THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, bniURUii EVENING. AUGUST 29. 1908 I I I. " ' ' . Town Topics TONIGHT'S AMUHKMKNTB. PIGEONS START RIOT Oil ROOST Orpheum Orand . . f'antagas I.yrlo. . . , The Oaks Harnum St Vaudeville Vaudeville J .Vaudeville s"Confaalon of a Wife" . . Tha Teddv Girl." :15 Bailey' Clrcua, Twenty-fifth and Halelgh atraeta, I p. m. JOVMMAX. AT TSXI IIIOHII. In orilar to procure prompt and mora aatlafactory aervloa, whan at tha lummtr raaorta. order from the following- Journal jenta at regular city ratea. Ilwaco A Ilwaeo Railway com pany. H. U. Woodruff, newa anent. Long Beach, Edward McAllen. Ocean Park, M. B. Woodruff. Beavlew. F. at Btrauhal. The Breikera. J. M. Arthur. Oearhart. A. UUInser. Seaside, Lynn Burtls. head quarter at Lewla St Co. Newport. Harlln Talbert Colllna Springs. J. W. Belcher. Wllholt Springe. F. W. Mo Let an. Caraon. Wash.. Mineral Springe hotel. Captain Halley and Sergeant Wendorf were before the police commission of the city executive board lt rilK lit on a charges of ualng abualve language brought by two negroes, Jamra K. Wll llama and Sylveater Meredith, who testi fied that thev acted aa "atool-plnnona" In the raid which waa made by the po lice on the Eureka club, an organisation of negree at J47 Kverett street. The committee reaervad Ita decision In the caae, but there waa no damaging evi dence aubmltted against the police of ficers and It la expected that they will be acquitted. Iuring the he alp g Chairman (Jreena defended the poult Ion of the police de partment In regard to using atool plgeon although It waa announced sumo months ago that auch auxiliaries to the department would not be allowed. Ureene aald Inst night that It In Im perative at times that the police receive CHURCH SERVICES J p. m. ; Epworth I opieji Hoc-let y aptlrt. rirat (the While Temple) Twelfth nnd Taylor alreela; llev. J. Whltcomb Hrouglirr. 1 1. "One accord prayer meeting, 10 a. in.; service, 10:S0 a. 111. and 7 5 p. in. Huruioiis by Hev. John Itoarll HIihIom of llnlllmore. Topics: i "The World (Irenleet Tragedy" and "The Highway to Success. J. M. Allen and Edmond Duchesneau, arretted by the aherlff at Kaluna. Wash., on the charge of robbing the McCllntork A Simpson store at White Salmon n few dava ago, spent laat night In the Portland Jail. They were taken to Vancouver this morning. The men were arrested while trying to selrsome of the stolen goods and both have con fessed their guilt. Allen Is aald to be an ex-convict from Minnesota. The men took a largo quantity of knives. raxnrs and other merchandise from the store. 'iIds" In regard to Illegal practices elsa they would not be able to ferret out re sorts where gambling and other unlaw ful acts are permitted. Patrolman clnllmiith was also on the carpet last, night. The charge against him was that he waa aeen taking a drink In a saloon while In his uniform. Decision In his case was also reserved. AT THE THEATRES Baker Opens Tomorrow. The season at the Maker theatre will open tomorrow afternoon, the first at traction being the dainty comic opera nrlma donna. Grace Cameron and her large company, presenting the latest musical comedy hit. "Little Polly Pimple.'" Miss Cameron Is one of the best known musical comedy stars on the Auacrlcajt staxe. and she Is sup ported by a splendid company of comedians. At Trinity M. K. church, corner East Tenth and Sherman Btreets, Rev. Aura h. the Iloosier evangelist, la con ducting a scries of meetings that Is at tracting no little attention on the east sfde Rev. Smith la an attractive speaker and 1ms a homely way of put tint; the truth. Mr. Smith has Just returned from .Seattle and Belllngliam. where he conducted several very sue cefnl camp meetings. Y M. C. A.. Sunday. August 30. 3:15 p. m , "Is the World (.rowing Hetter?" Bible study, revelation; second and third chapters, "The Seven Churches." "Come, let us be holding the faithful word that we may be able to exhort In emmd teaching and to convict galn ssycrs," Titus 1-9. Head second Timothy third chapter. "The Confessions of a Wife." Individually the members of the Blunkall Stock company at the Lyric are accrediting themselves with honors In the very thrilling production of "The Confessions of a Wife." Dorothy Davis anil Lillian Griffiths both show great versatility and both are favorites with Lyric patrons. Commencing Sunday "A Celebrated Case," an Interesting drama, Is to be produced. Water through hose for sprinkling yards or sidewalks or washing porches or windows must be paid for In advance and used only between tho hours of 6 and 8 a. m. and 5 am! 9 p. m. It must not be used for apr.'nkllng streets. If used contrary