The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 04, 1908, Page 10, Image 10

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Action Should Ho Taken by
the Lpffislaturr, Says
: an Epert.
Equitable in New York
Jtivak Kvory Known
: : . r : : '
; ; :;:.tUv 'IV '"it.--; VAf 'VJ it pleases us immensely when u
; t ;.w'r-h o ' r-j - :J 'A FORMER CUSTOMER SAYS: 1
V 1 U "Voq I hnfu vnn iIa fhp
(Soli-ra Bureau of Tti. Journal )
' Salem. Or., July 4.--KIwoul M.b.1. the
''fcesEi'eCOfrnlsf'U" niitlinrlty on
-rights ' and Irrigation, In a luttr-r to
" State Engineer John II. Lewis advises
' that Uie Oregon law Include two feat-
urea: First, no perpetual power rights;
y second, an annual charge for water used
In Irrigation. Mr. M-ad. who Is now the
chairman of the state rivers and water
upply commission of Austral!, says
"' Oregon should K farther In the direc
tion of public control than states which
legislated earlier.
. The charge for water used In Irriga
tion should be baSfed according to Mr.
Mead on the amount appropriated not
V the amount diverted, and the charge
ehould be so much a second foot. Wy
oming, which has the best water code
of any state In the union. Is indebted
' largely to Mr. Mead for Wyoming s
water laws were drawn up by him while
he was state engineer.
"If there Is a charge for use of
water for Irrigation purposes," says
the engineer, "It will cut down excess
- and surplus riehta as effectively as the
New Zealand land law prevents fraudu
lent values for taxation. In New Zea
land each man fixes the value of his
property for taxation. If the state
thinks this Is too low it can buy the
property at the assessea vaiue wun iu
percent added. The sin of undervalua
tion la almost unknown.
"In Australia the charges and rentals
for water rights, both for power and
Irrigation, are sufficient to pay for the
supervision of the streams and .relieves
i the general taxpayer from this burden.
TIM main ining la u aurii on uoiri
- opment and prosperity and the more Im
pressed I am with Its superiority over
the lax and wasteful surrender of con
1 trol In America.
"First, there Is no wasteful litigation.
There has not be"en a single water right
lawsuit in this state for 10 years. There
Is no wasteful or excessive use of water
to maintain a surplus right. There Is
a reserve power of the state to apply
the water to a higher use whenever the
p tieed appears. --
State Engineer Lewis has prepared a
-water-bill that will be proposed at the
. next legislature, and If there Is no such
legislation accomplished next winter
Mr. Lewis through the aid of the state
arrange will propose a water coae
through the Initiative.
retain excess taxes
.-Perpetual Granted Against
State by Circuit Judge
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
-McMlnnvllle, Culy 4 Circuit Judge
. Galloway has Just handed down a de
cision In favor of Yamhill county In the
case of the county against the state
" treasurer, asking for an Injunction re-
:' straining the treasurer from collecting
the county's excess taxes of $21,00(1.
' Attorney General Crawford argued the
State's case, and the county was repre
sented by Attorneys McCain, Vinton and
Pipes. The injunction was ruled per
petual hy Judge Galloway. The case
will be taken to the supreme court some
: time In October.
Observation Car Fortland-The Dalles.
Commencing Monday morning, July
t, the O. R. & N. will run the obser
vation car "Altec" between Portland
and The Dalles. This car will leave
Portland at 8:30 a. m., arriving In The
T)atlee at 11:30 a. m.; returning, leave
The ..Dalles at 1.45 p. m. arriving in
Portand at fi:15 v. m.
- ' Theffddltton of this - luxurious car
will afford Dassengers every opnortun
Ity to enjoy the never-to-be-forgotten
ride through the grand Indescribable Co
lumbia river gorge.
The announcement that comes from
New York thut ii ti urrhltect has Juat
completed the j.hiiis for a Q2-story
building to bo eructed on lower Kro.icl
way by the Kqult.-ible Life Assurnru-e
society haH caused a renewal of the agi
tation to limit the distance which these
HkvHcraneis mav project Into space.
