The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 09, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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it John Sharp Williams' Presence Tomorrow One of the
r. Features of the Session Attendance breaks All
Previous Jecords.
Thl, the third Any of the flinutsu-1 nc e thnt greeted htm In tho Aurfl
qua 'assembly at Gladstone 1'iirk, had toilum looked more 1 1 K nn afternoon
tha honor of being dedicated to orep.m afisenMy tlmn a morning hour Forum.
City, the birthplace jof Uio assoc iation, j Pr. lijutt's subject was "The I'lnce of
la return Oregon City la turning out , II. nlih It; the I'liin of tioj." "Morul
. to .how It. .p.reolat..,,, of j No..aH
the honor. Every car coming In this I al tM(. Vorum by Dr. J 1? Wetherbee.
morning has augmented the crowd I Mrs. (,'nmilla lluiTurrmi istfT whs aolo-
wMch I. camping on the grounds. And , fur """ ,lln-
thi. crowd has been growing and In- Afternoon Program.
creasing .0 rapidly that at o-b..-h Alfred Montgomery will deliver hi.
last nignt not another imi was hi- i" last lecture for this aserablv todav,
P. 0. Department Serves No
tice 'Itegarding Jlural
3Iail Pontes.
b. rtntod. and the large supply provider
by the management was entirely ex
, hausted, and more will probably bne
to be ordered, as a number registered
yesterday who will not go Into camp
until the last week.
t CI... Work In Earn it.
This morning, for the first time, the
class work had settled down to the
routine of well-oiled and complete ma
chinery. Yesterday It was a shifting
, audience, many going from one class to
the other, on trial trips as It were, ad
justing tnemseives and rinding what
they really wanted to take, for the new
comer, to Chautauqua usually expect,
In order to secure good roadi on the
routes over which the rural free deliv
ery carriers pas.s In distributing mall
not only In the vicinity of I'urtlund, but
over all the country. Fourth Assistant
I'oHtnianUr-Geieral !giaw has issued
n new regulation to the effect that mall
will not he delivered to the farm houses
along roads which nro not kept In good
condition. Postmaster Mlnto received the
notice several das ago ami Immediate
ly notified the carriers of tho new de
partment ruling.
his subject b. ing "1 Ulettanltism in
Ait " Mr. Montgomery Is known as the
farmer artist, and to nay the least, he Washington the numbe
Is a unique figure 11s well an charucter roals covered by rural
perhaps individuality would better
apply, for he has this to a high de-
' pa,ld j
U. as
Dr. Ira Landrlth, president of Bel
-' . mont college, Nashville, Tenn.
when they arrive, to "take It all In
... put wita is departments or study an
hour devoted to each one, and just four
wormng nours or the rorenoon, to ac
- compllsh the work, even the smartest
Chautauqua ha. not yet been able to
solve th problem of .tending them
, Like all other feature, of this a.
semDiy. trie clas. attendance, la aur-
: passing an rormer years.
Professor A. M. Orllley. for the T.
M. C. A. holds away at the old Audi
torium platform, and his Instructions
in atnietios are being much appreciated,
particularly bit, the juveniles.
Mis. Anna Lewis Clark gave her first
talk yesterday at the Institute being
. cuiwuvwa oy, me f eaerauon or Wo
man's clubs, and talked on "Our Na
tlonal Resources." This morning she
couuucieu a class, greatly increased In
.lie, her subject being "Literature and
me community." .Biology, Bible study,
English literature and, indeed, every
class received Its full quota of at
tendance, out tho most popular, per-
haps, a. It has been for many years,
la the department of United States his
tory, conducted by Congressman Haw
ley. This morning It was crowded full
to overflowing, until the members
fringed out into the adjacent grove, en
Joying the lecture In regular picnic
. Into the lectures this year Mr. Haw-
ley is Injecting much of a practical
nature, and throwing some strong side
lights onto the history that Is making
and which he, from his position In the
hays of congress, has an opportunity
to observe and help make.
Dr. Dyot Leads Forum.
It Wa. a Strong cluuu that l
scholars this morning when the gong
sounded the hour of the Forum for
It .had become known that Dr. Dyott
grce and a close observer is puzzled to
decide whether to take him seriously
I or class him with the eccentrics.
Airs. Ada . 1. mull win lead me
Round Table discussion, the topic being
"Women In Reform Work."