to these rufea or waste fully it win be shu: off. The Rose City Male Quartet, consist ing of A. K Marriott, first tenor; N. C. Aylsworth, second tenor; F D. Miller, baritone, and Charles H. Parish, basso, will sing several numbers at the First Christian church, Park and Columbia streets, tomorrow evening, 7:45. The following articles were found on the stieetcars yesterday and can be re covered by railing at lost article room. First and Alder streets: Roll of panerH, rackagp, pair glass, s,, specimen of rock, book, lunch box. 12 umbrellas, pair rubbers and a doll. Five candidates took the municipal rivll servlre examination for garden ers this morning. All of Hie men have had many years experience in this line of wurk and It is expected that nil passed They nil be employed in the city parks. The Alhinn Fuel company will be In the market again after September 1, with green and dry slabwood; If you have pot put In your winter's wood don't wait, but call them up at once. Fast S office. Albina avenue and R. R. si reel Welnhard's Malt Tea, a non-alcoholic and non-lntnxlcntlng beer, ready for delivery on and after Saturday, August 29, 1908. Phone or mall orders to Henry Weln hnrd Itrewerv, Thirteenth and B streets. Main 72, A-1172. Grand Show Hunday. Tomorrow closes the present program of vaudeville at the (Jrand. There will be the usual Sunday performances On the bill are Harbey Fag In and Henrietta Byron, perhaps the best known dancing act In the better class vaudeville houses. Alice Russell, a prima donna with a voice, is another hit. Orpheum's Diversified Hill. The dramatic offering of Mr. and Mrs. Krwin Connelly at the Orpheum this week In "Sweethearts" Is a pretty little sketch ftltl of healthy, human feeling and wholesome comedy. The inerrymnkers In "A Night on a House Boat" Is a charming musical comedy that Is making a big lilt with the public. The Teddy Olrl at the Oaks. So popular hns "The Teddy Girl" come at the Oaks this week that management has decided to give matinee tomorrow afternoon at o'clock. The beautiful costumes of chorus. Jhe pretty girls, the graceful dancing, bright songs and witty Joks of the play are responsible for the ex tra performance. ho the a 3 the Arlnta Itrv. E. A. Smith. flervloe 11 a. m. and i. m., Sunday school, 10 a, m.; U. Y. P. I'.. 6 p. m. Morning sermon by llev. W. 1. F.Hiiore. Highland Alberta and Hlxlh streets; Rev. J F. lieucock. pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m., services at 11 a. in. and 7 So p. in., H. Y. P. I'.. SO P- m . hm miuii by llev. J. K. lleacock and ltev. K. A Leonard. He I wood Tacoina and Eleventh streets; Rev I . W. Thurston, paatoi. Services II a. m. and 7:30 p m , Sun day achool. 10 a. in.. M. Y. P. U.. 7:11". Calvary Kat fclghth and Grant streets; Rev. 1. N. Monroe. Services 11 , a. in. ana 7:10 p. m.: Hunday school. 10 a. m.; II. Y. P. V.. (10 P- m Topics., What Remain" and "Why the Bible Cunnot He Superseded." Immanuel Second and Meade atreots; Rev. A B. Mlnaker. Service at 11 j n. in. and 7:30. p. m.; Sunday achool, 11:46 a. in. . ! Grace- Montavllla; Rev. Oilman Par- ! ker. Services at 11 R. m. and 7:J0 m.; Sunday school, 10 a. m.; h. i. II, 7 p. in. livv. Purkor's farewell sermon. Central East Twentieth and Ankeny streets; Rev. W. T. Jordan. Services at 10:30 a. in. and 8 p m.; Sunday school. 12 in.; Y. P. meeting. 7 p. in. Sermons by Rev. K. A. Smith and John Rentxeln. diversity Park Rev. A. ,B. Walts. Sunday school at 10 a. m.; service. 11 a. in. and p. m.; H. X. 4 t . ' P. m. Topics, "The Book" and "Life's Happen ings." dunnyalde (German) Forty - first street and Hawthorne avenue. Rev. C. Feldmeth. Pleaching, 11 a. m.; Sunday achool, !:45 a. in. St. Johns (German) Rev. C. Feld meth. Preaching 3 p. m. Sunday school 2 p. in. Second Seventh and East Ankeny streets; Rev. Stanton C. Lapham. Serv ices. 10.30 a. in. and 7:46 p. m. Ber inom by Evangelist Rev. J. A. Pettlt. St. Johns- K. A. Leonard. Service, 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.; Hunday school, 1U a. tn.; B. Y. P. U., 6:30 p. m. Chinese Mission 362 Oak street. Sunday school, 7 p. m.; preaching In Chinese, K p. ni. First German Fourth and Mill streets; Rev. J. Kratt. Services, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 8:45 a. m. Second German Morris Rodney avenue; ltev. F. Services, 11 a. m. and 7:30 day school. 9:46 a. m. Last Forty-fifth street Corner East Main; Rev. B. C. Cook. Services 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. in.; Bible school, 10 a. m. ; B. Y. I'. I,'.. 6 46 p. m. Lents First avenue and Foster road. Rev. J. F. Heacock, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. in.; services. 