t .THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENINO. AUGUST 11. 1808. Town Topics. TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS. rant ages , Orand . . . . 1'he Oakn. . "The Vaudeville Vaudeville Merry Grafters,"' 8:li p.m. JOUKVAZ. AT TM BIAOXZI. In order to procure prompt and. mora aatlafactory aervloa, whan at tha aummer reaorta. order from tha following Journal a gen la at regular city rataa. Ilwaco & Ilwaco Hallway oom- pany, II. Jl. Woodruff, news agent. Ung Beach. Edward McAllen. Ocean Park, H. 13. Woodruff. Seaview. F. E. BtrauhaL The llrcakers, J. M. Arthur. Oearhart, A. Utlnger. Seaside. Lynn Burtla. head- quarters at Lewis A Co. Newport, Hsrlln Talbert. Olllna Springs. J. W. Balohar. Wliholt Springs. F. W. Me- Leran. Carson, Wash.. Mineral Bprlnga hoYel. aDDiar aaxt Friday afternoon befora Judas Claland In tha circuit eourt to an swer questions concerning tha extant and location of hla property. Ha la al leged by tha Security Savings Trust company, whloh holda a judgment agalnat htm. to ba concealing hla prop erty and thereby defeating an attachment A. 11. Johnaon Batata. Tha county court liaa made an order for tha sale on and after Auguat 10, 1908. of the properly of aald aetata In Multnomah, Waahlngton. and Yamhill oountlea. For details apply to W. M. Ladd, admlnla trator. First and Stark, atraeta The following artlolea were found on the atreet care yeatarday and can oe recovered by calling at loet "Jlcli room. Klrat and Alder: Puree, flahlng rod. two planes, six packages, pan, Drsca and bit. two umbrellae. knife, lunch Dox, magailna and bottle or meaicme. Water through hpee for sprinkling yard or aldewalka or waahlng porchea or wlndowa must ba paid for In advance and uaed only between the hours or o and i a. m. and 6 and p. m. ii miui not be uaed for aprlnkllng street. If uaed contrary to theee rules or waata- fully It will ba ahut off. Central W. C. T. U. will hold the reg ular weekly meeting; tomorrow after noon st 2:30 in the Ooodnough build Ing. The speaker will Monroe who wll give erature." FRENCH STOCK AT LIVESTOCK SHOW A. C. Ruby Upturns From France With 100 Head of Blooded Horses. be Miss I. talk on A. fl "Lit- rhnrlen fled urn We' a oetltlon for a 40- foot road between tha Powell Valley rotid and the southwest corner of W. C Mitchell's doniitlon land claim has been granted by tha countyxourt. The formal order was laaued yeaterday. We sponge and ehlne your shoea, Main 614. A-4314 where. preas your clothes, all for 11.60 month. Wnoni run every- Unlque Tailoring Co., t09 Stark. Charlea Ti Pfahler ha a removed his office from the Chamber of Commerce to room il2. board of Trade building. s. Don l swim in xne to Rlnglers Dam. rresn Bull Run water, proper temperature. win, iuu Beware dog days, river. Qo to Rln The Rutte Boys, Mining company, J26 Chamber of Commerce building, are Jub ilant over the turn tilings have taken at their mines In Nuvada. They Just re ceived word from their superintendent, Mr. Phillips, that the new lease at Llda la bonanza and they expect to begin shipping ore by August 20 to 25. In a mill tent they got $211.19 and In as says they got from J58 to $325. On tiiu Llda property there Is a 13-foot ledge. The company has a three years' leuse on this property. The mine is fullv equipped with a splendid steam hoist. tiullillriKa and tools. With the lensn there is 10n cords of wood, cut and corded un ready for use. Work Is progressing in fine shape at the Flor ence lease. With three shifts of men working there the company expects to i pigtrlct Attorney Cameron yesterday encounter shipping ore any day. And i dmged the charge of larceny from there Is big excitement over strikes .tore pending in the circuit court made In the Immediate vicinity of the v . Night Haw, another property under a T Fvt.iann nhvalclan. surgeon. long time lease. Preparations art be-. oDened office ln eulte 415, Medical ne BanbJd phone Main 6819. line ar- i B listing, Leather monev belts and coin bags at Albert Herni a drug store. 233 Washing ton Afreet. prfc 386 ',4 E. Morrison. Steamer Jease Harklne, for Camaa, Wniahmiral and way landings, daily ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington atreet dock at 2 p. m. Hedgina Corn Cure removes coma, bunlona and callouses; 26o a bottle, at Bernl's drug atore. 