12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 11. 1908. 1 J -i WINQ Z SPORTING NEWS OF THE WORLD! TRACK DIAMOND ALTERATIONS 11 F00TBALLJ?ULES (hand's in MpIIhkI of IMa.v Will Make Hamc More Opcll. WORLD'S GREATEST PLAYER With th. Official K. VOSter1 V dlacus:t c new rules which will to make th lions ha vi ni'l" itliiii There ni' w probably ii.iv. game nl"l. . been iniule on pass, on 111" penalty for roughness, fouling. Mini' OUI and Intermission htw The change in which enthusiasts ure i.llllg'N Mian. I I- : !" !.! I.ango in t!.o ,. an se ! ! . hanges a trn.lt noy pen Altera- the forwjnl hurdling ml 10 he taken pen ba! lit- foothall rn on l Interested Is I've: . - L .vca 4 7 ? - IT r V 't k WttH III forward dhf.i. although tin iiltoidUvns are not so great us to make much ill ference. The rule regarding that pi" tlrnlar tilav was altered to the extcti that when the forward pass Is h-gall touched onlv the man nt the passer Bide who thus first legally touches it ahull he entitled to n-cocr the ball until it has been touched by an op nnnrnt Also, if a forward pass 1 thui leitallv touched, fumbled an touched hv another ulayer of th" pass rr'ii sld before the ball has touched an opponent, the oval shall ro to th opponents on tho npot where It first JeRnlly touched. Xarardlug' V of Hand. The new rules also Ftate In regard to that play that while the ball Is In h air for a forward pass players of the defensive side may not use their hands or arms on opponents, exoep trt rtish them out of tile wnv In ord to eet the ball themselves. J'layera of the side making the pass who are dig lhl to receive the imss may use th hands and arms, as In case of players eolnir down the field under a KICK Velther side mav. however, hold tacitly an onoonent who has not th ball. In case a forwarl pass Is illegally touched outsldo of these provisions the nunaltv shal be that me nail tto the opponents at the spot from which the pass was mane The rule regarding hurdling ftnd roughness has been changed to read -I-oss of 15 yards, point to be pained nnrt number ol downs to remain nn rhanpcii " A field judge has been made time Veerver and with the umnlre has Juris diction over the ruling of a batted br.II. which has been altered to re i that the penalty for battlnsr the ball forward is made loss of It to the of . Tending side. Mar Decline Penalties. In rearard to aJl penalties for foiils It has been determined that they iiuy be declined by the offended side, ex- rent nenalties under the forward pa.is This, however, in case where the dis qualification does not save the playur rrom being put out or ire game. Instead of having 10-mlnute Intermis sion between halves. It nas Deen no termlned to extend the time to 15 min utes. The teams are to b notified three minutes before the expiration of the time. If one of the elevens does not appear on tho field five minutes afterward, the ball wll be nut in play as first down by the ofended sido on the ofending side's 30-yard line. Another change Is that If a ball on a forward pass or a kicked ball, except trv at goal, strike the uprigMs or crass baVs, the ball shall be considered as having crossed the goal line. In case of the ball accidentally striking an official, the play shall be gone through again. AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES. At Detroit. B. H. E. Itrolt 2 0 Washington S B 0 Batteries Mullln and Schmidt; John on, Smith and Street. RED