THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 7. 1808 Town Topics TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS. rnntnK'a " Vaudeville (rami Vaudeville Tim Oiiks. .. .Concert S p. n; ....'"I'll Merry Grafters," 8:16 p. in. JOUKVAI. AT TKS BZACSZa. In order to procure prompt and 4 more satisfactory service, when at tlie .summer reaorta, order from the following Journal agents at regular city rates. llwaco A llwacc Railway com- 4 pony, Louis Cohen, newa agont. Long Roach. Edward McAllen. 4 Ocean Park, Loula Cohen. 4) 4 Beavlew, F. E. Btrauhal 4 The BrcHkera. J. M. Arthur. 4 Gearhart, A. Utxlnger. 4 Seaside. Lynn Burtls. head- 4 quarters at Lewla A Co. 4 Newport, llarlln Talbert. 4 Colllna Bprlnm. J. W. Belcher. 4 4 Wilholt Springs. F. W. Mp- 4 Leran. 1 thorlisd persons calling themselves fed eral officers. "Detective" Tlbba. who la auppoaed Co be the victim of a corra apii!idnc school for sleuths, created a disturbance around (Second and Pino streets lunt nlKht, so Patrolman Amund son escorted him to the police station, whre the hud whs found upon htm. Tlbba will he hold until the secret serv ice officials take action. Karl J. Harris, a bartendor, waa ar rested lust night for placing hla wife In a house of til-fame, and Is now held In. the city lull under $260 bonds. His wife was ulao arrested but the case agninst her was .dismissed today. 8he had heen In the Unebe establishment on North Seventh, the house now In the hands of the ronatablea. If the charge ugalnst Harris la proved he will face a term in the penitentiary, as the pen alty la severe In the extreme. The Butte Boys Consolidated Mining company la about the bualcat crowd in Nevada and feel sure they ore now about ready to reap tho Kolden harvest so long looked for. They now have four properties and none dead onea. The original Butte Boys five cliilma at Bed mountain has large bodies of a good milling ore. It la estimated to b a million-dollar property by a prominent engineer of Goldfleld And another engi neer of Oakland, Mr. Peterson, who has examined the property several times. They also have two very valuable claims at Silver Peak, a. very valuable claim in the "Hart" district and they have a lease on what la known as the Night Hawk," and Just north of the . J.agoona Ground and ajolnlng tho Month. The Booth la now selling at 3!c to 4ti. and tho Lagoona better than $1. Their foreman wired on August S, "Big strike on Bed Top Consolidated; good ore on Booth. Night Hawk dead In line." Tho eiame Jay the company recolved a tele gram from their foreman. "Htruck streak which assays $41." then Inter a report of an assay showing $641.39 from their Florence lease, which is recognized as one of the most favor able leases In Ooldneld. They have one of the largest leasea on the famous Florence ground and are crosscuttlng from their 600-foot aiiaft on. the 400-foot level at the rate of 7 feet per day of 24 hours. They are working three shifts there and expeot to encounter the Hig Hoe Fraction ledge In a few days. The parent company, the (ioldfleld Florence people, are doing all they eun to en courage and help the Butto Boys They Bay tho Butte Boys are showing the right kind of mettle in doing tho work they are, and last but not least, tho Butte Boya company have secured a three years' lease on the Centennial mine at Llda, 20 miles from Goldfleld. There thev have a fully equipped mine, a steam hoist, all necessary buildings, a 13-foot ledge. The company had a mill test of a wagonlood of ore, run at the Nevada Reduction works of Goldfleld. find the returns showed $211.19 per ton. and their foreman wired the company on August 6, "T can make shipments In two weeks." The Butte Boys company now has nine claims which they own outright. Thev have a two years" lease on tho Night linwk. adjoining the Booth, a three years' lease on the Centennial, h j fully equipped mine, "from which they will" be ready to ship within two weeks, i This Is one of the largest as well as I one OI UK mosi lavoiHOiy uteitieu na.