The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 26, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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ntir nflin
UML IHrtll
with the nighty rn 1 1 1 1 1 m n of ico
!. HUN. lined Ui I rpl carllt. IUI
lax-H tie has he-en sbNoluiriy
That dominant lraderahlp
rjk. r of (ho luiubc. muma
ii,lltea 4 1 f tha atclntte. alitl
. Ikua if III lnwiii..HM ii.M.-l.llir'ti 1-1 i I
I It t fur till protection of III I I tn htet
ni- n '-olv HKHinbt till- demand of !h
I (Mi llte.1 lllfl II lirilMI .ltiK4il nv
tl .it . in Iv lii lla iMbHfnitl 'ni ei tlmi .
i ll. .-ai. Mini after dursluk- Mi. Koo"e-
' J"',":7;H,n;!i ni'.r:.:- .-'I Disclosures Jfcsult in Affair.
m I reform leKlaintlon. hitvInK i ;
John Worth Kern JI.n .'t
lleil Smnvrs .'it P.rvan
Jh.ininaiM'O't in
Grasp of Miirliinr Thai
Made l.oof.-lt I'utih1. ;
, .lied libs imatliitod denim. I"! Ion I "
.l in .f.K.I With the, fllirht lioni to
;t..i i" I. in id ml Mat rat Ion uft'-r hl. fi
ll .Hi tat.-d n coiiuiilt t'o In lkn iluiiK-
( the i iiniiutlKti. ii ml 1i now In f till :
: i . ; ! .if Hi . i f Mrn:l nlr.-'l 1 ''HI I
Not to Ba roolad on Tariff. j
II.- mti'ij of Am-tha re n I llk-lv
' I I.-, ! .-,1 to : I: i Iff .110 1
Hi. Mo.k uik llli- lit of tl.O !
Jnl rod udn Ordinance
as to Women in Saloons
(Jenesee Visited by Outlaws
Wjio Secure $3,000 and
Get A w ay.
I'ounrilmari' Cellars will this after
noon Introduce for (he eocnnd time T 1 1
"irilntuio. to prohibit aaloonkecpci a
fi.iiu allowing women to enter saloon.
i . ! :i i;o
i ; I I lh il t
i . n In esc
.11 e ill. li.M uii'l
it x 1 1 .1 i n . In
(fritted I'rrni Ie4 Wlr.l
Alif rrt.-i-n. a. I.. Aug-. 2(1 -It Is re
I i rt".l h. re thin iilii'rnoiin (Imt robbers
lo.ikn Ititn a hunk at OrnMW, N. IX.
ter mi'!. I'lnn V lltiil. 1 ll' mine Is dim to tho evidence which 1 1. 1 1. i .tiul cueaped with 13,000. The
. to I... p.i'.l b tli" I i h h itulrj to tho councllmcn this , si. .-riff tin t several p.,.-reB urn aftur the
I. ! ta . ! I l knows
of th.' inn. la of tho
llirfsKur. - - iiiiiirht. hoi'utiii.' thev had mtveral hours
i.MTiiito'iii der til. H this resort operates was or- .,,,. ,,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,
iii'irnltiK in re nurd to the (.'Inb mfo ut ulibftri" who tnki'n to tho hills.
Si N. venth iitre( when the lli-en.e un- " . " "' rol.l.ern will bo
, (pert! PUpetfh to The Journal
Indlatmj.iili.i, Am L 6 '."Ik" :l'lil
of John Worth K.m In n.-.- t't ! ''U ' '
Democratic nomination for 1. e '''''r ' ;
dent of the United 8ttfs whs In full
i at follows:
I appreciate moat hllthly thla Rnnl
honor conferred upon me by the unani-
. ' moua vote of the rpresentnt!vn of my
V' rarT ln national convention assem
bled, and I shall strive most earnestly
to aarn a continuation of the confldi-n.-e
and good will manifested bv thut ac
tion. 1 did not aeek this nomlna-tlon
'. ' Indeed. If ray own personal desires had
btien consulted, anuthur would have re
ceived tha honor, but It having: come to
ma without solicitation I prize It all
tha more, and accept It with a full
sense of the burdens and responsibil
ities. Al a candidate I shall try to
'wear tho honor worthily, and as fHitn
jully a I can discharge all the duties
properly devolving; on mo as one ol
your standard bearers, and If elected I
- promise to serve ull the people of thu
republic bv the conscientious discharge
of the duties of the office.
