THE PRICE of THE DAILY JOURNAL IS TWO CENTS A COPY ON THE STREETS and AT THE OFFICE Real Estate For Sate? Summer Boarders Wanted? More Help Wanted? y Advertise In The Journal. The Weather Cloudy tonight and ThuiBday! winds nioatly southerly. JOURNAL CIRCULATION YESTERDAY WAS 30,010 VOL. VII. NO. 136. PORTLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING. AUGUST 12, 1908 SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. ffAT"JxvYD t!5?2 R PEOPLE lOCHATflC : 7 hi , n V . . a . . n . . Jfl f - .-rz : r M r - PO BEGUN BY DE itkum BRYAN FORMALLY ACCEPTS NOM INATION ON DEMOCRATIC TICKET PRINCIPLES OF PARTY ARE CLEARLY DEFINED Nebraskan Cheered Enthusiastically by Thousands Who Listen to His Ringing Words Metcalf Draft Approved by Text-Book Committee. Lincoln. Xeh.. Aug. 12. Amid ihe cheering: of thousands who filled all available Siare about the stand, William J. Bryan walked to the front of the platform In the capltol grounds and lifted up his voire In acceptance of the nomination of the Democratic party for the office of president. The notification speech, delivered by Congrehsman Henry II. Clayton, who was chairman of the Denver convention, was the cause for the first cheering, which seemed enthus iastic, but it was meager In compar- lson with the great burst of applause that greeted the commoner. In the rinsing words of his address Bryan threw oil his dramatic power Into his voice and with all the passion and power possible, he fairly lifted the crowd from its feet, causing a tre mendous demonstration. The sky was overcast with clouds, but the slight rain falling did not mar the ceremonies. The program was carried out as arranged, without alteration. Before going to the capltoK grounds Bryan held a conference with the text bonk committee and approved the draft prepared by Richard Metcalf. The book will be composed of Bryan's speech of acceptance and other addresses on va rious phasos of the campaign, a copy of the platform, a comparison of the Dem ocratic with the Republican platform and press comments. Congressman Clayton's notification speech and Bryan's speech of acceptance will be found in fuli on page 6 of this issue. STRIKERS PAID ADD DISCHARGED C. P. Officials Declare It a Finish FightStrike breakers Pour In. (United Freu Leased Wire.) Winnipeg. Man.. Aug. 12. The em ployes of the Canadian Pacific railway were paid In full today, and all strik ing mechanics were notified that they had been discharged. The officials of the company took this means of announcing that the railroad will fight the demands of the union to a finish. Vice-President Whyte of the railroad arrived here today from the Pacific coast. He declined to discuss the strike or state what Is being done to fill the places of the strikers. When asked for a statement he said: "This will be a fight to the finish, so far as the company Is concerned." Strikebreakers are being Imported in increasing numbers from the United States. No violence has been reported today. TWO THKEE-I 31 E.N1 JOIN THE AXGB HARRY THAW A BANKRUPT Creditors Mostly Lawyers and Alienists Evelyn's Income Cut. (Colted Press Lenaed Wire.) Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 15. Harry K. Thaw was adjudged a bankrupt today by Referee Blair on the voluntary peti tion filed last week. No date was set for a meeting of the creditors, most of whom are lawyers and alienists engaged In the young Plttsburger's trials. The action today reduces Evelyn Thaw's in come, as she now must apply to the courts instead or to her husband, who. it is said, gave her more than 11.000 a montn. " ': if ...... i :f- - wt ?t4 - fC" , & s, William Jon nines Bryan. "Shall the IVoph Utile?" (Copyright by the Pictorial News Company of N". w York.) HONOLULU FACES A WATER FAMINE ( flitted Pr Iensed Wire ) I.os Angeles. Cat.. Aug. 12. Manaaor Hen Berry of the I,os Angeles baseball team is rejoicing today over his good fortune in securing for his aggregation Second Baseman