233 Washington at. A. C. Ruby of this city has Just re turned from a throe months' trip abroad, the object of which waa to bring to Oregon a representative im portation of draft and couch horses. Ills vlalt was more than successful, for he Is now unloading 60 of the finest Imported horses that were ever brought to thla country, am 40 more are on their way and will be liere as soon as shipping accommodations can bo ar ranged for their dehVerv here. Mr. Ruby left 1'ortlund for England early In May, and he visited England. France. Germany and Belgium, solely for the' purpose of picking up high class stock. H said yesterday that he attended the livestock show In Paris, held there In June, and which Is by all odds the greatest exposition of Its kind on the European continent with the possible exception of the NIJnl-Nov-gorod yearly fair In Russia, conceded to be the greatest In the world. At Paris Mr Ruby purchased about a doaen prize winners at the June show out of herds exhibited In tho grand championship cluss at the NIJnl-Nov- frorod fair ot hiHt Aupust and Septem ler and winners of Imperial trophies hung up. fn addition to this purchase. Mr. Kuhy secured ribbon winners In FORCE BOARD TO PUBLISH' REPORT Aa forecasted In yesterday Journal, Architect Ernest Kroner waa on hand at yeaterday afternoon's meeting of tha board of education prepared to demand a copy or Architect Bummsrvina s re port, making the award In tha architec tural competition for the proposed Al blna High school. After some dlecua slon between Directors Campbell and Klt'lschner, It was decided to postpone the whole controveray until all the board could be brought together, Dlrao- tora Beach and Wittenberg being ab sent from the meeting. After the meeting Archlteot Kroner announced that In case tha board re fused to make public the report of the Seattle architect he . would at onoe institute mandamus proceedlnga In the state circuit court to compel the publl cation of the report. Beyond the opening of a number of Inn made to list the stock on J'lanclsco exchange. Hy the time ar rangen riEements are completed for the companv expects to be shipping from at hast one of their mines, and hnvo all four mines working full blast. It Is predicted that the price of stock' Woman's Exchange. 183 Tenth street, will advance many times its present ! , h u s0 to 2; business men' lunch, value In a very short time after being ; called. 20 discount on all harness thla week. Keller Harness company, 49 North Sixth E Elks' W. Moore, expert p building, Seventh and John C. Shlllock taw offices, moved Gerllnger building, Second and Alder. D. Chambers Morrison street. & Son., opticians, corner of Sixth. Have you a boy or girl whom you are about to place In a school for higher education? Have you considered the claims of Tendletnn academy? A hlgh clasa school with a decidedly moral 1on. giving courses that prepare the tight!! (,'rade graduates of Oregon pub lic echools for college, home, work life. Courses In domestic science, vocal and nstru mental music nnd pedagogy have en added and are meetinir with srfendtd success Last year's student body maintained a Young Woman's Christian Association, a girl's glee club. I t0 g26 Board of Trade building. U.U till ihsuii. t piiiuiK uei'iliHH I and other student organizations, all of which not only add Interest and enthu siasm, hut are iiiKtrumental In giving a training Hnd culture too often tieglected In school work. hotographer, Stark ata. 821 W. A. Wise and associates, painless dentists. Third and Washington. S. H. Gruber, attorney, moved offices The funeral of Mrs. Hattle A Frl, wife of Henry W. Fries, who died Sun-cl.-iy morning last following a short Ill ness from typhoid fever, will ne held from the family residence, 91 Flanders street, at 2 o'clock this afternoon, inter ment at Rivervlew cemetery. The fun eral services will he conducted by Rev. William Hiram Fowlkes of the First Presbyterian church. The " following have been requested to act as pall-bear-era: A. M Wright A. M. ("rockc:", George W. Hazen, S. H. Guild. Clarence M. Gilbert and Martin W. Gorman. Mrs. Frli-s was born In Portland 3t yenrs ago and had been man led 15 years. Be sides her husband, she Is survived by mi 11 -year-old son, Samuel. Berger, S91. signs. 