed 'by Its Creators
Aew Tarty Jt'oresnaaowea.
'tcopyrirnu i-ob. cy rreoerw .
Washington. Bept T. Tha cmpJfn
a 'of 1853 marked the ana - or, m w m
. in' national af ralre.
.For tha third timt, that organisation
placad expediency tefora principle, to
- nominate a war hero tor president. Wln-
. .field- Scott wi the hero or ue war
1111 and of the war with Meloo,-. He
,'had been defeated in e convention ny
narrow margin by William Henry
, Harrlaon when waa nece"f yv
; chooee a hero candidate to oppoee Van
. Buren In 10. That was Tippecanoe
acalnet Iundy-a Lane, ana iu-p-"-won.
Ae wUl be remembered. w"
defeated In 1840 by a letter written to
-secure abolition euppprt lu i".. tZ.T
v -Wrltln lettere wae the one 'itl
neae of QeneVal gcott' life. He wrote
letters to everynoay. ooui
and at all Umea,. Hie ttere .ruined
him -and ble party, and when the vote.
; were counim n w -"T- c j - K
. ' u .u.k.imini defeated by-the
T. - aA an nnlv four atatea
In -the Union, receiving ouv i t"1-
.votes to Pierce a ..
. . : -n.a Oomiiromlse of 1880; '
'; When President Taylor died he was
..succeeded In the White Houaebjr Mil-
Mnnul in mnrt .. M iimh uvou miv ----
every Instance n whloh a vlce-presi-"
dent has become chief magistrate (with
i single exception), the policy of the
UnVln1stratlonwa .reveraed. .Taylor
was a lmerai. ai u rcun ui.. .
? .Mituria taken by Daniel
eb.tirTwK went over to the non-
a-.....ran.wltri-al&verv side In nfs
i e March 7. and of the.auecea
r tHiimnra. all castlee-were en
abled to get together once more on a
. was'HenTy Clay, the' Great-
" . . h hail made a. dozen mer
Kreat by his compromises, and whose
compromises had kopt him out of the
"White House, who was once more called
to the front In his old age to bring
about Deace. The compromise of 1860
was arranged. It inoluded several meas
ures. The most Important was the- ad
mission of California as a free state,
. as that broke the balanoe of power be
tween free and slave states In the
United States senate. It was the one
concession to the north, but It waa of
' far greater Importance than the south
realised, To the other side, the con
cessions were a stringent fugltiva slave
law. the maintenance of slavery In the
Jiis ham Is "bad oough." He doesn't
care for gold or suver, dui ne wiu
II ne tppean
up. it . may
mean consumption if you don t' A cure
for all coughs, colde and chest trour
blea, -
Price 25c,- BOo and 11.00 per battle.
Bold by Sfcidmora Drug company.
care lor goto or euver, uui ue wn
steal you" health away. If he appean
in your house arrest him at ooce with
iallard's Horehound Syrup, it maj
District of Columbia, the payment to
Texas of 110.000.000 for yielding Its
claims to Vw Mlrn. and the organ
iaatinn of 1'iah- and Now Mrxico as ter
ritories without realrlollone as tu slav
ery, lly tins otii)ruiula, itnnry v,iy
unlteo tna warring
holding surh vlewa In those days were
called "malneae,1
On the thirty-fifth
ncratlo convention
tlamenCN of the! had not been mentioned In the nnnvan-
I'mnoi-ratlo party and deairoyed for all! Hon, although the New lork Herald had
time the party wmcii ne organiana anu
had ear tul ned ror so many years.
" goott's M9 idlotle letter.
Prealdent Fillmore was a candidate
for the nomination. General Hootl and
Iianlel debater were the fitli!1 aapi
ranta. Fillmore hiid urged the enmpro
mlae throuah con arena and had ap
proved It He wished the whole coun
try to aocepOt aa the final dlapoaltlon
ef the whole slavery , ueatlon. The
oountry. for the moat part, wished to
aocept It as suoh. The JenicraClo con
vention approved. The YVhlge had to
do eo. To swallow the Flllmnre-Clay
compromlee the northern Whigs were
roroea, out. tney wouiu not swauuw r n
mom An than tnnk R.-nlt. whose lim
nathlea were believed to be with the
antl-alaverv wlna of the oarty.