-i on the Florence ground. The company will list their slock on the San Fran cisco exchange In a few days, and have it called on the Goldflnld exchange, at the same time, and will take it off tho iinrld't at the Portland office. 325 'number of Commeice. G. V. Bever. vie,-. president and manager, will return to lioldfieM shortly to take active idiarge of the workings there and ex perts to lake J. M. Bramliall of Gres f'um a heavy stockholder, with him to take charge nf the I. Ida works. Mr. llvanihaH made a trip to Goldfleld to examine the properties early In July nod says the company has never told half the t:ood tilings they have. The e.eppaKv will continue to sell stock for ;i rVw days hunrer at their office, to he iir,. tu have ample funds to enrrv on; until they can get returns from Cliipniellts. Portland weather has been cool tills s compared wltli that of other The following examinations under the civil service aro announced by Z. A. Leigh of the postoffloe department: Chief veterinarian, Philippine service, August 31; writer of specifications and computer. Beptemhcr 10; assistant su perintendent of nurses (female), Sep tember Ifl; blueprlnter, September IS; veterinarian, September Id; civil engi neer, Philippine service, September 16-17; business tescher, September 3-4. The largest transaction of the week In suburban acreage was closed yester day which Involved the sale of S00 acres lying along the Cornell road, 6ty miles west of the city. The property Is known as the Pllklngton nursery and was purchased by J. O. Klrod from Kl mund Gurney for $30,000. Mr. Gurney doubled his mttney on the property In less than nine months, having pur chased the tract last October for $15,-000. APPRAISE TUBER ESTATE $45,150 MILLIONS AT THE r.iERG0F mis (Continued From Pag One.) Benjamin I. Cohen, I. E. Carter and W. J. Gill liavo appraised the estate of the late Clark Taber at $45,160, but an Indication that this Is only a small part of the real value la shown by tho flirnr,. t v .1 ,,n n i . t it,. printing establishment of the Blue! to occur within the bleck In which the Mountain American of Bunipter, or. I Hydrant is situated. now wouia you This Interest Is appraised at $100, but , like to fUht a fire five blocks away at the same time there wits filed with I with nothing but this little one-line hy- uie county eierK a petition Inking lor: "rtinw nny mo rricuon ni in" ine stue or tins property for $300. The valve for a hose. After driving five b'ocke another one of these hydrants was discovered. "You see," continued the chief, "these hydrants are inadequate to handle a fire of any consequence even If It were most of the property consists of real estate In Portland and vicinity. On four pleceH of property theru are mort gages aggregating $80,000, but the ap praisement figures are clear of the indebtedness. hrlti Strohel. Jacob Unrer and 1). W. hose would so lessen the strength of the stream that by the time It was turned on the blaze It would not have strength enough to put out a bonfire. "Tho mains in this district are too small. I wrote to the water board last ear asking that larger mains be In stalled and It was referred to Knglneer Hoelblng have appraised the estate of Clarke of the water board but so far l'rancls Xavler Auer at $.."02. Annie J. Walker has applied for let ters on the estate of her husband. I James Walker. It Is valued at $1.2ni). i Including a $1,000 deposit In the Title Guarantee & Trust company. ARRESTS WOMAN WHO FOUND MONEY as I know nothing has ever been aono In the matter. I know that no malna have been Installed." leaving the southern part of the city T. V. Beckwlth, secretary of the May Holland company, left today on a tour of the eastern states and Canada. His mission la to Interest capitalists and others In the great Oregon country, es pecially Portland. He la loaded