The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 24, 1908, Page 15, Image 15

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Cattle Are Scarce and High .Every
where Except on ' the Pacific Coast
Killers Hold Values Down in Portland.
ncnn niiTDiiT
Decrease of 1,293,497 Barrels
- toDate in 1908, Com- "
; pared With' 1907. : .
' ; Bm Sals BUow Decrease.
January .....1,787.434
" BUI UCUJ.' ,
March ...
; April ,.,.,...4,687,868
. 1908.
t During- the month of May a further
decrease was ahown In the consumption
ot beer in the United States. During
the period tax was paid by brewer on
4,807.876 barrel of beer, a decrease ot
a vua,i9 vurrets xrura me wrmiAinuiiifi
period a year ago. Thl compared with
r a decreaee of 88,80! barrels in Janu
ary, 198,961 barrel in February, 6U,
869 barrel during March, and 102,296
barrels for the month of April, 1808,
compared with the aame period in 1907.
For. the first five montha of the year
ui ' decrease in v oeer - cuuvuiupLiua
reached a total of i 1. 291.497: barrels.
, The Urgent decrease- thus far this sea-
eon In beer consumption was io March,
when - the number of , barrels of ' beer
- consumed was showing -a greater ae
crease by 6,111 barrels over that shown
' last month. This was due entirely to
Climatic conditions. . -;
The" great decrease In beer making
means that much less demand for hops.
Nowadays the average brewer will use
one pound of 1 hops to each barrel of
beer, thus showing that the brewers
used 1,292,497 pounds of hops more in
1907 than they did this year. As there
are about 180 pounds of hops to each
bale the decrease ' In v consumption 4s
somewhat startling.
Xop Jrdnrtio Heavy.
While the consumption and make of
beer has shown a heavy decrease of
late, the production of hops Is still un
usually heavy t in fact, the prospects
now are that there will be twice, as
many bales of hops grown this season
as will be. needed. There is still an
unusually heavy carryover of 1908 and
1907 hops and It is estimated that of
the past two years there is a suffioient
number of bales remaining unconsumed
to tide the brewers over for one year
at least. With this great amount of
hops available for brewing and with
decreased ednsumptlon of beer staring
them In the face, it is aulte unlikely
that brewers will continue to call for
so many bales of hops as they, have in
recent seasons. . , ....,-.-, - t
'Instead of diminishing the decrease
In beer consumption is increasing each
month and with hot weather now on in
Chinook Salmon
Prospects Good
Sneelal Dlsnstrh to Tb. JmimsLl '
Astoria, Or., June , 24. During the
past week the fishing situation- shows
signs of improvement, as there has been
a good run or biueDacKs. via usner
men and cannerymeh agree that a good
bluebaclc year meana a -good Chinook
year, and the history of canning proves
It to be true. As the flood is now rap
idly subsiding and warmer weather is
near a big run of fish Is expected' in
about 19 days or two weeka
- Arrangements are again being made
to fit up the motor schooner Erie for
a deep asa fishing cruise off the bar.
She will be equipped In a much better
form than when she went out the last
time. A new and much larger trawl
will be tried this trip. Experiments
have proved that this kind of fishing
can be made a financial success.
SSL rf,t-2t3,!r.th5 !S2Lhrrf;f! New Orlean had7'o;
Ajax, 1 -1; tjrooio, o"o. .
BEANS Small white. 14.75; large
white, $4.78; pink, 13.88: bayou, 83.86;
Lima. $5.85; .Mexican reds, ( ), ,
' ' ' Keats, Tish and snovlstoaig.
' DRESSED MEATS FYont street
Hogs, fancy, 7o lb; ordinary, 6 He;
mrge. 6Q6c; 'veal, extra, 80 per
lb.;-ordinary, 77Ho per lb.; heavy, Jo
per jo.; mutton, rancy, stfsttc per :o.
my ... .,., , v, ' "
HA MB. BACON, ETC. Portland pack
(local name, 10 to 12 ids., lotto per id;
breakfast bacon, 14 V CP22 Ko lb; picnics,
10a per lb; cottage roll, lie lb; regular
short clears smoked, ic per id; backs,
smoked. 12c: . Union butts. 10(ffillo lb
smoked. . 1 So lb; clear bellies, smoked.
140 per lb: shoulders. 110 pr ID:
pickled tongues, 100 each.
LOCAL LARD-Kettle leaf. 10s. 12 U lb; 6s, 18o per lb; 60 lb tins.
lio per id; steam rendered, lOstlZHc
per lb; 6s, 12 per lb; compound, 10s,
VlSHRoek cod, 12 Wo lnV flounder
o per lb; halibut, 6o per lb;, striped
nass, j&o per id; catnsn, no per id; sai
mam .h i aaI. IA. IK. kl.hanl.. A I K
.. w. i, vi'inuu a, ,v, v..vwvn, w iv,
steelhead, 9c lb; herrings, 6o lb; soles,
7o per lb; shrlmpt, lOo per lb, perch,
6c per lb: tomccd. lie per lb: lobsters,
26o per lb i fresh mackerel. So per lb;
crawfish, 25o per dosen: sturreon. 12Ho
ter lb: black bass. tOa ner lb: silver
smelt, 897e per lb: black cod, 7Ho lb:
craos, fi.oovi.9Q dos: ansa, lti; roe
saaa, vc: snaa roe, 12 no id. -
OYSTERS flhoalwater Bay. rvar nU
ion, iz.ov; per iOP-iD aacit, 15.00 ; uiym
Annnlntlnor record will ba shown from
the standpoint of the maker and hop
producer. v 1 ' v ;
- Xop Jalag - At XTottlaal.