- Oeneral Scott wag nominated on me
flfty-UiIrd ballot In , the conveniioa.
gate would now and then arise to spring
a letter from Scott. When the nomlna-
won was nieae, oeneior juur,
neasee, the "fcean Jimmy" Jonea who
had twice defeated
aovernor. leaped to
letter from General
ocratlo i
ilon iilumned a aolld vote for Franklin
fierce of New llnmpahlre, whoae name
euggeeted him as the . poeaible "dark
horae." Tliat started the ball, and
Pierce was nominated on " the forty.
ninth ballot. I'lerce had a good record
aa a politician, had served with -some
war w
strength of being a compromise man
When fierce was nominated the dem
ocrat did not yet know how many mla-
takee Oeneral Scott would make oK how
many lettere he won Id write. Thev
onty anew mac mo wnigs were certain
to nominate mm ana that be was a war
hero it was in the frightened effort
to get a nero to matoh a hero that Hous
b-nTn: Jcsso Pomeroy Tortnrcd
1th Mexico, and had the negative! -. . ..,,,
ana juuraerea uuiaren
Hopes for Tardon.
' 8pecUI Dispatch te The Journal)
' Boston, Mass..' 6pt 7. Jesse Pome-
ton wae proposed, and that Pelrce was I roy. on of the most notorious life prla
a war record in Mexico! .. " . jenterea upon the tniriy-secona year
Tae m Ooarentloa Demonstration. wt oonnnomens oenma , ue
The Pierce .nomination waa the fir.t waua or me xamous -atate prison in
in wnicn ne oniooking galleries In a I t-nariestown. . Ail or these years nave
?.? v,nllon " Prtv " hen been passed In solitary confinement.
a iBiv m wu ill ! , vuteu ' fill . vai -.. ; - ,
New Hhampehlre delegate, wild with vvnen. ne wa'i -yearg oia pomeroy
excitement, Invited the people In the l.was sentended to prison for life for tor-
hearing. They I turing and murdarlne- little children. He
looks to be
long lncarcera-
.i'.jAVJT with a '"r'; to join In the cheering. They turlng and murdering IltUe
sVotyrw...1?. Mtntthailwaob' " "
".,'' m;njhVgaiiewt5 KlEl'.lT 1.
a) . m,mri m tftj-iiif
v wv,wy wX..w --- - - - i viuuiiii mkirriim la anmr or id ,
a hundrM words, out pieaiiinrv wy i piaud. The rult wi th firat convh- I "u'3 vpTvniiy wun mi nopti 01
i uai eu-VDD-euuuoii "leignt minutes. Thus wna btruinha iiwuibtoi5iii. . i
hla business In November. . unhappy custom which found ouU L.iJhA"" '7"-J'" fomeroy and
BooM Weres Oeaaed o BlnnflT. I ml nation in the Roosevelt cheers at I ' i ,,LlZ7lZ . V!" AT. ii"..
nic,?.j ""Tan cheers at Den- : vTmTv V l".. r Vrr
ver una year.
nceeaalon, Finally one of the little
victima waa ahle to furnish a cle
to the Dernelfator nt the rrlmx. la
namtMi a fomernv voiith hn mmuA in
a store In linaton. Thither the ofmere
hastened with all .noaalble speed. Tliey
queationed Jesae, I he li-year-oid son o!
a renoertable dreeMmaker. The auapect
denied all knowledge of' the aaaeulta
oui hi i jxipurrniy laentitiea oy sev
era! of hla little victims. .
Atv'that time degenerary was not so
well understood a it tm now.. Thav
cauea ruineroy a degenerate and sen
mm to a -reform school.. He was i
model nrlsoner and at thi.nnil nt 1'
i months he was reileajtaui through lha
eriuria.or clergymen,.- rerormera and
others who had Interested themselves
in oia oenaii.