HOT GOSSIP FOR RABID FUNS JACKIES ON TOUR TO HONOERUD Throe Days to Visit Nov Zealand's Yellowstone Tark Alliance Talk. certain to btcom a fant In th nroar. rasa of affalra. Tha racetitlon here could not ba r called and tha aallora ara aa delUhted mey were with the manner In which iney were maaa welcome on tha l'a clflo coast at homa. Tha luncheon given by Admiral Bperry on board tne flaaahlp Connec ticut to the member of tha leglala ture wii tha occasion for further ex pression of good will and brotherhood bet wean tha people of New Zealand and America. Heavers IMa.v Greeks at Oak land Toda.v I'erine Sins Anderson Sins. Tor with This afternoon tho Heavers nro play ing th.- tli st K-im.i .,! n series with t uk ImihI. while San l-'i uncisco goes up ag.iinst the champion Angels. Tin leader walloped the life out of the cellar champs last week and It Is up to thi Hiavets to do the same trick. Tito set les will help the not thenu-rs to enter h. I. os Angeles fray with something of their old lino- form. Should they icpi-at against the Angels next week, the ll.av.-rs have a chance for a grand si' ill t for the flag on their home grouinl.s. Klnsella will probably he Itu Hi ivi r t wilier tod.ij, as It is his turn to pi ti h. With Kin.sy in good fovm wo might to tak the initial iiidllne- from t!i.- (ini'ks. Hv H I. re riotworthv Rtmtf ' lesiionden t of the I'nlle.l 1'rena the Atlantic Fleet. Auckland. N. Z.. Aug. 11. The offl cers of the Atlantic fleet et out early today for ltotorua, tha Yellowstoiio I'ark of Now Zealand, to view tha won ders of this country of marvels. Kn- UirtalnmeutM have been planned at Ho toru.i and it is expected that the three days' trip will bo most enjoyable. The entertainment committee ha arranged tho Itinerary so that the visitor will have a good opportunity to observe the customs and manners of Ufa of the natives. The party expects to arrive in Auck land l'rldny evening In tune for the ! grand stato ball at the government I nouse. The sailors are taking In the theatre, laces ami ainieue sports. The enthusiasm for America and I Americans Is evident everywhere and mr u uiun ib mm an aauance or the white people to control the Pacific Is Hull 1'. rtne has lgne,l a Han John- " "" ntraet to work in the American 1 nave 'ound Hucklen a Arnica Salve iig-ie and will pull down $400 a month "p l"w P'oper uung to use Tor sore hail- (irnhain of the Saci amento club fe"'- as we" as for healing burns, sorea, pre.ii-nted Johnson and the agree- cuts and all manner of abrasions," nt was signed tin other .lay. I'erine I w rites Mr. Stone of Kaat Poland. .Maine, u is the proper thing, too. for piles. Try it! Sold under guarantee at Skldmore Prug Co. 25c. will be ball Hans Wagner of Tittsbtirg, the Famous National League Stick Artist. Pittsburg. Pa . Autr. ner of the Nationals 1. a.l hat ting nver- ! Tv Cobb has ! more hits than Wagner, which brings his avemgf up above Hans'. WaL-ner leads the Nat-io.nals In number 11 Hans Wag- i as Wagner, bavins made 13 sacrifice ,,.,1 -.. (-..i.b of ! hits to Wat-'ner's six. iVbb has made . i.. uioie mis innn ugner llio Alllf'n.'tin.i. it.i'i i oe a ir of Ihf. 1 wit le.iL'lies a little the ad'.aningc of Warner in , i.f hits by u safe margin. I'onlln of erceiitage. Hoth m. n are the back- New York is tlie only competitor, and lone of their respective teams. Ty Cohb" I while he has made the hits more than has b -I'll at bat III !' times