14 THE; OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND SATURDAY ' EVENING, JUNE 27. 19C3. NOTICES STOCKHOLDERS IN THE CENTRAL LJIe securities com puny, 01 i-nicsui 111., who want personal representation, be for the receiver, may obtain the same at small coet by calling on M. Van Aletine, 222 tailing bldg.. Port land. Or. ,,- , STOTICE IMPORTANT NEWS awaits Iou and Sam. Writ Mra, I.lxzle A. Schneider, 18 McKlnley place, Co I orarto Springs, Colo. MEETING NOTICES W. M. OREGON LODGE NO. 101, A. F. & A M., special communi cation thla (Saturday) evening 7:30 o'clock. . Masonic temple. West Park and Yamhill. Work "E. A. degree. Visiting breth ren cordially Invited. By order A. J. HANDLAN. Sec. M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP, 6.466. meets Wednesday evening. Allsky bids-.. 3d and Morrison sts. M. W. A. OREGON GRAPE CAMP NO. 6.975. VI si tors Mondays. welcome. 17 th and Marshall. BUSINESS NOTICES INVENTIONS SOLD ON COMMISSION. Covenant Contract company. 427 Flledner bldg. Main Z8l. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE SITUATION WANTED AS PORTER IN hotel or-rooming-house, city or coun try, imuis oe mui. .t4 zstrt, i-ortiana. GENUINE' SITUATION" WANTED AD3 cost only 1 cent a word, Insertions for the price of 2. OWNER OF TEAM AND WAGON ' wisnes wor. w. J I. Calvin, 600 W. tai-rr at., ine panes, or. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE PRACTICAL, NURSE, BT DAT' OR BT the case; confinement preferred. Phone -.wo. nwm . - . ELDERLY NURSE WOULD CARE FOR nimnt or invalid out or town, terms reasonable. 2S rinithwi at GENUINE SITUATION WANTED ADS cost onlv 1 Mnt for the price of I. a word, 3 Insertions LOST AND FOUND FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattresses renovated and returned same day. 288 Front at. Main 474 A-1ST4, Portland Curled-Hair Factory, H. MetEger, proprietor. Lost female collie, sable and white, white collar, small head. Phone Main 2964. - .... GENUINE LOST AND FOUND ADS cost only 1 cent a word, '! insertions . for the price of 3. LOST AND FOUND ADS. ARE ' ON the first page. HELP WANT ED MALE $75. PER WEEK TO A SALESMAN WHO KNOWS THAT HE CAN MAKE GOOD ON A HIGH CLASS PROPOSI TION. - THE PACIFIC MONTHLY. WANTED SALESMEN: MANY MAKE 1100 to' f ISO per month; some even more; siock clean, grown on reserva tion, far from old orchards; cash ad vanced weekly: choice of territory. Ad dress Washington Nursery Co., Toppe- nisn, wasningion. : -- ;-.Tie Unioa Hotel yy SI N. 6th it, corner Everett Rates for board and room, monthly, 118 to $20; weekly, 14.50 to S6; dally, 85c to 11. Give us a trial and be convinced. BOYS! MEN! DO YOU WANT TO make money T ; Then learn , how Ten Men Got Rich in Ten ' Different Wavs with no capital, by sending; 20 cents enver or stamps to opportunity Pub usning uo., Beat ue, wain. Ascertain how they did It. CAti WINE depot, HEADQUART ers for cooks and helpera. 148 4th st WE SECURE POSITIONS FOR MEM bers; special membership. Y. M. C. A. WANTED HONESTTARTNER WITH small capital to join me In moving picture show; profits 110 to $20 dally. Particulars 298 Bursfride St. TAKE A SWIM RINGLER'8 NEV plunge. 86H K. Morrison; 25c; fine. WANTED SECOND BAKER ON BREAD. 661 2d st WANTED BRIGHT YOUNG MAN with $50, to show property and learn the business; can easily ; clear $100 monthly. F-491. Journal, BRIGHT BOY ABOUT i 7 OFFICE work. SUte wages desired. L-428, TEAMS WANTED FOR STREET WANTED AGENTS. Wanted some responstrt.ii: par. - ty to take the general agency for plaso Stronges, the best and cheapest uiainieciani on eann; a money maxer. Call -at New Grand 7entral hotel ha. tween T and o'clock p. m, Saturday or Monday.' George Mayer. ' " WANTED SALESMAN TO SELL - our wen known trees; liberal terms; outrit; goo a Territory open. Aa ", Oregon nursery to,, Baiem, ur, AGENTS WANTED CAN YOU SELL Buwut ii so we nee a you; complete outfit free; cash weekly. Write for cnoice or territory, uapitol city , wur sery company, Salem. Or. WANTED AGENTS FOR DIOZA CAN ' make from $6 to $16 a day. Call at Grand Central hotel. George Mayer, GENUINE HELP WANTED ADS COST - only 1 cent a word,' t Insertions for WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COT tages, flats, stores, offices, rooming houses, etc Landlords will do well to call on - PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF , OREGON, Phone Ex. 71. -8. E. Cor. 3d and Oak. SEND YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS to Hartman & Thompson, bankers. Chamber of Commerce. We have a very attractive proposition to make you. GENUINE WANT TO ' RENf ADS coat only 1 cent a word, 3 insertions for the price of J. . - - - WANTED FINANCIAL WE WILL-BUT YOUR TELEPHONE bonds and stock and dsv the hlornest cash price for Oregon Trust, Merchants mauonai or -litis uurantee accounts. The EL L. Pralev Co. 41 Chamhar nf FOR RENT HOCSEKEEPTNO THE BEAVER. 