.i-- Sea to Frlsoa to Uy.
Within two months after hla raleane
ana return noma jeaea Ikuneroy mal
treated and murdered two more chl
dren. One of hla vlctlraa was a little
girl, the othar a 5-year-old boy. The
remains were so mutilated that they
scarcely could be recna-nlied. Pomerov
conteeeea nis crime ana waa given a
speedy trial. This time. Instead of be
ing sent to a reform school, he waa
sentenced-to solitary confinement for
life. -
For II years he has been confined In
a cell as small as a cloeet, dark and
bare. On a dozen oocaalone ho has,
with superhuman cunnlna. devised
plans of escape, and In spite of conatant
watching, has succeeded In carrying
them, to an advanced stage of . execu
tion. He has never attended divine
services In the prison chapel and ha a
never been required to work.. It Is aald
that he has spent much ojr his time In
reading and has become fairly welt In
formed. hut so far aa personal enperl-em-e-i-oee,
euch things as electric cars,
ithnnoirrapha, (alaptiones and many Other
tlilnga in common tiae today are aoao-
lumiy unannwn to nun.
' (Kperlsl Plana tch te Tke J cm roil.) t
i Cornnna. Bnaln. Bent. T. The caotaln
and officers of the Bpanlsh barque lata
da Palma were the cause of a recent
disturbance In this port. having con
verted their. ship into a floating harem
and bought carajoee of girls at the mole,
to be retained on board a certain time.
The authorities having learned of the
disgraceful business, obliged the return
of the unfortunate creaturea to thrlr
famlllee, exacting at the same time the
return of the money paid for them. In
anlte of their vlatllance several have
been returned and sailed with the ship.
The government ha a ordered the author
ities of Cadis, whither they are bound,
to register and detain every Spanish
sailing vessel, reaching there.
(Hearat Kews by Longest Lessed Wire.)
Washington. Sent 7. Officers of the
army holding; down comfortable swivel
cnairs at me war oeparimeni are to d
given no opportunity to grow soft and
fat in their positions. Brigadier gen
erals, colonels, meliira and capt.ilri.
with major generals la set the ia. e,
to be hustled into tl, sa.VUe again anl
forced U Uk.t rliiea over th roiinin'
fnarie stirrnumllnar Wellington. vrlu
In length from SO to So miles. iit,, n
to this erfnet are holng prepared al v,n
war department. As a t-uneMuen.-i
there la datu gloom about the wr and
navy bull. ling, and of!. -ere moving about
with a ''when will tills end' aort of ex
pression upon their fauea.
Two separate rides will be taken, so
as not to Interfere with the business of
the war department. The flrai will be
Thursday, Friday and Saturday. P.-pt.m-bcr
84. ft and t: the second, Septem
ber 18. 19 and to. - The ft ret ride wl'l
be led bv Malor Oeneral William r
Iiuvall, who la acting chief of staff.
The second ride will be condurtea bv
Brigadier General Wit hempoon, presl-
: XoUrlew Commlilonc!. ; '
(Salens Bureae of The Jonreal.)
Salem. Or.. BeDt. 7. Commlaalnn
notaries have been Issued . to C It.
ITnatAi. 01b, . D r . r . 'r , .
..... . m , m . a . v i . i it-i , mvnmn1
vllle; O. W. Harris, Wlllamina: J. Iiltrh.
burn and T. D. Beed. Portland., an 1
Robert O. Tweed, Lents. . - ..'.,"-
"Woman's Place at the TTnlvarsttv .f
Berlin." says the Taaeblatt. . of th.t
city, "has already become art Import
ant one, although her rights hay not
yet been fully recognised there. . die.
were entered at the largest high school
last summer, and Ttl attended the win
ter session. Degrees were conferred
on 12; 10 In medicine and two in phll-
osupuy. - -a
Oeneral Beolt ha4 In yeara gong by
affiliated with the Natfvlst Party ' in
Pennsylvania to the extent of writing
and vicinity-were In a state of terror.
