THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, ' MONDAY EVENING. AUUST 17. 1908. warn corpse WEATHER REPORT HILT BURNED A well (Win ml high pleasure area 1" 'central over tlie upper Missouri valley 'The bnrotiiftc la relatively low over the par I fir slope, tim! shallow dls I turham e In vfiilial in-ar Luke Huron, j During the last "( himm showers nave ; occurred In Arlious northern New M' Uo, southern Utah, western Colorado, land HI scattered place In tho lower !lke region un.l the New KngUnd'States It In nnntually warm In the Interior of western WnshrnKton and the tempera I lures In the statin earn of the Mis sissippi rhfi' are (lightly ahove nor iiirI. In the Canadian northwest, Mun tana and toe Dtikotas the temperatures (are b low tho n agonal averuga. I 1 nil tin t Ioiik air for fair weather In i this district tonlaht and Tuesday. It 'will lie warmer tonight In extreme east CBpeoLI Plarateh to Th. Jnuriml.) 1 ern Washington extreme northern Idaho laperiai M,ilf,rn 1 ,t lio. and the conditions Ashland. Or.. Auk. l,. Word has just fnvorRh,, for ,.llo(,r weBtlier Tuoa- been received of the tragic death of Mra. tie r,t,., 0r of western Oregon an a Bed widow iiv-;nu nuut'in n ssiimsimi the northern part - NEW TODAY. Aged "Widow Stricken While '.'-Fighting Forest Fire - .. Flames Lick Hody. Railway Addition FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 10 v.- Elisabeth Meager Iror near W.odllh-. In Of this ooiintv. ulill. fighting a forest i n,lk(r ,.)(v , )r fire that threatened lo ,h-.troy her son's Rlsmarck S I Molse. Idaho. . property. Hoston Mnaa. For. ecveial d.iva previous n flerc 1,'hleaito. III... -,,( li.oi raulne in tnc mrau fire r.cwlwton Idaho. l.os Anxeles, Cal. Mnrshfleld. Or. round the Meanerly hem.-, liui througn the efforts of the residents of the lo cality It was gotten under control and , Moorhead, Minn was effectually checked, an supposed. I IWaleUn, Idaho Ti,..,i.. ,,ff,.niiinn tho fire again came , 'ort laml nr. to life. I and was burning the r.r, ornunH the IllHCe Mrs Meagerlv was alone at the house. With the exception of her younger daughter, who was confined to her room by Illness. The aged woman went out to the burning fence a quarter of a mile distant from the house ana pecan tear ing It down to take fuel from the flames. , The excitement brought on -an attack Of heart failure, the aged lady fell In a swoon and soon passed away. 1 he flames soon crept tin to her lifeless body and her right side which was ly ing' toward the lire, was badly burned. Oscar Slinpklns, a neighbor, heard the noise of the fire and rushed to the scene, finding Mrs. Meagerly s lifeless body lvlng in the edge of the flames. Help was summoned from !old Hill and the coroner notified, hut he did not deem an Inquest necessary. NOTIFICATION OF CIIAFLV TOMORROW Koseburg, Or Han Kranelsco, Cal Seattle. Wash Spokane. Wash Walla Wnlla. Wash Temp. Max. Min Preclp. H6 54 0 7 44 0 s s rfi ( 7 2 .04 ' 4 7 f .; 7 0 4S 0 I'S 60 0 'it 6 S 0 4 4 0 m; 4t o da 50 0 . 3 0 ; 4 fir, o f. K 5 2 o 74 62 0 7 4 62 .0 94 6rt 0 Wedding Cards. W'. O. Smith Co., Washington bldg., corner 4th and Wash ington sts. TonaSth A Co., florists, for flowers of all kinds. , 122 6th st. Clarke Bros., florists Fine flowers and floral designs. 289 Morrison St Full dress suits for rent, all sixes. Unique Tailoring Co., 809 Stark st Max M. Smith, florist, ISO 6th st., op posite Meier & Frank's. Main 7215. (United Prest Leased Wire.) Chicago, Aug. 17. Chicago is today a rallying point for prohibition leaders who are here to witness the ceremony of the notification tomorrow of Eugene W Chafin, the presidential nominee of the dry party. Members of the national committee are here to -plan the cam paign. The notification ceremonies are to take place at Music hall in the Fine Arts building. Professor Charles Bean Ion who was permanent chairman of the prohibition convention at Columbus, will deliver the notification address. Chafin will reply in an address point ing out the growth of the temperance cause and urging the members of the party to make a fight this fall. After the notification speeches have been fin ished a public reception to Chafin is to be held at the Auditorium hotel. BIRTHS SMITH January 30, to Mr. ami Mrs. J. J. Smith, 166 Tenth, a daughter. DEATHS ARMKNTROl'T August 13, Bessie Et ta Armentrout, 1007 East Nineteenth, aged 23: pulmonary tuberculosis. BLANCHART August 14, Ferdinand Rlanohart. St. Vincent hospital, aged KS; gastric hemorrhage. (JAY LORD August 14. Rosa Gavlord. 