, It thu moment thera la but a nam
lnal trade in the local hop market, and
van thla onlv at very low Drlcea.
Dealers say thay hav no orders to buy
ana. aooui me onty ousiness avanauir
at the moment Is In cbntraots and
actuai trade in hese is not nearly so
neavy as soma imorvsia wouiu imi
i The .New York Producers Price Cur
rent gives tne rouowing view 01 con
Attlnna In Its latest issue: -
'The market has continued Inactive
the past week In all sections - with
very little demand from either mer
chants or exporters. On small sale of
Bonomas is reported on the local market
around 7 her, oinerwiss we nar o
a t,.natlnna- There la sreneral com
nlalnt that business with brewers Is
very dull, and that the brewers tneni
ulvu am also comtilalnlns Of a con'
(.,. falllnar rift in beer' sates. CroD
news continues unchanged. Favorable
weather tn New York state has contin
t,A nnA the rran Is in excellent shape,
wltfi everything pointing to a good
- a nttla varnrin was reported.
but thla -has ainoe disappeared. The
weakness noted in 1907 state hop con
inia anil tha srood croo outlook un
doubtedly has caused more anxiety to
weather is also reported from all coas
uAiina and thai vlns Is arowlna rapid
ly, and promisee an average growth.
Mall reporia irgm imsianu tun
tinua aood. with the crop looking well.
Continental reports are the same, so
practically the world's ( crop la. In good
Lemons Are Advanced In the South
, Because of Warm Weather.
Lemons are advanced 25o a case In
the south becausa of the heavy eastern
Call. JHOl vmmer ne causa,
' Kothins dotnsr in the wheat market.
'Strawberries are quoted from 11 to
r v Seedless grapes are selling quit well.
. Kin are steady, but unchanaed.
Poultry market show : fractionally
better demand. , --: ' i ..
- Butter Is steapy, but cheese continues
weak. . - ..-. ..
Dressed hogs remain vary alow, with
prices nominal. .. . .
Old potatoes how a still lower ran re.
with every one anxious to onload on the
Other r el low.
. California onions are uh o wins excel
lent quality. Pries is being sustained
better than usuaj on this sccount.
Peaches are arriving In better shape,
and the demand la Increasing. .
Tomato market Is weaker, with very
liberal- supplies. Some are offering best
California atoca at 11 a dox.
Front street sells at the following
prices. Those ' psld shippers are less
regular commissions: v
1 '' Orala, Jfloar and say.
WHEAT Buying prtea Track.
Portland Club 88c: blueatem, 88c; red,
4C1 Willamette) vaiiey.soc ousneu -,
FLOUR Selling price Eastern Ore-
nn ra ten tS. 84.86: Rtralahta. 14. OS A
4.66; exports, 8S.66OS.70; valley,- 64.46;
granam, .vv; wnoia wneat, I4.a;
rye. 6s. 26.60; bales, 15. -.
MILLSTUFFS Selling price Board
of trad Bran, zo; miaaiings, 810.69;
shorts 1 28 iffl 28. 60; chop. $21Ji per ton.
HAY Producers' prlo Timothy,
Willamette valley, fancy. I13ll3.i0;
ordinary, $12.60 013; eastern Oregon,
'$117; 'mixed. $10010.60; clover, $8
tat; gram, niwii: cneat, 111012;
alfalfa, $910. - - -tv i- '
BARLKY Feed, $25.80; roUed, $27.8$
28.60: brewhir. $27.
OATS No, 1 white, $27.60; gray, $J7
per ton. r 1 ;.
' araftsr, Err and Vonitsr
BUTTER FAT Delivery $v o.' ks Port
land Sweat cream, 11 Vic; sour,..Sli,e
ID, .
BUTTER Extra creamery," 2$cJ fan
cy, 23Vie; ordinary. li13c; store.
' 181
EilQ S Extra : fancy, candled. 12 A
QlEESE Full cream, fiats, triplets
snd daisies, 12 0 12c; Young merlsaa,
13H14e. . .
POULTRY-- Mixed chickens, 11c
per lb; fancy hena, HOllHc, roosters,
old, $e9o lb: fryera Uhi & 17c lb; broil
ers, 169170 lb; geese, old, 8$9o lb;
turkeys, alive, 17c; dressed. 19a 20o lb;
spring ducks, 18 017c lb; pigeons, 31.26
dos; dressed poultry, 101 He lb. higher.
Bops, Wool sad SUdes. , , -,
HOPS 1907 crop, first prime. Io;
prime, 4 He; medium to prime, 4o; me
dium, 8He lb; 1904 crop, 23Ho lb;
contracts, c ancT lOo for three years,
WOOLr 1208 Wlllamett valley, 12 Vb
13c. ..... . . v
T MOHAIR 190 8- -Nominal, lH19c .