12TH AND MARSHALL sib.; newly rurnished, ruxiy equipped for housekeeping, including gas ranges, with the free use of electrio lights, hot water, baths, large reception room and laundry room; furnished apartments rror f 16 up; also single rooms; witn similar conveniences, $2.60 per week up. There Is nothing in comparison in the city for the money. This place will bear inspection. Short distance from Union depot Take "S" or 16th-st, cars going north, ret off at Marshall sts. Phone Main 6771. No dors allowed. SHERMAN ' HOME. 123 12TH ST. : suite housekeeping rooms; also other rooms from 11.6(5 rer week ud. , Newly furnished; hot and cold baths. Under new management. I FRONT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS " with pantry, gas, phone, eletrlc light, ground floor, brlvate cottage, no oiner roomers. i in. tin, near cv;rpt.u SUITE OF THREE WELL FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, large porch; very reasonapie. a Kooney ave. tl.25 WEEK UP CLEAN FUR nlnhed housekeeping rooms, bath. laundry, furnace - beat, yard., iUSVa Stanton St. U. car. LAROE LIGHT ' HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nicely furnished; running wa ter. Alder. $1.60 WEEK UP LARGE. CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms, laun dry and bath. 184 Sherman st, south. Portland. THE SHEFFIELD 1 I-ROOM UNFUR nlshed aoartment with bath; modern and fullv equipped for convenience; rent reasonable and location saves carfare. Apply to Janitor. Tth and Jefferson. TWO FURNISHED OUTSIDE House keeping; rooms, $7 per month. z! Front st HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS TO RENT. opposite, iieillg - theatre, 482 Wash- ingtonr si. HOLSEKEEPING ROOMS UNFUR nished for rent: rree water, oatn ana ohone. S92U 6th st , FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS fins brick building, corner.' xne Heller, corner Grand and Hawthorne. WHY PAY BIG RENT WHEN YOU can get housekeeping suites i ana up Bee tnem. 6U4ft waaningron, BEAUTIFUL LARGE FRONT ROOMS. airv inn wen lie-nten. centranv locat ed, completely furnished. Both phones. 6X4 Morrison. FOR RENT 1 NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping suites: also i unfur nished room, north 10th st. , Phone Main FITRNIKlIEn FRONT HOUSEKEEP ins rooms, rround floor: gas. phone. electrio light, private cottage. $4 N. 9th near Everett ' WANTED $2,600; GlLt EDGE SE , curlty. For particulars address M. Harris, cars Journal agent, Oregon ORDERS OUR our' stock manufacture, "OT ARE IN EXCESS need m'oney to continue E-479. Journal. CASH FOR TELEPHONE BONDS.1 ureeron itusi. uitin guarantee. M,r- chants' accounts. H. W. Goddard, 110 2d. 800 MORTGAGE ON PROPERTY IN Vernon addition. nrnntrtv worth $1,800. B-602. Journal. WANTED LOAN OF $1,200, t YEARS, 7 per cent on gilt edge real estate; no agents. Address W-456, Journal.- WANTED REAL ESTATE Brad in r. Cnll 1089 Kurhv mt Woodlawn 1697. Phone STRANGERS TRY OUR DOLLAR bath for 25c: steam, showers, plunge snd tube. Bank basement. 2d and Wash. WANTED A MAN WITH $200; FIRST class proposition in motion picture theatre business: must travel. See New- man, Z9B Burnslde. GET IN THE MOTION PICTURE BUSI ness; small Investment will make you rich: T can tell you howt to do It Bee Newman, 29$ Burnside. Wanted middle-aged 1 bLacK- smlth for repair shop. Call or whit C, E. Osborn, Gresham, Or. VANTED THIRD HAND IN ' BAKE shop, German preferred: state sal ary desired. Address Elite Bakery. Cor- vallls, Or. Wanted partner well paying? real estate Dusmess, experience im material, reference, etc; only uve man need apply: splendid chance seldom of fered. 4Jal( or address $0$H Wahlng- ton st, suite 4. - - . GENUINE HELP WANTED ADS COSI on'y j, cent a word, $ insertions for the price of 2.- GOOD TAILOR; MUST BE SOBER. P. WE WANT TO BUY FOR CUSTOM- er s account lot 60x100 with s or 7- room house, within 20 or 26 blocks of Morrison Driage; must te in good resi dence district either side of river; will pay $1,000 cash and balance in a rea sonable time. Kepdrick & Son, 142 id St., room 14. WANTED TO EXCHANGE A GOOD improved 600-acre farm in Linn coun ty for Portland property; owners only. Aoaress v-ifi, journal. KT-!EI.V 1TT7RNISHED HOUSEKEEP- inr rooms, modern conveniences, pri vate family. 6S8 Williams ave. NICE LIGHT FRONT ROOMS FOR light-housekeeping, gas, eto. Call at 4 4th st. fiE.vtjiNE " For 1 reNt adS cOs. only 1 cent a word, $ Insertions (or the price of 2. FURNISHED ROOMS FOB RENT NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, LIGHT, sunny and bath, $3 week. Main 7630. 807 Harrison, near 6th. CLEAN. ELEGANT, FURNISHED rooms. Phone. and bath. $2 per week up. 849 Ankeny, comer 7th. FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATES family suitable for two gentlemen, with or .-without board. 427 8d st THE GRAND. 45H N. 8D ST. ROOMS for gentlemen, ti.no per weea ana up. THE KARY FURNISHED ROOMS. 11.60 per weelt and up. ,uzh second. GENUTNE FOR RENT ADS C6ST onlv 1 cent a word. $ 'insertions for the price of 2. UNFURNISHED ROOMS SUITE OF 2 COOL. QUIET ROOMS, - 2d floor, over Plummer drug store, id and Madison sts. GENUINE FOR RENT ADS COST j - onlv 1 cent a word. 8 Insertions for the price of 3. 1 FOR RENT HOUSES $1$ FOR 8 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Including heat and water. $46tt Mis sissippi ave. - ' $12 For 8 housekeeping rooms. In cluding heat and water. 846 Missis sippi ave. 0 .