The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 24, 1908, Page 15, Image 15

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    TE, OREGON DAILY, JOURNAL, jfOklXANi). tHiUhY iCvNlNG, JULY 24, 130.
British Steamer Uraemount
Accepts Cargo for
After Waiting Since Earl In Maj,
Owner of Strainer Finally Con
cludes to Take What Is Con id
ered Ix)w I late for Wheat.
f . - -
1 '.s-s ft" . -.Py- mm
,.i r ,-.k v.f r.I ?t Y'-V-SiB
Lv.'- Krr Kv 'J R v VJ
mltU, while the rrond Aur ! to h
devoted to the adoption of the platform
nil the naming of nominee! for presi
dent and vine-president.
e e
Darratt O'Harn. who la a candidate
for the PemoiTatlo nomination for rep
resentative In conreee from the Tenth
dlHtrlct of Illinois, la a well known
writer and authority on mattere ier
tulnln to pugilism.
The British ateamrr nraerpount, which
arrived at San Francisco May 6 with a
rarr . of coal from Newport Newa for
the Atlantic fleet, will be In Portland
soon to load wheat fW Europe. It la
understood that the carso will be de
livered atj a Mediterranean port, prob
ably In Italy.
The nrnemount Is believed to be the
steamer chartered by Kew, Clifford &
Co. but confirmation to this effect
could not be obtained today. The an
nouncement, however. U made that the
Unu-moiint Is chartered to loa.1 wheat
at this port for Kurope within a
month s time, and this coupled with the
inn inai ivcir, uuiora o t o. chartered
u eHnel lust Huturday to carry wheat
to a Mediterranean port leailH to the
deduction that the Ilruemount la the
veNMl that fiviw-fwl in tntn.J,...-. ..
- in i. i VV. II. .'UlUIUIIJ a LIBIT i
auction I
The Brnemnunt ie(jlHter 2.297 tons
net and has capacity for about 140,000
hushclx of wheal. Khe will be the first
steamer to carry wheat to Europe from
here this Benson but will, in all prob
ability, he followe! by many, since It
appears that her class of craft nro no
more expensive to obtain than the
aluwer windjammers. It being; reported
that the Brueinounl was chartered at
22 Hhmi::xH.
With the charter of the Braemount
steamers peckl:,- business In the har-1 W ith a Hand of Tammany liravcs, All Going Home From the Denver
bor of San Francisco, all of thorn hav- Convention, Mr. Bryan Was at the Station. He Said, "Hello, Murphy,"
Inn hrotiRht coal for the Kovernment. . , , , . .... ., . . . . . .
They an- the t ambilan Kin. Kails of n,11 Murphy Said, "Hello, Hryan." And Then IJrynn Extended His
Nlth Knight of Thistle and Queen i Hand. Murphy Took It, and Thus the Photographer Hnapped Them.
Amelia, one of them. Iho Knight of I f '.
Thistle, licliiK a very larse. carrier, with
a net register ' of 4.2S6 tons. mornlnK for Newport with a full gen-
I or Itie time being it Is Bllld there oral cn ran rm, tain Tvler will look out
W hen Charles F. Murphy, Turn many Leader, Stoped at Lincoln
... I I I t-.i,-; 111,-.-.!.. I.a ll,lln t nUI....l
, i te wit rut im.i , , .,,,- l, ,,.!, T,lv Marie
i rem tins part, or the world to japan! " '
which Is believed to be somewhere
down at Astoria waiting for a favorable
opportunity to make the run to ln-
owlng lu the financial disturbance
there. H. Ohta. Portland representative
of the lare Jaoanese firm of Mitsui
Co . retutnnd from a trlD to San ' Qulna liav. The Con. lor will probably
Kram-lsco this morning, with the report j take the launch in tow.
that as vet no arrangements have been j Tne British steamer Ilford arrived
inar.a by his firm It. ship wheat thlsiat Astoria this morning under charter
scan-in. . although It Is sunnposed that I to th i. p I .ee I .iMtihpr I'omr.anv of
"v 5."",'" 'fli'n",nls nl" be made In thetht city ' to 'curry a valuable cargo of
,fail Mr. iihta s,i s business Is very
oiuel in .lap in Indleatlnus, however,
favor a gradual Improvement.
American Darken tine Koko Head
Under Chart or to Come Here.
W-'ew Zealand Is buying large rjuan
tH .s of lumber this summer from
Port land ; more bo that ordinarily.
Heretofore It has been customary to
send a couple of million feet of ma
terial annually to the land of the Ma
ori, but tills vear the shipments will
aggregate nearer G, 000,000 feet.
