TIJE 6REG0N ' SUNDAY JOURNAL ..PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 19. 1908. ft(t Tho MOST in Value Mail Orders Carefully Filled' Ooods Promptly Delivered Tho BEST in Quality SS OTSIIIBPASSBD BUJYIETG OPPORTUNITIES For Tomorrow afid Tuesday Str . , ' ' ..' . L1 ' .' . , ... "er are beyond all competition, and will certainly prove irresistiDie to any woman who is interested in positive money-savine. NOTE THESE MONEY-SAVING OFFERINGS. Those who appreciate UNUSUAL VAL UES will do well to visit this store tomor row and Tuesdav. Thev will mAlre a nrof it- able investment of time and a most economical exchange of cash for seasonable goods. Every section of the store presents a wonderful list of real bargains in seasonable mrechandise. A Wonderful Sale of Fine Wash Silks MONDAY AND TUESDAY, A (ale of over 15,000 yard Cj Japanese wash i direct import v ation which we "bought" a practically ou .own prices By taking ad vantage of this ... tale you will . be able to se i lira I. mer silks at prices without parallel, for instance: 35o Jap Silks 25o 3 T nr r'.i iw-mcn Japanese wasn cults in ail stanie as well at evening shades, not a color missing from this great showing: silks that are soft, durable and stylish; silks that will wash and wear Op like linen, reg. 35c quality, on sale at ADC 65o Jap Silks 50o 27-inch Japanese Wash Silks of perfect finish and fine even weave, correct summer weight sllkj in all fashionable shades, silks that are fullv worth 65c a yard, priced for this sale only tjQ Embroidered Wash Silks 85o and $1 Grades A Specially Priced at OUC Nothinar could be more timelv than thin a1e of beautiful hand embroidered Wash Silks. Noth ing is more stylish or suitable for summer wear 23-inch Japanese Wash Silks in a comolete as sortment of beautiful new patterns, neat silk em broidered half moons, dots, scroll effects and small figures in anend!ess assortment of bright rich colors in shades of green, pink, blue, tan, red, black, etc.: colors that are guaranteed abso lutely last, tne most wanted silks for attractive summer waists or evening arowns. in reo-u. lar 85c and $1 qualities, specially priced at. 69c Special Values In the Suit Room $6.50 up to $3.50 Net & Lace Waists $5 Long- Kimonos $1.10 About 10 dozen Kimonos to close out this week at exceptional low prices. These Kimonos are full length and very wide; made of handsome floral lawns, oriental crepe and figured batiste; values up to $Z.25. Choice Monday at $1.19 This section of our store is making a famous record of special value giving this season. Some tremendous and extraordinary purchases direct from reliable manufacturers of women's and children's garments enable us to of fer the moat seasonable and up-to-date Suits, Coats, Waists and Dresses at prices that are remarkably low. Misses Skirts 81.98 This lot of Skirts are made of all wool material in navy, brown and ed; also fancy worsted in checks nd stripes; all are this season's latest models and are worth reg ularly from $3.50 to $5.50. Choice Monday while they last, (Jg Girls' Coats $2.50 Short Summer Coats for girls of 6 and up to 14 years; made of plain covert, twill flannel in navy, brown and red; also few checks and stripes; semi-fitting and box styles; worth from $3.50 to $5.00. Monday and Tuesday rf special . . .'