284 Yamhill. Main Dr. E. C, Journal want ads. Brown. Eye-Ear. Marquam. lc a word. REWARD FOR WALLET IS STILL Tor bargains in real estate, either to purchase, sell or trade, call on Stites & Pencr, 5?n Vnien ave.. North, near Rus tic'.! st.. or phone Rast 42S5. We have over L'OO farms and farm lands listed and the same amount of city property. A large portion of our bargains are for ! exchange. We can -sell you first-class A property at bedrock prices with small I -payments down, balance on monthly! payments. Why pay rent when you can 1 apply monthly payments on purchase a price ami own the property yourself, j . Come and see us. We will give you a. square deal. Don't you know I'm Peter Jackson? J Don't start nothin' with me or I'll wal lop the life out of you." This from Nick Jackson who was amusing him pelf by trying to tear down a fence t Sixth and Main streets last evening. Patrolman Leavens, however, remem bered that Peter Jackson, of pugilistic fame, was of African descent, while the man before him was white, except for the beer stains. It was Jackson to the police station despite his threats. "Fif teen days," said Judge Van Zante this morning. Councilman Kellaher's ordinance amending tho present ordinance lieenp. i lng hawkers was recommended for pas-! sage by the license committee of the council yesterday and will come up in the council tomorrow. The ordinance If adopted, will mean the passing of nil hawkera nnd peddlera from the streets of Portland. The measure waa asked for by 800 business men who signed a petition remonstrating against the hawkers and peddlers. against Jack Brennan. He la now aerv lng a term at the rock pile under a plea or guilty to a similar charge In the municipal court. In the circuit court jir nucupti-u stealing 933. &o from mo muic ui j. xj. v euana, North Sixth street. Judge Van Zante this morn ing discharged Mrs. Catherine MacFarlane, accused by Mose M. Bloch of larceny. The question of the 3100 re ward offered by Bloch In an ad vertisement for the return of a wallet containing a number of personal notes. Is still unsettled, and It is expected that a civil suit will bo brought. Mrs. MacFarlane found Bloch's wallet on the street. He adver tised in vain for It and finally offered a reward of J100. Then Mrs. MacFarlane made an ap pointment with h4m. but they did not meet. Bloch got out a war rant for her arrest, and when two officers tried to get posses sion of it the wallet was safely burled In the basement of the MacFarlane home, 608 East Everett street. The case was tried out at great length In the municipal oourt Saturday afternoon. Judge Van Zante then taking it under ad visement. It la understood today that Bloch has siai he will let Mrs. MacFarlane ' keep the wallet rather than pay the 1100 reward offered for lta retorn. the breeders' class at the Paris exposi tion and other pure blooded stock In Germany, Belgium and England. His purchases numbered an even 100 lfad of horsfis divided fairly equally among Percherons. Belgium. German Coach- era and English Shires. Buya One Hundred Head. "I left Portland three months ago," said Mr. Ruby this morning, "with the Idea of buying from 60 to 7B head of first class stuff out when I got over there and saw the magnificent stock that was practically going under the hammer I made up my mind to bring back nil I could get, and I think I have secured 100 head of the best bred horses that have ever been brought to the Pacific coast. The foreigners know what wo have, over here, and they are not slow to take advantage of our avidity to se cure their high-grade stock. I found any number of breeders In England and France, who will visit America this coming year to study our methods of livestock production, and unless I am mistaken there will be a concerted ef fort on tho part of the Europeans to hold un every "Yankee" who tries to bring imported stock into this country. "While I was Impressed with the mag nitude and variety or the exhibits in the show at Paris in June, 1 am con vinced that Oregon can do as well with but very llttlw effort, and with the as sistance of Portland in