The cause for this Is believed to he
found in the fact that the Antipodes
re gradually turning to this part of
the world for their lumber supply,
whereas In years past thev have been
drawing largely upon the Scandinavian
peninsula and ports across the Baltic
for supplies In the lumber line.
Several large shipments havo al
ready been made from here this sum
mer for New Zealand, and yesterday
the Pacific Export Lumber company
chartered the American barkentine Ko
ko Head to carry a cargo over there
from this port, loadlntr to botrln next
The Koko Head has loaded here sev
eril times for the orient. 8he carries
about 1.200.0(10 feet, 'it Is understood
that the v.-sscl Is in command of Cap
tain Larson, who was chief officer
when she was here last about three
years ai;o, Captain Hnlversen having
died while In a Gulf of California
lumber to Copenhagen and Hamburg
The carno win be furnished by the
Tongue Point mills, the Portland Lum
ber company and .lh Iuman-I'oulseti
Lumber company. ' The steamer will
receive the first part of the cargo at
the Tongue Point mills and In about
ten days come to the Portland mills
to load.
Notes From the
Labor World
Miss Mlna A. Jones write the con
test manager an Interesting letter and
throws some, fragrant bouquets at the
Oregon Journal. Hhe also offers some
sound advice to the boys and girls of
the great Oregon country who
have such a good opportunity to se
cure a flrst-clasa education for a few
months' pleasant work.
"As I atepped Into the Journal office
last Friday inornlnv It seemed like
money from home to see all those again
who had done so much for me. Every
one rworo their uaual smile; even the
old Journal Itself seemed to smile and
boast of Its lurgo circulation.
"it Is Impossible for me to express
my sincere thanks In return for all
that I have gained through the Journal
"Many people do not realise the
value and good of the Journal con
tests and what they have done for all
their contestnats. Only those who
were fortunate enough to have been
one of the many happy participants
can tell what benefit they have derived
from the contest.
"1 being one of the fortunate ones,
want to, and am more than glad to
tell everyone what I have gained
through the scholarship awarded me by
the Journal for fust a couple of hours
of mv spare time In the evenings.
"The scholarship awarded me was
my choice, and railed for ten months'
tuition, board and room nt St. Marv's
Institute, Beaveiton, Oregon. I have
completed the commercial course and
received ten months' instruction In
music. I therefore feel greatlv In
debted to the Journal and owe all my
future success to the same.
Enjoyed Contest.
"I enjoyed the contest much more
than anything else I ever did; liked It
better every day, and was only sorry
that It did not last longer.
"The Journal Is the paper that Is
llkej everywhere, and by patient try
ing and the large circulation of the
paper you can not help, but to win a
scholarship. If you 4T"t It you will
like It. because the Journal only gives
scholarships In the best schools and
"I would like to see a great many
more ambitions boys and girls enter In
this year's contest, because It Is well
devote to the
The Democratic, the liepuhllcan and
the Socialist parties will have com
plete tickets In the general primary
election to be held In Oklahoma early
In August. About ShO.Ono ballots will
worth the time you
"I am glad the Journal has given
thla golden opportunity atialn I his year, , (j r(.o,ur(.d fur the primary
chance like thin pass bv If you do
not care for a scholarship, help your
friends who are working earnestly to
win one; you will feel rewarded to sea
them come out victorious In the race
"Thanking the Journal again for all
It bus dime for me, and wishing It and
The Hoclallst national committee la
arranging to send a special train,
painted a bright red, on a oO-day tour
of the country, beginning August Jii
with Eugene V'. Debs, the presidential
candidate, aboard. Debs la scheduled
to speak from three to five times a
the many contestants every success.
It Is n matter of conjecture as to
whether the hoys or the girls will lead
during the Journal's contest. When
the first announcement of the stand
ing of the contestants was made there
were 19 listed II girls and S boys
The boys were leading, there being tt
In the first 9. The second announce-i to in chosen
ment or the standing, on tne win, e
showed J2 contestants 1 1 boys and 11 Four candidates are now In the field
e-lrls. In the first 11 on the list there . .. .. . ..
were 6 bovs and 5 girls, showing th.f "", President nl nomination on tne
the girls are coming to the front Independence party ticket, which Is to
Announcement has been mnde by
Colonel Cecil Lyon, head of the Re
publican party In Texas, that Judge
Taft hus nromlsed to make a number
of speeches In Texas between now and pj,,, f,,rm declared for the resubmission
' " . . 1 1. . i .. ,. . i mj
be named at a national convention in
Chicago next week. They are Thomas
I lllsgen of Massachusetts, Charles A.