69 East Twentv-flrst, aged 43; in testinal nephritis. Offers Many Induce ments to the Buyer FIRST Best investment in Multnomah county. SECOND Excellent loca tion for a hornesite to the man or woman who wants to save that rent. THIRD No better soil any where. FOURTH Immediate pos session upon first pay ment, FIFTH No r.ed tape build ing restrictions to keep out the laboring man. SIXTH Double-track streetcar service with a 5 cent fare and a car every 7 minutes. Prices of Lots 85, $100, $125 11.000 FOR A 7-ROOM HOUSE! OAS. bath, fine bssemsnt, good barn for i horses; lot 60x119; cloa to our office, half cash, balance t per csnt. This Is a snap. for a fins lot 60x125. close In. cah. x $3.00i) foi flnn 6-rooin rottag In walking distance, gas, bath, fine baee inent, lot 50x 150; 1,000 down, balance 6 per cent. 12,000 for a B-room house, modern; In Vernon, done to carllne; 1100 down, ha lance 115 per month, i per rent. 1 1. arc) for a line lot 50x126, ulosa In. $2,650 for a modern new (-room 2 story house, near Hawthorns ave ; 1600 down $2,400 for a nw modern 8-room bun galow, near Hawthorne ave.; $,'i00 down. $3,3(10 for a modern 6-room bungalow; will make It K-room for $300 more; fine location; $800 down. Stltes & Pcccr 820 I'nlon Avenue, North, I'hone East 4286. FOR flALE FAILMS 17 Bargains 310 ACRES OF" FINK LAND IN Clackamas county; 10 acres clear, good orchard, good ' pasture, balance from 4.H0O.O0O to 6,000.0110 fet timber; fair housa and barn; 2 liorsea, wagon, harness, plow, harrow. Iota of ha, 16 head of cattle, 11 cows; will be fresh next spring; goad running wSter; $20 per acre cash. 160 acres. 100 acres Hear, balance pasture and timber, springs and creek; good t-room house, good barn, young orchard, 3 horses. 6 head cattle and ma chinery and tools; buyer gets half of crop. Trice, 19,600. half cash, balance per rent. 30M acres, 16H acres In potatoes. 3 . cres mora cleared; Joining orchards; miles from Vancouver. The potatoes might nay for the place. Only $2.4on. t,uuv uuwn, nuance a years S per cent. Stltes &, Pcpcr 620 rnon Ave.. N. Thone ICast 42R5 1EAL ESTATE ' DIRECTORY' REAL, EHTATH AND TIMBER DEALERS ALPHABETICALLY ARHANUKD Full THE CONVJKMBNCJS OV JOLHlNAL BBADttftS fjite activity In real estate bears out The Journal's assertion that valuations have sn upward tendency. If you Intend buying a horns, a hornesite, a business block or any other realty proposition, buf now, ii you noisy u win ue i your own expense, consult s. rs- reai liable estate man at once. ADDRESS. TELBPHONB. (10 Kenton Bldg Horn A-41H FIRST-CLASS rATRY. 110 acres. 6 miles from Aurora. 40 clear, best of soil, balance good open, pasture, good -room house, hum 4iixrrt, ' painted, well arranged for dalrv sen- Western Realty X- Investment Company, i arator room attached with cement 607 liuehanan bldg., 38dV Washington I floor, equipped with 4-horse cas engine. SH acres In cultivation, 1 4 miles from Pethany, 1 mile from carlhie. 10 miles frorn Port I .nd; 4-room house, well, barn 3fixf4. level, fine soil, on county road. $175 per acre; $2,000 cash, balance per cent. 'R acres 2 miles Trom Tlgardvllle, $120 per acre Itt 100x100 on carllne, 16 minute service. $1,700, cash $00, 6 per cent. 8 acres at Bathany, cleared except about S acre; fruits; good road; well of fine water. 21 acrea on Ct. W. P. carllne; 17 acres cleared; 100 fruit trees; fine water. A FEW GOOD THINGS IN MONTA VILLA. 6-room modern bungalow; bath, base ment, wood hoist, 2 porches, east front. near car; 2.fou; jaoo cash, Z0 montn at 7 per cent. Good K-room house and half acre; fruit trees, bnrn. vhicken house, plenty of water, close to carllne; $2,400; $300 cash, $20 month. fower separator, feed cutter, root cut er, chopper, pump and buiz saw. new granary, potato cellar, 1 chlcken-honses. i 10 cows, S heifers, 1 bull, 18 hogs, shout ! 200 ChlekS. mower rnbe nn bn.'k trwl buggy, hay fork, disc and drag harrow, stands bees, crop If sold soon. 30 tons hay In barn. 400 8-jear-old fruit trees, all for $5,600. A. F. WILL, Aurora, Or Modern 11-room bungalow; has bath, modern plumbing, fireplace, furnace, basement, oak doors, roaewood fnish, beautifully tinted, gas. electric light. Bargain at So, 000; $500 cash and $30 month. Buys like these beat paying rent HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. Farms for Sale or Trade SI 1-8 acres, 2 miles from Junction City; good orchard, 4-room house, barn, all In cultivation; will trade for city property. Price, $2,000. 8 acres at Garden Home, close to car line; $2,000 cash; will trade for city property. 100 acres 7 miles from North Yam hill. 10 acres in cultivation.' balance pasture; ou acres neavy rir and oak tim ber; 8-room house, goo(J barn, nice young bearing orchard; will trade for city property. Price, $3,000. we have all kinds of bargains in farm and city property for sale and trade. Come and see us. Stltes & Peper 520 Union Ave., N. Phone East 4285. NAME nunir, w. ..... ntitlMii .. Baker, A. A. 115 Ablngton Bldg M-74, A-I157 Hrong-Steele Co 110 Second A. A M-1660 Hunker C V. (Llnnton) , 614 Chamber of Commerce M-Aill ltutterworth A Stephenson Co., no ....84 Lafayette Bldg., th & Wash. .M-86J8 Clark, O. K. and Cook. J. W. 838 Chamber of Com. . . .M-6407. A-I2S1 Cook Co.. B. 8 607-608 Corbett Bldg ...M-953, A-8968 Chapln & Ilerlow 426 Chamber of Commerce M-16S1 Crossley Co.. The 708-9 Corbett Bldg M-7858 A-678J Columhlu Trust Co. (Wlberg Heights) . .714 Couch Bldg M-6881,' A-ll Coast Realty Co 220 Lumber Exchange ..M-1568. A-4160 Conklln Bros y 808 Rothchlld Bld T-806. B-ISJl nunn-I.awrence Co. 248 Aider Main SU, A-I81S Draper, Arthur S. 813H Washington A-2410, M-8870 Dean Land Imp. St Colonisation Co. ...631 Chamber of Commerce. .A i M-1370 Espey-Melne Realty Co. ... Kllla York & Co 818 Commercial Bldg M-5808 101 Merch'ts Trust Bldg. M-4T75. A-1J75 ...Pao. 1613. A-40S8 Tuchs, F I2H4 Morrison ... Onldschmidt'E Agency 263 H Washington ......... M A A-I08C Goddard, H. W 110 Second A & M-1741 IToibrook Co.. F. B. (Trvlngton Park) Holmes & Menofee (Irvington) Hawthorne Realty Co , . . 