f THE OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. JULY 20, 1008. Ordinary and Iodaitrla. Life Insqrtnce Policies.' Ages 1 to 70. BotnSexet. A mount. S 1 5 to S 1 00,000 - ZJ I5S 82 193 Million Dollars 363 Million Dollars 802 Million Dollars over' 1 337 Million Dollars INSURANCE IN FORCE; 1 a la ha U VreJ Vaiisv nj r on Prudential Agents are now can vassing in this vicinity. They have a very interesting story to tell. Let them tell it to you. THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA INCORPORATED AS A STOCK COMPANY BY THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY. JOHN F. DRYDEN. President HOME OFFICE. NEWARK. NEW JERSEY JOHN PAtTLR, Superintendent, Rothctaild Building BRANCH OFrZCXS XV FOBTLAlTDl AGENTS WANTED. GOOD' INC 0,M E . PROMOTION. HLNRY LYNCH, Manager (Ordinary Dept.), Corbett Building VESSELS COMING IH ARE LATE NOB Heavy Weather Supposed to Be Responsible for Tar diness. COOS BAY LIXER DAY BEIIIXD TIME Norwegian Tramp Steamer Sark Should Be In River Today to Be gin Loading Lumber for Orient Schooner Garfield Arrives. Unusually heavy northerly winds must be sweeping along down the coast, be cause of all the northbound craft due for the past 2t hours only one, the steam schooner F. S. Loop, has reached the Columbia. The Loop crossed In this morning at 8 o'clock and will be In the local harbor this evening. The Coos Bay liner City of Panama. captain eraser, snouia nave Deen at As tona last nignt yet sne naa not ar rived there Dy noon today. She left Marshfled at S o'clock Saturday night and was due here last night. No fears CARTEJR'S jp fjj3 GURU for her safetlv are entertained, however, since It is known that she Is a poor craft for making headway against con trary winds and seas. She will prob ably reach Astoria late this evening and get to Oak street wharf tomorrow morn ing. Another craft that should have put In an appearance bv this time is the Norwegian tramp steamer Sark that left Fort Bragg, Cal., Friday evening for Columbia river. She comes with a part cargo of lumber but is nevertheless having a hard time bucking the ele ments. The Sark Is coming here to complete her lumber cargo for the ori ent, ' ' ' The three-masted sailing: schooner James A. Garfield which arrived in the harbor yesterday morning from San Francisco, was 13 davs making the run. but encountered fine weather most of the way. She reached port Just In time to escape the blow that is now apparently delaying northbound traffic. captain unite reports that the sharks that have been reported coming up the coast appear to be very numerous a bit off the coast. He is surprised to see them because they seldom go north of Mexican waters. The Garfield is one of the old time sailing schooners, having been built about 3t years agu. She is here In ballast under charter to Balfour, Guth rie Co., to carry a cargo of lumber to Peru. She went to the Eastern & Western mills to load. There are three steamers due to ar rive here tomorrow morning, but they will probably be late should it prove that the vessels now overdue have been retarded by the weather. The Geo. W. Elder is due from San Pedro and way ports, the State of California Is 5ue from San Francisco and the Eureka is due to arrive from Eureka and Coos Bay. MIST OBSEBVE RULES. All such vessels under 15 tons engaged In carrying passengers for hire, in ad dition to the equipment above stated, are required to carry one life-preserver for each passenger carried, and shall bo operated only In charge of a person duly licensed by the local Inspectors of steam vessels. Such vessels, when used only as private pleasure boats, and not at any time engaged