The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 30, 1908, Page 21, Image 21

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    1 ', t
How the Other Fighters Are Training For Next Big Contests
Three Yale Stars to Coach Oregon For Gridiron Battles
Dy W. V. Nimithlrin.
(Ilcarai Newa hj I.ongcat Leaned Wl'e.)
Hun Ki iwiolsco, Aur. 2!l. There Wfll
never such an opportunity of HttidyliiR
fighters. In trulnliiK and the moods ilmt
possess thrm as thore Is at present.
Kvery ramp arouml the bay Is In full
'last and as tlio events the mon of the
KlotVH urn prrparliiK for are of vast
the work thiti la beliiR done
serious cliiuartr'r.
;. for one. Is a study. He
ho frlitcred away 1 ; I ." time
Is nt' moat
f-es thai
To the writer Gam looks better rlffht
now than he hua on the tvo of any con
test since he boxed KJd Herman at
Tonotiah. Hl face In not drawn, and
his frame doesn't look as though
welKlit-makliiK had bothered him. If
there is .-.ny difference In Oans It la
that his lower limbs seem lighter than
they used to be, but that his lefts are
Httll Rtlirilv a nil ant-llfhflv
..... ... - ...... ,.-r----.'
Atwtinr i s.,..,, I.I... a.... (it
a fast clip Is shown In his Hfternoon
spars with his camp mates.
hen netting ready
i'li.l he Is determine
take this time. A
has surely chasten,
for Nelson tieforo
1 (o make no mls
loiieli of adversity
il Joseph. hen
Abe Attell Is also a thoughtful young
man Just at present. There was u story
I around after the lust contest that Attell
i had slmplv tried to "break eveu with
Owen Moran In order to stimulate bet
ting whei. the Inevitable return date
should come alonir The solemn mun-
tralnlnir ;it San Kalael for Nelson he tier In which Abe Roes about bis work
IM little or no boxing, and he became over at ("roll's Is the best answer to
ruffled when anjunu .siiKKestd that he the rumor that ho trifled with the
hid hi tter adhere to beaten lines. Ah a KiikIIsIi boy last time. Abe has all the
matter of fact. m was seldom seen In ear marks of a fellow who knows he
tlie K.vinuasuini at nil end It Is beln- I Is about to undertake something highly
ulna; to dawn on tho men who backed Important and Is wondering how It will
Mm that IiIh loa fur the Kourth come out. There are compensations In
of July affair was u fcood deal of a everythlnir, however. Attell may be
farce slightly worried over the uncertainties
Joe himself savs he thought Nelson of thltiKS pUKlllstle. but his mind Is
e eny mark, nud Implies that he took care-free on the subject of welghl-inak-thliiKs
easy nccordliiKly. Whatever wns !iik He Is at his notch now and Is
wronn with his hist training, ho Is not Just doliiK enough to keep him right up
trifling this trip. The danger now, In to the standard. Ills wind Is perfect,
fact, if there Is any. Is that he may and so far as everything pertaining to
overdo thing and become Jaded before good condition Is concerned, there Isn't
admission day. .Instead of eliminating a circumstance to deter believers In
sparrlne from his schedule, he Is only Attell's excellence as a fighter from
too willing to m t-to with every one , placing their last dollar on him.
that conns along It bus dawned upon Owen Moran. over at Shannon's, Is
him that what is best lor a man whoiangrv at Attell for collecting weight
has made tils way to the front by j forfeit In the last battle and is spcak Is plenty of practice In the1 ins of the r.abnf day affair as though
ihlng he Is good ill. I It were more of a gru 'ge fight than a
Some very disturbing rumors haVo I tussle for championship honors,
gone east In regard to (Jans' appearance. I Dike (Jans, Moran sees the benefit of
Klenty of glove work, and he la never so
appy as when u hunch of volunteer
sparring partners turn up of an after
noon and Nlgtllfv their u II I lnuiiHna to
oblige. According to Tlv hireling, wh,o ninth. llaftrry
u , . H iMi-iia ii lei in mil in. uiv ft'n l n ai.ifi.
rocky Hrltlsher doesn't care a np how
big his camp opponents are. llo likes
varletv In the boxing line and he argues
that If he has plenty of slugglna;
matches with men who outreach ami
outweigh hltn It will make Attell seem
all the smaller hv comparison.
About the onlv one of the. uunrtet of
September championship candidates
who lias no regrets nor worries Is Mat
tllng Nelson. The Diu.ti sms he Is
simply going to show the public that
tils other victory over (Jfpis was not a
fluke, The only thing ti'Mjessary. In the
Pane's Idea, is to hu nroperly trained,
and as he always conscientious about
his work and finds training no hard
ship, life flnwB by like a song for him
at Mllletts.
