THE OREQON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENINO, AUGUST. 7. 1908. ' THE HOUSE OF ECONOMY AND UTMOST SATISFACTION ' " ' 11 1 .... 1 CUTS IT ALL OUT JVhen yoa've gotten into the habit of paying cash all the anticipat ing worry of first pi the month accounts is eliminated and if its true that every minute of worry shortens one's life by a minute isn't It pretty near time to go to paying cash in order that you may liv that much longer? Worth whjle thinking about sure and on the other hand there's 25 per cent and more saved on the tost of goods when one pays cash. You can prove it true by taking your credit bills and comparing our advertised price- It may be shocking to find it out but the sooner you know it the quicker you'll mend it. 2 pkgs. 5-nuitufe mush.... 18 Kingsbury's Marmalade, jar 20 Full cream cheese, lb 15 3 bottles stuffed olives... 25f 3 buttles rnfsup 25c 3-lb can plums 10 All package Crackers 20 Pioneer Cream, 3 for 25 Pioneer Cream, dozen 95 pkgs. seeded raisins 25 5' double sheets Tanglefoot fly paper 10 5 doz. Clothespins 5 SUGAR 1 7 Lbs. $ 1 .OO Saturday Only Carnation Cream, 3 for 25 Carnation Cream, doz..95 6 lbs. Navv Beans....25 9 lbs. Prunes 25 1-lb. can Ground Choco Jate 30 Monarch Gloss Starch, package 5 2 lbs. Cream Cheese 25 Comb Honey 10 Durkee's Pure Spices, can . '. . . 5 Our Special Brand "Flour" $l.!OSack, $4.25 Barrel 3 cans Tomatoes 25 2 glasses Chipped Beef 25$ 3 cans Corn . 25 3 bottles Vinegar . ...25 3 pkgs. Toilet Paper... 10 3 pkgs. Toothpicks 10 Potatoes, Sack 80c j New Potatoes, Sack $1.25 Free Basket With Every $3 Order 2 cans Corned Beef...25 II 1,000 Matches 5 2 cans Roast Beef 15 Force, rkg 10 4 pounds Head Rice 25 1QT AMH V. V. rv i f,i. iriiu'Tiir c y ORIGINAL yfTCASH STORE I 30c Brooms. 20 40c Brooms. 80 5()c Brooms. -iOf Monkey Soap, same as Sa po lio 5 4 lbs. Dried Ap ples 25 3 cans S a I mon 25 3 sax Salt.. 10 1 English pint of home - made Chow-chow.. 25 Good eggs, per doz 25 Hires' Root Deer Extract . . 20c 4-Pooud Strip Codfish . . 25c f n f r a nrcti 71 it i ? Anri try Ranch eggs. 30 3 pkgs hardwood Toothpicks. lO Monarch Coffee 25c Lb. One pound loaf sugar FREE with every lb. BEER RIB BOILING 4? SH'LDR BOILING.. POT ROASTS 6 SH'LDR STEAK ....7 MUTTON MUTTON LEGS ....9 MUTTON LOINS. .10 MUTTON CHOPS... 8 MtrTTHM C5TT71X7 KA mm Ji J J. X Win ... . y VEAL VEAL STEW G SH'LDR ROASTS.8-10 VEAL CHOPS 10 VEAL SAUSAGE.1S PORK PORK CHOPS PORK ROASTS ...11 PORK LOIN 14 PK. SAUSAGE 8 J Picnic Mams, per lb. 11c Cottage Hams, per lb. 13c Bf Extract, Coin Special, zwrnlar 46o pr Jar 880 ' 1 lb. ahreded Co- coanut .....15 2 cans Pineap ple 25 50 lbs. Table Salt ,.& 6 ca ni dines . ... Sir-.20 Coffee In our "Grand Special" Blend we offer a drink that is rarely du plicated for fla vor and whole- someness by other dealers, even in their 35c and 40c grades. It 2s Colorado roasted and comes to you fresh from the roaster daily. We suggest that you try a pound, and if it is not all we claim it to be the purchase price will be cheerful ly refunded. ARE WE RIGHT? Or are we wrong? We are selecting our goods and jetting our prices with the understanding that YOU want the btst goods and