Walsh of Iowa. N. W. llowaj:4 f
Alabama nd lluward H, Taylor of ll
Bert M Fernsld. the nomine of th
Republicans for governor of Maine, t
n very rich man and elf-mde. It
started In life n a farmer' boy. T,o
ilav he la the head of one of th large!
i 'aiming establishments In the 1 nlted
Stats and Is Interested In a number of
other Industries.
Itev J Milton Waldron. president of
the National Neuro American Political
league, has Issued statement declare
I n k th" league will support Bryan tn
every state, and that It has a membr
ship or 70,imi0. The league will con
duct lis campaign from national head
quarters In Chicago
The recent convention of Maine DrtV
ncrats at Bangor waa one Of the molt
spirited and enthusiastic convention
that t1B party has held In that tato
!n some years. .ladlah Gardner of
Rock in nil was named for governor. The
election time In the Interest of the
Texas Republican ticket, which Is soon
Usee X Close.
On Jul 9 the 11 Klrls had 1S.S75
votes to tnelr credit, or an average of
1.716. The 8 boys had 23.3S5 votes to
their credit, or an averagn of 2.917. On
July 12 the 11 girls had HI ,fl0o votes,
or an average of 2,n;2. and the 11 boys
hnd 34,230 voles, or an average of
.1.112. Thus It will be seen that tho
girls made a substantial gain. If the
girls keep up their good work thev
should at the next score be In the lew).
The contest manager, however, will not
venture a prediction. No doubt the
boys will endeavor to keep ahead of
their fair rivals, but the 11 sti rla will
bend their energies to put their rivals
on tlic anxious side of the scholarships
and the handsomo Incidental cash
awards. As a rule, girls do not like
to carry heavy burdens, and their
purses are never overwelphted with the
coin of the realm. But there Is not
one of the bevy of Jouranl Klrls who
would consider seven $20 gold pieces,
with a 10 piece on top of them, any
too burdensome for her. The large
cash awards are tempting to boys and
girls nllke. hut It remains to be seen
whether the lucky winners will be
mostly girls or bovs. Their frlendlv
fight for the Journal's 1525 In gold and
the valuable scholarships will he
watched eagerly throughout the summer.
f the prohibition iprestlon to a vote of
the ,,,,e the repeal of the Sturgls
law and the abolition of the state liq
uor agency system The resolution also
declared strongly in favor of law reg
ulating the employment of women and
children In factories.
New Steam Schooner liuilt at North
Rend Heady for Kusinesg.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal )
Marshfleld, Or., Julv 24. The Ftfleld,
the boat completed at the Kruse &
Banks yards. North Bend, for the Eas
tabrook company, San Francisco, made
her trial trip July 22. Mr. and Mrs.
Estabrook, Mr and Mrs. A. W. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Westerf leld and
. . Burger came up from San Fran
cisco to return to tho Bay City In tho
boat's Initial trip.
The vessel was built for A. T Easts.
brook H Co., San Francisco, length ISO
feet, beam 39 feet, depth of hold 12.8
and has a lumber-carrying capacity of
fi6n.0iio feet and accommodations for 35
She was intended for the Coqtillle
river trade, but has been chartered by
the C. A. Smith Lumber & Manufactur
ing company. Marshfleld. for one year
for the lumber-carrying trade between
Coos Bay and California.
District Forecaster Reals Receives
Instrument to Facilitate Work.
Regular Liners Due to Arrive.
Rose City, San Francisco July 29
Roanoke. San Pedro and way. .. .July 28
Eureka, Eureka and Coos July 30
Arabia, orient Aug. 1
G. W. Elder San Pedro, way.... Aug. 4
State, San Francisco ...Aug. 4
Alllitncp. Coos Bay Aug. 4
City of Tanama, Coos Bay Aug. 4
Alesla, orient Sept. 1
Numantla, orient Sept. 15
Nlcomedla. orient Out. 1
Keg-alar Iiiners to Depart.
Nlcomedla, orient July 25
Alliance Coos Bay July 25
State, San Francisco July 25
City of Panama. Coss Bay July 29
Roanoke. San Pedro and way... July 20
Rose City. Han Francisco Aug. 1
Eureka, Eureka and Coos Aug. 1
O. V. Elder. San Pedro Aug.
Arabia, orient Aug. 15
Alesla, orient Sept. 16
Numantla, orient Oct. 1
Vessel la Fort.
Broderlck Castle, Br. sh Drydock
Largiemore Br. sh O. W. P. dock
Crown- of India, Br. sh. .. .Columbia 1
Levland Bros., Br. sh O. W. P.