Young Ketche) !. beginning to experi
ence the troubles that are inseparable
from success in the nr!. Hnu- While
na was working his way to the front
he eared 111 tie what opponent was se
lected for him, but now he Is at the
top ho wants to discriminate, and public
iiiioi(io win not let mm. jr Ketchel
wins rrom I'apke at Jeffries' Los An
peles club on Labor day there will be
sucn a demand for a Ketchel-Langford
vniiiem inai u is oounirul If the Mich
igan man wl'l be able to withstand the
.Majiuger ti ( onnnr has said that he
win not auow Ketonel to match with a
colored man. so theio Is a prospect of
turmoil, the more particularly as It Is
neiioven Ketch! Is chafing nt the re
straint and would as soon tackle Lang--
i to u us an iiouy.
Tli.vp-Fins.oro.1 Marvel
Chicago Beats (..vat
il rilfi'il iTi'tifl tensed
i ' icn- c An;;. - lief..
,.. lint ecr attendi
ite- I'm Chicago N'lt'l.)
..l B.nfie of the set!
rUybv a narrow ni.nd
lef i s-fi;r;' t'onul but;
M.Td.eai nr.nvn. tho
irvel. pltcbe.l a lmnc
allowing ouly ii1
i .
More Than 100 Men to Ke
port for Practice Next
.Month Six City Teams.
low in;.' njil
1 1 1 eft 'n'H'i
I i)l m bad
i u n i. i ng
ami Mil
1 it.
f ,
in the
then i'
n-.l f-u
In the
ii ml I.
a ni
rs. Siei
were :
sa ''o I .
packed t
'l.ree runs
York iiiiol
fi rsu Inning. 'I
n h n all hack.,
nr. 1 In the
I ii le y,K !e l.
for N e w
tint I hey
e up the
e 0;bs made all
. 1 1 fe n i n g
the crowd for
sacrifice I and and H..W
1 t!,e foul
ins driven In.
..f Jt: fl e hits i
cnrie'. Hri-siinhan
d saf"lv and T.'ti
fifth Tenney hit
H e.s..n !:.( n was
an 1 Iionlh. s fly si'ice,! Tenney.
est I ma tod thai more than 3 :!.
were crowded Inside t.'.e park
the panic Tho stands were
to suffocation and tho field
.th lines arol hack of the
outfield was black with humanity. The
gates were closed nn hour before the
game began because the park would not
hold anv more people.
Tho services of 100 policemen were
required to keep the crowd In order.
Scire 31 11 K.
New York 2 f 0
Chicago ,1 7 0
Hatterles Mathewson and Hresnahan;
Mrowr. and Kllng.
Rrooklyn 4, St. Iotiin 2.
(t'nltrd tTi-K" I"ed Wire.,
St. lyouls. Aug IK.- Hrooklyn knocked
Raymond out of the box In the fifth
Inning todav, scoring four runs.
Score: R H. K.
Ftrooklvn 4 9 0
St Louis 2 6 5
Batteries Rucker and Rltter; Karger,
Raymond and Moran.
Pirntps and riiillios Spilt.
(United Prem I1 Wlr )
Pittsburg. Pa.. Aug. 29. The Pirates
snd the Philadelphia broke even In
the double header here this afternoon,
the locals winning tho first game, 1
to 0. and the visitors captured the sec
ond bv the score of fi to 1. Score'
First game R H. E.
rittahtirr 1 S 1
Philadelphia 0 i
flatteries -Mnddnx ami Clhs.m: Cor-'
rlgnn and 1'ooln
........ 1
!r The annual meeting of the Portland
the largest Association Football club will be held
baseball probably before Settember 10. after
the n-lilch date Preparations for the fall
i's from New and winter sn.-cer season will he on in
In of one tun' earnest. Practice Is expected to begin
! by September 1 h and It Is hoped the
three-fingered regular city league schedule can be
game ror 'hl- got under way by the first Saturday
: bits The In Ootobor. Krom that time the .occr
nil have c.e- men will bo in their glory through all
: for i-areless kinds of weather until tho end of next
it'i the bases March, when the game is supposed to
is strayed off give way to baseball.
1 by fixing J :isi what form the cliv league will
take this year is still problematical,
the only assured thing being that there
are enough men In town this year and
anxious to (day to make up half a
dozen teams. 'rn hle.l t he conflicting
interests can lie reconciled: it Is gen
erally admit ted that a six-cornered ran
!e.t for a cup would he most desirable.
Such u series, however, would necessi
tate Sunday and Sal ur lav afternoon
Rams. and up to tho present Sun. lav
ball has not been formally adopted bv
i the association. An application will he
I made at tflo annual meeting by ..r." '
I ami possibly two learns from Alhlna. i
j neither of which can conveniently plnv
.-aiumny afternoons. lnsl year with
oniv three elevens In the league, a
schedule exclusively on Saturday after
! noons was ersy to carry through.
Miiniii ii, o ne-u two weeks nn erf.,rt
will be made either by the ciub mem
bers ot the annual meeting or hv th
execuilve committee these members
elect to solve what threatens to prove
a knotty problem unless judiciously
Soccer received a decided Impetus
locally with the announcement that the
board of directors of Multnomah club
had decided at its meeting last Tues
day night to have an association foot
ball team under Multnomah colors
Multnomah will In all probability be
one of the city league elevens. Of last
year's lineups, the Columblas and Hor
nets are expected to retain names at
least, with a part of their membership.