inaugurating a livestock show here ech year J feel safe In saying that we will bo able to give as good a show in a year or two as any on the other slda of the At lantic. "I experienced lanumerable diffi culties in getting even the SO head which are nojv here across, and It Is n matter of guess work when I will be able to land the other 40 In Portland. At the same tlmo I hope to have them all here in time to show them in the Pacific national in Portland next month. "1 found the French people the most sportsmanlike people with whom I came In contact on my trip. They were insistently Inquiring about what we were doing In the way of developing the livestock Industry in America, and were greatly surprised to think that a man would come from the extreme western borderland of the continent to buv their fanciest stock " The long and tedious trip from Eu rope has had its effect on the impprta- J Hons which Mr. Ruby has made hut he i has erected a series of stables and 1 barns at East Twenty-ninth and Sandy ! road, and will prepare his stock for j the show at this place. August Piano Bargains LOWER PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE -ON RELIABLE PIANOS AT EILERS PIANO HOUSE. Customers From All Parts Taking Advantage of This Great Sale on Terms of Five Dollars Cash and a Dollar a Week. When a great piano house, such as r-uers nano Jiouse, announces un usual bargains for this month, it la suf- ncient to attract tne attention of every one who wants a piano. When it Is promised that these bargains are truly extraordinary, surpassing anything of the kind offered In years, It Is safe to predict that August will see many hun dreds of homes supplied with pianos at very small cost. Do you want a piano? Do you want to save from a hundred to two hundred and fifty dollars on the price? Then take, note of this great sale at Ellers, the very piano you want may be there at a great reduction, and on terms of only five dollars cash and a dollar a Week. As long as they last J128 will send one of our best $260 pianos home, and, if not convenient to pay all cash, we will accept five dollars at first, then you can pay one dollar a week. Just think of the Inducements offered half price to begin on and pay only a little over ten cents a day and you own your piano. Pay interest at regular rate no advance over cash prices if ycu buy on time. Today we are closing out several of our bcBt 1850, strictly reliable pianos, at 8194 ami (218; and 1243 sends home a splendid, high-grade $400, latest model. Then we have planoa at $147, $152, J175 and $266, worth easily double. Every piano In this great sale cnrrles our iron-clad guarantee "Your Money Back if Not Satisfactory" also ex change privilege. You simply take no risks whon you buy your piano here and. remember, we carry out to the letter every statement, every promise, made in our announcementa. Come and make the test, if you do you will buy your piano now and here. But you are advised not to delay. The first purchasers have their choice, and wo cannot now" promise how long this sale will last. Gome this afternoon, if possible. Ellers Piano House. 358 Washington St.. Cor. Park (8th). .? i i ,n"llatlon of patent flra- iuiSui.iiyiB m several east aids (tram, mar schools, nothing of Importance oo curred at yesterday's meeting on ao count of tbs absenoe of two of tha dl-rectors. ianjiiiaiTt. THEATRE. NATO IS-25-Mc IMGITS 2S THEATRE. 80.7k Bejejosjof AdTano TaadertU AXJb BTTAJt fllTUmi ACTS. Opening; Monday Evening. August IT Bala of seats begins Wednesday, Aug. il. TOE GRAND Vaudeville de Luxe Another Oreat Show. acaansl BomaUaa) assisted by rolay Bros, tj Falmer lltten "Sows Kaslo Bow" "Tha Tall of ), Tom GilJen. The Moxarta. Cadleux. Louise Auber, etc. iimoou ajo eoubaaaa- HKOOU ABB OOLUOta, Why Not Study It Under a Pan Artist? BOOKKEEPING under an Expert Accountant ? BANKINO under a Bank Catbier ? CORPORATION Accounting under a System-man ? ARITHMETIC under a Thorough Mathematician ? SHORTHAND under a Convention anr Court Reporter f TYPEWRITING under a Practical Touch Ojeraur Letter-writing, English, Spelling, etc., under thoroughly competent instructors r PANTACES THEATRE Fourth and Btark Sta. Weak Oommaaolaf Xondar. An, lo. BtBTBir BABXOBAB ABABg, Whirlwind Acrobat a and Pyramid Builders. KIBXA ft XXXO, Burleaque Magicians and Klnga of Comedy Marin. Tnraa rerformaaoes Daily 0:30, 7:30, S p. m. Popular prices: Lower noor and first Six rows In dress circle. 