It is pleasing; to me to be associated
ln thla campaign with the distinguished
gentleman to whom the standard of the
party has been committed. For years
we have been friends. I recognize ln
him a man of spotlnes character and
hleh ideals, always actuated by patri
otic motives and an earnest desire to
promote the welfare, the honor nn.l
(tlorv of his country. He became your
candidate because his nomination was
demanded bv the rank and file of the
party, which demand was emphasized
by a popular movement ln his favor,
which, as it proceeded, so grew in vol
ume and force as to become irresistible.
. ' Bryan's One-Man Power.
A distinguished Republican the other
s day referred to his influence with his
party as a one-man power. If by that
lie meant to say that Mr. Hryan pos
sessed the power, in a market! degree,
to Influence the thought and arouse the
conscience of the republic as no other
man of his time, or if he meant that by
his upright life, his consistent course,
his appeals for right living- and patriotic
.action, he has earned the confidence and
jaersonal affection of millions of his
v ' countrymen, and gained tho respect and
.' admiration of all the people of the
world who love liberty and humanity
then the distinguished gentleman was
right with respect to the one-man power
of William Jennings Bryan.
The Republican nomine for vice
president. In his recent speech of ac
ceptance, affected the belief that the
question, "Shall the people rule?" im
plied a charge of venality against the
American electorate. He affirmed, with
i great emphasis, that under recent Re
publican administration the people have
ruled without hindrance.
It Is passing strange that ln a repub
lic like this there should be occasion
for a discussion of this question. It Is
a government of the people and by the
people. They presumably govern them
selves tnrougn ineir servants wnom
I l.
il i
ir..t ion. In Li.-. I ti f"f the nn'tn . ,, r, re oked because lb proprietors, i country to travel In
Ui.'t.n aii.l burgctit, had sold l(,er to
mm. -I, two Kirls, aged 17 ami 1 !i jears
'lli- a. lion or lliu colllii lluieii this
m.'Miltig vn.s l-i-fl'i-HliIng to ttjoto. who
lone u.itiln'il Minilar oio.-i-i diiiKX In
b-K . Hun tin- in. in oei p. ordered the testimony
i e.i
f ci . at I: l.- a lieeeMMlt fur ill
I I IMIIIOTI, l pi.lfllK I- I
n .-ruing to . tl'.'t the
IrMllK I'l'Hi'l "I lb" H. n ol linn 111
i . .i f '.a t a f iv 1 1
i.i I'-ii 1 1 .-in-.-: i . N .
' 1 1 m ui tli. in.ihses Is
Tualatin Farmers Raise the
.Money and Give lirht of
Way to Secure Branch of
Oregon Electric Through
Vallej for 1 1 Miles.
Secretary Sniythc of Oregon
Commission Will Seize
All Law Offenders.
(Siwelal DUpatia to Tba Jnaraal.)
Atlanta. !Oa.. Aug. . The fleorgla
leclslatura assembled !s(ln special, ae
lon pursuant to tha recent call of
Oovamof Smith. The convict lryin
problem Is tha chief matter to receive
lh attention of the lawmakers.
I-. - - '. i .
H'ontlriucd Krom Page (ne.
I i' -. i-i.-i nun nun a ii'-tu uik 01 ooiii ... 1,,,,,, niu,riA ....11.. in .
,"ll,.,y ; Hides voted to revoke Die i oomey nnd the business men of therl " mnmnii-i
The soup hons, s of i'7-S In the larire' in, ' h.- e l.l.-n. e was coiiclusl ve i "r"1 end. Mayor L,ano did not evade
cities of the counlM' mi a rea llio. 1 1 .n end tlmre was no doubt In the minds i "", Issue at stake ln the second coinmu-
l ut n part of the ruf ni-i ex pe.-tn - . ..f any of the couiicllmen for end one : nl,'n 1 ion any more than he did In the first
tl 't.s" of Republican statesmen. voted to revoke Ihe license when his , and said that the law la being violated
The t -inner und. i -'ninU that while nuine was called. , land that the law lias been Invoked, and
he has to buy ev-rvt b'nif In a protected Councilman Cellars believes that while that It ennnot be successfully executed
market, where, on m arly etcry pur- tha ooiinciliiu-ii aie In their present state - unless the necessary means are pro
. base, he is compelle-l to j.av tribute lo ! nf mind lenardlnK the, evils which wero vidod.
