THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENINQ, AUGUST 7, 1908. 13 SHIELDED Fill) HOES' WflATH General Corbin Shows How Taft Was Kept Out of Brownsville Case. (UnlUd Prasa Laaaed Wlr.) Washington, Aug. 7. Uouteiiaut-Gen-aral Henry C. Corbin, retired, today gave out a hitherto unpublished dis patch from President rtoosovclt, order ing the dismissal of the negro troops at Rrownavllln, showing that the order cam a direct irum tho president, ine tel egram In peremptory In Its wording and leaves no doubt that tho responsibility for the dismissal of tho troopa rests with Itoosevolt. The order was alvon WITCH HAUNTED HIM TO DEATH Uieh Young Italian Ends Life of Torment Due to Hallucination. but for the purpowu of relieving connection with the case, Taft. then secretary of wur, from criticism In ami wltn tno Intention of saving him from opposl tlon on the part or tho negrous, bused Upon the Hrownsvlllo case. j In giving out the dispatch, Uenerul 'Corbin said: "No man, he lie black or white. In fairness, can pluce any responsibility In the premises on Taft. ' "A a loyal subordinate, of the presi dent, he did his duty rugardlsa or any view of his own." The original order for the dlshonor- dlscharge of the able trops, nromuluato.l tient s liiHtructtonH. llrnwnsvllle under the presl- waH Issued by Act ing Secretary of Wnr tillver. while Taft wcj In the went on a. tour of inspection. i ne text or president KooHi-vuit s ills patch to General Corbin Is r follows: "Discharge not to bo suspended unless there are new facts of such Importance as to warrant your notifying me. I oare nothing whatever for yelling either Of politicians or sentimentalists. Of fense was heinous knit punishment I Inflicted I Imposed after due delibera tion. All I shall pay heed to Is the presentation of facts snowing the offi cial report to be In whole or in part un true, exculpating some Individual man. If any such facto bhall later appear I can act as may be deemed desirable, but nothing has been brought beforo me warranting suspension of the order. I direct it be executed." BULL CRUSHES YOUTH'S BODY Daring Rescue by 3Iother Is Made Too LateDies -Almost Immediately. (flperlal Plavatrh to The Journal.) Homo, Aug. 6. A strange story of haunting comes from Daronessl, vil lage near Salerno, where a rich young landowner has committed suicide, be ing driven to the act, so he stated tn a letter, by the continual presence of an apparition. It was one night last year that the haunting began, when the landowner, Tommuso (llordiino. who was only "0 iears of ago, returned homo from a ourney. As he approached the houso i was surprised, so he told his friends afterwards, to see It lit up and with t,he door wide open. Thinking thieves Had broken in ne arousd his servants, and directly as he did so the lliilits all went out. The: house was searched, nobody waa found 1n it. and nothing could bo found amiss. Giordano went to bod thinking himself the victim of an Illusion, but towards morning he was suddenly awakened. Looking up he saw leaning over him an old woman drossed In black. This Dcreonass announced herself as a witch, and prophesied his violent death. Ever after, then, the landowner averred he was continually pereciited by the witch, from whom In vain ho tried to oscane. Ho continued to attend as usual to hla affairs, but ho aJways complained to his friends and servants that he could not get rid of the woman, who, slnco the flrsr night of her appear ance, always visited him day and night whenever ho was alono. Giordano as a last resort went to several doctors, who certified him as of Bound mind, and told him to travel and so divert his attention. Uut the woman would sit near him In the train and last week he returned home, wroto letters to his friends, saying the witch had driven him to death, and then blew out his brains with a revolver. BRIDGE WHIST MIXED GAME Cross Between Double Entry Bookkeeping and Itoulctte Played With Cards. PHdge whist Is ordinary whist with a whel-of-fortune attachment. It Is a cross between double-entry bookkeeping and roulette and Is played with a deck of cards, an adding machine and a promissory not. It Is listed as a game, but generally varies between a vice