Howard and Catener Plrnon of the Cedar Rapids team. How ard and Simon will loin the Angels Im mediately after the close of the "Three 1" league season, September 17. (United Press Leased Wire.) Honolulu. Aug. 12., Honolulu is fac ing a water famine. Since early in March there has been no rainfall In the mountain valleys from which the clty"s siip'iilv Is obtained and the mu nicipal reservoirs are practically empty. The department of public works has is sued an order prohibiting street and lawn sprinkling and the board of health warns all residents to boll water for drinking purposes. The main supply for the city Is now being pumped from ar tesian wells and It is not known how long these csn be depended upon. Construction work on the hlg Nuuana reservoir has been discontinued because there Is mi water for sluicing. A large leak has been discovered in the Maktkl r(Rprvntr mnklnir flirt nltlintinn Hmtlitv ' serious. FIGHTING BOD'S SON WIHS FIGHT First Eng-agement of Ad miral's Boy a Fisticuff at Honolulu. Fl Two on Death Valley's Burning Sands in Crippled Auto Woman Struggles on to Safety Eight Hours After Man Has Fallen. (United frem Leued Wlr.) Fan Bernardino. CaL. Aug. 1!. Harold Braly. assistant superintendent of the 40 hours of slow progress the couple reached the Garden stage station, ar riving there exhausted. They took a Sklddoo Minos company, lies In a crlt- i to make Wild Rose station, but 10 miles leal condition InriKT at Sklddoo and Mln north of Rallarat the automnhlla hi-nk. Ixtt! Mavis, no.tmlstress t the camn I ","'n . ".mpieieiy ana mey were left ... ... '. stranded without water or tirtnlnlim. w nnp. ti r rn t r rortiTune rrnnan v uvi , ... , . - in mp itikipi ti tne ri. ht life. Is in a state of col lapse as a i Trier determined to waJk tit vim reeu t of their terrlb five days' eoe- "? oirrcome were inty or the A fist fight between the son ,of Ad miral Kvans and Captain Carter of the Honolulu naval station forms the sub ject of a private letter which haa Just been received by the Journal from Honolulu. The fight took place on the cruiser Oeorgla while the fleet was at Honolulu and Captain Carter was thoroughly ami effectually thrashed bv the lighting son of FiRhtlng Bob. Captain arter. the man on the los ing etui, has the reputation In Honolul of being a goo," deal of a bully and nas neen In trounie luiore. Only a week or two before his flah with young Kvans, Carter while In uni form and on the grounds or the naval station, struck a reporter of the Hono lulu Evening Bulletin named Moore sev eral times with his clenched fist. He did this with Immunity, as the news paper man did not dare to strike the uniform worn by the naval officer. Car ter was arrested and fined In the police court, but an attempt to have him In dicted by the federal grand Jury fll through. Young Evans also has something of a record and an attempt was made to hush the matter up for fear that t would lead to Evans being cashiered. TERRIFIC STORM FLOODS CHICAGO Cloud hurst and Heavy Elec tric ' Discharge No Light Nor Power. AUTO SHOP BURNED; LOSS HALF MILLION rienc on the desert In a broken auto mobile. Bra.lT was taking his remptiir'l ma chine thrmiah to the mlntna eanriD from 1 Am Anarelea. in4 Miss iravl. w he an iA rtur ri ia st r m n loined film. They went Into r-atH Valler b way of Motave and attempted to moke a dash across the burning waste. I rnler ordinary circumstance the trip should have required rtnt more tbn eight hur The road was fearfully rough In flacea. however, and frequent ly urtw tb tsachlne oat ot (ear. A tier terrtfle heat that ther could go but a lew steps si a time. Finally Braly be came utterly exhausted and could only crawl on his bands and kneea Then he collapsed. Miss Itarts staggered onward and after eight hours' travel through the night arrived at the station at 4 o'clock In the morning Gasping a massage that Braly was dying on the desert, she ffll In a falnc A relief party was Seat nut and found the man unconscious He ws brought Into the camp and put under a physician s ear. His racoTcry la doubtful. Cni red Press Leased Vlr. Chicago, Aug. 12. Fire destroyed the Coey automobile shop here today. 