- $12 Fof 5-room upper flat, modern. No. 968 Borthwlck st - 112 For t-room cottage, 85 Mason st. $11 For 6-roora cottage, No. 9 if Michigan ave. $16 For cottage, , modern. No. 84T Montana ava $20 For (-room house, strictly mod ern, 809 Kerby st' 828 For 8-room upper flat strtotly modern, No. 288 Shaver st $17.60 For 2 office rooms, 846 Mis sissippi eve. , , T . . 87.60 For single Office room, $46 Mississippi ave. ' , THOMPSON A OGDEN, : 848 Mississippi Ave. , ' Phones C-2008: Woodlawn 202. WHEN YOU- MOVE YOU ALWAYS nAAd utmi furniture. .. . '' Buy at no-rent prices; the savings will ,T(-,fJ tmtat of movins. We own our own building; occupy one-half; collect rent on halance. MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE CO. Grand ave. and E. jstarK. xnone i. BUSINESS CHANCES 1 Ntnw a.nnAM HOUSE ON HAW- thorn ave., cor. E. 86 st, with- all modern conveniences; 846 PE,.month. The Burrell investment -v;o., zoiim ao. MAni. RKT fi-ROOM HOUSE ON ST. Johns line: garaen, Dunanct oi fruit etc.: 820 month. Phone Mala 7668, afternoons.- - f FURNISHED HOUSES BEAUTIFUL 8-ROOM - FURNISHED houne for summer, ivo enuaren. net- mnrt-m. 747 Kast Maaison st fcir.NlJilsft FOR RENT ADS COST- only 1 cent a word. inseruons lor the price of 3. FOR RENT FLATS 8-ROOM UPPER FLAT, GAS, BATH and basement; no children. Inquire f6r reNt--4-r66m fLat. paMtr and bath, unfurnished. or nished 825. 207 Stanton, phone C f ur- 1963 $16 6-ROOMT FURNISHED UPPER flat modern, with light . and water. Phone Bellwooq 6. ROOM FLAT ON FIRST FLOOR VinaaniAnt and ' wdbdstrad. 813 month walking distance. Inquire upstairs,. 162 E. 20th st Tans Bunnysioo csr. MODERN 6 ROOM FLAT. STEEL AND gas ranges, window shades, cement nasement. zus naisey. i MODERN 6-ROOM UPPER FLAT, 204 H ucciaeni u, ncuu- iiuiumjb blocks east of Steel bridge. Phone Main and A-4804, GENUINE FOR KENT ADS COST only 1 cent a word, 8 Insertions for the price of 2. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 4k, IF YOU REALLY WANT TO BELL, the Portland Auction Co. will pay you an it's worth. Main dsddj a-hh. ture of a 6-room nat oy me ist ox July. 273 Columbia, pnone Main V4S. GENUINE FOR RENT ADS COST only 1 cent a word, 8 Insertions for the price of 2. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES FIRST AND SECOND FLOORS, 25x100, new modern hrlclc Duiiatng, wholesale district: low Insurance. Five years' lease: reasonable rent to responsible tenant journal. - FIRST-CLASS OUTSIDE OFFICE rooms for rent in new building; steam heat, electrio and gas light, with Jani tor service, l. m. cor, ag ana jaaoison, WANTED A MODERN HOME IN South Portland, for cash, from own era only: state price: and . location in first letter or would consider a good flat pro position. Address L-467. Jour- nal, -WANTED A 8 OR 8-ROOM HOUSE In South Portland, to rent by young couple; state price and location in first letter. '- Address K-464, Journal. PORT- WANTED ACREAGE NEAR land, prefer overlooking Willamette or Columbia rivers: also want a relin quishment; no agopts. Address A-101, juurnai WANTED CHILDREN TO L for summer. Phone Pacific 1573 GENUINE FOR RENT ADS COST only 1 cent a word. 8 inseruons lor the price of 2. - Becker. Vancouver. Wash. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED WOMAN TO ASSIST WITH housekeeping In country; for partlcu- lars, Mrs. Ed Smith. Wilson. Or. WANTED EXPERIENCED WAIT ress at ' the Hobart-Curtls, 14th and Jefferson. - .,. - ' Wanted two competent girls, one as cook and one for second work. -Appiy bzd tvereit st WANTED - TO EXCHANGE $ ACRES in Jennings Lodge for improved - or unimproved property in Portland. Ad dresa r-485, Journal. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO ASSIST in nouseworB.il uu tL. lotn st N.; take Alberta car. ' - . . WANTED-NEAT WOMAN COOK IN small restaurant Apply 481 Waah. RES- WANTED A WOMAN COOK uurannu wasningion. GENUINE HELP WANTED' AbS C6Sf only I cent a word. 8 insertions for the price of 2. - Wanted housekeeper, 1 under 40 years, easy place; call after i this evening. 122 Union ave. : MALE AND FEMALE HELP ' ' . 10.000 POSITIONS. For graduates last year; men and wo men learn barber trade in 8 weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn 318 to $25 weekly; expert instructor; tools ,wrtu Joctalog. Moler System Colieges, 85 N. 4th st, Portland. V'ANTED FIRST-CLASS SOLICIt6RS for our insurance proposition; good money,, permanent positions for i hus- Appiy zoi, Tlllord bldg., fore- TO EXCHANGE $1,000 IN CASH AND business property In one of the -best southern Oregon towns, 60x100 feet on corner, free from incumbrances, cash value $8,000, for- equity In Portland property. Address owner, M-43L Jour- tiaL - - - - A H6ME OF 8 OR I ROOMS, 1 OR 2 lots, 60x100, on east side. Price not to exceed 13,000 where first payment can be made with small tract outside acreage, balance, monthly payments with privilege of making complete pay ment at any time. Call Main 6118. WANTED 1 - T6 3 ACRES IM- proved with 8 or 4-room house, close to carllne. not over 80 minutes' ride from city; price not to exceed $1,600; $300 cash, balance monthly payments. K-4I3, journal ROOMS AND HOARD ELEGANTLY FURNISHED - ROOMS, with board; Sunday dinners a spe cialty. Phone Paclflo 1187 or call 178 Ella. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM SUITA ble for one or two with or without board. 470 Main st. Main 8447. BOARD FOR RENT HOUSES VAN HORN TRANSFER-t-FURNITURE ana pianos moved, stored or snipped. Phone Main 1618. 1 -' FOR RENT 4-ROOM COTTAGE. 187 : N. SlHt St. .'- i-ROOM COLONIAL HOUSE.' 326; 7- Phone woodlawn room bouse. 329. 1789. FOR RENT 4-ROOM COTTAGE NEW- ly papered. $12 month. - inquire 686 Pettygrove. Phone Main 8428. $26 HOUSE 11 ROOMS, CLOSE IN, west side.- mone k. 1627. 1ST MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE, 888 st Inquire 268 Hamilton ave. - 8-ROOM HOUSE, FURNISHED OR UN- furnlshed; good location, nice lawn) rosea. 701 E. Burnside st THINK IT OVER AND LET, US SELL re are gooa Kendrick 4 some property for you; ' people when you know us. Son. 142V6 2d st, room 34. WANTED A LOT OR FRACTION; close In. Owners only. Address, B-498. JournaL . WANTED FARMS IF YOUR. PROPERTY IS FOR SALE we can sell It: we handle lands in Oregon and Washington only; if your property is not in these states don't write; it will cost you only a stamp to investigate our plan; writ us today for full particulars. ----- WESTERN LAND SALES "COMPANY, Lumber Exchange bldg., Portland. Od. tiers. noons. HELP WANTED AND , SUPPLIEIX .in que, tvar, nn, t-SC 1 S. A-157 0, GENUINE HELP WANTED ADS COST only 1 cent a word, 3 Insertions for the price f 2. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE STENOGRAPHER OR PRIVATH avr. retarv bv young man. 6 ver- rlence; university graduate; wns ma- cnine; no oojection to leaving city. Ad drees V-175, Journal. WANTED TO WORK ON A RANCH or farm, man and wife fl child is months). Geo. Morris, No. 80 Anderson st.. Montavuia, ur. YOUNG MARRIED MAN WANTS EM- ployment on, or charge or good dairy; pnou numer; rciereucea. A-Hi, jour- unl. ' -.- - YOUNG MAN. COMPETENT -BOOK-kr-eper, typewriter and etenographer, FnliHh -end German correspondent, wiwht-s r-owitlon. B-470, Jburnfcl. V. , l.L FRED YOUNG MAN WITH MKh scnooi education, desires a post tton of any kind. F-442. Journal. 'LCTCH MILK CONDENSER AND BUT- ter maker wants position. Address t-47. journal. luLNti MEN OR GIRL8 WITH EX- pertence st clcarette making wanted st onra. t au iat St.. COMI'LICAI KD B(X)KKEEPING DONE , by man of knowledge and experience; HiHrv mon-rste. i-none l"acino Z1S6 v A Hi .NT Kit WANTS JOBS BY TlTS flay or hour; alterations a specialty. WANTED ROOM AND ,v BOARD GENUINE WANT TO - RENT ADS1 cost only 1 cent a word. 8 inseruons for the price of 2. - . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS $1.000 FOR A 8-ROOM COTTAGE AND lot - 60x100 feet at Seavlew, Wash. PhoneV Woodlawn 1622 or Woodlawn 1658, or write owners, No. 884 Kerby st FOR RENT ONE 3-STOBY, 7-ROOM -house, 406 Stephens st, near Grand ave., key 2d door south. James Olsen, 495 Fi. Clay st NEW MODERN J-R66M1 C6tTAGfl. large yard.-at Stewart's station, Mt Boott. At store, phone Woodlawn 1762. A 6-ROOM COTTAGE IN IRVINGTON, at 466 E, 16th it. N. with furnace and other modern conveniences; 825 per - month. The. Burrell Investment Co.. 260 8d st - $18 NEW MODERN tare. 6-ROOM COT- 233 Mason st: Inquire 208 4th. Pacific 2128 or Main 8990. ELEGANT COTTAGE. PORCELAIN - bath, shades, $16. 1158 Prince st, Woodstock.- ' GENUINE FOR RENT ADS CC-ST only 1 cent a word,. t Insertions for the price of X. . light court rooms; mooeraie prices; pest location in city. Alisky bldg. 2d and Morrison nts. STORE FOR RENT--861 WILLIAMS ave., cor. Shaver. Fixtures complete i tor grocery store; reasonaoie rent in quire 207 First-st STORE SHELVING AND COUNTERS, fine business location; rent $20. 836 union ave. N. FINE OFFICES AND DESKROOM, 81S Swetland bldg.. 6th and Washington. t,ODG, HALL FOR RENT. ALISKY bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. GENUINE FOR RENT ADS COST5 only 1 cent a word, 8 Insertions for the price of 2. - . FOR RENT FARMS GENUINE FOR RENT ADS COST only 1 cent a word, 2 insertions for the price of 2. - FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. GENUINE FOR RENT ADS COST only 1 cent word, I Insertions for the price of .- - -' - SUMMER RESORTS. , SIX-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE AT Gearhart Park, Or. Inquire Mr. WlUa, Main 6688. A-6515. FOR SAl,i $600 OR RENT $85. COM pletely furnished cottage at Gearhart Call or phone Paclflo Coast Biscuit Co. THE SHELBURNB HOUSE, AT SEA view, will open JunelO. Pacific 1137. BUSINESS CHANCES PACIFIC BUSINESS EXCHANGE 803 Washington st: leadlns- real estate and business brokers, loans, etc, notary; n you wisn to Duy, sell or trade see us at once; all dealings confidential. FOR SALE ESTABLISHED, ' WELL- ec-uippea cleaning ani aye nusiness In good town of 6,000; price 3300. Must leave town for wife's nealth. Address E-488, Journal. THE MAY-HOLLAND CO., INa Successors to SURETY INVESTMENT CO."" - Main 8517 A 2773 626-627-628 CORBETT BLDG. My business Is your business - and . . Tour bnalnaaa la mv business. Consequently our business Is mutual. Come and let us talk together. If you j want to get in or out of business, l can neip you. ROBT." B.r-MAY, " Pres. Restaurant, one of the finest In the ! city, long lease, low rent line location; doing a good business; lease is worth the price; must sell on account of wife's oeaitn. . '- .