2 ulORRiS PACKING nmw TO BE TRY TO PROVE PHI Oil HBE AS D JURORS hi TIT A (HTTTr A TTTiTI THK (C UM Thousands of Dollars' Dam age WiUEesult From , Blaze. - ' r Bases His. Hop oil Marion's Strength and Statement , - No. 1 Kecord. , State's Rebuttal tQ Be Heard Tomorrow and Case Will , . Soon Go to the Jury. ;, M PROBE ESPEE "U'i.V .i -. ': - ''-v---- ; V - wasMsewswM MWass.HSiOTsjs - '' " . J- ,J' " j . . , . -. .::.' f Alleged; Rebating" Inresti gated by Inquisitorial Body at Frisco. (Valted Psess Leased Wire.) V8an Francisco, una IS. Tho federal mm iiisMiE wnmm ' -" - SWSSSsssaeMBsMBaMSsBwMisssai p V - ,. v .. (Ctoltod Press Wlrs.) Ksnsas City. Mov The Wf Kelson Morris packing plant U on fire and apparently la doomed to complete destruction. Tha property I located In the flooded district and It U Impossible 'for the department to reach It. The fir Is spreading rapidly. Thousand 4are witnesses to the tire but there ws no way of combating it, It is estimated that the loss tr the iNelson Morris eompariT Zir Ar-A. or thousands of dollara Two buildings have been entirely destroyed. The fire started from an' explosion !n the sausage factor;. At noon the fire was still raging but the firemen had been able to get near nough.to prevent, It from spreading much furth er. The company1 s plant Is valued at ; $1,800,000. " :: (8ka Banes of The JoarasL) Calem, Or, June II. Hal XX Patton. electedr representative from Marlon county by the largest plurality, has an nounced his candidacy for speaker of the, bouse of representatives. Patton has 'made a few preliminary surreys of PEPPER FAILS : TO AID COIIVICTS Two of Fonr Men Escaped , From Walla Walla Prison Captured Near Milton. (United Frew Leased Win.) . Walla Walla, Wash., Juno ItAfter peppering their trail to prevent the bloodhounds from following them, Ray Baker and RobeVt J. McMannamy, mili tary prisoners at Port Walla Walla, were overtaken about half way to Mil ton late last night and. recaptured by 20 mounted men. ' . Edward Hlnnerwadel and Clifford Polan, who escaped shortly after ; the other two got away, are at large, al though soldiers are searching for them with bloodhounds. Pepper has been fut on their trail and the dogs are avlng hard work to keep the scent. The escape was peculiar. The first two men were doing police duty and attacked the sentry with a rasor. The sentry threw up his gun to protect him self and the prisoners took his gun and belt away from him. While the troops were out searching for them the other two men ; who were near the hospital escaped. . MACHINE MUST CEASE. (Continued from Page One.) sgree to take the responsibility for the machine work." .,- v - Taft Ken Confident. With the certainty : that Taft will have a wide majority on the first ballot, .according to the formation of the tem porary roll and the rather general be lief that his supporters will be able to make the temporary roll permanent with few changes, the interest here is being directed toward the selection -of a vice-presidential candidate. This Is true in spite or tfee claims or tno auies inai they are not dead yet. State Senator Alfred R. Page of New ' Tork. close personal friend of Governor Huirhes. threw cold water on a move- rment to boom him for the vice-presidency when he arrived today and aaid: 'Governor Hughes will ' not1 accept a nomination for the vice-presidency even if it is offered to him. He has said that he could not and he meant it when he said It. He Is not a candidate for the vice-presidency and I make this statement with full authority." ; It is known that Governor Hugnes, who is a man of small means, has been forced to pay 25,000 out of his own pocket for expenses during hi term "of office as governor of New York. It .is estimated y his friends that he could easily make tlOO.OOO a year Drac tlclng law in New York 'and that he could not afford to be vice-president Others contend, however, that his vic tory over the racing interests yester o f $-V ; - : V'1fMj y 7 V 1 p; hi j i i-.iy.wi ii m m i Hal D. Patton of Marloa County. the field and feels that bis chances for the office are good. Ha will hava the full support of the Marlon county dele gation, and being a Statement No. I man, he expecta tho support of the Statement No.. I legislators. It Is realised that tha contest for ths speakership is going to ba a bitter one. A glance at tho situation Is sufficient to make anyone aware of that fact It will require II votes to elect a speaker. Twenty-five members are Statement No. 1 men, It aro anti-Statement No. 1 Republicans and eight are Democrats. It lo merely a matter of a caucus or no caucus. ' Unless the Statement No. 1 Repub licans and the antls can get together on a candidate In caucus tho Democrats of the house will be able to dictate a speaker, and victory aeems more likely in that event to perch, on the banner of the Statement No. 1 faction of tha Re publicans. ,- Other Candidate. . Besides Mr. 1 Patton there ara three other aspirants. Gt N. MacArthur, anti Statement No. 1 of Clackamas and Multnomah, is writing to all the representatives-elect asking for their sup port. , His chances ara not regarded good because or tho fact tie is almost alone in his advocacy of