26c; back bal cony, lBo; box seats, 60a Any seat weekday matinees, 16a NICKELODION THE LEADING BUSINESS COLLEGE PORTLAND, OREGON A good school none better. Well established grsduates. Skillful, painstaking teachers. Living reputation. Successful Expenses low. Many other advantages. Let tti tell you about them. Write for catafogue. SALEM, OREGON W. I. STA LEY', PRINCIPAL uo Change Lvcry Day AU OOOO aTPBJSOm, HfflEt Carlos' Society Circus 80 BEAUTIFUL DOQ8. MONKEY COMEDIAN AND KIDD THE MAN BABOON. 8 o'clock today. Tonight In Atrdome, The Oreat New York Suocess, "The Show dlrl" Cars First and Alder, transfer all parts city. s TEETH CHANGE Lint i ROUSES PATRONS1 OLD-TIME FIDDLERS TO FIDDLE AGAIN Fersons living In the vicinity of Six teenth and Montgomery streets are up in arms against the proposed removal of tlio Montgomery . carllne several blocks away. Hut If they are Insistent enough and go about it in the right way the change might be made and the cars kept run- nlng to Sixteenth and Montgomery. This could bu done by using that por- i tion of the track from Thirteenth and Montgomery, all cars making the pro posed loop traveling to Sixteenth and Montgomery and using the corner as a starting point, as is now done. The proposed change Is to combine the Montgomery and the Thirteenth streets lines, having cars go out Elev enth street to Hall, over Hall to Thir- , teenth and then down Thirteenth to Washington and to Third, and then out Morrison street again. U. ,S. Josselyn said this morning that arrangements nilplit be made to con tinue the use of the spur to Sixteenth and Montgomery in case the city fathers eventually decided to allow the com panv to make tlie change which It now wants. ' Thirty citlisens were at the city hall yesterday, and appeared before the committee on streets to protest against the loop. The question Is to be taken ' up later. at 104 Arthur E. Velguth has been cited to To clean the skin, you must use soap; pure soap; Ivory soap. Never mind if it does cost only a few cents a cake. It is infinitely purer than most soaps that sell for five times Us price There it na "free" i!kt3 in Ivory Soap. That is why it will not injure the finest fabric or the most delicate akia. Ivory Soap 99.4I&'PeriGeat. Pure. One more ploneera' event Is to bo added to the Oregon calendar of amuse ments In the near future. This la the annual reunion of pioneer fiddlers. Some time ago, at the suggestion of several of the old-time wieljera of tha bow, a call waa sent out to all the old-time fiddlers of the counties surrounding Portland to make themselves known and arrange for a reunion here. .The call has met with response from ' a number of those who In the dava gone i by furnished the rhythm for the dancing i feet of Oregon a first families. Ar- j rangemente are now being maue for the firat annual meeting, at which time It , la expected to effect a permanent organization and provide for euoceedlng meetings. At the flrat meeting It la planned to have a Hat of competitlone among the veterans. The entire program will he, given by them and those who still are able to put up good nolaea with their trusty fiddles will carry away medala and souvenir prlaes. The reunion will take place some time In the near future at the Oaka. when the permanent organitation of the old i nd11r will be errccteo. Among th old-timers who are taking an Interest In fhe reunion are K. A White of Newberg. Joseph Kpler. A. Palmiter of Portland, Jim Parrot or Newberg, Sam Westphal and 8am Brown of Sherwood. Joe Kepper of Portland. W. W. Onssett of Tents. fam Kinder of Deer Island. T J. Pierce of Portland. Joe Talee of Benton county. U. P. 8am of Portland Tne Xiongest Continuous Soubla Track Hallway In The World under one management is the Orand Trunk Railway System from Chicago to Montreal and to Niagara Falls. The Grand Trunk-Lehlph Valley double track route via Niagara Koila reaches from Chicago to New York. Descriptive literature, time-tables, etc., will be mailed free on application