the trus's and tariff benerlclarles, ; aUown to rxlat In ndutlon to the pic- Along tills line Mayor lJn also said
enc.i of women in saloons, the. ordinance that he did not Intend to convey to the
which was Introduced by Councilman : councilman thut tlio conditions ln I'ort
l'rlscoll last February, and which was I land are worse than In other cities and
finally killed lust month, could now be suited that ln fact they are better ln
uasaed. many ways than ln surrounding cities
ilra. Baldwin appeared before the and that there is an Improvement over
council this morning and told what she old conditions In that at present there
hud teen in W'roten & Sargent's saloon, 'are fewer accompany ing crimes such as
winch is henouth Merrills hall, termed robberies or strangers than In me past.
nut despite tno conditions set rortn
the city. Her testimony this and explained by the mayor tha coun-
inoinlug was similar to that bufore tho oilmen did not sen where they could be.
lie is compelled to sell his sur
plus products ln a free trade market
where he comes In competition with all
1 1. a rest of the world.
Bemady for Swollen Tort tines.
The president rails against swollen
fortunes as menaces to tne public wel
fare and as promotive of evils which
eat at the very heart of society. As
eat at tne very nesn i 'vr , ,v Mrs. Baldwin as one of the worst
remedies no ua ttn mi., ,1. in nllfa Is In t
i that f i.aI p I ,1lA,, l
liquor license commitee Monday. She In any way responlble for the prnent
tax and nn Inheritance tax that their
growth may be to some extent checked.
The national convention of his party
Is silent upon the question of these pro
posed reforms, while the possessors of
most of these swollen fortunes, allied
as they are with the dominant forces of
tho Hepublfcan party, are giving gen
erous support to the Republican national
The Democratic party, while favoring
told of visiting the saloon and finding , conditions and refused to take action
girls and women entering the side dour on the communications although they
of the saloon, which opens on the hall j referred the Tnomey petition to tho
leading to the dance hall above. mayor. Now that they know the condi-
Trled Hard Both Wars Hons the councllmen are evidently of
Wroten. one of the
With a bonus of H.K00 guaranteed
by three men alone and a general move
mont Blurted en the pnrt of Tualatin
valley farmers it Is pifibable tho Ore
branch lino from Heaverton, on Its For
est tirove divtslun, 14 miles through
the Tualatin to l.oveland.
Meetings of the farmers ln the val
ley have been ar run god for next week
when the proposition of giving tha rail
roau a rtsnt or way and possibly
bonus fur constructlnif the I.ovoland
branch will be placed before the rrop
erty owners ln the valley. That they
nra aimoBi unanimous in desiring an
extension or the line Is beyond doubt
When the Oregon Klectrlc secured Its
right of way for Its Salem and Forest
Grove lines tt announced that It would
extend Its system wherever the farmers
wished It and where It was 'thought
mat it would pay, but that lnno case
would It make a fight to secure a right
of way, as It had had to do on its other
The men who are endeavoring to se
cure the. I.oveland extension began work
Aionaay, in an effort to see what the at
tltude of the farmers toward the line
would be. They have found three men
who are willing to give 1500 each to
ward a bonus and It is probable that
the right of way will be offered the
railroad before tha officials are con
suited. The movement Is being con
ducted without any conferences with
thn mlnH thnt It will t,A well lo let uell
wtiers of the ..,..i, i vrD,.rt.. r .. ..'- r.mrv.,,i-
place, was present and said that In. had ,.Htlo of this morning follows:
endeavored In every way to keen minors -i .i,., ii,ki on
ion m.iii.i "i'iii" ie,..i,.,.e ... i ... , n,i.,UKI, ,,,e umiHiiip (jcntleuicn In a communication ad
Ropiibllcan national convention, has an-(of the testimony from the innuicipal dressed to you on the 18th Inst call
other remedy It would, by legislation i court showed that he employed an extra ing" at tent Ion to the condition In thla
in larte degree cut off the streams of I force ton the night dances were held in ..i... ...latin. t hDn.,iv v,o,,0 ur.,i the
money which under the present system .order to aooommodato the crowds which nw concerning same' it seems that I : ,ne railroad, although It Is generally un
are flowing from cverv home in the land , gathered to attend the dances. ,, n,,t make my meaning quite plain to ! derstood that if a right of way Is se-
and emptying Into the coffers of thei Lawyer John F. I.ogan apcared for xume of you , cured tree of cost that tho railroad corn-
trusts v roten but it was evident that he was t was not Intended by me to cor.- ; pany will extend Its line without fur-
it would leave ln tne pocKeiR or tne arguing a lost cause lrmu the start vev to von the iTnnresslon that cond! -:ther delay
priHlucers and laborers of this land The evidence against Wroten was s-i tjons In 'this city In tills respect are imv I The Oregon F.lectrio has nearly com-
every dollar of the money they earn. ' concluslvo that he was bound over to worse than they are In other cities noriplcted Its Forest drove extension, al-
save only such amounts as mav lie nee. 1- i the grand Jury by the municipal court that thrv are ' worse here than they j t hough it is not operating cars over the
ed for the economical admlnlsl ration and the council did not delay action in have been ln the past, for in many wavs'-i new line yet. Rails are laid into Hllls-
oi in.- s" n niii.-iii. .llama nun Kumy mis morninir. I.o- t ,,-v nm better- ttinn ln surrounding i burn and it Is nrohab tbnt inin. n,tn
In other words, It would undertake to ; gun asked that tills morning's liearinir cities and
Thomas Jefferson: "Kuual and exact tiled.