with facts and statistics about the country, and will no doubt be the means of drawing many easterners to the coast, as he has scores of gllt-edgcd proposi tions to present to them. Suit on notes for $12,000" has been begun In the circuit court agnlnst F. O. Burrkhanlt and II, W. Irfmckc by M. O. Thorsen, to whom the claim was as signed by Charles K. Smith. The notes are secured by mortgage against one lot and a portion of another at the south west coiner of Fast Alder streot and I'nlon avenue. Smith loaned the money to the defendants In March, 1907. For the purpose of discussing the lo cation and plans for the hall to be erected by the Swiss societies of Port land u general meeting of the Swiss Hall association will he held on the evening of August 15, at the old Ger man school at Eleventh and Morrison streets. Twenty-two thousand dollars have been subscribed. The association has been incorporated and Is prepuring for tho work of building. R. D. Johnson, Oliver O. Fletcher and John C. Hhtllock have filed articles of Incorporation of the Ir. (diver O Fletcher Chemical company. ' The capi tal stork la $100. Amended articles have been filed changing the name of the Placer Sylvanlte Mining company to the Applegate Mining, Livestock & Power company. Another grass flro occured yesterday at East Sixty-ninth and Base, I. Ine roads The firemen hurried ovyt from the Sun nyslde station, but as there are no hy drants In the vicinity they were forced to Join the realdcnti of tho neighbor hood in carrying water in tubs. No damage was done. Governor Chamberlain and the Ore gon building committee of tho Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition are In Seattle today Inspecting the nenrly completed Oregon building nt the fair grounds. With Governor Chamberlain are E. P. Rowe of Portland and W. II. Wehrung of Hlllsboro. An Interesting case will bo heard In the municipal court to morrow. Musi; M. Bloch, a war rant broker, caused the arrest last evening of Mrs. Katherlno McFarland on a charge of lar ceny. It seems that Bloch recently lost a package of warrants and at length advertised a reward of 100 for their return. Mrs. McFarland, who Is the wife of an O. K. & N. employe, tele phoned him she had found tho package and would return It If tho $10 reward was forthcom ing. Bloch refused to pay the re ward, and Mrs. McFarland de clined to reveal the hiding place, of the warrants. She Is out . under bonds until the trial to morrow. It Is txpected that a charge of false arrest will be brought if the cusc Roes axalnst Bloch tomorrow. the chief drove down Twelfth street to Salmon. "Now look out for hydrants," he (.aid. "Over there on Eleventh streot 1b a little old affair but there Is none nt this corner nor at Thirteenth street. Now. on the next corner Is the White Temple and Grace Methodist church across the street. There is no hydrant on lli'-se four comets, neither Is Iheie at Kleventh and Taylor nor at Thir teenth and Taylor. Ho Hydrants tn IS Blocks. "The same condition exists at tho relet Ihree Ktrcit 1 n t ref ton M nn Vnm- i hill. The sHine Is true on Morrison as jit Is on Alder and Washington and a! Stark. Yet Included In this district are i the two churc hes already mentioned, tho First Prosb terian. the Nortonld hotel. ;the Empire theatre, besides three large ; rooming-houses of three or more stories T In height. "In 12 blocks there are no hydrants. i vet the property Is very valuable and ; ; ! MATINEE FREE UBSSi r -mk Tomorrow, Satur- j inv i . uuj j m in An Inimitable Bunch of 30 Beautiful Performing Dogs, Monkey Joe and "KID" a Famous Man-Baboon "Kid" Is 4H feet In height, rhet measurement 33 Inches, welzhs h7 nounds. lives tho 1 1 f .. .if n man wnara ) re a flnrt clothes, eats' with knife, a most intelligent animal. Bones, the clown; e nurse; "Billy," dog; "Tony," tho clown; "Sunshine." "Tempest $ and "Wheeling." the messenger ooy. A OBEaT SHOW TOR YOVHG AND OLD f ' i i fi ' r.H,4 Kir) AJffUBIKXsTTS. rAWTAoas nATBa m in TaodsvlUa ralaoe Three perform ances dally, Curtain goes up 2:10, 7:10 and p. m. All this week. Mile. Techow's 20 performing cats; George W. Day, the greatest of all black-faced comedians; the great Powell A Co. Illusionists; Cluxton Co., the circus rldar; Leon Leonard, the Hquaw Girl; Tnny John- ' son's wonderful dogs; Hay Baldwin, Il lustrated song; moving pictures. Popu lar prices. THE GRAND Vaudeville de Luxe , THE WONDER OF THE WOULD SIRRONJE A NEW SENSATION EVErtT PERFORM ANC'4 ' Wf most Intellls T,?Z2 ? "Jennie " th !py .:.y.