- .'.y- .-, .. REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY ','-, , . - , .; - -. ",-:-.'.':.:.. y :X ;,: REAL ESTATE AND TIMBER DEALERS ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF JOURNAL READERd Real estate values have a tendency upward This Is an oppor tune time to buy home or a homesite. Lumber is cheap and land will never depreciate in value. . NAME. ADDRESS. TELEPHONE. Brewery, near Portland, ! doing big business; capacity 30,000 barrels yearly, an new ana modern; ice plant pays run ning expenses; win Adair. & D 816 Fenton Bldg . .... .Home A-4218 Andersen. John ,.r ........... 311 Worcester Bldg....;.. M-328 American Bank, 90 7th, ........ ..-South Portland Heights. ......... Main 164 axnanana! w 11 aall Dart at eon- i --- . -...a.- ...... trnlllns intaraat! will n.T buvar 81.800 orong-Bieeie vo. ............. . , j r-cqnu im. Zkrv . . . .. r ' i Hunker, o. (tmnton 116 - . " . (.Eta. , Mi pnvuim ..,.. ..... ...... a ...514 Chamber or com,,,, ...M-626 A-228T l cs M-sskhe ....M-m Butterworth k Stephenson Co Inc.. 317 Abingtou Bldg..... ....Phone M. 8633 Hay. grain and ahlnsle buslnesa one I '' ' ... i.i.'Iw "' u.iimi.i.i. n th. i;..t in a i.... ,.i, i tiara, w.' a. ravww. J. n, ....... ...mm-.r o. 'Z.ntZJrSZTrZA CooktCp.,R b..... soj-eos cprnett Bldg,.,, ..,.- A-i-si 7. '. ... . - fc 1 1. nspin tt huXivi win ,Kn S?t a -i-tSai? I Columbia Trust Co, (Wlberg Holghts) tl 4 Couch Bldg..T. .... lntrf .w ifSMnneof-?LrtvMnl CoV... 220 Lumber Exchange,. wLtilJ'.R Jl,? fln Conklln Bros. 303 Rotchchlld Bldg... W 'vjcasaAAj- uuuuicu, mmmt. aniuuui iv i . . ; - niinn-tJiwrnc Co. s. .... Al1p 4 . . M "?Jlf N . A J.W.. 4B t 1 ITTa. a.U I A .4 A1 A U.ll"lA Small manufacturing monopoly, staple KUWaM1 - aHUl'ialU W" V. "l T;m ' " 'i ii.Uii goods; showing big profit; money for I . ' " OUSl-l ranav-Mlna "ffaalt Cn., .....IIS Commercial Bids.... EUte York 4 Co.... , 301 Merchants Trust Bldg ....M-4775 A-1376 Crossle- I. erlow ................. 425 Chsmber of Com..., Co.. Toe. .................. tvs-v coroeii oiag..... .M-16S1 ....M-TK86 A-6728 . ..M-6681 A-1816 ..M-15 A-4166 .....T-804 n-383t one-half Interest to enlarge the ness. Small grocery with living rooms In rear; fine , location, low rent, mostly cu-su-iraae. ,-..,..-? -i. i,. - Fncha, F 21H Morrison .Jaa 1818 A-4 rrary a ueits ....... ..in inn ,..,,..... ..... sum ii . Ooldschrnldrs Agency....... ....... 38 H Washington ..... .......M A-6l uoaaara, ju. w, .....iia aeoona ......... m t . Hotbrook Co., F. R Irvlngton Park), t ' Worcester Bldg... ... Hotchkirt. C. R. ft Co...... .808 Chamber Com ,M.A-lllll M-106S Henry st Son, C. K... ... 850 Stark...... M..M-366S A-R334 Hnlinaa S, Manafaa Tavlnatnal 19 Third M-6008 Manufacturer's arent will take cart-1 Hawthorn Raaltv Co, 1081 Hawthorne Ave. eor 34th. Tabor Hi ner for one-half interest in bis bust-1 ..- -. ? ..... . , ness: controls the largest and best man-I investment Co. (BJ. Quackenbush... 244 "tara ....... ......h.....m-si 'i ufacturers' accounts in the United J-Irvtngtoa Investment Co.. ......... 331 Chamber of Com.... ........, M-31TT -lacaaou a xnnng, ................ I.n Dun,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Jacobs-Stlne Co ....14 Fifth ..M-6$4$ A-28U - (Belie crest, Berkeley. vover . . . , -. Large planing mill, near Portland, running at full capacity, situated on the railroad and river; plant worth $60, 000, can be bought Cor H Its value. .Ukst month output $10,000. . anions listed on our books: large profits on contracts in sight If you don't mean business, we can't waste our time to explain; this Is gilt-edge. Ktntngsworth, Knapp a worth, vf. M, ...... ........ 828 Chamber of Cora........ M-468T k Meckev Chamber of Commerce ...... A at M-IO'S Co, IX a (Heights property) Off loe on ; Heights.. 1 ...... .,,.A1187 Mall Von Borstal. ............... 104 Second............. , A a M-143f Moore Investment Co.. ............ 81IH Washington. ........... .A ft M-2707 Mocuss-er, Thomas .,.iu louci aiag, ...... ...... Oregon Real EsUte Co, The. ...... MH Third ..i. .M.lTr. O-DonnelL X F. 30 fltsrk) i...... -A-356J M-4t O. W. P. Land Ca Immigration Bureau. First and Alder M-6688 Small room inir-h on nw lnn.HAM I ' ' ' 4k- ' . ' ' ' ..' . . v .. ... . low rent Pays weU'daJl iarW ' ""' Paclflo Business Exchange......... wssn- suite ... ..-.. .'-". '0Bordm?andU'roml 18 E"48'' ? v Mi-Jllll I VJtli9. !1J ?.?mm.-rlJw?Lu Bldt .M. 8683, A-265S rooms, finely furnished, t tathi I r""""" L.U, .I",;''""""" .......... " Portland Real EsUte. Agency. ...... ioi utarg One Of tha flneat rntMrv mttrm In Portland, sales' 385,000 to $40,000 year-1 Keasey iy, unoir equipped, elegant trade. This is a Kiu-eage ousmess. Rooming-house. 