Justice to all men: special privileges to The disclosures revealed bv Mrs.
nu " Baldwin's testimony were of such start-
The Flgat Is for Principle. ling and revolting nature that theru did
It has no war to waee on conital
It has no quarrel with corporations . chamber but was of tho opinion that addition lo the police force to close all
honestly capitalized, which c-irrv on a! wom-n should be barred from saloons, existing bouses of the sort, for it will
legitimate business according to law. ' sh" Vdd of visiting a HHloon last alght - not. that being the easier portion of the
It will encourage Ihe Investment of1 lrl company with a chief of police from (task; hut I did wish and do wish to he
capital ln the development of the coun- i anotner city to una a young girl. She understood ns saying that It will entail
try and protect it when Invested
Ni n 1 m o fni-'im en f
bring about In government a realisation i be put over until after the session of old conditions In this city, in that thev
of that good old Democratic maxim of i the tirand nurv hut even this iv:,u r 1. ri-.raot an,1 are' attended with I
fewer accompanying crimes such ns
robberies from the persons of strangers,
"Neither did I wish- to be understood
not appear to be u person in the council as saying that It would require , any I
bo operated some time next month.
(Tutted Press Leaaed Wtrs.t
Boston, Mass., -Aug. 26,-r It was an
nounced today that the board of In
quiry appointed by the Immigration
l.4ireiiii to Invpnfiffntii the nana, nf th.
shim mai mis gin came or .n eminent ly j much additional wora upon tne imn nm Mormon converts who arrived on
We must and will win this battle I respectable family living In un adjoin I- i force if tho evil Is to be kept from the steamer Republic several rtav turn
without the use of money, or the Mid of I '"K cltv and that the first thing the girl secretly scattering itself about the ol Ly. from Kurope has decided to deport 13
corporate power. If our adversaries so fii'' ui",ri arriving in I'ortlan.J was to go "I would like also to be understood o them.
desire, let them pursue that course. j to this saloon and meet a man. Mrs. rs saving that my action In calling at- i Twenty-three of the Immigrants are
But there are times In the llfo of Baldwin refused to reveal the name of.tentlon to the matter Is not done for j held for further Investigation and the
a nation like this when monev and I saloon because she Is gathering political purpose or to embarrass: rest have been allowed to land
coercive Influences are of no avail. j dence against It which she will present i you and that I quite fully appreciate I Tho immigration officials declare tho
thev send to reDresent them in congress.
Their will, when known, ought to be
supreme and should be given Imme
diate .errect.
And If the will of the people, once
known. Is iiot given effect, then the
people do not rule.
Joa Cannon's One Man power.
Will any Intelligent man claim that
there Is or has been any substantial di
versity of opinion In this country on the
ouestion as to whether the tariff duty
on wood puln used ln the manufacture
Of paper should be reduced or removed?
In this case the tariff tax operated for
the beneiii of the paper trust alone, al
lowing that combine to levy millions of
tribute each year upon the newspapers
of the country and their readers. The
cress of the country, without regard to
party, united In demanding relief. The
people of our reryablic unanimously sec
onded the demandT The president of the
T.'nlted States threw the Influence' of
his great office in favor of the demand
of tne press and the people. But all
without avail. The dominant forces
within the Republican party had estab
lished In the lower house of congress
a parliamentary condition, in the Inter
est of monopoly, under which ihe sole
power to determine whether a measure
should be- allowed to become a law or
not was lodged in the speaker of that
body and his committee on rules, and
by the fiat of that one man the will of
the press, the people and the president
was set at naught. Behold the spectacle!