.p.DU Women's Skirts $6.50 Fine German Voile Skirts, made in pleated and gored effects, trimmed with folds and straps of taffeta and same material; values up to $9.50. Monday special Monday Tuesday- Tub Skirts $1.25 Women and misses' Wash Skirts of whit lininette and fancy suit ing, made in three very desirable models and are excellent values at the price marked for d Of Monday's selling, special. J)1D Wash Dresses $3.50 Women's and misses' Tailored Wash Suits in plaip chambray, fancy percales and white lawn; some are made in the plain tail ored effects; others are lace and braid trimmed. Values $5.00 Monday specia at Fifty Ecru and White Lace and Net Waists; our best $7.50 quality, in the prettiest styles of the sa- soii. On sale Monday at $5.00 Sateen Pettio'ts $1.65 Extra wide Petticoats made of black mercerized sateen, with bright, lustrous finish; deep flounce; finished with sectional -..m- i mine rtnu line iucs; gooa values at Monday spe cial at $1.65 Bathing Suits Women's and Misses' Bathing Suits, in serge, flannel and mo hair; plain and fancv hraiH rricea at $165, $1.90, $2.25, $2.50, $3.50 and... $4.50 Extra I 9 Extra I 98c A Great Sale of Fifteen Hundred Yards Black Taffeta Silk, $1.25 and $1.50 Grade at Beautiful black Taffeta Silk, yard-wide. Tomorrow another lot of these beautiful black Taffeta Silks in real $125 and $1.50 grades will be on sale at 98c the yard; silks of guaranteed quality. It is a most unusual sale of 36-inch black Taffeta Silks in 'tcillZZrtV3 "Kr f ef?CtlVbe ""f' TrantKd 311 PUrVilk' SP0t add Prf: tuS?iwS?t sftocked importer enables us to offer this extraordinary bargain and no prudent purchaser can afford to miss this sale The news of this sale will undoubtedly be read and appreciated. Come early. Special Values In the Men's Section Exceptional values for tomorrow and Tuesday demonstrate tne remarkable price-making power possessed djt una store, iteaa eacn item care fully: Men's Golf Shirts $1.00 Kind at 73e 73c A special offering of Men's Golf Shirts, made coat style, with cuffs attached. These shirts are made of large and small checked materials and assorted patterns in stripes, all medium col oring; regular $1 values; special for this sale Men's Underwear Qr Specially Priced at OC A special offering of Men's fine balbriggan shirts ana drawers; the shirts are made with fins rihhH cuffs, elastic ribbed neck and front is bound with tape; drawers have fine ribbed anklets nrarl buttons and suspender straps. These excellent garments come in all sizes and are extra eood values; special for this wf sale ZDC Bee Third Street Window for Display. Men's Handkerchiefs o K 10c Kind at Four for OU A special offering of Men's Plain White Cam bric Kerchiefs, linen finish, full regular size, with assorted wfdth hemstitched htmn Th very best 10c values; special for this Op" sale FOUR FOR JLDC Men's Cotton Sox 25o Kind at Fair 12aC fine showing of Men's Cotton Sox in nlain tan and black; absolutely fast colors, made seam less with fine ribbed tons: our remilar 25c vals.; on special sale at. oair ' IZaC Very Tempting Values in The Notion Dept. Little things, like small wares, run away with one's money in a sur prising manner, it one is not careful; there fore savings on these things are most wel come. Here's a chance J i to save. TomorrowVand Tuesdav. 50o Laundry Bags 39c special sale of Laundry Bass, made of jrood heavy sateen, in all the fancy and plain colors, linisnert witn drawstring toos. and regular On 50c values; sp'l for Monday and Tuesday .'.OJ7C 50c Brushes 30o An extra good line of Hair ' Brushes, thirteen rows of good bristles, solid maple and ebonoid backs; best 50c values; special for this 25o Hose Supporters 15c A splendid offering of Women's Hose Support ers, made good heavy quality frill elastic, in all the desired colors; only a few dozen in the lot: our best 25c values; your choice while hey last 75o Purses 49o special showing of leather Hand Bairs. in seal and genuine alligator, good strap handles; these pretty bags come in small sizes; regu lar values up to $1; special for this sale; in Monday and Tuesday 4jC 15c Unprecedented Values in Knit Underwear fe Hosiery For Women and Children A great mid-summer sale of Women's and Children's Knit Underwear and Hosiery, offering you the pick of the best stocks in the city at prices considerably reduced. Those who take advantage of this sale Mon day or Tuesday will find the