UiD3 Dry hides. Unfile lt; green,
4 iff 60: calves, green, 67oi clpa. So lb;
bulls, rreen salt. 3HHfl lb.
- 8HKKPSKINS 8hearmg, 10016c
each; short wool. . 25 40o; ' mediant
wool, 60c Q$l each; long woo' 76og
$1.28 each. . r
TALLOW Prime, ear lb. 104c: No. 2
and sreaiie, IfflHc, -
UHirnM BAUK 1908 40 ID.
rrults an TeeetaWss.
POTATOES Old. . selling. 7O80c:
sweet, 66He; hew potatoes, $2 owt.
UJSlUMM juermuaa, gi.4V0l.BO per bu
lb, orate: 6-crate lots. 81.40 per orate:
California red, 31.60 per .sack; yellow,
$1.76; garlic 16o lb.
APPLES select, U fancy. $2,269
1.60. ' "" "
FRESH FRUITS Oranges. $$.269
i.uo: oananas. ee-ner jo.; oratea. ftc:
lemons, $i $4.76" box; grapefruit, $4
34.60; pineapples, Hawaiian, $5.00
dot: strawberries. Willamette " valley
14J1.J&; cantaloupes, 3.ooIZ.60; ap
ricots, kucsdii.iu: Diacaoerriea ii.n:
peacnes, ii; pears, ii.ia; grapes, 31. do
VEOETABLES Turnips, new Oregon,
20c': beets. iOc: carrots. 20o ter dosen
bunches; narsnlps. 85c$1.00; cabbage,
31.75; tomatoes. California, $101.26 box;
beans, 8 10c lb.: cauliflower, Callfornin,
crate,; pea, uregon,- 10
4c; horaeradinh, 8$10o; artichokes, 609
76o dos: areen onions. 16o dos: neDnern.
bell, 20c; Chile, 20o lb;, head lettuce, 26
Itio dos; cucumoers, notnouse, local,
cll dos: radishes. 16o dos bunches:
rhubarb, Oregon, 8c; celery, ( ); as
paragus, uregon, eoo oa Duncnes;
gooseberries, tb 7c; eggplant, 10lSo;
green corn, euo 00s. , -.....
. Cteoosrtes, Unta, Ik.
8UOAR California A Hawaiian Re
finery Cube, $6.10; powdered. $6.46:
berrv. 86.26: dry a-ranulatnd. 68.25: XXX
granulated. 36.16; conf. A,. $6.26; extra
B., $6.80; golden Q., ft.SO D yellow.
J 6.66; beet granulated. 36.05; barrels.
6c; half barrels, 80c; boxes, 660 ad
vance on sack basis.
f Above cricea are so days net cash
muini;i is.o per crate,
COFFEE Package brands, 816.80,
SALT Coarse Half around. lOAs.
811.00 per ton: 60s. 311.60: Uble, dairy
16.00: nates. 31 ft;
69.. 310.00: 100a
319.00; 4a, $18.00;,- extra fine barrels.
2s, 6s and 10s, 44.60(96.60; Liverpool
lump rock, X20.60 per ton. .
tiujo imperial janan no. 1, 00: no.
Eun . Is Quite Fair but " De
mand Is Better Cattle
' - . Still Depressed.
Today ......
.. 216
.... 286'
- . '$78-'74
' 600
Portland Union Stockyards. June 24.
RecelDts were liberal in all lines of
the local livestock market today, De
mand for sheep Is quite healthy and
prices are being maintained as quoted
yesterday, even though arrivals for the
day are quite heavy. In all 1,630 bead
arrived, compared with 800 a year ago.
sou two years ago ana 1,191 ior inn
same dav In 1906. Eastern buyer
have been such liberal purchasers in
the local market that nrices are seem
ingly at the bottom and a Reaction is
annn Anm. .
' Cattla market continues unusually
dull with the run good during tne zi
hours. RecelDts were 286 head com-
oared with 100 for this same day a
vanr avn. 378 In ltM and 74 In 1905,
No sales, are being reported above $ I,
even on me oeas jois 01 amcra. -..
Hnar market la atenrlv with the run
showing a total of 216 head during the
past 24 hours. This compares with 200
a year ago today, 90 in , laws ana in
in i
for this day
Today 11 head.
of horses wer re-
A year ago today there was ; a de
cline of 26c in hogs and lamps, while
other lines were easy. .
- Official yard values today'. ' .
Hogs Best stuff, $6.26; China fats,
$5.76 6; stockera and feeders ( ).
Cattle Fancy eastern Oregon ateers,
ft; medium, $3.603.76; best cows, $3
9K. hnlli anrl stain 110)2.60.
Sheep Best wethers, $$.75: spring
lambs, weighing 76 pounds, 4.ooy.;
mixed, $3 $$.60.
DIVIDPAYf.lEIJT8 Stock Market Oalns.
Am. Smelt. ..-
B. A O.
Col. Fuel .....
J (Canadian
St Paul
Union' Pao.. ...
U. S. Steel ....
do pf d. .....
C & O.
Stock Market losses.
. 4 HIMo. Pac. ,
rla, per gallon, $2.40; per 100-lb sack,
6.0096.60: Eaele. canned. 60s can. 27.00
aosen; eastern in sneil, l.7S per 100.