The future of the Crescents, who fin
ished In second place this spring Is
doubtful owing to the loss of a ma
jority of the members.
With a five or six team citv league
there will be nearly 100 soccer players
at work this fall, as oach team requires
a membership to draw on of from 15
to 18.
Pitcher Tisclier Forces in
Winning Hn'n for Portland
in Ninth Inning.
Mr. Tlscher, do you believe
'TIs better to give than receive ",
Tell us, full of curiosity.
Was It only geneiosity;
lr did you have to leave'
lyuerulous Queries -A. Nnn.l
With 2,000 fans tearing the stands
to pieces in the ninth yesterday after
noon, the Heavers made one of their rare
singled to center and
cm Hassev s bunt, which
landod "I (" on flrt. La Longe mesa
lug It Cooney got unotlier hit because
Slattery did not get on first to receive
the throw from Tlscher. Madden then
came up and scared the new pitcher so
badly that he gave up the name with
the quartet of bulls he flung to I
Oakland scored one In the fifth and
Ash Houston dni I: The Portland boy
singled over secon.i after Lit Longe had
been retired and ,ent to second when
Rnftery let his drive udl past lyewls
hit to renter and Ash took third. and
came home when Tlscher blngiod.
The daks could not do anything more
with Klnsella after this until the eighth.
Jn this Inning Cook went out via Cooney
and Anders.iii was safe on the
little shortstop's Inexcusable error of
an easy roller and he got to second
when Heine Ileltmuller made a fine
drive to right. Tnw k Lagan batted
a hlfh one. which Iiartzlg grabbed a few
feet from first and tossed to Casey, who
came up to gut Ileltmuller on a double,
the latter having started for second.
From the grandstand It looked like Ca
sey had the ball before the runner got
back, but Perrlne declared Holtmuller
safe and the crowd hooied him roundly
for the decision Then the oulet Slat
tery came up with a two-base hit con
cealed somewhere In his ash stick and
he liberated the name, Anderson and
Holtmuller romping home "Slat" tried
to stretrli It to three, however, iwrfl .was
caurht at third. Klnsella was aga$i at
the helm In the beginning of the ninth
and there was nothing more doing for
Van Haltren's men The score:
At a m cellar or t e Htl.ler
ngera of The I 'nlwisi:-. or nj.-,
the Oregon Agi cu! t u ral
In this city yesiidav a ft. ran.. a
tract was signed wh'-tehv the
ootball g.tnie betw,eii 1 1 .-se
lions will lie played in the dly o
urdar, November .'1 of this via
rangenients have l ien n,n v wit
Multnomah Athletic dub tor th
of Multnomah Kiel 1 m t- c i.b.o ,
and plans are now ! per
whereby excursions v.::. I ,
game from Kugenc, i' r r
Krom present In t : the
Ing game betw.en t . i i i big
schools will be one or tin t.". (.-.
letle events ever s. .-n l:, tie- mutl
Kxpert football men I" !'".. t'.it
gon and O. A. C will Inn- !!;
est teams In the tic
axin and that the gan.e h. re of
ber 21 will settle Iho , na n , ph r s!
A. C. won last yea i ' k . m. 1 i
of 4 to 0 arid there Is a f. diiii- i
geno that the tables must he t
this season.
Norcross to Coach O. A. O.
The Agriculturists will he ,,
by V. S. Norcross, the famous Mi
man I . u i r t
on and I a 1 1 Is for t h
; hel I I ha an able
ii con a ml n a Iners
annual ; season w
lust Itu-I
w ho ha s
past' t w .
fi. ached
ca rs
1st. ml
at Por
He will
will begin the
year's ele en- -
alps of :ihs
'or mi Ills
veil ol last
dfr, lailaln and tf iilllutck ; (iagnon,
ai tef. Cooper. half, I lobbln. right
'id. .lainlsoii rlirht tackle; Kelly, cen
ter, and 1'enderK t'a ssi. left guard. lien-
t'ett. the iiii.'k left tackle of
son's 1 1 ii tii , Is at present
(be nit oiii. i In . wliil" Khiin
and I 'im a o have u (a . I a a f( I
he a coo I s :i: i. of can, II,! . I
e.i I 's m. n id t ra in
inn v
t .
a no
till 1 .1
V 1 . 1 1 li I n 1 1 .
Ii.-f. lie th
I la met : ,
the iirhiasllv will
1. 1 1 1 . ii t h. I da h o a
Should both teams
lines the ro ;it
last set-
hirt h.'mllx'
'here will
s from last
nainher of
m I ' 1 1 1 1 n n 1
aid one ,.i-
e i tg ga i
pi. iv II- I (
ml Wash- I (
win their
Ii on No-
r.f the most Itn
in the history of
j ington. . S!
pl'el I III I na l
I II will b.