and a Ufa-calling. That Is tho way George Fltoh define n in me ourrent Colliers. Continuing, ivs: Hrldire whist can easll he sa y to any one who knows all about ordln bo explained ary whist reading and silent signals. Tho rules of compound fractions. Robert's rules of order wireless telegraphy, mind tensity of the proceedings, the loeara appropriate the pencil and do a Utile harvesting; of their own. If they Have held a majority of court cards In the trump suit, they may count themselves twice the value of the trump suit. If they have held four oourt cards, they et four times the value of ilia trump, and If they have held five, they gel five times lis value. That ought to be enough, but It Isn't. To show that the f:anie was Invented by a firm believer n monopoly, It Is possible, If you hold four court cards In one hand 10 count r. ourself eight times the value Of the die five court earns in one times the trumps cards In one SHARK FISHING. (Special DUpatc'u to Tho Journal.) Chehalls, Wash., Aug 7 Janu s Ron nett, the 15-year-old son of C. M. Ben nett, living seven miles east of this city, was fatally Injured thin morning by a vicious 5-year-old dehorned hull. Young Bennett had gone to the burn to attend to IiIh chores and taken a pitch fork with hlin. As noon as tho boy en tered the barn the bull rushed him against the wall, crushed In his lireant find Inflicting other injuries which re sulted in his death. Mrs. Bennett was near at the time of the accident and went to the boy's assistance, .beating off tho bull and res cuing her son from further attack. When a physician arrived, the hoy was beyond medical aid. Tho hull had been known to be dangerous for some time, and had been dehorned to prevent It from doing Injury. Changed. From the Houston Post. 'She used to think women should dress like men." "What caused her to change her opin ion ?" "She found out how little men's clothes cost." Either ITook or Harpoon Used Monsters Often Caught. From tho Washington Herald. "One of Honolulu's most exciting pas times is shark fishing." said George T. Wilson, planter of Honolulu. "Iargo sharks abound off Honolulu harbor, and fishermen mav usually count on bring ing back one or two sea monsters from eight to 14 feat long by going three or four miles rrom snoro. l ne nsn may either be harpooned or hooked, the lat ter method being the easier. The har pooning is more dangerous and more difficult. "The shark fishers need a small launch, a deud horse, some harpoons or hooks and some large calibre rifles. The horse is sometimes killed a day or two beforo the expedition, ae sharks are supposed to like their horse meat 'high.' The horse is tied at the end of a rope and left to float about fid feet away from the launch, and then the wait for the sharks begins. "A shark will usually show up in a very short time. At a distance of GO I'eet be Is R long green object of ln definte outline. Ho approaches the dead horse slowly until a few feet away ftd then veers off to one side ami disappears But ho always re turns. Over and over again, some times for an hour, he will circle about the dead animal, seeming to be as sus picious as any fox. while the shark Is making thesa repeated Investiga tions the bait Is slowly drawn toward the boat. iWhen harpooning is to be done, the bait Is drawn gradually closer until the shark comes right up to the boat. Then the harpoon is plunged into him and me battle begins. He gets ex hausted by find by, and then the rifles come Into play. "The sharks are more easllv hooked than harpooned. Many tourists who come to Honolulu get up shark fishing parties. There are launches and as sistants for hire. The shark usually goes to the fishermen who help, and a small sum Is to be realized from the oil its liver affords." ordinary whist prevail as far as they go, oui, in order to make tno game ap pear more like real f imuiclerlng, each suit In given a different value In the counting Kach. trlok over six when spades are trumps counts two pennies or automobiles, depending upon the lo cation of tho game. Clubs count four, diamonds six, ai.d hearts eight. It la also possible to cut out .trumps alto gether by a simple mechanism. In which case each trick counts 12. Then. In order to add a Wall street lest to the game the values of these tricks can be doubled or quadrupled by any on with a taste for Plunging; and In order to complicate matters still far ther, so that tho experienced player may get hor Just duos from tho beginner, each court card Is permitted at times to break Into the score with a count of Its own. This explains the double entry feature of the game. After a hand has been played nnd the winner's extra tricks have been multiplied by 2, 4. 