New York's proposed monstrosity will
reach a height of S'.tO feet above the
sidewalk, and when completed will be
the tallest structure In the world, rls
Ing 20 feet above the celebrated Eiffel
tower, which for the past dozen years
has held the record lor height wltn
over 200 feet to spare.
Architects and construction engineers
said five years ago, when the 41-story
(Singer building was started on Hroau
way, that this structure would mark the
limit for height and that no other
builder would dare attempt to surpass
Land Values the Cans.
But land values have reached a point
In New York where it is impossible to
get a fair return on the Investment ex
cept by pisftlng up buildings of great
height. As An Illustration of this fact,
a New York architect who was re
cently before the building commission
of that city, protesting against limiting
the height of buildings, testified that
a 12-story building on Williams street,
In the heart of the lower Hroadway of
ficii building district could not be made
to pay more than 3 per cent on the In
vestment, while a 20-story structure in
the same district yielded an Income of
but 4V4 per cent.
In spite of the opposition to limiting
the height of these sky piercers. It looks
Library Smoking Stirs Aberdeen.
(Special plana trh to The Journal.!
Aberdeen, Wash.. July 4. Whether
or not men shall be allowed to smoke
In the new public library, as suggested
rv "Rev. Charles McDermoth and Fred
Hart, members of the board of trus
tees. Is agitating the citizens. There la
an even division of opinion on the mat
ter. There are two women on the board
of trustees, one of whom is in favor of
the plan, while the other, although op
posed from principle to the use of to-
baceo, says that if the majority of the
board of trustees favor It she will not
Attended by the highest priced baby
' apeclallst could not be cured of stomach
or bowel trouble any quicker or nun i
than your baby If you give it McOee
Haby Elixir. Cures diarrhoea, dysentery
and all derangements of the stomach or
bowels. Price 25 cents and 60 cents.
Bold by gkldmore Prug Co.
as if the Equitable building will be the
last or Its kind to ro up In fsew lorn,
s the building commission Js making
it thorough Investigation Into the re
puted disadvantages of tilling up the
city with lofty structures, and it Ih be
lieved will adopt a regulation maKing
radical restrictions along this line.
Another reason that Is advanced In
favor of allowing skyscrapers In New
York is that the city has exhausted Its
f aclll ties for spreading out. and. if it is
to grow In future, must grow upward.
This reason Is probably not applicable
to any other large city in the I nited
States, for none are built as Is New
York, on H small Island. Philadelphia,
Chicago, St. Louis. Baltimore, New Or
leans, Hoston and others, where the
skyscraper has not taken such a hold
on builders, have ample room to spread
In several directions.
Other pistrlots Spread Out.
In many of the larger cities of the
country property owners are in favor
of, spreading the business district over
a greater area, and thereby giving in
creased values to a larger district,
rather than putting up tall buildings
in a restricted, high-priced area.
Architects and engineers agree that
th question of safety cannot appro
priately enter Into any discussion of
the matter of limiting the height of
buildings, provided they aro constructed
In accordance with the most modern and
best methods. The principal objection
to lofty buildings Is that the average
structure above 15 stories high cannot
be designed so as to be. architecturally
beautiful, but on the contrary must In
the very nature of things be ugly and
unomamental. Fortunately, Portland
capitalists and builders are not Inclined
to run their buildings above 10 or 12
stories, with the result that the dozen
modern structures that have gone up
nere in tne past two years are or at
tractive design and pleasing to the
Portland Is Blessed.
Neither is there a tendency here to
concentrate business within narrow lim
its. A local architect commenting upon
this fact said: "It Is a question if any
other city in the country the size of
Portland has so many costly office and
retail buildings spread over such a
large area. It has a tendency to make
real estate values more uniform, and
prevents rents from reaching a prohibi
tive figure. Business has not become
so heavy here that it must be confined
and while there is time an effort should
be made to prevent running buildings
f j, : I dcsi worii ana u anyinmg
7 I ; ! s " I isnl jus! riflhl you'll make I
i - . . ;r I in ia
."'. -:' " .-:-:;- fcV '" , "' ' 4 II H
- s s I III B
r ', 11 i in h
I nV ' II It' seems the idea is transmitted from I
a-'' l A l- if ti - r :! 1 II one customer to a prospective one. v "WE H
j 1 ; , . J DO THE BEST WORKS'IT'S BE- i
' sx H;v(?lfrii: ' ; ' cause we do
1. mmvl- -
Lf 'r- mr-l, V The
,f .... smm- - W.G.fflcPhcrson Co.