11 a. m. and f:30 p. m. Sermons by Rev. J. W. Brock. Mount Olive Seventh and Everett; Rev. n. B B. Johnson. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Swedish Hovt and Fifteenth; Rev. F.rick Scherstrom. Services. 10:46 a. m. and ;4n p. m. ; Sunday school, 12 m. : B. Y P. !., 6:30 p. m. Union Avenue Mission (Swedish) Corner Skldniore. Sunday school, 10 a. ni. Norwegian-Danish Services In hall corner Mississippi and Shaver streets, Sunday school, 12 m. Gresham Sunday school, 10 a. m. Services, 11 a. nj. and 8 p. m. Rev. R. R. Graheel. Tniid Knott and Vancouver: Rev. R. Schwedler; Sunday school. 10 a. m.; B league, 1:1 P. and Christianity a Iin- piilhlra ' and "A Naalectea Depart ment of Athletics." Vancouver Avenue Services, 11 a. m. and 7:10 p. in. Woodstock Rev II, P. Blake. Serv ice. II i in. and 7.80 p. ni Ijiurelwood- Rev. K. fl. Bryant. Service. 11 a. in. and 7:10 p. m.; Sun day chool, 10 a m.; class meeting, 11:16 p. in.; Kpuorth league. :80 p. in. Norwegian-Danish 11. P. Nelaon. Services. I0:n a m. and 7:00 p. in. In grove near Montavllla. Swedish llorth wick and Beach. Rev. John Ova II. Services, 11 a. m. and 6 . in,; Sunday school, 10 a. in.; Epworth , . I -1 . . - A 1jtut II r II ivriiin n mi J and i:ju FIMt Gorman street and Buermann. p. ni.; Sun- 'A. Uacfiea. Service. 11 a. m. j p. m Second German --Stanton and Rodney, I Rev. K. K. liertsler. Service, 11 a. nv land 8 h. m.; Sunday school. :46 a. m.; Kl'Worth league, 7:30 p. in. Japanese Mission 121 Norm r u- teenth. Rev. Ellsen Rlbara. Service, :3() a. m. and 30 p. m.; Sunday school I SO n in Sclfwood Corner East Fifteenth and Tacoma avenue: ltev. Lester C. Poor. Service, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Junior Epworth league, 2: Jo p. m.; Senior Ep worth lesirue. 6:30 d. in. Free First Eaat Ninth and Mill. Rev. W. J. Johnston. Service. 11 a. m.. 7:30 i p. ni.. Thuradav. 7:30 o. in. The lilnion-kelly Memorial Thirty- ninth and Powell streets. Rev. o. J Kester. pastor. Services. 11 a. in. and 8 p. m. ; Sunday school. 10 a. m.: Ep worth league, 7 p. m ; Junior Jeague, 3 p. m. Woodlawn William J. Iouflaa. paa tor. Servlcea, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. m.; Epworth league. (1:80 p. m. University Park Corner Dawson and Flake streets Rev. William R. Jeffrey Jr., pastor. Services, 6 a. m.. 11 a. in.. r.:80"p. in. and 7:30 p. m.; class meetlmj, 11:16 p. m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; Epworth league, 3 io p. m. Montavllla Mohle and Hlbbar'd streets. Rev. Harold Orx?rg. Services, 11 a. m. nnd 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. m ; elass meeting. 12 m.; Junior league. 3 p. m.; Epworth league, 6:45 p. in. African Zion Corner Thirteenth and Main. Rev. W. W. Mathews, pastor. Services, 11:80 a. in. and 9 p. m. D. IV Services, 10 ft . m Bn(! g p in. I oplea, -The Fruits of the Fah" and "Every Man to Hi Work." Rodney Avenue Christian church Rodnty avenut) and Kimtt F. Elmo Rolilnsnn. paator tt 16 a m 111 hi school; l , aml ., m Topic ' Kellglon In the Home ' Kern Park - ltev. F.. M. Patterson. Services 11 a in uml N p ni ; lllble school, 10 n m ; C K , j , vuaiawn- Services at 1 1 n m .ml wiator, ( ia I k W. Coin iool, 10 a in. ; Y. P. S. s p. in, by tl stock, Sunday r C. K.. 7 i. in First Corner streets; Rev ): 11 a. in and h a m ; . F . r 3o umptiant Foreb., ,k In g " un.l Of the Present and ,.f the Puk nni Columbia S. Muckley. Servlc. I, p ni , lllli.) S'ii.xil. I ij p in Topics, "Trl- "i he c 'liurch Fut ure. CongregatlonaL First Madison and Park. tber R. Dyott. D. I)., pastor. 11:00 Topic Rev. Lu- Servlces a. m.; Sunday school 10:00 a. m. The Crisis Leading to Christ. first of a series on "The Life of Paul as a Pattern for the Twentieth Century Man." University Park 1613 Haven avenue; Rev. F. L. II. Van Lubken, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. in. and 8 p. m. ; Sun day school, lo a. m.; Y. P. S. C. E.. 6:30 p. m. Sunnyslde Corner of East Taylor and F.ast Thirty-fourth street; Rev. J. J. Staub. Servlre at 11 a. ni.; Sunday school, 10 a. m.; Junior C E., 3 p. m.j Senior C. E., 7 p. m. Topic, "A Life of Deeds, Not Tears." Laurelwood Rev. W. H. Myers. Service, 11 a. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. m.; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30 p. m. Mississippi A venue Mississippi ave nue and Fremont street; ltev. Daniel T. Thomas. Services, 11a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday" school, 10 a. m.; Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. Hassalo Street East Seventh and Hasaalo streets; Rev. Paul Racier. Ser mon, 11:00 a. m. and 7:46 p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. m ; Y. P. 8. C. F.., 6:45 p. m. Topics, "The Subjects of Vanity" and "The Crowd." Highland East Sixth street north and United Brethren In Christ. First East Fifteenth and Morrison streets; Rev. H C. Shaffer. Services ai ii a. m. and 7.:i" p m : Sun. lay school at 10 a. in., sermon bv D It Pott. Radical Sixth and Met hanlr ptret-. Rev. T. J. Corking. Srr . h. 11 . ' and 7:30 p. m , Sumlav srhool 10 a m '. P. 8. C. F... 6.3n p. in. " i Alberta East Twent v eVent h nrd Milireu; uev. it. K. Kinnrlch. Sfrvice. 11 a. m. and n in scnooi ai 10 a. pa stor. hunday Christian Solenc. First Church of Chrlft Hcleritlt -Scottish Rite cathedral. Morrison nn i Lownsdale streets. Service at 11 n m Sunday school at close of morning services; subject of lessen. "Christ, Jesus." fvocond Elks' terhple, Starlc l.i-iwfn Sixth and Seventh streets. Services at 11 a. m .; Sunday school at clone ,f "Jt Conirtatlt0 Cuitodlan' HIBERMA SAVINGS BANK PAYS 4 Per Cenl. OPEN For -the convenience of its customers on Satur day evenings from 6 to 8 114 Second St. Cor. Washington, Port land, Oregon. morning service, "Christ Jesus." Buhjec I cif lesson. United Presbyterian. Church of the Strangers street and Grand avenue; Rev. DuBola. Services at 10:30 a. 8:00 D. m.: sermon translated deaf each Sunday inornliic: acnooi, 12 m. First Sixth and Montgomery streets Rev. A. W. Wilson, pastor. Services 10:30 a. m. and 7:80 p. in.; Italian serv ices at 4 p. m. Wanco S. Far I m. ami for the Sunday K. B. Chnroh Sonth. 171 V4 Second street; Rev. E. F Moarre. Service 11 a. m. and 8 D. m.; Sun- dasschool, 10 a. m.; Epworth league 6:J0 p. m. Unitarian. Church of Our Father Corner of Yamhill and Seventh streets; Rev. S O. Eliot Jr.; Rev. T. L. Eliot, D. D.. minister emeritus; Rev. Nehemlah A. Baker, assistant minister. Services. 11 a. m. Topic, "Unexpected Opportunities." TTnlversallrt. Church of the Good Tidings Fast Couch and East Eighth streets; Rev. J. D. Corby. Services. 10:45 a. m. and Bible school. 12 m. Topic, "Uplift and Outlook." OREGON CITY BOAT TAKE THE RIVER RIDE SUNDAY TO OREGON CITY IT'S A FINE TRIP Boat leaves at 9 a. m., 12 m., 3 p. in. Returns 10:30 a. m., 1 30 and 5 p. m. ROUND TRIP 45c No Cocaine, No Gas No Students Our luoctii I due lo uniform hlgh-srad work at reasonable price NERVOUS PEOPLE And those afflloted with heartwea ne can now have their teeth ex traded filled and brldcework ap piled without the lat pain or dao- er. PAINI.E83 EXTRACTION ,. J2-KA RAT CROWNS BRIDUK WORK OUR BEST I'l.AIN PUATK. . ALL. LINED PLATE! 16.00 TEETH Examination and Consul tatlon rre. Re-Enameling Teeth Is the greatest Invention In modern dentistry and has been most success ful of all methods We extend to all a special Invita tion to call at our office and have their teeth examined free of charr V own and control the largest ana best equipped Cental entabllsn- ment In the world, having IV office all told. We give a wiltten guarantee with all work for 10 year. Lad 7 attendant- Open evenings till 7. Sunder to I. Union Painless Dentists 23 1H Motrins St., Corner First, AJxTtTS X MS HTft. R. hall. Morrison. service. 3 Y. P. p. in. I'., 7:30; services, 11 1 m. and 8 Presbyterian. JACKSON'S CANE AT DJD.Of KATir RALLY J. J. Fitzsimmons find T. J. Pelsler of I'nrtliind and T J. Fltislm'mons of Fan Francisco hn'e Incorporated the Changeable 1 ilftl Register company, hav ing a capital stock of $25,000. it ! 1 1 I . ; ; , Any poor-girl needing a friend, help, or advice can applv or write to Matron -Adjutant J. Peterson, 392 East Fif teenth North, Portland, Or. George V. Oliver. 1111 East Salmon street, received by ex press this mornlnor n hickory cane which was carried by An drew jMi-ksnn wh n president of th I'nlted Pt.ites. President Jackson gave this cane to Mr. Oliver's father. W. S. Oliver, of Shelbyvllle, Tenn.. in! 844. Mr. Oliver, who Is 'one of the newcomers of Portland, says ho will have his hlKhly prized enne at the Democratic rally next Monday evening at Odd Fellows' hall. Grand avenue and Fast Pine streets, where. In addition to addresses on tho Issues of the campaign, it Is planned for the old resident Democrats of Port land to meet in a social way the newcomers, who ore of the Democratic faith, and get ac quainted with one another. f First Twelfth and Alder Rev. William Hiram Foulkes. 1 "-.en n 111. ana r.ib p. m school, 12 m. Sermons bv N. Luccock. Topics, "Tho 11011 and Mizpah 1 Services at streets; Services, Sunday Rev. (jeorue TransMeura- "Pread or a Stone." -Fast Thirteenth aod Powell. 