("riant a : hi . t i c even t s In
'aclflc coast lootl.all.
Oreg-ou Has Good Prospects.
A 1 1 1 1 1 1 y ! i Kuttene has lost a number
.f her best men, the outlook fr a suc-
' ' ' S s f : I I S.M - 'II Is (M V ti
I'orbes will arrie on Septenihei
will tiegi.i wmk Immediately
he asvisled hv "Ole" Arnsp4gcr.
uO;i tack'.e, wild has been rie
i -oach
20, and
He will
the fast
lured In
iligible because of the four year rule,
and n"yr other Oregon vetrnns who will
return from time to time t is suld In
Kugcne thnt Korl.e has ma e niianne
ments with Morse and Ko.kwelt, two
former Yale stars, who are now In Cali
fornia, whereby they will spend two
weeks In Eugene prior to tho ti A C.
?ame. Rockwell played (punter at Yale
or four rears, and wns head flelt
coach In 1906. and Morse was rapt n In
and left end of the 1 905 team at New
Haven. With this trio nf Vale Mar
the Oregon players ought to lie welt
coached when they line up against
their Corvallla rivals
Oregon exneifs to bedn th nrasott
with six veterans, 1. r, Moullen. esptaiii
and left guard; Mclntyie, rlht guard;
Scott, center; rtnkhair.. left tackle;
iileman, left end, and Clark, fullback.
dills, center and guard on the 19ott
tenm. will also he In college, as will a
number of the best substitutes and sec
ond team men of last year According
to reports from Eugene, there will be
a fine lot of fooibaM matrr'al In tho
freshman rfass.
rrtiimen to Flay October 31.
According to the terms of a contract
signed yesterday, the freshmen of the.
university and i . A. C. will piny In
Corvallla on October 31 This will bo
the first freshman In fereol legla te trims
ever played In the northwest, and will
no doubt attract widespread attention.
Cook, rf
Anderson, If
Heltmuller. rf.
Kagan, ss
Blattery, lb.
La Longe, c. . .
I-ewlr If.
Tlscher. p.
Totals .
Casey. 2h. . .
Ryan. if.
Johnson, 3b.
Danrtp. lb. .
Raftefiy, cf.
Basseyl If. .
Cooney, ss. .
MaiMeni c.
Klnsell. p.
bat t inn
sere .'
a hard,
rallies and filled the bases with
out. Tlscher. Oakland's latest
'. wore a smile at the end of the
when his teammates hart tied the
to 3. but Hie smile changed to
drawn look when he found lilm-
tiie hole, and, losing his nerve,
e Madden four wide ones and
1 the K.une. forcing Itafory in
c winning run and ending the
the 2,000 aforementioned fans
ed In the bleak blasts that
inoud, a cl('--r exhibition
self in
In- guv
1 'on lan
with tl
dose b
sat an shive
Swept the (II
'f I a II pla yi ti g
rro ru
one out
AR. It 11. PO. A. E.
.4 0 0 2 0 0
.41 1 .100
.4 0 2 1 0 0
.40 ) 9 (i 0
. 4 n n 3 1
.4 0 2 0 00
.301 130
3.". 3 824 12 1
Alt. R IT PO. A K
4 12 13 0
4 0 1 0 0 1
4 0 1 12 0
4 0 1 1 "i 2 0
3 1411
2 110 0 0
4 12 15 2
a 0 0 3 2 0
3 0 0 2 4 0
31 4 10 27 19 4
winning run was
Perta Mac, Holder of
for Fastest Mile in
fornia Is One.
Rerta Mac, tho magniflerrt
MrKlnney mare, owned by V 1
nf Salinas. Cal., who trotte.i tn.
of weeks a-o. with a mark of
, which, it is now reported was
a second slower than the actual
.:me made, will come to Portland lr.
. . en letter sii ipe than she was when
she licentiate, i that brilliant mile. It
s tn fe to sj) that there will be no
gamer ra. e. no pluckier fight during
'he entlie week of harness races here
1 1. -in the free-for-all, or Rapid Transit
. pace, to be run off Saturday. Sep
'.. mliar 2 the get -away day of the
meet pitted against Mima Wilkes will
be sir John K. another California
l.orse.i whose colors have never been low
'i 1 In a race till he met his conqueror on
the in nt a liosn track. It was Sir
John S who forced Mona Wilkes to
make the new coast record there, find
I' was he '.hat forced her to break the
t : a. k record at Emeryville, the very
i.ii week Li addition to these there
t h
est mile ever made In
I fornia. last week at
the state
the chic,
the distance in
second heat of tin- 2:14 trot
at the harness races in
will appear In ti
trot for a purse
of Ca
Oakland .
Hits .
Port land
Hits .
.0 0
.0 1
. 1 2
1 0
3 1
ii 0
0 2
St ruck
sella, 1. Pases on
Two-base hits -C,
1 lome run - 'asey
terv, rSassey. St
t fly Tlscher,
by Kin-
balls -Off Tlscher. 2.
is"y, Slattery. Lewis.