6. 8. li, 24, 4R or 9, according to the value of the. trumps and tho ln- rumD. Willie five court hand glvos you ten value. Thua It will readily ba seen that, while tha winners of a hand in bridge may cord up a total of two point by skill, tha losers may make 10 tlmea thut muoh. simply by standing In with the royal family. This makes it evi dent, without explanation, that tha game was Invented In England. The fascination of bridge Ilea partly In the fact that the gains oontlniies to be Interesting long after tha last card has been played. The pnrtlclpanta i'en erally play a rubber of three games, and then spend the rest of tho evening do ing Bums In simple addition, to find out who won. Tonight they will find out who won last night's game, but thery will not find out who won tonight's game until some one remembers to bring another tablet of scratch paper. The yarylng values In bridge account for Its peculiarly exasperating quali ties and Its skill In breaking up fami lies. The lead pencil Is forever elbow ing its way Into the game and nullify ing the most brilliant playing. The winners may, by the most magnificent and nuperscSntlllatlng whlst, manage to drag out a trick In tho fne of great odds and win a rubber. Yet, at the end of the game, tho losers may excuse themselves, and, after half un hour's work with a bank examiner, demon strate that tho winners owe them any where from 80 cents to a month's house rent, simply hecause the losers were skillful enough to hold the honor cards that wero dealt thom. Thus, as In pugilism, the strong point In bridge whlst lies In counting your opponents out. Thoro are other and mors burrowing ways of doing It, too. wnen your opponent nns made a trump, you may decide that you have tha requi site seven trloks in your hand. If you are a sport, you will then "double" that is, double the amount which tha extra trick wlu win. If your opponents 1 1 ! are people of nerva and reoklesaneea, they will "double buck," thus quadrup ling tha values. Yuu are than likely, after a hasty mental Inventory of your securities, to double ones more, thua multiplying the trick by eight, after which (ha game will proceed with clenched teeth, each trick lost meaning another opera ticket gone. It Is under thesa olruumstanevs that ladles who are otherwise lo-veJy and amiable have been known to whip out a trump after "re voking," and sweep tho hoards with a cold and haughty air wlilch defies orltl Clsm, providing their social positions are sufficiently above those of their vic tims. Much Incidents lead the wrathful losera to mnke remarks, which In time become rumors, and before any una real ises It enothsr social center has been shaken to tho core. WIIITK ISLAND. of Always KnvloM'(l in Clouds Steantp Km Strang" lakes. V From the British Australian. White Island derives 1U name from the clouds of white steam in which It sppeurs to be continually enveloped. Its nrea la only tiOO acres aid its height about DUO feet above the sea level. In form and color It is like a reposing camel, while Its Interior, with lu gray weather beaten, almost perpendicular cliffs, recalls the coliseum at Rome. Overhanging the southern landing placo stands a column oT rock closely re sembling a. sentinel, which has been dedicated to tho memory of Captain Cook. Tho water of the Island Is of a palo green hue, and anything dipped Into It becomes of a red brick color. The fumes of sulphur aj-e always pluin- Although tha fishermen gather tnetn aa tba tide reoedes many are over looked. It la the opinion of the natives that the fish, which Include mackerel, hake, pollock and herring, all small In else, have been forced ashore by the larger fish which have Invadod the wa ters recently. Pptrllnd Fore