On one side SO .000.000 of free people de
manding legislation to right an admit
ted wrong. ' On the other side a few
men engaged in public plunder aided
by the dominating power wlthlnfthe Re
publican party, represented by the pre
siding officer of the once popular
branch of congress! And the plunder
ers and thepe unfaithful public servants
prevail over the people of this great re
public! In this Instance did the people
There comes a time when tha Quick
ened consciences of an enlightened np-i-
ple impel action, which neither money
nor Influence can check.
That time, ln my Judgment, Is here.
Let everjf man from this hour forward
perform his duty in a manly and hon
orable way.
Let this be a campaign of education
and argument. Let our appeals be to the
reason and patriotism of the American
fieople. Let us be vigilant and unceas
ng In honest work for a righteous
cause and a glorious victory in No
vember will crown our efforts.
Leaves Hot Springs for Mid
dle Bass Island Fri
day Mo mine:.
to the council lator. the fact that the moral condition of the! maiorltv of the (
Other stories of similar nature, in- cltv must of necessity depend upon the Ceived assistance or were offered spe
cludlng one about a mother who left her ! tone and character of Its citizens, and Piai inducements to come over The
little boy on a street corner from 8! that If all known houses of this char- Mormon elders here are indignant and
o'clock until 11 at night while thy acter are closed the results ln other declare they will carry the case to Pres
moiher visited a saloon. After tho respects may prove undesirable. I ident Roosevelt.
license had been revoked even Mr. "What I did wish to say, and the Tw0 of t)ie 13 ordered deported are
Logan stated that women should bo ; statement Is Irrefutable and not to he I young girls Catherine and Margaret
barred from saloons and that he was in ! evaded bv nnv one nor to be success- ; Roeburoe, sisters
favor of such a law. ! fully beclouded bv other Issues or de- j J ,
ductions, is that the law t" such rera,rkab,e v,tten ha. been horn
and it cannot h. sVoessf nil - executf Woodnesboro. near Sandwich. Kng
1' ' .tiflnnc n riA Br. land. It has ono head, four eves, four
T V "wT ATI T-VT1T T S4 r1 ' U II H t"c . v,v v,. j w
JWlft Ur UtAjliifj are provided
.'It may j0 that the true Interests of
' " , the city would be best served by keep-
iTYintinned Frftm Pn ere One I iln ueh nlnces In fl district bv them-
! selves, but I do not Intend to allow this kJQEffiH
submerged and roads are impassable. 1 office, while I hold It, to be used as a
'Crops have been destroyed and farms lncatspaw to force them from one place
1 some sections are entirely surrounded I to another to the sole end that they be
by water, making It imposslhl for the finally landed Into the clutches and un
1 people to move out. The property loss ; der the control of a Job lot of rascals
j will amount to many thousands of of Infinitely less worth In every respect
; dollars. The Neuse river has gone four than are "the prostitutes upon whom
j feet oyer the highest water mark pre- ' they prov. Rather than allow this to
I viouslv recorded. 'he done t will close up every house in
tqsi-n finite regardless or consequences.
" "Hoping that my meaning In this
(Rperlal Plana ten to Tha Journal.)
rendleton. Or., Aug. 26. Deaplt their
efforts to evade the Oregon quarantine
aw. Washington sheepmen who graaed
their flocks in Oregon this year will
be forced to dip before moving ou of
the reserves. Secretary Ian P. Rmythe
of the Oregon sheep commission and
State Sheep Inspector W. H. Lytle are
on the alert for movements of Wash
ington sheep ln this state and sre pre
pared to seize any heed which may bo
mov ing through .Oregon territory.
Washington sheepmen recently se
cured an injunction from County Judge
oil Miami of Umatilla county, restrain
ing Oregon officials from enforcing the
dipping law, but this Injunction does
not prevent criminal prosecutions of
Washington sheepmen violating the
Oregon law, and there promises to be
something doing In the way of sheep
dlpplna--when the Washington herds sre
started out of the- Blue mountain re
serves across Oregon territory.
n nU u-uu
Never Falls to Restore
Gray Hair to Its Natural
Color and Beauty.