1 Worcester Bldg ,.t M-SS9S Third M-6008 ..1021 Hawthorn av. cor. 84th, Tabor 61 Irvlngton Investment Co. 331 Chamber of Commerce .M-817T Jackson Peering Jacobs-SUne Co. .. A Farm S. UNDERTAKERS DUNNING. M'ENTEE & GILBAUGH. undertakers and embalmers; modern In every detail. Seventh and Pine. Main 430. Lady asai stan t. T P PimiW &- Son Third and Lady assistant. Madison. Main 9; A-1599. MILWAUKEE THROUGH LATE NEXT YEAR Chicago,' Aug. 17. Through service will be Inaugurated on the Chicago, Mll- ZHLLER-BYRNES CO.. FUNERAL DI rectors, embalmers, 270 Russell, East 1088. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLM AN, UNDERTAKER, ERIC80N UNDERTAKING CO., EM bj?jmiP-giJdZJ!g,'t: 09 Alder, M. 6188 CEMETERIES ROSE CITY SINGLE GRAVES, $ld- ..ltM c. o Paul railroad's Pacific -u id io. superiniena- waukee & t. faut raiirooa s acuicent Bt cematory corner of Fremont st coast extension late in 1909, according i and Cully road. Phone Tabor 208. For to the statement of a high official to day, who also declared that the new road will break all records by building 117 bridges in 115 miles of track. The , stretch of track which is to be so Ilb i erally supplied with bridges is along the MURselshell river, which divides Fergus and Yellowstone counties in Montana. Travelers on this section of the road "Will go from Fergus into Yellowstone county 69 times and return into Fergus county 68 times in the 115-mile course. Efforts are being made to assure the completion or the rpur miles or wnarves and docks on Puget sound coincidental ly with the opening of the road, and work on the $400,000 terminal at Ta eoma will be rushed. In discussing the work at Tfttoma the official today said the carshops there would be the largest and most complete on the coast. full information apply to Frank Schfe- gei. Paz Worcester blk. Phone A-2S23. EASY PAYMENTS $10 Down and $5 Monthly Buying Lots In Railway REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Have your abstracts made by the Se curity Title & Trust Co., 7 C. of C. lltle Guarantee & Trust com pany to Franquillio Gianola, lot 28, block 20, Berkeley loo Title Guarantee & Trust com pany to Carlo Rua, lot 26, block 30. Berkeley ino jewis -. ijove ana wire to Ellas Brong, 48.19 acres beginning at southeast corner of the Lewis Love desert land claim In town ship 1 north, range 1 east $72,285 Ellas Brong and wife to Broner- Steele company, same as above. 10 ! John Barrett and wife to F. K. I name ai., tui t, OIOC'K 1 2.S25 T.nnirloir KhmilI Ifnvn .Tiietleo Madras From the Washing on (D. C ) Star School District No. 1 lots 6, The more the soaring machine is de- 7 arid nortll haIf f , ; 3 bl veloped by such experirnentors as the j67 Couch addition 24,000 Wright Brothers, Henrj Farmar. Dal- i Garden Park company to Frank 4, 5, agrange and others who are worklne in that field, the more pronounced becomes the Idea that the late Professor Tingley was not merely a pioneer in this field, but that he probably had virtually solved the problem. Although there was much public ridicule of the "Buz zard.'' as his machine was popularly called, scientists recognized that the head of the Smithsonian Institution was workinu alone the lines of nature in his construction. In nothing that has been evolved since the close of his ex periments has there been any note worthy departure from the nrincioles wjucii if i "i in vi lilt '-n nun wnicn were i ..i . u i . r represented In his machine. And it was "'Hennlng t 1 8 17 T b ock also understood that there has been no iSJln ' he'eontrived1" r'r0d"CPd ,han that 'hlch ! David' T fiarding to F Om.Verl he contrlxed. . niont and w)fp ln(s n0 Jn , Arleta Park Liberty in Turkey anil Persia. , R. L. Stevens (sheriff) to Savings From the New York Globe. society, 2 acres hegin- Has Persia, has Turkey, through a ! 'lln5 at Point 5., feet rterth and long century of the most momentous! 3U 'Pet west ofsouthwest cor- chansre !r European government, been I nP,r lf. hlock 9. ( Itv lew wholly blind to what was going on with-I R- J- Stevens (Fheriffl to (er out? Those who would answer "ye"'"! man Savings & Loan society, tfo mT TffirterSTMTid- Off perr-fptloHR OT - -HnHvide 4-S of ht . 