following items in complete assortments. These exception al values demonstrate the remarkable price- maKing power possessed by this store. Sleeveless Vests at 19c A sale of women s fine Swiss ribbed low neck sleeveless Vests, made with neatly trimmed4 yokes in a number of pleasing styles; regular 25c values, priced 1A at 1JC Umbrella Pants at 25c r sale of women's fine Jersey ribbed Knit rants,, made with French band and tight top; cut extra wide, knee length, trimmed with tine lorchon lace, regular 40c values; priced at 25c Women's Hose at 29o Something- New in Embroideries and Laces Here's a Iace Band Bargain Consisting of i)V Venise bands, galloon bands, Irish Point bands and edges, ap pliques and com bination V e n i s e and Baby Irish in sertion; values up to $2 yd.; special for this OC sale JC Corset Cover Embroideries at 35c in a sale of women fine Gauze Lisle Hose. mane with garter top and double heel, toe and sole; colors black, mnk and h hie. eguiar 4Uc values; priced at 29c Children's Hose at 25c sale of children's fine ribbed Silk Lisle Hose in tan color, in all wanted shades, ana in an sizes; stockings that have al ways sold at 40c a pair: priced for this sale at 25c Another splendid bargain is to be found beautiful assortment of fine 18-inch Corset Cover embroidery, from the dainty small patterns to the large scroll effect embroidered on fine trade Swiss, Chiffon Cloth, Nainsook and" Hamburg; not a pattern in the entire lot less than OP 75c up to $1 25; special ODC Embroideries and Laces at An extra fine offering of embroideries and in sertions to match, from 3 to 10 inches wide, made of fine sheer Swiss and Nainsook; lOI values up to 35c yd.; special for this sale. . lfe2C 121c Take Your Ease on, a Fine Hammock rhia season our Hammock itock includes the pick of new designs and color combina tions from many of the best makers; but the point that will more particularly appeal to customers is that prices run all the way from 85c to $8.50 and a comparison will prove them un equaled values. There are various patterns arid colorings at each of the following prices: - From 05o Up to $0.50 2orot in Tomorrow and Look the Line Over. ,tSve values In D&inty UndermusMns Good quality muslin underwear, correct in fashion- tng, a excellent in quality and as carefully made as it Is possible to have them at prices that permit of . I i - . . . . . , . Tr- iic we main points 01 uus sale. Qorsot Covers at 85c A splendid offering of fine Nainsook Corset Cov ers, with dainty lace and embroidery trimmings; one style has embroidery medallions with fine lace insertion; others have fine . embroidery and lace insertion and silk ribbon; all sites, 32 to 44. Reg ular $1.25 values; special for Monday and OP Tuesday ODC Muslin Gowns at 01.50 Extra fine offering of Muslin Night Gowns in the low neck, slipover style, with short, long or half length sleeves These gowns are tnade of the finest quality nainsook, trimmed with good quality lc insertion or heavy embroidery; another line, made of fine aainsook in the high neck style, trimmed with rows of neat embroidery insertion. Regular 1200 and 22S values. Special ft rn Cor Monday and Tuesday 10U Muslin Skirts at $1.00 An extra special offering of Women's Muslin Skirts, made of fine quality cambric with deep flounce of nest embroidery or fine lace insertion and edging; finished with dut ruffle and underpiece. Ex cellent values at $1.25. Special for Monday ff and Tuesday i.UU Muslin Gowns at 91.00 An extra special showing of Muslin Night Gowns, made f fine nainsook or soft finish cambric in the slipover, low neck style, neatly trimmed with pretty lace, embroidery insertion and ribbon. Also a few styles in the high or V-shaped neck with lace and embroidery trimmings. Regular $1.25 and $1.50 values. Special for Monday and Art Tuesday ?1.UU Women's Drawers at 3 Do A special offering of a fine line of Mus'la Drawers, made of excellent quality cambric and trimmed with neat lace insertion and edging. Another style hat a wtde embroidery ruffle. Bet 50c values. 