No matter how long it has been rrar
or faded. Promote a luiurlant growth
healthy hair." Stops Its falling out.
and positively rrmnv..
draff. Keeps hair soft and glossy. Re
1 V, Bubtitutes. times as much
in $1.00 aa 50c. slxe. Is Not a Dye.
L"?.60. drnfjglsts
bead If bonk "The Careot the ilair."
rnilo Hay Spec. Co.. Newark, ti. J.
Hay's Harflna Soap cures rimDi
red, rough and chapp.4 band., and ail .'J1
aaaaa Keeps skin One and sort J5c. driurin. 1
Bead 2c tor lroa book Tha Cari U tZ HZ "
ears, eight legs, two tails and two dis
tinct bodies.
Piano Values That
Attract Attention
The attraction to this store to the piano-buyer is not alone
in the great collection of instruments shown here, but also
in te values, which are evident to all who make investiga
tion and comparison.
By reason of the magnitude of our wholesale business,
we are enabled to command resources and to control facili
ties by which we reduce our selling cost per piano to a
much lower point than is possible for the retail dealer.
Our business is principally that of wholesaling, but we
are selling many pianos here in the city from our wholesale
warerooins because it can be done without any additional ex
pense. This is our wholesale distributing point for ,the entire
northwest, and it costs us nothing fxtra to sell a piano to a
private individual. How can you expect to buy a piano as
cheap elsewhere? AH retail dealers have to add to the cost
of each piano their expense for lights, clerks ami a retail
store, which is usually enormous. We have no expense
whatsoever to charge that department;
Some of the world's best pianos are on exhibition here,
and the low prices at which they canbe purchased is already
the talk of the musical fraternity, vwiy not investigate for
yourself? Our liberal plan of deferred payments makes it
possible for you to own even a MASON & HAMLIN (the
costliest piano in the world).
The Wiley B. Allen Co.
Opp. Commercial Club Entrance. 304 OAK STREET.
(rnlte4 rresa Leiaed Wlre.l
Hot Springs, Va., Aug. 2ti. Arrange
ments for the departure of the Taft
party were completed today and the
start for the week's fishing trip will
be made at 8:30 o'clock Friday morn
ing. Newspaper reporters who have
been wUh the candldato here will ac
company the party ln a special car. the
cost of which Is to be borno in corn-
Salisbury, N. C, Aug. 2d. The heav-
matter has .been made clear
ind Is
The first stop to he made will be 'at
Oauley, where the enr will be side
tracked for three hours. A three-minute
stop will be made at Crulllpolis,
Ohio. At Athens. Ohio. Taft will make
a non-politlcU address to the civil war ! heavy.
veterans. I v. I.I be rea bed at
lest rains in -runny years have nrevalled
here for the last 4S 'hours In central and plainly set forth, I nm, respectfully,
western North Carolina. Much dam- "HARRY LANE.
age has been done and It Is feared lives! "Mayor."
have been lost in the outlying districts, i
Riih v r- V,7- tic t, . ' Elizabeth Jane Dorcas.
rliilplgh. .V ( ., Aug. 26. The rains, ,, ,. .
w-nicir have been flooding this section I Salem, Or.. Aug. 2fi. Mrs. Elizabeth
for two dnvs continued without signs of I -Tana Dorcas. 52 years of age. died at
abatement tod.iv The Norfolk & South- 1 h,'r home at Salem yesterday. Mrs.
ern railway has suspended operations ' ' orcas had made her home here with
between here un 1 Wendell becauso 0f her husband since 1 !9. when the fain ny
washouts .came to this state from V ashing' -m.
I Mrs Koreas was married to John Iicr-
SpartanlMii g S C Aug 28 AU the i ens. .14 years ago. - There are no rela-
hrldges in th! cetntv are either washed ' tlv,''s on ,ne co?st ""P Vlfi chl,-:1rr;-out
or damaged so that they are unsafe i three sons and one daughter, Ethel.
The property loss represents thousands Tgo. Chai les and Ralph,
of dollars Crops have been ruined by j Samuel McCafferty
tne nign waters. ,
Athens, C.a . Aug. 26. Two bridge's
are down at . i.-onee and others are tot
terlng us the result of the floods of the I
last two davs The gas and electricity
supply of the town has been cut off anil
the telephone and telegraph wires are
down. The damage to property la
Island I
vwi-ie i,,.. ee s o-nine will be spent.:
It is evpect.,1 thai a icimtxr of lead-j
ers will ron- to 'he I si i ml during the
with Taft
to boh
, Roosevalt Powerless.