4, blee the silent nations. Charles Borgeaud 1 45- Cai-ither s addition describes how Franklin, at that time J- E. Moreland and wife to Varrelmann, lots 3, tdock 2, Garden Park 600 Firland company to A. H. Walker lot 14, block 17. Firland 200 Fred A. Rlaokmore and wifo to Bertlne H. Prudhomme, east 35 feet of lot 4, block 13, Tilton's addition 3,250 A. P. Leohlcr and wife to J. Q. Jones, lot 2. block 27, Hanson's Second addition 2,750 A. II. Glasscock and wife to Will iam K. Bracken et a)., lot 20, block 3, Smlthson Land com pany s addition 4,200 AT PRESENT PRICES WILL PUT YOU ON EASY STREET. Come Out Tomorrow AND SEE FOR YOUR SELF. Take Montavilla car at cor ner Third and Morrison sts. ; get off at corner Villa and Hibbard streets, Montavilla branch office. For further particulars call office. C. P. WELLS 231 Worcester Bldg. Phone M. 3253. $1,800 NICE 6-ROOM MODERN house in Woodlawn; corner lot; $200 cash, balance to suit. $4.250 Nearly new. fine 6-room house in Irvlngton; part cash, balance at 6 per cent. $3,000 6-room house on Mason St.; terms to suit. $1.800 Nice 5-room house, 24th and Taggart; half block from W. R. carllne; $1.2n0 cash, balance 6 per cent. wanted A 6-room modern nouse near carllne, east side. COA8'!' REALTY CO., 220 Lumber Exchange. Telephones Main 1568, A-4150. For Sale Very Cheap 25 acres, 11 miles city, graveled road all the way; 22 acres cleared, good spring, all very strong land, some beaver dam, fine B-room house and splendid orchard; personal property, fine team horses, new wagon, good hack, new buggy, all Implements, 20 tons hav, 2 cows, 8 hogs, 100 chickens, all the fur niture and it's good; certainly snap at $4,500. ' half cash; 15 acres Just this side of it sold last week at $5,200, and It was not as good as the 25 acres above, acre for acre. You want to see this Monday. Hargrove, 1134 6th St.. N.. cor. 6th and Gllsaji. Phone Main 43S1. .246 Stark M-841 US Fifth . M-6869. A-28U lueue iresr. ueraeiey, uoverj Klllingsworth. W. M 828 Chamher of Commerce ....M-4657 Knapp Mackey 7 Chamber of Commerce. .A & M-2010 Keasey & Co.. D. E. (Heights property) Office on Heights A-1674 Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second A ft M-1436 Moore Investment Co. 813H Washington A & M-8707 Moffett. L- L 423 Lumber Exchange ...A-5747 Oregon Real Estate Co.. The H Third .... O. W. P. Land Co. Immigration Bureau. First and Alder ..M-1707 ,.M6688 Bargain 140 acres, 70 acres in cultivation; rv, ei.f .-ont Mrnr In Conk's ad. 1 o-room nouse, nne Darn ana out- Tho finest vacant corner in (ooki Bfl: , huildlnirs- 12 acres of orchard- threo tlon. 100x100. northwest corner of Duila'"5' -J. orcnara, three now epiiiiKa. iois litnu is iu mites irom Pacific Business Exchange 808H Wash., eulte 4 ...M-8675, A-29S8 Palmer, H. P 213 Com'clal Club Bfdg., M-8699. A-J668 Parrlsh, Watklns & Co 260 Alder M-1644 Ralston. L. O. (Ralston Hgts.), American Bank 90 7th at t M. 154 Sweek Chamberlain 61! Swetland Bldg M-4871 Sweet. Elnathan . . . ., 204 Corbett Bldg M-6780 Swensson & Co.. A. F. 263 H Washington A A M-806S Schalk, George D 264 Stark M-392, A-2398 Sharkev & Co Sixth and Washington.. M-550, A-2687 Schaefer. George J 317 Chamber of Com... M-6816. A-8S82 (Coos Bay next) Spier, J. E , 1081 Union ave. N. (Hlghl'd) Woodl"n 62 Stevenson A Taylor 811 Buchanan Bldg ........... . M-1290 Star Real Estate Co 170 Thir d - M-8278 Shields. J. H. C. "C. Hickok 306 Gerllnger Bldg M. 8430 Turner, OeeJrjre W 415 Rothchlld Bids A-1013 Thompson & Ogden ,...848 Mississippi Ava ....Woodlawn 203 Word. T. M 418-414 Board of Trade. .A-2561. M-4661 Wells & Co.. J. L. 806 Chamber of Com. ..A-2355. M-4564 White. B. F 8-9 Labbe Bldg A-1241. M-7334 dltlon. 100x100, north block 2 on Fremont st avenue at 6 per cent. $2,500. $1,000 cash, long tlmelf1'""' n . i " -C land is all of the very best. Sea this farm before buying. Price $S0 per acre. 0. W. P. Laftd Ca First aid Alder Sts. James Bell Room 15 Lafayette Bldg., Cor. 6th and Wash Sts. Main 2310. FOR SALE. i block with fine bearing fruit and English walnut trees, $1,250. hi block. line orcnara, east irom. $1,600. 75x100, corner, bearing rruit, i,ouo. 100x125. corner, enod 8 room house, bearing fruit trees, all in fine condi tion, $3,500. These are all genuine Bargains; u you are looking for a choice home site don"t fail to look these up. 8 blocks to two carlinea; cn give terms. SUMMIT INVESTMENT CO.. 153 Klllingsworth ave. Phone Woodlawn 1617. $150 Cash New 5-room. modern cottage, J blocks from car, 50x100 lot, full cement base ment, tinted walls, mission finish wood work, reception hall, built-in buffet, electric lights; $2,300, balance $15 per month. EAST STDE INVESTMENT CO., 37th and Hawthorne, Tabor 1147, MONEY TO LOAN 27 MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD CITY property frorn 6 to 7 per cent Interest Hickok. 305 Gerllnger bldg. CASH ON HANI.) FOR PURCHASE OF mortgage notes Call "42 Madison st. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 AN IDEAL HOME. 104 acres, within 2 mlls of 2 rail road stations, 74 acres In cultivation, first-class new bulldinga, 7-room house. 