&-: r ; '.mw' '15 Minutes From Alder Street" P0ST31ASTEIIS 3IEET (Continued From Page One ) of them in attendance on the Presidential Postmasters' association meetings, anil it is propped to call them together to perfect their organisation. Their presl dent. M. K. Page of 'iatskanle. has is sued a call for a meeting at thri Com mercial club at 8:30 tomorrow morning. Meantime, the troubles of the fourth classers have been weighing heavily upon the heart or "Old Man Bennett," the sage and poet of Kabbttvllie. caus ing him to emit a wail in their behalf which he calls "Postmasterlng In Hab bitville," of which the following stan zas tire a sample: "We elect legislators and sheriffs and clerks. School directors nnd teachers we cop the whole works. For we're close to the people, we lick all their stamps. Tell them how to wean goslings and how to cure cramps. Prlvlne a horse that was suffering with two big gall spots proved a costly experience for John Taggart. a driver for the Uiamond Ice company, for he was fined $10 In t lie municipal court to day. Kalph Van Nortwiok was fine! $5 for driving over fire hose. "Wo danco at their s'l in in he 1 nc! Uistics A. H. Johnson Estate. The county court has made an ordr for the sale on and after August 10. 1H0S. of the property of said estate in Multnomah, Washington, and Yamhill counties. For details apply to w. M. I.add. adminis trator. First and Stark streets. the city Insists that these churches, ho tels and the theatre follow certain rules In regard to exits ami fire protection which, of course, is very proper, but the city should do a little something In the protecting line itself " Iirivlng north on Twelfth street the chief arrived nt Couch street. On one; side Is the huge national guard armory. On the other sldo of the street Is the Atkinson school. Across the street, from tho school Is the Welnhard brew ery. No hydrants. I 4 i At I'uvls street the chief came to the! Pacific Coast Hiseult company's block ;On the opposite side warehouses. No' .hydrants. At Everett. Flanders, Gli- 4 can, Hoyt and as far north as the street a ! nins are tedding but two. three nnd four story brl.'k buildings used as ware house, cordage factory, paper bas fac- tory, as storag.-. places for paints, oils, i vurnlslies am) other Inflammable mate rials. No hvdrnnts anil these buildings occupy all the wav from a quarter nf a block to a half block. Millions Without Protection. At Twelfth and IveJoy there is a building covering a half block which Is used as a warehouse for oil and paint. btm tncre are no hydrants on the street or on tho adjoining two streets. When aslced what he thought tho property val uation amounts to In this district which is without fire protection. Chief Camp bell replied that it would be hard to es-i tirnale but that It ran Into tho mil lions. In n ing east on Hoyt street past the long wooden structures used by tltel Southern Pacific for freight houses. Chief Campbell told how he had request- i ed the water board to extend the 20-Inch water main on Tenth street to Third street on Hoyt to connect with the main J on 1 hlrd street. Needless to say this was not done and the district which In cludes property valued at hundreds of thousands of dollars is still at the mercy of fire. Going north on Front street from Hoyt the chief pointed out the fire hv- I drants. There