Sacrifice hits -Ra f
ilcn bases- - Johnson,
In the
will appear
Portland. Hhe
Country club
f 2, 5u", one of tlx
two r chest hung lor me wtca,
Thursday, September 1, antl on tee
following day she is entered tor the ;
Rural Stiirlt 2:10 trot for a purse of
$1 500. "in order to set the now murk
at Chlco she was forced to her very
utmost bv the pluekv Alhahlo .s tall hu . j
N'ogl who was beaten by less than a j
length Noel will b' one of the must
dangerous contenders in both events in
which this new trotting marvel will
a Yreu r Ii pre
did nerformer who
be seen hi t"e in the too notch piich
events will be Charley 1, another i a
ifoi nla horse 'who sci a imr.i or
for himself In the 2.20 pace at
Mona Wilkes.
Wilkes, the ladder or tin
coord, mad- at St acta )
Will be Mny
t a n a . o ( ne,
I'onv Mont
1 1; n 1 1 y ' . !
is icpajil'd
rival t.i .M
ward, the ur, beat
owned by J v
1 b
: o w
fastest pacer In Mon
Morrls brothers.' of
has had little oppor
w ha t she can do, but
experts as a. worthy
Wilkes Leiand On-
Canndian pacer.
( lark, KdmondtoH
Veteran Racquet Whirler of
the Severn Easily Takes
National 3Iatch.
pacing i
by both trams
freezing emir,
feature of i In
to the old-time
kept the
ly. The
form in
Pi f t H-loirir
Ratteries - Lief
le. Feci n and Or
"( 'incy"
hi and
H r.
S fi
7 n
Phelps; Ritch-
Pacific Coast Lroajrufh
tine I p.'. asla
i was the return
line nailing or : tie locnis. iKptain Ca
j s-y w;;s the iion. He ..u one over the
d it :i"sr.i.hs on i ifrht field f.-nce the very
i first lime up ami. not satisiu-d with llns,
i he diovo lii two more runs the next
j time he cam" to the plate with, a whist
ling iime tor two bases into the big
Ocrinar. s lot.
Kinsell.-i was fairly steady and earned
his victory, although Slattery fright
ened the awkward younjc man In the
eighth, when the prtmler batsman of the
league rang: the gong twice with a fine
two-Dingle to Hum s f.-nce. "Klnsv"
deserves credit, too, for the commend
able way in which he fielded his posl-
iion hiiu covered nrsi.
Danzig's flue one-handed
Tlsiher's hot grounder in the
was the particular fielding feature of
the ;rame.
Portland secured one score In the first
when Casey four-sacked to right. There
were two more In the second. Hassey
ambled. Cooney bunted safely along
first and the "count'' went up a bag.
Madden and Klnsella both ozoned, but
wlnle Klnsella was swinging at space
Rassev and Cooney pulled off a lnvely
double steal and then cantered to the
obioid when Casey drove his two-bagger
to right. Ryan ended the Inning with
three vain wavings at the atmosphere.
The last and decisive run came In the
Lagan, Cooney, Hassey. First base nn
errors -Oak land. 2. Left on bases Oak
land, h; Portland. 7. Time of game
One hour nnd 25 minutes. Umpire--I'erinc.
,.(;kls win MOTors
(JA)Il-; IX F I FT KENT 1 1
Sari Fian.'lsco, Aut?. 2fl. Tho Angel"
and peals were keyed up to fight ins
pitch at Recreation park today, and a
record crowd for a Saturday showed Its
t wlrled
ue sv n s
the slab.
AMI i' bES.
AH. R. II.
( lakes, cr ...
OIII. hi. lb ...
lir'islicar. rf . .
i s mi t h.
' i:n . if
! I, ss . . .
lloiran. r
Hriswaltcr. p.
Alberta. Canada, m ist also be reckoned
with In tliis si'lennid event, and It Is
'? ( not at all Improbable that ti mark very
c I dose to two minutes will be set up
n t h l.s im e.
The trotter and picerj which are rmirillni; the North Pacific Fair
li'-uit. "r.'1 ."bowing fine mettle. The
-,i. . s which w.-re ruyX'nff .nt. Hclling
iam. Wash tii.. lrsr point In the sli'-
im. w er c!-ufcfi;i llv good, butthv
hors. s w-ue prevented frimi flowing
.lair real merit because of a h-earvy
tiai k. the rain finally making It nec
essary to abandon the last two days of
the meet.
BeUlng-ham to Everett. "
The horses go from Relllngllam to
Lverett. wh.-re the Snohomish County
fail op- Tis Tuesday, and the I ireg ri
entries Hillshoro. M'f ftinvlllo. Al
hany. Sah-m an ! Hoseburg, are accord
ing to the ".lope" showing better form
than th.- horses, entered from tlje' north
ern ladnts. I
Another In t erost In er point. Is the fact
that the number of horses 'rtnnen rl n s
L at Ck sMci'e.ssie inci'tM Is I n ren si n Lr
At Mi.-! Hugh a in, there wer-- more than
" "erj. At Everett, this com! fie: week, the
" i ruiiili-r will exceed 250, while the rn-
" ; try iist lor Portland, whose races are
"I three weeks nwav. have already passed
" j the 300 mark. The state fair list 's
" ! about the same In numerical strength.