2 halls and closets; barn 40x68x22, flrs' class out-buildings, all new and well fainted, 2 horses, 6 cows, 1 Jersey bull, sows, 48 hens, wagon, ouggy and full set of farm machinery. Price $100 per acre including crops. A. F.J Will, Au rora, ur. living in Pussy. c:u.e,l all the. consti tutions of America to he trnnslated and published, how th"se constitutions at once became famous and tvere every where warmly discussed, how in France some arpned for the Knglish form of Charles W. Brown, lot i. 5. block 3. Market Street addition. Annie L. Holt to J. R Wvatt, lot 7, block 17. Tabor Villa.... Pearl Jackson to I). N. Burwell, lot 6 block 9. West Piedmont . liberty, hot those who finally prevailed Morris Gumbert and wife to for the American form, until this idea, Backmon, lot 24 hlock IS, IVn- Of the cori'titiitlnn 'which the people's ' insula 'addition JNo. representatives swore in the tennis court they would realize, has remained, de spite dictatorships, one of the dominant ideas of the Fretw h revolution " Europe followed It. and now I he near east enters the long-beat ei inrk. San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 1206 Call Bldg. Telephone Xearnsy 91S1 ADVXBTISETrrEJTTS AITS BTJB C&IPTIOHS BECEITED. Oregonians when fn San Francisco can have their mail sent In care of The Journal Office. ARTHUR L." FISH. Representative. 10 2,000 2S9 10 10 600 100 10 STjO M00 00 1,300 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE lfi $2260 New 6-room bungalow, with all improvements and full lot; can be bought for S3o doWh and $20 a month at 6 per cent. See The Spanton Co.. 270 Stark st. CITY ACREAGE INVESTORS, 66 acres in city limits on Peninsula, clear and level, platted In lots and blocks, 1 hlock from graded street, ce ment sidewalks. Bull Run water and electric lights; easy terms; show prop erty from Washington street in 85 mln- 120-ACRE FARM ONLY 9 MILES from Portland, near Oregon City car lino. 70 acres clear and under cultiva tion, balance nice timber; fair build ings; land is nearly all level and soli best In Oregon, no gravel or roeks; nlcd orchard: this is a fine farm and a grand proposition for subdividing; only bona ride Duvers neea appiy; soia at nair or I .tAlnlnv' in l Tfl , , a-o Ulllll QUJUllllim. J...., ... v.. . . J. llUft' . & Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. ' FARM; 81 ACRES. 2 MILES FROM Banks, Washington county; well wa tered; over 20 acres in cultivation; grood buildings; orchard in full bearing; farming implements, etc.; a good buy for $3,000. For particulars phone A-3047 MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF security. W. Holl. R. 9, Wash bldg. IN SWHS OF $2,000 to $2X1,000 H. W. Goddard, 110 2d st. SALARY LOANS LOWEST RATE AT Employers Loan Co.. 716 Dekum. ISAAC L. WHITE, MO? EY TO LOAN. fire insurance. 344 Sherl ock bldg. LOAN FOR THE ASKING SALARY orchattel The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum. QUICK LOANS ON ALL SECURITIES: 8. W. King. 45 Wash. bldg. M. 6100. W A NT ED FIN A NCI A I SO CASH FOR TELEPHONE BONDS, Oregon Trust, Title Guarantee, Mer chants' accounts. H. W. Goddard. 110 2d. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 8 Per Cent PrTd Coal Stock A limited amount of 8 ner cent pre ferred and dividend participating stock can be secured for a short time In a first-class, high-grade, bituminous coal oroneitv. already develooed; tributary to Portland and Puget sound markets 560 ACRES, STOCK AND TIMBER ! and upon railroad, ready for Immediate ranch. Camas Prairie, Klickitat coun- , operat ion. Two hundred tons daily can tv. Wash.: 7.000.000 saw timber 200 be nhtnnd within 30 days. No specula utes for 5 cents. Investor want to see ( acres hay land; $25 per acre, easy terms. tlon; handsome profits assured, it you it? G-23, Journal. NORTH WJSBTKK N lNVEBTMENT CO., I want to avail yourself or this excellent ; HOME NOT A HOUSE 193 f ourth St. : opportunity, see me without delay. $3.300 My beautiful home will be sold this week: the neatest and most I home-like on the market;' 7 rooms and I FOR SALE TIMBER 28! 319 Chamber of Commerce. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES I Fjch Insertion. 1 cent a counted word. No ad e.s than 15 cents per Insertion." 7 inertS"n for the price of 4. Lot end fmnd. help wanted, situa tion wsntr!. f',r rent and wanted to rent ads. I rent a word. 2 insertions for the p'ice c.f ; Count sin wor's to the llr,. "New Today' iagat measure, 1 Inch.! J lines', M rents per inch. "Want AdK" wi'l He accepted over the, but The Journal will not be r pnibls for errors, should an nrc-jr kki ana. rrompt payment eir ported Phones, Main 7173; A-6051. " '" -.- t I p. m. ' frtturrtay. lam to IS p. m. Louis Goldsmith and wife to Amelia Backman, lot S block 17. Goldsmith's wnditlon Park Land company to Haute K. Rikewine, lots 10 and 11, ' hlock .4, I nlversitv Park... J. R Pearl and wife to S. B. Co :lter and wife, lot 8, block J 5. West Piedmont Fred T I.lsc o nnd wife to S. j B. Coulter end wife, lot 4, block Piedmont 'Charles P. Stayt.m to Kphriam 1 Stringer, lot 7 Montrose I Security Savings and Trust com pany to K 1, Sabln. lot 7 ex cepting north 16 feet and south t 15 feet, block 7, Irvlngton... 