Increased car service has been de
manded for tonight, when It Is expected
great crowds will come. both from
Portland and Oregon City to welcome
Ir. Ira Iandrlth upon his first appear
ance at Chautauqua this year. Dr.
1-andrlth made a marked Impression
upon his audiences last year, and there
Is uvery reason to believe he has lost
none of the power to hold and entertain
an audience that was so marked on
former occasions. His subject will be
Moral Muscle lor a Man s Job.
Professor Knox will give a readln
at 8 p. m. and Miss Huth Field
Salem will precede Dr. Landrlth's lec
ture with a solo.
Great Day Yesterday.
That was W. C. T.' V. day and was
a success In every particular, although
coming so early in the session. Miss
Leonora Lake of Bt. Louis was tne
speaker and a more eloquent and force
ful address has never been heard from
the Chautauqua platform than the one
delivered by this talented Irish orator.
Mrs. Lake is a magnetic speaker and
held her large audience to the end. 8I10
opened her address, "1 he Divine Rights
or the Child." by many beautiful words
of appreciation of Oregon roses and
Oregon scenery. Mrs. Lake also
a glowing tribute to the W. C. T
tne organization tant nas planted tne
seed from which the present harvest of
temperance Is being garnered. In her
eloquent plea fpr the opportunity of the
child to be well born and well reared.
Mrs. Lake well represented the organ
ized mother love of the W. C. T. U.
At the close of her address Mrs. Unrulv
who Is an old-time friend of Mrs. Lake,
presented her witn a beautiful bouquet
of Killarney roses from the W. C. T. U.
A reception was given at the W. C.
T. U. headquarters to give opportunity
to meet Airs. JLake personally and a
large number availed themselves of the
privilege, and went away with great ad
miration 'for this charming woman.
Some years ago Mrs. Lake was a
parishioner of Archbishop Christie be
fore he had attained his nigh position.
and one of her first acts upon arriving
in Portland was to pay her respects to
her foemer pastor.
At th. T. W. 0. A.
The Young Woman's Christian Asso
ciation headquarters looks like the
busiest and "homiest" place on the
grounds. One end of the large audience
tent is used for a lecture room, where
Dr. Hroughton and Rev. Paul Rader
are giving morning lectures on "World's
Citizenship and sociology respectively
The other end of the tent is hung with
every conceivable contrivance for tho
use and convenience of the housewife.
and nere Mrs. uiien n. Miller of Port
land holds forth, giving d&IIv talks and
demonstrations In cookery. "Hot breads"
this morning brought out a great crowd
of women who took the keenest inter
est In solving the mysteries of quick
bread, sour milk loaf, coin bread and
fruft muffins.
Beside this large tent the association
has a number of small ones, with floors.
and quite comfortably furnished which
iney rent dv tne aay or week to young
women who wish to stay on the crounds i
at night.
i-ariv application, have to be made
for reservations as these tents are much
In demand.
.Nav ral months ago the fourth nsslst-
ant Issued an order requiting postmas
ters at lural delivery offices to report
to the department headquarter at
or nines or
free delivery
from their offices and the names of the
road officials having Jurisdiction over
each separate section of roads.
Letters are now being sent to these
rond officials notifying them that rural
free delivery will not be continued on
roads which aro not kept In condition to
be traveled with facility and safety at
all seasons of the year.
Something like tift miles of rural free
delivery are covered each week day by
the carriers which start from tho Port
land office. It Is expected that the
Multnomah county officials will receive
notice within a few days telling of the
new ruling of the department and urg
ing them to keep the county roads In
as good condition as possible so that
the rural mall delivery may be contln-j
ued throughout the year. I
There will b. no franchise" for th.
American District Telegraph company
In Portland if th. action of th. ooun-
ell yesterday in Indefinitely postponing
action on the ordinance requesting that
the company he permitted to Install an
auxiliary fire alarm system connecting
with the city fire alarm system can b.
taken us an Indication.
Superintendent Reed of Seattle, ws
present to explain to the council th.
desires of the coinnanv. He wa. ac
corded the privilege, of the floor but
asble from that was given a very cool
reception by the cuuncllmen who have
practically granted a similar franchise
to the National Automatic l ire Alarm
Kox company.