(rolled Preim Leaned Wire.!
Newport, R. I.. Auk,.. 29. With on
trophy already tri his possession, which
became .his sole property after he won
the title, three successive years. Wil
liam A. Larned of Annapolis, Md.. today
won his -right to have his name In
scribed on the new cup offered to th
natleuSal lawn tennis champion when h
successfully defended his title by de
feating BealB C. Wright of Boston, tho
winner of. the alj-comera tournament, In
straight sets.
Larned's victory today, with the ex
ception of the third se. was easy. He
won the first and second sets by scores
of -l, -2, but In the third the chal
lenger forced the champion to extend
himself. It requiring 1 4 games before a
decision was reached Larned finally
winning by a score of 8-6.
Mnlili-r eh
appreciation of th sensational 15 Inn- , j () pjebrand,
inir struggle bv unusual volleys of Zeider, ss.
cl, ,-. Tim frenzied fans also honied Mclchoir,
and leered Smith, who had held Hilde
brand at third in the eleventh wln-n
Hilde was trying to reach home with
the tying running on Williams' single
to center.
While Hilde was beini? detained forci-
stop ofjbly, the ball was thrown to first, and
seventh Dillon tagged Williams, who was at
tempting to return to the bag apparent
ly making the third out. Lmpire o'Con
rell decided that Hilde should be allowed
to score and that Williams should still
occupy first.
Young Hriswaltcr was on the mound
for the southerners and made himself
a hero by winning a game which ap
peared to have been lost In the first
two innings, wills' finish was in sight
when the Angels pounced on him hard In
the third. The end came in the fifth
when a bunch of safeties added two
runs to tho one made In the third, tying
the score.
Oscar Jones came to the rescue and
Hck. cf.
Perry, c.
M c A rdle.
Willis, p
Jones, p . .
Sutor ..
rf . .
. li
4 12 4 5 i;
for Jones In the fifteenth.
nuns- -Off Wilis 3. hits 0. innings fi.
riff Jones 2, hits 4. Charge difiat to
Two-base bits i lakes. Smith. Stolen
bases Los Angeles 2. San Francisco 3.
Sacrifice hits McArdle, Rrlswalter. K I
lls-Hildebrand. Bases on balls i iff
Hriswaltcr 2, off Jones 2 Struck out
Hy Rrlswalter 2. by Jones 6. 1 louhle
plays Bernard to Dillon, Deltnas to
Dillon, Berry to Zelder. Time of game -2
hours 50 minutes. Lmpire n'Connell.
Ryan stole two bases Saturday.
Hud'y 1s pretty pond nt the pilfering
business If ho ever gets the required
start but so far this week his hitting
wouldn't give him the start. The Irish
man has never recovered rrum that day
of sulks in tho last Seal senles here
an. I so long- as he persists In being
sullen his .stt"k work wlrt suffer.
Hassey got a hit at last Saturday,
but he was so startled he almost for
got to run A pertinent question among
the bail fans of late has been: "Why
Is the Dago, anyway?" It Is the wish
of most of them that McOredie she the
small fielder a rest. Now that the
(.Itching staff has been strengthened.
Cranev could plav the garden and his
hitting ablli'y Is needed right at this
Its a true saying as well as an olj
one that a loslnir team always suffers
with the "grouch." Anyone who
' Golf Title Oo9 to McLeod.
Hamilton: Mass.. Aug. 29. After ' a.
hard contest, In which honors wen
practically even up to the fourteenth
hole, Fred McLeod of the Midlothian
club, (lhlcago. won the fourteenth open
championship of the United States Oolf
association, by defeating Willie Smith
of Mexico, In their lS-hole play
off of yesterday by a score of 77 to (13. '
Smith's topping nnd drive In the fif
teenth and sixteenth paved the way for
the Chicago man's victory.
Smith Wins First Bont.
"Strangder" Smith won an interesting
wrestling bout at the Oaks last nlgnt
with young: Lundeen of Milwaukle, after
171 minutes of hard work, when he
secured a half Nelson and half strangle
grip on the youngster and put him on
the mat. Lundeen fainted and forfeited
the match without belnp thrown again
by the Portlander. Smith meets Drei
burg. the M. A. A. C. wrestler Monday
"Tacks" Neuer Is a tourist for fair.
Starting the season with the New York
Americans, he was sent to Newark,
thence to Little Rock, then on to the
Chicago Nationals, which club has now
shipped him to Johnstown, Pa., in ex
change for Pitcher Kroh. Kfoh waa
tried by the Boston Americans last fall.
doubts this has to
clubhouse after the
game and listen to
of the bunch.
but step into the
locals have lost a
the recrimination
Los Angeles
Portland . . .
San Francisco
. . 74
. . 3
. . lis
. 5 3
P c.