to Wagner's . Wagner he has been at bat 19 times 3J3. but has not been as successful In scoring runs as Wagner, for with the lead of I'll times at bat he ha.s made four less runs than Wagner. Again, Cobb has stolen "3 bases in his 3iV times at bat, while Wagner has stolen B in th.) S23 times ho has fuced tho pitcher. When it comes to sacrifice hits Cobb has been the hero twice as many times EAST IS RINGING FOR OH TRIO Athletes Get Manv Com mendatory Articles in Biff Newspapers. First gam id . At Cleveland. s R. H. E. 2 6 0 0 4 S and Clarke; Bender Clevelan Philadelphia Batteries Chech and Shreck. 6econd game R. H. E. Cleveland 8 8 Philadelphia S 6 0 Batterlea Berger, Ryan and Clarke; Coomb and Shreck. At St, IxuU. St. Lout Boston Batteries Dtneen, Steele and Crlger. Bailey and R. H. E 3 5 0 5 11 1 Smith; At Chicago. R H E. Chicago 2 9 1 New Tork 1 6 1 Batterle Walsh and Sullivan; Ches- bro and Blair. NATIONAL LEAGrE GAMES. At New York. R H E. OiWfo 2 : i New York 3 2 0 Batterlf-s--Civerall and Kllng, Math ewson aJid Hresnahan. I'mptres Higler and O Pay. At Philadelphia. i! h i: 4 l i ii Pittsburg Philadelphia- ." Rat teries -Lei f eld. Camnltz an l (lib son. Cr.rrid- n. McQuioln and I ..-.. ,n Vmpfr K.vfrl an(' Johnstone. At Brfxiklyn. r h i: Cincinnati 4 i 0 B nx-i k I v n fi s natterie ""akley. 'aiit and Mrl,.'an B-Il and Bergen. t'nipire Rudderham. Hardly an eastern newspaper is not carrying stories of the wonderful prow ess of the three great Oregon athletes Forrest Smlthson, A. C. Gilbert and Dan J. Kelly, and commenting direct ly on the state In connection with their remarkable achievement In London. It will be many years, they say, biifore another state so remote from the At lantic seaboard gives to the world such a record. The committee of two which will be selected tonight by the Multnomah club directors to take the trip across the continent to welcome the three heroes will have little trouble getting ac quainted with the various athletic clubs along the route of travel. It will be the duty or this committee to see that the state is aniply exploited in the middle west and east and that Ore gon gets full credit for the accom plishments of her sons. E. E. Morgan, one of the directors of tho Multnomah club, has mailed let ters to a large number of athletic clubs along the lino of travel explaining the import of the trip and the pres. -nee (! the Oregon delegation among them. It Is believed that answers will he re ceived from these ilubs sinnii'juig th.-jr desire to entertain the !.n;;.io victors The work of canvassing the city has gone along rapidly, ami the i 'md is i swelling. That the io.-al c en ml 1 1--- ' will succeed In raising the $:'.0uu no es sary Is firmly believed. Mr. Morgan who has been an energetic worker succeeded In raising something lik J4"0 before he tu:n.-d his list over one of the other member of iV fi nance committee, w n- n or bus-1 mess Interlerre.l Pinal plans will be rnad when the genera! committee meets nt the Coni ineicial club Tlons. lay night. HOISK IH'SIXKSS MKX JIEACIf (TIT IX -WTO more. In the S. IS. columns Wagner shows his remarkable form. Murray of St. I. ottls is tho only man who has stolen mo re bases than Hans In tho National league and ho has been at bat 19 times more t hail U ngner. If Pittsburg wins the pennant this year no man will receive more credit tor the achievement than Hans Wagner. AMOBILlTCLIjf AFTER PETERSON Trustees