80, rooms, brick nldr.. wninu iwniiun; a,uou wtii Duy tnis; win maKe Dig money for right party; rciti euv. , ' ... ,. toilets, modern.. SO to 40 raarular hna rA. I era, v;neap ior 62.600. ISweek ft Chamberlain. Sweet Elnatbaa Small hotel : bar and niwilnwim nn,t eiea-anuy equippea resort in city; in- I ?. i f : " 5S U Wssblnsto tlrely new, owner will sell at a big sac- K niLw Tv ' ! K f 64 Stsrk . T i rifloe. laavlnv th. .it. " I "chalk. George !.... .............. Mt "-" . 611 Swetland Bldg.....i...........M. 4871 ... . . . n , xm K-raa ,ll fvi vfrum Diu4,,,,.,,,,,iMa, vi,v on .............. A A " ... .... .ra-Bws THE MAY-HOLLAND CO INtt Sucoessors to THE SURETY INVESTMENT CO. Main 8517 a 2772 626-627-638 CORBETT BLDG. i.flI'VVV 1S'US M-6816 A-35S3 "MERCHANTS ATTENTION!" 8750 buva restaurant with 1.,,. $J00 buys restaurant; money maker. Sharkey ft Co.... S xth i and Washington.., ... Scbaefer. George J.....J... 817 Chamter ot com........ Ppler, t. B....... joji wmon Av.w.rriignra)... .,.wooai n b Stevenson ft Taylor................ H Buchanan. Bids.... .......... M-1899 Star-Real Estate Co, ..1704 Third..,....' .......M-2276 Turner George W.. 418 Rothchlld Bldg. .A-1013 Thompson ft Ogdea $43 Mississippi Ave Woodlawn 303 .................. $30 mark .. A-2B81 M-4861 isuv puys restaurant; fat profits. I Word. T. M.... 330 mar. a-zb1 M-toti $325 buys restaurant and lunch coun- Wells Co, J. L $06 rhambtr of Com..... ... .A-Z35R M-45S4 ter. 1,100 buys grocery store, city. 1.200 buys e-rocerv atnra anhxvK I KCHi hnva iftlo v..n- .1 - Partner for restaurant to handle cash. I'artner for mercantile atom with WIICO. AUDIT . .. PACIFIC BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 803 H Washington st. room 4. White, B. F...... 8-9 Leboe Bldg ....A-1241 M-7334 BAKER CITY Baker Irrigation Ca..... eunnysiope high class land ...Baker City, Or. BUSINESS CHANCES LEGITIMATE BUSINESS THE AMES Mercantile Agency (established 195 furnishes free Information on oppor tunities in mercantile or manufactur ing lines, eltv or eountrv. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, Auingion Olug. RESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUn: FOR HALE GROCERY AND CON fectlonery store; t3i. sib imimu FOR SALE REAL ESTATE TOR SALE BY ' OWNER JUST BE- lng completed, a siriouy moaern six with larae reception hall balcony, veranda, cement walk; 32,000 ... n ..i. .ri, huiid nv restriction adjoining fioiia- $700 buys It: cost 31.00: nSwlv r ttay day park: 3500 below the market value uo: trial e-iven. Ladv ovn.r. n...A.1 It taken at once. UAsy terms. Adaress for this ooportunltv. Win aall i..t 117 Garfield ave. - winter ror a,uuu. I FINE . t-KUUM jnuJJBiitiM huubb, jfAtJieiu BUSINESS EXCHANGE. I Prescott st: streets graded and sew- 803 Washington st, room 4. lers In: lot 60x100, in fine condition, some MONEY MAKES MONEY WHEN1 PtfT fruit; bargain at $2,600. ; Highland to work. Our free hookiar "Thi I Realty Ca. 1051 Union ave, corner Al- Earnlnar Power of Monev." eznlalna tha berta. problem. -A postal card with your ad- feNAP 2 L6T8 NEAR 12TH AND AL- wruiB you. - xiome oe-i berta: must he sold, fsoo casn. xiign- ffJi.Vfo.i,7eV V.-Wlland Realty Co., 1.061 Union ave, cor- WANTED HONEST PARTNER WITH from carllne: InQUlre H. BryanC small capital to Join me in moving ,ju bJSSmI ryant, tel.0l93,del0 20 l- Zl FOR A O-ROOk COwW Atf) KW . Pnone6 Wooola ?!0dla rnach, Vuppllea te,-al.q -bTent: ins si Burnside st .r .id.: r w waVb a few houses left for VA5 . ,-"" . - I - . r. ., . ,k TT.i. acre, $10 down, $10 per month. Lots, 10 per cent down, 38 P' month. Inquire at Mra Buttcher. next door to O. K, real estate office, Stewarts station, Mount Scott car line. - $36l HOUSE AND LOT, SELLWOOD KERY DOING THRIVING Busi ness for sale- at a reasonable nrlca: located In St Johns. B-491, Journal. BALANCE OF THE BONVILLE PUB-; Ushing Co. stock selling at $100 a share. 416 Marquam bide. FOR 8A LE 2 6-ROOM HOTEL, COUN-! terminus; good eason ror sen One half cash, Aaaress, oox LOCATED. incumberance. , Phone try town, railroad paying business, good reason for se li ng; iz,7ou; rurnisnea. balance on easy terms. 44. Austin, Or. , SALOON. CENTRALLY on Washington st, line trade. low Inn, l.a a.' nrlna v.rv raianiuhl. . , , . , . V . ' n '..v ww, J..-WW w w. f . " V I I w w . w. IS -4 3 4, Journal. carllne. No Rail wood .69. SNAP 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE 81.600. 3360 casn, izu per montn. r-..m.. 1KU fnrrlsnn St. FINTK MODERN HOUSES: ALSO Va- cant lots in Holladay's and Holladay Park addition; will build to suit pur chaser. - R. B. Kice, ouuaer. s waeco. ALL GROCERIES, STOCK AND FIX- tures for sale; price 8500. 651 Mor rison st FEED .AND PAINT STORE OLD E8- kjt.W MriDKRN 6-ROOM HOUSE. CAR- pet garden, tvo a. is in. near -un- tnn; anao: 12.100.- inquire or owner. , PAY RENT WHEN YOU CAN WHY buy 6-room cottage, lot 80x100, for tablished house, good buslnesa wlU $3,850, .$500 down, balance ; $20 per aaii at invoica. W. T. Richard- Unlvar. I month. For particulars call 7 us. I in GET IN THE MOTION PICTURE BUSI- ness: small investment will make you rich:- I can tell vou how to aa It R-a Newman, its Burnside. , HAVE A FINE ESTABLISHED MO- tlon Cloture theatre near Portland for sale; two years' lease, all newly equipped: will sell whole or half In terest Call at once, Newman. 