THE OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY 'EVENING, i JULY 4. 1908. - - !.. r T Can It Be one? What? BEAT ALL OBSTACLES Alhfinv Younff 3Ian Over- V " came Many Handicaps and Won Scholarship Last Year Others Can Do likewise. Albany, Or.. July 4 Contest man ger When I ojiterr-d TIip Journal's erlnr-.attnnnl rnntefit a yonr ORO, I was irilh many mlHglvinRs for I had ui usual obstacles to overcome, rhystcal ,v ! Tv't ... t;'V,V r i1 rjP, , Email m in 1 1 hi aeiS" II iwnmiiniii Wis mm iiMIiiiiiiiilil'iiii iumji i 4 'Glenn E. Walker mummies were a nanaicap, our iarra home made more travel necessary in .' order to reach good canvassing ground, and that irhlch was most to be prized : was lacking; a mother's love and words , of cheer, but with a determined spirit and your words of encouragement I pressed on through the race and won a scholarship. In the Holmes Business college of Portland, though thus far circumstances have not permitted mc to enjoy Its widely known advantages. ' "What I accomplished others can sure ly attain. Wishing The JournaJ suc cess. GLENN E. AVALKER. Such determination as young Wal "Tlter displayed Is admirable and proves t.hat great handicaps can be overcome vhen one has a fixed purpose Jn mind. Any healthy boy and girl with ambi tion has now within reach a valuable scholarship and should enter The Jour i rial's educational contest without delay. -The conditions are easy, the work is pleasant and the remuneration Is great er than thousands of smart men are able to earn. All students who contem plate competing should call or write the contest manager at once. DR. RILEY PLEADS FOR BETTER FAMILY TIES The week day services at the White " Temple which have been conducted for the last three weeks by Dr. W. B. Ri ley of Minneapolis and his singer, Mal t colm C, - Martin, closed last night. At the conclusion of the service Dr. Brougher expressed his pleasure at hav ing had Malcolm C. Martin present to lead the chorus choir and extended to him the hearty good wishes and prayers gregatlon. Miss Helen Bushnell, a member of the choir. In a felicitous speech presented both Dr. Riley, and Mr. Martin rose Jars of Satsuma work. Dr. Riley and Mr... Martin responded, congratulating 'work-they are doing. Dr. Riley will speak three times Hunaay. that being the closing day or tne series or meet " . ings which he and Mr. Martin have been . conducting In this city, - ... Sunday morning at 10:80 o'clock he will speak on "The Stray." At 3:30 : o'clock to men only on "The Sixth Com mandment," and at 7:45 on "A Man in the Modern Bodom." - The appeal last evening was espe cially to family life and the subject taken from the entrance of Noah and his household Into the ark. Dr. Riley maintained that God had made pro- ' vision of salvation for the entire fam ily and that by divine appointment the father and mother ought to precede their children in coming to Christ eveti a Noah and his wife went first Into me ri. He discussed the present attitude of fathers who propose to let the wives have the religion for the family and . reminded them that it was not so In God's appointment. The husband Is the "house-band." That is the derivation .'of the. word. He should bind It to gether not only from a material and intellectual standpoint but he should ' be Us head In all spiritual things. No more pathetic scene can be enacted than that occurring in homes where fathers permit their children to come to their majority -without so much as having namen me name or unnsi in adoration and love. BARLEY AND HOPS a food and a tonic. A trifle of alcohol an aid to digestion. That's beer. If you get a pure beer well aged nothing is better for you. It is not good advice to say "Don't drink beer." There are rfiany who need it. Your doctor advises beer. The healthiest peoples of the world drink the most of it. But it is good advice to say, "Don't drink the wrong beer." Some beer causes biliousness. Schlitz does not. Schlitz beer is both good and good for you. Nine people in ten would be better for drinking it. Schlitz is the home beer, because of its absolute purity. It is aged for months, then filtered, then sterilized. There are no after effects. Ask for the Brewery Bottling. Common