Want Authorities to Kevoke License Pro test Street Line. J. H. Peterson may lose hf automo bile license if the reriuest of the trus tees of the Portland Automobile club is heeded by tho city authorities, Peter son has been charged with running his Packard car at a high and reckJeas rate of speed and of cutting corners too ab ruptly. The action of the trustees, taken at a meeting last night Is but partly the lesuu or a collision Hun. lay between Peterson's car and a Thomas Flyer "iii'ii ni .i;ir Harrington. jt Is sail that Peterson was driving recklessly and struck Harrington's machine at t h i intersection uf Seventeenth and North rup streets. Another sublect taken up was the pro test against extending the street rail way company a franchise to build on Patton avenue. The automobile club will act Jintly with tho Alhina. nush club In iotesting this matter in the city oouioll tomorrow. It Is r. sited to use the avenue as a boulevard. i he club will also and h:g to a lcagu. where h ample protection from . -nippy players and no ought to make .1 success, perlne Is a good umpire. The pla.is respect him and he Is friendly with the big majority of them. He fol lows i very play, has a keen eye and ex-celh-nt and Impartial Judgment. William Anderson, who has been play ing a fast game at short for the lies Moines club of tha Western league this s-eason. has been purchased by the Oak land dub. A good round sum was paid for Anderson. The new lineuu of the oaks will proliahlv see Miller shifted from short to third, Truesdaie. the new man from Texas, at second base, and Anderson nt short. Hog.-m will be used In left Held and in the box. This is Anderson's second season out. He was I a star man In one of the Pennsylvania I teams last year and was drafted by the ; 1 oledo American association team, by which he was soli to Pes Monies. Down south tlio.v have got Jerry to the tact that Manager McCredle keeps I nis inie pitching Mair warming up when his box artist gives evidence of soar ing. Mac has been doing this all sea son and the result is that he always haB a warmed-up man ready to shove into the game at n moment's notice. This is the big league system. Hack there when a twirler allows more than two hits In an inning and things look bad, they yank him out and send In an other. Home games require four and live pitchers. An eastern fan describes Ruhe Wad dell's eccentric curves as follows: Now Just tbserve The Wl de Out Curve The Rubt Puts ! CGeeWo The Well-Known Reliable Electric Engine In Mine. From Caseler Magnalne. Tha flmt electric mine loooniollva waa built In 1887. It looka aa clumsy. rnmparad to Ita modern successor, aa the moflel of the firat railway locomo tive beside the gigantic machine turned out from the shop In the year 1907. Some of these early creations, how ever, have lasted straight through the period of Improvement and are atlll In operation. One such was built In 1881). At tho time of the Pan-American expo sition In Buffalo the official whose duty It was to gather exhibits for tho electrical building decided to obtain this locomotive. They wrote to the manager of the mine where It had been used to ask If - - I J4 It could ba "reatirraotad from the eorap '.'"' manager replied, with Indignation, that It could not ba ioiiii 'res urrected: from the acraD been" hin till in operation; but that It could be loaned, provided a new locomotive were to be substituted to do th work