.4 2.1
National Lfasjuo.
lioston !.
(t'nlti-rt I.enned Wl-p I
Cincinnati. Ohio. Aim, 29 In a game
marked by poor fielding Cincinnati de
footed Boston today. Score R.
' mrtnn.atl
T ill t ' nr ie - i ', ik
hie! . Lin h'nnan
Won. Lost. p C.
New Tork ' 44 .611
Chicago lei 47 5 or,
Pittsburg Ca 17 f, f -
Philadelphia t'.i r,2 '5315
Cincinnati r.7 f,i) 411
Boston r, a fi; 4,'ii
Brooklyn 4 2 7t Vt )
St. Ixiuis 4 2 7 2 .3 6 -j
"St '
.'w. ' '.,"4.. -e. .....
, i i .-iiin-i n an ic nfllir, I ' ' ' ' ' '
-. , ,; ' ' Won Lost. re I" ' - ? I - ' n '
ev. ' aopbeii and Detroit fi( 4 I' " '' ' : '.
1 1 ' ' 1 ".Ml Wlrilidl , . I f 11 1 t, t-. -,( . (1 I ' ' 1 ' ','' -V j" I
,'1,1., , ce r. ; .' I -' (- . ' ' '' ' -'PI"ITWIW, . . I- !.
WIIRH'tV 1 ' Clf ciurc I'fvflnlifl S le I, ' - - N - -'" -"-"-' - -" l.-(VlvriM.i. . , . v .-,.- v, 4. . ..,.' V'TSS'J.-- 'rW.V-t.(J,'.niVa
Bo ton J". K2 47.1 f ! - rZT L'-J - -.r'.W" ,vJv - t..-(, f ,
lltc.'itjo tits Ihii. IW.iKhl-.gtnn H ' r j-.-, v " 1 .i J '"". y t. : - -j t . , t m , - - - v r -1 1 - u
. 1 v..w v.. -w -v - - " ft , .: t : .. s ... : . . . ...t- ; . ; . .'.' '" r.. .f s , : , v ', i. : .;. i . ..,.! j . ;,.. . i: - . - . , ii
w " from .New- I . 7i S .?Vtr'" -f i r v4 ' fj V ' t v"'J.iiJ j i c I ; '.-(.'" DA priA;v;'..'; "iiW D'i r i-v ' -1 plsv was nur-e,; h
Vr"-" " s -' r'-';r,K it'- the, "m"u i- , . , i . ' lV ' . ' " "HZJ I lf " K v S the ball a''oc.; b-
,',,- ,'' - , 1 Ine the smi' finals from 11. V. ' 4 S - r4- t r C , 4 , .y-, g V i, u. l; -l ' -f' In the : -. - "t:-!
V ,f 11 1 1 1. , x . - f" 1 -'"'4i'Ci1i''n -t- there cr- be
li.,. .... I... nil,.. e .-n ,.V ' Joseiib Mo this nflertioon ,u I ,v. f. ' ' ' '.. - : , f ' . ,ij:M.-;-' i nVtij.'i :;-fJT.l:.. ! 'T , (Jia : is an ith.r
l.-A an. kbl- right to .cav the title-holder liar Id ' T ' ' W - V nSi JX V that t. .T-nre- th,
s: , f H.iH.e of ,..., Cite l .l !,'.' I.' j"Ct "'-"- . -' ' . - U 'X ;.. ..f .c-K. ;,.,: ft 2 Sl''Wl' Ki V .,'-, Hn.e liere Is'.tth
nmg ar,d Rl.Vr ' of Sl Imi and J J. Ba'ley of Albion. LVX 1 . ' ' t l I i .' r ) inval"'lh ' . .
Ob d .lr.r.t. I ll.r- TL I .s. ' - - . " . . ... . e . .- a ' . " . . T I . V . -. . : . c " t Y- -. . - fi '
Mo Holiday and Bailey will , V - " - - -s . cf ' , frotr te
Plav A K.terllrg and H. H Brewst-r J " - ' . - V 1 - I v ? - '
jround. . V ... 1 tt '.. -. t . ,.o' .X ' ." ',,.''..'. s," .,' . . . . '-. v' i .
1 tnrtrtt New tj Lr.ct Lar4 Wire.) f . ' ' ''-- ' ' - - '' ' '' ' T -' - " ' , .' - c A dn .
Peattle. Wuh, Auc : Bad Moolifc ,w . - , ' i'" t :' . .' - ' . t ."...,.-'., ' v':.V . '-.".2 ''.-. -,,
1 - is . - r .. ,,;., :. , . -. :. . , ' .- , ,. ,s, -v- sy.;-v.," - dt ;sT ; ,
; t . . .-.- . . . . -.. 1 - -: , ,f v .-.. -s: ' J .,...... ,.. (.!'.-.--..; ; l1 (
il - . .' r . ' - 1 : - . : : - v'" ... ' " c ."-: ' , .i, ... - i .. ' .' ,J 1
I . . . ' y .- . - ' ' ' .-' . ' - L n -c . ' - ' j
1 ft . . t ' ;::':. . , . .-. :. . ' . . . ' 21
It I prU!n the oorahatant II . ' ," " . .C . . -' -' .. . . '" . ' . .-:..' '- . ". r j
' - ' - , . , - i.i 1---1 ti- -rv . ...- .rfa --,.rj.V--r i mm I I
S'nAtor Take
Washlrgtnn. T
' 1, ad
S ores:
'ahlngtnn . .
