The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 02, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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" 11 1
. Test C Suit to Determine
Whether State Has Equity
" " " In Albina Property.
' (Salem Bureau of The Journal.)
Salem, Or., July 2. Escheat proceed
1ng ftiay be atarted by th atata to re
cover .title to 10.- acres lying In the
business and realdent district of Albina.
Assistant Attorney-General J. -H. Van
Winkle completed his Investigation
yesterday which were jnade ' at the re
quest of -Covernor Chamberlain, and in
hla report to the land board atatea that
the conditions 'surrounding the different
, transactions In which" the.' title to the
land la vested point sufficiently toward
xraua to set aside tne aeeas to every
acre m the tract. i
The ttract Includes the Williams ftvo-
Due and Cook additions and comprises
i ail- the property between Morris and
I. Ivy streets on the south and north, and
L Maohihir from Williams avenue ort tire
.. cost almost to the Wlllamatte river
" on the west. The tract la nearly a mile
jongr and afoont 8 rods wiae. v
' Mrs. Sarah Prot'bs tel. wife of Wendell
Proebatel, was the original grantee.
She died without leaving heirs. A group
a -attorneys w In (Portland, including
among others H. A. Hogue, Bent Klllln,
all of whom are dead, are alleged to
hava trumped up some heirs in Ireland.
It la shown by the records in the pro
bate court that these heira were satis
fied, which is obvious, since they were
not heirs at all. The attorneys in
volved are alleged to have bought the
Jand from them at what it was worth
at that ame and sold it at an enormous
If it can be shown that these are the
facts, the' nronerty will revert to the
atate and become a part of the commoi
achool fund. The valjp of the prop
erty is conservatively approximated at
Q. Kvert Baker will be appointed b
the land board to brlnsr the suit in
escheat if the findings of the attorney-
. general are thought to oe wen oaseu.
it will mean that all those people who
Faculties Are . Selected for
All Institutions Ex
cept DrainT
(Salem Burean of Ttat Journal.)
Salem, Or., July-2.r-In selecting in
structors for the normal schools the
board of .regents at Its late meeting
was guided largely by the investigations
of the board of visitors. The report of
the board of visitors on the qualifica
tions, of . the instructors in the normul
schools was highly commended 'by the
reaents. As it was iWommnnded to
abandon the Drain school no faculty
waa elected, for that school. The other
faculties were elected as follows:
weston KoDert C French, president,
instructor in Davnnninirv jtana TiMfurnav
Paul H. Wyman, princlilii of tralnin
school) Instructor In methods and art
teaching: Mrs. Anna Z. Crayne. pre
ceptress, instructor in pngnsli and do
mestic science: Miss Clara G. Hall.
mat hematics and. tis . Mrs. Clara-!
umvBit r rencii, cnemistry ana urn
logical sciences;' Donald P. Mitchell.
mualc. atenouranhv. tvuewtitlne. book
keeping: Miss Mabclle 8. Millar, -music
and drawing; John Mather, manual
training: Miss Asrnes Hulflnch. critic
Harrison K. Shirk, critic; Miss Emma
DauWson Warden.1 klnderaartner. super
visor of primary grades; Miss Naomi
Djengei, assistant in training scnooi.
Monmouth E. D. Ressler. oresldent.
instructor In nrlnrinles of education: H.
B. Buckham. psychology. history of
education; Miss 8a rah Tuthlll, ungusn
literature, elocution;. A. F. Campbell,
lstory and sreometry; Miss Ellen M.