to George W. Vaux, A. G. P. & T. A., Grand Trunk Railway Bystem, 13j Adams street. Chhago. m. Mm nodding Permit. A. C. Phillips, erect dwelling. Delay between Monroe and Cook, 11.100: Mrs J A Robeson, erect dwelling. Burn eld between Kaet Eighth and at Ninth. II. POO; P. Beuhner. erct dwelling. East nftr-flrih between Hawthorne and Madj-on. Mt.tOO; M Moalton, errt dwelling. lrhur between Twentieth and Twenty-first. S1.4: II. J. Borarsrd- ner. erert dwelling. Rest Twenty-sixth between Broadway and Schuyler. IS.IM. fLnwia- men ph4 mot ef then tires apologlring for baring b Voro. The Oaka "The Show Girl." "The Show Girl" presented laat night In the airiome by the Alhn Curtis Come-.ly romparv fit the Oaka drew a ( for their attendance. "The Show Girl" j is well produc-d. I well costumed, the songs are we.l sung and the comedy Is inaintalnej from the firt to the last. But one thine that makes it more at tractive this erk than Ix-fore ia the wrrk of Pave Caton. who sppeara thla week for the first time in a part which allows him to show h:rr,elf. He Is funny and .aft n.ght in his 'scarecrow", dance he was screaming After he had done his "stunt" h plad the game for some little time hy recalla, the audi ence apparently believing thai they '. could not get enough. The musical numbers were all bright ; and well delivered, the rnstijmes ef the chorus were new and appropriate anl ' the scanlc equipment waa something out of th ordinary. Tsken from first ' last rne snow rjirr puts the Allen Cur tis rompsnr several notrHn ah4 In Its efforts t rresnt np-to-dste attrac tions. "The Show Oiri" will be presented t the atrdom daring tha entire week, closing Sunday sight. Clotho Lachesis Atropos The Three Weavers of Life, could not have used better material than is in the clothes we make. Those who buy our suits know this. The 25 per cent discount means that you get Columbia tai lored suits for just one fourth less than at any other time. The dis count applies on both FALL and WINTER patterns until the 15th of this month. If you are wise, you will or der your Fall Suits now and have them "made to fit" at a big saving. Everyone knows the difference between tailored and ready-made clothes it's the difference be tween education and the lack of it. Save Money Come and have free examination. Wjffl EXTRACT TEETH FREE; SIU vwn fir I tuna k. ttt. nri i- W.tt INOS 7S IIP' ftir.T rw VirtrTM SPLENDID SET, t.00; QOLfJ CROWNS. IJ.S0 TO 18.00. All work guaranteed for ten years. Lady attendant always present All work done absolutely without pain by specialists of from IS to 20 rears' ex perience. Boston Dentists Xomi Phone A-S030. Than Xoala 0O3O. 891 Vi Korrlsoa St. Oro. Fottofflos. PENDLETON ACADEMY PENDLETON, OREGON. PREPARES FOR ALL LEAD ING COLLEGES, EAST AND WEST. OFFERS THE FOLLOWING COURSES College Preparatory, Literary Musical, Commercial, lso Spe cial Courses in Domestic Science, and Initrumental and Vocal Music. For catalogue and other in formation, address Rev. W. H. Bleakney Ph. D., Pendleton, Oregon. IS OUR MOTTO Said an Employer: "Stick to quality lit will win out in the end." We do "stick to quality." That is the reason our graduates are so thorough and in such demand. Investigate our claims to superiority . Catalogue, business forms and penwork free. Call, phone or write. Portland Business College Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon A. P. ARMSTRONG. LL. B., PRINCIPAL Flemish and Oak Finish 1.40 PER GALLON Liquid Wood Filler SI. 25 PER GALLON Portland Sash & Door Co. 330 rONT ST. rOKTlAlTD, OB, OAXITOB5U HOTXXiB. FAIRMONT H0TE Rose City Business College 148 5TH ST., PORTLAND, OR. Modern Progressive Energetic Graduates placed In positions. Cheapest tuition. University grad uates as teachers and managers. Day and night schooL ,W. W. WILLIAMS, M. S., Manager. ACQUIRE MUSIC - SINGING LANGUAGES Sonsswlfaly Accomplishmants In tha refined and aenteel atmos phere of ST. MARY'S ACADEMY POBTH5D, ORXQON. So lntsrfsrsncs In matters of ra- UgiOTL. All courses thoroughly modern In subject and system. Write for announcement describing school and outlining studies. Ad dress Sister Superior St, Mary's Academy, Portland, Or. SAN FRANCISCO A homelike and comfortable hotel, whose superb location, magnifi cent appointments and perfect service leave nothing to be de sired. Under the same manaa-ement which made the Palace Hotel tha world's stand ard ror 40 years. Slnxle rooms with batn it so, 11.00. 