,1008. 14 ''THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY r MORNING. , JULY' 12, J-J . . C.l . 4 U I. 1 . 1 FOB REXT-nOUBEg ROOM HOUSE, NEAR K. ITH ANT Everett anodem. all clen and neat; III 50. -room modern bouse, r Brooklyn school, in choice order:$r0. 7-rooxn house, 487 E. Taylor, near Ith; II- (-room house, 411 Belmont, near E thi 14. , 6'room house. 45 E. 7th N.. near E. Couch; 14, and pay water rent BUCHTEL A KERNS. 860 12. Morsleon tst. E SToirRTsoN- IiooiTar rN- FOU RENT FARMS . FARM.FOR'KKNT OR KflCCH ANG B. Nlc,To were, all In crop:, fine build in k Vrrjcs, fruits, vegetables, hay; Hood and HueaJine road. 11. Grebe. ont.-i llln station. Portland. SUMMER RESORTS. AT SKA VIEW. WASH KEW, UP-TO- rtate 6 -room bungalow, oompletelyl furnlahed. fine fireplace, pump In kitch en. al.o lovely 6-room cottage, fur- nti-hcd In first -cine condition. Call telephone !:. t J; J.I for Information. eluding gas range, $20. i y(,n hkn T -A I GI ST I "OR BAL- 7 ti. yamnni. rmmn, mice of KMn, i room conn ' Atlantlo at.. Grcely station, St. Johns , ,.,, vlll North D..;icli D. F. Hna. carllne, -room cottage. ... ' TSr K. I.urnside, pJ''ll,S; 4a r.poano am.. ' : PI' K N 1 S li K 1 1 I (HiiKKKKVlNU Myrtle rk s . 'l 1, i , rt l'nrk. llurdlnir & raring 4-room houae, nair r arum.... . sl5 rham. of Com. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 9.00. THE DUNN-law kenve CO, 4S Aider T x -k ( MtlT" f u a m'b lir. d h 61 sb at arhnrt Park. t)r. imjuire Air. v I if pgft MOXTl :RO' N?T MOTiERS : Mgln A816 house or , Shafier at.. r..-tr Union ave. 4-UOOM tyrTAtIK tlO Union ave. North. near Rusaell at Phone East 42S5 "when YOU ALWAYS YOU MOVE m .ii m a e,i rnlT n re. Buy at no-rent prices; the aavtnga will exceed cost of moving'. We own our own building: occupy one-half: collect rent on balance. WOROAN-ATCH LET Ff RN IT "KB CO. Ornnd ava end K. Stark .Phone l..i929. ji' ,-ROOM COTTAOK in irvinoton. at 466 E. 16th t N.. with furnara and other modem conveniences, 125 per ironth. The Burrell Inveatment Co.. i50H Sd it "sr. a view on i lilue. X40 till Soptmiber J. mone 1'aciflc 8T3. 653 Nori!.nn. SfnoNAI.D HOrHE - PRIVATE boardlna; nn1 loilplnK, home cooklnt; moileratornc Nvo H. acli. Newport. Or. KOJlRENT. "AT 'hl'MSIPK. T 6-llOOM nnd 1 2-room cottuge. Inquire 692 ppttyRrovo st. HOUSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS GENUINE FOR RENT ADS UUSl only 1 cent a word. 3 Insertion! for the price of j 1-rvK NEW' 'HOUSES. VP TO HATH. for eale or rent. Near Acme Lumber Co., on Macrum ave. Inquire for S. y;. Combs. . f-f WELL-FURNISHED COT- tages. flats and housekeeping rooms, west aide river, tl week each room. noom 81, 82?4 Washington. A NEW 9-ROOM HOUSE ON HA W- thorne ave.. corner E. 26th St., with all inodern conveniences, $-15 per month. The Burrell lnvegtment Co., 260H 8d8t. I-ROOM HOUSE, NICK LAWN, M.-V. car. 246 West avn. is. Main o;v. ?-R60M COTTAGE. 49TH AND EAST Taylor Bts. ; cement basement, com pletely modern. Phone Main 4012. " Boom 424 Abi ngton bldg. "FOR RENTMODERN 5-ROOM COT tage, No. 640 E. 18th; rent J15, Phone "Main 6779. E-ROO.M HOUSE. CORNER 11TH AND StephensJwgijinK qimam-t, n. t-nn KENT 6-ROOM COTTAGE. 195 N. 21t st. FOR SALE TEAM RANCH MARES. iVif 5 snn nric ii00: camD team rood drivers for J80; gentle pony for children good S-ln. wagon p. good Bprlng waijon 35; 20 sets of single r . j i-. i i...mABc oil nr Pf)M: some good second-hand tonts cneap. 276 Hawthorne ave. FOR 8A LE- A FULL LINK OF VK hlcles consisting of goose-neck trucks, n-r hntrlipr hakorv and milk wag- nniiT also bueetes and rliaetons of all kinds: we carry a full line of harne and saddles. 211 Washington St., near F1 rst. HOUSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT by day. week and month: special rates to business houses. 6th and Hawthorne, East 72. ; HORSES, HARNESS. BUGGIES AND wagons bought, sold and exchanged. H. v. Leathers. 275 Hawthorne ave. A FEW MORE HUHbliS TU uuabm large stalls and best care. Seaton Bros., 646 Front st. FOR SALE FIFTEEN WELL BROKE horsea. Phone Gresham 389. Ad dress Sam Strebln, Troutdale, Or. i.-S5r i.ROOM- COTTAGE. SUIT ohla for voune married coupla. 42S K Bth Phone East 298 JFOR RENT SEVEN-ROOM MODERN house: large porcn; nice iawu, n. JRast 36th and Main sts, -ROOM HOUSE, MODERN, walking distance, east side. Jlealty Co., 221 Morrison st. EASY Globe "MODERN 9-ROOM HOUSE. 65 E. 181H st. N.; large lot; quantity, of fruit: for. rent cheap F. M. Batcnelor, 215 Couch bldg. ' iron RENT 618 6TH ST., 6-ROOM cottage, 115 per Kionth. f-OR' RENT SUBURBAN HOME 8 block from 6c carllne: 6-room fur rlshed house with modern Improvements. Grounds 100x200 feet with chickens and rark; also fruit and flowers. Phone Woodlawn 2017. 1--OR RENT 8-ROOAI HOUSE, CLOSE Iru Inquire 287 1st st. FOR RENT FBRXIsnED HOUSES FT'rENT' FURlISHEDnHU8E. rooma,, gaa, .bjth. ' lawn, i, bedrooms rented. sI-uantenoein ave. FOR SALE GOOD LARGE BUGGY; also single harness, dieaj. 