Republicans' choice Instead . of people's choice -for Unltel states senator. - J. U. Campbell of Clackamas county i and day has put him in the limellgh say.xne a tat points at mm. Pirrt Campaign Button. ' The first campaign buttons arrived here today and are oelng displayed by the friends of Senator Knox of Penn sylvania. They say they realise he has no chano for the nomination but ex plain: "He is a good fellow and we are good fellows shouting for him." Charles R, Taft. brother of the candi date, was induced by an enthusiastic crowd of Pennsylvanlans to wear Knox tratton but he kept it on only a few minutes. The national committee today decid ed to consolidate all the contests from Texas snd hear them at once. This , will bring about an earlier adjourn ment of the committee. ' Tha boosters of Cortelyou, Hammond, Guild, Fairbanks, Dolllver and others, mentioned for the vice-presidency aro busy today urging the claims of each. Timothy L.- Woodruff, state chairman of New York also is getting into the race. Taft won the whole Texas delegation today carrying the consolidated contest : In that state. Major Bryan, counsel for the allies, withdrew the anti-Taft con tests for delegates at large from Vir ginia, the contestants falling to appear. The remainder of the Virginia contests v,?r? consolidated. Taft then won them all in short order. ' I N John McCue of Clatsop Coantr.4 ONLY $5 A MONTH fATADDH w a niii 1 tJ ri" treat' all cases of ca P0l. ? treatment uu,...- uiu .lUDQTn rnr th fee of O o is a candidate for speaker. He has been; writing letters to tho different legisla tors asKing ror support, as also . has u js. iiean of Linn county. , The genate Presldsncy. Should Governor ; Chamberlain be elected United States senator tho posi tion of president of tho senate will be come very important; therefore, espe cial attention' is being directed toward that office. .Tho order of succession passes from tho governor first to the secretary of stata and then to tho pres ident of the senate. Should Secretary of Statu Benson by any means unfore seen at this time be Incapable of hold ing tho office of govenor or should die the president of the senate would be come governor. For that reason espe cial care will be exercised this coming winter in selecting a capable and strong man for the position. .-. . -- - 31'CUE OF CLATSOP ! , IS IN THE RACE (Special Dispatch to Tbs Journal. 1 ' Astoria. Or.. June 11 J. n. MnThie. member-elect of the Oregon legislature, will be a prominent candidate for tha osltion of speaker of tho house, next anuary. , SHE LONGED IN VAIN (Continued from Paga One.) n ; ..That unpleasant discharge from the nose and throat, as well as that ringing In the etrs. whteh . leed to deafness, will III cl.Ir .S That foul breath.' hi.t. . dlaagreeable to your friends and asociat-s, . will be oomoletelv Bboimned. Also thn. f r..-. . headaches which cause you manv hours of saonv. will ha .n lleved. Impondero-Therapv Treat ment Will absolutely CURB YOU RHEUMATISM Absolutely Cured tapcnderO'Therapy Trtatment We have demonstrated this to the satisfaction of many people rlsht here In Portland and we can prove cur statements If you will ' call. Write if you cannot call, OfAre hours 10 a. m. to I p. m. 6unclay 10 to 11 m, ':-".-- . PCSSLEO-TCEKAPY CO. 60MKErwWTg TBTTff IIOII, Entrance J2H Washington. . na ss a gin rode tho range istner who was in the cattle business in Klamath county. Husband Innocent. . Bert Ragan, her husband, who was Kh1 2n. the belief that he had been implicated In the thefts, is not to be iK-el'vt5a. ?Talna UTy reporting that thjy had failed to find a true bill of information against him. Horatnn I. a ... Vl.- .iT ti Ti i . ' Jz w uuu nail Klamath Falls Mrs. Ragan took charge of the postoffioe last rH .hit. ItmiIeB" ""oved to Bonansa to give her children an opportunity to tfnrt scnoou . . ... - --- - i.J?J ; Ragan wlli probably bo tried btates district court some time durlnc thesummer, or possibly not untS nex' . Tho : amount )1,000. of'bau.was fixed at MISTAKEN EOR BEAR: KILLED BY PARTNER n - . Cirit4 PrM bw4 WlteA ' ' Vancouver. B. C June 12. -uietnv.n ng up a steep slope cn his hands and knees fast Buniay morning. Richard Grimmett "i iJi "i r uea oy ii. lakesleo, hli i partner, at Bear bay utou oi xiuiie inlet. News of the acddeHtwas brought to Vancouver to day by Rlakeslee who umnmini.j grand Jury today xeaumed its Investiga tion of tho alleged granting of rebates by ths Southern Paoiflo to a number of big California concerns. H. B. Dun can of Washington, who appears for the Interstate commerce - committee, con tinued to probe into the freight and aud iting aepartments of the Southern Pa cific. - -- -In the case of box; lumber shipped from northern California to tho citrus district In the southern part of the stats the railroad admits that a reduced late was made and explains this by the statement that the reduction was made on an appeal from tho California fine Box & Lumber company for a low rate because competitors were a-eiunsr - a very low rate from Albuquerque, N. M. The low rate to shiDpers of wool in tha San Joaquin valley, who sent their raw nroduct to Stockton to bo t) re Da red for shipment to Boston, was