Donna Franceses, Br. bk Astoria
Ancaios, Br. shl.i Tongue Point
Churchill. Am. sch Astoria
Echo, Am. bktn Astoria
Kelburn, Br. bk Linnton
Minnie Kelton, Am.-sa Astoria
Asgard, Nor. sh Madison street
Alvena. Am, sch Astoria
Albert Blckmerf, Ger. bk. .. Greenwich
Virginia, Am. sch : .Knapptou
Dulwich, Br. ss. Linnton
Northtflnd, Am. sh .... Port land Lbr. Co.
Nlcomedla. Ger. ss Fldur mills
James A. Garfield,' Am. sch. .B:. W. mills
F. S. Loop Knappton
State of California, Am. ss. . . Alnsworth
Sark. Nor. ss Knappton
Washington. Am. ss .. Montgomery No. 2
Ilford. Br. ss ...Tongue Point
Asuncion. Am. ss Portsmouth
En Rout to Xioad Lumber.
Alumna. Am. sch Kahulul
Behonie. Am. sch La Boca
Yellowstone, Am. ss San Francisco
Cascade, Am. ss San Francisco
Wrestler. Am. bktn Guaymas
Mabel Gale, Am. isch San Francisco
W. F. Jewett, Am. sch Redond.i
Oliver J. Olson, Am. sch San Pedro
Fairhaven, Am. ss San Francisco
Amaranth, Am. bktn San Francisco
Tiverton, Am. ss San Francisco
Koko Head, Am. bktn.... San Francisco
Sn Sonto With Cement and General.
Aberfoyle, Br. sh Antwerp
I'hlon bankers In Ht. Paul haye ob
tained an Increase of $1 a Week In
their wages.
A state federation of labor for Louisi
ana was recently oragnized at Shreve-
The Montana state federation conven
tion will meet next month at Billings,
The Welsh miners are still very
energetic In their efforts to get the non
union men Into the federation.
The annual convention of the trades
and labor congress of Canada will be
held at Halifax in September.
The legislature of Porto Rico has
passed an net to regulate the hours
of railroad employes with 16 hours'!
Montreal longshoremen object to the
bonus system introduced bv the ship
ping men, but the latter refuse to abol
ish It.
Twenty per cent of the population of
Canada earns its living in connection
with the country's carrying trade. Rail
road employe's alone number 124,000.
The Eight Hour league of America
Is conducting an agitation among the
tradeB unions with the object of making
the universal eight hour workday tho
paramount Issue of the presidential
The mayor of Knoxvllle, Tenn.. re
cently appointed three representatives
of organized labor to assist In draft-j
ing the new city charter, and through!
theij- efforts It is expected that the
initiative ana referendum clause will be
to stuiy hard ho scarcely found It nec
essary to even open a book.
At the expiration of the term exam
inations in various subjects were given
by tho principal to test on paper the
boys' knowledge and to guide him In
making promotion. One of the ijues
tlons asked in the geography test was,
"What Is the equator?'1 Had this been
an oral examination William would no
douht have been counted correct, but In
consequence of Its being a written one
he did not get orr so easy. J he fol
lowing answer appeared on his jvnpcr:
"The equator Is a menagerie Hon run
ning around the center of the earth."
Democracy's Slip.
Tho way was plainly marked by buoys,
A lubber's hand her course could
They've steered her on a charted rock.
Hall! Hail! The gang's on deck!
Twelve years the gales have torn her
Now what do you suppose, by heck?
They've asked more wind to oome
Hall! Hall! The gang's on deck!
Full long has she shipped heavy sears
And threatened to became a wreck;
They want Salt river's waters too,
Hail! Hall! The gang's on deck!
Her storms were past, her skies were
Had she but seen the rainbow's beck! j
But now she's sailing to her doom,
Hall! Hail! The gang's on deck!
McLandburgh Wilson.
Politics and
1 1 Never Disappoint My Patients
, , '
g When I Promisea Cure You May
B Rely Upon ItThatI Will Cure You
The fear that you coild not be cured may
nave deterred you from taking honest treat
ment. Or you may hav been one of the un
fortunates "who have been treated In vain by
Inexperienced physicians FREE TREATMENT.
r HE K TRIAL hAJiriihS, I J I r..v 1 ivicm
PINES, ELECTRIC BELTS and other similar
devices. Such treatments cannot and never will
cure you. nor will these maladies cure them-
selves. When I offer you a cure anil am willing 1
to risk mv professional reputation In curing you,
my continued success 'n treating these dis
and satisfied with a lasting cure, what fairer
business proposition can ne onereu 10 uie sick mm
and afflicted? This should convince the skepti- Vu. n
Charles W. Ogden, a prominent at
torney of San Antonio, appears to be
the choice of Texas Republicans for tho
gubernatorial nomination.