68 cars being totally lost. The company estimates Its loss at $500,000. The cause of the fire Is unknown, but once the flames had gained headway. thy found their way to the gssollne tanks, and it became practically Impossible to save the property. CARDINAL GIBBONS A WELL MAN AGAIN .CnltP'i !'rri tnfli1 Wire Chicago, Aug II No boats have been ablo to enter or leave the Chicago river this morning un account of the crippling of the electric power that op erates the bridges, by a terrific electric storm that swept this city ana vicinity last night The entire lighting and rower ulant operated by the drainage canal irustets was so badly crippled that It cannot be repaired until tonight. The storm fl"nb-,l the entire city. Oil ing cellars, destroying electrical feed cables ami sh itting or light and power. Lightning Htru. k In several places. Down town the cellars were flooded with several Inches of water, the sewers be ing Inadequate to carry off the water. A city drainage pipe gave way near the Auditorium annex. allowing a stream of water to rush Into the office. The breaking of a skylight allowed the water to enter the cafes and lobbies on the ground fl.v.r and the guests were thrown Into confusion The storm raged for over two hours. All the city lights from Blver street to Twelfth stre.t south were put out. FULTON HAS SCHEIWE AIL PLANNED PARKER TO SPEAK HERE TUESDAY FRISCO SAYS HEHEY IDE Joint Caucus Coal Tow;ird ' Democratic Candidate for Which Senatorial Candi date Aims "The Public Be Damned" Is Fulton's Slogan to Defeat People. Drastic 'Effort on Foot to Coerce Statement 1 Legis lators to Dishonor Them selves by Breaking Faith With Voters. Senator Charles W. Fulton. In his race for reelection to this "tilted Suites .sen ate and hi.-; dosiro U defeat the 111 of the people of Oregon anil t'.ie rat nictation of tho election of (lovernor Chamberlain, expects seven Statement Xo. I members of the legislature io prostitute their pledges ami go Into u Joint caucus on the United States senatorshlp. That is the ultimate aim of all his plotting. Senator Fulton wants a joint caucus of the members of the legislature, every one of whom will pledge hiiuself before going in to abide by the will of the cau cus as regards the election of a Lulled States senator. Incidentally ha expects to be that nominee, litil he Is not saying liiat to thuso whom 'he wishes to go into the conclave. All eflorl to control tno organization of the legislature, and all effort to gain control of the parly ma chinery or the statu by the deposition of William SI. Cake from die cliairman Khlp of the Republican state central committee. Is subordinate to tho effort to secure the 4'1 in -iiiheis of Umj lefc'is lutuie for the s.naloilal caucus. Agree to Caucus. President in IDOi to Be Given Big Bo.cgption by Party When He Stops Here on Wav to Seattle. "A BUNGLE" Explanation of Stampede for Pegular Pepublicans People Think Immunity Baths Spoiled Chance to Jail Boodlers. Large Gathering at Mar qnam to Greet Noted Statesman When He Ad dresses Public in Behalf of Bryan and Kern. Alton B. Parker of Xew York, Iemo cratic presidential nominee of l'JOl, will deliver an address In Purtland In sup port of William Jennings Bryan for tha presidency and John Worth Kern for llio vice presidency Tuesday evenirrg next. Alex 8 week, chairman of tho Demo cratic state central committee received a telegram this morning- from Judge Parker stating that ho would arrive In Portland Tuesday morning. It is ex pected that the meeting will be In tho Alarijuam theatre. William H. Holmes of Salem will preside at the meeting aiui win introduce judge Parker as the spe.ker of the evening. Frederick V. llolmiin will be chairman of a commit tee to provide for the entertainment of Judge Parker during his stay in the cty. ami l"nit.