CLAMS Hardshell, ner box. 22.40
rasor clams, $2.00 per box. lOo ser doa
Paints, Coal On. Zto.
cases,-69c; boiled, bbls., 65c; cases, 69o
a gal; lots of 260 gallons, lo less; oil
wl mciu, til ton. :
kofb rure Manila, XZHo: awandard,
uc; eisai, uc; x. ts. aisai, inc.
BENZINE 88 deg.. eases. 191a
a nsr
gai; imn pms, iyko per gal.
x vnriN l ima in cases, no per gai;
wood bbls, 69o per gal.
WHITE LEAD Ton lota 74 per
id, ouu-io iota, so in; less iota Site ID.
wiiuu mAiis resent oasis IJ.Hb
(Furnished by Overbeck de'eooke Co.)
cmu jiTancisco, june uia prices:
Original 1c. Bullf. M. C. loA. Mont.
BOllf. 4cA. Nat. Bank lc. L. Harris Sc.
Amethyst Sc. Mayfl. Com. to, Monty.
Ohio Ext. IcA. a. Scepter IcA. Monty.
Mt. -6o, . Homestak Com lie, Tramp
tjona iso. .
Mont. Ton. 81.46. Ton. TEcA Mac
Namara 31o. Midway 36c, Ton. Belmont
81o. Ton. No. Star to. Ohio Ton.
West End Cona 47a. Rescue I6n. Ton. 2
Calif. 2oA. Golden Anchor lo, Jim Sut
ler izo, ion, uian uoy io, Monarcn
i-ius. ex. ica. ooiden crown 2o.
Manh. Cona lOeA.1 Mann. M. Co. In A.
Q. . Wedge lc, Seyler Hump, lc. Dexter
c, I joe jca, CTesceni zc,' combination-IcA.
Granny 6cA. Muatanr fie Lit
tle Grey lo. - Cowboy lo. Brnnr.ho In.
t uuiy. java. ica, rinenut ic -
Sandstorm 24a. Columbia Ml ln
Jumbo. Ext. 24c, Pennsylvania IcA, Ken-
oau ittCA, Doom ic silver Pick 14c,
May 3ueen 9c A. Nev. Boy So, B. B, Ext.
ic, uiue ueii 4c, uixie lc, o. Columbia
9c A- Hlbernla 2c. St. Ives 2Sn. rn.
Sueror c, jsia. itoon ic, juone star 60,
. Wonder 2cA. Totlach 12cA, Oro 6c,
Kendall Ext leA, Sandst. Ext. lc,
Mayne lc, Atlanta 16c, Great Bend 25c,
Empire lc, Red Top Ext. 7o, Florence
23, Dlam'f B. B. Con. 18c, Q. Daisy 72c,
Laguna $1, Comb. Fract. 60c, Gr. Bend
Ext 6c, Gr. Bend Anx. Sc. MUlstorm 2c,
U. B. Bonansa IcA, Kewanoe 2 do. Es
meralda 2c A. Portland 8cA Cracker
Jack 4o, Francis Mohawk 15c, Red HIU
(c, Monawa hi,' zc, - itu union lc,
r. Tiger 8cA,. Grandma 4c. S. Pick Ext
c. Y. Rose 18c, CoL Mt. Ext 5.A
Goldf. Cons. $5.20, Dlam'f. Triangle la.
" JTorthwegt Crop Weather. -
Oregon Fair tonight' and Thuridav.
warmer east portion; south to west
-' Waahlngton Fair tonlarht and Thurs
day, except showers near coast; south
Idaho Fair tonight aril Thursday.
warmer south portion. : . -
. Chicago Bntter Blarket.
T .. 4 i T, . . . . .
v awn ik buiwc U) eggs
unchanged. . .-. . ., -.s, .7, ,,
Kn Vnrk. June 24. The stock mar
ket waa very dull today but the little
professional trading shown was Inclined
toward the bullish side. Copper shares
were strongest and led the list today.
Anaconda was r..oat eagerly bought and
forced the price higher In order to
equalise the sharp decline of yesterday.
due to tne reports 01 a lire mine mme,
Th rao-ular dividend on Ontario a
Weatarn was declared but . this had been
expected and the announcement had no
effect whatever on today's market
Pennsylvania likewise declared Its reg
ular dividend. London was firmer and
generally higher for .American shares.
' Range by Overbeck A Cooke company
DAHA ll l'JS
' - sssBBsBawaBSBxaBBSBSBaa- 'B
Wheat Market Shows Good
h Advance After an Early
r Loss of One Cent. .
. . Open.' Clota June 28. Gain.
juiy ...... 4 80 86
Sept. ...... 852 1KB : 362b
87 ts
86 tj
Chicago 86 '
Minneapolis , ........... ....... .1034.