Pennell. rhetoric and. grammar; Miss
Loretta Smith, critic teacher In tralnin
department: P. O. Powell. Latin an; u A. Koninson, pnysics
and aleebra: Mrs. May Bowden-Babbitt.
diawlnif and music: H. Zophar Tharp,
hvsical director. Training school
oachers at Monmouth are not employed
rftkey the state but by the local school
. FOR 850,000
Property Holders Want Back
That Coin Given to
the County. -
Disbcirment Proceedings Are
Instituted Against Lo
cal Attorneys.
have purchased property and have their
Homes in una froeDstei iraci nav. not a
legal title to the property and cannot
hold it. It is one of those eetlons In
Portland that has grown fastest during
the last few years and has a number
or new and modern nomea costing irom
12,000 to 13.000 each. ft V
Will Carry War Against
Thieves Into the Chief
Cities of the East
f United Press Leased Wire.)
San Francisco, Jul 2. Rudolph
Spreckels, the San Francisco millionaire,
who la financing the "graft prosecution"
here, announced today that he Intends
to go to Philadelphia. New York, Denver
and Los' Angeres, after the graft cases
here have been finished, to aid- In the
starting of similar mores on tiioao
Cities against graft.
Spreckels says he will devote his life
to the campaign ag-alnst corruption in
municipalities. Ha thinks this is one of
the best ways to get the government of
the country back into the hands of the
people, o Unless the people know who
are their friends, says Spreckels. they
cannot vote right, and the movements
to be started will show them who are
their friends.
The financial support of the graft
prosecutions., in the other cities will
come trtgn th cUles themselves, and
Spreckels will simply give them the
Benefit or his experience here.
The announcement has created wide
spread Interest.
board but the following were recom
mended: R. Traver, principal; W.
A Petteys and Miss Ruby Shearer.
'Ashland Harry M. Shaffer, presi
dent; W. T. Van Scoy, W. U Moiling.,
Armllda Doughty, H. H. Wardrip, A. R.
Joy Mrs. K. B. Wickersham.' Mrs. K.
E. Slofln and Miss Esther Silsby.
A course of study was outlined and
the same system will -be followed here
after at each Institution, Admission to
the normals has been raised to ninth
grade requirements. Those who have
not had ninth grade work will be re
quired to take a year of preparatory
work before they will be allowed to
enter, the normal school.
aed Wire.)
JulV 2. Douf
claims to b(
(United Preaa Leaaed Wire.)
Raymond, Cal., July 2. Thomas Hill,
San Francisco's famous landscape
painter, la dead here, at the age of
vs years. In his life hef, received' SI
medals for his wonderful work and
was -known throughout America and
Thomas Hill was born at Birming
ham, Enaland, September 11, 1S23, but
came to America, when he was 11 year?
old, settling with his paronts at Taun
ton, Mass. He studied at the Phla-
(Cnlted Press Lease
Los Angejes, Cal., JulV 2. Douglas
M. Montgomery, who claims to be a
former second lieutenant In the Sixth
United States cavalry and the scion of
a wealthy New York family, Is a pa
tient in the receiving hospital here, fol
lowing an attempt to commit suicide
when he was arrested for the alleged
theft of $1,300 worth'Of diamonds and
money. Mrs. Caroline O'Dea of San
Francisco, with' whom he eloped five
months ago, caused his arrest. tier
tenia, which she accuses him of having
aken. were recovered In a pawnshop.
Before he was taken from ti apart
ment" of the couple, Montgomery asked
permission of the officers to go Into
uie bathroom. opening the medicine
chest he -seized a bottle containina
bichloride . of mercury and swallowed
about 10 grains before-the vlil could
be wrenched from his hands. Mont
gomery was hurried to the police hos
pital and arter the physicians had
worked over him for an hour he was
pronounced out of danger. Montgom
ery, according to the police, said he
would kill himself as soon1 as he was
About a year ago Montgomery be
came acquainted with Mrs. 6'Pea,
whose husband is the proprietor of a
hotel and oafe in San Francisco. Five
months ago, the police say he Induced
Mrs. O'Dea to elo:)e with hlin and the
couple came to this . city, where they
have been living as Mr. and Mrs.
George 11. Miller..
Mrs. O'Dea has three children, whr
are with her husband in San Francisco.