298, Burnside, , ; FOR SALE MEAT MARKET ' AND grocery; owner going east; good busi ness. - D-4 16, Journal. 830CS-SMILLINERY STORE. 8 LIVING rooms; .snap; leaving city. 262 3d st WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR u . ' FURNITURE , - ', And anything you have to sell.. PORTLAND AUCTION CO. Main 5666. A-4121. THE DENVER AUCTION HOUSE Pars nic-hest cash nrlca for hniiaahold furniture. 227 2nd st , Phones A-1099. Main 8418. ROOFS CLEANEP; CliAROEi " REA sonable, Charles Anderson. Phone Main 7735. ... FORD AUCTION CO, 367JE. Morrison st, pays full value In 2!?h JJ. . "ocond-hand furnltura East s8, B-2311. Wanted a ONci?--$6,ooo WortK of second-hand furniture; highest s..?0. paUt - K- Furniture store. -0 Union eve. Phone East 4625. BOOM FOR BACHELOR TO BATCH; fix shoes and umbrellas; any part of JournaL t PriC V04 locton -21. y,ZZI&H. FOK aLL kkm of second hand furniture. J. Leah Fur hlture Co.. 123 Grand ave. PhonTir.. 4 724 -inei tABb MILITARY BAND IS Journal nmnt July 4. J-431. IF YOU WI8H TO' EXCHAVnn- nri -."v1.?our urn't"re for cash, phone East 6204. 8 Hawthorne. - VaNTLI-- J'u61TIN FOR A youno ;rim-ed seneral blacksmith la city. l'.4i. Jouru!. . . . j. WANTED SMALL CHILDREN T5 ,.ar 'r! ood home; mother's care. ipb ru. B 111 -t,t d. CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOOLS SAV- are ft PennelL 845-347 1st Pac. 360. SPOT CASH FOR YOUR FURNITURE; i"nnpi Hurmi'jri aiwaye given. K-1067 WANT TO BUY SECOND-HAND . ie-uier.su. UkU-a. ... itu ft,.-. pp Q)Ld. As great trees from little acorns grow, so do great results from Journal" ads grow. The Journal branches out in all directions and fully covers the great Oregon field. Journal advertisers reach the most prosperous points in the state- hence the marked prosperity of its advertising patrons.1 Jour nal VWanr Ads give wonderful V results because nearly every Oregonian reads The Journal. - ' r' slty Park station. st. Na between Davis and Everett HEADQUARTERS FOR BUSINESS MUST BE SOLD BEFORE TUM 1QTH. - ,h,nr.t. - riMmmr-nouMi reaitv. i a - icro.- bvv - nwun,, w-..,, v.i.v-..- stock,- bonds, loans and everything of house, with garden, I blocks .from car. value, 216 Commercial block. I Phone Main 4688. SALOON F6R SALE NEXT c6rNER FOR SALE BY 6WNER SIX-ROOM to ball park. 84th and Vaughn sts.. I new housa ffiod?" oonvenientj price No. 41S. And. Johnson, proprietor. I reasonable, ins Hi. jaaan. Hiftvta BtiSINESS EXCHANnra I AMODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE FOR - . . . . . . - t . , . . . i a i . . a.w T.T 80.6 wasntngton st, - pnone Main I saie cnewpi mnum m. o-, 8676. A-2982. Headquarters for real 60o CASH - HANDLES 4 ROOM COT eatate, business opportunities, eta Also! tage: plastered, gas, enameled steel rew cnoice level nuniMiwiui iuuj guar- l bath galvanised iron tang, patent toilet, an teed as represented.. Call, write,! lot 60x100, berries, fruit trees, roses In phone or wire. ' -,- -. - I abundance, rents for $15; balance to M ROOMS. PRIVATE BOARD. ELB-lsult Apex Land Co.. 814 Dekum bldg. e-ant Plaoe. fine location: taking In I taKft a room HOUSE. PLASTERED from $800 to $900 per month. I and papered, brick foundation; lot - THE COAST REALTY CO, j i 1 60x100, nice lawn, frnlt treea. Owner, 220 Lumper nixcnanga 1 659 Windsor st, wooaiawu; , terms. j-a . " i . -n niniml i-Tit'xT-i W I Phone Main 433(1. E jn - 0Aii nA n nij J, t 1,. r -ij - mlU, about - 6.000,000 feet timber; a j O, W. P. CARMEN HAVE NICE LIT- fenap; no agents. Address owner, n. tie home in Miiwauaie ior si.iwv; Bigelow, Oregon City, Or. I $150 cash, balance on monthly payment FOR SALE PLUMBING BUSINESS, g. F. Knieger 816 Commonwealth bldg. on good st, west side; price $350. Ad- Phone Main 1814.- - -, - t - , , dress D-407. Journal, (SOOD PAV1n6 STATIONERY. CIGAR A fiMAP. One beautiful 8 room house, chicken -o5sSo n,.i unn nth and TCvaratt ata I owner, who soon moves to -the east '". . L . . . , 1 1iurelwood station. 96 Taylor st DA a a r .iiianr-OA .1- well established real estate business, only $250. H-428. Journal. FOR SALE VERY CHEAP $1,600 STOCk $200Casli Fine new modern E-roem bunralow shoes and drygoods. Prall Mercantile n-J"R "kPl" .v'"!..1;!"' .-. - i - w-.-.. .. - -c f riiuiY Mine i nvpmmeiiL v.u.. a t in ina mw f o Ni. j orins. n un. n.iuiiixiuii(i ax. - i - ' . . v. .V,..-r.-.T- von ,x, ..o tt.1 morne. laoor mi, open evening-. UlflUrAiUAJll -VUXV U'Ul WAO JE.- glns; wu give shop ritrhts to make best paten market A. J, Matter, Commonwealth bldg, or "teTrltorlai $150 NEW MODERN COTTAGE, 768 ited Ingineon .J?.??' 8t&SL? Commonwealth ?"m5 .:Qwner, 808 4th. Tel. Paa 2125, or Main 3990 v,n WftT WANT TO BE" RICH7 n7 FOR SALE BY OWNER, 3 COTTAGES 9?-r A.1..."-l-1.S. 7 -r--! and lot on corner Borthwlck and Sell- wood sts., only 2 blocks from Russell In von want to be successful! . lesTl Then learn how 10 men g, rich in 10 different ways, with nd capital, by sending 20 cents, silver or stamps, to "Opportunity," Washington bldg., - Se attle. Wash. - WANTED TO SELL, $600 WORTH OF stock in manuiaciurmg piant; win Juarantee 7 . per cent dividend. K-425, ournal.