Uuluth k. ...... 108 B
Wlnnepea- .108iB
New xork S
LMlim ..................... tii
Kansas City !.-!.. : sii7
Liverpool 7s Hd
., . mho .ldr-naiuns io
Just what waa tha e.nnrittlnn nf tha
growing crop, tne wneat market start
ea aoout uncnanged rrom yesterday al
though th trade was Inclined to be
bearish. It was not until th market
dropped about a cent before the tide
chanced and the nrica )n. tn aaani
and finally topped the closing figures
of yesterday. Today's closing shows
a, net advance of Ho to o over yes-
Foreign markets srere weak and low.
r at th start and lost more of the
Soe before the closing. In this mar
et with : the appearance of additional
croo ounaia renorta rrom tha hirvaji
districts the deferred options on the
coming crop began to sell higher and
i iu closing septemDer and jJecem-
oer maae tne Heaviest gain a ,
jrtiuiary receipts snow:
- Trufav
vriisai eis.ouo
Corn. 698,000
Wheat 7 oon
Corn $96,000
Rang by Overbeck Cooke Co.:
Open. High.
July ..... 85-
Uec. ......
May ......
July '
uct. ,
S 8V
854 86
U 87
9014 tltt
69 69H
69ft 69J4
6i 68
4$H 44
88H $934
1H 42g
1486 1482
1487 1487
Oct .
July .
8ept .....
Oct ......
895 . 895
912 915
922 , 922
$16 816
$27 842
846 $47
1460 B
1496 B
912 A
920 A
886 B
AmaX Cop. Co...
Am. C. A F. o....
do pf d
Am. Cot. Oil. C .
Am. Loco, c
Am. Sugar, c...
Am. Smelt, c...
do pfd
Anaconda M. Co.
Am. Wool. c...
Atchison, o......
do pfd. ......
B. A O. c.
do pfd.
Br. Rap. Transit
can. facinc. c.
Cent - Leather, c.
do. pfd. ......
C. ?. G. W. e...
C. M. & St P...
C. & N.-W. c.
Chea & Ohio .
C. ,F. & I., c. ..
C. a, c. ,.
do first p. ..
Del. & Hudson
D. ft R. 0 ft .
do p.
Erie, c. ;
do second p. .
do first d. . . .
G, Northern, p. .
Illinois uentrat ;
Louis. A Nash..
Manhattan Ry. ,
M. C. Ry
M. K. A T, c,
do D.
Destlllers ......
Mo. Pac. ......
Nat Lead ......
N. T. C
N. T O. A W..
N. ft W., c......
N. ft W- n
N. P, e
Penn. Ry. '.
P. G., I A C Co.
P. 8. C, c......
P. 8. C. n
Reading, c......
rteaoing, xa p...
Reading. 1st p..
R I. ft S-, c...
n. A. k y ....
It, I. 0, .... . ...
R. I., p. i . . . ...
St L. ft S. F.,2d ft
St L. ft 8. F.litpN
St H ft S. W c
St L. ft 8. W," pi
Souttt. 1' acu, o...
do pfd
Southern nr., o
OO OIU. .......
Texas ft Pac...
T.. a. I w4 e
- do nfd. ......
Union Pacific, c.1
aa pro. .......
U. S. Rubber, p..
do Did. ,n .
U. 8. steel Co., c
Yo nfd.........
Wabash, c....r.
' do pfd ....... .
W. u; Telegraph
w la. central, e.
. do pfd
Wheeling Lake.
22 Mi
18 18 18
110 110 109
8S 8 86
8 i2S
. e .! a
I t
Total sales, 206,600 sharea ,
Money.,1 per cent j f.:x
.'.New York Bond Market,
...a;.., ;,.:.-..-.?. j Bid. '
Mich. , Cen.,".$ per centiir.100 .
renn. it. b per cent,,.iuos
United Ry. St L 4s. ,,, . 85
8a Pao, 1st ref. 4s . . . . . 9 1
St L and 8. F.. ref. 4s... 69
N. ft W.. cona 4s........ 94
Met St Ry., N. ref. 4s. 48
R. I., 1st ref. 4s..... ... , 85
Inter. Met, 4s 64
At Coast Line 4s........ 80 '.
O. R. ft N.. 4s............ 9KU
O. 8. L., ret gold 4s...... 88
Cona Trac Co. ..,..,.,,.102
Erie, 1st cona 4s, -p. . 1. . . 80 .
Colo, ft 8o.. 1st 4s.....,; 89
Cen. Pac, 1st 4s ,, 97
At Coast Line, cona 4s... . .. .
L. ft N, unl. 4s. ........ 98
B. ft Q.. joint 4s....... 97
Reading, gen. 4s ......... 88
C. ft O.. gen. 4s. ........ .101
Un. Ry a-oid tr. fPhIL), 4s -Elec.
feo. (Phils), 4s. 89
U. R. L Os, CoL (Pull J 4s 7$ '
101 5
Uncle Sam Administers Cost-
' ly Osculatory Function
on Morris Calvin. ,
News Gossip
of Finance
New Tork, June 24. Sterling cables.
o (.uoo'to .iu aemano,; so days,
t.MVUig,it. r
New Tork, June 14. Regular dividend
naa peen declared on Pennsylvania rail
New Tork, June 24.
London, 26 2-16d.
-Bar silver. 64 c
Pittsburg. June 24. United States
Steel corporation Is operating 49 per
wui uj. it capacity
New Tork, June 24. Republic Iron ft
Steel company has announced la re
duction oi ii l-s per cent in wage.
New Tork. June
Twos, registered
do couDon ,
Threes, registered
do coupon . . . . .