were five small four-inch hydrants between Hoyt and the Inde pendent I'oal and Ice company's prop erty. One hydrant for about every 400 or ."00 feet. On one side of Front street are two and three story wooden docks. Inflammable to a high degTee and carry ing as highly Inflammable materials within. Eying to at the docks are huge ships. West of the docks are tracks on which stand several hundred freight cars. Yesterday there were between 40 and T.O cars from which laborers were un loading huge bales of straw. Across Banking Connection The Security Savings & Trust Companyof fcrs you excellent facilities, uniform cour tesy, careful, attentive service, and safety for your funds. We cordially invite your check account. SECURITY SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY CORBETT BUILDING, PORTLAND, OREGON Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Time Certificates CAPITAL $500,000.00 SURPLUS $250,000.00 ffi NICKEL0DI0N 130 BIIT1 Change Lvcry Day UL GOOD STTBJXGTS. club are the tollowm: V 7 a St... le k'nann-i- M V Io varus or eiicvwiiks or wasning porene.s , "la t ska n le : K. K. Hogberg, Fishhawk Water through hose for sprinkling lug to statistics carrieo ny ine local weather bureau, following were the highest temperatures recorded In the Pacific northwest this summer: Lewis ton 10.- degrees, on July 31; Wnlla Walla, 1 of degrees on July 20; Hols 104 degrees on July 31; linker City. 102 (leprees on July 31; Spnkane, 101 de grees on July 31; Roseburg. 101 de grees on Julv 10; Pocatello, 9f degrees on Julv 31, and Portland. 92 degrees on Julv T. The hottest weather nt North llead. at the mouth of the Co lumbia river, this summer was 65 degrees. or windows must be paid for in advan and used only between tho hours of 5 and S a. m. and f an i p m. It must not be used for f-prinkUnc streets. If used contrary to these, rules or wasto fully It will be shut off. The following articles were found on the streetcars yesterday and can bo re covered by calling at lost article room. First and Alder: OSunshade, 2 lunch boxes, plans. overalls belt. 2 umbrellas, 3 pairs gloves, belt. 2 pictures, purse, can of oil and baby's shoe. A dividend of 10 per cent on claims filed and approved having been ordered C. T. Spauldinc. Woodstock; W. S Wal ters Stayton; George W. Dannell. Grants Pass; W. II. I.eitner Hunting ton: lvl Hostetter. The Dalles; K. O. Perkins, lone; ('. G. Cood. 1'allas; M. Thompson. Falls Cltv; '. K. Hasard, Drain; M M. Knelisa, p. cr Island: F. A. Fowler. Gohle; I. McCall. Gresham; R. M. Ingrain. Monroe; J. I.. Page. Eu gene; W. W. I.tnecid, Heppner; Thomas C. Walts .Reuben: K. H. llorlon. Trout dale; Squire Furrar, Salem: Finlev K. Roberts, Springfield; A Rennett, Irrl gon; A. Whltenonso, Arlington; John H. Casey. Ashland: M. M. jntes. Hood Valentine, St The Portland Rico Milllne comnnnv luver: l""nf. Jonr.s H. It. ine foruanc; nno Mining company i .,. Snn,iv- wmoimC Mnrxn.i n..,-- fhas begun suit In tho circuit court nK: y; t.ite, Wasco; G. G. I'.aFol- Bgalnst W. H. Williamson, alleging that lotte. Prlneville while acting as cnsnier tor the com- inis arternoon ine real pusiness or ranv he appropriated to his own use the the convention began with an address hv ihn Pnlted States circuit court for sum of is.i and lias since refused to or welcome ny lorn mcna rasoi., man . . ... 1 rptllrn tt. the district of Oregon, creditors are no tified to present their books, certificates of deposit or other evidence of Indebted ness for payment at the office of the receiver, corner of Second and Washing ton streets. Portland, Or. Claims stand ing In the names of minors will be paid only to the parent or guardian who or iginally made deposit. R S. Howard Jr., receiver, the Title Guarantee & Trust company. Portland, Or., Aug. 1, 1908. Charging that he deserted her after seven years of married life, Mrs. Minnie Henkle has begun suit In the circuit court for dlvorc from Clarence K. Hen kle. They were married (n Spokane In April. 