-d States Senator John .M (Jeaiin will act with him as a mem ber of the committee. This morning Chairman Sweek re ceived a telegram from Judge Parker, who Is now at San Francisco. The tel egram was as follows: "Alex Sweek. Portland Or. I shall reach Portland Tuesday morning. A. ii. Parker." Mr. Hweek had previously written to Judge Parker asking that tho noted New Buef and Schmitz Ignored During Primaries Mo tives of Graft Prosecution Impugned Organization;; Wins in All Parts of State., Fulton agents arc now busy sounding Yorker stop In Portland on his way to the different members of the legislature ; Kenttlo to atUnd the meeting of the regarding tic Joint caucus. It Ik kno-vn American Bar association and deliver that every one of the ami Statement No. ;, address In favor of Hrvan and Kern. 1 members of the legisla t ui e has been i The telegram of this morning is taken seen and it is said that all of them l therefore as an acceptance of tho in- have agreed to go into such a caucus, i v j j011 Effort is now being turi-d towards. Judge Parker Is taking a great in the list of 61 Statement No. 1 members I t crest in the coming president ial fight of the two houses of ti e b-gi.slature and and is working earnestly for the sue each Republican incnilMi Is being s ought t ,-, ss of the Imoera!te ticket. His ad out Individually and bo-might t" K" Iul' ' dr- ss here will mark (he real opening the caucus. All of the atginieiit which !f the 'residential campaign so far es have been made in the past are being the 1 leinoeratic partv Is concerned. It used but as yet it is not reported that )s expected that there will be a large any of the Statement No. 1 members .crowd from out of town gathered to have agreed to go into (he eonlei ence. I ,oar Judge Parker when he delivers his 3IADE A BRIDE OX SOFTH DAKOTA'S DECK The plan of Fulton and Ills trler.ds is slmplv this: There nr- now 211 members of the legislature who are free to so Into the CHiieiiH unbound bv any pledge. that Is, provided that ti e Kepilliciin choice" men consider themselves, ab solved from their pledge to vto lor H. M. Cuke. Il tak. - . n.-n .".! ai.d aboVe the .'I'.' to form a majority ,,f lie. Joint assurnblv and .:,-,! a s. nator. All kinds of efforts are now being made and will b.i up to the time of the legislative convention to win over seven Statement No. 1 men to the sen atorial caucus idea. The effort will be to get these men to agree to go into a caucus and to abide bv the decision of that caucus regarding the senatorshlp. Scheme Well Trained. It Is. the the y v adsaieed that there Is no parti. -el. i: .'an !i ! re p.r ti e sen ate. Senator Fulton has not :.;! that he will or will not b a V.-t at the mno time he und his friends be lieve that he would be the choice of the Joint caucus This. ,,f course, would bind the caucus to him on the floor of the Joint ass.unt '. v a-vl secure Ills elec tion. In carrying out this j l.m ,t Is said that 6enator Fulton is refusing to yield his support .. :: .-..! dt.i-ite for president or sp.ake: w 1 ict sub- scribe to the i . .-. . it ; sxm that ' the scheme and has ..i. ! to tj t se- 1 inen.- addi ess. iwing to the shortness of the time since the reception of tho telegram it is not known certainly where the meet ing will be held on Tuesday night. Chairman Sweek will make an effort, howevt r, to secure the Marquam thea tre, if he is successful In his en . bavins the meeting will he held there. If not he will secure either the Uaker, the Kmplre. the lieilig or the Armory. Melinite announcement of the place and program will be as soon as de termined. Arrangements for tho reception and entertainment of Judge Parker will be made by a committee headed by Fred erick V. Holman and Senator John M. iearln. Mr. Holman has accepted the chairmanship of t lie committee and will lie assisted by Senator tlearjn and other members yet to be