115 Wil lanietto boulevard, tel. Woodlawn 1364. FCVr SALE CHEAP OLD, RELIABLE horse! good worker and driver. Box 18, R. D. 6. , Gresham, Or. LIGHT GOOSENFTCK WAGON, WITH teajn and harness; must be sold. Call 869 E. Morrison. TWO GOOD DRIVING HORSES, buggies and harness for sale cheap, and will also hire out. 313 Water at Main 7467, or Pacific 2506. 600 TOWS PRACTICALLY NEW teel l beam, nisei from 4 to 10 In.: all lengths. 60 Iron tanks, front 10 to 8,000 gallons capacity. 100 tons angle, fit, bar and rod Iron, In all lengths. 100 tons flat sheet Iron for roofing, siding, etc., all alsea and In perfect condition. 100 tons black and galvanised corru gated roofing Iron, all brand new, whloh we ana selling far below the wholesale pries. (0 ton praclloally new galvan ised smooth wire, continuous length. 25 tons chicken wire netting, all sixes. 104. tons grate bars, all kinds and sites. 100 tons steel shafting, all sixes. Large quantity of second luind gas fixtures, at one-fourth regular price. PIPE PlPFi PIPE. Pipe In all sixes and kinds, T-8 In. up; galvanised or black, new or second hand. We also carry In stock pipe fitting of ail kinds, including valves, cocks, etc All our pipe Is guaranteed to have per ieo xnreaaa and couplings. CABLE CABLE CABLE. 100 tuns steel cable, sites from 1-1 In. up to 1 1-8 in.; will cut In lengths to suit. RATX43. RELAYING RAII.fi. We carry In stock both new and sec ond-hand steal rails of all kinds; sixes from 8 lbs. u 90 lbs.; fishplates and xplkea Also ai'out 2;0 tons or con tractor's raila, ail sites and lengths. MACHINERT MACHINERY. We oarrv the largest stock west o Chicago of second-Bund pulleys, gears, sheWes, shaft bore all kinds, and belting In sixes from 1 in. to 86 in., both in leather ana rubber ana in new ana second-hand. All our ads. are r08ltlT"Jv guaranteed. M. BAKDfi A bQ.NS, 847-S58 Gliean St.. cor. 8th: N. H. cor. 4th and Gllsan eta. FOR BALE MISCELLANEOUS WANTED HOME ONH TO BUT pair of homer pigeons at your own price. Multnomah stuuon. eaiein line. t M Hnrriin. HlllsdHle. Or.. Route iTPH . marine moTOU. BRAN new, rellulilB make; very cheap: will build boat and install it. Address B-J01 JournHl FOR HALE-THOROUGHBRED IRISH nit tmll nonniea flVOTiOCTAiTfS FOR 8ATJ2. RKASbtf alile. Addrusa B-127, Journal. XV A N T K O M ISC' K LL A N EOUS ONE $15 PHONOGRAPH FOR 16. One $46 phonograph for $36. One $300 piano for $150. On a ISO hum drum for 118. One $60 bass E flat horn. - "brass, $29.60. One baritone brass, $1. -One tenor, small bore, $15. One tenor horn. large bore, $lt.B0, One $14 snare drum for $8. On violoncello. 120. One braes cornet and case, second hnml. 16. 60. New march, Alaska-Yukon Exposition Triumphal march, lOo postpaid. She Sleeps Beneath Oregon's Fines, 10c, postpaid. My Old Oregon Home, 10c postpaid. All wire strings 6 cents each; gut. 10 cents. COUKTINHil MLS1U iu.. 88 N. Third St, Portland, Oregon. BIG BARGAINS IN HOUSEHOLD o-oods 185 Home Comfort steel range, $25; Union rug, 9x12, $C.a0, new; n i roll-ton desk: oak extension tahlo, 15.60: oak sideboard, $8. worth $20: $12 refrigerator. IS: $22 Reliable gaa range, 17: 128 Charter Oak stove, $12; Iron beds, $1.60; lot of chairs, desks and car pets going very cneap. au vv union. ave. I M I t I I t t l $ I $ $ $ BLACK TEAM, 5 AND 6 YEARS; NICE black pony, fine for may to riae or rtrlvf?: 7 head of horses, weighing from 900 to 1.200 lbs.. cheap. Petterson stables. 14 Union ave., corner Ash NICE SORREL HORSE, 7 YEARS. harness and rubber tired buggy, $165. Come at once, must sell. Mr. Lake, Petterson stable, 14 Union ave., corner Ash. . ONE GOOD ROADSTER AND T ALL- around horses. Call ;d t. Btnra. GROCERT WAGON FOR SALE; price right; consider exciianga ior light er one. 215 fvth; Mnln 1716. i re Js'EATLY FURNISHED- COTTAGE, modern, for two-adults only; partlcu Jars phone Sellwood 69. 6-ROOM HOUSE, FURNISHED, Phone 'Woodlawn JrURNISHED 1799. 6-ROOM HOUSE rent. 979 Hawthorne ave. 715 FOR Ask for Rose City, 5 cents FOR RENT FLATS MODERN FLAT FOR RENT, 214 Hall st.; rent $17. Jennings & Co., JOfi Oregonian bldg.; phqnes Main 188, A-2188. . GENUINE FOR KENT ADS COST only 1 cent a word, 3 Insertions for the price of 2. !"OR RENT NEW 6-ROOM LOl'ER flat close In; nice location. Inquire on premises. 629 Everett. MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT: STEEL AND " gas range; window shades. 809 Vi ITalBey. McMillan addition. RENT 6-ROOM LOWER LAT, bath and gas, near 24th and Vaughn; rent $15. Main 7528. KEWLY KALSOMINED 3-ROOM FLAT, $9 per month. 711 Williams ave. THREE-ROOM FLAT, $9 PER MONTH. Call TWO ill Williams ave. 6-ROOM FLATS, $10 PER month. 150 Page. Phone East 666. 6-P.OOM MODERN FLAT: BATH; $10. 6-room modern flat; bath; $12. 729 H TVllliama ave. FOR RENT--4 ROOMS, PRICE $T Apply Alblna Creamery, 800 Russell. FOR RENT FURNISHED FLATS TOH RENT ELEGANT NEWLY FU fi nished 8-room flat: all conveniences, "walking distance, references, ggl 6th st, yorner Montgomery... ONE 6-ROOM, ONE 8-ROOM. COM- pletely .furnished. 