i . Hl 1 ' Heating Engineers 1
fcraOTKIT.ffWinMMam im J HiinimiasnlSlan 1nmm.11 .rtniaiitmmnni in niij H 32830 GL!AN ST j
Ten-Story Annex to Hotel Oregon. 5 S
Inquiries From East Indi
cate Better Business
Valuable Building Material
Molded to Suit Fas
tidious Tastes.
Shingle Mills Find Demand for
Product Much Below Output and
Close Down to Work Off Surplus
up Into the air until they become mon
One of the great . difficulties is to
overcome tjie rkvalry among architects
Hnu eneineers wno are unxlous to set a
record of achievement. New rossibtH
tles In structural steel and reinforced
concrete construction are constantly
coming to light Which foster the Idea
to still further Increase the height of
Five-Story Chicago
hire Will Be Kolln
Half Block.
Lumbermen report that there seems
to be a somewhat better feeling In the
lumber market. Inquiries from the east
Indicate that dealers have about come
to tho conclusion that soon will be the
more advantageous time to fill their
stocks. It Is said that In many cases
have stocks been allowed to run down
to the very lowest ebb with the view of
having a cleanup while things were In
anrt of rhnotle state.
1'rlces are about the same as a week
ago, and those Intending to br.lld are
getting; the benefit of what lumbermen
declare bedrock' ouotation. They say
lumber Is lower than It has been for the
rast elirnt vears. Shingles, too. are
cheaper bv far than they have been for
many years, and mill work shows no
advance, although tho
In this
Portland Oregon
What Live Stock
Insurance Means
Tht we Insure the lives of yotir
horses, mules nd rattle against
death by accident or disease for
two-thirds their cash value at a
Tory nominal rata.
Money invested 5n lira stork
- should bo as fully prtct4 aaainat
death from other causes as from
flra. On hundred and ninety nlna
aslmala die tnnually from acci
dent and d'.aeoaa whero ona Alas
rota flra.
We have paid til.POO In looaeo
from aorldants and dloeaso to the
earners of !! stork In Oregon,
Idaho Vtah and WaoainctoD.
A great house-moving task is now in
progress 'on tho west side In Chicago.
The o,-.ent!'.n Is part if the denning
up work on the site of the new JO.noO.-
, "0 station of the .Northwestern rall
' rc-d. A flve-storv l.rlik and st-el hulld
II. K. 100 ret wl.le by 1.10 feet long.
' welshing about i.A'OO tons. Is to be
In .e(j H dlstancn nf (ib ml lislf a block.
T! - '!. will . msi t'o'.ouii nod will re-
.4 . : r : hree mnnMm
A (."Md groundwork of giant l!-by-ll
woodi n beams I. .is been placed ' be
neath the buildliig to within a foot of
Its sir.; cross-beams, njid ordinary rall
r'ad Tall.- h.'ive leen lajcl crosswise on
t! e wo. 'den 1" am On the tops of the
rails. hli h ar- a foot and a half apart,
ar- laid s'.eel rollers two Inches In diam-
efrr and wo fwt long fy means of
district are enjoying good business. The
steady local demand has made It un
necessary for the sash and door manu
facturers to look farfor customers. Hut
the lower price of lumber has enabled
them to quote lower prices than a year
There Is said to be an Increasing de
mand for standing timber, not only
eastern men placing their money in the
j forests, but western men. too. having
! I. ad their eyes opened to the excellent
opportunity for investment In timber.
Stumpage Is quoted at from 60 cunts to
m i per thousand, and men In th busi-
II US.- 1 r"ss declare that in less than two years
from now the value of every s'lck of
I timber will have doubled
! Some of the logging oum;is along the
''nlumhla river and its tributaries closed
I down during the week, and their men
, have rome to the city to celebrate the
Fourth. Benson's bis camp at flats
! kitnle will remain Idle for a month,
j The Twin Falls Logging company's
i pump at Yaoolt. Wash., has been closed
j for the Fourtbi and It Is not known
how Tvin operations will be resumed
teere, the bin lake near Vancouver being
filled with logs.