00 Special lor Monday and Tuesday J7C specially at priced for this sale Your Camping and Outing Necessities Especially Low Priced Most everybody contemplates an outing of some sort to the country, beach or mountains and most everybody is doing some planning, and ao L(. 1' .... iisi is ior tnem particularly. Below we list a few hints, from the domestic section, of tne goods summer homes and campers will find convenient. Here are the special price conces sions: UKJiX WOOL. BLANKETS Of extra good quamy, tun 3 ids. in weight, made in Oregon: $3.50 GREY WOOL BLANKETS Of same quality as above, full 4 lbs in weight, very suitable for rough usage, very special values at per (JQ GREY COTTON BLANKETS Full three fourths size, good wearing quality, well finished throughout; blankets that will launder T nicely, priced for this sale at lUC TAN COTTON BLANKETS Made full double size, good summer weight, specially QC priced for this sale at, per pair tfOC GREY COTTON BLANKETS Extra large and neavy, sou tleece finish, also white blankets in same grade; priced for this sale J FULL SIZE COMFORTERS In neat designs in medium and dark colors, irood size v Of and quality, priced for this sale at Ol0 FEATHER PILLOWS Of o-ood sire. 20x27 inches, full 3 lbs. lp weight, covered with best quality striped and flowered ticking; spe cially priced at HUCK TOWELING Full 16 inches wide, cenent wearing aualitv. onced for this sale at, yard WHITE HUCK TOWELS Of cond si- 17v 34 inches, made with fast rolnrcH borders in shades of red, finished with hemmed ends; 1A priced at $1 dozen; or each IUC BATH TOWELS Of good size, 20x40 inches, unbleached, finished with fringed ends; in. specially priced at, each .IUC 98c ex- 6c Fine Summer Gloves At Especially Low Prices Here is just a few examples of the manv remark able values to be found in our popular Glove Sec tion, i-nces are tar below what you would have to pay for the same quality elsewhere. WOMEN'S WRIST-LENGTH LISLE GLOVES In black, white, grey, brown, tan: reir. ir 50c quality; Monday special jCOC WOMEN'S 2-CLASP SILK GLOVES Double tipped fingers, in white, grey, tan, navy, cham pagne and mode; regular 75c values; on QC sale Monday and Tuesday ODC 8 AND 12-BUTTON LENGTHS, REAL KID GLOVES In black, grey, green, white and red; perfect fitting gloves, and worth regu- 1 AA larly $2.00 and $2.50; on sale Monday ...$1.UU 12-BUT. LENGTH KAYSER SILK GLOVES Double tipped fineers. in black or white: lr reg. $1.50 quality, on sale Monday at VDC 16-BUTTON LENGTH KAYSER Best Milan ese silk gloves, in black, white, tan, brown, nary, red and Copenhagen. Thev have double tinned .fingers and worth regularly $1.95 and Jjr $2.25; on sale this week at dl.'K) Embroideries and Insertion at 5c A special line of dainty embroideries and in sertions to match, with edjres from 3 tn A inches wide; regular 10c and 12c values; C your choice of these pretty laces. .......... .DC, Torchon Laces at 5c At this price you have choice of hundreds asd hundreds of pretty patterns of English Tor chon Lace, all this season's goods, in widthi from to 3 inches wide; values up to 8c " a yard; special sale price .DC 10-inch Plush tip Whisk Brooms UK 4 10c Linen Tablets, excellent quality 5 20c Toilet Soap, extra quality 10 8-lnch Dressing Combs lOf Oxford White Canyas S Best $3.P0 Values at 82.19 A rare economy chance to buj White Can rat Oxford- It'i a great specia gale of S00 pain bought at leu than regular whole tale price. They come in a full assortment of this season's best styles, made with heavy srelt soles, half Cuban heel, Clucher cut, rhh four eyelets and ribbon laces. Ox. ford that were made to retail at q 5 r "3.00; priced for this ile at C. 1 J