623 Lovejoy, or FOR SALE LIVESTOCK THREE-LEGGED JERSEY HEIFER calf, strong and healthy; cajved June 11, 1808: for sale. Harvey Sawtelle, Dover, CTackarrias Co., Or SNAP 10 FRESH COWS, 1 JERSEY j freezer, candy Jars. Call at 490H Wash If you want furniture cheap go to the DOLLAR, at 882 1st street. PORTLAND. Retailing at less than wholesale price this week. Don't miss this eale If you want the goods. THE DOLLAR, 232 1st St. $ $'$$$$$ 1 $ $ 8 $ $ Cordwood 4 foot, new, first class. . SEGHER'S WOOD COMPANY, Bth and Glisan. Main 6359. A-2415. For Sale Machine lather, complete; 5-foot, feed, new. 264 Morrison St., Room 1 2. ' FOR SALE 1 SODA FOUNTAIN wmplele, 1 8-ft. double deck show case: 1 pr. candy scales; Ice cream bull. Thomas Murphy, Sylvan Canyon road. Or., FOR SALE 1 COW. APPLY F. O. Fisher, 30 E, 63d st. Phone Tabor 899. FRESH COW FOR SALE AT 702 N. Ebey St.. Montavilla. TWO FRESH COWS, GOOD MILKERS, 646 E Madison. Phone E. 2991. FRESH COW home ranch. 162 1st st. FOR SALE AT Mf Staples, The Jeweler, FOR SALE FIXE JERSEY COW, 195 Blandena St., tfike L f ar FOR SALE ONE GENTLE COW, rich milker. Phone Tabor 636. ington st. ECLIPSE RANGE, $16; SINGER SEW-lna- machine. $6: sale of Axmtnster rugs, cook stoves and lot of second hand .furniture. Call 29 Union ave. ' HOTrON PICTURE MACHINE FILMS, sound slides, for rent; also bought, sold, exchanged. Newman. 293 Burnslde. WE PAY TOP PRICKS FOR FURNITURE And anything you have to sell, PORTLAND AUCTION CO. Main 6665. A-4111 f H B 5 K nVer auction RoTTSS pays highest cash price for household furniture. 227 2nd st. Phones A-1098, Main 8413. UrtATtTtia kycavatYSTS AND 1RI vate street work. W. Mason, B4S E. Stark St.. phone East 6827. CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. SAV age Penncll. 345-347 1st. Pao. 80, SFOT CASH FOR YOUR FURNITURE prompt attention always given, ffi-ipa FORD" AUCTION C5.. 367 E. Morrison st., paya full value In caah for sacond-hand furniture. East 988,B-2S11. We Pay Cai or all kinds of second hand furniture. J. Leah Fur- nlture Co.. 123 Grand ave. Phone E. 47 2 4 IF YOU WISH TO EXCHANGE OR sell your -furniture for cash, phono i;at fizoc bob nawtnorne. WlTiSW DESIRES CHILDREN board. Phone Woodlawn 2005. "TO" wanted-sheEvIng anT3 coun- ters lor grocery store. Phone A-K9 WANTED SECOND-HAND PHONO graph and records: also motion Dlo tur machine. Main 8468. W A NTS MAO. AMOUNT OK GRAVEL- ing none in exchange for building lot Knowies, uaK urove. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS. Hno Kemmerer coal, the best Wyom VVai ing; coal; gives more heat and less ash. Churchley Bros., 13th and Marshall sts. Phonna Mam 981, A-S9S1. Tifo lnciironiii Is a houaehold xhkj Aiiouiuuw need. See John P. Sharkey about It. Phones A35875 Main 650. 8th t., cor. Washington. TtlPJinr1p!PPIlt Kerosene Man iULlUlUtSLUm tl T.omr then at H. W. tie Lamps. See them .Manning l. & m. co., aa su na Praam Butter, Milk and Cream, iCillJI Alblna Creamery Co. ll'inoa O'Malley and Neuberger, 157 1lHCavash. Choice wines, liquors ana cigars, look ror our cut-rats sais Free delivery. Phone Main 3394 PERSONAL LADIES! The Impondero Therapy Co. will curs rou. no matter what your ailments are. f you have stomach, liver, kidney or bowel trouble, constipation, tumors, rheumatism or any female disorders call on us. We cure; no knife; free consultation. 508 Merchants' Trust bldg. 28 Washington. Men, Why Suffer Whan you can be aulckly and perma nently cured? Modern eleotrlo treat ment for diseases of the prostate and ervous debility. Consultation free. I. HOWARD, M. D., 304-6 Rrfthchlld Bldg., Fourth and Washington. W Miss Lona Dai Vapor, lavender baths, electrc-mag- etlc massage; chiropody; ,one call means another. SoO1 Morrison, room don't mistake number; always see he best. . MEN! The Impondero Therapy Oo. will ours your ailments. If you have rheumatism, stomach, liver and kidney, and prostatic roubles, free consultation, call on us or a sure cure; reasonable charges. 08 Merchants' Trust bldg., cor. 6th nd vv BsiilngloTV 21 FOOT GASOLINE LAUNCH, 8 miles per hour, for sale cheap. S. Ansley, Linnton. Or. Rose City Cigar, 5 cents MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS'. FOR BALE BY PARTY ABOUT TO leave city, a nne Hobart M. Cable! piano, full size, upright, $175 cash; must sell. Address 733 E. Ankeny. Phone East 143. BATHTUBS! BATHTUBS! Plumbing supplies. Let us save you mjoney on your plumbing goods and pip ing of all kinds. We can save you from 15 to 26 per cent. 8e us for prices. M.. BA-RDE & SONS, N. E. cor. 4th and Glisan sts. TO SELL YOUR HOUSEHOLD GOODS call up Rubenstein's. It will pay. Also buy men's clothing. Main 6901, 175 Front St., northwest corner Yamhill. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR ROSES. OR der manure from Smith's Dairy, at ome. Phone Main 6688. ALMOST BRAND NEW $400 MAR Bhall & Wendall piano for $550. 98 Church St., North Mount Tabor. Mon- tavllla car, phfine Tabor 5"C. YORK. BAND "INSTRUMENT AND 'ut ile house: repairing. 