during It abaence. Million In Double Eagle. Philadelphia Correspondence New York Ajnerluan. Enough double eagle were coined In the Philadelphia mint In the fiscal year ended June 30 to pave Chestnut street with Ihein from curb to curb rr... Twelfth to Hlxteenth struet. In all there were 6.744.41S double eaglos, hav- U(,u1 value of 1114.888,300. With a total gold colnnge for tha year pf I12O.J77.0O0. the Philadelphia mint haa turned more gold metal Into money than In any preceding year. Thoae gold piece consisted of double eagles, eagle hulf eagle and quarter eagle. There were '16. 707.635 silver piece coined yet they represented only one twenty-fifth, part of the gold in value. Total coin ago for the year aggregated 137,138 177 piece, worth $U'B, 766, 848. The weight of the human heart aver ages from nine to one ounces. S8B ME1M CUELEID) $10 IS AAV FEB any Uncompli cated Disorder CHINESE Root and Herb I DOCTOR Has made a life Sttldv of rAnlfl herbs and In that study discovered and io giving io me world his wonderful remedies. Ko Mercury, Poiioni op Bran Ue4 . H Wltt Operation ox Without the Aid of a Knife. He guarantees to cure Catarrh. Asth ma. .Lung, Ihroat. Rhumatlm. Ner vousness Nervous Debility. Stomach, Liver, Kidney Troubles; also Lost Man hood. Female Weakness and all Private Diseases. A SURE CANCER CURE Just Received from Pekin, China Safe. Sure and Reliable. IF YOU ARE AFFLICTED DON'T DE LAY DELAYS ARE nivnrpriiTH If you cannot call, write for symptom stamps. No other physician employs a like method and so thorough Is my work that there need not be tho slightest fear of a relapse Into the old condition. It is not a question of whether you can bo -cured, but whether you will be cured. Don't wait until It Is too late. My method Is perfect and quick. The cure Is absolutely cer tain. I use NO KNIFE, cause no pain and you need not be detained from your work for one day. I especially solicit those cases where money nun oeeu wasieu on electric oeii ana ti ti a vr. n v other appliance. TAILUB' The Leading Specialist The Scientific Treatment of Weakness Posing the system with powerful stimulants and tonic In an effort to restore functional vigor can have but one final result: The condition is rendered worse than before. "Weakness" Is morely an Indication of a low rorm or innammation in tne prostate gland, nnd this Inflammation Is but aggravated by stimulating remedies that excite temporary activ ity. I employ the only scientific and fully effective treatment for "weak ness," which effects a permanent cure by restoring tho prostate gland to a sound and healthy state. I obtain complete results in every case 1 treat. i nose in any irouoie surrermg rrom I'l-.u-MATORRHOKA, LOSSES AND DRAINS, VARI COCELE, HYDROCELE. BLOOD POISON OR any other disease tending to destroy and disfig ure and to render happiness Impossible are urged to call upon me without dolay. 1 NOT A DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNTIL CURED Monk and circular. Inclose 4 cent in CONSULTATION FREE The O. Oee Wo Ohlnss Medicine Co- 101 r.-i . c . . . w-t -if.". w v7 j-uDt du, ur. jyiornaon. x'oru&nq. uregon. Please Mention This Paper. Three On The Ball; It Seem To Stop, Then Takes A Drop strikes, you're out; that's all.. tlfv nut-ihsts teamsters of the dangerous condi tion of the bridge near the oT;os!:l.,n grounds which is traveled -ner consid erably. The stnict'.ire is liable to col lapse at any time. Traffic is heavy omt the bridge and It is presumed the county court will repair It .hortly. Sherwood Beats Grove XInr. won; ond; to 1, ts,rlnl Illipjtch to The Journal.) -ox Sherwood, Dr. Aug. 11 1-ans defeat.