A couple of shingle mills have been
dosed down, their owners intending to
n main Idle until business Improves.
number of shingle mills on fugrt sound
loat had been closed for sortie time re
opened this week because of n falling
ut between tne operators I his is n-
An Interesting feature In the onward
march of concrete as a building ma
terial Is to note the change that Is be
ing made In the character of blocks that
are In general use. The blocks Just
on the market were not accepted as
a desirable substitute for brick or stone.
They were usually of the rock-faced
pattern, and were condemned by archi
tects and builders of good taste.
Many are still used, but they are
gradually giving way to the plairHsur
face block. The protest against tho
rock-faced block has been so general
that manufacturers and builders are
gradually discarding them. They have
substituted a perfectly plain surface so
far as any design Is concerned, merely
seeking to produce a pleasing texture
and color. home of the finest houses
in the country have been built of these
blocks, the facade being relieved by col
umns and cornices in moiuea concrete.
In other words, it has been found that
the- most simple, direct and economical
methods In block manufacture and build
ing processes produce the best results.
Heretofore there has been a straining
after whimsical effects, something not
confined to blocks, however, but Intro
duced on occasion In all forms of con
crete, construction Intended to represent
tne more refined types wltn the result
that the right sort of progress has been
retarded to some extent. It has been
akin to the forced designs In masonry
as exemplified, for example, by boul
ders set In cement like so many huge
marbles, or gateposts decerated with
projecting stones for cap pieces, which
are not only ugly In themselves but in
vite the disrupting. Influence of rain
and frost.
REACH 8300,000
Week's Building Record the
Highest Touched for
Several Months.
Sum Includes Huge Warehouse Un
der Construction by North Bank
Road More Apartment Houses to
Go Up.
Building permits for the week will
total about $300,000. the largest sum re
ported for any one week In several
months. Included In this sum Is the
two-story frame warehouse for the
North Bank road, which Is being erect
ed on the river front, between Raleigh
and Thurman streets. The second larg
est sum named In a permit was $10,000
the estimated cost of the alteration to
be made to the Empire theatre.
Henry H. Keed. secretary or tne Alas
ka-Yukon exposition, announces that ho
will soon begin preparation for the erec
lion of a modern apartment house on
Portland Heights covering a quarter-
The newest building promised for the
business center of Portland Is a hand
sumo structure to cover the quarter
block at' the southeast corner of Sev
enth and Stark streets, the property
purchased this week by Theodore H. Wil
cox. . The character of the building to
go up on this corner has not been de
termined by Wilcox, but will be In
keeping wltl the recent Improvements
on the surrounding property and with
the Importance of the location. When
soon. Mr. Wilcox said that the purchase
was made as an Investment required
that a suitable Improvement be made
without delay.
pected possibly to have further weaken
ing effect on the market.
WU1 Leave on Vacation,
(ftrwrlal Planatrh to Tb Journal )
Astoria, Or . Julr 4
dlx. l"nlted States
harle. H Hsd-
eustom-house In-
Jack, the wooden beam, wrtl push the 1 'JA' ? K?nt dVLl'?
rails and rollers up so as to lift the I . !t"C' "Ji1 -ii f,. P?.rfnt!
K. W. f'rlghtnn has broken ground for
a two-story frsme residence, of modern
design, on Wasco street, between Fast
Sixteerrth and East Pevcnteenth streets,
estimated to cost $4500.
Tho Orefl-on TT.leotrlfi Rallwav com
pany ias taken out a permit for the
erection of a warehouse on Water
street between Columbia and Jefferson
streets. The building will cost $6000
and will be put up by Lltherland and
Architect W. L. Morgan has let the
contract for the erection of a new music
hall for McMlnnvllle college.
The building will be a two-story
frame and will cost approximately
M". DeLIn has begun the erection of a
four-series flat at West Park and Hall
streets. The contract was awarded to
W. D. Garret at $5600.
E. H. Hobbs has begun the erection
of a one-story frame residence at East
Twentieth and locust streets to cost
W. L. Consor is building a handsome
one-story cottage at the corner of Emer
son and Cleveland streets. Walnut Park,
which will cost $4000.