(Special JJlspateh t The Journal.)
Pendleton, Or., July 2. The city of
Pendleton has lastituted suit against
Umatilla county to recover 160,000 col
lected as road taxes from the city dur
ing tha past six years. City property.
owners claim the provisions of the city
charter exempted-', them from such a
tax.' k
Last year Umatilla countv raised
$74,000 for road Duruusesi and of that
amount $12,000 came from Pendleton
property. All of the monev was ex
pended on Improvements outside of the
elty. .The road levy last year under the
full valuation was 23-30 mills, or In
other words amounted to noarly 6ne
third the total tax of the county.
. In ' the pnst the assessment has not
peerr so nnvy, nut It Is estimated that
about $8,000 per year has been raised
In Pendleton. This amount, prominent
attorneys declare, can be recovered, and
It is to this end the present action is
oeing iaaen ny tne city.
It is now planned to have the city
government take charge of the suit, and
to have an property owners pool their
accounts for tha purpose. It is de
clared that the city property owners
are entitled to win their suft on the
ground that local property is taxed for
street Improvements, and that county
property snouia pay ror road work.
Complete Unci for Men, woman and
You will save Jialf bv btivlna- Aaur
Darning suit, here auring the closing
out saie. am pi a lines or wnite-waists,
linen skirts and muslin underwear at
about half price. McAllen & McDonnell,
Third and Mprrlson streets. .
(I'nlted Pre Leased Wire.)
Cleveland, July 2. James S. Sherman.
Republican candidate for the vice-presidency,
who was critically ill here, left
his morning, with Mrs. Sherman, for
his home in Utica, N. Y.
The candidate still Is very weak and
was conveyed In a wheel chair from an
utomoblle to the train.
Mrs. Sherman, who has suffered se
verely from the shock of the announce
ment of her husband's sudden Illness
nd from the vigils she kept at the
hospital after her arrival here, also
was wheeled to the train. She, is near
a collapse and every precaution is be-
ng taiten to prevent a breakdown be-
ore sne arrives at utica.
The citizens of "Utica have been in
formed that it would be better not to
have a demonstration upon the arrival
f Sherman, who has not been home
ince his nomination.
(Salem Bureau of The Journal.)
Salem, Or., July , 2. Disbarment pro
ceedings have been started , against
three Portland attorneys; on two addl
tlooal counts against-J. A. Finch, on
one additional count against H. C. King
and on one additional count agalns
John F. Watts in the supreme court.
Disbarment proceedings have been
started before against the three but
were never prosecuted.
It is charged that Finch fraudulently
ana raiseiy ajrixea the signature of
Charles (Plggott and his notarial
seal to a pension, voucher of Charles'
Keyes; that In. this action Finch was
deceitful, dishonest and corrupt and
had calculated to defraud the United
States government.
Also: It is charsred that Finch nrnf-
rered two cheeks drawn on' Ashley &
Kumelin for $5 each when he had no
rjimis in tne Dank; also that he cashed
another worthless check for $5. For
an of which Ralph B. Fisher, nrosecu
tor fnr tliA hap aaar.Mattr.ri n.-.iwil n.In.
that Finch is unfit to continue longer
to practice in mis state as an attorney
and -counsellor at law, that he Is dan
gerous to the public and tends to bring
tne nonorea profession, or wnlch he is
a memoer into disrepute.
H. C. King is charged with- dishonor
able practices. King Is alleged1 to have
engagea to aerena lioy Bummers,
charged with larceny, for $160 and tak
ing advantage of his confidential rela
tion learned the address of the parents
of nls client. He Is then alleged to
have communicated with them and of
fered to defend their son for $500. of
wnicn ne received and appropriated $400.
According to the charaes John F.