TIm.. rKI.I, V,n,lA. I ..
' stances where tho popular will has been 1 na,rk u onr" '"" Ml, i. lie Has
defied and set at naught by the renl R
publican leadership sometimes by the
one-man power of the house and some
times by the few representatives of
monopoly who dominate the senate.
Measure after measure scores of
there favored bv the pe.ple of al
parties ln many instini-eH aivo.-at'.l
Strenuously by the president -either
failed of passage or was so ems sen 1M te.i
by amendment ns to utterly la;l t-, reg
ister the popular will
Thst dominant ji wht-h now
ruldes- and directs 'he Hei"ii ii ,tn pn " .
as on many occasions dR.-l the prev
dent In esses where he h-,s o-, the i.
tnand of the masses. ma .po-adie ef
forts -In their behslf In som'-
he hSS persuaded this h.-it-lfu; of Ic-ii
rS to. compromise on t'er own trr' s
Nearly 50 Per Cent. Better.
10 o'clock Saturday night and to a void j f T TT T 1 " 1 " I Ii I Ar
Sunday trtiveltrg the party will em- I V 1 1 1 i . V 1 I OW ',( J ). M
, but ni'i- 1-
f 1 s!i! ng unil r' ' re
the bar wo-k
w ill start as s .
.-in 1. w n : ,
quarters. H. ) r
' imi'inat! S. j ! ;
Wl'h C e
'-ml- " t '- '
the :i. ! .
f rs, w i -os- - .ii .
s -r ' if 1 '-. -.-
IV -(P V ! c , ' ;
Ml'S -llai I : ! 1 ..
Mil be spent In
prep-iration for
'i t': -algn. which '
!.e reiiches Cin-
n.ak.; his head
ii 11; start for
1-hn Salked. of
-! atciv one of
1 of hr.ks.-n-
A ic ista.
lo. Us. p. , -t"t'l
II': 1
floods lit :
down. It. .'
!ro:ii i-
Portland Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns !Oc-I5c
36-inch ecru
Curtain Net,
regular 35c
grade, the
35c bleached
hemmed and
edge, each,
it- -
-1 r s. h 'ke.l. w no
t- 1 1 de.-i : in cs nil i
aii' no- and oth- .
A'.g 16 The canal
r'f above the cltv burst
c te: rifle force of the'
v. nter has come rushing!
'.l: the entire city under j
f.-et of water, causing I
t oi. to property at, 2
, " -i. i
.nil Is nine miles long !
: it volume of wHtej
) construction being . if ,
s to produce 1 t.'ifoj '
- n bus ber 'i a t reim-n -
tne commercial deve
Little Liver Pills, i
Must Bear Signature of
P. & G. Naphtha Soap weighs more, docs
more and is made of tetter materials
than any other naphtha soap.
P. & G. Naphtha Soap is nearly 53 per cent, better
than any other naphtha soap.
That is a pretty b:g statement; but it is true.
If you analysed a cake of P. & G. Naphtha Soap and
cake of any other naphtha soap, you would know that it
is true,
P. & G. Naphtha Soap is better than any other naph
tha Soap forthese reasons:
Because k ii mie or much be-er "ft rii'i -ran irr o-Ser ruphths osp.
Its ckaasng fewer u greater.
Beriose rt Yuan thir. inv other rjphths "toip,
it will last ioRftr .
etJ3e it feirhi rmrr, it vr.W do more w-ork.
For Sale hy All G
1 : t
I f
1 e re
Shoes and Oxford
Lot 1 Children's dongola kid lace Shoes; IO
regular 25c kind, the pairT. lwC
I., t 2 Children's dongola- and vici kid CO
Shoes, all styles, black only; vals. to $1 DOC 3 Children's and misses' Shoes and Ort
Oxfords; values up to $1 50, the pair OiC
Lnt 4 Misses' and children's vici. tan "I A
and patent Oxfords; vals. up to $2, pr.aOlal
I.' t 5 Men's and boys' balmorals and Blucher
.tit Slioes, all sires and styles; values A Q
itp to $2.50, the pair pl.4)
I. t 6 Ladies' vici kid Shoes, r!t and turned
-les, all sizes and styles; values up (
to $2 75
lucher cut; vals. up to $3, the pair.