t. Australia has a complete, perfect. petrified forest. Apparently, tn eorae remote age, while tha treea ware la full vegetation, an upheaval of nature burled them In sand, which turned them to stona In tha raara that followed. Mora than 100 women phyatolsna at tended tha annual meeting of tha American Medical association, which waa recently held in Chicago. ly perceptible. on a fine moonlight night a wonder ful eight Is afforded to anyone who will alt In an open boat In one of tho bikes of the Island. Covering an area of 50 acres Is an Immensa caldron hissing nnd snorting and sending forth volume of poisonous steam, while, all chances of egress appear to be denied by the steep, silent, and gloomy cliffs. BATTLE OF THE Flwh (biased Ashore by Whales, From the Boston Transorlpt. A serious menace to health Is threat ened at Nahant by tha large quantities of fish which have been thrown up cn the beaches and rocks following. It Is believed, the appearance of porpoises and large nsn supposed to be whales Campaign For Votes Getting Very Excit ing As Oregon Journal's Third An nual Scholarship Contest Progresses. L. TEE m X. TOBK. OHU8 Bran. ICINZ OOSrEPAJTT, discovered the fa mous roots and herbs with which they make their wonderful cures. Never In troduced before In this country. They have cured thousands, and can cure you. Hpeclallsts on all chronic, acute and private diseases. Call or write 34 '-4 First, corner Salmon, Portland, Or. The following valuable scholarships and good cash awards should prompt students to put all their energy into The Journal's third annual scholarship contest. This contest will close in September. No ambitious student should miss this grand opportunity to win a scholarship. All between the ages of 10 and 30 are eligible. 4 Sijvu3 J j fta I ft a San I f J Duruwl U bm w nrimn. lie" leo OIMlMTl.irrl MEM AND WO MEM. Fta Bl m for noDatsral diaohargw.lnflaromatiooa. Irritations or ulcerations of Bsc on a mambranas. Palnlaaa. and cot altrlA ItkiEv80hHlC8. gant or poitonooa. old by Omnia!, 'or sant in plain wrapper, ' br axsraaa, prepaid, tot 1.00, or bottles ai.75. lux ai ax sent ea mqnotab and other drug habits are positively cured by . f or nypoaermio or internal use. HAH1TINA. raniDle sunt man. Ueifular P 1st Ham plo sunt to any drug habituejky Ji6 J2.UU tt rourdnigel Che I fat sale D r bottle i plain wrapne IK Ira I S. Lowtaf M per or by mall In Free lain wra at sale b Isjamors Drue Oe- Ui at.. Fortlaad. Oreeoa. ' 4444444444444444444e NEWPORT! : YAQU1NA BAY Oregon's flatchless Beach Resort f The Place to Go for Perfect Rest and Every Conceiv able Form of Healthful and Delightful Recreation ITS FACILITIES ARE COMPLETE Best of food, and an abundance of it. Fresh water from sprint's. All modern ne- cessities, such as telegraph, telephone, markets freshly pro- vided every day. Fuel in abundance. Cottages partly fur X nished or unfurnished to be had cheaply. Strict municipal i sanitary regulations. I Summer Excursion Rates From All Points in the Northwest t NEWPORT is reached by way of the Southern Pacific to J Albany or Corvallis, thence Corvallis & Eastern Railroad. train service daily, and the trip a pleasure throughout. Leave Portland 8:15 a. m., main line, via Albany, or 7 a. m., via west side line. RATES FROM PORTLAND Season tickets, on sale daily $0.00 Saturday-to-Monday tickets $3.00 Call at the City Ticket Office of the Southern Pacific, Third and Washington streets, in Portland, or at any Southern Pa cific agency. elsewhere, for complete information. WM. McMURRAY General Pasiencrpr Atretit 'southern Parifir Crt )rmn T.inre - .- - --r ' " t" X Portland, Oregon. 