- - ' : " - v - - - " ; WANTED PARTY TO INVEST $650 In a real estate deal that will pay you a bonus of $90 and 6 per cent in terest on your money; gilt edge se- Lower Alblna; good income; streets all Improved: will take $2,700 If sold soon. Call at 152 Sellwood st ' FOR INFORMATION ABOUT BELL- ing or buvlns- Alblna. Piedmont and Peninsula properties, call on the -Summit Investment Co., 163 KUllngsworth. ave, . Fhone Woodlawn 1617. - i- - curlty; this will stand , the closest - In-1 HOME BUYERS, SEE THIS HOUSE." a.vuv x wu nurua casu iuji vu, u- tha finest daces on the east side. Car. school, church, 7-roora new house with double corner lot luuxisu, ansae trees, A ... 1A ... . pal UO 1., ,iuiv XAwW i . fiu., aiv.ii,a, cause. See owner. 8084 Washington st vaatl-fttlon. THE OPPORTUNITY COMPANY, 529 Lumber Exchange bid. RESTAURANT FOR SALE CHEAP j - Easy terms, goon location, or win ex change for lot . Address V-452, Jour- nal.: - . ' y - ' - - -' WANTED A MAN WITH $200; FIRST class proposition In motion picture theatre business: must travel. See. New man, 2SJ Burnside. BEAUTIFUL NEW COLONIAL HOME. corner,, 8- rooms. 1 $4,600; $600; .$30 monthly. Owner. Woodlawn 1799. LOT FOR SALE ON E. S7TH ST.,' 60 X100. Inaulre of owner, 0-165, Journal. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Lock ! 83 1-8 acres located on O. W. P. line; IS acres cleared, of which' 6 acres are now planted to potatoes; balance of land easily cleared; 8 small streams on the land. Hev black eoll; no rocks -or gravel; all fenced. . 3500 cash, bal ance on mortgage or small ntonthly payments will handle this proposition.,. This is your opportunity. See us. The Opportunity Co. 826 Lumber Exchange Building. ' Here You Are Be Independent, own a little home of ?our own. Nice 5-acre tract 10 miles rom Portland, on -main road, close to ?:ood school; part cleared and In pota- oes an(t strawberries; small house; Just the plaPfe for chicken ranch or small truck farm. $300 - cash, balance very small quarterly payments (much lower than rent) will handle this proposition. See us quick. - Tbe Opportunity Co. 826 Lumber Exchange Building. Lock These Over Acre lots from $200 to $500, easy pay ments. ... Lots near Ross City Park $8.60 down, $2.50 per month. $2,500 80 acres, near Nswberg; good house, barn: half cash. , 21.6508 lota fruit sarden. 6 rooms. block to car: half cash. - 1100 Good business chance. $6,600 60x100, 90 feet from Grand ave. See us for farms, large or smalt BAKER & STIGER. 288 E. Morrison. FOR SALE A BEAUTIFUL HOME. and all kinds of snrubbery; house 4x 27. hot water heat, shower bath, porce lain wash tubs in basement, eleotrlo lights, piped for gas, and strictly mod ern In every respect; also garage; price, si.ooe casn. r-none wood la- $3,601 2187 or 66 1st st, : between. Oak and 3.600; Pine. - - 730 BROADWAY. Dargain, FOR SALE AT A 200. 33.100 cash: In the .V.lu.t " ' 1 ......1 . I , . I.HUIVC, I. , IUU v. UC.UI11UI Alf IIIKWIli fine lawn, large porch, hardwood Inlaid floors, 4 large bedrooms, all elegantly finished, furnishings can be purchased If desired. You should see this place. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY,, 713-714-716 Couch bldg. HCMLSEIlKjERS see m house 1 ' 83,260. A cash, buys Woom strictly modern new , house, on - double corner, -lot. -.100x160. Close In. level lot: nine orchard, fine view, lots of flowers, fruit, shade trees, ota. Must sell my home; cost me 34,000 one year ago. See owner. . 3U3H wasninjgton st. suite 4. v $600 DOWN AND $60 PER MONTH -' buys your eholce of 8 sdendld homes In Holladay Park. . Prices 84,000 and 38.000. Better look Into this without de- COJUUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, . 718-714-715 Couch bldg. C-R. Dounell &. Co. Resl Estate.' Room 12, 268 Stark. HOOD RIVER ORCHARDS. MACRAE tc ANGUS. 432 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ' 7-ROOM HOUSE, HIGHLAND, NEW, modern; a big snap. $3,260. John P. Sharkey Co. 122H th t . A-2537. Main wu v. Kew'6derW h6UsH R66MS AMU den, pantry, china closets, bath, sta tionary tubs, fme yard and garden, cen tral Alblna. V4 block from Thomnon school. Owner, 886 Kerby, near Shaver. MODERN, NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW ' ana lot 60xl2S. 656 Harrold st, Mid way. Take Sellwood car. Owner on tne ground, w. N. Harrison, owner. A BARGAIN F6R $1,460, $600 CASrt balance in 3 years, new modern ilve roomi bungalow. B. E. Crawford, 116 2d. . BEAUTIFUL LOT IN BELLE CREST? ior sale, py owner, at once. , Owner' going east Phone Wood. 2278. NEWVMODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE ON to. Morrison st, at a bargain, $2,600; terms; owner. Address 8-455, Journal, H ACRES VERY CHOICEGARDEN land all planted: lava well, on .countv road, close to Tlgardvllle; graded school; per acrernair casn, balance to suit per cent Heath, 287 Front FOR SALE 6 ft LOTS AT MILWAU kle Heights Station, price $1,100, terms: one acre In same addition 3300. terms. Owner, 46 N. 15th st FOR SALE FARMS FRUIT LAND FOR SALE CHEAP 125 acres, 2H miles northwest of Carson-" , snd 8t. Martin hot springs railroad sta- - lion, v-vrire u. A. laTei, t'pir-on. wah. OR WILLAMETTE VALLEY LANLi see Olmsted Land Co, Salem, Or. N - 4