88 H 3d st. We Buy and Sell Exchange and repair everything, Ex change Furn. House, 208 1st. M. 4290. LAY TON COOPERAGE CO. ALL kinds of barrels and bottles bought and fold. 43 N. Front. Phone Main 3147. Vigor of Restored to men and women by the new process. Licensed pnysician ana surgeon in charee. Consultation free. Room 201-202, 212' Alder St. PERSONAL Nature Cures , Many dlseaaea by means Of natural force such aa ELECTRICITY, "V1BRA- ilVQ, concentrated CHEMICAL LlUHl and RADIANT HEAT. Indlgeutlon, cnrprno constipation and PILES curou without oathartloe, operation or pain niiAiA, uroncnitla and liUftu io" HI.KH vlel.t in ,).. ni,t treatment RHEUMATISM. neuralaTa. sciatica and nervoua dlsousea permanently cured. accountants; y APPENDICITIS . , , , iured by the ultra-violet L-rema. chronic ulcers, anu DISEASES; Iminediste relief lor the pain, burning and Itching. without DiSKAftRM I llcHvitU ICW iird the knlfV rnnaiiDallAn rm W. I. HOWARD, M. 1)., 804-8 Rothchlld flcljr., Fourth and Washington 17irM,i JjlKh Initiate of Delhi. In' aajylld ua; Teacher of Hindu Re ligion and tiankhva PhlloaoDhv. CIhhS and private Instruction In Sacred Wis- . ' . r i . . . . . , ... uuiu bmu ijiiuraiuro oc ine uaau im intimate Sum of Science, Religion and Philosophy, which lttada to Attainment an.l Realisation of the Absolut ft Truth. leiu of everything you should know. Spiritual and Philosophical advice free ly accorded on all problems of human lira wi t noyt cna rgo. a 1 1 M orrison si Kheumatlam. nnrlvl sciatica, m.- t T-r-Vl ( i, J I r.,',r,tf. ,11.. inn- atlpatlfn, eczema, goiter, stricture, kid ney, Diaaaer, prostatic, rectal ana ie. maae maeaees. 616-617 Rothchlld Bids:. 4th and Washington. Main 8900. Are Ycu Bald? Does you hnlr fall out? Have tou dandruff or Itching scalp? Peak's Hair urower win cure your danorurr, stop your hair falling out and start your nuir iu grow. A duo irmi size wiu con vince tha moat akentlnal. Anvlce free. Off tea hours, 10 to 7; Sundays, 10 to 3 i. m. THE PEAK MANUFACTURING CO- 602 Bwetland bldg., Portlnnd. Or. MEDICAL Diseaaes of women . and children a pecialty; maternity cases given special attention: sanitarium In connection. All firlvate and wasting diseases prompt y cured, and their effects permanently removed from the svstem. Consultation and a J vice free; correspondence confidential. New York Kurelcal and Medical In- tltute. entrance room 22 Raleigh bldg.. cor. 6th and Washington. r Face Deepest wrinkles, smallpox pits and 11 lmDerfectlons of the scafti. hair and face removed, bust developed, superflu ous hair removed by the latest French method; all the rage In Paris; no elao tnclty, faces bleached; booklet free. PROF. AND MADAME MARCOTT. Facial Institute. 48 11th St.. bet. Alder and Morrison. ENLARGE YOUR BU3T, LADIES! 4 to 10 Inches at home, with Dr. Con way's Bustoids at trifling cost; $1,000 if we can't; those developed In past 20 years prove Us permanent, sare and sore. Sealed facts 4c stamps. Conway Specific Co., 178 Trembnt St., Boston, Mass. We guarantee It. ' 814 Worcester block, publlo accountant and estate agent. . Auditing, lnvestlgat iiyg. syataniatislng. Permanent kseplng oi doom a mi rccorne a specialty. BICYCLE REPATRINQ. APEX BICYCLE CO.. , MANUFACTUn. ing and repairing, aooond-hand wheels. us iitn. Dm ween wasn, ana Aiuer. THE ifUMMER bTCYCLE. KLeCTRIC- ai ana gaaniine repairing ana ' sun dries; key-fittlqg. 828 Stark. M. 7068. BUSINESS CARDS. HOWE, DAVIS & KiLHAM. 108 2d ST. Blank books m'fg; acta for J ones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf. A-1183, Main 181. CXEaITWWELS bAlLx" 6omW. brush. soai. 81 our month.. Portland Laundry & Towel Supply. Cv., tb aad v-uuen am. rnoni ti WARREN Phone 410. CONStR'udTliW Street navlnar. aldfwA.lka ni1 nrnaa. Ings. 814 Lu mber Exchange, ADOLPH A. DEKUH, 131 FIRST ST., carrlea a full and complete assort ment of butchers' supplies. TIN ROOFING; GUTTERING, KB .., J. pairing and general Jobbing. J. losll. ixjerrerson st. pacific 1484, E. BEACH & CO.. THE PIONEER Paint Co. Window vlaaa and ljt- Ing, 186 First s t. Phone 1884. C. F. PFLUGER. NOTARY PUBLIC, commissioner or deeds. Deutscnea notarlst. R. 14 Mulkev blda. Zd and Mor. EXCAVATING. TEAAl WORK. WOOD. hauling, cieanlng-up a specialty, jiogan & t;iow, n Mawtnome. m-zaiv EDUCATIONAL ; Behnke-Walker . BUSINESS COLLEGE. Blka' bldg.. Portland. Or. Owr ata. log, "Your Salary Doubled," should be in tha linnda of all ambitious young people. It's free,. Call, write or tele phone. ' EMPLOAlENT AGENCIES C R. Hansen, Jr. . EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. Men, 88 N. 2d. Main 1624. Women, I43U Wash st Main !. ' HelD Buopllea free to emnlovera PORTI-AND HSmPLOYMKNT) OFFldlff. 206W Morrison St..... Phone Paclflo 289 IT N. 2d st Phope Paclflo 1100 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING Co. Motors for sale or rent; wiring and supplies. 