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m.: Prescott; Rev. K. ices. 11 a. in. and :4a "The Largnr Life" and est Asset. St. Johns Rev. G. W. ices 11 a. m. and 8 p. m; 10 a m. First German FJaat Seventh and Stanton streets; Rev. John H. IIopp. Services, 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. in.; Sunday school, 9:15 a. m. ; Christian En deavor, 6:30 p. m. Bollinger. .Serv-nt each service. KlaoeQaneon s. Millennial Dawn d A. northeast corner Second and Bureau study, 1:30 p. m. p. m. The State Spiritualists' association of Oregon will celebrate its annual con vention In all-day service at Woodcraft I hall. Tenth and Taylor streets. Sundav, heptember 6. Lecture by John Slater j-m. t mam t a iuju p. m. Topics, Nelson. Serv Sunday school, :30 a. m.; . ; Sunday- Christian school at Thomas Roberts has presented his final report as guardian of the estate ot Robert plays, showing property on hand valued at J10.762. Steamer Jesse Harkins, for Cama. Washougiil and wav landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington afreet dock at 3 p. m. EIGHTY-TWO TEACHERS GET CKKTIFICATES Woman's Exchange. 18S Tenth street, lunch 1 1 :80 to 2; business men's lunch. Prof. Rlngler's at Rlngler's hall. dancing party tonight Stiles orchestra. D Chambers & Son., optician. 311 Morrison street, corner of Sixth. W. A. dentists. Wise Third and and associates, painless Waahlngton. Prof. Rlngler's It Rlngler's hall dancing party tonight Stiles orchestra. Sunday cooking. Berger, 31. chicken dinner, 25c. 186 Fifth street. Home signs. 284 TamhllL Main Journal want sd. lo a word. DR. STRATOX'S LAST SERMOX HERE Rev John Roach Straton. V. D. who hss been supplying the White Temple pulpit In the absence of Dr. Brougher, will preach for th last time In Porl- isnd tomorrow Dr. Straton Is well mown as a gifted writer and a brll llsnt. forceful speaker F"red Putler. the basso who ts so well known for his work as a gospel soloist, will also lng at the White Temple tomorrow for tho last time. Mr Rutler will spand the month of September resting and pre paring for his work of the winter In the east It is prcbshle. however, that he will be secure to give a farewell con cert at the White Terop)e the latter Prt of September So great w the Interest In the services at the White Temple last Sunday that It I estimated that st least 4"0 people went away tmm the church In the evening unable to gain admission Ir Brother, the pastor of the Whit Temple h spent most of the month , of Auruet with his famllv at Osrhart, ?r He and Mn Brougher returned hursdy from trip through Tellow- ton rrlt nd left Friday for Gerlrt. , where Dr. Brougher will stay until next Teefay. when he will return to Portland- Wet shard t Mall Tea, a nnw-alcohnl (e aftd nno-tntnvtcairrig beer, ready tor delivery e- and after lturdy. Aaraef i. IHI Pbeme r mall erder t Henry Wein- Ikerw pteetrr, ThlrteeitH and B Kara IJ; A-llTl. Klghty-two school teachers certifi cates were Issued by the county board of examiners as a result of the exam inations held by the county last week. UI these certificates. 82 were flrs grade, 21 second grade, 26 third grade, and three primary. The board of ex aminers consists of Superintendent R. F Robinson, Principals J. T Gregg, Hopkin Jenkins, and L. A. Wiley, and the successful teachers who received certificates are: Mae Benedict, Charles H. Boyd, Laura A. Burkholder, LUIIan Plaesen, Lillian Borqulst. Luclle Urackett, Lthel Brad field, Jean Brownie, Fva L. Campbell, Myrtle Chamberlain, Mrs J. J. Chris holm, Charlotte Church. Lettle J. Crable, 1-aura Cottrell, E. O. Dalesman. Elsie Calkins, Sarah Imnahue, Verne Fonner, Marie M. Frantx, Mrs. Minnie Gates. Ethel R. Ollnes, Lillian Griffith. Flor ence A. Gould, May A Goode, May j Haley, Vlda Hammond. Nora H. Hansen, i Laura Harvey, Edit! Johnson, Florence) L. Johnson. Grace Mae Judv. Grace M. ! Kent, Alice Larsen, Alrheld E. yee. Mary Alice Lee. Pearl E. I-wls. Josephine K. ' Isler, Pauline A. Ludberg. Fannie E. Ioller. Grace MaeKenxle. Sadie E. Mf Kenle, Ada C McCown, I-aura Mc- ' Intosh. E. 8 Mason. Maude M. Maon, I Grace Mathew, Hester Mitchell. N. Ed-' na Morrison, Sarye A Moseiey, Eva i Nelley, Nellie Nesvold. Marv A. O'Don nell. Edith J Ogden. Edith M Olson. Aids Overstreet. l.ula F. Parmely. Ida A. Powell. Mrprt Powell, Mamie J. Haffetv. Carrie Reddin. A June Rein hart. Mrs H. B. Rlnearson. Amy B. Rowland. Emelle Schairer. Irene Me Hcott. Raleigh H Searle. Eth'lbert Shepard. Sophia Shlves, Lillian Somer vllle. Alma E Stone. Thoms W Tandy. Chrystlne Thompson. Florence Anita Turlay. Rachel A Vcj.i. i;dna M Wlckett. Jessie M Wilde, Emma L Wnson. Ion M Wilson. Msrgsret E Wlnalfond. R E Wirtx, Merle H Woodr I L. WrreL Sunday school, 11 Endeavor, 7 p. m Midway 10:30 a. u Calvary Presbyterian Corner Elev enth and Clay streets. Rev. Stephen Phelps will preach at 10:30 a. m.. sub ject, "Is Godliness Profitable?" Sunday school, 12 noon. -Fourth First nnd Glhbs streets; Rev. John H. Welch. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school. 12 m.; Y. P. S. C. K.. 6:30 p. ni. Hawthorne Park Twelfth and East Taylor streets; Rev. E. Nelson Allen. Service at 10:30 a. m.; Sunday school, 12 in.; Y. P. 8. C. E, 6:30 p. m. Ser mon ny Hev. it j. nines Forbes Rev. Harry H. Pratt. Sell wood street and (la-ntenlieln avenue. Services, 11:00 a. m. an,; 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 10:00 a. 111.; C. E.. 6:30 p. m. Chinese 1454 First street; services, 1 Mt p. m.: sunaay scnooi, 6:45 p. m.; young people's meeting, 8MB p. m Piedmont Cleveland avenue and .lar rette street. Rev.- N. S. Reeves, B. D. Services, 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. ; Sun day school, 12:15 p. nv; Y. P. 8. C. E., 6M5 p m. Westminster East Tenth and Weld ler streets. Rev. Henry Marcotte. Serv ices, 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p m.; Sunday school. 12m.; C. E.. 6:30 p. m. Marshall-Street Marshall and North Seventeenth streets: Kev. C. W. Hays. siinnay scnooi. 10 a. mvi 11 a. m. Mount Tabor Relmont Prettyman avenue: Rev. Sharp, pastor. Services at S p. m.; Sunday school st Sellwood Corner KaRt and Spokane avenue. Rev. D. A. Thomp son. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 30 p. m. ; Sunday school. 10 a. m.; Christian En deavor. 6:30 p. m. Third East Thirteenth and Pine streeta; Rev Andrew J, Montgomery. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Hope Montavllla: Rev S. S. White. Services at 11a m. and 7:30 p. m.; SundHy school, 10 a. ni. Millard Avem.e Rev A. D Soper; Sunday school, 10 a. m; services, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p m. " 1 Anabel Serviced at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. -h! Kentl worth E. Thirty-seventh stlreet ancF" Gladstone avenue; preaching at 11 a. m. by Rev. J. S Dunning, ph. D.; Sundav school at 12 m. Trinity Fulton; Sunday school at 11 a. m : Christian Endeavor, 7 00 p. m. ; preaching by Harvey Miller. 8:00 p. m. preaching at street and Edward M. 1 1 a. m. and 10 a. m. Seventeenth Aa Kxcmrsioa to Klamath rail. The Bmithern Pacific will run a ror ular excursion to Klamath Falls. Iev In Portland at 1 10 a nv, sundav. 8p. temher Rund trip 121. limit 2 days Thl la a rare oprortanttv to InTeWii. Cte the fertile, the promising. Klsmsth R '.tK Mstbodlft. ! Taylor-Street Rev Henjamln Tount, ,D D.. pastor Sermon. 10.30 a m and i 7:45 p m Topics. "The Problem of Pain" and. "The 5reatne! of Gentle " Classes. 9 3'' a. m ; Sundav 6:30 p. m . I Sunnvslde Fast Yamhill street, be lt ween East Thlrtv-flfth and Thlrtv 1 sixth streets; T B Ford Services. 11 i a. m. and 7 :30 p m . Junior league. 3 1 p m ; Senior league. 6:15 p ni , : day school, 9:60 a. m. j 6t John F I. Young. Strvlces. 11 i a. m. and 7.30 p m . Sunday school. 10 a ra Epworth Rev Charls T McPher son. Services In Oregon building, at ' fair grounds. 11 a m. and 7 :4r. p m. ; Sunday school. 10 a. m, Epworth league, 6 30pm entenary Corner of Fast Ninth and Pine street. Clarence True Wilson. D D.. pastor Ser1ces 1 a m. and 7 30 p. m : Sundav school. I (I . m Chinese MlsslonChsn Sing Kl. Service. 11 a m and 7 JO p. m. Mount Tabor Services. 11 a. m. and' 7 Jo f, m Trfnltr Corner of Kt Tenth and East Grant. Iwl F Prrith. Serrlce.i. 11 a m and 7 J") p m . Sunday chool. 1 . m . class meetlrg. IJ It p m ; Junior league, i p m , Epworth league. 11 r. m. Sermon by Rev Aura Episcopal. Trinity Nineteenth and Everett streets; Dr. A. A. Morrison. Services, 8 a. in., 11 a. tn. and 8 p. in.; Sunday school. 9:45 a. 111. St. Matthews First and Caruthers streets; Rev. W. A. M. Breclt In charge. Holy communion. 7:30 a. in. -Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Mar tyr Thirteenth nnd Clay streets; Rev. H. M. Ramsay. Communion, 7:30 a. in.; services, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. St. Andrews Portsmouth; Rev. Fran cis O. Jones. Holy communion and ser mon, 11 a. m.; evening prayer, 7:30 p. m. St. Paul's Woodniere; C. L. Parker, i lay reader. Servico at 11 a. m.; Sunday 'school. 9:45 a. tn.; Rev. W. A. M. Hreck i will officiate. I St. Mark's Corner of Nineteenth and , Quimby streets; Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, i Holy communion, 8 a. m.; services. 11 ia. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. m. St. John's Memorial Sellwood; Rev. II. D. Chambers. Services, 11a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. m. 1 Good Shepherd Sellwood street and Vancouver avenue, Albina: Rev. John Dawson, rector. Communion, 8 a. in;: Sunday school. 