lnwAr?-.running tno.. Prohibition Utiim SfXtZ T
Children Stripped and Beaten.
letters attacking the Catholics ana op
posing the roreign eiemeni in rau . " V" """' ""' virron,D,uon I eltlea oould he fntind
These old letters the pemocrats used movement and the woman auff rage prop-1 UJ, a 5
rainat him with great effect. Horace 1 aganda. The suffragettes held a great
Greeley shouted himself blacK in i tne national convention, which was attend-1 On the day after Christmas, 1871, a
2"?. r .. , "n. I ".C"r i'.T. "2rl? "L"u-",,a 'a'n9r living in uneisea,
irom ocuii p,ui. uu I Ski if'wr, 1. Tt A iwrro m i waa iguna unconscious, ilea to a oeara
t.tisaoein caay B tan ton and I on Powder Horn hill. Hla entirely nude
Atnony were two nromlnant I hndv mrmm .i , u at . . -
Inian effort to win over the voters of I figures. The prohibition movement did When he recovered his irate father and
foreign blood. He was. a great xiai- w ewr i"w nauonai .pontics, out it the police learned that he had met an
terer, and his references to uie I "".T' ,''"; "."lmlT. 1? con- piaer Doy who had led him away from
rrlah hrocrua" and the ''sweet uerman i preesionai ooniesis. una situation in the cubUo street, and had then. In
accent'; of , some .of . his. hearer.w.r. J" - 2 ; Ji wa--very to of hi. weak protest taken off
notning less man iuaicrou. . ' ",1 I " , , . au.v.iu ul cipines ana s truce mm again ana
soon realised that Scott would be de-lof liOa. . . Jagaln with a rope. . a
f eated, r but, the candidate hoped on. I , lima for a iw rarty, J Before the general excitement over
When It wag an over ne r" I wnen tne election waa over and Boottl tnis mysterious assault had died' away,
a Vi. 4.,1 tt tha Maw -York H9r I n.A.l V. . . v. nr. j , , 1 .... I i 1 . T .
aid. the Webster defeetlor land I the j favor of restriction of slavery to its stripped, and tied by ronea to a board.
warmness oi ui-tuui "- wan present oounns, ana tne abolition I n" ironi teem , were missinff, tne
tlon. ' " aia''. I of the liquor t raff la But it was Wil-I bridge of his nose was broken, and on
- wanner, vying, aw , (nam H. Seward and not Horace Greeley! other part of his body-were a aoore
-..,.1 . an. ra, nmimuni tu .rx. wm. w iiu w&a m lumin i n. mv natTV jv .n.ii.L uru im.' I nil i.niin mm . vo ij. aim
v.. as . knltlnsr Union ticket, but I northern and eastern ate TV. tr.. I I laje to that related hv tha flnl h
he died a rew oaye oeiure ipu.uup i own imrij mu iuai au i La mriuence anaiu imn saHuitsg.
jt li. lit, I. urtv died with him. A I the genuine aholltlnnlat a an ann,mA.t This aennnd , daetardt-rr ' asujilt n.
few days before his -death Webster sent j ing the constitution.- Everything was! famed the whole community. -It waaj
for his bosom friend, Peter Harvest and I ripe for the new party which was to be I argued Chat -no person of ordinary crim-1
asked: "Is Buf ue Choate-going to vote porn two years later. 1 lnai or vicious instincts could have com-1
for ScottT" "I don't know." was ar- tus election or Pierce to be president mltted such wanton cruelties. The as
vera reply, ' "but .1 think not." Then was known all over the oountry the saulta were clearly the work of. a de
Webster said: -"Tell him not to ruin morning after the election. It was the generate. Fathers throughout Chelsea
hla future byotlng for Scott, and tell first time that the people had not been and south Boston wished to burn him
Mn.- aa tw dvlnar message to him. that fnroed to wait for weaka tn lmm- tha at the stake. Mothers, when their nhll.
after the seoond day of Novemoer nextire,uit of the geieral election. Four! dren were long absent from horn. be-
the Whig party as a nanona vj r."' years Derore tna states naa votea on uie I carao aysiencai,
exist only m History., im iuui uvu Mmi aay -ror ' electors ror tne first
an,.. r..