at the same time you would like to keep your living expense at low as you can and live well. This Is What We Are Offering The cleanest, freshest and most wholesome foods at the extreme of low prices, and we invite the closest investigation. We wish to con vince you of this. We are sure you would be our steady customer if you really knew, as others know, of the efforts put forth in the selec tion and care of our foods. They must be clean. They must be fresh. They must be the best to be appetizing. We are sincere in every word. We could not have builded o great a success on deception. BUTTER BBBT CRBAMQRY Minced Clams Large-Size Can lOc 1 lb. any kind of 50c tea 25 Sanitarium Nut Butter, glass 25 3 bottles any kind Ex tract 25 8 pkgs. Macaroni . . . .25 Crescent Corn Flakes, pkg 5 4 lbs. Sago or Tapioca. 25 8 pkgs. Jell-O 25f 8 glasses Jelly 25 BAKER'S COCOA 20c MASON JARS Pints, dozen 6Qf I Quarts, dozen Yi gallons .70 .00 Hothouse Cucumbers, 2 for 5 Fresh Tomatoes, J lb. . . 15c String Beans, a lb 15c 15 lbs. New Spuds . . . .25 10 lbs. Dry Onions . . .25 SOAPS! SOAPS1! SOAPS!!! 13 bars Laundry Soap 25 8 bars D. C. Soap 25 6 bars Fairy Soap 25 3-bar box Toilet 25 6 full pound bars Laun dry Soaps . . . . 25 6 bars Naphtha Soap 25 USES THE. LARGEST CASH GROCERY AND MARKET IN PORTLAND! idle carriers it home ports Portland Shipping: Man Finds Poor Demand for Tramp Steamers. BACK FROM VISIT IN OLD WORLD Captain C. F. Hagermann Says Many Owners or Vessels Have Been Los ing Money for Some Time bnt Look Forward to Better Times. Shipping- Is very dull the world over, and atrlngrs of large steamers and sailing- vessels are lying Idle at home porta in Europe, according to Captain F. C. Hagemann, manager of the Shipping Supply company, who last night re turned from a trip through England and Norway. Low freights, he says, have sent the vessels home to await an Improvement as soon as they have come within a rea sonable distance. Instead of figuring large profits, shipowners In many in stances pride themselves on having been able within the past several months to keep losses down to a small margin. But it is hoped that conditions will im prove soon. Mr. Hagemann was absent about four months, and during that time visited the principal ports of England and Nor way after having spent some time In the larger cities on the way across the continent. At Tonsberg, Norway, he met Consul Wilhelm Wilhelmsen. said to be the largest sole owner of steam ships in the world, his flpet numbering close to 50 vessels. Many of them have been in Portland during the pant few years, notable being the Terja Vlken. Tricolor. Tellus. Thvra. Tleer and Tungus. Consul Wilhelmsen said he Intends visiting Portland next vear. At Throndhjem, Captain Hagemann met Captain Andersen, muster of the American bark Henry VUlard. which left here in the spring for the Urlstol Bay canneries after having been In the harbor all winter. CaDtaJn njvldnn Is in command of the vessel during Inches, glass measurement) that Is They must be provided with a red light on the port side and a green light on the starboard side, which lights must be properly screened with screens ex tending not lees than three feet forward i.6.181111 Jhe screen containing the red light on the port side to be painted red and the screen containing the green light on tho starboard side to be painted green. The screens to he sn n.