818 2d st. ' GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY AND MARINE; ELBC tric equipments;' launches, accessories; wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Keierson iviaciiinery o., xao Morrison. STATIONARY AND MARINE GASO. line engines: we manufacture them' gt our prices. Fairbanks, Morse Co. HOTELS CHAS. I MAS TICK & CO.. 74 Front, leather of every description, tap mfra. findings. - GILBERT & KEYSER, CIVIL ENGI- neera ana surveyors, office 414 couch Diag. ion tn st. inone Mam 7ioo. REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS ON houses: also brick and cement work. K-3S04. . THE J. K. GILL CO. STATIONERS booksellers, office outfitters, engineers'. draughtnien's supplies. 133 3d cor. Alder, THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.. Portland ornoe, 404 Worcester Diag. NEU & KINGSLEY, 268 1ST.," PORT land s leading marble and granite wks. Lawyers' abstract & trust co. m.560. A-4Z2Z. Portland Trust Co, bldg. DONNERBERG RADEMACHER. plumbers, 803 llurtislde. Main 2319. DESIGNERS AND PHOTO ENGRAV ers. Nets Connuwav. 1 09 2d. M.731 9 J AS. Mol. WOOD & CO., ALL KINDS OF insurance, surety Ponds. McKay bldg. BUILDING PUBLICATIONS. ARCHTS.. CONTRS., ENGRS., GET Pao. Builder & Engineer. 318 q of C CHIROPODISTS THE DEVENY8 HAVE MOVED THEIR parlors to rooms 802-3 Gerllnger bide.. d nnd Alder sts. EVERY AVOMAN OWES IT TO HER- self to look as attractive as posmble. Time. Ill-health and worry bring lines. rlnkles, hollow cheeks; removed Dy a new harmless, painless, instantaneous firocess. Any woman can be made to 00k 15 years younger. This reads like magic but It Is merely advanced sci ence; consultation absolutely confiden tial and FREE. 435 Fleldner bldg., 10th nd Washington stS; HECKLES, PLASTIC SURGERY; AL- bo filling of face and shoulders. Mrs. E. Batcheller. 481 FUcdner bldg. Main 5336. GENTLEMAN OF MEANS. iDvOULD marry: confidential. L-nox 85, corr. League, Toledo, Ohio. RS. OBROCK, MASSEUSE, CABINET cream massage; ref- CHIROPODY ANT) PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill. 880 Fleldner bldg. HOTEL PORTLAND, EUROPEAN plan only; $3, 15 day. HOTEL OREGON. EUROPEAN PLAN. PERKINS. EUROPEAN, $1 AND UpT BELVEDERE. European; 4th and Aider. LIVERY AND SALES STABLES. 1906 STABLES. HACKS, LIVERY, boarding and sale; furniture moving; 122 Union av.; East 8682; night phone Main 8044. W. A. Hessian. Prop. MUSIC LESSONS. EMIL THIELHORN, PUPIL OF PRO fessor Otakar Sevclk, violin and viola teacher. A-4160. 834 Pine, Pao. 8989. pianS; Violin. trombGKb and' clarinet. Prof. Smith. 292 12th. M. 4703. A-S880. IF Y6U WISHTO SAVri'MNEY" 6N musio lessona phone Main 8186, morn-lnga Louis a. creitz. teacher ok violin, 211 Sherman, cor. 1st Pao. 189. MANICURING AND MASSAGE. MAS 6A G E, MAGNETIC . TREAT- ments. alcohol rubs by eastern lady. 291 Morrison St., suite 24, The Benson. NEWLY OPENED MANICURING AND massage parlors; competent attend ants. The Benson, Fifth and Morrison. suite 21. SHAMPOOS, GRISELDA treatment. eleotrlo maaaa netio treatments and baths. st.. room 23. VIBRATORY SCALP "mTs: LUCILE BECK. sage and bath, BolVa Morrison street room 16. MISS WELDON BATHS, COAL AND WOOD V. D. SMITH DELIVERS FIR WOOD direct from cars to you; all wood A No. 1, out of big live trees, first growth, thick bark; special prices In large amounts. Phone Main' 5683. FIR, $5 UP; GOOD COUNTRY 8LAB wood, $3.60; dry block, $4.60. Redito tlon on large orders. Union Fuel Co., loot Montgomery st. Main 57R8, A-3Sti. Buy b'ir Wood, from heavy tim ber, $ per .cord, delivered. Call up Steel Bridge .Fuel Co. Phones East 424, C-1773. MAGNETIC 148 Park. treatments, facial massage. near Morrison. klSS ENGLISH. Chiropody, electrical and osteopathlo treatments. 848 H Morrison, room 1. SCALP ANE DANDRUFF TREAT lYinnt. 268U Morrison St.. room HI. ' FACIAL AND SCALP MASSAGE, MaN-' lcurlng. 18-14, 2(18 ft Morrison. Ladies MANICURING FOR gentlemen. 843 Vt Morrison, MISS GILBERT TUB AND raorn 2. low. 282 Park. Main 2408. -A-2784. bath, salt erences. ERKINS NATIONAL HERBS AND TTrarol Br ol,! hv A. H Bloomef. 190 4th st. Phone Main 8982. Mrs. Alice Harnct Scientific masseuse, manicurist and chi ropodist; treats diseases of scalp, face or body; positively cures blackheads, freckles and pimples; bust -development;, vapor, perfume and alcohol baths; mag netic healer. L'US 6th. CONFIDENTIAL CORRESPONDING club, for sober, single people, of age: fine local list; carefully selected. Call or address Mrs. H. C. Wilbur. 98 E. 12th, between Washington and Stark sts. Mt. Tabor or Sunnyslde car. phone A-3458. 20 MODERN 6-ROOM FURNISHED riat, eiectnc iigm, water. i-none Beilwootli 639 afternoons. FOR RENT, FURNISHED, 6-ROOM flat; all conveniences, newly and well furnished. Including good piano. Rea sonable. Phone Main 1875. HOUSES FOR KENT FURNITURE FOR SALE :Foisaleft?rViture""Vf"' NICE- ly furnished 6-room flat, only used 2 months; leaving city and must sell at once; part time If desired. Flat for jent Phone A 2058 or call 272 Park at. OFrOU REALLY WANT TO SELL, the Portland Auction Co. will pay you ill It's worth. Main 5655; A-4111. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 1907 STODDARD-DA YTON TOURING cast top and glass front, $1,400. 