Councilman Kollaher led Ih. fight
against the measure. While moil of
tho councilman showed lndlf fereno. a.
to the fate of the ordinaries there were
enough actively engaged to kill It. I
Councilman Dennett strove to have the
council postpone action on the meas- j
ure until the passage of the ordinance
asked lor by the. jsaiionai company.
Hy votes of seven to six all effort,
to have unv action save to Indefinitely
postpone which Is equivalent to kill
ing, were voted down.
Finally a motion made by K.Uaher
to Indefinitely postpone via passed;
without a dissenting vote.
New York hs.s the greatest number of
rural routes of any center in inn coun
try. There are 1.R04 routes all told.
made up of 1,629 mile, of macadam
road and 33,352 miles of earth, gravel
and sand roads.
Tomorrow will positively be th. last
day for discount on west side ga. Dill..
Portland uas company.
Buenoa Avres has a population of 1..
200.000, of which about 80 per cent is
foreign, the Italians forming about 80
per cent of the foreign population.
Big Reduction
. . wuflicdauuiitti cnurcn O
Portland was to he oop nf th
While but a comparative stranger to
the older Chautauquans. Dr. Dyott's
fame has spread abroad and it Is safe
to say that those who remained faith-
??,.ltl!e,r clH8s dl1 BO wl,h a lien ft
divided between duty and desire. The
In the
IVole . ch
catch-as-r .
nt now.
M days, " says Mr.
:n were brought up
'an. but Its dlffcr-
Yes, their bringing
- up and their dressing-up
is different from what it
was when we were boys.
Today the style for
boys from 8 to 16 is dou
blesbreasted coats and
knickerbocker pants
we're selling the $5.00
and $6.00 kinds now at
$3.85. See the big
window full of boys'
wear at greatly reduced
1057-170 Third Street.
Chautauqua Music.
In music the Chautautiua Is outdoing
itself this year. There is first the In
dian band, which, from the beginning of;
lime, as computed by the Chautauqua
calendar, has been the prime favorite, 1
and awakens the American eagle to I
louder screams and wider swoops than I
any other feature of the session. The
Indian bore re -simply irresistible. I
They are a well trained, manly set of ;
young men. , , ,
Professor Heritage, while mualrafW'f
structor, puts most of the numbers on ;
the program. Last nlsht. which wslk i
the first entire musical one. was a sue- i
cess in every particular. For two weeks'
before the opening of Chautauqua, Pro- )
fessor Heritage was drilling his chorus
at Oregon City and the finished work '
of last night testified to his ability i
a an Instructor arul chorus leader. j.
A musical feature of the assembly
not booked nn the regular, program is i
the Philomath Temperance singers, a '
quartet of young men under the man- I
agement of President White of Philo
math college. They have fine voices
and are enriching many of the pro-,
Mrs. Camilla Buergermelster. who
will be heard twice today, has Just re
turned from seven years' musical '
study abroa.', and is considered one of
tne rinest soloists tbat has ever
peared at Chautauqua.
Social reaturea.
Dally at one or the other of the
headquarters some social function Is
given In honor of some distinguished
person who is upon the grounds, and
many of the campers do much private
The most notable social event yet an
nounced Is a reception which Is to
given at the headquarters of the Fed
erated Woman's clubs tomorrow lr
honor of Mrs John Sharp Wllilams of
Mississippi, Mrs. Hawley of Oreiron
and Miss Clark of Missouri Mn
prominent women have accepted Itn na
tions to be present.
lodav a notice was received at head
quarters that the Teachers' nnd Moth
ers c!ut of MHwaukle hart charters a
car for Tuesday -woman s day and
er. coming li0 strong.
Minority lout leader.
Tomorrow Chautauqua- will reach
high water mark when John Sharp Wil
liams it.e eloquent and undaunff.l
mif.rlty house leader will be the ct
tro.t' .r. It will he a rare opportunity
t' hesr a rry remarkable man. n
everyone who has pver heard him con
cedes him to - He is crt!r,;v ene
of th picturesque flrurmi In thVha'ls
of cur f rem.
"We are selling the finest ready-to-wear
Clothing in America
at greatly reduced prices.
Special Sale
Extra Quality Panama Hats
311 Morrison Stret
Opp. Postoffice
IP iiiiii
Philip Pe:::-ig. father of Bute
Senator -!ect hn Silling. Is
rlously ill st y., homt al m
Main stre. Iptt th fsct
that h Is M re&rs of ag be
underwent a surglcsj operation ,
yesterdar .nd this morning waa
aaia to hf tnarh ImproTed. b.