I t 7 Men's Goodyear welt Shoes, $1 OA
$3.50 Lingerie Waists at $1.89
Another lot of Ladies' Lingerie Waists,
made of the finest grade Swiss, entire front
made of panel works of Valenciennes laees
and insertions. A few in the lot are
trimmed in fancy medallions over openwork
Swiss embroidery. All highly finished, posi
tive value $3.50. Your A Qt
choice LlsOJ
Misses' Tailored Skirts $3.98
Misses' Gored and Plaited Dress Skirts,
strictly tailor-made. Materials are Voile,
Panama and Sicilian, in black, browns and
blues ; $5.00 and $f. 00 values.1 (tQ ftQ
For one day only 0JaO
Regular $1.35 Kayser
brand 12-button Silk
Srs'.!he 98c
Regular $4 grade, 16
btitton length Kid
Gloves, brown, black
nd tan, the OO
tor:e are sltnat.-l
and the datn.-ipe to tie
' i to I-e enormous.
f the looks was ur.ex
:r aT.e through with
, hwfore It bad ti-av
..e to tie city It Fprld
' .-r. -i and the advance
'' a to revert pe-.p!
;!i" of ss fet y It
n 'i t n..n. If any. live-.
r v
'rr pi' te in the pa t.i
' - t he break and it I
' k rTi h ; 1 h"..,. s wtre
: t:,e:r upunti. .
5ea Fac-Slmlla Wrapper Betow.
r tai ses
tcfc Tr Jmi,l
A .g The
ts'ng on different
Tary aaaaJU 4 aa T
tm tak as ssfa&
MU l Ull MS
Wat I
ts cmsi I FlUOiy Ti
roi sallow tun,
Attend our CLOSING-OUT SALE of Dress Goods, Laces and Embroideries.
We intend to discontinue the Piece-Go ods Department. One dollar will do the
duty of two while this sale is on.
j r-..r. .f the K'm;.Th bave T II I n 1 IV Hi
-i ? vrH.-S';nH Why Not Rent a Piano?
-. hsyceis tr,i will on:r be" t em- I Arrange to rr.t rour )IM
r ,r r-f. - v j J f-Il If II i R S5 1
V. j' h "smmi-tinn work la a-olrs menta .selected now ara
'Ii tr difer-nt f-.Mr.rwi c'rrpa nn i I? f"mmV', "V n
- nsfl. -he acto-mohiie rovl f IUr- J "'Vorre."1
Laches' leevtles Vests,
ir srie of good Egyptian
yarn, medium ribbed;
reg 15c valus 9
Ladies' umbrella style
knit ji)rawers, crocheted
bottom; values 35c, the
pair 2a
Ladies' New Fall Suils
at $15.00
The Kiro-Klapper specisl in ladies' Tailor-Mide
Suits at this popular price of $1-5; they come in
hiue, brown and black kersey and novelty weaves.
well tailoted in the latest fall fashions, exclusive
outfitting stores will ask $20 to $22.50
our special price ,
42x.V-inch Pillow Cases,
made of fine muslin;
regular 20c value; on
sal 2H
Reg. 75c quality cream
and white Alpaca, plain
or fancy weave, at, the
yard 45
fn.m J'ioa
. lr y.:
r1 . rcT-.r
! tTS't ' to W
I en in miias
! when lentr sre tn b had All Ina'r-j-
Arm r .. ITien, . ' A f ' . ' W n . III! . I I -, I
' i to er.fnm.r.c ?h. rlrat rf MMmhr
va as mar 7 aa
if bfara tha
t r. !S : W rpi r.rr fie., nl. rwl fff I5 M .
tv hrai-h j m, ctr We hsv eth for II an4 11
th c-Tl- ri 1 fiMi om. trr 11 a month, and wa
- j . ' ' FUIH I ' f mm m BI'lllCl. OKI m
ll nuon n tril. rltT, i aamin- njnM of rartsfs whra rlai!o(
pi in aia annc la rrf.trA tl( ptmii r.r nr.Ser EyTS '.
1 1 'Vans House, til WasMr.rtos at. - j
New Silk Petticoats
We sre ahosririg a new arriTl in heavy taffeta
i;k Tetticoats; come In all desirable colors;
$4.00 and Up
Umbrellas at a Quarter Off
Ladies' and gents' medium and high grade Um
brellas; season's opening prices.
At a Quarter Off