beer is sometimes substituted for Schlitt. To avoid being imposed ufon, see that the cork or crown is branded Schlitt. . i Pt'one Main 2779 Sherwood & Sherwood 8 Front St., S. E. cor. Ankeny St. Portland 6 eerThat Made Milwaukee Famous KEY COLLINS COMES TO ST. DAVID'S The Rev. Dr. H, C. Collins, lately add ed to the staff of St David 11 ehur'-h. has arrived with his wife and little daughter Loan and is with Ir Van Water, at the rectory until settled at his cot t Me in Woodstock. fit, -TMvH'e occupies a strategic poet- GMQFTONG T017AIR1SIS Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping "it will wear away," are drifting towards Bright' s Disease, which is kidney trouble in one of its worst forms. 0) 0) IS FtE)mBnMlM(Cllll stops irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues of the kidneys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kidneys strain out the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body, causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight disorder in a few days and prevent a fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. How to Find Out. Yon Cafl easily determine if your kidneys are out of order by setting aside for 24 hours bottle of the nrine passed upon arising. If upon examination it is cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust sediment or small particles float about in it, your kidneys are diseased, and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE should be taken at once. G. B. Burhans Testifies After Four Years. G. B. Burhans of Carlisle Center, N. Y., writes: "About fear year ace I wrote jron tatin( that I had been entirely cared ef a sever kidney treabl by taking leu than two bottles rf Foley's Kidney Cure. It entirely (topped the brick-dust sediment and pain and symptoms 01 kidney disease dtaappeared. I am f lad to say that I have never bad a return ef any of those symptoms durine the four ana 1 years thet nave elapsed. heartily recommend Foley's Kidney Cure to any one eufferiu from am evidently cured to stay fured, and kidney or bladder trouble.' Two Sizes, 50 Cents and $1.00. SOLD AIID RECOMMENDED BY ALL DRUGGISTS lion In East Portland and it Is Intended to enlarge the scope and develop all the departments as an institutional work for the east side. A southerner. Dr. Collins first went to China, where he was seven years con nected aa physician and rearulnr mis sionary with the church's work, He returned la 1900. traveling: extensively In the East Indies and Europe. With the exception of a year at the T'njverslty of VlrsinlB. he has been do ing the church's work In the far west. He carrie to The Dalles three years ago and has been Identified with Oregon since. ' g 0,0 CURES oOLD SORES Tforvl Alarms' fa fl tia1 tintfl tfi mhu ir rmA na it Viae Ka.h mhimJ External applications of iuJvea, washes, lotions, etc, may reduce the inflam mation and assist in keeping the place clean, but cannot cure the trouble because they do not reach iU source. Old aorta exist because the blood id infected with Impurities and poisons which are constantly being discharged fato the place. The nerrea, tissues and fibres of the fiesh are kept in a state cijrritatioa and disease by being daiJj fed with the germ-laden matter ir rocja we arroiauon, mating it impossible for tie sore to heal. S. 8. 3. cures chronic sores by its purifying action on the blood. It goes down into tbe circulation, and removes the pclson-producing germs, impurities and nrirbil matters which are responsible Xor the failure of the place to heal. S. S. S. makes the blood pore, fresh and healthy; then as new, rich blood is curried to the spot the healing process begins, all discharge ceases, (he i .'irt-rsatiou leares, new tissue begins to form, the place fills in with firm, Jeaitiy fiesh, sal soon the sore is permanently cured. S. S. S. is purely trtH!e, tie safest and best blood purifier for yoang or old. Book oa U.'