11 Oifoooig osd (Ereoi Suiy (Clearance Huge Draw Closes for First Time on One of Longest Steel Bridges in the World Continuous Track From Portland to Inland Empire. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. JULY 24. 1908. NORTH BANK ROAD COMPLETED TOMORROW BAILEE Men's Suits - This season's best styles', in plain or fancy mixtures, reduced from $10 to $5.95 Men's Suits New fabrics, browns in all shades and patterns, stripes and fancy weaves, reduced from $15 to $9.95 Men's Suits Hand-tailored garments, as near perfection in clothes as can be had, reduced from $20 to $13.95 Tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock th draw of the Wtllnmetto river bridge of tlio north Imnk road will be closed for the first time and thcr will be a con tinuous track uniting Portland with the Inland empire country of WnnhlnKton. The closing of this draw, which Is the longest In the world 621 feet will practlcnlly complete the line of the Spokane, Portland & Seattle railway be tween Kpokane and I'ortlnnd. No trains will be run over the Columbia and Willamette bridges for a week or lon-;r In order to jrlvw ',lp contractors time to complete the laylnK of the double truck and the removal of seaf foldliiK- Tim draw will he swunn tomorrow by a t us as the electrical equipment for swing ing It will not be In rurinliig order un til Monday. 'ot only aro tho two bridges con necting Washington and Oregon a suo cess for the contractors, but they mean much for Fortland Industrially. All of the actunl work on the bridge super structures was done by members of the Tortland local, No. 25), BridKo nn.l Structural Ironworkers and the com pany paid members of this union more than $200,000. The superstructures were put In by the Klng-Atklnson com pany of Chicago, with K. C. Btone as engineer In charge and M. J. Haney su perintendent. Stone Is a Cornell m.-m and Is only 29 yenrs old, but his work In connection with tho Vancouver and Portland bridges places him well up In the ranks of construction engineers. In constructing the bridges 76.000 barrels of cem-nt, 29G.840 linear feet ot piling. 43,4011 cubic vards of con crete In t lie foundations. 10,87(1 cubic yards of granite masonry. 20,372 cubic yards of concrete In the piers above the foundations, and 4.1,ti(0,0m pounds of steel and Iron were used. The Vancouv er bridge is 6.4011 feet and three Inches long, and the' Portland bridge 1.746 feet, making a total length for the two bridges of R,J7i feet and three Inches. The bridges are to be used Jointly by the Great Northern and Northern Pa cific railroads. Plans for both bridges were prepared In the office of Itaiph Modjeskl, M. A. M., S. C. K.. under wnose direction the entire work has been done. No particular rrogiam will be car ried out with tho closing of the bridges tomorrow, but a big crowd will proba bly be present to see the swinging of the draw across the Willamette. Carriers Enjoy River Excursion The Journal Carriers' association and the Journal band gave an excursion last night on the steamer Joseph N of the Open River Transportation Inpany. Dancing was enjoyed on me rmpt MUTING X UV J WAT T SAX FIJAXCISCO AT A. Y. P. EXPOSITION (Vnlted Ptdm Leased Wtr San Francisco, July 24. San Fran cisco merchants and manufacturers are today making prcparri tions to get to gether an exhibit for the Alaska Yukon Pacific exposition to be held at Seattle In 1909. At a meeting of the general executive committee of the commercial organiza tions of tho city yesterday. Arthur R Rrlggs. president of tho state board of trade, was authorized to appoint a finance committee of one member from each of tho commercial bodies of the city to gather money for the exhibit. I I I ' ' " " f I ! I II ! II 'II 1 1 ' - l I ! - ' 'I -1 Men'sShoes Men'sShoes Men'sShoes Men'sShoes Men'sShoes $2.00 Values $2. SO Values $3.00 Values $3.50 Values $4.00 Values Now $1.45 1 Now $1.85 1 Now $2.25 Now $2.85 Now $3.25 Why Were Journals Early? Delivered