Watts falsely, fraudulently and deceit
fully conspired .against the defendant
ib divorce caae of August L. Schwa-
bel vs. Clara Schwabel. Watts told the
defendant, it Is alleged, In this case
that he had .destroyed a certain Indent
ure mortgage upon a compromise agree
ment when in fact he had not. He had,
in fact, it is claimed, assigned the
mortgage to third parties who after
ward held It as valid and held the de
fendant to its provisions.
Notary Commissions.
(Specixl Dispatch to The Journal.)
Salem. Or.. July 2. Commissions as
notaries have been issued as follows:
E. O. Potter, Eugene; G. H. Billings,
Ashland; E. E. Parker, Pendleton- Julia
Klrker Havre. Portland; W. S. U Ken,
Oregon City; Glen O. Allen, The Dalles;
H. Bailey, Carlton; II. F. MeGrath,
Alfred A. Hampson, O. W. T. Muelhaupt,
nd James Mcl. Wood, Portland.
R. B. Bontledge Beaigna.
The many friends and business ac
oUalntances of R. R. Routledee will
be surprised to learn that he has sev
ered his connections with the Port
land. Seed company.
He has been with this firm for the
past six years, having full charge of
tne retail department, advertising and
catalog work, and is on.e of the "oldest"
young seedsmen In the ojty, having fol
lowed this particular line of work for
the past 14 years.
Mr. Routledge is an active member
of the Portland Ad club.
It Is almost needless to add that Mr.
Routledge has the best wishes, and
will enjoy the support of his many
acquainances in the business he is
about to enter.
If Yon Eead Thla ,
It will to to legxu that the leading medf
cal writers and teachers of all the several
schools ot practice recommend, In the
strongest terms possible, each and every
Lingredlent entering Into the composition
Fef Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
for toe curs ot weak stomach, dyspepsia.
catarrh of stomach, "liver complaint,"
'affections, and all catarrhal diseases of
whatever region, name or nature. It Is
also a specluo remedy for all such chronic
or long standing cases of catarrhal affec
tions na ineir resultants, as oroncwai,
throat and lung disease (except consump
tion) accompanied with severe coughs. It
Is not so good for acute colds and coughs,
but for lingering, or chronic cases it, Is
especially' efScaclotis in producing por-
iect cures, it contains xtiaca tnerry Dane,
Golden Seal root, Bloodroot, Stone root..
Mandrake root and Queen's root all ol
which are highly praised as remedies for
all the above mentioned affections by such
-mlncnt medical writers and teachers as
Prof. Bartholow, ofJefferson Med, Col
lege; Prof. Uarejrf the Univ. of Pa.;
Prof. FinleyHtngwood, M. D of Ben
nett Mea. wpuege, Chicago; rror. jonn
King, M. IL.OI Cincinnati; Proi. John
M. ScuddeiM. D., of Cincinnati ; Prof.
Edwin Mflate. M. D., of Hahnemann
Med. CyfTejK Chicago, and scores of
otheraejufally eminent in their several
ichorflavtjt practice.
.The "Golden Medlea.1 Discovery " Is the
WY.m'cflicinfl ..nut "tMifMaiaI
arijggistsTor jlk,e t.arnoaes. thafTftaf any
of fu ft
ium. ouen puwiciiy oi its formula
more than
ny pnm yr-nl frri-iorY tffi-
is the best possible guaranty or its merits,
A irla.nnA at this' Dubllshed formula will
show that "Golden Medical Discovery'
contains no poisonous, harmful or hablt
formlngdruss and no alcohol chemleaily
finre, triple-refined glycerine being used
nstead. Glycerine Is entirely unobjec
tionable and Decides Is a most useful agent
In the cure of all stomach as well as tron-
chlal. throat and lung affections. There
Is the highest medical authority for its
use In allsuch cases. Tho " Discovery " Is
a concentrated glyceric extract of native,
medicinal roots and is sale ana rename.
m A. IXJOS.iOW Ul CAWatlfl 11 UiU Wljjlii i w,
medical authorities, endorsing its Ingre
dients mailed free on request. Address
Dr. E. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y.