(,B. us to show an unbroken light over an arc of the horison 10 points to the coin- Ti. tts 10 throw the light from right ahead to two points ahaft tne beam and be visible at a distance of at least two miles. These- lights and no other, shall be carrlefl on all '""rl" I'ropenea oy sail between sun set and sunrise The inspectors have aJso Issued a no tice to steamboat captains and pilots . 8 "ienuon to the fact that there ... lllB Joiuiwing rule: .m ! llrv,L founding of the stedm ib iiruniouea within anv har bor limits of the United Suit, u-i,.. ever any licensed officer In charge of i.unuMifB ur permits such S.TkT whistling, upon conviction iJi, n ,?TS. "n boHrd of Inspectors having Jurisdiction such officer shall be suspended from acting under his license as the Inspectors trvlng the moj ut-rm proper. AGREE I POX RATES. Captain Andersen's tour of the old worm. At Liverpool and London, Captain Hagemann met a number of shipmas ters who have a large acquaintance in this city as a result of occasional vis its in the wheat and lumber trade. All 'i mem sermea pleased to hear fro me irrson port and their friends. Representatives of Trans-Parlfic Lines Hold Conference. At a meeting held in Seattle vestor- day afternoon between representatives of trans-Paclfln lines running out of Pacific northwest nnrts It n o u to establish separate rates fr.r vDi,ri, across the ocean upon breaking away ijiu me runroau connections on No vember 1. This means that from Nnv.,mhnr the InterstatH commerce commission will have nothing to say regarding the luc ulna,,, as wnen through rates across the continent and ocean are quoted. A W. ftansome. who represented the Portland & Asiatic Steamship companv operating out of this cltv at th. con ference, returned last night with the information that It was agreed to take the old ocean proportion of the through rates and add It to the proportional this giving the through rate. As a gen eral rule this combined rate will be a little higher than the through rates now in effect, hut It can he changed any time without consulting the ra'l roads or the Interstate railroad commis sion. The lines running out of San Fran cisco are not yet in on the agreement but it is expected that they will ac cept the terms MARI.VK NOTES. carried a large piece of mill machinery on her last voyage from Coos Bay to Bandon. The machinery was carried to Marshfleld from here on the Alli ance. The steamer Sacajawea is again mak ing a daily round trip betweeo Port and and Vancouver. She waa off the route for several weeks, having a new boiler installed. The lighthouse tender Heather Is ex pected to leave out from Astoria this afternoon with supplies for th -Umatilla lightship. 