1907 Btevens-Durvea, top, $1,250. 190-J Franklin, $85u. 1907 60 H. P. Haynes, top, $1,500. These cars have been traded in on Pierce and Cadillac, and must be sold at once; no reasonable offer refused. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. 11th JnLAlder Mnln 6470. for Bale v i cto r iT a nl) -v Ti 3 EH automoldles, . $450 to I8o0; 'strongest maohlne bulit; 1 t'-!ior:;ipower : runabout, 4-paHHenfiPr and cars for liRht ilellvery; Solid or pneumatic tirw; loi-al averts wanted. Write for uuiosuo and signed statements lroin c.;st mcrs 'lr tor Automnl.ii" Mfs. Co., t. LouIk. M-. SUN SOON HUIE, JAPANESE GOODS, matting, Chinaware, silks, tea, rattan chair sale; prices low. '169-171 2d St. ;UR SALE $6,000 WORTH OF FUR Nl ture Rnd household goods at price; must bpII. Call 88 Union ave. BICYCLE, FINE CONDITION, SIZE for boys 4 to 12 yea re. The Elite Dye Works, 381 E. 12th, corner Harrison. SECOND HAND AUTOMOBILE, FINE condition, 4-cylind-r. carry t; people, for sale cheap or ex t.a:.if' for real estate or acreage. Hall 2ij 4th pt. For snaps on skconT.-hanIT automobiles, call on Portland Motor Car Co.. 626 Alder. Vain 26K3; A-4944. EWE IX UP-TO-DATE FURNITURE of 6-room modern fiat, almost new. "7S Missouri ave. GEN't INE FOR REK't AD3 C6Sf only l cent a word. $ insertions for the prlre of 2. FURNITURE 6-ROOM FLAT, MAHOG any furniture, velvet corpets, drap eries; 'I rooms rented 120; rent $26: must sell on account of sickness. 186 Park st. Pacific 441. fc-ROo.M CORNER FLAT FOR RENT; furniture for sale chean: leaving town 41 Ind; flat A. STRMTCRB OF NEATLY FUr3 niahed t-roota houae for sale; bargain . fr some on a J 4 Hall at. FURNITURE POPE-TOLEDO AUTO. MOST F.VKRY thlng new; with top, 6 extra tires, chains, covers; $1,50 cash. B. W. Padley, 20CH 1st- ! FOUK HANG LUNG & CO., MOVED TO Si Second st ; commission merchants of all kinds and Importers of fine teas. WHITE LEGHORN EGGS FROM thoroughbred stock- $600 per 100. M. Clark. 38 Portland boulevard. FOR SALE CHEAP. FIRST -CLXsl cordwood in vicinity of Irvlngton; any number of cords delivered. E-174. ! R "sXLEAOUlNE WtDSA Vl as rooW- as new, on terms. 621 Cor-ti-tt bldg. Main 81 43. STAR FURNITURE CO, 394 E. CLAY", now and second-hand, credit If de- "lri.-d. We gave you money on the goods. FoR SALE liTFT. Launch"frame, nearly complete, cheap. Phone B- H7C Fast 1491. 600 VICTOR RECORDS, SLIGHTLY um-,1. 25 cents each. 107 Cth St., nvim 5. LADIES! ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR Chichcsters Pills, the Diamond Brand. For 25 years known as best, safest. Always reliable. Take no other. Chl chesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold b y d ru gglsts every wh ere. WANTED TO MEET A LADY NOT over 80 years of age, matrimonially Inclined, by an honest working man: sober and industrious; no trlflers need answer. Address 0-189, journal. Lost powers restored by dr Lorens' Nerve Tonic Tablets, 25c box. Eyssell's Pharmacy, 227 Morrison st. MOLES, WRINKLES. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed. Mrs. Hill. 830 Fleldner. DIES BARBER SHOP MANICUK- lng. facial massage. 12 N. 4th at NTLL5ET CALIFORNIA MED. SOAP a t The Soap Store. 4 22 Wash. Lou. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALU FEMALE" diseases. 64 E. 13th N. Eaat 4084. Smoke the best. Rose City ARCHITECTS. GERMAN BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NOV ls, etc.; German. English, French. Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign books of all kinds. Bchmale Co., 229 1st st. TWO YOUNG MEN, STRANGERS IN city, deaire the acquaintance of two young, honest girls. Give phone num ber. X-4ti'J, Journal. LADIES! im: LA FRANCO'S COM pound; sa'.e, speedy, regulator; 26 cents drutglsts or mall; booklet free. Dr. La Franco, Philadelphia, Pa. FOR SALE) MISCELLANEOUS -, L - - , -, . -,. , -r I FOR SALE SET BELLINGER AND Cotton's code. In good condition; also, bicycle, good aa new, cheap for caah. R. L. Hickman, Portsmouth station, SL Johnu carllne. . POINTER PUPS FOR SALE. If E 31st St.. N. Phone East 1046. FOR SALE WHITE GUINEA- ,PIG8 IFOR HALF CHEAP; NEW HOUSE- boat, furnished. Inquire ITS 6th St. i corner Jefferson. PERSONS OF MARRIAGEABLE AGE. either sex, desiring acquaintance of companion, wend 10c for circular. Port lnndlnt rod uciner Purnau, 1 8 1 V4j 1st St. HUMAN HAIR ROLLS. J. J Borg. inventor and manufacturer of wireless, strlngless and netlesa rolls, 4 28 E. 9th. Kuft 2211. DR. SANDERSON CO., SAVIN AND cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for lelaycd periods. $2 per boi or 8 boxes f. Dr. Pierce, 181 1st st. DRS. ATWOOD, PRIVATE HOSPITAL. at confinement. 