9:45 a. m.; morning serv-1 Ice, 11 a. m.; evening service, 7:30 p. m. St. David's East Twelfth and Bel mont streets; Rev. George H. Van Wat ers, D. D , and H. Clinton Collins. M. I) clergy. Holy communion, 8 a. ni ; Sun-; day school, 9:45 a. m.; services 11 a. in. and S p. m. 1 Ascension Chapel Portland Heights. Services, 11 a. m. ; Church of Our Savior Woodstock. ' Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. tjt Xinthttnui. Swedish Immanuel Nineteenth and Irving streets. Services, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. ; Sunday school, 9:4f a. m. Norwegian Synod East Tenth and East Grant streets; Rev. o. Hagoes. I Sunday school. 9.30; services, 10.30 a. m. and 8 p m. : Betanla Danish Union avenue and' Morris street; Rev. J. Stott. Services. 11 a, m. and 8 p. nv.; Sunday school. 10 a. m. j St. James' English West Park an! Jefferson atreots; J. Allen Leas. Serv-! Ices. 11 a. nv; Hunday school, 10 a. m. f Norwegian 45 North Fourteenth! street; Rev. J. M. Nerving. Services st! 11 a. m. and 7:30 p, m.; Sunday school,: 9:45 a. m. i St. Paul's German East Twelfth and I Tllnton streeta; Rev. A. Kruse. Serv-1 Ices, 1J:30 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday 1 s hool, 9:30 a. m. Trinity German (Missouri Synod) 1 Corner William avenue and Sellwood street; J. A. Rlmbach. Services at 10' a m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 9:15 a. m. Z.lon s German (Missouri Synod) Chapman and Salmon streets. W. H Behrens, pastor. Services, 1 n ; 1 and 7:45; Sunday school. 9:30 a. nv; serv ices in English, first and third Sun days. Swedish Augustan Rodney avenue and Stanton street; Rev C. A. Tolln Services. 10ML a. m. and 7:46 p m. , Sundav school. 9:30 a. m. Swedish Mission Corner Seventeenth and Gllsan. Rev. B. J. Thoren, pastor Olive Branch Mission 2 Second street. Meetings every' night at 8 o'clock, and Sunday at 3 p. m. Rev. A. J. Youngberg of Seattle will speak at tho Swedish Free Mission, at Tuttle'n hall, corner of Mississippi ave nue and Shaver street, today (Sunday) at 3 in the afternoon and 8 In the evening. MATS 15-25- 50c NIGHTS 15-25- TUFATDlf 50-7Sc JOHH W. COWBIDIKE, OBIT. MOB. Advanced Vaudevtlle-'-Week August 94. Jessie X.. Laky "A Wight on a Home boat." Grant fc Hoag, Hickman, Miller ft Co., Martlnettle ft sylroster, Bertie Herron, John and Mae Burke, Mr. and Mr. Erwtn Connelly. ORFHZUM MOV ING PICTTJKES. TOE GRAND-all -Vaudeville deLnxe THIS WEEK. HOP RS' GLOVES ft Mo- Great Special Sale at MoAllen Donnall'. Hop pickers canvas gloves on sale at 6c a pair. Outfit for tho hop fields here and save money. McAllen & Mc Donnell, Third and Morrison. FAG4XT ft BTBOlt In Their Hove Singing and Dan cing Interval, "An Entertaining Oddity." Jame ft Prior. Florence Mo den Oo. in "Bargain Mad." Alioe Robinson, Fred Morton, Harry Xraton Co. Fred Bauer and Grandasoop. The Paclflo Telephone ft Telegraph Com pany's ZTew Telephone Service From Portland to Oregon City In Effect August 28. 1908. Before making a call tn Oregon City subscribers will plcaso consult directory and give desired number to the exchange operator, preceded by the name "Ore gon City-" thus: "Oregon (.ity Main 314' and wait with the receiver to the ear the same as when making a city call If the deslrd number is not known, and does not appear in tha directory, tt should be obtained by cnlllng "Informa tion Operator." I! will not be necessarv to ask for "Long Distance" and give the name of the person wanted, as heretofore. A rate of 10 cents for the first two mlnules and 5 cents for each additional minute will be charged for the new ser vice The charge does not begin Until the called station answers PANTAGES THEATRE ADVAJTCED VAT7DEVII.IjB. Btara of All Nation. BOTTOMIEY TROUPE Greatest Casting Aot in America. KROO.VD FEATURE WHAWGDOODLE QUARTET Presenting Plantation Soenes, Coon-Town Cut-Up in Buck and Wing Dancing. Matinees dally, 15 cents, two shows at night, 15 and 25 cents. IT T $10.00 tarr hurt a bit. SET OF TEETH FOR tyJ Written Guarantee for 10 Tears. CROWNS Any tooth In the mouth we crown with solid gold, 22k. fruaranteed to be the fij fin est. for only ip'teWU Any Porcelain Crown made no mat ter what they are called or how they are made. Our price J AA Is only tpteWU BRIDGES Solid Gold Top, Solid Gold Backs, Porcelain Stt (fefft Fronts, per tooth ftteiW Solid Gold Teeth. 22k, , AA bridge, per tooth peWW All other work same price propor tionately. rAllSIIbS EXTRAOTIOB Free When Plates or Bridges are Ordered. Absolut Guarantee. LILY DENTAL PARLORS THIRD AUD COUCH STREETS. Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone A-1010. Open Sundays. THE LYRIC TEE ERVTlT-BI.UXrKAIiIi CO. Present "Confessions of a Wife" ALL WEEK Sunday Matinee, August 30, A CELEBRATED CASE LISTS Of NAMES OF SAN fRANCISCO MEIT Call trades, professions, vo cations I. WOMEN (arranged by residence loca tlon ). FIRMS (classified). Lists furnished on typewritten sheets, or on 3 by 5 printed cards for keeping record of what is sent and the results. Write us for ltsta. or for any other advertising J0HNST0N-DIENSTAG CO. Advertising Agency 33 Kearny St., San Fraaolaoo. Ask for . ropy of BESUT.TS, a magazine of thouaht on business subjects. Services. 11 a. day school, 10 m. and a. m. 7:45 p. SUQ- TXnlWd ETW.n-3lcJ. First Corner Kaat Tenth and man streets; Rev. A. A. Winter m.. Sunday school; service at 11 and 7:45 p. m. Sermons by Rev. Ballantyne. Second Fargo and Kerbv street" Rev. C. C. Poling, pastor. Services., 11 a m snd 7 30 p m St. John's Ivanhoe and John streets Re.y. Chester Paul Gatea. Preaching, 11 a. m.; Sunday chool at 10 a. m. Ockley Green Gay street and W11 liamette boulevard: Rey. J. howero ptor. Services. 11 a. tn. and 7:44 p. m.; Sunday chool. 1 0 a. m. Sher 10 a. a. m J. M. TheWhite Temple Twe'fth a-1 Taylor Streets John Roach Straton, D. D. Rrilla'-t Author. I,e.-tcirer and Fre.vher. Will Speak SUNDAY 10:30 A. M. "THE WORLD'S GREATEST TRAGEDY" 7:45 P. M. "The Highway to Success" PRBI) BUTLER The Ftmnii Vspel Solalst. Iait i Baker Theatre a'1' Maln 2 ! OKOKGE Ij. RKER. (ieneral Manager J Opening of Season Sunday Matinee August 30. 1908 I Grace Cameron and the CAMERON OPERA COMPACT i In the Tatest New York Musical Success LITTLE DOLLY DIMPLES Matinee Prices 25c. 50c Evenings. I5c, ftOc 75c. $1. Seats Now on Sale. The Pioneer Movlny Picture House 130 BTTTTH STREET VERT LATEST SCH-IRCTS , CHANGED EVERY PAY Moving Picture Theatres poial Hotio to Manag-er. lMva,skiWe rent the latest feature .f films. Including song slides bSu"' and records, cheaper than any house in the Cnlted States. Newman Motion Picture Exchange 393 Bnmald St. Writ for Catalogue Oakland vs. Portland TEETH TEETH j- Save Money. i Come nnd have free examination. AVE EXTRACT TEETH FRER SILVER FILLINGS 3Rk UP GOLD FILLINGS TS CP ; SET OF TEETH 94.00 SPLENDID SET $8.00 GOLD CROWNS . . ..2.50 TO $S.00 J All work guaranteed for ten year Lady attendant always present. All work done absolutely without pain by specialists of from 12 to 20 year' experience. Boston Dentists 991 Vi Morrison st, Horn Pnon A-3030. Ope PoatoftiM. Phon Main BO30. Cranberries yoar heart content alnrg I"nper Klammth lke or vl1t mrT-ku Crater lake i A ne-1aJ Pullma rsr IM thrtvogh to Wed for be ranfort of this ' --i'tnaa rar It. tnclndlng night car at " e rtirr mar enter thl oe r any time after 1 Patnrdav lft. Cs'l at rltr tv-trt effi-e, Tn1r4 an4 WelagtMi atreet. for parttculsra fn" Central Rull nd Kerby streets J T. Abbett Service. 10. JO a. m. and 7 I p m ; Sunday chcol. It m Putton Mtcfcigsn vnue aod Carpen ter. II. T. Wire, Service. 11am. anj 7.1 p m . Grace ;orf-er of Twelfth and Tavlor i treeta Rev. William H Hept. pastn terrt", 11 a. re. and 7 41 p. m. I Mreml- rla, J Vlork; Sunday ZranrsUoal AMoelatiosa. Flrt English Eaat Sixth anifMar ket treet. 8. A. 8lewert, peetor. 8erv. Ice at 11 a. m and m ; Tourg I'eopie alliance. 7 p. m.; Sunday eehool 19 a. ra. Flrt German Corner Tenth aad Cly i street: Theodore 8chuer. pastor Permon at lt:4S a. in. and 7:4 p. m, Sunday school. 9:10 a. m. Memorial Et Eighteenth and Tib hett. U..C. Hoover, pastor. Preachlag at 11 a nv and T.I p. a.; Sunday scnooi. it b m. KBCXSATIOV Fill, COB. VAUGHH AJTD 84TX STS. auqust as. ae. 87, aa, 89. so. Games tegln week days at J 31 p. m . Sunday. 2 30 p. m. Almlnslon fe Rleacher. I5c; grandstand. B0c, toxes. :5c extra; children, bleachers. I ??: grandstand. Ite. INDIES' DAT PJUDAT. Ry under II free to bleacher Wednesday. Diamond House Paint GUARANTEED I gallon lota, S1.40 Pr gal 1 gallon lota, Sl.SO per gaL Manufactured by PORTLAND SASH & DOOR CO. 030 Pron SU, PortUX. Or. THEJ TOirtom iw The Pr.xy 1KB AI1SOMI Wf'ern fkit. Seat and Pun'' Stsnli-g comx: Room Free CatiMta. Central Eat Twentieth aiM Fst. caol. II:1( p, ta.; St. Paul a mission, ' Salmon streets. Rev. J. T. Obormley. TEA There is no Schilling's Best not in packages, "air-tipht" packages Tw trmm rr re Nl Pt tt: HI lim. "The Teddy Girl PONY CONTEST Takes Place Saturday, ScpL 5 All coupon are etiif grtod. WRESTLING MATCHES TOMGQT. rmroAT An iittuit r. x. rutton lam. BeptentWe II. Car Ut and Alder. Cranberries j Sc u a rin twg Co. f HIT m-ott. 14Th STARK TRKK.1l HAIR UALSAM WILH0ITH1.NERALWATER LAPRS St' T1IOMAS 14 I' in Fla . r- 1 t t I'll Little 4AfHcts" iy.