":.r. . n.nn. r... i r. - errs
01 IBIS inwrmw in mo j......-.- r- i um, Dut ln leicgrajju was yery Jim- -p,,.- monthe tharaaffar tin e.,i,
pers a few days before the election did itea ln lt, ,cope and use. In 18B1 the .-VjJSu.f S this S
not aid thee WtiigsV dying cause .- wire had been extended .to all parts of ""I "i-lSle. hDeran. to bTlithl SSii"
ih.n.h rtinata announced his fealty toltv,. .mmtrv Tha nw itna Viat-ara.r, ea, ana lamuies Deean-to Dreathe easl-
ScoVu Webster'. Prediction was cor. Washington and New Orleans" had hlln Johnny Balch 9V boy df X6 yiara"
...t t. net tha Whig oartr died and I .nni.,a h.,t e.v waaka I Jonnny oaica, a Doy or o years, re-1
, - r-. w"'"'- "- --Tr "..rr7iV""- turned to nis noma in Boutn Boston on
ffl S. E.2SSrt?te& Strwj&t ToVSo5?aefSrh? sa nHad"1 in the election the Whig tick- Ji,. .nd 9 wno ?"erea nim candy
et carried!, but four statfea Massachu- bulletins. The good people of that
setts and Vermont ln New England and southern city knew that Pierce had been
Tennessee ana iweniucay to im euuiu. i elected, before tney went to bed.
When lt was an over tne country
1 waTrhWr &AE2F&& rZo
Xrifo'mlnfnV f,fw.. V-? & whelming .nd non-set jtlonal vote. Peo,
mis of 1850 would stand, and that the
agitation of the slavery Question would
die out. Tney were aeiuaea, dux tneir
The new' line between
n the same year nenry v-iay nu 1 tlon day oame arouno, out tne inew or-
' . S,r Mthered to their lu. -.7..,i.t.- Vn i Jt ri wo noura'Derore ne said ne. had met
TT I . - ,v. IITVI. l lr I UL1 lf .yvm.v. mmj VI'vi. . ll.p, I . I. 1 11 1 I
and then took him to a aecluded -amit
where he stripped him and tied him to I
a beam, and neat mm until ne fainted.
This fiendlsn assault stirred the two
districts again and. the police worked
desperately to una tne criminal.
Two months later Kobert Gould, an-1
other small boy, was found stripped and
tied . to a telegraph pole. . The lad's
body was covered with welts from a
whip or a rope, and his head was bad
ly cut While the excitement was still
at fever heat. 4-year-old George Pratt
of South Boston waa found ln the ab
ln of a yacht His body, which was
quite nude, was covered with revolt
ing bruises. - Not content.' this tUne,
with whipping his prey, the fiend had
punctured him with pins and needles.
Several tnbre assaults of the same
dastardly character followed ln quick
H.ntlal nomination.
Buchanan, Stepnen a. iwugias ana wu
liam TU Marcy were the principals, but
from the first It was believed that a
dark norse wouia win. ran nguaion.
k. I honest belief at the time explains many
been JovVrnr 'ot Trnn.s.and" presl- things Mthat eeem to be treasonable !
dent of the Bepublic of Texas, was a the light of later events.
formidable possibility for awhile. Bjit
Houston had lately become a "malneae," A Bussian Inventor habrougM to
that Is to- say, he had become a tee- the United States a motor boat which
totaller and a Prohibitionist and was in he claims will make a speed of 81
f.vnt nt the extension of the . Maine Smiles an hour with a 12 horse power en-
Uquor -'law to all the' states, - Persons gine. j ' ' V "
Soda Crackers with crack to them
Soda Crackers with snap to them
Soda Crackers with taste to them
needa Biscuit
Oven-fresh Oven-crisp -Oven-dean
fS In dust tight.
moisture proof packages.