806 Alls ARCHITECT. IN ORDER TO GET Ac quainted, will make plans, specifica tions and blue prints at half the regu lar price. My work Is first class. W. Frttsche, northwest corner S9th and Belmont; take Sunnyslde car. Phone Tabor 865. SOUTH PORTLAND SLAB WOOD CO. Main 1680 A-8843. Blockwood, 84.60; dry Inside wood. $3.60; green siapwood, ja.uo 4-FT. CORDWOOD. GREEN, $5; DRY, $5.60; sawing 60o extra. Hawthorna Fuel Co., E. 8fih and Hawthorne. E. 816. Jkiao wood promptly (inllvered. Call Main 8767. Foot Curry 'St. YAMATO WOOD YARD. THE BEST fir wood for winter supply, $5 to $5.60. Phones E. 818. B-1867. E. 6th and Main. KIRK HOOVER, DEALER IN FIR, oak and aaliwood. 313 Water St.; E? one M a In 7451. GET YOUR PILE OF WOOD SAWED Gasolne Traction Wood Saw Co.. prompt and reasonable. Phone East 1525. CORDWOOD ..BOUGHT AND SOLD IN carioaa lots oniy. Mam 4za. WOOD AND COAL STAR WOOD A Coal Co.. .848 3d. M. 6612. A-1477, COAL AND WOOD S UNNYSIDE AND vicinity. E. 2067. Prompt delivery. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. See ARCHITECT-BUILDER, Seaside bungalows. Johnson, 204 Mohawk bid. DITTRICH ARCHITECT; 6oT Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak sts. ATTO UNITY'S W. A. CARTER AND E. H. DUFUR, Attys. at law. 601-602 Corbett bldg., 6th and Morrlaon. Main 8386, A-6775. A H. TANNER. ATT Y., 609 COMMER clal block, 2d and Wash. Main 1446. CTH. PIOGOTT AND H. J. BIGGER, attorneys, rooms 4 6 6. Mulkey bldg. ASSAYEKS WELLS & PROEBSTEL. ASSAYERS, analyt. chemists, 204 H Wash. M. 7508. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE AND ORE testing works, 188 Morrison st. . J, J. RANKIN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. JobhinH- and remodeling a specialty. 287 Front St. Phones Main 6628; Wood- lawn, 991. ROSE CITY PLANING MILL, MAKU facture moldings, cablneta, sash, doors, showcases. 88g Bratee, E-4213. O. WALLING. CONTRACTOR AND builder 4!H Dekum bldg. Main 5646. BROS.. HARDWARE plumbing. 640 Williams ave B. AND 4008. Si MELTON OFFICE, STORE Fix ture; gen'l lobbing. 67 1st. M. 3190. A S. SISLEY.CARPENTER; STORE, OF flce fixtures. 367 Burnslde. Main 6636. BATHS AND massage. 11U 4th St., cor. Wash. GRANT MANICURING kiss facial massage. AND Rooms 1-8, 146H 6th. 0 OSTEOPATHIC. PHYSICIANS DE l7ll1eBELLE PATTERSON, SPE. olallst on nervous, acute and ohronio diseases. 217 Fenton bldg. Paclflo 1180. DR. R B. NORTHRUP. 415-16-17 DE kum bldg., 8d and Washington sts. Phone Main 349.jExamlnatlon free. PAINTING AND PAPERING FOR BEST VORK. PRICES RIGHT, call P. A. Doane. E. 1095. 104 Union ave. PATENT ATTORNEYS PROTECT YOUR IDEA WE CAN patent It. Moulton & Scobey, atior neys, 604 Colum bia bid g., Portland, Or. J. J, HI RS HH EI M ER, 227 WASri ST.. rwtent and pension attorney. PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS. A. J. MAT- ter. 411 Commonwealth blag. R. C. WRIGHT, U. S. AND FOREIGN patents; mrnngment oases. 804 ueku m PRINTING THE EAGLE PRINTING CO., NOT IN trust; close llgures, good work. 38 Russell bldg.. corner 4th and Morrison. OGLIBEE BR03.. PRINTERS CARDS. billheads, etc. Main 1858. 145lsL RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO ALL OFFICE STATIONERY. P. li. C. Co.. 231 starK, reL 1407. REAL ESTATE CLEANING AND DYEING EUNNY81DH BTEAM CLEANING AND Dye Works, cleaning, repairing -and dyeing. Werk called for and delivered. Tabor 1057. B-2067. 206 E. 84th st FOUND PJXiTa TO HAVE OSTRICH feathers dyed and recurled; work guaranteed. 404 Marquam. A-4933. BATHS .kVrbigoc DR RING CHOONG. IMPORTER CHI nese root medicines: sells Chinese tea, certain cure for all diseases. 191 Id st AT OAKS SWIMMING POOL, Season tickets, $5. Free admission. Sellwood entrance before 11:30 a. m. to anyone with season ticket. TEMPLE Russian, OF HEALTH. TURKISH, rlaln nnd electric baths; core rheumatism and nervoua diseases; open day and night 266H Alder sL Successors to Prof. J. Friedman. BODLEY'H TURKISH BATHS. IMPB rlal hotel, open day and night 25c each. 31 N. Ftont at. WILlT'SELL MY RIKiDE ISLAND Red and Buff Orpington chlckena Staples the jeweler. 16 1st at. For sale launch, so -foot, fer- fect condition, complete, with house, cheap. Phone Sellwood 728 SALE FOUR BARBER SHOP FOR ehaira. 12 N. 4th at ELEGANT SUITE BATH. OAS. ELBC tric llrhts. Phones and use of piano; 4-ROOM COTTAntf i adults. 212 Park St. near Jefferson. i pioa, um in, ins; rent Main 87G1. $10. GO-CART FOR SALE CHEAP. 148 Knott st. Mississippi ave. call car. FOB RENT STORES-OfTICES FIRST ANT SECOND FLOORS. 25x100 new modern brick building, wholesale - district; low Insurance. Fire years' ' ': reasonable rent to raaponalble tenant Q-4j5. Journal. Genuine for rent AbS cogf eoly 1 ent a ward. I lnsertlona for FOR RENT flIGaAOK nrinu ii.w.i' partly decked. Elx-trie elevatni Front atraet L'. K Co. track. Hrci f.ti Jf"ltl Mala JiSirLAfi OCTf IDE OFFICg rooms for rent la new building; steam heat, elwuie snd gas light, wltb )&R. ' r eri-L N. E- nr. 3d and Madlsnn. O.'TSTc R TV GOOD OFFICE KOOlfX carpeted and $ertlallr furalabad; en. r.;.y iocaUd. laaujre at 11$ Ablsgtoa ' " ! 1 TT. FfACB FOR P.X't" t 'V v id; cail al cigar atora, Ith - . a an: If.sk nv. m ' tit i, its ani Aaabiagtoa.4 IRON BEDSTEADS $1-74 UP; GOOD mattress, II; springs, $1.86. Call 21 Union ave. REMlNGlON TYPEWRITER NO. $: IN good condition, with tabulator attach ment; will-' sail reaeenably. Addraaa X-21. Jeurnal. NEW CAST IRON ENAMELED WA ter ainka for aale at large reduetlona Max Levin. $ Front st REMINGTON TYPEWHITEJ. Ne. . 