I. suffering from a eoBvpItca
tfbn of ailments, but his friends
r.op he will rapidly regain hsi
strength. He u a plonr
merchant of th. city bat rlrod
from business trrtrtl
AVegelable PreparafionraTAs
sijnilaring tteFoodantfitouia
ting (jtf Siomadis aMUowcJs of
EViA'.i.sri. 11I Aim
Promotes Dicstionhrfrfij
ncss and RestXontalns ncitferi
Opium.Morplunc norMiacraL
A perfrd Rrafdy for Consty
r toa . Sour StDraach.Dlarrtioa
Warms forrvuisions In&ak
ncss ski Loss or Sezip.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind. You Have
Always Bought
Hears tne ,
Signature Atf
Ksact Ccff of Wrafpi
xJr For Over
Thirty Years
u w 11 11 II UN
Friday and Saturday Specials
O TOCKS in all departments are beine closed out rapidly. More and
7 more are Portland women beginning to realize the wonderful puf
charsing power of their dollars at this store. For Friday and Satur
day we .offer a list ofspecials that cannot be duplicated in the city qual
ity and price considered, v All sales are for cash no C. O. D. or mail
orders and none charged. All articles exactly as advertised.
35c and 50c Vests
Women's fine ribbed French
'lisle Vests, sleeveless, silk
finished; come in white ofc
black and standard 35c and
50c values; a bargain.
Men's $1.25 Shirts at
Men's fine Golf Shirts, made
from best quality French ma-
ndras, soft front styles with sep
arate cuffs; best regular $1.25
and $1.50 values.
Full 16-button length, pure
silk, double tipped fingers,
all colors, black and white;
standard $175 and $2 grades.
15x33-inch fringed cotton Towels,
very absorbent, red borders; f
dozen 65; each. DC
18x34-inh red border Iluck Tow
els, selvedge edge; godkJ 18c 11.
quality; $1.25 dozen; each..llC
19x40-inch fringed Turkish Towels,
best regular 15c grade, Clos- 1 A
ing-Out Sale, at, each 1UC
Table Linens.
56-INCH TABLE DAMASK, a splendid wearing Quality
and our best 40c grade; dice and floral patterns, the OC
yard LJC
PURE LINEN DAMASK 64-inch pure linen Damask, made
especially tor hotel and restaurant wear, extra heavy ?7
double warp; our regular ,90c quality, sale price, yd. UfC
72-INCH IRISH LINEN 72-inch pure Irish linen Damask,
beautiful designs and superior finish; standard $1.50 QO
.quality anywhere, Closing-Out Sale price, a yard OC
72-INCH CREAM DAMASK 72-inch cream Damask, extra
heavy double warp, bleaches out in a few washings CP
' and our. best regular 75c quality, special, the yard DDC
72-INCH SATIN DAMASK 72-inch double satin Irish
iinen, our own direct importation, very heavy and beautiful
tmish; standard IK.SU value, Closing-Uut bale, 19
the yard OlAl
64-INCH LINEN DAMASK 64-inch all pure linen Dam
ask, extra heavy, cream only; best standard $1 quality, CQ
Closing-Out Sale price, the yard... UC
Lace Curtains
Scotch Lace Curtains, 2lA yards long and 45 inches 1 Oft
wide, white and Arabian; $1.75 grade, at ....lCif
Scotch Lace Curtains, 3 yards long, 50 inches wide; d iJ
white and Arabian; $2 grade, the pair pl4i
Fancy lace stripe Ruffled Swiss Curtains, dots and 1Q
figures; regular $1.75 grade, special, pair Pl.l
Ruffled Swiss Curtains, in all size dots; our best QO
regular $2 grade, special price, the pair.... Ol00
Curtain Swisses
36-inch Curtain Swisses, with colored woven dots and f
fig-ures; our best regular 25c grade, at, the yard. .1 1 C
36-inch extra fine white Curtain Swisses, in dots and lO
figures; standard 20c quality, on sale at. the yard 1i2C
k 40-inch cross stripe Madras, all colors and the usual "I 9
25c quality, on sale at this very special price, yard I C
40-inch stripe Curtain Swiss, in white only; standard Q
12Sc grade, extra special, yard take advantage vC
36-inch Cathedral Madras, a good variety Of patterns f Ol
and colors; the best regular 25c grade, yard l2C
Best $1.00 Corsets
Two rows lace insertion set
with five rows pin tucks, lace
edge, beading and ribbon,
very dainty style and stan
dard $1 grade.