Congressman James Lloyd of Mis
souri, chairman of the Democratic con
gressional committee, expects to open
the headquarters for his committee In
Chicago about August 16.
e e
The Independence party expects that
Its national convention in Chicago next
week will complete Its business in two
days. The first day will be devoted to
the organization of the convention and
the appointment of the necessary enm-
H of SAFE AND POSITIVE CURES in the shortest possible time without H
sclentlous aklllful and successful services, and MY guarantee Is simple u
Injurious after-effects
My Fee lor Thor
ough Cure Is Only
The weather bureau this morning re-IB'dart, Fr. bk Antwerp
reived Its business phonograph and the I Clan Graham, Br. sh Cardiff
work of dictating letters will now be Fugenie Fautrel, Fr. bk Antwerp
greauy simniirietl. district Forecaster
Heals tested the. machine this morning
and It recorded his voice beautifully.
The weather bureau's correspondence
has Increased at such an alarmlni rte
of late as a result of Its efficiency,
that Mr. Reals found It necessary to
either engage a stenographer or he
swnmped with work. He communicated
with the chief of the denart ment an.l
In reply received the phonograph which
will take all dictations and in turn reel
mem on 10 ine typewriter.
Astoria. July 24. Arrived down t
Knappton. steamer F. S. Loop Sailed
t 6 45 a m . steamer George W. Elder,
for San Pedro and way ports. Arrived
St 9 a. m , British steamer Ilford. from
Guaymas. Arrived at 10:45 a. m..
steamer Asuncion, from San Francisco.
t ardirr. julv Arrived. French
bsrk Bougainville, from Portland
Kiiisnie. Julv ?S Passed. German
hrk Nal. from Portland for (Jueen
t own
Iyondon. Julv 23 Palled. French shlD
Alice, for Portland
Honolulu. July 23. Sailed. German
'teanier Arabia, for Port'and via San
l-in nclsco
Hong Kcrg. Julv 13 Arrive. G r-
Incennes, Br sh Antwerp
Gael, Fr. bk London
Neatsfields. Br. sh Hamburg
David de Anjers, Fr. il Antwerp
Brabloch, Br. bk Antwerp
Kllloran, Br. sh Antwerp
joinvma. Fr. dk Antwerp
Carmanlan. Br. bk Hamburg-
Rochambeau, Fr. bk Lelth
Gulf Stream. Br. bk Antwerp
Alice, Fr hk. . , Ixmdon
Eugene Schneider. Fr. bk Antwerp
va Tour de Auvergne. Fr. bk. .Antwerp
Armen, Fr. bk Dublin
Coal Bhrpa Is ROnt.
La Roche Jacquelln, Fr. Jik. Newcastle, A.
Flfeshlre, Br. bk r. . . Newcast le, A.
Bossuet, Fr. bk Newcastle, A.
Torrisdale. Br. sh Newcastle, A
Tramp Steamer Ss Rout.
Taunton, Br. as Guaymas
Strathflllan, Br. ss Batavla
Craghall, Br. ss San Francisco
Knight Templar, Br. ss Valparaiso
Radames, Ger. ss Puget sound
Bucranla, Br. ss Orient
Ilford. Br. ss Newcastle
Strathlyon. Br. ss ........ .San Francisco
Eva, Ger ss Puget sound
M. S. Dollar. Am. es San Francisco
Guernsey. Nor. ss Shanghai
Assuan, Ger. ss San Francisco.
Si Rout In Sail sat to Xroad Grain. '
1 Port Crawford, Br. sh Callao
A delegate convention of union labor
men will tie held In Memphis, Tenn..
on August 19, to nominate candidates
tor the legislature. The convention
will consist of delegates from the labor
unions of Memphis and the farmecs'
unions of Shelby county.
It Is expected that the Australian
commonwealth old ago pension schema
will cost S'j.oOO.oOo yearly. All indi
gent persons over O.'i vcars of age who
have resided in the commonwealth for
20 years, will be entitled to a pension
of J-.10 a week.
The Indianapolis labor organizations
have recently leased a farm of 30 acres
west of the city, which they intend to
Improve .and use for picnics and out
ings. A park committee has been
formed, wtlh a view of raising funds
for the purchase of the beautiful nat
ural park.
The International Brotherhood of
Teamsters 'M hold Its annual con
vention in Detroit In the) week begin
ning August 3. At the same time the
Limed 1 enmsters of America wHl hold
their annual convention In St. Louls.
An effort will he made to bring about
the consolidation of tho two organiza
tion s.
Hawk's Fight to Protect Young.
Egg Harbor Ctv Correspondence Phila
delphia Record.
When Christian Lehnels. superintend
ent of the Egg Harbor cemetery, en
tered thfl erounds recently, he heard
a noise in one of the lots surrounded
by cedars.