8he will also stop at Tatoosh. The steamer George W. Elder, Cap tain Jessen, left Martin's wharf last night for San Pedro and way ports with a run rreignt cargo and 101 passengers. A meeting of representatives of steamboats and steam vessels operating on the Willamette and Columbia rivers will be held in the office of the United States Inspectors of steam vessels at 10 o'clock a m. August 11. The object of the meeting will be to devise ways and means to make aU fire and boat drill signals heard In all parts of the steamer. many In going through Norwav, Captain Hagemann lenrned to his surprise that no automobiles are permitted within the City limits of Bergen, although else where the motor car In evident.- everywhere. He believes It the only city in the World where the popular car riage Is banished. The people of ieT gfn consider the auto car a dangerous device lo roam aho'jt on the streets lat It Is suppos.-d that e ertwallv the i in jection ui.l l.e overcome. ' WITH THE LIMBER CARRIERS. British Steamer M. K. Dollar Begins T Loading at I .Ann ton. . The British rtoamer M 6 Tmllar t reached Llniiton lut rlsht under char- ter to carrr lumber to Shsnithal. 6h t v began loading this morning, tiie whole t cargo to measure about S. 600, 000 feet '. ,'rh M 8 Io'lsr (arris a Vr-w of T Chln-.- fche Is ow ni in Fan Fran cisco hy the foliar line, but floats tne British rag because if ij.i!'g b-en built In England The German ste-mer Era sh-ftej to the m.Us of the N.rth i'a.lfi, Lumber corn i. afl t this mrj-nlr. to finish her U,n:, i rrrTI f r the orient, -and the ! British steamer lifori m,.- . I ; th rlTr to the mills cf the Portland (Lumber company to lod for C-pn-liaren and Hamburg H-r berth at the Hills of the lnman-PciJn Lumb-r eompany was taken by the B'lt'sh termer -Biieranla. which came ,if, fr,ro the drrdoefc after harinr bn reoalred and painted. Th Buarwnla fr hghl nder charter to th Pmclf.r Eaport Umbw company ,c MTBT OBEX RTLES. Local Iaapector Wars Xavljtatora Axaln VioUUoaa. lineal lasoactan Hnnta Ym.r ImimI drrvkiu- iMr u swriwi a4 tnatra tit ulltviata am I ha Wil lamette rtr acqalBtlR tH-m with th rva f nrM of war t)i rautkM-lnf . v - w- in Mitt "V"er attvnHna ttl4 ta tia vtU rale ni rcalttoni r3u!rirg a'l v aU rrit-1 bT Mil to (urr rernla mi i-ttlm tst le Uiaa ia Astoria, Aug. 7 Sailed at 6:15 ateam er Oeorge TV. Elder for San Francisco sailed during the night steamer Johan Poulsen for Ran Francisco. Astoria. Aug 7. --Bar at S a. m cloudy, wind northwest, 22 miles sea smooth. Ffrt Bragg. Aug. 7 Sailed vesterrtsiv steamer Casi o for Portland Astoria, Aug. 6 Sailed at 4:50 p m Norwegian steamer Sark for Melbourne arrived down at 7:30 p. m. steamer joiuin I'ouiHcn. San Francisco. Aug. 6 Arrived at 1 30 p. ni. steamer Tosemlte from Port land; sailed at t p. m. steamer R p Irman for Portland; sailed at 5 p m steamer Breakwater for Portland via Coos Bay. Pan Pedro. Aug. ( Sailed vesterday steamer Argyll for Portland. Antwerp. Aug S Arrived August 4 G-rr-i-, hirk .Vnl from Portland 1 Kie at Astoria Saturday: High Vi itj a m . f, 2 feet. 9 27 p m. S 5 f... r. L,.ws 35 a. m.. 13 of a foot r. : 5 p. in , 3- feet MARIXE INTELLIGENCE. Regular Iilners Sue to Arrive. Arabia, orient Aug. 8 Breakwater, Coos Bay Aug! 9 Eureka, Eureka and Coos Aug. 9 ose City. San Francisco Aug. 11 Roanoke, Sail Pedro and way.... Aug. 11 Alliance. Coos Bav Ann- - Homer, San Francisco Aug. 12 State, San Francisco Aug. IS Alesia. orient