I 111 " 1 , 1 1 Poland's M osi WFM&M Siock Weekly Ll f ! i COMPLEXION VEILINGS, a positive c raze ii the East, and shown only here for-Portland shoppers. . White under Mark, niiilf under black, all the nets, the yard only ,;.... 25c to $2.50 Come here for the veiling fads that are all the rage in New York and Paris. We'll show you new things that you CAN'T PlND: anywhere else. Many novelties that no other store In Portland has now nor will have for days, and In some cases weeks to come. Most of them were taken out of custom , ' ; . house two days ago. We Imporfmore than all other Portland stores combined. ; : . ;. ' , , ; . . i ii vmm-bij ! ii Ti i hi . i kp .X-.j ii am hi isv-hhib Hi .mi i nif m n mmwM n MwwnawM : ' ' v . , , .-" "f i ' PAMCV CHIFFON HEAD DRAPES, extremely, ittasf .HAND-MADE FRENCH HEAD DRAPES for, auto or;; HEXAGON OR RUSSIAN MESH VEILINGS In all ih lor evening or for the auto ride. Come in the daintiest evening wear. Graduated ahadea with w hit center and leading ahadei. auch at taupe, navy, canard green, brown, ' "and mbsV deiicate sTiadea; "lost of them are w ..r " Indian brown, etc. -r tera with fancy borders.' Inside border. and some centers . 1hm .mmmM t,i,,A..- j f.rf ni.u CHIFFON, HEAD DRAPES,' the very, newest conceit! in hand-painted effects, richest cojor combinations possible. " mwww W ' ? Display ,in veilings. Lovely, dainty shades, with stain stripe border. . JREADY - MADE VEILS, ex-i tra .wide, or. wear with the stylish large hats," crochet or cbenile dots colors, taupe, ol ive,' 5 canard, r green, " Indian brown, black, etc. These come in hexagon or Russian mesh. Women's jfiLfi'.A Its e af XO Of) 26 ' Inch MIII1I ' f - v v Cri A cnf.nWM fc ail iviiuiu TaffetaUmbrella In tight roll ef fect; 26 -Inch size. They are fitted with Prin cess, Horn, Crook,' Cuir Metal or natural wood handles. , Striking lvalues and the neatest Urn- brella ever offered Jn Portland at the CO ft'fk price. Special for Friday selling at P4.Vl CHILDREN'S , SCHOOL HANDKERCHIEFS of cross bar lawn, fancy border or plain hemstitch. q Regular price 5c each,speclal Friday, 6 for Smallwares . BSZ.T StrOXSat, whit or . smoked pearl itasorted shapes and sites; regularly worth to 11.00 special, each ....106 USXsT TATJB. white, assorted widths; regular price 60 pe . cial. 2 plecea for ..... . ...5 bxxmt kuanu, re-rularly . worth 75c special,, each .49 OABTEB ' KJISrnG, " fancy frilled, beat Knjrllalj make, In all colors, worth- to 40o pe clal. tie yard .r.. ...... 25 novnro wax, on aticks special. I for ...... ...... 54 VXD KAXB t'uaLZlll reg-ulnr price 15o special doa. . . , .9 Iran rmavAmATioirs, ' nail bleach, nail paste, nail pollen In cake , form special, the caka ...10 TOOTS yOWDmi, llaterated. regular price 2&o special, the can ........ ...........19 VOTJ.TV fOWDXB, Atoolln deodorant: destroys all odor of perspiration; regular price 150 special, box .......15 LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS IOq nrTH.WASHIHCTOlfc'SiyTH STREETS I Smallwares TOT WA2B BOTTT.ES, . ax. ira gooa quality seamieas ruo ber: regular prjca 11.00 ape- ctal, aacn ,'. j'...T9 Children's HQc Aprons at 23c Aprons made of good quality check gingham, with bibs and bretelles; ages 2 to 8 year?. Regularly priced at 40c no . each, extra special for Friday, only aCajC INFANTS" BUGGY ROBES, of Eiderdown or- India Silk; trimmed in a variety of styles. 'Regular prices 90c to $5.50, special for Friday, only c.'.HALF PRICE TOWIO rinnl.d's KaU de gulntnn, t-oa. boftles; reg ular prlca , too special, the bottle .... i .. 39 TOXZ.9T fOA. antlseptla tar sep for the bath, toilet or ' shampoo; regular price Ilto , special, tha caka ........ .10 WAX Hm In rolls of l ' , zeei. ii loones wiaa-peonn, the, roll ......... ....... .5 ' XiUaOK BSTS, fancy decorated . crepe paper epeclai. set .10 ' WmXTZsTO TABLETS, foreign mall; regular price lBo pe ' cial. each .....9 VSRIHa ' PATZB. ' Kurd's -linen fabrio, 1 pund packets,. 