Beat the World. Affords.
"It gives -me unbounded pleasure to
recommend Rucklin's Arnica Salve,"
savs J. W. Jerrtrrns of ChaDel Hill. N.
C. "I am convinced it's the best salve
tho world affords. It cured a felon on
my thumb, and it never rails to heal
every sore, burn or wound to-whloh It is
applied, zoo, at okldmore Drug Co. drug
store. -
(fnlted Prma Leased Wire.)
San Diego, Cal., July 2. Torhave
jumped into the bay In an effort to
save tne two daughters of County
Auditor Cherry, when an automobile In
Which they were riding plunged off the
ferry boat and to have been dashed
against the hull of tne boat and killed,
unnoticed by the large crowd on the
boat. Is thought to have been the fate
of E. A. P. Stephens, a rew iork archl
first medal at the Maryland Institute
at Baltimore in 1853. Coming west In
1861 he painted portraits and did other
figure work for six years, receiving
first prize, at the Art Union at San
Francisco In. 1S65. He went abroad and
studied under Paul Meyerheim at Parts
for a year, then opened a studio at'
Boston, where he remained for a few
years before returning to California.
Among his notable landscapes an:
Yosemite Valley; "White Mountain
Notch; Donner Lake; The Great Can
yon of the Sierras; The Driving of The
Last Spike; The Grand Canyon of the
Colorado; The Yelowatone Canyon, and
Mulr Glacier.
dejphla Academy of Fine Arts and took I tect, whose body was washed ashore at
Coronado Beach today.
Stephens had been missing since Fri
day night and . ne police were looking
for him. The position of the body and
a wound on the head ftrengthens the
theory that the young architect lost his
life trying to save ine lives of others.
Stephens was last seen alive on the
boat, but It was supposed that he hrfd
got off at Coronado and disappeared
after be landed.
Express Companies May Mix.
d'alted Praaa Leased Wire.)
ChicAgo. July 2. Financial circles
hore are Interested today In a rumor
tbet the United States Express com-
Tinnv anri Hi Wall a. Ja o.r AvnvAaa
White Canvas -Oxfords ior:r.ljytij!r
T conflict La the west that may produce
Blucher cut. Splendid quality, usu
ally sold at $1.25, all sizes, from 8 a. m.
to 9:H0 p. m . at 69c a palr tomorrow at
Bannon & Co.'s, 888-390 as,t Morrison
street, near Grand avenue.
(United Preaa Lvaaed Wire.)
El Paso, Texas, July 2. An east-
V . . J rr . P Tl -1 1 - . ;
rain into a washout near Horacho,
Texas, 1S5 miles east of this city last
right and Engineer Joseph Jones was
Instantly killed and several of the pas
sengers were injured. Fireman Elmer
Ellis escaped by lumping, and was only
slightly hurt. None of the passengers
sustained serious Injuries, It la thought.
The engine, baggage car apd two
coaches left tbe rails and rolled down
an embankment. Fortunately the train
was proceedine cautiously, and the re
maining cars did not leave the track.
The washout wag caused by a cloud
burst. In clearing away the debris of the
cars wrecked today, the bodies
or tnree unidentified Mexicans were
found under the baggage car. mak
ing four deaths as a result of
the accident. Engineer Joseph Jonea
was crushed under his overturned en
gine and waa dead when found. The
Mexicans were stealing a ride on the
"blind baggige" when they met death.
(Special IHapatrh ts The Jnerfial.)
Salem, Or., July 1. Articles of Incor
poration have been filed tn the office
of the secretary of state as follows:
Mount Scott Improvement club: prln
rlpal office. -Arleta. Or.; Incorporator.