Neper sold in hulk. ,
;.f 4
, r
I " 1
Voile Skirts at $5.95
Made of .extra fine quality,-'all-wool,
'"voile, color jet
black; handsomely trimmed
with taffeta- silk . bands or
folds. Newest' cut and val
ues up to $1S,00 ; r ej
Inaugural Sale. . . 00eD
Net SSilkWaists $3.95
Made of. fine all-over net,
-plain-nets, in white and ecru,
taffetas, messaline and hand
somely trimmed with lace
and medallions; Strictly tai
lored, ,$12.60 vals.
Inaugural Sale...
The Store Witt
Liberal Money
Back Policy
SAM. E. WERTHEIMER. Pres. and Gent Manager.
Cor. Fifth and
Alder Streets
Silk Petticoats $3.95
Come in black, dark and
evening colors, handsomely
tailored with deep flounce
of shirrings. ExtraTdust ruf
fle. Regular retail values
up'to $10.00 : rfQ QC '.
Inaugural Sale. . . . g 0uO
Silk DrcssSkirls $7.95
Made of extra fine quality;
taffeta silk, elegantly tai
lored, newest cut flare
Skirts. Regular retail val
ues up to $20.00; special for
"this great 4.7
Inaugural Sale. . . t$ I uD
The inaugural of this establishment will begin with a gigantic Money-Saving Sale, to which each department has subscribed such specials whichwill long be rerhembered by the people of Portland and
vicinity. There will be no souvenirs, music or f lowers-BUT MERCH A!iDISE AT LOW PRICES wUl be the chief attraction- Come to the new store where the most courteous treatment s and
attention will always be assured,1 and where you will always be welcome, whether you care to purchase or otherwise, and see the newest creations which Dame Fashion has proclaimed correct for the conning Fall and Winter.
HigfrClass Model Suite; ff ' Go on Sale Tomorrow at $14.95
TVTODEL SUITSI That's Hie important factor in this
purchase. Makers , are extremely particular when
turning put models. They are the representatives of their
regular, stock and cannot, show the slighting of even the
merest detail. Models stand for perfection in style, in ma
, terial, and, in workmanship. That's why we consider our
selves particularly fortunate in acquiring this stock of over
400 suits (3 of which are here illustrated), at a very re
markable' concession.
The Models are the best to be Iiad-all the' new ideas
for the coming fall season. There are coats from 30 inches'
to full length, in semi-fitted, tight fitted and new modified
directoire models, as well as the new empire effects and
cutaway coat suits. 1
The Materials include imported fancy weave chevrons,
imported novelty materials, chiffon broadcloths and wor
steds in many new weaves. ' :
The linings embrace pretty fancy satin striped taffetas,
guaranteed satins and plain taffetas. -,T .
The trimmings include braid effects, fancy buttons, as
well as satins; some are strictly tailored. - -'
There are but one or .two of
For the ' tnaugural
Week we -will - allow a
discount of 33 ir3 per
cent on all Furs .from
marked prices. Remem
ber, we carry a complete
line, including ihe'latest
novelties in Genuine
Eastfm Mink... :
una, eua moss wno conn Mm -
t will nturllr be bene- T 1 1" ' l . f tSmW
t. A eele like (hla houldfVI 11- I J A I
luence ea eerlr breekfeet V. V II III 11 IlLa-v
Tiorrow mprnlnv. Get here 11 I
it n qulcklr reu can Xif'a. 1 1 11
i chooee from theee suite, I 1 1 f" . U . tj
rth S16. 40. 145 and tiO.NalX.U U O
m MHB)a-AMkssa-ssvasaaff-SMat- mmaBBMaBBBB
New Millmcry Department
Low Prices Tomorrow to Introduce Our Hats
$7 to $10 Vals., Special for $4.50 to $7.50
A beautiful Fall Hat for street wear, match
ing your suit, and in one of the very new
chic shapes, of Ottoman or other late silk,
with the big bow trimmings cockade style
to the side, novelty feather effects grouped
high "au grenadies," or a fetching Pocahon
tas every hat the personal"creation of an
expert milliner, that ordinarily would cost
you at least $"? to $10 can be purchased for
$4.50 to $7.50
This Hal-Buying opportunity will not be duplicated this season. Don't miss it
In addition, you should inspect, tomorrow,
without fail, our imported hats- for very
dressy occasions. They illustrate the best
Parisian irrtdes, cleverly adapted to the
American woman's demands. There are
the newest things in velvet trimmings, fancy
feathers, Paradise branchings, ostrich pom
poms artistically combined . to produce ex
ceedingly effective designs in the Directoire,
Empire and other modes. Best of all
Our Prices Are Normal
tLlu IILn. Mtd-f Hiatal eee. 1 l-iw.