Investigating, he was attacked by a
large chicken hawk, which was feeding
five young ones. With no weapon to
protect himself, Lehnels was compelled
to flee, but he came to town and got
his gun. When he returned the hawk
and Its young had disappeared.
Later In the afternoon he strain came
cross the hawk family, and the ot
blr.i charred him again, but this thn
. . .1 J t,(ttr. 1, Tl.i
ne was prepaz tni jmiou l. 1 ov
hawk was a large specimen, measuring
four feet across the wings.
When Cooking Potatoes.
From the Iiellneator.
To make potatoes as nourishing as
possible, we should, after thoroughly
brushing and cleaning the outside,
steam them In their Jackets. Then when
cooked remove the skins, return them
to the steamer for a few minutes to be,
heated and eat them with some form
of fat.
Baking potatoes Is an excellent way
of preserving all the nutritions quali
ties of the tuber. Wash and scrub quite
clean, then lay them on the shelf of a
fairly hot oven.' They should be turned
over once or twice during th" process
of cooking; time from one and a half
hours to two hours.
Pinch them and If soft and yielding
they are sufficiently conked. A small
piece may lie cut out of the end of
each potato and a little butter Bait.
pepper and onion Juice Inserted, and '
then the piece replaced. A sprig of I
mint In the water Is, when boiling
potatoes, a great Improvement.
I v 1
, IB
our or vowir people
an do your antix Crown. Bridge
and FVtt Work In a day If necessary.
Positively Painless Extracting Pree
when plates or bridges are ordered.
Sensitive teeth and root removed with
out th least pain. Ten chairs. Only
the most scientific and careful work.
No man could make you a fairer or more straightforward proposl- h
(Ion that that. I make this offer because 1 KNOW that my methods Will H
cure ,anv case that I accept for treatment. Under no circumstances do f
SJ I ever attempt to treat Incurable cases. If I attempt to treat your case, M
m therefore, depend upon It that I will cure you. H
If afflicted you can depend upon it tnat tne service 1 oner you is M
the service you need, and is service such as can be rendered by no oth- M
er physician. Maybe you are one of the large number of men who think H
their case Is Incurable. Perhaps your own doctor has told you you could M
not be cured; but remember that Is only because h did not understand H
vonr disorder and could not cure you. It did not mean that you could H
not get help from expert or experienced specialists.
By a method that Involves no painful processes. No other physician
employs a like method, and bo thorough Is my work that there need not
be the slightest fear of a relapsa Into the old conditions. It is not a
question of whether you can be cured, but whether you w-111 be cured.
Don't wait until it Is too late. My method Is perfect and quick. The
cure Is absolutely certain. I especially solicit those cases where many
so-called treatments have failed or where money has been wasted on
electric belts and other appliances.
"Weakness" in' all Its phases and in practically every casa that
Bl comes to me for treatment is merely a symptom resulting from a state
It of chronic Inflammation In the prostate gland. Th Inflammation may
M be a lingering result of some contracted disease, or may have been
brought on by early dissipation, etc. In by far tho greater number of
M cases the general health of the patient is perfect, there being no lack of
M either phvsical or nervous energy. No stimulants or tonics are needed,
M and if employed would only result In temporary excitement of the func
M tions and positive Injury to the tender and already disordered prostate'.
H My treatment Is a local- one entirely. It removes all Inflammation, swell
IB in find tenderness from the prostate Eland, establishes normal circula
rs' tlon throughout the parts, and restores permanently and completely all
Ri natural functions.
Such as lost vigor, specific blood poison, organic weakness, varicocele,
, . p 1 , 1 ..ti..- i DiAu. 1 1 , , Ti.,.. ..,in e.nm
W- llfien 1 wn a DanrT . rrr-wa I M Stricture, II vin i" i-ir, j'nco mm ' ' i "-i diihiciiio. a n"a ,m.i , ..i ,ua u
. A- WISE , , ABpciAXiss 1 varicocele, hydrocele, blood poison, or any other disease tending to de- H
"'"Painless Dentists. IM . ,,i.i,,r- n,i render hnnnlness Imnnialhln. Bro lirtrad to call M
Palllncr BldiT Third S,nr1 WaShlnirt.On Rtt ... , V. . , f . I.,' . TlinKa wantlnir vnlniKIa 1 1 m a HlHsirkatlna thul.
8 a. m. to S p. m. ; Sundays 9 to 12. jj
Painless Extraction, 60c; Plates. J5.S0. i g
Hotn mones. A and Main 20Z.
The annual report of Ernest Mills,
secretary-treasurer for the Western
Federation of Miners which wos sub
mitted to the convention of that or
ganization recently, showed that the or
ganization lost more than 6.000 mem
bers during the past year. An effort
will be made to ascertain the cause of
the decline and to stop it.
Mayonnaise Reater.
A blue and white porcelain bowl
fitted with a beater and an oil dropper
facilitates the work of creaming oil
and egg tobether. and Is more success
ful in the long run than an ordinary j
fork The bowl is of a shape that setsi
firmly on the tahl. end the top Is cov
red. all except a small disc In the cen
ter, with a metal sheet. Through 'l.lsi
opening extends a small handle us -1 t 1
turn thA beater, which is eoneeale.l In
side the bowl. This beater Is In the
A settlement, nff-ctlng fullv 10.0r'0 form of two propellers, both f'.ir.Ees
men In Pennsylvania. 1 ihln. Wisconsin, perforated with rather lartre holes, and j
Michigan. Missouri and Illinois has It 1s rv means of this rapidly revolvl-s .
cently been reached between the We?'-'snoon fhst the mavonralsn Is whipped
ern Bar Iron association and the Amal-lto a cream. At one sld of the bowl
gamated Association of Iron, Tin and and fitting Into the. top stands a tiny
Steel Workers, and the wage scale vTaslrretal funrel. with the smaller end
slgneJ for the year ending June 3'i. j reaehlns through the cover of the bowl
i09. By its terms the puddlers are i Into this funnel the oil Is poured and
nnon me without delay. Those wasting valuable time, dissipating their
money and aggravating their aliment by submitting to indirect Ineffec- H
tual. unscientific treatment that never did and never can cure, are In- S2
vtted to visit me and Investigate my successful system. I positively f!
e-uarartee results In all curable cases, and frankly refuse to accept any 2
v . , . .. . . t fn. q v unn It la too lata to rnirnTiFA A .lira,
ULUri V aruci, 11 . 1 " " J . ......... . - - " ------ - o - - .. . -
Call at the office. If possible, for free adrlce, examination and diag
nosis. If you cannot call, write for Symptom Blank.
I offer not only FREE consultation and advice, but of every case
that comes to me I will make a careful examination and diagnosis with
out charsre. No ailing man should neglect this opportunity to get exnert
opinion about his trouble. If vou cannot call, write for Diagnosis Chart. M
Mv offices are open all day from 9a. m. to 9 p. m., Sundays from 10 to 1 H
Private Entranoe, 83414 Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon
New method and guaranty cure all
given a cut of ahojt elirht per cent In 1 an attachment adlusted o that the oil ' private diseases. Prices reasonable.
ran be dropped Into the n-aynnv L ith anil K. YORK. International
wages ana tne rr.lsners an average re
ductlon of about two per cent.
A Noiseless Room.
From the Lond.wr Globe.
For many physical researches a per
pectly noiseless room Is a desideratum.
If such could be devised It would open
our new poss: ni 11 1 les or research.
rop at a time
Fires Started hy Motlie.
From the Strand Magmlna
Moths and flames are unlvena!!v
corme'-ted. vet few people suspect that
At i dancer cou'1 arle therefrom The In-
Ihe University of Utrecht the problem 'rt are of such fra'l structure tVat
and as slowly as Chinese doctors, post graduates Canton
.m -i;cai v o. ege, i. nina. specialists In
male end female Jlt-eases. rheumatism,
eye. nose, throat and chronic diseases,
both Internal and external. Call or
write 224 H First t Portland. Or.
man steamer Numantla. from Portland. 1 Agnes Oswald. Br. sh Callao
A.Vr' .vulv, 5 C"nditlon at the j Rfv.r Faiioch .Br. bk Callao
mouth of the river at a. m , smooth Oreson. Ger. sh Tokohama
wind northwest 25 miles, weather n.n v .iKrv, Vw
't'.' , i Henrietta. Ger.'sh.'. .. .'.'.'.'.'.'. ivest coast
Tides st Astoria todavHIgh water , After. Ger bk Valparaiso
. , , . ..... . ., irn . .. iv v m., r m , Murtpchai de cvoaiue. t r. PS. West coast
fet I'W water 1:45 . m.. t 0 fee' : I Horn. m ar nrmn.l Ann hk Vikk' H i'
has been apparently success'ull v solved generally they get etr"vd nefnre nd other drug habits are positively cored bl
n v ine room aegi ened by Y wear a em ike r r"'"Ml ' ' o.-... , - , , . . 1 1 . in; u " itui - ivi ui uiro ,,i mwn ti new
The walls and celling of the room r "n1 u bardly credible that the win. Fampl "sent o anrdnig hbttaAr ppAA
, , j . 1 j l t, 1 11 , .via. 0 ui" ii.iii. n-..n ui.ii. I u w i" 1 afe w pT ca.vvje
11 Inches thick. al are formed of all
separate layers The first consists of a
felt-like material of horsehair, kiown
as trlchopleee. this Is followed by a
laver of porous stone Isolated from the
4 S4 p m . 11 feet
The steam schooner Washington
shifted to Montsmmerr dock No. I this
momtr.g to dtecharre a shipment nf liw. Tr bk
ssphalt nd to lod wheat for San Fran- ; Crillon. Fr. bk
l e Feller. Fr. bk Hohert
Belnte Anne. Ft bk. Newcastle. N 8 W.