1900, and separated on August 1, 1907. "United States Detective J. Tibbs." That Inscription on a harjgo may pet Mr. Tlhbs Into a peck of trouble, for Uncle Sam does not approve of unau- 1 return IL T. Hv.shnell chief clerk, bureau of Save the Discount Send check or pay the firs; assistant postmaster-eeneral. at office on or before the 10th to save I had been expected to be present to make tho discount on August bills for !h An-Ian address, but word was received yes- tomatic Telephone. Home Telephone company, cor. Park and Rurnside sts. We sponge and press your clothes, shine your shoes, all for $1.60 month. Main 514. A-4314. Wagons run every where. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark. To have a clear skin: Exercise moderately. Eat wholesome food. Breathe fresh air. Use Ivory Soap and clear, cool water. What the skin needs is something that will clean but will not harm it. Pure soap will do this; and Ivory Soap is pure. Ivory Soap 996 Per Ccit. Pure. Barber shop on Morrison street near Front. 2 chairs, low rent, well estab lished, offered at a bargain to Immedi ate purchaser. Address X-2I8, Journal, Reware doe days pon't swim In the river. Go to Rlngler s bath. Fresh Pull Run water, proper temperature. 886 tt E. Morrison. Swim, I5c. Dr. Will Jackson, dentist, 1 020 Rel mont street. Sunnyslde.. Office phones Tabor t03, H- 2 4 7 4; residence phones East 6230. R-1 474. lolly the lovers ma rria ires. Know who will need coffins, who baby ca rrlaes : Wo 'smile' with the topers and shout with t lie preachers, In affairs of etiquette we are the teach ers. "Wo're open from 6 In the morn till 9 at nljjht. Buy our own coal, pay the rent and furnish the light. And this goes on regularly, dav after day, We doing all the work and you draw Ins tho pay:" the .street were the freight sheds of the The postmasters from Oregon who are i railway company. Five little four-inch already registered at the Commercial ; hydrants to nrotect this district. "Do you notice this wind blowing?" asked the chief. "I have never been rinwn here but what I have noticed a strong wind blowing. It would nid the fire and spread Hie flames and sparks In such a manner that the present hy drant equipment would be Inadequate." Bast fide Without Protection. "Now these places are the ones we; have to mi v. Tliey are the places where the men and women work the?'' self same men and women who live in var ious parts of tiie city and who are cry ing for fire protection for their homes. Of course their homes should be pro- tected but I think that we should first I protect the places where these peoplo I earn their daily bread. If these dls I trlcts should be wiped out many of tho I people would not be able . to "support ' their homes i "This condition we have found today j prevails In every part of tlv city, on the east side you ran drive for miles ! without seeing a hydrant. It is not j right. The peonle are deserving of mere hydrants and larfjer mains and should . se that the,- ret them Why. take tho Irvlngton district. I do not know what ' could h" done to save that district if a fire should start. I hate to think about It. There are fine large homes situated In a section nf the city that is absolute I ly without fire protection Surely the people are entitled to mora ronsldera- of I tion than that." nger of the Portland Commercial club. terday that he had had a leK broken In an automobile accident In Ihrtte, Mont., and was In the hospital there. T. P. Randall of Oregon City, who was als on for an address, was unable to bo present on n .':rl of sickness. Put there were other rood speakers to re spond to Tom Ki'-hnr.lson's address welcome. Including I'd liostetter of The Dalles, who spoke on "Postoffloe Man agement." ard others. Dancing Saturday park. Fulton. gest const. en! nr. 1 e:i ha'. 