Charlea Stout.- O. N. Ford. F. L Mar
shall. - - . '
The Wise Dental rornpany; prlsrlpal
office. Portland; capital stock. 15A.O0O;
Incorporators. W. A. Wise. H. A. Wise
nd H. A. fSturdevant. -
rny: principal office. Hood River; cap
ital stock, ll.Oae; Ineorporatora. Ralph
C. Grimia. Ceorra C Perdue and free 1
MUla.-- --s'5!- ---
a lowering or express rates all over
tne country west of the Missouri river.
Vrw Srng, Poslam. Vow Obtainable la
Small Quantities. '
Since Its discovery One year ago, the
new drug, poslam, has successfully
cured thousands of chronic cases of
eczema and other distressing skin afflic
tions. Heretofore poslam has been dis
pensed solely for the benefit of eczema
patients In large Jars sufficient for -a
month's treatment Thia was found to
be an Inconvenience to many thousands
who use it for minor skin troubles, such
I as pimples, blackheads, herpes, acne.
sc&iv scam. conD i nn r emisnea, ltcn-
Ins; feet, pilea. etc., which require but a j
small quantity to cure. To overcome i
this, and In response to urgent appeals,
the dispensers of poslam have been I
obliged to adopt in addition to the reg- j
ular two-dollar nackaare. a special fifty- I
-e'nt size, which In future may be- found
on 'sale at the Bkldmore Drug company
and other leading drug stores In Port
land, or may be ordered direct from the
Emergency Laboratories,, No. 3i West
Twentv-flfth street. Km Tork- CAt. tn
all eczema cases poslam stops itching 1
with first application, and proceeds to '
heal Immediately: chronic cases being'
cured in two weeks. In less serious skin j
troubles, result arc seen after an over
night application.
Bampief for experimental purposes
may still be had .free of charge, by writ- .
Ina-tethe lahoratnrte for, teem. i
Full and Complete Stock of
Fireworks Wholesale and Retail
Western Importing Co.
Marquapi Building Opposite Portland Hotel
United Praia Leaaad Wire.)
Seattle, July I. Nick Galush, a Greek
laborer, was crushed to death by the
cavine of earth In an excavation for a
pewer yesterday afternoon on Jefferson
street. Through the heroism of A P
Helnman, tunnel foreman, -the lives of
three other laborers were saved. Heln
man himself had a narrdw escape. All
the men were working In an excavation
about 80 feet deep. ' Galush, who lost
his life, was on a staging about 6 feet
from the surface when the cave In oc
curred. He was carried down, but the
others ran ud the ditch, escaping with
their lives.
. ' . , ' i'
Cool Summer Apparel
and Boys
Exceptionally strong attractions at
prices easy to pay, in Men's Two-Piece
Outing Suits,, Outing Pants and odd
Tropical Coats assures everyone who
comes to "look," of a display not to be
matched in Portland.
Special displays of Summer Negligee
Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery and Bathing
Our Straw Hat section, brim full of
all the latest and up-to-the-minute styles
and shapes.
fhe only Chinese woman doctor In this
I itv 12h k.a .
afflicted sufferers. Cured
private anal female dla
eises. also throat and
lung - troubles: stomach,
bladder and kldneva and
d-iseaaea of .all kinds that
the human flesh 1s heir
-VlL. ,x Cored by Chinese i
T berba.-and root. Rem- j
,naC Hottest treatment. Examine-!
imrs rr-e. MORIUSUIt ST, be-4
taeen First as4 Second." . I
Ar 7
m i
291 Morrison Street., Bet 4th and 5th Streets
Bona Fide Sale of High Grade
Shoes for Men, Women
and Children
Exery Pair Shoes in the House'
at Discount Prices
. ' ' - I
"iuxf It-"1
We Can Save You Money
Are Worth Fally Five Dollars More
"The right goods at the right prices"
Itemed Frpfl
Men's and Boys' Outfitters
193-193 FIRST ST.
Portland, Ore.
Main 259
OFFICES: 512-513-514-516 Vcrc'estcrJ3:dj.
SHOPS: 15th and Front Strccti, N.