in the carriage of pas sengers for hire, are not obliged to com ply with the provisions of law in re gard to life-preservers and licensed navigators. The life-preserver must be of the sort prescribed by the regulations of the board ol ..supervising: .inspectors,., i ney must Dear tne United tates In spector's stamp. All motor-boats of over five net tons engaged in the carriage of freight or passengers for hire must be document ed slz: Licensed by the collector of customs. Vessels under five net tons cannot be documented In any case. The license for the vessel obtained from the collector of customs ( designated a docu mentl Is additional to and must not be confounded with the license required for me operator or a motor-ooat of less than 16 tons carrying passengers for hire. Motor vessels of over 15 gross tons en gaged in the carriage of freight or pas sengers for hire must also be Inspected by the United States local Inspectors of steam vessels. Documented vessels must have name and home port on stern and name on each bow. Official measurement is necessary only in case of vessels re quiring to be documented. said to be the largest deckload ever carried out of here, considering the ca pacity of the craft. The actually largest lumber deckload ever carried out of this port was that placed on board the British steamer Strathgale some time ago, it measuring i.i4U,ouo ieet. ine aecKioaa on tne Tabor reaches nearly to the height of the bridge and stands up about four feet above the height of the forecastle head. MARINE NOTES. BIG RUN OP SALMON. Bek Headache sad relieve all the troubles huri deot to a MUone state of the system, sacs, as Diastases, Ksasea, Plow si usaa. Distress after eating. Pain in the Bide, as. White IMr saost ismsrtahlssnnnasshas boss shows la sutlag SICES Bssdeebe, yet Carter's Little Liver Wis srs equally valaebls to OonstlpsllnB. curing sad prs MUc this annoyls complaint while they eariMtallUaordaonboeioBMfa.atlDra)aMtfa flyer sad legale ths bowels. tea U they only mm Ache t hoy would bs almost nrlceleee Is Chose wba snffer from this diotnoalag eonipbUnt; bet tartm asMly tbmrsiMida does notend bms teees wlmeewetrytheanwlUiad these imJepiUsaelsj. sals la so amy wars that they will no so wlb ia toaevitaoal tbMB. Bos siWsU sack bead ACHE U tbe fcsa of so smcy frrss that hers is wssea we msh soar grass boast. OwpUlsoantt whlis Garters LKim LHw PTO. srs wt sassS s4 vary ssoy to teko. O or tw ptfls nki s s.oa. , TWy to strteUy Taunts ass: so awt (rtyo os 7 iiilrm Coins ifi:m c&, szr tttl Collector of Customs WiU Fine Boats Not Properly Equipped Collector of Customs Malcolm will no longer exercise leniency with owners and ODerators of gasoline launcnes. should thev fall to come un to the standard requirements In every respect. In order to insure uniformity In the en forcement of the law governing motor vessels of small dimensions, a circular has beon distributed by the department of commerce and labor to the collectors of customs throughout the united States. Officials hers hope thst these rules will be closely observed, since hence forth every violation will bo punished bv fine from 1200 to foo or conrisca- tlon of the property. Following are the resulstlons: All motor vessels, without regard to slie or use, muat be provided with an efficient whistle or siren, an efficient foghorn and an efficient bell. No stse or stylo of whistle,- foghorn or boll Is prescribed, provided it Is arallsble snd sufficient for the use for which It 1" Intended. The word 'efficient" must be taken In Its ordinary sense, considered with reference to ths object Intended by the provisions In which the word ap pears