Small bonds
Fours, registered
do coupon
Twos, Panama . . .
24. Government
I. . Ask.
...... .in
New Tork. June 24. Ree-ular dlvt.
dend declared on Ontario A western.
pouoa. vaiixornia rresn, extras, 23e;
seconds, 21c , .
Eg Per dosen, California, fresh, In
eluding cases, extras, 28c; firsts. 22o;
seconds, 19c; thirds, 18c; eastern sec
onds, 17. V
Cheese New, per pound," California
flats fancy. 11c; firsts, 10: seconds.
v-nv, Muonni inini America, iancy,
l$c; firsts, 12: eastern Oregon, fancy,
Il; eastern Oregon Toung America
.a,ii.-j, asc
Potatoes Per cental. nrnn - n,,..
banks, 900031. 15; new potatoea $1.0Jfi
v w tec, , eany rose, 8(
Q 86c - i
Onions Per crate, nnrmurtaa
Australian Browns, $8.0S.60; red
onions, dvvido.
Oranges Per box, navels, $2.2502.50;
i,ncI .SVJW ,3 Bi Med. : sweets
Liverpool Wheat Market.
Liverpool, June 14. Official prices:
- . .WHEAT. V
Open. : ; ..' Closa
! . H? 7 d
eo 10d 80 10d
6 9d 6s . 9d
July ..6o ld e.
Sept fis lUd (
New York Cotton Market.
(Furnished Jy Overbeck ft Cooke Co. )
. ' Close. Tues,
Jan. . .... 929
Mar. ..... 919
July ...4.1018
Aug.. .....1006
Sept 986
Oct 987
Dec. ..... 924 '
997 '
. 995
a 988
Cattle Higher in East.
Chicago, June 24. Official run:
Chicago 13,000' 15.000 IS. 000
n.ansas wity ..f,i.i4,000 : i 3,000 6.000
viiiftue. - 1U..UUU w iiiin v nnn
-Ho!.SPn, atr.orf l left over yester
day, 4,800. Receipts year asro S 200
Mixed, 8.T0.274; h'et. 8 . 2 e!
rough. $5.7O5.90; light 38.70&S so
". .. Jtri.M
Northwest Bank Statement.
Clearings today .....$ 886,649 45
BaEnceY toa.v";:::::::;::.1-1??!,
TeM Mrr'sEArrLE.''-
. -r TACOMA . ; i : ' '
Clearings .$63 8.848
Balances.. 10210
. .. Morris Calvin of Paulina, Crook coun
ty.. Oregon's most unsophisticated man,
bought a comlo valentine. It coat blm
a nickla Then h did a little drawing.
A postag stamp . was attached. .The
valentine was addressed to a young
woman. It was dropped In the mail. It
was delivered. .45h objected. , This
morning that valentine cost Calvin $300,
Calvin was Indicted by, the federal
grand ' Jury for sending obscene matter
through the mall. Owlns-. to the- clr-
oumstances of the case and upon the
recommenaaiion or tne district attor
ney, Judge wolverton let Calvin off
witnout a jau sentence when he pleaded
anility in the United Statea court this
morning. . ,- .
UDtu Droueht to. Portland by a den-
uty United Statea marshal. Morris had
never riaoen on a railroad train, had
never seen a steamboat, had never even
seen and didn't know there was such a
thing as street car. .
.Kg- XUps arevat Smacked.
And furthermore, Morris Calvin. Crook
county, Oregon, has never been klsed.
Owing to this fact he has become known
1 uregon's unsophisticated man.
Until last nlsht Morris had never seen
the Inside ot a jail, had never eaten In
a restaurant, bad never heard the rum-
nie 01 a wagon on paved streets, had
never seen an automobile nor did he
know there was such a thing as a bicy
cle. ;
Ha had heard at eltv akvscranere. tn:
be sura but he thought they were some-
ining mat noatea aoout mgn in tne
Morris has never been Inside of a the
atre, -never smoked a pice, cigar or ci
garette, never chewed tobacco and has
never nad a drink or liquor in his life.
And the thousands and on. other
forms of amusement which are afforded
the people of a city are all new to
Morris. . -
But in spite of all the fascinations of
a great city, Morris slept In a cell at
the county tail last nfsrht And his
dreams weren't of music and dancea and
beaut If ulfv rnwncil women and the bun
ofautombbllea But Instead his fancies
were far away in his old home country
In Crook county, and the dreams were
of green valleys and mountains and cat
tle and horses and of the people ha has
known all his life.' and who are natural
and more to his liking.
Xas Good moord Otherwise,
Morris is 22 veara old. TTa Uvea with
his father and mother and has never
been In trouble before. All his life
has been spent on the range and he
had no-anticipations, no longing for
the city. He knew not of the city, nor
did he care, and, he was happy. I
cut last valentines day Morn got
hold of a funny valentine. And noor
Morris fell from grace.
.District Attorney Mccourt stated to
the court this morning that with the
exception of the valentine Incident, the
defendant had always been on his bfest
behavior. Since he was a boy, he aaid.
Morris has worked hard and taken care
of his family. During that time he
haa accumulated nearly 32.000 in cash
and a bunch of horses and cattle.