4 HI! SCHOLARSHIPS As far as they are at present listed are herewith submitted. More schools will be added from day to day during the contest as the choice of new contestants is learned. Regular $25, $30 and $35 Values $4 These are all the newest spring styles in brown, gray and olive shades. Every suit must go. None in reserve PANAMA HATS n i & i r a tann tin sVIV va f v And $12 Vals. S$o$5 Sizes 7, 7 1-8 7 1-4 and 7 3-8 ONLY OUTING TROUSERS STRAW HATS ONE-THIRD Off HALF PRICE MEN'S GOLP SHIRTS Men's Silk Negligee Shirts Barnlaj tl.00 Taluea OTUtrsAtawA 3O0 Taloea 55c I $2.5Q Bathing Suits One -Third Off FAMOUS SBB COR. M0.RR1S0N AND SECOND STREETS ALBANY COLLEGE. ALBANY, OB. One year's tuition in any clepartmpnt, except conservatory. Value or scholar ship (50. BAKES CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE, BAKES CITY, OB. . One year's tuition in shorthand, type writing . English, bookkeeplne and pen manship. Value of scholarship $100. BEHNXE-WALKER BUSINESS COL LEGE, PORTLAND, OB. One year's tuition In combined rmsl ness and shorthand course. Value of scholarship $100. CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, SALEM, OB. Ten months' tuition in business or shorthand course. Value of scholar ship $100. DALLAS COLLEGE, DALLAS, OB. One year's tuition In any department. : Value of scholarship $50. 1 XiCLECTIO BUSINESS UNI VEBillTI. PORTLAND, OB. I One year's tuition In comhined busl- ness and shorthand courses. Value of scholarship. $100. HULL MILITARY ACADEMY, PORT LAND, OR. One year's tuition in all hranrhr ! without board. Value of scholarship $120. i HOLIES 9 BUSINESS COLLBGB, I PORTLAND. OR. j One year's tuition in combined busl I ness and shorthand course. Value of I scholarship $100. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS OP BCRANTON, PA. Complete course in architecture, chemistry and chemical technology, elec trical, civil engincorinK, stfani electric, mechanical engineering and mining en gineering. Value of scholarship $133. B. MAX MYXR SCHOOL OP ABT, PORTLAND, OB. Six months' reninu course. Value of scholarship $50. mtlH H TILLS COLLEGE, MMTNN TTLLE. OB. One year's tuition In any department of the college- Value of scholarship $60. OREGON CONSERVATORY OP MUSIO, ' PORTLAND. OR. ! ii i a as i i"-TwjaaBmaa $5.00 OUR FEE In Any Single Uncomplicated Case We cure Varicocele, Hydrocele, Rupture, Nervous Pebility, Blood Poison, Skin Diseases, Contracted Ailments, Gleet, Stricture, Vital Weakness, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, and all diseases common to roen. Cures Guaranteed Consultation and Examination Tree No Better Treatment In The World We lead All Others follow We have added to our office equipment, for the benefit of MEN ONLY, a FREE MUSEUM of Anatomy and gallery of scientific won ders. Man, know thyself. Life-size models illustrating the mysteries of man, showing the body in health and disease, and many natural subjects. Men make no mistake when the y crnis tr us. We give you tha re sults of long experience, honest, conscientious work, B-nd the best serv ice that money can buy. If you an alllntr consult ua. Medicines fur nished In our private laboratory from $1.60 to $6 60 a course. If you cannot call, write, for self-examination blank. Hours 9 a. m. to 8 p, m. dally. Sundays 9 to 12 only. 391 H Morrison St, Bat. 4th and 5ta, Portlajoa, or. OREGON MEDICAL INST. One ment. ear s course In piano depart- alue of scholarship $176. OREGON EXPERT COLLEGE, PORT LAND, OB. Combined course In telegraphy and stenography. Value of scholarship $125. OBEOON LAW COLLEGE, PORT LAND, OR, Ona yeara tuition. Value of scholar ship $150. PACIFIC COLLEGE, NEWBERO, OR. One year's tuition. Value of scholar ship $50. PACXFIO UNIVERSITY, FOREST OBOTE, OB. One year's tuition In college depart ment. Value of scholarship $60. FEUD LETON ACADEMY, PENDLE TON. OB. Two years' Instruction In classics!, scientific or commercial courses. Value of scholarship $100. PORTLAND ACADEMY, POBT LAND, pB. One Tear's tuftVswljJ-an v of the four aendemy elassesPpe of scholarship $120. v, ' MSB. WALTER BEES, PORTLAND, OB. Vocal lessons. Value of scholarship. $;oo. BOSS CITY BUSINESS OOLLEQE. POBTLAND, OB. One rear's tuition in coniblnat busi ness and shorthand course. Value of scholarship Jloo. ST MART'S ACADEMY, TBI DALLES, OR. One year's tuition in niusio 1ert ment. Value of scholarship $100. WESTERN ACADEMY OT MUSIC AND ELOCUTION. POBTLAND. OB. Course In elocution, oratory or !r matle art. Value of scholarship $)&0 fp-.T.iimwT! UNTYX BUTTY. BALXM, OB. One year's tuttlon In eollee" .1eprt raent. Value of scholsrhlr $50 YOU NEED NOT RELIC OF MANHOOD To ho strong and manly Is the aim of every strong man. and yet how many we find who urn wasting the vitality and strength which nature gives