2 50 j George A. Clag to Sadie J. I Clagg. east S of lots 1 and 2. j block 1, Murray Hill addition . i.f,00 j R. L Stevens (sheriff! toSlenrv Wehrung et nl. 20 acrVs he I ginning at point TO rods north of southeast corner or north east quarter of section 24. township 1 north. range 1 east IP William W Peaslee Hnd wife to Addie Jerkins, north hslf of lots 1 and 2. block 122, West Irvlngton 1.600 ' Thomas E. Jenkins and wife to J W. Logan. Jot 6. block 14, Kenilworth P A Engle snd wife to George R Bsrringer. lot 10. block K. Mount Tabor villa E. W. Reder to Thomas H Hunt and wife, lot 11. block 11. Richmond 2.00? Moore Inrsstment company to A. H Anderson, lot 7, block 17. Vernon 400 Henrv AWhrung et a! to W N Carter t al. 30 arres beginning at southeast corner of north- east quarter of section '2 4, township 1 north, range 1 east. Agreement ....... J arta WE WANT A HOUSE ON THE WEST Side, south of Morrison st. for $3,500 to $6,000; nlso North Portland from $4,000 to $7,000. We nsk no contract unless we have prospective purchaser. TheSpantonCo..270 Sturk St. NEW, MOIlKRX r.-Ru?M BUNGALOW'; lot 50x100. with choice beHting fruit treen. or , will sell 1 i lata. JE'luuxe Woodlawn 2017. bath: tinted and frescoed; furnace. wash trays, cement floors in basement, cement walks and strictly modern throughout, beautiful lawn and roses. Don't buy until you see this; terms. Owner, 1060 E. Madison. Phones Tabor 1153. B-2126. Block on Portland Heights, new 8 room bungalow with billiard room, ar- Ootln ffrnnnl' KAQIlttlll IrACf ' fbt hfln. pens To be a bargain and wlli be taken quickly. Owner, 26 Lafayette bldg. 4 VERY FINE HOMESTEAD OR TIM- ber claim relinquishments located In ; eastern Washington near north bank j railroad; 160 acres, 60 or 70 acres good i farm land, about 300.000 feet yellow : pine timber, 1 mile from railroad and station; price $200. 160 acres half mile from railroad, 1. 250,000 to 1,500,000 feet yellow pine, 60 acres good farm land; price $250 it( rf!r f N'G-hous f. Snaps. 51 rooms. North 6th St., $3,100. 42 rooms on First St., $2,900. '!" rooms nn 4th St., $1,600. i'i rooms, housekeeping. $1,500. 27 rooms, Market St.. $1,500. 11 rooms on Jefferson st., $750. 8 rooms, furnished, $175. SPENCER & CO.. Ml SwetlRnd bldg. 160 acres about 700,000 to 800 000 feet j p7jK' SAU7frMEAT MARKET IN A A SNAP ONE BEAUTIFUL 3-ROOM house; chhken house, barn nnd 3 lots for sale cheap by owner who Is going to move east !o' South Tay lor st., I.aurel wood station. Mount Scott car. LOO SrTi? ') M " MODERN HOUSE. full lot. fine locality, one block from car Murdi.ik At Young. 407 Buchanan bldg NICE 5-Roii.M COTTAGE IN VERNON; lpwn. nice hirge porch, east front, 2 blocks from i hi line Price $1,500; $300 cash, hnl'tnce llk rent J M KFRIi CO C6 Stark St . Room 10. A SN A I' NEW tl-ROM.M MODERN house corner 35th and E. Harrison; n.iiHt he su;.l hv August 22: ownci leav ing tow r., $2,400; easy terms. I'hone B-2275 Beautifully finished, full cement base ment and Inirnace, between 2 oarllnes; $1,000 to 112.500 rash, balance to suit. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. 34th and Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 516. HawtTiiTifie Car. $200 Casts New 5-room cottage on K. 37th St., 3 blocks to car, near school. EAST SIDE INVESTMENT CO., 37th and Hawthorne, Tabor 1147. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 WANTED ACREAGE AND LOTS; acreage on the river preferred; state location and lowest rrice. U-4U, Journal. yellow pine, 6 to 60 acres good farm land, half mile rrom railroad station; price $200. 160 acres, 1,250,000 to 1,500,000; 40 acres good farm land. 2 miles from j railroad station; price $200. ' her Exchange bldg. Phone 497 7 . I thriftv nearbv town of 2,000. only shop; doing good business; If interested it will pay you to Investigate. Will hear close investigation. Owner retir ing from business. Price $1,400; $700. balance to suit. Address R-262, Journal. LEGITIMATE BUSINESS THE AMEU KriTAQir TlMRFn Jtr CRTTTqTVG cn Mercantile Agency (established 1896) NAS, wVlfrlrt ts tim ! furnishes free information on oppor IRp3IhxTa?raTSn -TAir "tunitles in mercantile or manufactur BER INVESTORS; CRUISING CON- n Unea city or country. TRACTS -BXECUTBt); ACCURACY i AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, GUARANTEED BY SURE jY BONDS. 408-405 Swetland Bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 FOR SALE OR TRADE FOUR FINE residence lots in thriving town of Klamath Falls. Or. In speaking dis tance of famous hot springs. Best cli mate in Oregon. A snap if taken now, $1,000. Address Mrs. George Wills, owner. Vancouver, Wash. $32fi0- J 'ortier house. 2-story. X rooms n rul tiMfh furnace f ! r, r.1 a o.l inrel-d walls, all improvements CASH GROCERY BUSINESS AND C..e in. on carllne; will make good residence, together with large triu to suit; cood parte See ' grounds, to exchange for valley farm. Tie Franton C,, 27m Stark at 1 value $10.000. Rice & Denlaon, 281 3d. PORTLAN'I I NFO R MA T I O N Hf" REAU Boarders and roomers. furnished homes arid flats rented, lodging-houses and hotels -hough? snd sold. All kinds nfrealty A-1 2 56 f. MS wet land bldB. ;-koom TiorSK. highland new modern, a nig s-iaj, 13.250 John P i i. bin st. I Sharkey Co., II C, R- DoaceU & Co. Real Estat. IK YOU WANT TO BUY, SELL OR trade real estate, see Stevsnaon A Taylor, room 311 Buchanan bldg., 28H W ashlngton st. GOOD CONFECTIONERY. LUNCHES. etc.. to trade- for good lots near car line; quick trade. W-270. Journal. 