Ha t terie- Kee
buig ,in I Henji,'
'Second inii-e
W ashlncton ...
'level f;d ..." . .
Bstteries Hughes Strt
r. Rerger aid N Clsrke.
Acc 2 Th Sen-
nia-ie 1 1 r-ur Ft'-aig'-.t from ("v.
today, winning ha-cily toth gam-s
R H K.
.4 4 :
2 h 3
R H E.
i ; 0
p 1 1
W rn-
rhlladolphia -!Wt Tigrm Tw iof
t rt
PhlladelrhU Li "Auir 2 finoA bat-
tine on the rnrt ofS"h Philadelohia 1m-
erlrans ens
in- their double
Ftrt game
rhllnde-iphia . -
Batterie Doncvun and Poer
flecond ftn
Pttrle W In'er and
r and RcLrm.
to 1fat Detroit
today flcore
R If E
. 4 !
ard Bchmldt:
R H E.
Schmidt. Ylolt-
Ikwtoa 11. M, Loot tL
fioetoa. A.f. It. Tit- Fte4 got
Ownen Fight Over ilMee.
tllftrtt New tj Ixir C" t Iie Wire.)
Peattle. Wash.. Auf 2i Bad blool
I rrwlnf out of tho Canadian bfddlrr
up horse at Emeryville last winter cul
minated in a rerinnal encounter tMi
afternoon In th Trnddock Juat after th
.1 r. f V. r.,A mn..A a i
bftVMTI A (I Dunlan owner rcirat F
Peep, .nd William CRed") Wgllcer,
owner of HarTv gcott WHlle.recl vn
everl blew. hln hla face dnd had
badly cut from a r1n worn by Iunlip
on the hand with which he delirrd th
tlewa tlytander li,lrferel flnaiir,
pri!n th oontbatant
trM nailer nd Hew'ell fut f th bn
to5ay and won from the Brewtia Score:
Boton ...... 11 1J
oi jxuia 1 . 1 it j
B 1 1 - MnrmnAnd iHehii; Bai
ler. Howell, CrU ind Iej-r.
Every player thinks he's the sta,r and
mainstay of the team as soon as a
manager approaches him. This applies
on the potato patch lots as well ns
on the big diamonds of the, country.
An Illustration in point: Howard, the
bush pitcher, was working on a dltcrt
last summer or $1.25 a day. When
one of the Trl-Clty magnates came
1 alonjf and offered him $125 a month,
j thinking the country boy would Jump
j at the chance, he merely looked up out
of the ditch and with a scornful shake
of his head remarked: "Huh! D'ye think
I can work for that!
Schoolboy Lewis worried Van a llttl
when lie dropped a fly after a Ward
run but the smiles came back to the
maniiter's face when thfl same youth
a bit later in the (tame ran almost to
the fence and spear"d one In mid air.
Down In the Cotton States league
the other day the umpire put two play
ers out of t"he g:mc, one for llghtlnij
a bonfire In the pitchers box, the other
for sitting on the coachlnr line wlt'i
ranrtie in his hand. Kind
lines In it when an honest
haJIplaye takes 50 much trouble to let
his msjeVty, th "imp,"' knew darkness
has falien
Cap'aln Casey ran cut Into center
field one day this week ami sot a fly.
It was a Rood catch and cut off a hit.
rheere ' Hut the
the profanity
ptain !r..!:i:e,l trf
!s am -' v to fet
niped into Tearl,
id be plainly hear
where f art ani tely -
s present
.r vS uses lansrusge.
it is eiesranif at
roim on decent
'er no matter how .
he n.5 It la not -
if t hes men are"
red a new ceteper
Mt.-ona dub of tbe Trl-fVtata
-e receiver narr.e Is Frambe
rn one ef the jnelnatar
r' h team or the past two veera. l!e
1 : at a 2', ''Hp aid ts ehrfly lu
' as a pinch hlngier- He lrm
p.nnCrnn'.i -odar snd wljl probably
-dv Ii Thur1.y s an
I f - -'- ! I (
When You Think of -
Oct the Home Made
M!ts Hatfl HotchklM anil Mr. r re-eta an in ForfrouD!. Mrt Northrop and Mr. K. H Abdrft-s of the lrTir.ctno Clcb In Backgrowal.
HcCchklaa la Rtgardeet a tbe Comics Champion In the Ladirs' Sicglet. the It a Berkeley GlrJ and Will Mttt Miss Suttoq Next Tr. .
iCcr. Vi'ashir'itoa nJ Vtf.