-, the Colts here Punilav by a sr. 2. Next Sunday the Whit the Woodliurn Tri-( itv I. will play on the SI riu 1 i;- Whit- - st Drove I- of 7 io Sox an-1 K'ic team l;.iui..n,l "Seattle Races. (United Preen Leased Wire.) Seattle, Aug. 11 Yesterday's race re sults: First race, six furlongs, selling Adal bert j-iejle. 100 (Harris) R tn 1 Blondy. 110 (Poland), l' to 2 f Pen Trovato. 105 (Seoville), 7 inira. lime. 1:12 i-5. Second race, five furlongs selling Miss Naomi. 7 (Page). 4 to 1. won EI Pavo. 106 (Hayesi, 4 to 1, second, Mat P01 (Lycurgus). 1 to 2, third. Time Third race, mile, selling Confessor 110 (U Wilson). 3 to 1, won; Plckawav' 107 (Mentry). 3 to 1. second; Henry 6 Shennamore, 96 (Russell;. 4 to 6 third Time. 1:39 2-6. Fourth race, the Home Nest handicap mile nnd a sixteenth II Tremor 93 (Page), 6 to 1, won; Harrv Scott' 99 (Harris) 8 to 5. second: Ida tnv xl ( Russell i. out. third. Time. 1:45 1-5 Fifth race, mile and an eighth, selling Harnev Oldfield. !" Page i 2 to 1 '.von; 1'ncie Henry, 111 (Koerner) 5 to2' t---ond; High Cun. 07 (Morgan) out' toir.l. 'lime, 1 52 3-5 ' , .-ixm race, rive furlongs, purse Sml- 1 -, ,;,'.'; 'i-LOerneri. to 10. won I-trenail. 111 ( Lycurgus i. 3 to 5. second Vl"n"'errH' r93 (Pae. 1 to 3, third lime. :59 2-5. rgaajta imiesmi Wu .i'W . piaBjaa Consultation pnd .Advice Free HOURS 8 A. M. TO P.M. SUNDAYS 10 TO 1. The DR. TAYLOR Co. 33H Morrison Street. CORNER SECOND AND MORRISON STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON Every Woman uwwatDa iDcald know DOUI wonderful MARVEL tthirlinn Wv Aik mr druvltt Iter It. If he rannol supply tb w wl mj, accept no tiw. but nend flump for illustrated look waU-i. ft rVea full uartlculan mni .iy.m ,..1 . I wot ami tj Bkidmor Dtum Co. Clark Co. nd Laue-DtTi Dru Co. .torw. CUM! i mm No Experiments INo Pailures Whoa you need the services of a doctor con sult one of wide experience. OUR FEE In Any Single Uncomplicated Case Our entire time and practice is devoted to the cure of BLOOD POISON, VARICOCELE, STRICTURE, LOST VITALITY, HY DROCELE, PILES, FISTULA, DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS, BLADDER AND PROSTATE GLAND, CONTRACTED DIS ORDERS, WEAKNESS AND ALL DISEASES COMMON TO MEN We want every man who Is suffering from any special disease or condition to come and have a talk with ns. No man whose weakened system is crying out for help through disease, or who has been guilty or eariy iiiuiBcit'iniiia or laie excesses, 19 sale in lire until such time ai his errors have been corrected. CONSULTATION AND ADVICE FREE. ' XT 709 cannot call write for Self-examination Blank. Many cured at home. Hour 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sunday 9 to 13. ST.LOUIS medical and IMCDI7rTCADV Surgical VUG I MjIHOHLmA I CORNER SECOND AND YAMHILL STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON. OAKLAND'S XKW ONE At Itoston. H .s-on S- I,. lil'UTIrJ bo eV ,r i . 1 : ; : . Km ' ! a ma? .f.am . R H K 3 2 . . . 9 1 1 0 ultes. Ma nnd R;i3 NOP.THW KSTFKN I F AGl'E. Seattlr fl, I!utt .". ' t. t" Th ;nml ) '''' ' '' -i-'i jg ' J K-r--r were ' m : of t, r'.r in -ve- - : v F . - ., , p. ties rlr -' y 1. . wor- r n r. efin(vj t, t. 4 ' ' r ( : l i " s 4 Al'en and Plan''. Sm- nder T'mpir Frur? F e - i a I'll fcJld wl...!c.:i: sr..er a-.