1 on the Steamer Jesse Harklns. for Camas. Washougal and w.iv landings, dally ex cept Sundav. Ioaves Washington street dock at 2 p. m. City System at Tan It. "Who Is to blame for the lack of proper mains and for insufficient l.y drpits?" he was asked. "Well, j would not like to place the blame on anyone. I believe that everv city official Is honost In his efforts to i transact city business as expeditiously and fairly as possible, but there is- nl-i : wqvs BOmethtnir i-nmlntf nn Oof fnL.. SKS I I h tllMtSr 'the work from one particular board 1 I group of officials. There seems to something wrong with the way of d v (Spectl Pl.pntcti to Ttir Journal 1 : lng the work ratrer than In the efforts f STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX O'CLOCK SATURDAY SPECIALS Subject to delivery at our earliest convenience, and for which mail, telephone or C. O. D. orders will not be accepted 3 SHORT RIVER TRIPS TO OREGON CITY Steamer omona Leaves Taylor street dock Sunday 9 a. m., 12 m., 3 p. m.; leaves Oregon City 10 :30 a. m., 1 :30 and 5 p. m. ROUND TRIP 45c Tickets exchanged with O. W. P. cars. CLUNY LACE CURTAINS for $2.35 PAIR 2y'2 yards long and of good width made of best quality Arabian not, with dainty Cluny edge taped back edge. Special in the Drapery Depart ment tomorrow. Purchasers limited to two pairs each. Ill SMYRNA RUGS sn $1.20 A new lot of these popular Reversible Rugs 2(1 inches by M inches offered in the Carpet Department tomor row at the above low price. A variety of new patterns and colorings to choose from. Sixth Floor. PITCHERS AT 38c EACH On special sale in the Base ment Crockery Department Decorated Water Pitchers, in raised and hand-painted lily and poppy designs. I? EG A INS SENSES: be t)C0MPLETE-H003E-FURniSHER3 goi- 1 Ut TOM j Will i i TEETH WITH O-R WITHOUT PLATE OUT OF TOWH FEOPXiB We can do your entire Crown, Brldf and plate Work In a day If necessary. Positively Fainleaa Extracting Pre when plates or bridges are ordered. Sensitive teeth and roots removed with out the least pain. Ten chairs. Only the most scientific and careful work. ao txabs nr fobtx.axs. WA VT7 ICI? AJTD ABSOCXATXS . . TV OCplaless Dentists, railing Bide, Third and WasHlnj-toa 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.; Sundays to t. Painless Extraction. 60c; Plates, $5.04. Both Phones, A and Main 202. TEETH TEETH oUTrunj Save Money North Yakima. Wash.. Auk. 7 MeVlver. the 13-yesr-oid son Woman's Exchange, 13S Tenth street, lunch 11:30 to J. business mens lunch. Dr. Theodore Fesslrr Is temporarily with Dr. Twltchell, 706 8wetlanJ bldg John C Shlllock law offices, moved Oerllnger buildlrg. SeconJ and Alder. D Chambers & Son., opticians, Morrison street, corner of Sixth. 321 - ieorife of Con tractor William McKlver. who was thrown to the (rroun.1 two days afro while riding his father's home home from work. In a collision with a runaway team anj sustained a fractured skull, regained consciousness this morning. The first ouestion ne asseo nis mother who was at the bedside In the hosplts was, How is ine norse ine roy probably recover tak rill that are betnir put forth to do It ' PERSONALS. W. A. Wise anl Associates, painless der.tlsts. Third and Waahlnqtgn. R II G ru her. attorney, mornd offices ' to SI Bosrd of Trade buUdlna;. ' Berber, signs. JS4 Tsmhlll. Main f3$l i Dr E. C. Brown. Eye-Ear. Msrcruam j Journal want ads le a word. SPECIAL Y. M. C. A. BIBLE READLXG S-indsy. , At T. M. C A. auditorium Aurust . t U p. m , a Blhl efit-etnlnf the -om Ins; of the Irr nrst step to take out to hlmsWf the church frecorxl sty to ) tr, Mi-th In righteousness. What do you car? d:n 1. i Vr. EBtnd Teu'll dtffl-ult to salt. Nora. maid I'm surs not, ma'am. hs4mm4 as i can in. lurg observer. nt find tn , i. I saw Tiri ma lax Flu- F. W. Baltes and Company invito yonr inqniries for PRINTING Pb0VM lali 165 Dni 1 1163 First and Oak T . je j,4 Blues Lmsc, Drvppbf rTkMlDg,Trtruia False Teelk 0t perfectly tight si ue urst aUcaOMi Csrsa Ssrs Ossis, asaa