lower deck and the bnn1 played In the cabin. The full capacity or the Mini was sold out and otlior tickets were in demand. The boat went up beyond Vancouver snd returned, arrlvfiiK at 11:45. Those In charge of th( excursion say that WIFE TAKES BACK WHIPPING CHARGE (1'nlted Pre! Ietaed Wire.) Marysvllle, CaJ.. July 24. S. O. Gun ning, county recorder ot Yuba county, who was arrested last Tuesday on com- lalnt of his wife.' who alleged that he eat her with a blacksnake whin, has been discharged on the reauest of his wife. Klio told the court that she made the charge In a fit of passion and that there was no founatlon for It. Gunning's political enemies used the story against him. Straw HaSs SEDUCED HALF PRICE ?.".00 values now. $2.50 $1.00 values now $2.00 $2.00 values now $1.00 $1.00 values now 50 mvwQ Traffic CLEARING SALE PRICE Men's $7.50 Trousers $5.75 Men"s $b0 Trousers $4.50 Men's $5.00 Trousers $3.50 Men's $4.00 Trousers $2.00 en s Underwear SPECIALLY PRICED 40c grades at 25 G5c grades at. . , 45 $1.00 grades at 80 THE STOKE THAT RIGHTS TI1C WRONG WHICH MEANS YOUR MONEY BACK IE YOU WANT IT CGiQCAOdD CL SOL. GARDL, Proprietor mm 69-71 THIRD STREXT, Between Oak and Pine .BIG BILL OF STEEL PASSENGER CARS - jn'- V. (t'nlted Prew Leaned Wire. Pittsburg. July 24. The ntlrn plant fif The Pressed Steel far company In this city, giving employment to 10,000 men. Is to be operated on full time nt once. Instead ot making steel freight cars, the plant will be devoted almost exclusively to the manufacture of steel passenger cars. The contracts on hand now for these cars will keep the plant ..ni. for .It months. In the mean time other contracts are being booked almost daily. BENTON COUNTY MILL AGAIN RUNNING fSpeolnl Plsrstrh to TTia Jenrnal.l Philomath, Or., July 24. The Benton County T-umber company has Its flume, w hlr h fell n few weeks ago. In running oi-Her ncaln and Is working a full crew of men In both the sawmill and planing mill. CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of TOOK HANDCUFFS TO HOLD HALFBREED A. Welch, half Indian and half negro, was arrested yesterday Rftornoon three miles east of Sycamore station on tho Kstacada carllne by Peputy Sheriffs Archie Leonard and George K. Consta ble He is wanted on a statutory charge at 'showano. Wis., and will be held In Jail here until an officer arrives from the east. Ho had been released on bail In Wisconsin and jumped tils ball. He resisted the officers and was brought to the Jail in handcuffs. boiseTartv goes TO BE ACT r RESORT management of the boat has engaged Parson's stringed orchestra, and there will be many Portland society folks go ing on the week end trip to the seaside. The Persistent Young Man. From the Cleveland Plain Dealer. "Do you know, young man, that mv daughter Is accustomed to every lux ury ?" ,-Is she. sir? Then T feel quite sure that a complete change will be good for her.' There are in the tea countries. Imagine Dutchwoman! TEA tewer nerves, drinking Swell! nervous er Clean Up Tour grocer returns your money ir you don't like Schillings Rest: we pay him. Tomorrow's trip of the steamer T. J. Porter from Portland to Meglor's will tie In the nature of a big holiday excur sion. The liolse party of 200 people going to the beaches will be aboard, the 1 OsWTT FOR THE BWJtU finillTt- 1 CJ The Answer. every courtesy was shown them by Captain Wood and the members of the crew and Superintendent Dorsey It. Smith. Donations wi-re received from the Hazel wood com nan v and McEwan and Kosky, which added to the enjoy ment of those attending. POSTMASTERS WILL INVITE VON MEYER The presence of Postmaster-General Von Meyer is desired at the convention of Oregon presidential postmasters to be held at Portland August 7 and 8. and the postmasters have asked the Com mercial club to assist In securing Von Meyer and other Washington officials. It has been decided to hold the Califor nia Oregon and Washington conventions consecutively on dates that will permit the Washington suthortles to come to the Pacific coast and attend all theso events In tho least possible time. STORE CLOSES ON SATURDAYS AT SIX O'CLOCK PASTOR AT FOREST GROVE TO GO EAST Spr!l Plipatch to FSe jKirtll. I Forest Grove, Or . July 24 -Rev. H W. Poyd. who has been pastor of the Congregational church of this city for the past four yens. has tendered hli res!gnatln. to take effect August 1. Mr Boyd hs accepted a csll from a church at BloomfleH. N J. and will depart with hi family for that plc next month I SATURDAY SPECIALS For tomorrow's selling only; subject to delivery at our earliest Convenience and for which mall, tele phone or C. O. D. orders will not be accepted. Quaint Stools $1.35 Tomorrow a clean-up sale of two attractive designs in these popular little pieces. They are built of solid oak in the fumed finish, and the tops are covererlin genuine leath er. One of these stools, exactly like cut. At the above special one only will be sold to each purchaser. FOREST GROVE COUPLE MARRIED frr1l tntm tel to Tfcl. JnarMl t Foret Orove, Or. July 14 At- the home of the bride's parent. Mr and Mra T. J. Olt. on mile east of tb.a lty. Wednesday occurred th marrlag cf Wis Margaret Steward 1 and Rev. j C1aroc Bwander. Rr. W. L Melilr.ger ; of Ashland .officiating. Only Immadlat rrtn4 and rlatlT wera pramat. Tha bride, looked charm ing In m Neaatlful dres of "Title alit batiste. Aftr a trip up th Columbia Brr ai4 Mr, twaadar VU1 raatd ia VELVET RUGS SPECIAL S1.35 The Carpet Department of fers at this -special price to morrow a new lot of these rugs in a popular size, 27 inche by 54 inches, in floral, medallion and oriental de signs and in rich blues, tans, greens and reds. Carpet De partment, Sixth Floor. FOLDING GO-CART SPECIAL $3.95 A pattern that is sold regularly for SO.S.'i. Has reclining back, simple folding construction and dependable gear. Wheels have rubber tires, and the seat and back is upholstered in leather cloth. An attractive little ve hicle, offered at a very low price. ? IN THE BASEMENT DEPARTMENT Two Ue in Muting- Bowls, in the imported "Edelweiss" German high gTade white enamelware; good values at the following specials: No S sue. pcra!. each 35e No M ire, fpectil, each 45 "Sanitary" Refrigertors on the special terms $1 per week. 'CTUII & IBB: :OMPLETE-H0U5E-FURni5HER5 Sale of Summer Furniture ends tomorrow. SOME CLEAN DOWN, but what's left of our Lawn Mowers, Grass Catchers and Garden Hose stock we offer at Big Reductions 12-inch Lawn Mower, former price $3.50, now Sf2.85 14-inch Lawn Mower, former price $3.?", now $3.00 Ifi-inch Lawn Mower, former price $4.00, now $3.15 14-inch Lawn Mower, 10'-in. wheel, former price $t5. 00, now .$5.00 16-inch Lawn . Mower, ball-bearing, former price $5.00, now $4.85 Simplex Grass Catchers, former price $1.00 85 f)0 feet of i-inch Cotton Garden Hose, coupled, regu lar price $4..r0, now $3.7o 50 feet J-inch Rubber Hose, four-plv, regular price $5.2,r), now f .' $4.25 50 feet of J-inch Cotton Hose, extra good quality, reg ular price $5.50, now $4.50 If your old ho-e is rotton and leaky, or you expect to buy new next year anyway, do it now and save money. You can afford to throw away your old Lawn Mower and buy another. I' First & Taylor Sts. 2-STORES-2 E. Second and L Morrison Sts. 23EBBSSQ3BQSaV CAMPING iii r i I nawwir- r j Take Along Columbia Hams and Bacon U. S. Government Inspected Choke, Wholesome, Appetizing Whatever else may fail of your expectations, Columbia Hams ai?d Bacon are always up to the highest a little better than any other brand you ever tried; it's in the careful sorting and the process of curing every ingredient used as wholesome as country air. Surprise your friends bv offering them these choice meats; over the camp fire, with a cup of cof fee, nothing could surpass them. ASK YOUR DEALER Supplied All Retailers by The Union Meat Co, Portland, Ore., Pioneer Packers of the Pacific rcuaao - . , I