129 sheets fine whit paper; , regular prlca 60o special, tha pound .............35 ' JITBBSB BAVSB, on gross In s box. medium elie. regrular prlca 1 So special, box ..10 wamxa tabibts, ' iinen. note sis rule, worth lOo spe ial, each ......7. Handbag s $1M, $2.69 Two superb 1 bargains . In women's up-to-date bags. Fitted with coin purse and card cases Gilt' or T" gun metal finish. The leathers are seal, walrous, Morocco and Suede. Come In black, Pi 7 blue, brown, graf and green. Values to $4.00 at $2.69 and $2.00 values for $1.48 PARIS NOVELTY VEIL PINS Artistic designs ; plain or with sets ; values to $1.00, special Friday :49c m That Point the Way to Unequaled SavingsSeasonable Merchandise Strikingly Bargainized This Day 35cJB XmmtiM Shoes Now .SSI S SM'W II Hundreds and hundreds of yards of finest embroidery you have ever been offered for this money. Edges, insertions and headings in Nainsook or Cambric mate- Widths Silverware Specials INK BOTTLES Regular 01 Ofi .VAeariV egular price $2.35; special 1 C $11.65 run from one and one ' half ' to ien inches and regular prices up to 35c yd. Extra special Friday only Tuxedo. Hexannnand- Rusdan S. ftets, in black, navy, brown, veiling white rose pink, green or magpie. "Makes to ' 15c the yard. Special only 27 c Special Sale of Table Linen price $i.8U; special, each. Res each Regrular price $2.75, special Regular $14.65 val ues, special, set.. Regular, price $16fl 1 C A , special, the set 'i,wlHtwU Regularly worth $f A QC $20, special, set...i?lleOO CRUMB PANS AMD SCRAPERS Regular $3.75 values, special, the "0O QC set ipitttjO Regular price $5.50, A OC special, the set HttOO PICKLE CASTER Regu--J larprice $2.65, spe- JO AC cial, each jV' BREAD TRAYS Regular price $J.25, special ff each. . . O . Regular $2.90 val ues, special, each. Regularly worth d0 JE $3.50, special, ea. I aJ CAKE BASKETS Regular price $370, special jn Af each .ePrieila special, each SL92 Friday .ends the special sale ,of these famously good snoes at less than $2ft). Women's LA BONTE Shoes, stamped to sell at $3.50, sold down to small lots; but 'good range of sizes left. Button of lace style: tan or black leathers. Included are a large number of Oxfords, worth-to $3.50 the pair. Your choice of Shoes or Oxfords Friday IF $1m only. mm - i am i a $2.25 $3.15 $3.19 H fc..i ' The tremendous Success that brought so many 1 1 T"l I i Friday selling. We will supply thousands of shrewd economists with high-grade napery be fore this sale is over. Table cloths and nap- kins of the finer sort are featured. Decidedly , j picaauig ucsius in guouiy assonmeju, wun v j ctoths and napkins in matched patterns. 1 SET, with cloth "2x3 yards, in very handsome li pattechs; 1 dozen napkins to match; worth U $8.50 the set, for the extra low 17 aq , price of only 4) I aQ f CLOTH, 2x2 yards, with 1 dozen napkins to matcn ; spjendid pattern ; value, special "set CLOTH, 2x2 ya-ds, with 1 dozen napkins to match ; regular $13.50- value, the set t . r..$10.2S $11.50 ALL LINEN CRASH TOW ELING,' extra special 1 n quality, only, the yard . 1 UC BUCK TOWELS Hemmed ends, fancy borders; fine quality, reg. 25c. PILLOW CASES Extra heavy, size 45x36 in., 1 special, each X UC CRASH TOWELING Good quality, 5,000 yds., r for, the yard .....OC WOMEN'S OXFORDS f3.190ur entire stock of low shoes for women is included in 'this "offer. The best we have in patent leather, kid, gunmetal, Suede and in tan, brown or black. Over 60 different styles; also a few broken lines in high-grade shoes; mostly Laird Shober make Values in lot to $6.00... MEN'S "OXFORDS $3.19 PAIR. $5.00 or $6.00 Oxford for men also a number of men's shoes, ine assortment is a Dig one sizes and widths, and a wide choice and styles. Values to $6.00 an well-known, reliable makers to $6.00, only Hardware Specials HAMMERS Regular" price 35c, special, each ... ........ JuDC Regular price .40c, speciaj, each Regular price 75c, special each CO- , z.uuu - 3AWS Regular price OQ 50c, special, each. . . . 0C Saws, Diston, regu- 4t AA lar price $1.50, spl. .iKV Saws, Diston, regu-; tff JA "lar price $1.65, pl..pieJU A X ES Small size, !.. 7C reg. price 95c, special..! alC ' Axes, regular site, OO worth $1.15, apecial.;..OOC Regular price $U5, fljf AA special, each .spleUW BRACES Regular CA price 75c, special, ea... .vwt Regular price $1.25, tM A A special, each eJIeUU MONKEY WRENCHES Regular price 55c, spe- AC ' cial, each .T. riJ 18c $1.50Pelticoalsat98L WOMEN'S UNDERSKIRTS" of good quality cambric, with flounce of India hnon. Flounce is finished with tucks and plain hem. Some styles are trim'd with hemstitching , rand tucks in clus ter! and embroidery edge. All have ex tra under or dust flounce. Val- fjg nes to $1 50; choice, only.... VOC WOMEN'S CAMBRIC OR NAIN SOOK DRAWERS, wid flounce, fm ihrd with tucks and hemttitching. or trimmed snth dainty embroidery or Vatrncitnne lace These are regular $125 the, pair. Special Friday, 1 I WOMEN'S GOWNS nf n,hri- "f y ij- . rerk. Mother Hubhard st1 l.nnh '5-s, lrtt; yokes of tucks and hemititch- , . ".