5 ""ACRESi C LEAR ED. ON SALEM line, email house, cellar, spring water the whole year. Richards, 607 East Mill St. East 2245 Room 12. 161 Stark ACREAGE FOR SALE OR TRADE. BY A-2637, Main HOMESTEADS THE KIND YOU WANT ARE the kind we have. If you do not want satisfaction see the other fellow. ffce Opportunity Comp.a.13 626-527 Lumber Exchange bldg. Portland. Or. DON'T YOU KNOW ' We can give you a special price on sny i ifTinlng stock or bond? F. J. Catterlin & 47 j Co., room 3 Chamber of Commerce. I $10 TO $100 MADE DAILY IN THE motion picture theatre business. Want honest partner with $300 to Invest For particulars call 293 Burnside st. JUST OPENING. SMALL BUSINESS end wants partner; $100 required. 272 rfctafk st. WE HAVE SOME CHOICE stead locations and relinquishments; 1VR WIT. I. BUY' BUTTE BOYS CON- nnt T- ! solidated minlne r.tnek for spot ca-ah. ROOMING-HOUSE BARGAINS. . DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH, 508-9 Swetland bldg. We have the most complete list of ho tels and rooming-houses In the city. If you are in the market, call and inspect ' same. We can save you money. HOW DOES THIS SOUND? 72 rooms, well furnished throughout with high-grade carpets and furniture, arranged in .apartments. Attractive, leased at $300 per month. Including steam lieat; splendid location; clears $260 rer month above all expenses; price $5,5.00. APARTMENT HOUSE BARGAIN. 3S rooms, all arranged In 2 and 3 room housekeeping apartments; best of furniture and everything modern, first class location; rent $175 per month with lease; clears $160 per month; prlca $3,500; terms. GREATEST BARGAIN IN THE CITY. 31 rooms, pne of the most modern and up-to-date houses in the cttv: location could not be better; good to clear $500 per month over and above all expenses; great opportunity for some one with $3, 000 cash to invest; let us tell you about it today. A LITTLE DANDY. 24 rooms, modern apartment house, private baths, splendid corner location, elegantly furnished, good lease with fcry reasonable rent; clears over $100 per month above expenses. See this before buying; $1,000 cash and balance monthly. ELEGANTLY FURNTSHED. 14 rooms, all modern conveniences, elegantly furnished with beet grade Axmlnster carpets and golden oak fur niture. Good corner location near High school; clears $90 per month above all expenses; absolutely best barealn in the city; rent only $60; $550 cash and bal ance monthly. PARTLY FURNISHED. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. 10-room' house well arranirsd and partly furnished with best grade fur niture and carpets; beautiful corner lo cation near High school: rent $50, with lease for 2 years: this is an exceptional opportunity for some one who wishes to use some of their own furniture; price only $600. VERY GOOD. 10 rooms, verv nicelv furnished, in cluding fancy dishes, etc., 2 porcelain baths; beautiful location for renting rooms; rent $40; this is a bargain at $500; H cash, balance monthly. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. 508-9 Swetland bids:., cor. Rth and Wash. CIGAR, CONFECTIONERY AND FRUIT store, clearing $150 monthly; one of the best locations In cltv; will invoice and guarantee satisfaction. Hotel. 52 rooms all full; working- man's place; largs dining room: with 40 boarders. Part cash and. balance to suit you. or will sell st market prices and charge railUllB ailU lOHIlUUUMllIHilUS; . r hm-ino- nr a!1 also some fine timber claims. Don't take J 'l wn ipfompt I vt tended to. chances with unreliable parties. Call vf.it0s wire Davis & Jewel, brokers. Oil UO in llir lui aiininaio. yr-i lid , r l ,J I l .1 Vpr Realty Co. 225 Falling bldg.. Portland. I 'olnrl ' ' MONEY TO LOAN A SNAP. A FURNISHED RESTAURS NT FOR rent L. M. Davis, iivi Ktisseii st - ' kl 'ST Al' R 4 NT ON WASHINGTON ST., SALARY LO A NS ON PLAIN NOTES j Vipnt place, doing splendid business. "JAf 5 J'"""0-VV.V unt rr.-rTrf-N ,T,TS a -r. pi p t v-ts-D Il-ITli ETC WITHOUT REMOVAL. "Anicn n ro i -" " . i LOW&BT RATES. EASY PAYMENTS. I $200 to travel with motion picture BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL show. For particulars tfaU at 330 An CALL. TELEPHONE. WRITE. keny st.. between 6th and .th. from 2 to STATE SECURITY COMPANY. I 3 p. m., 7 to 9 InJMe evening. 704 DEKUM BLDG. ! f ( n SALE G ROCER Y. ALL N E :V j stock, good location, essto business, SALARY AND MORTGAGE LOANS TO ' 5 living-rooms, reasonable rent. 160 salaried employes and on pianos, fur- Port erst. Maln704H. nlture. warehouse receipts, horses, in- NEAT RESTAURANT FOR SALE (i.V surance policlea snd all kinds of sectiri- account of other business; cheap. ties. New F.ra Loon & Mortgage Co., i $650. L-296, Journal 403-406 Swetland bldg. 400 HOOD HIVKR OHCHARD8. MACRAE A ANGUS J 32 Ctl AM BF.H OFCO MMERCE. $300 CASH. "BALANCE" MONTHLY.