Owlnar to these Tacts the vouna- man.
though he claimed Ignorance of the
law relative to sending obscene matter
tnrougn tne mans, was let orr with
the $300 fine and without a Jail sen
Tomorrow Morris Calvin leaves for
his home in Crook county. Behind he
will leave with uncle Bam $300 in hard
earned cash.
And for months to come as he rides
the range visions of that comic valen
tine will flash through Morris' mind.
But It won't seem funny any more.
Canadian Club, Valued at
$60,000, May Be Destroyed
. by Officials. .
(United Press Dasad Wire.) -
Detroit, Mich, June 24. The federal
authorities today seised a quantity, of
Canadian Club whiskey In this - city
which Is valued at $60,000.' It was dis
covered not to have been labeled In ae-
cordance with the requirements of the
pure food law. An interesting situation
waa developed aa the result of the setlon
of the authorities for It la not thought
that the whiskey can be redeemed by
the distributing firm and there are many
who are willing to "take a chance" on
tha unlabel led article and would like
to De present when it is "destroyed."
James Elliott Shot by J. W.
Williams After Threatcn
' ing Latter's Life.
(Special Dispatch to The J oar nil.) v
Baker City, Or., June 24. James El
liott, who was shot yesterday by J. "W.
Williams at Riohland, died last eve
ning. They started on a hunt ; and
Quarreled over shootlns? at' a mark. - El
liott who was the aggressor, told Wil
liams he would shoot his eye out He
drew his gun and Williams shot ' him.
He gave himself Up on the way: to
Baker. Both had been drinking.
Athena and Heart of Wheat
Belt to Have New Outlet
Within Two Years. I
J. A. Cox of Molalla Dead Mined In
Two States and Fought Indians
Leaves Large Family.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Oregon City, June 24. J. A. Cox. who
crossed the plains from Virginia In 1848,
and was In California in 1849, died at
his horn at Canby tms morning at 6
O'clock, v Mr. Cox followed mining for
about six years in California and partic
ipated in the Indian wars there in early
days. Leaving California he went to
Warrens.- in what Is now north Idaho.
where he mined a few years, then came
to Oregon and settled at what waa then
known as Butte Creek, now Molalla.
Shortly after his advent here he married
Mies Mary Hall at wood burn, in iss
he bought a farm near Canby. to which
he moved his family. There they have
remained ever since. Mr. Cox also par
ticipated In the Indian wars of Oregon
and laano in eany days.
Thirteen children were born to him
and his wife, of whom, besides his
widow, 10, from if to 41 years of age,
survive him. These are: David of
Pueblo. Colo.. Samuel E. of Oswego. Bes
sle and Lucy of Seattle, Al C. of Oregon
City and Raloh Chester. Victor and
Dewey, who live on the home place.
- The funeral will be held from the res
idence tomorrow afternoon. The body
will be taken to Woodburn for Inter
(Unite! Press Leued Wire.)
Washington, June 24. Although It Is
known that the plans for the cruise
Of the Atlantic battleship fleet from
flan lPranMaco hare been comnleted and
communicated to Admiral Sperry, great
care is being taken today that none
of the details become public
All that can be ascertained from the
offices of the department Is that the
rieet will leave on or about July 7,
and "cruise westward," according to
the - orlclnal plan, making the first
stop at Honolulu. Orders have been is
sued bv the president that no more
gress correspondents! than have already
een riven accommodations will be talc.
en on the remainder of the cruise.
(Special Dispatch to The JosraaL)
Pendleton, Or., June 34. There la no
longer any doubt in the minds ot the
residents of Athena that within two
years they will be able to rid to
Walla Walla on electrlo cars.
Surveying crews have been In the
field and various rumors and reports
have been In the air for some time
but there have been those who . were
skeptical. Now, however, they have
been shown, for the right of way deeds
have been signed covering nearly the
wnoie 01 tne distance peiween Milton
and Athena, and 16 of them were placed
on record at the courthouse yesterday.
The deeds are all made to E. 8. Isaacs
and S. M. Drumfeller of Walla Walla
and specify that the road must be in
operation within two yeara
Those, signing the deeds placed on
recora yesterday were 1. u. waus, war
vesta Steen, C. E. Slmmonds. C. A. Bar
rett, George Carmiaechel. J. A. Bad ley,
Ralph E. Key, Alex Johnson, Frank
Dlckerson. T. J. Beagle, j. u. Hendrtck
son. J. N. Campbell, Fred Press, J. F.
Kllgore, J. J. Conrad and H. E. and
Jennie Turner.
All the lands described In the con
tracts lie between Milton and Athena
and would seem to clearly Indicate the
purpose of the Walla Walla Valley
Traction company to extend its line in
this direction and tap the very center
oz tne ricn wneat oeit. .
Governor Proclaims Men So
lected to Serve at'
Ilbod River.
(United Press Leased Wire.) :
SaJem, . Or., Jnne - 24. Governor
Chamberlain, by proclamation last
night, appointed the following officials
ot th new county of Hood River:
Sheriff. L, E. , Morse; county clerk.
George Culbertson; county Judge, A. J
Derby; county treasurer, V. C Brock;
county commissioners, M. M. Hill and
R. J. Mclsaae; school superintendent,
E. E. Code; county sssessor. Jay T.
Lucas; county surveyor, John L. Hen
derson: county coroner. Dr. J. . Ed-
The newly appointed ornciais took
office this morning.