appointed. All plans for the meeting will be completed with in a day or so and definite announce ments made. X EVA DA TO HAVE XFWBAXKIXO LAW (Special Pbpnt-n to The Journal.) San Francisco, Aug. 1Z. The de feat of the Lincoln-Roosevelt ticket at yesterday's primaries is attributed to the "bungling" of the graft cases and the repeated effort of the graft prosecution to reach alleged higher ups against whom it had no direct evidence. It became self-evident Monday that the primaries would, bring out a strong vote for the reg ular Republican and Democratic or-i ganizations, the voters claiming thatl the failure to prosecute boodle eu-j pervisors and Ruef and Schmitz oni regular lines without application o immunity baths has made it impos sible to convict any of the grafters. The entire absence of the influence of Huef and Schmitz in yesterday's hap penings was noticeable. It is not gen erally known, but is a fact nevertheless, that the two arch grafters are out of the political game for all time. Tha antl-Spreckels factions charged that in aiming its blows at the regulars, the Sareckels men and newspapers had ran rough shod over men of good standing, and had branded many of those as cor ruptions! s and machine politicians;; men who had never been known to be con nected with crooked political deals. - There Is no denying ttiat Francis J. Hem y has lost caste here. The city 1 tired of aimless, long drawn out con troversies, and the voters said so at tha polls to the tune of an almost three to one vote. Ilenev has been criticised for "indiscriminately charging men of good standing with connivance with tha grafters." The evidence Introduced against those charge.! Is alleged to have, been of the 'flimsiest character." indiscriminate use of the power of court,'' arid "uncalled for abuse In an apparent effort to involve some on in the higher up class" turned the tide. The graft prosecution failed, and dll so because it did not go to the root of the evil when It had tho rotten officials In its grasp and could have sent them to the penitentiary. The people say that vindictive motiva was behind the freeing of the Gallagh ers, the I.onergans and the two big bosses. The graft prosecution let tha thieves slip through Its fingers In an endeavor to reach men against whom It Is believed Us members had grievances. San Francisco and California saw tho " Itopelestuiens "f the tanglej an4 put tha: -foot ilown hard. This Is the situation today, aS' the voters express It on street corners and In hotel lobbies and business offices. The total vote cast in the city wa 3rs.5;ifi, an unusually large ballot for a primary election. Mint of this number 22.H54 were Republican, of which 12.57T v.t for the 'machine" organization and In. "77 for- the league force. The "regu lar' 1 . m. .or. its cast 4.H29 ami "the "re form" Mem... rats cast .1.510. statement Issued from the I.lncnln- velt league in a.lquarters In Bail todav savs: t N tlon of petitions Mg'.el h of the volet soft!,, i ' s the members of tie :.i:' those districts r. f . Reno. Nevada. Aug. 12. Governor j Mlckerson Is to.iav preparing a new i I hacking law w hich he will ask the next i R.. , state legislature to pass to protect de-i Fiancist positors in every la-ik In the state. j "From a resume of the figures re- l-ollowlng the recent failure of the 1 reived at the league healuuarirrs todajr It Is estimated that nvr u of the low nominations the Republican arty will make in California for the legislature will be of member of tho Lincoln Roosexelt leigu" " Fresno. Cal, Aug 12 The stiperrla- oral sliuatlon .b-veh-ped the only fight cure one or more Mat bers of the U-gtsiiCu. t--r t.e Joint I following the recent failure of the caucus In return lor tl. suppott of the iuia i -iunn. um attorney general or Fulton faction In lis contest for tho the state rendered an opinion that the presidency of the set it. state could not Intervene In the manage- It Is expected that !) : t.eri from the meet of private banka. Even the state eastern Oregon .itstri. is, or s .me cf bank examiner cannot examine the them can be fTw ltd- -1 ) " pr.