A. R. Mendenhall has taken out a per
mit for the erection of a large flit
building on Larrabee street, between
Cherry and McMIUen streets, cost $7000.
Architect A. H. Kaber is preparing
lans for a natural stone house, 4 8 by
SV twe-storles high, to be erected In
Piedmont. It will have nine rooms In
the lower floors and two rooms In tho
attic to be used as servant quarters.
The estimated cost Is $6000.
hi'lding off Its original foundation
The building will move along on the
r llers at the rate of about 10 feet a
Offices, Rooms 8, 9 and 10
Lafayette Bldg 3 13
' Washington St.
The Short Line to St. Paul.
Tho Canadian Pacific. Boo-Spokane
rout ) the short line between Port
land 'and tba Twin rules their time
tho faaHeot.
In Texas. While there he will attend
th annual convention of the B. P. O
Elks at Iwllaa.
Xotarlen Commlsatnned.
(Special D)Pa"h t T Journal )
Falem, Or.. July 4 Commission
notaries have been Issued to John
Mtddletofc Portland, K Hale. Elmlra. i
Edward T Catlow
H'orhrm, Horrrer
Denlo. and
rumlng'Monohydrate-66 Dcg. Be.
liltrlc and Hydrochloric Acids
X Dollroroc ha task ears, irtaj mt oat-tor.
! Peyton Chemical Comp'y
for overy loyal American is to put
his home In order In honor of the
birthday of liberty. Among tho very
necessary factors essential to this
purpose Is new paint where paint la
needed. BAY STATE Is Just the
kind you require, because It Is road
mixed and eaay to apply.
Fisher, Thorsen & Co.
Don't Overlook
These Lawn Mowers
at cut prices If you want to keep your
grass in beautiful trim. We recom
mend their strong construction and
ease of keeping In order, their ease as
to propulsion and their all 'raund good
4$ Third St.. Bet Pine & Ash
A Perfect Paint
for Beautifying! and Protecting all Kinds
of Structures. Put up in full U. S.
Standard Measure
New Era Paint & Varnish Co. IZ
I Agents For
Green-Marshall's Creosote Rusticand ShingleStains
Greens That Won't Fade
PHONES EAST 2898, B-2435
Qenasco Roofing
Carried In stock for all kinds of roofs and fully guaranteed
13th and OUaaa Streets Phonos Mala 4T98. a ivos
Repair Work Given Prompt Attention Founders, Machinists and Bolleimako
xuuuinar anu (structural work.
Off lea and Works,
Kawtaorne Arenne and Bast
Third Stroot.
Phono Boat 8.
pomnvajro. omxooir.
The Adamant Company's
I 'aUKu m.M TI 1 Tin tW ITT T a uSnT. n - .
Offloo Worooarfcor Bids'.
Celebrated HARD WALL PLASTERS ar tba best
BRAND" Hair Fibered
Phone Mala Tla. Boas All It, v '
Factory, root nth at. Pfeoao w.t, tlofc
W. P. FULLER & CO., Pacific Coast AgenU
Roebo Harbor Lira a, Alortia Portlaoa Comeot; Naptl Banding, Casting- and
(wntal I'lastrr. In) port ad Flro Brick. Import ad and Domestic rlro.Claf, Hatr
rtbra4 Hardvall I'laetar, riaetarlne; Hair ana fiber. AUunlted Stool ktuddtag.
H-rr'r..rrxT Lirail 8kaal Lath HmIm Shat MaLal Lath
I ST&XXT. Paoao ZlaU tTfc POaTtAJTO. OBI 0 OB. f MH TB3B TSZT.
John A. Melton M
Factory and Offloe til Boooofl
treat, near Mala.
Phones; Mala ITIT; A-1TII
Office and Storo Flxtnroa built
and romodalod.
Altering and repairing
and Counters troll L
.The on boat oUeo la Portland to bar. Geographical rot tor and most a
airabl raotdoaco property of tho city.
" Peeing U bellaTtng. Botor go sad aoo tho anany caotca roaMoaeoa iav
enstntctioa and tho imprrr agents go big on.
- Mirum, GBB90B.