(Doited Press Leased Wke.t
London. June 24. Art circles are
keenly Interested In the reported pur-
phase by . P. A. B. Widener of Phil
adelphia of what la regarded aa Van
Dycks greatest canvas. This la the one
representing a woman with a negro peg
holding her train. The price paid for
this painting 1s said to be $500,000 and
in addition, the millionaire art collec
tor purchased at the same time two
other Van Dyck canvases which he will
have shipped to his Philadelphia home.
Vancouver Police Seek Edgar L.
Merrett Fire Saloonkeepers
Were His Victims.
Tacoma Wheat Market
Tacoma. June 24. WheAt rinh sk.
bluestom, 880; red, 840. '
TT. S. aovernment inspected meat can
not be unsound It' Impossible
Reception for Grand Matron.
(Special Dlipttctt to Tbe JoernsL)
Klamath Falls. Or., June 24. Aloha
Chapter, O. E. S., aave a large recep
tion Tuesday evening for. Mrs. E. R.
Reames, Just elected worthy grand ma
tron for the state. Mrs. Henm..
one of the charter member of Aloha
Eat XT. S. government Inspected meat
look tor the brand. .
' : Incorporations. ,
(Special Dlipatch to Toe Joornal )
Salem, Or June 24. Articles of In
corporation - have been filed - in the of
fice ot th secretary of state as .fol
lows: :t -1' - :.. ) -. ... . . .
Pony Land company; principal of
fice, Marahfleldt Orj capital etock, $4.
800; Incorporators, Eugene O'ConnelL R.
F, Williams and James H. Flanagan. ..
Oregon Coast Railway company; principal-office,
Astoria, Or.; capital stock.
$19,000: incorporators : W. E. Buffum,
H. O. Van Dusen and E. 2. Ferguson.
Tillamook Publle Service company:
principal office. Bay City, Or.; cap
ital stock. $500,000; Incorporators, John
K. Koilock, M. A. Zollinger and Frank
E. Smith. .' i
(Special Dispatch te The Joans.)
Vancouver. Wash.. June 24.t Edgar
L,. Merrett. claiming to be a print:
and for some time in charge of Glenn
Ranck a Drintinar and newsoaper office.
has disappeared : after cashing five
worthless checks. He secured a total
of $63, besides leaving many bills about
town. In the, face of the obecks, which
are in the hands of the police, a man
giving the name of Reynolds and em
ployed as foreman in the Ranck offioe
denied there was anything In the story
of Merrett's wrong doings. Mr. Ranck
does not deny the charge against his
man. . .
Merrett's victims 'were all saloon
keepers. Using Citizens' National
bank checks, he issued them with a free
hand, five having already been located,
as follows: A. Lawler. $10; Bert Pear
eon, $10: P. O. Wright $10; Charles
Beers, $11.60; Wortman's saloon, $11.50.
It Is thought Merrett has cashed
other checka He had no account In
the Citizens' bank.
Little is known here of Merrett. He
has resided In Vancouver for several
months and was considered a trust
worthy, except that he was "slow pay."
A week . aa-o a young man named
Chriss adopted th same plan as that
of Merrett cashing several cheoks on
various nrma '
Will Be Mad Thla Season try the
0. R. & N.
crates a oxmawn :
" Xm Followsi
Chicago .....$72.50 $37 JO
St. Louis .... 67.50
St Paul 63.15
pmaha ...... 60.00
Kansas City .... 60.00
There's safety for all In V. 8. gov
ernment Inspected meat; demand. Q
(United Preaa LMaed Wire.)
San Francisco. June 24. -Dr. S. A.
Barrett, assistant professor of anthro
pology in the University of California,
left here today on an expedition into the
Interior of Ecuador and Peru, where he
will spend a year among the tribes In
the remote portions of those countries,
manv of which still preserve their an
cient custom a Dr. Barrett, who is an
authority on the- ancient tribes of the
American continent. Is expected to brtng
back new light on the ethnography,
customs and history ot the ancient
tribes of South America.
Immense Dog Population , -
(Special Dlnatch to The Jnnnwl.l ' '
Vancouver. Wash.. June 24. Chief a
Police Secrlst reports that 848 rinv li
censes have- been Issued so far this
year, thus proving the claim that read
dents of Vancouver own more dogs per
family than any other, city of the same
else In the northwest. Twenty-two ca
nines have been killed, while 18 have
been sold or otherwise disposed of by
the city. . - . . .
June 5, 6, 19, 20
July 6, 7, 22, 23
August 6, 7, 21, 22
Good for return tn to days with stow,
over privileges at pleasure with La limits.
For may further Information cell at
the city ticket office, Third and Wash
ington streets, or writ to
. . General Passenger Ageac.
Overbeck fi Cooko Co.
Coaalsslca UerchaaJs, Stocks, Eszii, CcUzz, Crzli, i:
Members Chicago Board of Trade, Correspondents of Lozan & Try s n,
v " ' Chicago, New York. -Boston.
We have the only private wire connecting TortianJ with t!.c eutr---;
' exchanges.