-J ULcxS aa4 any medical advice free to all who write. . ' TH2 SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. J ATLAITT A.' CLA. REVIVAL SERVICES AT RODNEY CIIURCH The Rodney Avenue Christian churh has arranged te begin special evangelis tic services "Sunday, July 6, In a Mg tent which has been pltche1 on Knott street between Rodney and Williams avenues. - li. C. Kellems. one of the sblest evan gelist 'and Bible teachers on the coj nas reen securer! as tne evangelist. A large chorus choir under the lead ershlp of Professor A: W. Shaffer will jead in tne singing. Evangelist Kellems has held great meetings in tbe northwest and large results are expected in this meet ing. The tent haa been seated with ch.lrs and all who come early will be sure or a comrortabie seat Sundsy topics, 11 L m.. "FT very Man In His Pier"; I p. m., "Tbe Greatest Creature Ood Ever Made." A WOMAN SPECIALIST MRS. . K. CHAN the only Chinese woman doctor In this city, bhe has cured marfy afflicted sufferers. Cured-J private and femaJe dis eases, also throat and lung troubles: stomach, bladder and kidneys and diseases Of all kinds that the human flesh Is heir to. Cured by Chinese herbs ami roots. Rem edies harmless. No oper ations-. Honest treatment. Examine, tlons free. J1H MORRISON ST- be tween First and Second. Of-rmaa rrincrlet's Birthday. SfrWI Ptarstek te Tbe JnsnaM Berlin. July 4. A liberal display of Dags In Berlin toosy marked the rb-ervwrte-e ef the ec-onfl blrtrviay ef En perrr Wiliiem's eldest grandson, Prlace tVIUlam Frederick Fri-2 lnmr,h rrim- Diamond Roof Stains iu SKAsrn If ACS FROM CREOSOTE 5 Gal. Lots 75c Per Qal Portland Sash $ Door Co. sso rmosTT sr. roBruurD. oa. TEETH WITH OR WITHOUT PLATES ovr or Towir nom Wa ea ae you satire Oiwwa, Briar sal Plate Work la a day If ieeeeary. Watttvely Falsi e Xatnetla. Tt when bUtea or brMsea are ordered. Seastttee teeth aa reota rssssyiS with at ths leat vats. Tea chairs. Only tbe most HeaUfie and rar-eful wark. W. A WKE-n Assoctarxs ystals Dnnsta. i raOlac- BlatviTaM SaS Waakiatea a m. te S SL SK! InMlan a m ft I Cook With Electricity .4r ; r " ?... ''fit 111 y-)i& r.T."e Since "Seeing Is Belie?ing" YOU can SEE the above question answered by at tending the practical demonstration that will be made at the Supply Department of the Portland Rail way, Light & Power Company, 147 Seventh street, between Morrison and Alder, at 10 a. m. and 2:30 p. m. daily for a week, beginning Tuesday the 30th. An expert demcmstratdr has been engaged for this pur pose. Phones, Main 6688, A-5517. Portland Construction Company Of PORTLAND, OREGON ENGINEERS AND BUILDERS OF ELECTRIC RAILROADS, POWER GENERATING PLANTS AND CONCRETE DAMS. CAPITAL STOCK, 5500,000 Par Value $100 Per Share ?100,000 PREFERRED, $400,000 COMMON This company has contracts for the construction of 200 miles of electric' railway through Gilliam, Wheeler, Wasco, Crook and Grant counties; also contracts for concrete and steel dams on the John Day and the Deschutes rivers ; also for concrete work on bridges and buildings amounting to over $6,000,000. These projects are being financed by a bond issue of the Wasco County Electric & WaterPowet Co. to the amount of $15,000,000, and the money se cured from the sale of this bond issue will be de voted to the payment of the above-mentioned con tracts. . We Offer 5100,000 of the Preferred Stock of This Company, Paying 8 Per Cent Per Annum, at 392 Per Share; guaranteed by contract with the promoters to turn over to a trust company twice the amount of the par value of this stock in bonds of the Wasco County Electric. & Water-Power Co., to be held in escrow as security for the payment of this stock at the end of 10 years. A sinking fund to retire this $100,000 of stock at the end of 10 years being a stipulation in the preferred stock, which will pay, as above men tioned, 8 per cent dividends per annum. This stock controls the entire assets of the com pany. The money secured from the sale of this pre ferred stock will be used for the purchase of equip ment and for actual construction of 40 miles of grading and contractors' skeleton railroad to haul material for construction of power dam at the John Day river, and for all other purposes incident to the carrying forward of the work involved in these con tracts. - " We can recommend this .stock to be a first-class investment. COOK & TRUBY 511 Corbett Bldg. Portland. Oregn ... A-2181 . . - .-. , - -. tiaa OUX. wiK was bora Juiy a. Hit. 1 PJ "-! FTtraeUon, lee; I la tea, fiv ILcts A ase iia; iCii, . . '