-i .'of fin V4r?..l..'.A: -r" ?jf---fl ' . s"-. e.:!, '.ours on v- . flni- A '. . " s'.msc I a ' s .,- .JV.. -ji ' '7w " i I -e-r inta-n. '.' ' 'Vj-V V v e- --.ei t..e Vr ' . - i"s1:$l This Date In Sport tnnnls. 1M At Rochester. K y Maud S trotte, ;, mile, agalnot time in " lni' 1SV3 C. K. Ifeath ro.'e , trleveV down Mount Washington N JI i-n r ri.iK. rode, fi miles. In a 5 minutes lVi- At crand Rapids, Mich Pa ng match, jr.ouo purse. M;), rolnter heat IHrect; 2 OH " m lXHO-At New 'Tork:' "(irnrE Tlxon end l.ddie Suntry fought 110 ro.-Vs a .1 ri. . ' 11.07 -At Chicago Chi.aeo term of the National b -ague defe!lte,i I'hilailel pi. la tulif in one day t.v the score of Don't Chew the Rag. Buy Messrs Northrup. laison and fin. three n i-ll-k-riti n rrl !. of J reached Portland yeierilqv af.er a er-i 1 -Ills' t r l j . f r- T-i : ! e 1 ! N..rthr :j 1 a 1S T a l.ii.ker Tl.e were laid ii f fer. n ' t'rr'- "r T 1 .-ry J : 1 flcult trip l-.id br ak.lown a: P H l.il h held the-,. 1 I HlUOrr I he V :i ' j t r : i l rr i rr: e n , j . j Hutte Hsren. (T'n1t.-3 prri.ii Ii..-rt wtr- ! i'i;'e, Aug 11 - - "S est. -cay s rsce re s u ' ' I Plrst race four f-.rlor.gs. selling 1 Knaihl Peck. ( ' . hon i. to B. nop. Itewurront. K'? i 'an I'jsiio, 2 to I sftniiil. Tro.hs. 1(.'9 is-tuar:.. 7 tn lu 1 Mrd Time. (Hi Second race, tr-,r and a '-p firlonss, seeing St J. U' (f't:.. to w..n; I'ntsrfo ' regon. leS iNeoni ! to 5. '. ond. A.'istv s Pride. ; hi i i. Clark i. j ooi third Time. 4 T: :"-d rare, six futlor.c. s;'ig .Airs. ! " S'.iarti h to 1 wo-.. Kfln.es.a II. ': . ft; .ir i ! to J. .-, ..n: A'.r t HsU Injpftn. fifn, third T!:r. Palles FJats Stevenson. (?r"-c1nl HlFpnt. h t'. The Joernun The Pal! Com n-.e rc :a . ' r . . i g ll ti,,. j .n..q nnd Athletle l.i. O.li ... ... . c, . ' ' 1 ...... -n ,-, v,rv .,rm;v e -,- t'-s.ed i;:n- s t er.la y at Ste.-non In he Vcore of - to .1 fp ln the ninth Inning the score was ,1 to 1 in favor f Stcx,.r,.n The p..K,oBtr,r ,in r1n . excursion from here to Stvenon and return, and over l.'.a people nia.le t ' trip to take in 'he game t'nwlwly rontlnnenl. From Harp-r V . Ii ! i oi'iltc ii.ive i..:i t.fen .1 fom-Prlsoner- No. "sir Judge Have vo-i ben In bef-irc' Prisoner - Na. ejr .T-i lge Are vo .erlaln 'rloner I n n t ; r J-Jdge Tour 'a M : -.ok r miliar Wrier i t,.f- , Prlsnrer - I m th.. 1 --end loon acro th, wa.. r: IFe Wonderful Human Machine If you h.-id n rra! fine wntrh and some part of its1 I have userl Electro-Viffnr about 40 days and I feel inroanism lir'kc, wiu!d you try to repair it by filling! like a new man. Klertro-Vigor has done even more :t wi'h f il: No, yritj wmild take it to the best watch- than you promised it w maker y. u knew and have him find the cause of the trouble nnd rr-.nir it. Your body is a far more delicate mechanism than any watch. It is the most complicated ma chine on earth, yet vhtn sr. me vital part break d-m n or tails t'i wi.rk pr.Mi- rrly, yen try to nakc ;t p.. by dop-rtfj y ni J dt: nif f sted be- idedlr fa In the sa il -r. e is n ii. n y l : v ,: t" : i T: v.' C r ;r-h r r -K- 1 f -e.l ' J rs -e : r ; f"7 to ? to '-. li-iillun sr I 1. wor. en-ol 4 t i r s ... t I.e. r Purity Taffy Vmi-k&l end Keep Sweet , I nv r-Vt' i half f', rloT-- Vnr. r"jr , 7 R'uset I, k to E. rschha.jm '. ROVAL BAKERY f COS. W AIXTTOTON AND PARK STS. slxteerth. fm n . . 