$150 White Parasols
This line also includes tan,
pink and blue, all other parasols
in stock reduced in like propor
tion for Friday and Saturday;
your chance.
Nazareth Knit Waists
Nazareth Knit Wajsts for
children, ages 2 to 12 years;
come in pure white and un
bleached; on sale Friday and
Sheets and Cases
72x90 Sheets, reinforced center and splendid quality; QQ,
regular 55c grade, a dozen Jp-4.50; special, each OOC
81x90 Sheets, reinforced center, extra heavy and best CC
regular 70c grade; dozen, $6.50; special, each DDQ
Pillow Cases, 42 by 36 inches, fine quality muslin and 1 J
regular 15c values; dozen $1.25; special, each
Pillow Cases, 45 by 36 inches, extra heavy quality; bett l 1
regular 17c values; the dozen, fl;50; special, each.,..14C
Towels Crashes
15x33-inch fringed cotton Towels, very absorbent, red
borders; 65 a dozen, at this special price, each DC
19x26-inch 3-lb. duck feather . Pillows, farrcy ticking If
ular 18c quality; dozen $1.25; special price, each 11C,
19x40-inch fringed Turkish Towels, best regular 15c ft
grade, our Closing-Out Sale, special, each 1UC
21x42-incli knotted fringe linen Damask Towels, with OJ
red borders; best 40c quality, special price, each jtLDC
18-inch Turkish Toweling, with red borders, very ab- 1 "I
sorbent; best 20c quality, special price, the yard 11C
18- inch linen Russia Crash, either brown or bleached; ft
the best regular 2y3c quality, at, special, the yard C
19- inch rod and blue check Glass Toweling, the best 7
regular 12;2C grade, Closing-Out Sale, special, yard IC
17-inch twilled Cotton Toweling, ready for use and the t
best regular 8c value; Closing-Out Sale, a yard JC
Feather Pillows
17x24-inch feather Pillows, weight 2 pounds; best 65c Crt.
grade, Closing-Out Sale price, special at, each aUC
18x25 inches, 2 lb. feather Pillows; the best standard
85c quality, Closing-Out Sale price, at, each U)C
18x34-inch red border Huck Towels, selvedge edge; reg- QQ
and the best $1.50 grade, special price, each uC
20x27-inch, 3!4 lbs., choice live goose feather Pil- d 19
lows; the best $225 grade, Closing-Out Sale $l4f
24x24-lnctt hemitltched Damaak
Squares; riular 60c grada,
86xt6-lnch hemstitched Damask
Square; $1.25 quality, p. 71-
clnl. ench
44x44-lnch fancy Damank Sqnarea,
in rich floral design; beat ' r
regular tl grade, special, ea. . ,'
18x27 hematitched linen Tray Clothe,
a standard 60c quality, on Bale at
thl very special price, OKn
each Jt
S0x30-lnch hemstitched Mexican
drawn work Squarea, linen: the best
regular $1.25 grade, special. O e
1 r
Women's 25c Hosfry Long Lisle Gloves Men's 25c Hosiery
15c 75 c 12&c
loo dozen women's fnnry Hos- Lull length genuine French Men's fancy stripe embroid-
!raT; mc: '"Yacr'sfAr.: ..G,.v n,hx whi,e ",nd v,td-and plain b,ack and un
plain colors, embroidered and a1-nade? of tan: best regular Hosiery; best regular 25c
while foot; 26c grade. $1.25 quality; a full line of sizes. quality; sale half price.
Sample Coats, Waists, Skirts
Closing-Out Sale Friday and Saturday of all Tourist Coats, white linen and duck Skirts. Hk, lawn
and net Waists, Bathing Suits, black oiIe and Panama Dress Skirts, and cream serge Suiti at
regular wholesale prices. All sample garments marked below the regular wholesale cost Closing
Out Sale of balance of our atock of knit Underwear, muslin Underwear Waists, Corsets, Hosiery
and Parasols.
Se riird ando Sale
- y