namely, ths production of cer tain slgnsls Tha power to operate the whistle is not prescribed, but It must be of such a chsrscter as to pnMuce a prolonged blast." which Is defined as from four to six seeonds' duration. When nsvlgated between sunset and sunrise they must carry regulation lights nsmely: 1. A bright white light at ths bow of tho -esol. 1 A groon light en the, starboard sids and a rod light on tho port sido, provided with proper screens The rido- llshts may bo so affixed to tho enam Ing or to the'sldo of tho deckhouse as to be properly screened, provided the lantern be hacked with metal. When ever the groon and red sidelights can not be fixed, they Blast be kept lighted snd ready for use as - provided by ar ticle of tho art of Jims T. HIT. Tbo law does not appear to permit tho use of a three color "comblnatloa" light. I A white range light art. - Such vessels are also recnlred to Captain Reed of Tug Wallula Brings Good News From Astoria. Chinook salmon are running fine, and tnn nsnermen m tne mouth or the Co lumbia are getting rich quick these days, reports Captain J. C. Reed, of the oar tug wancis. wnicn arrived In the harbor this rnornrng. Boats are known to have brought in as high as 1,800 pounds of fish in one catch and for which they are receiving 6 and 6 cnts a pound. . Captain Reed brought the tug to PortlHnd for a general overhauling. She haa been In commission at the mouth of the Columbia for a long time without a thorough overhauling, snrt it was thought now would be a good time iu jmve me worg none wnile shipping Is comparatively slack. In the mean time the tug Tatoosh la attending in whatever towing- comes up. 1 ne wallula was taken to the O n A N - company's boatyard in North Portland, where recalrs win he md above the water line, and later oh the oraft will be lifted on the drydock for cleaning and palntln,,- In speaking of conditions down at the bar Captain Reed said the channel Is In very good shape, with about 26 feet of water at low tide. Ayrortar3trty--8fr Arrived atTr84-arwl left up at 8:30 a. m. Steamer F. S. Loop, from San Francisco. San Francisco, July 20. Arrived at S a. m. Steamer Yosemite, from Port land. Arrived yesterday Steamer Jo han Poulsen. from Portland. Astoria, July 19. Sailed at 4 a. m. Steamer Northlapd for San Francisco. Sailed at 7 a. m. Steamer Alliance, for Coos Bay. Port Harford, July 19 Arrived Steamer Colonel E. L. Drake, from Portland. Falmouth, July 19. Arrived French bark Guethary. from Portland. Astoria, July 20. Condition at the mouth of the river at 8 a. m., obscure; wind northwest, 14 miles; weather light fog. Tides at Astoria today: High water 6:10 a. m.. 7 feet: (.39 .d. m . 8.4 feet Low water 10:20 a. m., 1.6 feet; 10:18 p. m.. 1.6 feet. Mabel Gale, Am. sch San Francisco W. F. Jewett, Am. sen Redondo Oliver J. Olson, Am. sch San Pedro Falrhaven, Am. ss San Francisco Amaranth, Am. bktn San Francisco Sn Bouto With Content and OstfsraL Aberfoyle, Br. sh Antwerp Bldart, Fr. bk Antwerp Clan Graham. Br. sh Cardiff h-ugenie Fautrel, Fr. bk Antwerp Vincennes, Br sh Antwerp Gael, Fr. bk.V. London eaisrieias. rr. sn Hamburg David e Aiifers, Fr. sh Antwerp Brabloft. iff. bk Antwern J011taiClah..Aatwarn. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. LIBEL STEAMER OHIO. hare mm board tw printed copies of ths rules which most be otiserTsd ry then, which roles wtll be furs I .bed by local Isapectors af sleass assets oa request, Paaseng-rrs Seek to Recover Dam ea for Delay in Ice. Nome. Alaska. July 10. The stesmer Ohio which was 41 uays en route from Seattle, loaded with freight and S&0 passengers, Is still fcere snd she is be ing DlSStered With llhei anil. Th. John J. Sessnon company haa filed a libel of lio.eos against her and two passengers who lost hesrllv on sccount of ths delay hava f.led libels for HS.OOe The lighthouae-tender Heather has gone to Coos Bay with supplies for the coast stations. The launch Eva carried a pleasure party down the river last night to tha Columbia and return. The steam schooner Falrhaven is re ported as coming here from Ban Fran cisco to load lumber for a return cargo. i unrsenune Amaranm is also com ing north to load lumber. The German steamer Radames will be here soon to load for ports along the MARINE INTELLIGENCE. BoftUar Linen Ine to Arrive. City of Panama, Coos Bay July 20 eureka, turesa ana . oos July z I u. . r.iaer. oan rearo, way... July 21 State, San FVanclsco July 21 Alliance. Coos Buy July 23 Rose City, Ban Francisco July 28 Roanoke, San Pedro and way . . . . July 28 Arabia, orient Aug. 1 Alesla. orient Sept. 1 Numantla, orient Sept. 15 Nlcomedla. orient Oct. 1 Bag-alar Liners to Depart. Eureka. Eureka and Coos July 21 City of Panama, Coos Bay ...... July It O w. Elder. Ssn Pedro July 21 Nlcomedla orient July 25 Alliance, Coos Bay July 25 State, San Francisco July 25 Roanoke. San Pedro and way... July 20 Rose City. San Francisco Am l Arabia, orient Aug. IS Alexia, orient Sept. 25 Numantla, orient Oct. 1 Tassels; ia JolrfvlUa. ir. bk Antwerp Carmanlaft, Br. bk Hamburg Rochamheau. Fr. bk ..Lelth Gulf Stream, Br. bk Antwerp Alice. Fr. bk London Eugene Schneider. Fr. bk Antwerp La Tour de Auvergne. Fr. bk.. Antwerp Coal Ships En Boats. La Roche Jacquelln, Fr. bk. Newcastle. A. Fifeshire, Br. bk Newcastle, A. Bossuet. Fr. bk Wnn.tio x Torrisd.ale, Br. sh Newcastle, A Tramp Steamers En Bonts. Taunton. Br. ss I'.navtm. Strathfillan. Br. es Batavla Craghall, Br. ss San Francisco Dulwlcn Br. ss Guaymas Knight Templar. Br. ss Valparaiso Radames, Gar. as Puget sound Sark. Nor. ss San Francisco Bucrania, Br. ss Orient Ilford. Br. ss Newcastle Diraimyon. Br. ss San Francisco f'.vaA iierl Puget sound M. S. Dollar. Am. as San Francisco Guernsey, Nor. ss Shanghai Sn Bout In Zallait to Load Grain. Port Crawford, Br. sh Callao Agnes Oswald, Br. sh Callao River Falloco. Br. bk Callao Oregon, Ger. sh Yokohama Gen. Faldherbe, Fr. bk Yokohama Henrietta, Ger. sh West cosst Aster, Ger. bk., Valparaiso aiarecnai ae ixoamea. nr. bk. West coast Homeward Bound, Am. bk. Vanc'v'r, B. C Le Poller. Fr. bk Hnh.rt Salnte Anne. Fr. bk...Newcaatle, N. S. W. Andonnlia. Br. bk tnninn. Lydgate. Br. bk Sum. Rn9iu Vigo. Nor. sh Mejlllones Deadamona. Br. sh Callao Cornil Bart, Fr. bk. .Newcaatle. N. S. W Sully. Fr. bk Antwerp Crlllon. Fr. bk Antw.rn Genevieve Molinos, Fr. bk Hobart Paghlld. Nor. bk Caldera Nulelly Fr. bk Hobart Leon Blum, Fr. bk Hobart Michelet, Fr. bk lllogo Finland. Rus. sh Guayaquil Oil Carriers Zn Boats. Asuncion. Am. ss Sn Francisco Maverick. Am as San Francisco PAINTS VARNISHES TINTS In order to introduce our goods' we will for the next 30 days make a discount of 10 per cent for cash on all goods in our store except lead and linseed oil. We handle a full and complete line of Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Brushes, including Dry Colors. All are standard brands. Also a line of Wallpaper, which we will close out at a discount of 25 per cent Oregon Paint & Varnish Co. Leading East Side Paint Dealers 93 Grand Avenue Bet. East Washington and last Stark 44)4)444XH GUERNSEY TO RETURN. Norweglaa temer Tabor Carries Immease Deckload of Lumber. It wss snnounced this morning thst ths Norwegian steamer Guernsey, whteh recently left this port for Australia with a cargo of iamber, will return to