srssU twaau Ost it at WOODAkD, CXLmKX II CO, 4th and W. E. Tse. postmaster a' Wu, Is at the Cornelius accompanied by his wife. W. H. Hancock. fre1ht aeent of the t'nlon Pacific with headquarters. ' at Omaha, is at the Portland accom- , panlet1 by his family i O. W Treadwny nf I,o Ancles, In i j the railroad business. Is at th.e Cor-1 rellus. ! Mrs. J. E. Clinton Jr. in.l Mrs W. M IavIdson of Hntse. arrlMl at the! Portland this mornlrf to aa1t the: srrUal of the Idaho autnmohl! Ssts who! are maktns the trip overland. Mr. Clinton and Mr I'svldson and others of the P,rtr r expected here to.-nor- i row or Puraay ftrnrft U WMttnti and famllv of the' Whltton hotel, Ppnkare. r st the Cor- n11'is W R Vsclnnls of Mont-eal. friht truffle mnmrr of th Canadian Pa cini snrl K Isn1n ssalslsnt fri$,t traffic msnsser with headquar- puhllc mir expect a home exhibition trs 13 W!nn1p will arrirs at thejwMch wlif in line to retain all the Portland tomorrow n remain until j cupa and rlbbor.s In certain classaa of Mrmrtay i r. is is tee nrai orncial sr.o Dr.ffernetsPOWDER Free Free Free rSFALSE TEETH it ssmeT LcAbklt iiiiTii- rbOadel phla. P br of carria-s and pairs already se- cirsl by local families, snd th-- pros i pct of several times that number sr ' ruin bfor the (-tober show, the nnutTrjci nctssBs rsES gxons imns rut noi nsMTED rmiH At The Model Barber Shop Popular Prices 1 RUth. c-f tte two to Portland HORSE SHOW TO BRING FINE TEAMS TO CITT If tho bre show fls as mvrh toward stimulating ownership of 'fin prlrsts ttirnovta this ywar as tt 414 ! last fall. rnrfU4 ta fair to b a I rtTsI of Wim!mi, U. C, as a h ' l fancy rlvlcg stock, V Uh tt -ra it is reported that Paul Weaslnref contemplate s Importlnu a pair of tier man coach carMa hors-s and will have them hr tn time f-r tha til erect. A pair like this sddd to his fine strtnf of pa--rs will make a ma nlftct howlr,r for ene exhibition Alt Cora and Cora Patch w 111 make handsome 4rtrlt- f1r of nacr. and his Hai B and f'rr n Patch still nat ural It attract -narked atteatloa A coupfa ff haudaosna two-yar-)da ! in ehnw are tts HaJ and tHrk Hl all of th fajBota Hat. slrala sf I-rra. Boiled Linseed Oil 6 GALLON LOTS 58? Raw Linseed Oil ( GALLON LOTS 5T Pure White Lead PER 100 ST.50 Portland Sash & Door Co. T. rOBTXAJTD. Ok. Come and have free examination. WE EXTRACT TEETH FREE : SiL VER FILLINGS, 8o UP; GOLD FILL INGS, 76c UP; BET OF TEETH. 14.00; SPLENDID SET, ta.00; GOLD CROWNS. tJ.gO I'O 15.00. AH work guaranteed for taa yoaxa, lAdy attendant always present. ATJ work done absolutely without pain by specialists of from 11 to SO yaarar az perlenca. Boston Dentists Eomi Fhoaa A-3030. Pkona Hals B030. 891 H Honiaoa BV. &CD. PorsoXTloa, A New Departure Tho cost of Interments baa baaa (treat ly reduced by tho Holman Under taking company. Heretofore it has baen tha custom of . funeral director to make char taa for i all Incidentals connected with, a fa oeral. Tha Edward Holman Undertak ing company, tbo loading funeral dl I rectors of Portland, have departed front that custom. When oaskat Is furnished by us wa mako no extra charges for 1 embalming, hearse to cemetery, outside I box or any aoe-rlcoa that may be re quire, i or ua, except doming, cemetery and rrrlars, tbos effecting a eavlag of II to 17 1 on each funeral THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. no mu n. com. iaxxox. Ortoiire IUta ndxMd. (fmltM rrsaa Vtmit WW. Ws shin ft on. Aug. Ratea OO) oranr shtptnants from Florida to tha tnarket eeatara of the aaat must te r4ucwd before September la, according to r or laaud today by . the interstate eosnmareo e-mwls1ori -Tha ord-r af-fu-ts It ralimada. Tha rdetion on astern shipments wCl saoust to about It i -r t-enfc. COAL Kemtnerer CobI Tha Bat Wyc-rtitng Coal oa th Port tead Market cm-umcmxjrr-SBOav ova) Bunkers 11th an Marshall phonao Mala OIL A-Ill. WE CALL f OR, REM!.' AND DELIVER All WO.' ir. w e pt f; f ' . niE AM V K V. I! L