mor't. Elfin or Weltbem ..Ail. 76
IS-eie to-rf. rol"-rinel eaee. IS-Jew.
moT't, Elrlo or Waathevrn.. .(12.83
lt-alee l-rr. oM-ni!ed eaae, t-J--r.
, mou ifla or Waltham ..glO.23
ll-stee W-yy. roid-filled caae, !-.
BMrrX Elala or Wa.ltharo . 12.85
11 -else Jiyt. roM-nfled ee. T-Jw.
mer t. Elf i or Waltham ..flO.25
O-ttse, JO-rr. rl1-filled cot,
men. Eltia or Vuiliham .. 12.65
fVn4 14-k. roltt O-clse laidr'e EUr'n
totwU pmlm or encrare4 ...91S.4S
Welch .Eerrern herd to e OpeA
trm ty Prlcee. ' .
? gtrt pw, value -...4
I k)4-niie4 Broocbee, raaft,
veJtM ..........45e
Cut Glass
8-Inch Cut Glast Bowls,- 1400
' -values . .f2.60
6-Inch Cut Glasi Nappies. $225
value ....1.39
5-Inch Cut Claat Nappies $200
values fl.25
Cut Class Celery 'and Piclle
Diahes, $300 valuea.. . l.TS
Cut Glas Crearrf and. 5n(rar,
lS.0Oi v-ltiea f-t.25
Cut Glass Cream and Sear-,
$730 -1oes ....f 4.T5
Water Jug and six Glaise. very
fa cut. $14X0 values fS.4
kronen' Celebrated Hand
Painted China
$1.50 Hand-Painted Bread and
Butter Plates 89
$3.00 Hand-Painted Seven-inch
Plates $1.90
$2.50 Hand-Painted Vase and
Dishes : fl.l
$2 50 Hand-Painted Cup and
Saucer f 1.2
$3 50 Hand-Painted Salt and
Peppers U 2.19
$3 50- Hand-Painted Cream and
Sugars r. 4.1ft
1 t
Our Shoe pepartment with
a new stock comprise the
latest models and effects,
tans cloth tops, wave tops,
to match your gowns; nov
elties galore. See our dis
play "for better quality; $3
and $3.50 Women's- Shoe,
the usual $i ad $5 values
Hair Emporium and Beauty Parlors
Portland! Old ellble Rktn Fix-. . -let
and rvwtor of Beeutr return 1 : n
loed. enl loade ct Hair Gooi anl
Beeutr Remedlee for elL Nlv
eulpped per lore with leteet rr"'vr
Blew areola a tetetrt etylee. V. r irrl
menta hare alweye -n tbe kVV erl
inoet ecientifio, but hao ertl'l r,w
trwtrMMia and prejwratlone. I trt fv; r
ffllrttce. of the face anil areJp an-i r- -Itlvely
make free If lecrr lfiv.
Ine treveied and ttfle4 for t-
thrte year I em prire4 to iv p
petroae eenr eJtaee that rv;;l t
ohtalneal In Krw Terli r rr!a. A .i
wt)l be ! to mnnari.' K t r -etyle
end werk. fp"! P. f
and work. - fUao'if ,1 1 r r - .
t yr II. reme'ie eif .e f'
wek-erae for all. If ' -,
Ttxeuty aVIA fOLKil-a