7 to if. aeeond. Ifj i Morsel. 4 to S. third. V- Noi T 1 ii, t"T,h irs' mile. e51!nr -Mahl JfjarOr. . r. 8.tlve. T to 1 won. Llitl. Botfrr, : .e.hrtr.rr,. f fc. ?,,,!T-J,iHIu, iaioleawortn). tut. taird. Tlma, 1:41. Frank Tntes laje. frrrnrr shorttop i t " H . .n rl-.l. ..f 'he Tf ia lea rue. ws lorn fct St liu's .n l'..n.her ' 1. 4 . and h-"e! the '.J.'irrf-, tf L-a me n the 1- : "f thai . 1 - n.s g .. ..1 wi.'k on a I. al Frr'-i r f . t -:, ,r, i i so.-r t -i his r:k A tt' n e .: i :r ; ,' ' H'Ultotl rl',1 . !'h WM h Ir urn r metr.-1 rrfitlniifih Hi i a f . e-1 irfii.oer. bit j t lor t- ' ' l .r, i not 1 I' well r-noogh to ,-.rn ;.r'-n.'t n , ut h has (lnfl M t! of bet-j tlri and hs a ntlrr sriun-1 It. ,l is a teif- and iane r-n-'r and! f'rtt for a tn from e'ert to fimah : rne-foirth of at I . hit tae Nn for fr or more extra t-a .-a h I ex petaVl to rewh fiii)r4 tM wHi and wUl cpea acatoat lL i'ortland team. Foollah Man. c.'rl -a r't'lni ripe, verv fa'r to '. the :r-m.r '- Ia Li.t fca green r, a f r,r - . w To-i, World, Th- s.,m A-.1 H it -or trr rnvr.j, r e a -r u el. V-.'k '!- arc r t-- F.t S'rr P 'am t he v r . fi-a- .Tn 'at g-ata and we on th Third and Sc i''fl'l of .Voir -e '' rpfrir r.d (l:v-r tr; a a rarriant of " "" he l nite.1 art acoRFKm mwi ra mde by ;k m-thirg irnpi n-l bahT mfMteirea thai rnrtain ,: plum tnd r.rcovi- !"A.t BahT EUmr rn talie no lr.jurou or nar'vttr druca rf T kind. A e-irre and safe ror f-r dti. r'red trmcti bowels end fretfitl-epl-.1l 4 fe-r teethln InfaalA Sold by fitidaaora Drag eam.iBF. R -ry Duikce, Baker County, f)r. ... 'voT rolonous"" A , -r,,,fi ;,ui,i f,,r " I done for me. r I . . . . - A. X iSrf-a 405 Tourney Bldg , k&::.itfA Portland. Or Ii Wl ) TRI-SCOTT. 'trim p. uvrr a-.; kiineys are cr , -!d r.rr e f c Nerve 'tlier name f .r electricity. : thre crgint bre-ik duvri nr grt :rknes or disease results. Now, ire the trritble unt I von rrmnve -.Iectro-'igr,r llas bein a bo. m lo me. it cured me ot in somnia and nervous ness, i am very what your invention has P COCHRAN JllM When ary : - tit y ' u i an i ( 'i rr i.ir irriu :p unt-; vnii he cause repair the pait that is broken The only war to do this i to Rive Nature the pewrr to do it A'l y-ti ne'd u m -ti e power, electricity. Yo-i can't eet that from dniea. My method is to retre thi electricity wherever lackm and pain and nckr.e d-sr-.ppear Tl .v'a Nafure'a way of rurine I hu p hsTi-n a powerful but snothtre; ct-rrert of electrici'y info a bodv appliance made cf drv-cell batteries. J rail it Electro 'lrc', because it pvfi strength, vtm, new litabty to v. '-r nrrf. omach or anv r.trer part c,f your body that may be weak Elertrr.-Vtoejr is not an electric belt. It makes tts cwj, pow er and rever reeds charing It will 'cure every case of rheumatum, nerrru debility, weak tom ach, kidney and liver troubles, lame back, aciitrc, varicrele. )oi ot poTr and rery evidence ol weak rest in men nd worn en. Get It Free Cut out this coupon and mail it to me. I'll (jive you a beautiful K'O-pane bonk, which tells all about mv treatment This book is illus trated with pictures of fully developed men and women, showine now hlectro-v igor is applied, and explains many thing-' you want to know. I'll send the book, closely sealed and prepaid, free, if vru will mail me this roi-pon S. A. Hall, M. D. 1114 KEOON9 ATOWS, IEATTIS, W1IK. rieae a f nil me, rrepald. j-our free 109 pare Illua- t rated book. NAME ... ArrF.i: