The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 21, 1908, Page 10, Image 10

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RFFF Hfl DS . Ilubbeb KINGS plan to
AllUDIQ mull
German Stoamer in Foc
Buns on Rocks in Santa
. Barbara Channel and Will
Be Total Loss Passen
gers and Crew Safe.
Weveiliaonser Is Prime Factor in Proposed Merger
Capitalization of $300,000,000 Is Ruffffested The
Cause Assigned Is Effects of Competition.
(United Pre Led Wire.
Hunt Barbara. Cal.. July 21.
Chlcsgo, July 31. Preliminary to the
com phi Inn uf the Northwestern Lum
lermen's association which began here
today, a secret meeting was hold last
night tiy i'S men who control the yellow
l.lne lumber market of the world, at
which was discussed the greatest lum
ber merger ever planned. A capitaliza
tion of $S00,0ue,0i)0 hag been suggested.
Frederick E. Weyerhaeuser, the lum
ber king, who hu been designated an
German steamer Anubls of the Cosmos ne WeaUhlest , )n the word, w;ls
Una. bound from ban r ramies" tne pri nolpml factor In the meeting,
vi.icn nnrt London, today Ilea which was held In the Auditorium hotel.
on aeef between Han Miguel and Santa The committee of 25 waa appointed
.... . T . i . I Unn a Hunin I 11
,Roaa islands, in '";:'- tense
Strong Box Taken From
Boselmrg Store Found
Near Creek.
posed merger will have a direct effect
on the Pacific northwest timber and
lumber Interests, aa the Weyerhaeuser
timber holdings are principally In the
north. The source of price troubles has
been In the middle went market, where! store Inst October.
(Srlnl IiUpAtrh to Th Journal.) ,
Rnschurg, r . July 21. J. A. llewett,
who lives time mllea north of this
city on the Winchester road, has dis
covered the strong box that was taken
from the safe blown In I. Abrahama'
He was walking;
channel, where ahe struck in a nse
tog early Monday morning. N "'."J
' tha wreck was received from lulnl
Conception, at which nV arrived
MflOnfl OHlMri i nearlv
In a lifeboat toaay. ' lD' '", "IT ',,,
SO miles from the scene of the wre ck
- Tha big Hner had on board .7 per-
ons. of whom 19 were passengers. All
aM "oVtne officers, the Anubls be a total loss, and tups have been
reoUVted from San Francisco and 1 fcan
Pedro to salvage as much of the cargo
'is can oe saved. The cargo 1. mostly
composed of lumber and hides, which
Was being jettisoned aa rapidly a. pos
sible when the officers left.
The Anubls was following the regular
( channel course down the coast, but evt
- denUy became lost In the fog Sunday
night and set a course so far westerly
that ahe steered Into shallow water be
v tween the islands. , ,
' The Anubla haa been plying regularly
between Puget sound porta and ban
Frtnciaoo and Hamburg for several
San Francisco, July 21.-The -AnyMa
--la owned by the Kosmos line of Ham
A burg. She piled between Puget sound
Sports, Ban Francisco and Hamburg by
way or ruiamn ou ' ' -- -
port. She is a steel vessel 3.089 tons
" net displacement. The Anubls left San
Francisco the afternoon of July 18. un
der command of Captain Von Salzen.
Republican Leaders Profess
? Confidence tut Leave
i Nothing to Luck.
two weeks ago at a general meeting of
the yellow nine manufacturers held In
St. Louis It Is thought the details of
the combine will be perlocted today.
It is claimed that competition is
ruining profl'.s In the soft lumber busi
ness and some notion Is Imperative.
While the conference does not bear
directly upon the Pacific coast lumber
Interests it will undoubtedly affect nil
lumber markets. The Pacific north
west Interests are known to be af
filiated with the central northwest
If there la real foundation for the
story of a merger of yellow pine and
Weyerhaeuser timber Interests, the pro-
aouthern pine and Pacific northwest flrinlong a small creek last Sunday that
have in recent vonrs come Into strong runs through his place when he made
competition. During the recent In- i the find. The box contained some very
crease of transcontinental lumber ratxH. j valuable papi-ra and several county
when Pacific northwest fir wan cut out warrants, none of the contents were
of the middle west market, the south- of any value to any one except Mr.
em pine manufacturers flllpd the mid- I Abraham. The value of the warrants
die west market with yellow pine. I n-I will reach Jl.fidi) or 12,000.
der ordinary conditions, -hen the rail-I Tim box ..Iter being taken from the
road rates 'are at former figures for I safe was drilled and another shot placed
Pacific northwest lumber delivered east in tun lop or ii 10 reveal wie foments
of the Rocky mountains, the fir lumber j There being but a small amount of
manufacturers have the advantage, ow- cash In the box the burglars had
Ing to heavier stands of timber, superior I dropped It In this ditch so that It would
water and logging conditions., and more ' not Boon be discovered. It will be re-..-..,.,ui.
..r.,1 inmhtr manu. memhered that this wafe-blowlng caused
facturlng plauta capable of turning out he fire that destroyed the store and and Mrs. Clut.
enormous quantities of lumber at low- general merchandise stock of I. Abra- 14,4 Fleventh
est cost
British Columbia Jeweler
Says Mr. and. Mrs. A. II.
Clute ptole Diamonds.
The 'troubles over railroad rates have I l't the . slightest clue to the burglary
had the effect of try ng out the case " "" " "
thoroughly as to its commercial econ- lin'e been constantly coming to light.
Lh-s 'Lt wcen southern pine and V,- . f " 1?? JiZnZl" 7
rmonv-S'n0' have "."several piece, of
t fer;" ralVroads7 lodging j ne, - In cu.aUon -Inc. th.
condition to deal with, nnd are s.nv-1 hat Jhad the .narkmg - of ntrof lr
Ing for the same market, the great flrmg..that tnls mon(,y ha1 not paa.d
Mississippi valley region. through many hands since the burglary
" " ' nritl! It came into their possession. A
cni-rifnl I ti vet I trn Tlon w 111 he made of
the strong box. It Is believed the par
ties who did the Job will be apprehended.
Until Jacob Flelachman. a Jeweler of
Cranbrook, Biltlsji Columbia, reaches
Portland and gives his testimony lnj the
municipal court and Is closely ques
tioned, a mystery will surround the
ownership of $2,000 worth of fine dia
monds now locked up In the safe of
John F. lyOgan, attorney.
Mrs. Arthur H. t'lute, a former .resi
dent of Cranbrook and the daughter of
ll. hclstone. a rancher of HeDDner
reputed to ba worth 1200.000. is beln
held at the city Jail for the alleged
theft of the lewefs. Her husband Is
also hold under the same charge of
larceny, nut It Is Mrs. Clute, rormerly
Lillian Whetstone who once lived In
!)...-( In .. 1 ... I. . 1 1 ) ........ 111-
i "i uaiiiii uu is iicjii i rni'unaiuai lor
taking the uenia from Cranbrook. She
declares that she bought them on the
installment plan, and that she paid
every cent on the two lots purchased.
i no Clutes, a nine-months old baby
lutes maid were round at
street yesterday after
hum on October 81, 1907. There was f noon. They were found with little
trouble after the Portland police were
(L'nltcd Press tensed Wlre.l
Colorado Springs, Colo., July 21.
J.Thls morping'a session of the Republl-
can -conference was held on the sum
Tnif nr Pike's Peak. Frank H. Hltch-
. IZ. cock. Taffs campaign manager, laugh- attorney had
In an opinion In which City Attorney
Kavanaugh answers six questions asked
by the members of the special franchise
committee relative to the city's rights
In the franchises held by the Portland
Railway, Light & Power company, he
closes his opinion with the significant
sentence that "the Investigation of the
franchisee granted before the present
charter went Into effect Illustrates the
necessity of vigilance In granting new
franchises," which liberally interpreted
has been taken to mean that the city
has practically no recourse to compel
the railway company to accede to the
city's demands for better service.
Few opinions from the city attorney's
office have been looked forward to by
the council with so much Interest, be
cause behind the answer to the ques
tions lies the decision of the council
In regard to passing a new franchise
to the company.
Ksgaxdicg Revocation,
The first question asked by the com
mittee was whether the franchises now
held by the railway company are sub
ject to revocation by reason of the fail
ure of the company to construct cer
tain portions of the lines mentioned in
tha. franchise.
In anwertng this question the city
to examine nine Iran
singly admitted that the lenders were
chises, and his opinion on the question
covers each franchise. He holds first
that a franchise is a contract the obli
gation of which cannot be impaired, and
in regard to soma of the franchises,
none can be revoked if the company aa
" "uii in the air." but added that the
. S'View was very fine and encouraging.
-L The session wna of an informal na-
ture. The party returned to The Ant-
wei- at noon and Immediately after
lunch resumed the serious consideration j failed to construct the lines provided for
5 of campaign plans. n tne irancnise, but only sucn portions
' " So far the matter of establishing as have not been constructed. In the
headquarters In the west has not been i o. . p. franchises, however, ho says
2 reached. It has been determined, how- that they are subject to forfeiture if
ever, that the most vigorous campaign I the company has failed to complete all
" shall be conducted. In all the Paclrio j the lines mentioned In the ordinance.
' coast states. The second question is whether the
The delegates, from the coast states company can be relieved from the con-
l , Tn t nrlll I n 1 ,i . m . i .1 " ..II
express cuiiiiut-m.r mm em " j bi r uci ion 01 certain lines 01 railway
Eastern Oregon Medical As
sociation Expected to
Take Action.
. a In the west, but It was at their sue
' gestlon that arrangements are beln
made foraggressive work In that sec
',5 tion.
(United Pre "teJ Wire.)
Washington, July 21. Senator Owen
Of. Oklahoma Is to be one of the re-
wlthout being relieved from all.
City Attorney Kavanauch's opinion
on this question Is that the company
may under certain conditions be relieved
from certain parts without being re
lieved from nil. Rut the city, according
to t no opinion, would not have the right
power to relieve the company from a
portion of its active franchise, except
as provided in section 4 of the fran
chises of the Portland Railway com
pany and the City & Suburban company,
which provides that the company can be
fined for failure to run cars overs its
tracks and after a period of 30 days can
compel the company to forfeit the por
tion of line, over which it failed to run
City Wlthont Authority. (Spec1l Dispatch to Th Joaro?!.)
Question three Is whether the com- Haines, Or., July 21. Physicians from
nfiny can be compelled to construct aj over tne state are assembling at
an'ronMcirucTTn are 'notn'ow J Radium SptQgs for the annual meeting
constructed. Kavanaujtn uecuirtiu uia: m m rjawicni mckh ivjuuu:ai uissuciii-
the city Has no authority to compel inei,ion Many practitionwrs from Port-f
company i" nni i uui uitr mien. . ... , . , .
The fourth question is whether fran- land will be in attendance when the ses
chises granted under a former charter ; "Ion is called to order on Thursday, July
are subject to the conditions Imposed 23. Chief among the matters that will
upon the franchises granted under the I be taken up Is the "quack' doctor,
present charter. His opinion on this j Prasuo action against this class of
question Is also In the negative and he ! physician is anticipated. Following Is
says that a franchise, when properly tha program:
granted, accepted and exercised. Its; Address of welcome, Pr. W. J. May,
obligations cunnot be Impaired. I Radium Springs.
The fifth question relates to the ! Response, Lr. T. M. Henderson, Peri
cttv's power to compel the company to dleton, Or.
sprinkle the streets. Again the city j "Eastern Oregon From a Climate
flnd3 Itself at the mercy of the com- standpoint." Dr. C. J. Smith. Pendleton,
panv because of tho loos ef ra nchlses : or. ; -discussion opened by iJr. A. C.
granted years' ago, for Kavanaugh is ; Smith of Fortland.
of the opinion that while the city might i "Surgery of the Thvrold," Dr. B. N.
compel the company to sprinkle its Crockett, Portland; discussion opened
tracks, it would not be able to force by Dr. W. L. Parker, Baker City,
the company to sprinkle the streets any; "Constipation," Dr. J. A. Geisendorf-
more man ll wouia ne awe 10 cumpci ' fPFi The Dalles; discussion opened by
the company to clean the streets. I j)r -V. o Spencer Huntington
The last question Is whether the com- "n,.,iiVi .mi Wi.iim.riiv.Tniit.
pany can operate freight or express cars i mnt " rr. r. c. McDanlels, Baker Oltv;
over its lines under the present fran- dlsrugsion opened hv Dr . Jacot Timing,
chlse. In answering this question the Ontario
city attorney starts off by saying that," f!ord'erland of Epilepsy," Dr. . W. T.
the language of several franchises must - ,.-,,,.,.,, Fortland: discussion onened
notified thev were wanted In British
Columbia They admitted having the
Jewels, but declared they had been paid
It Is sllcged that Fletschmnn Is a
dlHupiioimect suitor of Mrs. Clute, and
that lie Is trying to avenge himself by
causing the -woman and her husband
continuous trouble.
No formal .arrest was made until 4
o"clock In the afternoon, both husband
and wife sitting In the police station
for an hour awaiting the decision of
the local authorities. In the meantime
tiiey turned over to Attorney Dogan the
Jewels in question. Their bonds wero
fixed at $5,000 each, in default of which
they spent the night In the oltv Jail.
The maid visited her mistress several
limes during the. day, but Wre. Clute
kept the baby girl with her all night.
This is the youngest babv to sleeu In
a cltv Jail cell for a long time
i n ( lutes will nave a hearing In
the municipal court an soon as Fleish
man, the complaining witness, reaches
me city. i ne criargb prelerred against
the Clutes Is larceny, not of being fu
gitives from Justice, although the al
leged crime was not committed In this
slate, and the procedure, beginning with
the hearing In the municipal court, wl.l
bo unusual. Extradition will be nec
essary to get the Clutes back to Cran
brook. S. II. Whetstone, the father of Mrs.
Clute. Is expected In the city this eve
ning. Her mother has lived In Port
land for some time and has been mar
ried again to a man by the name of
Thompson, a railroader.
R. S. Baron of the British Columbia
detective service, has been working on
tiie case and is1 responsible for the
arrest of the Clutes. Mr. Karon says
that the baby claimed by Mrs. Clute as
her own is In reality that of a sister
and w"S brought to Portland In order
that the -mother of the child could be
married without the Intended husband
becoming aware of the fact that Bhe
had a child.
Under the criminal code of the Ca
nadian laws persons can be prosecuted
for the removal or disposal of property
held under a registered lien. This, the
Convict diven Unusual Priv
ilege of Leaving Peniten
tiary for Short Time.
Old Mrs. Tlllle Pullon, who with her
daughter lives In a little house on East
Clay street, received a visit from War
den Curtis of the state penitentiary
and prisoner No. 1974 for an hour this
morning. When the warden and No.
1976 left the bouse to return to the
countv Jail Curtis' voice was hunks'
end the mouth of No. 1974 twitched
so that It wus hard for him to say
Outside of Balem No. 197 Is, or
rather was. known aa Elmer Willis,
and was a fireman on the Southern
Pacific. Nearly a year ago he was ar
rested charged with attempted highway
robbery. Ho was founl guilty and sen
tenced to from 6 to 20 years In the
penitentiary. At the time ho statement
was made to the court that his mother
was penniless and dying of consumption
or he might have been given parole.
I,ast week friends of old Mrs. Pullen
Russia and France Ready
With That Good Old Cure
for Balkan Disorders
Macedonia Affairs Cause
of Present Attack.
(United Pre Leased Wire.)
Bt. Petersburg. July 21 M. Touch
ard, tho French ambassador to Russia,
and M- Isvotsky, Russian foreign min
ister, today agreed that France and
Russia will aid Turkey If the sultan Is
finable to orush the Macedonian uprls
ln?;,v... ,v ..v will h.
called on Governor Chamberlain and told forced to Join them in preserving tha
him that she had but a few days to
live and wanted to see the boy again.
The governor looked the case up, found
out that Mrs. Pullen was dvlng and
notified the warden to bring Willis
down for a brief visit today. Ho
reached Portland at 9 o'clock, was
taken directly out to the house where
nis motner lav dvins: and after an
.hour's visit was returned to the countv
JalL He went back to Salem at 3
o clock this afternoon.
"I saw my mother," said he In Jail
"and I don't think Governor Chamber
lain made any mistake. I didn't know
that I was to come down until yester
day. I knew of course that my mother
was dying but I had no way of asking
to see her. But we had a talk this
morning, mother and I, and well. I feel
a lot better for It
Willis Is a rather good looking young
reuow, o roet 10 or tnereabouts, not
over 22 years old and looks you In the
eye when he's talking to you. The
prison officials aay he has been a model
be consulted because of the fact that
some of the franchises provide that the
by Dr. F. B. Kistncr, Ileppner.
Presidents address, Dr. w . T. Phy,
company holding the franchise has tee jj(tj0
115', l. UJ 'V.T.. I'" Jr-V:- I7 1 "The Relation of the Tonsils
I tlLRD, Willi UlllCIB UU 1UL. AUC? U Jill- , . j - 3 . i I J 1 1 1- tit "
r.f ritv nttnmpv lo that h Am. Adenoids to Middle IHspaso,
Hill in llic vu ainFiiin ir- iiitrt lii uiiiu- . , , rl, . , , .
r,Hnv can onerate freight trains over " SB". J oruan. , (lis. uss, in openeq
such lines, but cannot do so over the
remaining lines.
British Columbia authorities claim. Mrs.
Clute did and that her husband was
an accessory to tho crime.
Flclschman, the complaining wit
ness. Is expected in Portland next
Tliursdav morning.
Tho Canadian pollen say that Mrs.
Clute once had her husband arretted In
San Francisco on a. charge of stealing
Jewelry from her. t
mm si. ns
The Catholic teachers'
itv of tha Turkish empire.
This decision was reached today after
a long consultation at which official
dispatches from the scene of the revolt
were read. The conference was held at
tho French embassy and was shrouded
In the greatest secrecy. It was not
until late today that the United Press
was authoritatively informed of tho de
cision that had been made.
The official reports received here
today that led to the conference
stated that the uprising, which
started a week ago In eastern Mace
donia because of the failure of ths
miltun's pay corps to arrive at the
barracks on time, has spread to all
portions of Macedonia. The outrage
yesterday on the capture of a mlltary
train hns Inflamed the disaffected por
tion of the Turkish army, and it la
feared the uprising will become gen
eral. Iate reports this afternoon Indi
cate that the sultan's troops hava
either lolned the mutineers or hava
been repulsed at every encounter.
The announcement made today that
France had decided to Join with Russia
in preserving the Integrity of the Turk
ish empire has created no little com
ment In diplomatic circles. It Is point
ed out that the "sick man of Europe'
Is nm n look nr to his unwilling west
ern allies to come to his aid, so that
tho tealous European rowers may be
sure that the balance of power In the
Ralkan region may not be disturbed.
Just what attlude England will take
Is not known, but 1t is freely predicted
that England will be ready to Join Rus
sia and France. There Is talk of the
"irlnle alliance" that was supposed to
have been formed at Reva.1 when Ciar
v.. 1 rr 1 T .. - A aI-
I. Kl V,,1 ,v. .l. , ,kJiMrooMiiii f'".'V"
. ....... ""l lowing the visit or Frestneni rauieres
. (I'nltfd Pre Leased Wire.)
Salem, Or., July 21. Company M of
Salem, won, the state shoot being con
cussion opened 1 . , ,
by Dr. Clarke Saunders. North Powder. ! auciea on me vuimiiion. mie
'Catarrhal Intlammatlon of tho Gall ; across the river from balem this ween
Bladder and Gall Ducts," Dr. M. K. Hall,
Da Grande; discussion opened by Dr.
E. G. Kirby, Klgtn.
by the Oregon National guard.
Sergeant R. L. White of the 8alem
team won the governor's medal for the
West Side High school. Is teeming with
Interest and the attendants are enthu
siastic in their praise of the instruct
ors who are conducting the various de
partments of work. This morning's
sessions were all by classes and this
afternoon a second general session was
held. J. H. Ackerman, superintendent
of public Instruction for Oregon, whs
the main speaker and the archbishop
followed him In a talk on "Liturgy in
the Teaching of Religion."
An able eorps of Instructors has
been secured from various schools of
prominence and the class work offers
many Interesting points. Miss Helen
F. Burke, superintendent of the Holy
Names Normal at Spokane, has charge
of the language work and Is a most in
teresting speaker. She has Just re
turned from a course at tho summer
school at the University of California.
Her talk this morning was preparatory
to work that will follow and treated
chiefly of the linguistic development
of the child. She said it was essential
that the early work in language should
be oral rather than written.
A. P. Armstrong gave a practical
talk In the commercial department on
"What a Commercial Graduate Should
Know." He emphasized tho import
ance of the form of letters, and said
that most applicants owe their success
In securing positions to their ability to
write a good business-like letter. Chil
dren from Cnthollc schools, he said,
invariably write a' well-formed hand.
He emphasized the Importance of tact
with the employer, readiness to accept
his methods, for so many have differ
ent methods. Averaging accounts, he
said. Is becoming an Important item. In
a business education because wholesale
houses are giving attention to inter
of France to Ensrland. and It is pre
dicted that England will Join in the
Ripley of the Santa Fe De
fends Rate Raise and
Cries Square Deal.
Present Status of Gastric Surgery b individual score, scoring 120 points est on accounts after 30 days' credit.
Illustrated by a Years Personal Expo- . . f possible 2 00. A fixity of opinion and lack of adapta-
rlence." Dr. R. C. Coffey, Portland; dls-j j-n. Salem team of Company M bllity are faults to be corrected, and
cussion opened by Dr. E. B. McDanlels. I 9.oref, 446: Company D of Roseburg wa3
"""" v-'l- r , . t 'second with 4a,; company or loi-
' Human and ISovine Vaccine and the :,-., c,nee n.:is third with Com-
Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis, " 1 n'.ulv k of Portland winners of last
Dr. R. W. Mat son, Portland.
"Peritonitis." I)r. C. P. Thomas, Spo
kane, Wash.; discussion opened by Dr
N. E. Wlnnard, Heppner.
The Oregon Grand Lodge, Ancient I the Portland lodge of the Degree of i AX V FR IEXDS 3101 R X
epondents in a suit to be begun in trie Order United Workmen met at 10
courts of Okalhonia belore Juiy i' ....... ... . . ,,
COUrlS OI UK.ainuuia ocio.r -u., ...,, .. )n Wc.ndmen hail
aside what the government win 1 - -
.ievenm ana Aiaer sireeis. ueyona me
contend are fraudulent conveyances of
Indian lands. 4
Theodore N. Barnsdale. Pittsburg mll
" ltonaire and oil and gas land speculator,
2 and practically every man of prom
lnence in Oklahoma are also to be ln-
eluded In the litigation.
formal organization of the Grand lodge,
the appointment of a committee on cre
dentials, a committee to extend greet
ings to the grand lodge. Degree of Honor,
In session on the first floor of the
same b :ildlng and adoption of an amend
ment to the constitution abolishing the
board of trustees no ther business
of Importance was transacted.
Uv .: . j A cfimmitteo from the Deirree of Hon-
An Informal luncheon was given fo- I or admitted to the hall and ex-
flay at the Portland om:::i r :al club : tended fraternal greetings and pre-
trt Harry A. Wheeler and A. D Stevens sent d a bouquet of carnations, tiie emb
1 of Chicago. A number 'if well known lem of the order.
-" Portland citizens attended, and the cltyi The first business at the afternoon
and state were discussed from the session was the consideration of the
I standpoint of financial investments Mr. report of the committee on Jurlspru-
Wheeler Is president of the Chicago . dence, which occupied the greater part
Credit Clearing company, and Interested j of the afternoon.
' In a number of banking c n-rrns Mr ' Lure), was served In the basement
Stevens Is a prominent rr,.-r' iiant of the ,f tiie representatives and officers of
''middle west, president of th American !lie Brand lodge by the members of
EUK company ana memner or i.h i:ry
' iroods firm of A. D Steve: & Pros. i
The grand lodge will remain In ses- !
elon three days, adjourning Thursday 1
The grand lodge. Degree of Honor,
venr. cinie nir tourin
In the individual shooting Sergeant
White tied with Sergeant Chester
Adams, also of Salem, but Sergeant
White will receive the medal on ac
count of a larger percentage in rapid
Those composing tne winning team
IlllTOTTrn -IT-- .T-T I JliOSC IVIIM limiUK win mii,iiis
liRIGHT 01XG (fIRL were: Sergeant White. Sergeant U S
J "1Ulil 1 iU ! Rider. Sergeant Chester Adams. Co.--
Pearmlne and Private R.
noral W
Tim fnneml nf Maud Mnv Mnlntf !Tinll.iv
opened Its session at 9 a. ni.. in the V. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Malott. ! A team of eight to represent the Ore-
o. . nan. a committee irom tlie who lost her life by drowning at Long pon militia In the national tournament
A. O. V. W. grand lodge, consisting of Peach Sundav afternoon, will be held will also be chosen. The shoot will
R. D. Durham, Dr. . W. Walker of from lllehl ami CnnirreffH t ions 1 church be concluded by Thursday. The con
II .1 1 ,1E. A A...! ,f t . -- . --- .-o n . .. ..
nil I lanu. u j-j. -v . v,iuri mill ui .iarsn-
field, were Introduced. They presented ,
the grand chief of honor. .Mrs. Hattie E.
McCormac, with a beautiful bouquet of
carnations and tendered the groetings j i
of the A. O. U. V. grand Jodj. to the i
grand lodge. Degree of Honor. Margaret (
Herrin, in behalf of the grand chief of i
honor. Hettle 15. Mr 'orimic. presented
a beautiful altar cloth emblematic of - B
the order to Diamond lodge. No. 6, of
Junction City, for the Inrgest gain in
Mrs. Mary Randall, represents live to
Superior lodge, gave a very full report
of the deliberations of that body, which
was held in Des Glomes, jowa, June .
The afternoon session wil be devoted
entirely to organization and routine business.
'fits. f!'t
test to decide, the Individual awards was
Btarted about noon.
Bandon. Or , July Tl A mining x
pert, B. C. Merrill. ;w h i has been pros-
; In "urry county, has gone to
Ban Frane1vn. i.imf nt ret in- abo i;
... August 1 with a furce of men tn work
on two veins of mlnernl. one of whb n
- he discovered l lirs-lf He uri tho
mineral prot.e. ; ,.f r irry n. j-itv .-if
extremely promislnp and l tr. , ts
It to develop ln:o a (rut d-un-
(T'nt'fd Pthm I-Bd Wlr )
Penile Wash.. July 21 Fondness
fur inker is responsible for the arrest
of William C Pruln. a bookkeeper of
the Dexter Horton bar.k, on the charge
of embetzlement of the bank's fundi
. . . . . . . .. L.n.-.,l I. Marin.
3IAY RAIN TONIGHT I toh says Pruin Is short in his accounts
t t.!u0 Pruin has confessed to a short-
1 age. Put claims it aoe not nc uw.
J'juin. a Cornell graduate, came tn Se
pottle from Glenn Falls N Y.. two years
a:ri. snd at once entered the employ of
Iextr Horton A Co On January 1 he
w transferred to work on a new set
a of tKKks containing: the account of de-
posnors Pruln. It Is charged. JiirgledJ
the rnunt for Six month Ob Thurf-
o- Prosecuting Attorney MacKtritosh
it notified that Pruin was short tn
! 1. account snd hsd l-n discharged.
Fr gskecj f-r two or tl ree day in
r.!h to tritUt good the rbortage He
w taken Into custody yesterday to
a ;',! prl!mnrT exarnlnation.
. ' John W Hailey cf the bonding rom
w '. fanr which carried Pruln says the great
i Air.erican gwme of pekpr was responsl
4 t'lr for Prvln s downfall
Prwhs ts It rears old. llis father.
''I' F. l-ruln. Is cashier of the Merchants
! National bank at Gicna rlU, N T.
ON fil-6 ROUTE
! I raited Presn tinted Vlre.)
C'.iicago, July 1.- -Accused of loot
I lng fashionable houses and hauling their
i booty away In a huge automobile. Bd
- ward Pake, alias Stebbins, of San
'Francisco and George Stafford of Louis
ville have been Indicted by the grand
i Jurv and held to answer to the circuit
: - i court on a charge of burglary,
s ! Frtke claims to be the son of a
iweillhi- San Francisco widow and de
clares his downfall was caused by slow
horses and other devices for the burn
ing of money.
In telling of his besmirched career,
Flske sajd. "My little JpO a month
never lasted long "
j The police allege that the men ac
I cused of robbery rode around In a
fRt touring automobile. They would
drive through the fashlona-ble district
' until thev saw the members ef some
1 wr-althv f.imlly go to church, and then
boldlv erne-- the place, bring their plun-
der to the machine and coolly drive
Although r1r 1 predicted for
Bight, the temi erature I fully
as high today a yesterday. At
1 o'clock this afemoon- the
waather.tuirrau thermometer r-
4 eorCed SI drgra. wb-ra y-
4 terday It showed only l tt the
Corrpond hour
- Lntrtc For-.(r Ba
e tbcre) In rain In the wlr.4 n,e
4 whrte but somehow the rloud
art lata arriving. TTi ex;y
e SMMTUnr u ejwlte cool with ia-
4b dlcatlons of rata. Iwit gradually
4 thm air cleared again until at
ttnem toAay en had te took far
a4 aroaa4 t Ha 41 a eprsi
e the btg om a sot. But raim
Is tb eahq Saaf for to-
Maud May Malott.
a stenographer should be Interested In
all her employer's work or she will
become a mere mercenary hireling.
Lastly, he laid stress on the necessity
of teachers Instructing the students In
the ethics of the stenographic profes
sion, to know the moral relation be
tween employer and employe.
Miss Julia Beth Farrel, of North
western university, Evanston, 111., is a
practical Instructor who realizes the
importance of her work. She snld the
art of reading Is comparatively new
and so depreciated because of the mis
takes it has not yet outgrown.
One school stood for realism and an
other for technicality while the Ideal
school must combine both and so get
naturalness. She holds that reading
Is a good development as a medium
of expressing thought; that while words
are not Inflection and Inflections are
not words that together they put
thoughts Into their best form; that lit
erature Is best taught by dealing di
rectly with the author and by reading
his works aloud for many turns of
thought can be secured only by shad
ing of expression In reading.
II. P. Conway of Dartmouth college
conducted the arithmetic section and
gave most of his time to a comparison
of various text books to the disparage
ment of some. Miss Deo hlttlesey of
the University of Chicago, gave two
hours to English literature and pre
sented some Interesting practical meth
od of Inculcating a love for the best
literature In the young minds. Father
Iom!nie commenced an interesting se
ries of lectures on the plain chant, giv
ing today Its history and present status.
Father lomlnlc is a recognized author
ity on music in Oregon and has studied
earnestly at borne and abroad. His
own compositions have placed him In
a position to speak most helpfully.
Tomorrow morning departmental
work will continue and In tho nftar
noon Miss Burke and Superintendent
R. F. Robinson of Multnomah county
will be the speakers.
(I'DlteiJ Pre Id Wlr.)
T-os Angeles July 21 "My work ts in
Pan Franciaco," said Francis J. Heney,
ti e graft prosecutor, when asked If he
would come to Ixs Angeles and start an
Kicking an empty milk can because
that was the nearest thing he could
find to a bas drum, and swearing to
hlmaelf In a deep sing-song voice,
George Gallagher had a lovely time
along Second street early this morning.
He had forgotten the words, of all the
songa he knew, so he was using fa
miliar and unforytable swear-words
If Mr. Gallagher could have explained
the presence of the milk can to Patrol
man Ellis, all would hare been well.
but as he was too drunk to tell where
To extend the Eleventh street car line
to Hail, over Hall to Thirteenth, down
Thirteenth to Wa.-hir.gton, to Third,
and then to Morrison, mailing It tho
starting point for cars on this line,
which would run out Morrison to Elev
enth and then make the loop. Is the tomorrow morning at 10 o clock
latest plan under consideration liy , Friends of the family are In vited to at-Pr-sident
B 6 iossclyn. of the Port- ,fn,i Tb "J.;1" ,rl bright atu-
lanrf Rallw-av F.lrht and Poor dent . at the Thompson school and a fa-
parly to linprm the eervlee on the voriie wnn pupus nno i-a'-ner p ne i antl-grart crusade.
Mount Tabjor-Montgomery line, aa It is w' 1- years of age Her untimely) yne proeecutor. who bad been resting
now known dea'h 1s greatly regretted among heriat Long Beach, left last night for San
If thl plan should be put Into effect circle of friends Francisco. He declared emphatically
the downtown district. Instead of to -tt titio iiPi'Trn , the -rft nrosecution in tan Frajiclaco be rnuna it, ne win enjoy me i Dai my air
Sixteenth and Montgomery, as ta done ; V.U. IH.VIUIU? 1 I Till .was false. t llr ButU for the next Z9 days. !
under tne system In vogue.
(Tnlted Pre Leased WIre.l
Chicago. July' 21. K. P. Ripley, presi
dent of the Santa. Fo railroad, has Is
sued a reply to the plea for a "cam
paign of education" made by Tl (,'.
Barlow, executive oirecior ox ine . ni
cago Association ef Commerce, against
em advance in freight rates.
State and national regulation of rail
roads, according to Ripley, has been
persecution. In the course of his letter,
Ripley says:
"A vear ago our critics were asklnf
why we did not spend money faster,
why we did not double, our Investment,
why we could not furnish enough track,
enough power, enough cars. Now thev
ask us why we did not keep our money,
and say we ought to have foreseen tha
lean period.'
"Tho facts are. even on the enormous
business of last year, the margin of
profit made by the railroads In general
was not large enough for safety, and
even with a continuance of heavy
traffic an Increase in rates would be
necessary If the roads are to retain
their credit and ability to create th
facilities wh'ch the public demands.
"Give us a square deal a chance to
live or let the government take us.
becnuse the present, conditions are Im
possible." HOUSE SHOW DDE?