AndoTiflha. Hr bk IquIqu
Lydgate. Br. bk Pent Rosalia
Viso. Nor sh MsJIIIonee
Desdamona. Pr. sh Callao
Cornll Bart, Fr. bk .. Newcastle. N. ft. W
The steamer George W. Elder. Cap
tain Jeoaen. efle4 for Ban fdre and
wst reins last night with full cargo
of freeght snd T penger
The gtsollne sloop Condor sailed this
Oenevlere Moll no. Ft. bk..
Iwshlld, Nor. bk
Nuiellr. Tt. fck
Lena Blum. Fr. bk
Klrhelet. Fr. hk ,
Fioiasd, Rusl. b. ..........
. . .Antwerp
. ...Calder
enough to enable the moth to fly to it
Thau however has occurred. Ti
mMh was a very large ore and Its
m-jot have hen very rv. s that w! n
Per Bottle "
li in puua wanner.
fat saie ky Ckissieie Ore Oa. 11 Tktrt
St TXna r drug r1t rr hr ma
Mil C si e en I -a I t -
l?r.fc.y rhT. :?,1,i A7 J"r r,r f flour l-red Througrt'tV's r.ame It ,et
about an m-h Is followed hr wc end
then a course of ground cork end sn-d
The final layer Is cf sp-clallv pfepa-ei
ground pork, known as korkstelc
fr to ope wing and dsrt1 on to a
cursn peer v vii-ii at on '-e flsre1
i.p I l possible that mary summer
lupin firea in tie rnintrr eotjl p
attributed to aouroe nf ftils kind. It
le notorlovis that mysterlctis fifee of
ten arise at unset In the hot months.
Arrangements CSrmplX.
A L4on Lrt Loose.
William was considered hr a'l h'e
classrr.ates the brightest hor ,n hie
grade. Somehow or other the lad men
aced -to learn Ms lessors wfh rrsc- FVc-m the lxulSTllle CeuHer-Jonmal
tlcallr no effort. He was rerfa'nlT to -a rraneemer ta for the wedding are
be envied, for he waa gifted wtth such 1 sll complete "
1 remarkable brain that by hearing j 'KTerythlne stten,lel to
evenii recnea m riass one or twice ne 1 "lee. w rave even msoe a oea I wtth
know It quite weiL Thus It wss that I a phntorraphcr to bare kis camera
wblis Lfcfc etlw feiows srere csMmpavHoti I smashed.
runui. orarae
Ce sits far eeaararai
IrtttelaoM ee aioara rlaaa
of bhiii SMOseeaea.
I. ; . - rtat . -
&:. fs. gaet er teeitaieees.
IT "J toy Wi lees.
I e east ta -gets a 1 aeeae,
J I Vt iii ia. pi , tar
" J 1 . e I saOteal TV
i Utieier aa xa mist ,
In Any Single Uncomplicated Case
W care Vsrloooele, Hydrocele, Raptare, Rerron Debility, Bleo4
Poison, Skin Diseases, Contracted Ailments, Oleet, trlfitare, VltaJ Weevka
see. Kidney and Bladder Troubles, aad all disease oommoa to roam.
No Better
In The World
We Lead
All Others follow
We barr edflod to o-ar Tfle) Motissiaal. for thai Verne Ct m
0-rx.T a rail iCTjgxtm ef Aaasosay sa4 gwUery ( tteteiufU womara.
urn. m-MB-m utmu. Iiiit ei one ai lllexraag im sarrtenee ef -1
saosrtmg tke sxly ta keeUta sag ill , aa4 saaaoy tann) sjsst
sfesi make bo sn I stake wken they corn to as. We srlv yna the r.
sttlU of long experience, boneet. conscientious work. sat the s-eet ser -le
that money en bay. If yea are ailing con suit m Mextleiae f ar.
Olshed la our crlrat Labors tory t rora t l.t to Hit s eor.
It r cannot caJL write for self-examlBAUosi tlar.k. Hour f a.
m. to p. ss. eaUy. Suitdays to 13 s-n y.
H1U jsr-rrtene
4VSI SB :. '".