1 1 v9 hlgb-grale machine, prartleajly new. Wll iu-11 for 1 44 cash. Addreea, R T-. Journal. HOUFEBOAT op FOUR ROOMS. NEW and "Tr prt'r; will trade for lot ' Main A-1Tlf. 18-FOOT TRl -OTT LAUNCH. 1 H. F, perfect oondlttoa. Call II Margin. ' enrr Ckiwi - j $1 WHITE FEWINd MAC1UNE, wirn attarhaaetita; big bergala Caul 1 11 E- JrCvrrlnl, t .' U.T,GALTJis - fAVk tASlK, In' i good cornlitton; u1 three years; good ss ew r;t Hi aterk at trfi AaL- ( ACfiF.3 Of ctOVi-R. cheap. A23e o-l7. Jocrnaj. '. G. 8. SMITH, General Managaa, WASHODGAL DAIRY k LAND CO. REAL ESTATE LOANS, INSURANCE AND NOTARY PUBLIC Washougal, Wash., July 2, 1908. . Journal Publishing Company Gentlemen: We inclose herenth our check for June ad; amount of check, $18.20. We have been carrying an ad in The Journal for some time and we take pleasure in testifying to the benefits that we have derived from the same. We have received many letters oi inquiry and have sold several farms as a result of the ads in The Journal. WASHOUGAL DAIRY & LAND COMPANY. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED. $1.50 per month. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 BtarK st. J. M. Pittencer & Co., 263 Rusaell st. Phone B. 4649. Fire Insurance loans, real estate. JTW. OGlLBEE REAL ESTATE AND loans; estab. It 83. 1464 1st, room 11. SAFES DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES Large stock; lockouts opened, jails, metal furniture. J. E. Davis, 66 8d St. FIREPROOF AND BANK SAFES AT factory prices: second-hand safes. Mosler Safe Co.. TOR 2d st. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS H. W. TURNER. IJYtB-(UARPB1 B FOSTER 4 KLEISER. SIGNS, THE dyef a specialty. 605 Jefferson at. largest sign makers in the northwesc Main 2513. Bth and Everett its. Phone Prtv. Ex. 6S. A CLEAN- Home A-l 166. ALBINA STEAM DYEING In g Works. 298 Russell. East 6248. WHITEWASHING. WHITEWASHING AND SPRAYING. M. G- Morgan Co.. East 1617. 820 Union ave CARPET CLEANING JOYCE BROS.. PROPRIETORS OF THE Electric Cleaning works; carpets cleaned and laid, both dry and oom preased air cleaning; carpet-refltilng our specialty; warn guaranteed. Fhone i Main 2671 and A-2B7Z. 170 urant at. I Sanitary carpet cleanino. suc- tion and compressed air, carpets cleaned on floor. Main 6634 and 8200. J. HUMUt. HI M LAKMll ARUJJAT- treas clcan'g. 650 Jeff, st. 214. A-1214. CHIROPRACTORS DR. P. & BRIETLINO GRADUATB C 221 Marquam bldg A-1122. DR. L M GORDON. GRADUATE P. a C 104 i Oreg. blda. Hhone A-llll COLLECTIONS. INTERSTATE ADJUSTMENT CO, BAD debts collected. $06 Buchanan. M 1110. OIVE IB YOUR DOOU ACCOUNT: R. C Chlsm. 807 Couch bldg A-llll. DRESSMAKING "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT'' POfeT land Sign Co., 287 Stark. Paclflo 1696. TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES, RENTED, REPAIRED, aold. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. C a PICK TRANSFER BTORAQH company, of floe and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, with- separate Iron rooms and fire-proof vault for val uables, northweet corner of Id and Pine sta. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Phones Main 6. Home A-1198. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transfer and storage; safes, planoa and furniture, eto, movrd. packed and ahipped. 201 Oak St., between Front snd 1st Phone Main 647. A-124T IRELAND A M-MII.l.AN Movlng and expressing. Ibone East 661. 141-141 William, are. Oregon transfer" cd.. 114 i4. tTH. Main 41. Heavy haullnr and itnrar. INDEPENDEN raohaor A TRiXK fer Co. Storaae 3 34 8tark Main 401. KADDFRLY. tRANKl kH ft STORAOH Co 111 N. Ith. Main Itlt: A-1488. PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVFD- .wegrove uro... los ,t at Main 12U. VETERINARY COLLEGES FIRST-CLA orlng and ahle. Mra 8S DRESSMAKING. TAIL- ! ,AraA JPJSSin-?-1- alterations: prices reason-, nel'",btf'" b'P Prot, 414 6th; AlUl. j fo, tip"1 DANCTNO LESSONa 28o OPEN AIR EUMMER dancing school; opamtng today and tbia evening. Professor Wal Wlllaon'a school, IS4H Waehlcgton at, between West Park and loth et i tkiuF. RINOL.ER DANCING ACADEMT. a.sie-t acnooi; naaa or private lea song dally. IMH E. Morrison. PHofta. IXX1 AND HORSB HOSPITAL DR-XC EL BROWN 8 DOG AND HORSE hoapltaL 1 N. (th at Phone Mala lH A-4t'l; residence. Paelfl-; 3 41. XXlTROM KE'NNELP. 4T"H AND tt . vltioa sta. Tabor 111, Lore boarded. COL- pterhber Mar- WHOLES,. LE . JOBBERS M. A. GUN8T CO, DISTRIBUTORS F FIN E- CIGARS. ' PORTLAND. OREON. EVEnbiNU tt FaRHELL. PRODLcJ and remaalaalon merrbana 14 Front rt , Portland. Or. P nana Main 171. OREGON FURNITURl MANUFAC turlng Cn. Maaufaeturera ef farnt- tore for the tr5. I'ort 1 a n d. Or. WALHAKH CG WHOLEJaLE Gftol , era. manufacturera and cenunlaaiea lT'rcarl, 4th ard Oik ela. BA1 LS-WIC.Hf CO, CaTJE'N DA KA, Al vrttfg ieve;tlt. th at, ' ALLEN A LiWIS GROCERIEA.