Deep Interest centers In the selection
of the Judge for the coming annual
horse show, nnd It Is whispered that a
genuine surprise will be sprung on the
public when the Plunt club officials are
ready to make announcement of tha
nnme. That a man of more than i
tional prominence will officiate Is
pretty well understood, but until defi
nite arrangement Is consummated his
name cannot be made public. That a
man of this prominence considers the
poi-itlon an honor Indicates very clearly
that Portland's horse show has attracted
attention all over the country and
ranks right at the top In equine exhi
bition. The fine collection of silver cups
which Is being donated from points all
over the northwest ts another Indica
tion that the October event will attract
an unusually large out-of-town attend
ance and la considered one of the most
important events of the season. De
spite the excessive heat of the past
week, Interest and enthusiasm among
the Hunt club officials and members Is
unabated, and things are progressing
with a swing and evenness which can
only result in great success.
j One of the notable figure of the
4 J Lanbeth confrec this summer In
m tKl equator ml Africa, the ana bbxek
blabes ta le Afrleeat cWc.
The Thirteenth and Kleventh and i
Montgomery lines have been a source'
of considerable worry to the street rail- I
way offii ImIs, owing to the fe.-t that !
neither of them pv operating ej-j
rnii, and thev bave always fo-:nd it
a difficult task 'o give service that
TirviT) rl Ti TTI Ti 1 arteo oui in ri-e ,ne grsvriere
I OOK OLD ilOJLN DJ of Pan Francisco behind the bars, and
I nave oniv paruaiiy sucreeoea so iar.
said Ileney ut you can put thia,
(t'itt Ptm LMaed Wtr.
Huns From Yellow King.
Deruty Consteble Klernsn went
down. that Franci J Heney never
to I.
White Plains. N. Y . July II John j welched on any proposition where he
r Rockefeller, who is erecting a half ' wa flfhting for the right"
to serve
ould meet with the approval of all the 1 million dollar mansion on hr ountri-
- . M . . ,, . - . I.I I . . . ., - . . ,
Mtrr.ns f e Urtee
If the suggestion of the Eleventh and
Thirteenth streeta loops meets with the
approval of the pople It will probabiy
be Put Into affect In the ner future
All cars would run oot on Eleventh
street and oa tbe way downtown along
Thirteenth stroet. Proceeding along
Washington etreet to Third and over
Third to Morrioocv, a loop would be
anade tost It la thought would give the
compear a itroaa better oi-rk.-a thaa
at tvrcoaat.
te!e. caned fsntimi at I"ocar:ijto
Hllla together with other buildings. Is
having considerable trouble over the
er-tlon of a large laundry on his
ground Four Judgment have been
filed agatnirt htm by some of his con-1
Elgtheenth street yesterday T
legal paper upon Ell Har.-j
i sail. , ' 4
t It will cox me i-i to give n to' a
I 111 Til. Wm I I iip 1 , . -urn -ii-
wereo itm neu. Kiernan wantei to
IVnerta HI Wife MImIik.
Hsnnah McArdle. the wife of Thomas " "hr' 3nA J'TLJ iZV
J McArdle. a bollerroaker living ,t!man. over mt oo-r. auo-p u..u
Inhn. v.. Haa i en-w - . .
0I Tacoma avenue. n Johns, has been
reported a mlleg by her husband. A
twllcie 1neet n tlnn ravM Ml the reet
tractore and today a lien was filed ! hat Mra McArdle had amid she woaUf
against rim in ne w eetcneeter county leave her husband, but McArdle) d--rlerks
offwe It Is Mil the flllr.g of rlarea that hla wife has been drugged
Judgments grew our of the dlsaatlefan.
tlon expreeaed by Rockefeller over the
construction work of the laundry uoder
ths direction of a sab-contractor.
and hlddeei somewhere about the cft
Ahe left hom P indar, aartni
g she woul l
vleit Mm Toote at Il Iteeeiiteeiath
street. North, but aha did Bat go therm.
aa anal
The house had been quarantine o
cauee of a light caae of cmallpam. bet
Mr. Hartsell aa not among those quar
antined and his wire bad the penalty
for breakUtff quarantine wall ta selno.
The officer left wltk all a peed. .
Wbat ctty stands o
Cheat. BaltTlunw
tl Islaoda?
(United rree Lesaed Wire.)
London. July II. Melvin W. 4b
Pheppard of New Tork won the '
final heat In tha tSO-meter foot- 4b
race at the Olympic tames today. d
covering the distance In 1 mln- 4
ute tl 4-1 seconds This beats 4
the time of Pilgrim of the Amer- 4b
lean team at Athena In 1908, 4
I t-l seconds, the former Olym- 4
pic winner's time being 1 mln- 4b
utes 1 1-S seconds. d
Lunghl of Italy finished aec-
ond and Braun of Germany third. d
r. Rossetor. formerly prtaolpej of
the Falling school of this city and bow
principal of a suburban, high school of
Oakland. Cal- la tn town for a rlsif
Thomas Rueeell of 414 Alder street.
wlo has been 111 for three weeks with
trphnld fever, la on the road ta rw-orerx.