them. Instead of de veloplMK Into the strong, vigorous, manly young feLlows that nature Intended them to he. they find themselves weak, stunted and despondent no ambition to do anything. They struggle aimlessly along, sooner or later to become victims of that disease, nerv ous uVtdllty , their finer sensibilities blunted and their nerves shattered. I Cure Men's Diseases BE A CASH AWARDS In addition to the scholarship awards The Journal will make the fol lowing cash awards to help defray expenses of the students who may poll the largest vote: . Cash with first choice of scholarship 150 Cash with second choice of scholarship ..125 Cash with third choice of scholarship ...10 Cash with fourth choice of scholarship $TS Cash with fifth choice of scholarship $50 Cash with sixth choice of scholarship 925 Tha above sums in cash will be paid contestants immediately after the close of tha contest, in the order of their standing. Cash commia aions will be allowed on all new subscribers, in addition to the cash awards, so that a contestant may earn money every day during tha contest. FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO DJO. TAYX.OB, The Laadlnc Spaoiallat. I have treated hundreds of men who had long suffered a gradual decline of pnyslcal and mental energy aa iir.u me umrKfa general thorough cure of tho chief disorder. My success In curing difficult cases of ris ilt of private ailments, and have been interested In notlnt the marked general Improvement that follows long standing has mada me tha f .rem at specialist treating men's diseases. This success Is due to several things. It is due to the study I have hi n my kpeclalty; to my having ascertained the exivt natura or mens ailments, and the original, distinctive mul tl "ri'iifhlv scientific methods of treatment I employ. Tn tho In doubt a-s to their true condition who wish to avoH tho serious results that may follow neg lect I I'ffer free consultation and advice, either at my office or tnro';gh correspondence. If you case la one of the fr tNat has reached mi Incurable stage, I will no', accept It for treat n er.t, nor will I urge my aarvlcea upon nay ore. 1 trout curat le cases only, and cure all cases I treat. My Fee Is Only sso For Any Ailment You Pay When Cured I make definite claims f..r my meth f 1s of treating men s diseases I claim originality. dtstlnc tHer.ess, scientific correctness and un approachable success Every one of these claims Is backed by subetanUal proof Trie best evidence of su periority are the cures tnmelvea. My treatment cures per manent iy those cases that r.i other treat ment rsn cure. This test ).aa been mad ever and over again, ml majority of my etleris are men who nave failed to obtain laa'li-g benefits elsewhere. PECTFIO BLOOD POISON Ni dangerous mlrerals to drive the virus to the In terior, but harm'ess. Mool eleanstng remedies that re move tno last poisonous taint, TABICOCELB. Aaoutely painless tr-'-ment that cures completely In one wek. Investigate my method It is the only thT '.gMy sdoni.fic treat mert for this disease being emp.yed. My mlnred char. shoripa; the male anatomy and af fording an Interesting study In men's diseases, will be given fra upon application. CONTRACTED DISORDERS Y'u can depend upon a quick and thorough cure by my treatment. A quick cure Is desirable because a slow cure Is apt to be no cure at all, and a chronic development will come later. I cura you beyond the possibility of a relapse and tn half the usual time required. BEPTiXX ATUESVTB. Often the condition appearing to b the chief disorder la only a re fiei aliment resulting from soma ciber disease. Weakness sometimes ernes from varicocele or atrtctura; skin and bona diseases result from blood poison taint and physical and mental decllna follow lona-atandlnf functional disorder. My long as rerlence in treating man enables ma to determine the exact condltlona that exist and to trat accordingly, thua removing every dama-lng causa and Ha affecta. FREE CONSULTATION ran st re office. If pvs!bla. for FYea Advloa, Examination an a tHacnoaia. If yoa c-fiT caJU wt1 te for symptom blank. The DR. TAYLOR Co. Cnrnpr Alnrrisrin nrtti nmnd Sfs. rvtraaa Batraaoa, KM14 Morflaoa tr Partial. O. CONTEST MANAGER