Sent i Nqmantla, orient Sept. 15 Nlcomedia. orient Oct 1 Berolar Ziners to Depart. State, San Francisco Ana- Alliance, Coos Bay Aug. 8 rureivm r.ureKa ana i.ooa Aug. 10 imrainaipi, LWS IDUV AUg. 12 Roanoke, San Pedro and way.. Aug. 18 Arabia, orient Aug. 15 Rose City, ,an Francisco Aug. 16 Homer, San Francisco. Anr i R G. W. Elder, San Pedro Aug. 20 Alesia. orient Sept. 15 Numantln, orient Oct. 1 Nlcomedia. orient Oct. 16 Vessels la Port. Brodick Castle, Br. sh Drydock Larglemore, Br. ah Banfield Crown of India, Br. sh Columbia 1 Ley land Bros., Br. sh Drydock Donna Franceses, Br. bk Astoria Ancalos, Br. ship Llnnton Churchill, Am. sch Astoria Echo, Am. bktn Astoria Kelburn, Ur. hk Astoria Asgard, Nor. sh Madison street Alvena. Am. sch AHforIn Albert Rlckmers. Ger. bk O. W. P. Hark. Nor. ss Tongue Point Ilforil. Br. US T-Virtlanri Ijlmhur fr. Eugenie Fautrel, Fr. bk.. Mersey (,r ss North Pacific mill . F. Jewett, Am. sch Astoria Yellowstone, Am. sch St Helens Bucrania, Br ss Inman-Poulsen State of California, Am. ss .Alnsworth Alliance, Am. ss Couch street F. 8 Loop, Am. ss. ..Montgomery No. S m. o. iuiiar, nr. ss Llnnton En Boat to Xoad Limter. Alumna, Am. sch Kahulul 8ehome. Am. ch La Boca Wrestler. Am. bktn Guaymas Mabet Gale. Am. sch San Francisco Oliver J. Olson, Am. sch Ban Pedro Fairhaven, Am. ss San Francisco Amaranth, Am. bktn.-. .. .San Francisco Tiverton. Am. ss San Francisco Koko Head, Am. bktn Yokohama R. D. Inman, Am. ss San Francisco Puako. Am bktn ..Santa Rosalia 'Annie Smale, Am. sch Makawell Yosemite, Am. bs han Francisco Yellowstone, Am. ss San Francisco Bn Bouto With Cematt and 0traL Aberfoyle, Br. sh Antwerp ,11 1 . T.' L l A .. uiuui l, r r. uiv ..nnmciii Clan Graham. Br. sh, Cardiff Vlncennes. Br sh AntwerD Gael. Fr. bk .....London Neatsflelds, Br. sh Hamburg David da Anjprs, Fr. mil Antwerp Brabloch, Br. bk Antwerp KUloran, Br. sh Antwerp JnlnvlUn Fr hk AntwerD Carmanlan, Br. bk Hamburg Rochambeau, Fr. bk Lelth Gulf Stream, Br. bk Antwerp Alice, Fr. bk London Eugene Schneider, Fr. hk Antwerp La Tour de Auvergne, Fr. bk.. Antwerp Armen, Fr. ba uuwin Coal Ships En Bonte. La Roohe Jacquelin, Fr. bk. Newcastle. A. Fifeshlre, Br. bk Newcastle, A. Bossuet. Ft. bk Newcastle, A. Torrlsdale. Br. sh Newcastle, A Tramp Steamers En Route. Taunton, Br. ss Guaymas Strathflllan, Br. ss Batavla Crag-hall. Br. ss Ban Francisco Radames, Ger. ss Puget sound Strathlyon. Br. ss San Fvanclsoo M. S. Dollar. Am. ss San Francisco Guernsey, Nor. ss Shanghai Assuan, Oer. ss San Francisco Boverio, Br. ss San Francisco Westminster. Br. ss Japan Janeta, Br. ss San Francisco Bn Route In Ballast to Load Grain. Port Crawford, Br. sh Callao River Falloch. Br. bk I'allao Oresrnn. Ger. sh. ' "'' 1 Gea. Faldherbe, Fr. bk Yokohama Henrietta, Ger. sh Wsst coast ur. ur. . Valparaiso Murecnai ae isoanies. Fr. bk. West coast Homeward Bound. Am. bk. Vanc'v'r. B. C La Peller. Fr. bk Sobart Bainte Anne, Fr. bk... Newcastle, NTS. W. Andorlnha, Br. bk Iquiqua Lydgate, Br. bk Santa Rosalia Vigo, Nor. sh Mejlllones Pesdaniona, Br. ah Callao Corn 11 Bart Fr. bk. .Newcastle. N. 8. W. Bully, Fr bk .Antwerp Crtllon. Fr. hk a RM,15VTMolln,8' Fr- bk.".V.V..Hobart