carry away a second cargo. Shs will prcblv bo back in theee-eiMwitha The Norwegian steamer Tabor, which has been loading lasnber st the will la f the Eastern s Western Lumber com Petiv for tho pest ten dam. will depart inntrrwm for Sydney, S 8 W. with I IS feet, about ,. feet of whlca. ia tela earned fa dock, Thla is - i - Brodertrk Caetle, Br, Larglemore Br. sh . . . Crown of India. Br Leyland Bros . Br. sh . Donna Franceeca. Br. Ancalon. Br ehl- Churchill, Am. sch... Echo. Am bktn Kelburn. Br bk Minnie Kelton, Am. ss Afgard, Nor. sh Alvena, Am sch Albert Rlrkmers. Oer. Tabor. Nor. ss Virginia. Am. sch. Dul wich. Br. ss . . . Northland. Am. ss. Nlcomedla. Ger ss Fort. sb . . . . nrydwk . . .u. w. p. dock sh. .. .Columbia 1 O. W. P. bk Astoria . . . .Tongue Point AstorU Astoria Llnnton Astoria . aiadlson street Astoria bk. . .Greenwich E. W. Mills Knapptou North Pa c Lor. Co. . . . Portland Lbr. Co. . A Is ski Belayed Vessels Arrive. Astoria, July 20. The steamer City of Panama arrived In shortly after noon today, several hours late from l.oos Day. I ne steamer State of Cali fornia crossed In about half an hour from San Francisco. UIICLE SAM IS James A. Oarfteld. Am. ech . .CAW. mills F. 8. Loop. Am. ss On way ap Xa Boats to UU IVaaaboc Alumna. Am. scb '. ...Kahulal Behome Am. sch ...La Boca Yellowstone, Am. so Pea Francisco Caeca do. Am. ss . Aaa Frsndsoe Yi resuor, aa. fckta. Q Knight of Kalera. (Special Dltpsteh to Tbe Jnornal.l Duluth. Minn., July 20 The Knights of Kalevs, ths leading Finnish fra ternal society of thevCnlted 8tates, be gan a three days rnn-rentlnn In this city today. Delegates from 17 chapters, comprising a membership of 10.000, are' attending ths convention. CASTOR I A For In foot and Children. Til thi Yea Han Ahrijs E::;tt Bear ths) Bfaatwa of 7 Somebody Has Somewhere, Somehow Blundered Var sity Library in Cornfields. (Speclil rptrh to The Joernsl. ) Spokane. July 20 The government printing office st Washington has sent to Odessa. Wash., a little town in the Big Bend country, with s population of TOO. a shipment of 2.300 pounds-1 af books- for what is called tha "Univer sity of Odessa- - There Is no building st all and ths ? resident, a farmer living two miles rora town, who offered to glvs a sec tion of land some time ago to start a university and started a movement to that end by having hWneelf elected at the head, came to town and loaded on the books snd hsuled them hone. Whan the university does start, if tt over does, there will be books galore for tbe students tirV . PORTLAND LOOKS GOOD TO EASTERNER Among Brooltlyw vintors wfee devoted yesterday to seeing Portland time was saoro eathoslastle than L. F. ViaberrH. general agent of the Now Torb Central lines at New Tork city. Ha looked T.r and around Portland with sn inte.Hreot 4 a. for esa sing l& vast arowva thai is coming to thin city by reason ef ! Sn"e advanuges of location and reel- ! hs 'mere i n nm: rhM'r.rrlt. r -t . 1 land Is to doable Its water supply, Im provat Its hsrbor front, build boulevsr.ls and pava street t will have aa Immsnee ly favorable effect In the eeat ant everywhere that Portland is known. uea a policy will bring enoogn people hers to live and tmomve tmren that' tha increased taies reouired f'-r the Improvements wlu be met with out snaaing tha t higher. Portland sad shonii be aa progreesiys as It beestlfuL" snaking tha ally's freaent s a baeullru rllr. Means that ir.sa sad w!fs t . to a rood o4) SgS Sfv4 vfr, , hava k -p t bealtbr. It, Krai ear it keep beaithy la lo eee it J . ' dnes lis dmy III Sara e-,t rf i e.ilv way to i'e te l - .- - Hertlfte In tve r'-5 a f eer yir i: e .-a ' ft0t beUte. ii s