- "iioroiaery. Krgular . Jl.00 values ftr .............. ... . ' wm Any $4 00, fl MONKEY WRENCHES - that we own; if Regular price 65c, Spe- CI , worth to $6.00. If cial, each - .vvv practicrily all Ii nnnR BOLT S Recrnl.ir Of teath'.TS II nrit-f 2rtr. snrrial ea . 1 d made by our II -'.onlv.... .IOC T"--- V BSUfc, (Q) ww will soon learn y i r i 69c 1 Women's Black Silk Waists of extra-fine qual ity Taffeta; they are made in the ry latest and mosf" wanted models: long sleeves. Tin IshedwithpreT s tily trimmed ' cuffs, and the very stylish high collars. The trimmings are pleats and small tifcks, but tons; also embroidered knots an&designs; also Yke finished with open-work leather stitch ing. Extremely desirable for early fall, out door, shopping and business wear. 1 A hfgh grade waist at a : startlingly low gT H Q price. Vals. to $6.50, FridafchTy 9 0 sO Special Sale of Lace Curtains Another Great Sale of Sftrs- Reg. 51 Grades Men who are fond of saving to recognize our Men's Shop as Ipw priced shirt headquarters. For Friday's selling we offer our entire stock of Meg's Golf Shirts, in $1.00 and $1.25 grades, at 69c. Madras, Percale and Chambray materials, in all sorts of col ors and patterns. Separate or attached cuffs; regular or coat styles; sizes ihto 18. Friday Si We are used to giving big bargains in lace curtains but "enthusiastic custom ers in large numbers tell us these are the best values yet. There-were about 1,500 pair to start the sale, but the first day's selling brought this down consid erable. ' For Friday .'lye strengthen the sale addition of a number of pairs from regular stock, and Friday will be the best day of all. They come in Tambour Net,, Filet effects, Scrim .Irish Point and novelty designs. , By all means, make your purchases a early as possible. : . ' - ' Regular $9.00 values, spec'l,. pr..$4.75 $10.00 values ...... . ........ . ?5.05 Regular $11.00 values, spec'l pr.. 96.65 $12.00 values ....: ;.7.50 Regular'$17.50 Regular $12.50 fn rxti values, spec'l, pairOaU $13.50 values ........ ? 8.75 Regular $15.00 iQ QC values, spec V pair. e5iOD $16.50 values ...... f 10.75 lift tm km m PS. $11.50 ....919.35 values, spec'l, pr. $18.50 values ... Regular $19.00 Ai yalues, spec'l, pr.&l f D $21.00 values ...... .$13.05 Regular $25.00 AA values, specH, pr.'d 1D.UU Sixteen-Button Gloves Special 85c Pair 69c WOMEN'S SILK GLOVES In black or white, Foymes' or Kayser's makes, in all sizes. (jloves famous tor their quality -n anH finish RoiiTarlv wnrt h in t 4 V - -f " - v 1 I $2:25 the pair. Something eWfjr-M -ft, woman needs plenty ot. pc- . . . . f mm cm, tne pair, fnaay, qJJ NEW PLAID RIBBONS for hair bows, dark, shades for school J) wear. Width. AA tr f inf h'p!- Trice the yard, 40t 45 and . . ...... BOYS WAISTS & BLOUSES The well-known "MOTHER'S FRIEND" brand for boys from 6 to 14 years of age. A wide as sortment of colorings and pat terns, first-class mate-. 'JQ rials.. Spec Friday, each t)v BOYS COLUMBUS SUSPEN DER GARTERS A perfect support " for clothing f rofti the shoulder. Sizes 4 to . 12 s vears. A regular" 50c value,. on. sale Friday at. . ... .... ..LJk Women's 75c Vests at 39c MEDIUM SUMMER WEIGHT VESTS, lace or hand crochet trimmed. Low neck, sleeveless style; extra fine quality yam; regular price 75c QQ each,-special this sate . ...... '. sjiC WOMEN'S 'ELASTIC RIBBED LISLE PANTS. Knee or ankle lengths Regular price 75c tnet pair, spe- qq cial for this great sale, onlv... OiC WOMEN'S FAST BLACK SEAM LESS HOSE, v Regularly sold at 20c the pair; 2,000 pairs on sale ol Friday at, only ........... .'. .1 aw2C MISSES' AND BOYS' lxl RIJ3BED iiusis. tor scnooi wear; last Diacic A l ' v:- dye; stainles feet. A regular 20c val.. - I : h:lt: lie; 5,000 pairs on sale Fri- inl i'lHiQit'li via j m k, inc , viii ...... ...a mm W - II New Arrirala Daily fa the Correct Stria and Qualities of FallJHoav iry and Underwear. ;-; 1