-ojita- books of private banks, says the attor- n.ajority 1 ii"y generiu. kin that I Governor Mlckerson Is examining the are fro.n I hanking laws of Oklahoma with a view r ( ham-I to patternlrg his new laws after them iXnHsl rr- Iwsf Wire ) Rome, Aug 11. Cardinal Gibhora whose sudden changes from lllneas t? health have kpt his friends pustied lately, announced today that he had re-rroi-fre1 so rspidlf from bis last r- Yallelo. Cal. Aug. II Pretty Mrs. Henry P Bowen todsy declared that she was milling to stay home and let her husband sail the seas, if she were allowed to visit the cruiser fouth IeKota when It Is In port and If she 1st tree ted as nFely as she was yesterday ! &fif moon w hen she became a bride on tr.r rrulsrr deck Mrs Rnwcti btMirs th distlnrtlon of I being the first girl to be married on th deck of the South Iskota. the fast est snip In the Amerirsn navy Sha wss M'sa Christina Rose Ralston of Ban Francisco Her hmhend ts a seaman on the cruiser and was especially hon ored by beirnr allowed to hav his rosr riace ceremony performed on the deok of the cruiser. Chaplain A A Mr A Ulster cf the Mar Island naxy yard officiated at tha eer trooiti, wMrh m-m witnessed by a large number if effVrr of the snip and navy yard snd their wlrea At the conclusion of tha c erennwiT a weeding aupi-er was served la the ship's lspae that he nropoaed to carrr out his ortgmal plan of touring Europe fora4 rahta. which bed been dcorate4 for Ui ii is rtri ura ie junerkcsw cceakja y lad lea X ta aif;, rard. herlatn nnd cast th-;r . t" for some Re publican It is N!!.-..! ( l'.ift-n anl his friends that ! prt.tions can he worked up in soi.-.e ..f t:.e . .! l-tg dis tricts which are t w rcpr-scntcd by Statement No 1 members Tha Fubllo Be Damned. No member of the !eg'lature who asolres to office or ti icportant com- mltteo appointment .an hope for the uroort of the ru.t"n ftl-r. uniess he agrees to supp-.rt thf ! :nt csucus plan. The wholo tling hint'." on the Joint caucu If 4 n,entn "f the legisla ture can be . . j si to 'fni f..r a joint rtiifut Fult. n nt ts t . t... ble to land the wnift'r' tp in "i ie "f the peo ple of the sta'e Fulton s attl'ud 'Efiril'ie the sena torshlp is summd up ;n the wonl at tributed to h:m in a rerent dlscussta, of the senatorial queetlcn In which be Is reported to hare said "X aaa rf to seat (Hnrfa Chamber lata for Ike eeaaW before the laalala tare If I eaa as 4 t doat five a dajaa waat bsuuaaes of mj owa polttlceJ fa. tare." Thst Is th l-n f 'he Fulton men. Ther do T.--H give a damn so )org as they bat Chamberlain, but Incidentally they sre frarrlrj It up to make sura thst raltoa will be the man 'who de feats the peeplea' cbxttee. , .'ontitiucd n Page Two.) BIGGEST TRIP ON RECORD Good Road Pelejrates Make Tour of fonntr in 2a Auto mobiles View Work K -ins nne on Multno mah's Thorouirli fares ('nfprriu'0 C'Ioes. Twenty-eight automobiles r-achirg of the tountry Club snd l-te tock tor tnvr. th.n ft.. Kiw fc . ' I,, t wclttlon frciof-.t ami rt ilweti h ror more than fl-re blocks sloi. t.e t ( m,,. , do there. The rw city streets and carrying- the entire .,u.rrT at Kelly butte was aleo i '! roll of delegates to the Oregon good and rnp-cted Kr tee d!t-a 7e club this momtna; for a tour of tee epln etrer some tf the c.ubVtt county. The trip la notable ia that It tht hare bn -ilit f r-.m - . le the largest similar ezcureloa ever ! cnMel at Kelly fcnt?e. i.rr" undertaken on the PcfV cnast. - At nelple-e of roal sow n ir nxifMH -time In the history of the P-lf to i , The trtp orrupf-d- eiu. t coaat cities Jiaa an e)ial ajimber ((B it Mi fetvlml-m pi. !- "'" ' prlrstely owned aatomobt'ea teea ml- j tt of the tort!M . lavted together for one tiip. altered and 1ha -rd r- : , a am aaiegatea ware laxea te u arteiaoce was actwui-a( taau, - . -. 1