Dagnlld. Nor. bk c.u. Nulell y Fr. bk 7.7. Hobart Leon Blum,Fr. bk Hobart Mlchelat. F'r. bk.... Hloao Finland. Rus. sh I Guayaquil Magdalene. Ger. bk Acapuleo .fnuucr jsenoerg, uer. bk. . .Honolulu HAINES'SPECIAL BLEND The Best 25c COFFEE In Town HAINES' TEA STORE 2nd and Alder Both Phones None Better None "Just as Good" IB BIST AVO TOTTB OBOOBB Will Supply Ton With Dalles Diamond or Liberty Bell FLOUR lor Sal by Every Good Grocer or by tba DIAMOND ROLLER MILLS 033 H Washington Street, Tpstalra. Hens,-lb 17c Spring Chickens, lb. 20c Spring Dncks, lb. . 18c Spring Geese, lb. . 17c Best Butter, roll .55 A Ranch Eggs, 2 dozen ,.55p Cooked Crawfish Fresh Salmon Eggs COLUMBIA FISH CO. Phones Main 5, A-5556. Cor. Third and Ankeny Sts. - - THE HIGHEST GRADES OF COFFEE ROASTED IN THE AT YOUR GROCERS. jfij cofFtE AIvONO THE WATERFTOVT. Tt,e stoamer Brnakwator left San Fran lco last right for C'x.s Har to re rimf rpr-ilar traffic brtiwn that port an.1 Prirtland Tl.f M-imer Furfkn will l pre Sundav night f-nrn Kurrka via Coos I'.nv and is pheduled to sa'l Moniiav r, : c h t T! f rnstdine erh'.-mr i!hlmlna FRESH RANCH EGGS 25 CENTS PER DOZEN PARADISE SODAS PARADISE SODAS "Bread cast upon the waters will Undoubtedly return"; Just take to heart this saying "til Its lesson you shall learn: Good crackers placed before the trade Will bring returns, likewise; And the best wheat food that e'er was made We've labeled "PARADISE." STANDARD BISCUIT COMPANY Joa Makers of Paradls Jodmt PARADISE SODAS PAR4DISE SODAS Ask Toar Oroctr. 222? Mows Grocery Co. BOTH PHONES 2596 Ankeny SI. ' A CHANCE TO BUY YOUR GROCERIES RIGHT IS WHAT WE ARE OFFERING YOU IN THE LIST BELOW. Some Specials for Tomorrow SUGAR Best Dry Granulated, 17 pounds for $1.00 FLOUR Rose City, highest fancy patent, per sack .' 1.35 SALT Four 10c packages Table Salt .25 MILK Carnation, 3 for 25; per dozen .95 3 cans Standard Oysters 25 1 can Baker's Cocoa 20 5 pounds Broken Rice 25 1 can Eagle Milk 15 2 pounds Corn or Gloss Starch. . . .15 1 pound Special Blend Coffee 25 2 cans Shrimp 25 SPECIAL PRICES TO HOTELS, RESTAURANTS HOUSES. MEATS Legs of Lamb 9 Boil Beef 5 Shoulder of Lamb 5 Pot Roast Beef Ip to 8f Lamb Stew 3$ Veal 7? to 15 AND BOARDING- Kastern Ept;s. 2 doz. for. . . .45 Rr-5t Creamery Hutter. ro!I.55f i Skamnkawa RiittT, rr. ;!.... 00c i Dajry Rutter, roll 40 ' Full Cream Cheese, lh. 15-17 Best Eastern Hams, lb 16? Saturday is Chicken Day La Grande Creamery 2i Ymhia St. Golden West Coffee could not be better Like the first number and like the first letter ITS Al! Cf)RRET DETERR PERfECTION SODA CRACKERS Enjoy the largest sale of any soda cracker in the Pacific Northwest. "LONG BRANCH" (Saltine Flakes) by far the daintiest, best and greatest seller of its kind in the market. "ABETTA" BISCUIT A crisp, highly nutri tious, delicious soda cracker, sold every where at 5 cents per package. These are the BIG THREE that give perfect satisfaction, as will be attested by the enormous sales and the demand is increasing every day. "fT D0TT HURT A FACT TO HAMMER IT" SAVE THE LABELS, THEY ARE VALUABLE Send us your address for particulars. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., Portland, Or.