14.00. tS.00. $6.00. $7.00. $$ 00, $10.00. BuHss lio.oo. $12 50. 115 00. $18.00, $20.00 and upwards. REACHED BY DIRECT STREETCAR FROM KERRY. PALACE HOTEL COMPANY I I BUSINESS COLLEGE I 1 WASMINOTON ANDTSMTMSTS. I I PORTLAND, OKSaON !! WRITE FOR CATALOG J7n School OnU Plaftt 7a in a Oood PoriHim DALLAS COLLEGE The purpoeas of this Institution are to furnish to young men and women a liberal Christian education, to lay a deep and broad foundation In the atudy of the sciences, art and philosophy, and to build up a strong and Intel lectual moral character. HOTEL ST. FRANCIS SAM fRANCISCO Each gTiest receives, without taking, the response to the multi-form requests of the most ex acting public. The comfort of the present is built upon the complaints of the past, and Hotel St. Francis to .day represents the sum total of a stud of individual require ments. un$ atrmopsAv. nov ta trrwAaD. CNTJER THE MANAGEMENT OF JAMES WOODS Offers Vroal Oollen Court ! ; Classi cal, Bolnttflo, Xlsmeatary, Aoada ssie aaa Musical. Expenses nominal. Tha faculty can arrange for limited number of atudenta to earn their way In full or In part. Naw term commences September SS. Tor Catalog-oa aad Information Addxsaw a A. MOCK. Dallas, Oreg-oa. Agricultural College CORVALLIS. OREGON. Offers collegiate courses in Agri culture, including Agronomy Horti culture, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry, etc.; Forestry; Domestic Science and Art; Civil, Electrical, Me chanical, and Mining Engineering; Commerce; I harmacy. Offers elementary courses in Agri culture, Forestry, Domestic Science and Art, Commerce, and Mechanic Arts, including forge work, cabinet making, steam fitting, -plumbing, ma chine work, etc. 1 Strong faculty, modern equipment; free tuition; opens Sept. 25. Illustrated catalogue with full in formation on application to the Regis trar, free. Good Wages Are Paid Telegraphers Demand exceeds supply. EASILT AC QUIRED. SHORT HOURS. We will place you. Day and evening; classes. Open all the year. Oregon Expert College B3 TTTtt ST., Tim nOOB, mm wtsx Ajro rrop at ECLECTIC BUSINESS UNIVERSITY NOW IN SESSION BAT AJTV BTXWXVO CXVABSSI Places yonna peopls In wood posit (on a Our Individual Instruction the beat No dismuraa-ed atudenta, all tnak food proarsa L B. UOxABMOI, &. X- B Wwa. Woresstsr block, Portland Or (on. Pboos Wato 4Mi Hotel Von Dorn !tffiAXm' lit Turk t wfctn rou rUlt .aBBsBVBBwapaBl VndllA7rl Grant Phcgley, Mgr. Ctaa A aIHIa. flue eavf Hew- I las music, rates II up, Euror-saa. Pmtsj Perry depot tak any Market St. ear. Oe off at Jones st- E. J. Dyer. Mar. Seventh and Stark Sts. i CI T eempletaty equipped Hfrt- tary Aeadewty ea ta Oswt CaraJry. Iafsatry A nil lory. Anawal tw-amt- Cxtsmst arrwvsxts. wtatsBtaff Mai. Ataletle it4 rared. 8wtssla Mas. at mlTsrslttwa. Oyews Asa-art Is. rs Artaar v-ssby. A. U. U tX, saeter. 522 I "iloaey Bitt" la Szull Adi MILLS COLLEGE For Young Women Only woman's college on Pacific coast. Offrs same advantages aa beat aeaUm Institutions. Full collegiate course. De grees conferred. For three years only, the three upper classes of the Seminary Department, offering preparation for Mifla college, the universities and tast ers colleges, will be continued. (Ac credited Special opportunities In do mestic science, music and art. Earnest Christian Influences; non-sectarian; all forms of healthful outdoor amusamenta. Ideal location in beautiful Oakland hills Fall term begins August II, 190. For cataloa-ue and brochure of views ad-d-eas Mn. C. T. MILLS, Prsaident, Mill College P. O.. CaL McMinnville College OFTERg TOE IDEAL EDUCATION Its wbols MTtroaunsnt U elsaa and whoUaoana; mm asJooaa; rood ttyrfT. srmmeat; strong. arrslTa courccea. Chrtstlaa Faculty. Courses: Preparatory, CoUsglata, Comaarratory aad Commercial. XU ' t rated bwllstla fust UauaJ. ASS&XSa, a 7f. Bw C BOX 97 CteDsra, awalQasrUla, THE ALLEN PREPARA TORY SCHOOL Tnorws shprr- ratios fnT an a4 wasterw falieg-ia . r:h- r' -glaa aWptsisbr tl. I Ma. t Tl-rs AI.LF..W m rr n " t r : i