-! ) room mcwiTn nous uet imr.r.,- ! HM1 loL barn, ebb ken yard, etc , i.. . i Main 6944 !cr. $2.35" See owner. 2i Tavlof st i "" I Iurtlwnni. Ml Seutt cr ' "i owner, also citj Phone East 1210 WANTED HONE homes for, sale. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO- treasurer for RTNER AS theatre: pie and others upon their own names must have $200. Newman. y-I3 Burnside NEWPORT LOT TO TRADE FOR! without security; cheapest rates, easiest S-ROOM COTTAGE CHfcArlAMi LAST horse and buggy. Mill give someone 1 payments; omces in s principal cities; i terms; owner going sway.i z.i Mark. good deal. Cell .05 Swetland. Phone ssve yourself montjr cy getting our tjTf BtlNVIlTLE PUR. COTS STOCK. 5n est pArtnei motion pi Vure th . Newman, C3 Bu FOR SALE FARMS ,-.- terms first. Tollman. 3)7 Lumber Exc. ' tTno share; terms 415 MarWm bldg MONEY TO LOAN ON SALARIES 11- : kTrxIsheD ROOMLVO HoiSEiTTEF: purciiaiT iuiiuh' i uiniii'ini! anu jtw - I lfi Grocery store dnina- business of $100 daily; will Invoice about 23.500. Will trade for equity In home or acreage of equal value. Real estAte broker wants a reliable man o- partner; net profits over $20. 000 annually. If you don't mean busi ness don't apply. Partner for manufacturing business; well established and clearing over $40) monthly. Money fully secured; $2,600 required. Call or write. We are strlrtlv business Investment brokers, and if yciu want to buy a busi ness of sell out come In snd see us, or phone us and we will csli and see you. ?. Lawrence Co. 815 Lumber Exchange bldg. 2d and Stark. Phones Main 7357. A-6763. t10e aeilB". , K1H(M HOI tc tir it- M - " - j puriia ufiiii' in, ui onu jew-l.t A. 176 ttful lawn. 1 fe.t from . ar'llne M3 ! A PNAP-1 ACRES. 2 MILES FROM ' elry. E. Pierce. 612 Gerllnger bldg. s E TROCFRT FIRtt I'-CLA Mon.,niJ- ! HUl.boro. Or seven acre. cld. WeTLOAN MONEY ON DIAMONDS . nrt JThu t op A'i in : no deli,- rRVviMCOTTAGE P- R S aTe 'M T Ar,. p'o r M,,,0 , "nd ?f L1" for , 1" , round $l."-0. Main IS. FOR SALE, Bl . .tNFR- NEW -,,; wn - 'n a v, tv D-u ., ".' llT i .' ? "F " l . extern Oreron town, good trade, eon- I OPPORTUNITY OFFEHED PART? with $500 or mors t loin promoters in immense coal proposition. Near R. R 9i miles from 8. F. Prominent bankers associated. Hollister Coai Cempany, Holllster. Csl. MEETIXQ NOTICES 41 FVXKRAL NOTICES Psclfte Title A Trust Co.. tht Idina 9 ! "4 $ 7 Filling bldg. 1 W R Hsialic A Co rm hou-: full "merit b, en t .! ' i?"- rii f, A. tV (r,V i.... ' -As Tu LOAN - REAkOXABLE butldlnc. complete of tooU. E ITth St.. North, between W,,nt snd I . 1''' .V ,, hsr In U r" hir Vnfl L 'Tm P" service. Henry CPmd- 700, terms. Owner In bad health. rMr-g ! h.h. ott. fine team Horse,, 4 cows, i 3'r: " V" T '" i '-! WrUe bog 1 72. Nysss, Or 4-KC-'M on Mur. a i t. MtiRRI- I chickens, rsrm implements. 6 seres In M W. A. OREGON GRAPE CAMP. No. 4971. Mondays. Bslllng-Hirscb block, isth and Washington sts A. EVERGREEN CAMP. 1.444. IOUNO I flats atf August j; at the fssaUr r.d-ni.. ?j East YawihHl "twt Jena) Teung. age4 ti rMrB. Th funeral ricew will hA at th ab-j-rs retjerM- t,2 p. m. TwMdav. a- g t i ne3a iDit. Iatra sat on St.: for stls y owti.r chean: : cultiTation. orchard, running war: Kar. leat-trg city gain for I4.1P9. Address T R. Chandler. tlfce ef ttil. .tc 1? Cortt lUi ifviB SALE ONE ACRE OF l.AVh tsiAls. rr iu w.i i. ocmb ur WE HAVE A PI.ACK r O K is i r-A hi or more, I to I per cent on Improved i-j.iri.n mn with 1S0 cash i . w r -ii. . . - - r"" '!?I"."- etlnd h ds Sll FOR SALE REAL K8TATE IS FOR SALE il.Tft CASH COMPLETE -room bnrjr; modem, t ) rwm rytn; twet. bth. te tint, im tIlSt ILtmt 1 at 1 kWk. fr . ffTlit ehwrie tT-a. SPple. Pr. f)nm M . PARTIFS WANTING INFY'RMATION. i w -rom bou J4 fkWt j Wtiiamtt alley, the fwrdra Spot of Fcr tfor-e, sd'ire J-l, vri ens, hen hous 14; Iljese- ja ast , Oregon, rail sn1 ret booklet HlUAMtTIt lALLtl IXFORMA $14 This M a t'.o4 bay. 'te.J in ... M TJO BLREAL. St. Vwm rttat and 4 i lt Pwrt rf TrH enr, 4th snd Chi it lot.. HI lermi s The WILLAMETTE VALLET LaSITOUsV Ep .to Co, t't Stark st I tMt L-n4 Co, tito, Or. saLart loans-trictlt cdsrt- er ,-v-f Pr i V. ctriAk wif.t; 18 Pr- I pel) cheap if taken right sway; this a. iu atnii intMT niretL j. n. 4t ON UORTUAOU. CITI OH mnt, 242 Msdlsn st dntial: Mar to ret sv T. A. Newton. HI Ba'-hSBSB bjdg. .-ef.r)? TTTs.vrlr,", M-fCTR A WORTHY MAN. SOMETHING Lenste C "H AHr. rom i otw , . f,th vmnm rn'"''i'n. WONKY TO LOAN. LARGE LOANS A I immense profit fimtimffi. Only thost peclaltf. alldtng loans; lowest ratm; j with mc-y snd business ability Deed firs UsuraL W. O. 8wt, lit Failing. applf. Ill tutk st. M W. stents Wdnesy eolng. bl'-g. Id snd M orr 1 rm sts Aliskr NOTICES NOTTCK TO CREDITOR The annual meeting of stoc k bolders of the Pr,ri lcd Country Clnb ad Lie ttvk ssfixHatlon will l bl st r-rxMW 12 Htsillum ldg Port la rot Tsesday. FrtemeT I.H.I. St lci f. Bl for ta trrcti'vn of storltlM4r- tnmi t. Q. A S'wgs. sew-retsry. Im4 st PerCsnd. Or, thla 14 f Asruit, ii v l. -..:.