given, the railroad says, to meet tno competition or the river coats. .. .. . , KILLS IISEIF TO SAVE CZAR SWSeSSaMStesMBBSSBMBaBB . t Woman Chosen to .Hurl . Bomb at Russian Ruler Commits Suicide. (United Press Leased Wire.) Reval, Juno 11. It became known her today that a woman school teacher thwarted a plot to kill Csar Nicholas Just after the ceremonies in the Oulf of Flnald on tho occasion of the king's visit The woman had been picked ly the nihilists to throw the bomb that would have killed the csar and hla en tire family, but she committed suicide rather than carry out- tha mandates of tho secret order. V DRAIN ON BOARD OF ORGANIZED MILITIA (Special Dispatch to Tha Journal.) Olympla. Wash., June It. Former Adjutant-General James A. Drain of this stata, now publisher of "Anna and tho Man," a New X" paper devoted to army, navy and militia matters, has been reinstated on the active list of na tional guard officers of this state as chief of ordnance on the governor's staff. The reinstatement la made so that he mar be eligible to serve as one of the five members of a board of consultation on organised militia author ised to be aoDolnted br the secretary of -war by the new Dick law. General Drain has already-been named as a member of such board. ' ;' United Press Lsasad Wire J Walla Walla, Wash- June 11 The stata lata yesterday completed Us tes timony in ths Bud Barnes murder ease and this morning ths attorneys for ths defense made their statements and com menced tho introduction of tho evidence to prove their contention that Barnes Is Insane and irresponsible. The state's evidence has been entirely circumstan tial. - , . . , Witnesses ' testified - to seelna Bud Barnea and Mrs. Aldrlch. tho murdered woman, driving up the mountain road, and his returning alone. - During tha aivlns- of evidence . Bud names- wire, wno sat with the pr oner today,, appeared to be deeply hu Testimony will be given by medical men, who will be asked a hypothetical question based on Barnes' condition. Th defense, will probably be finished by tonight The. state's witnesses, in rebuttal will give, their testimony to morrow. , '.. . .; , - .. V on uonooii: E 0 Couple : Happily -Traveling vrra. Ji- T a - ' i wri I u jiue x'urenis Are iv ir ing News ot Mistake. rrnlted Pnas Leased Wlre.l ' ' '"N San Bernardino, CaL, June II. The parents of Miss Emma Powell of this city ars today wiring; distractedly to every point on the Santa Fe route east in order to find their daughter and H. Clyde Denver, a wealthy young man of Fort Scott, Kan,, who are speedlnff oast happy In the mistaken Idea that they are married when as a' matter of fact they are not. " -. '.-A. :'V v- The yonng people were "married", ar the bride's home hers and the marriage license was issued In Los Angeles coun ty, which makes the ceremony worthless and the wedding invalid. Ths girl's par ents want them to get off the train and ret legally wedded but-owing to the 'act that the Itinerary of the honeymoon trip was not definitely known but the couple started east thev have not vet been located. ..'.. s. -.. UNION'S BOOSTER BEGINS HIS WORK -f w' ,L k' ' '. mm:- (Special IHipateh to Tlie Journal.) ; . "La Grande, , Or., June It. The pub licity campaign to be prosecuted by the x . ' r v ..'v. r,"..--: In all the latest fabrics Styles different from all other stores All moderately priced. Most comfortable shop ping place in Portland. I. Ladies' and Misses' tailored coats BEN SEIZING LEADING CLOTHIER Ia Grande Commercial club for the ad vantage of the city of La Grande and union county may do saia to nave do- un in earnest witn the arrival yester ay of the publicity exDert of the com pany which has taken the contract to print the booklets to be used in the campaign. Hla first work will be to gather data ..to bo used In the "booklet and to confer with and advise the board of directors of the club as to the best methoJa of distributing literature, etc More than 13,000 has already been sub scribed and a great deal more is expected. STORE i CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX O'CLOCK 3 SATURDAY SPECIALS The following bargain items offered for tomorrow's gelling onlyj these being subject to delivery at our earliest convenience and , for which mail, telephone or C O. D. orders will not be accepted. I ,7F liH ill m t KITCHEN CUPBOARD for $6.95 -h This attractive kitchen piece sells reeularlv for $13.00 and is made of poplar in the dark . golden finish. ;; Has orna mental upper panel and pan eled sides, . Upper compart ment has two glass . doors and two shelves. Lower compartment has two pan eled doors. Two drawers between compartments. OFFICE STOOL for $1.60 - six in ches, high and made of golden oak has solid wood, screw-revolving seat. This, pattern sells i regularly for $3.00, and is an exception al ' bargain at tomorrow's Gpecialiprice. BERRY SETS for 70c In the basement Crockery section tomorrow; Berry or Salad Sets, comprised of seven pieces, large bowl and six individual dishes, in the semi porcelain, richly decorated and gold stippled; sev eral patterns of these regular $1.50 sets to select from. ' t ' - ' CARPET DEPT. SIXTH FliOOB 'i' ltf-yard sample lengths of Carpets, Tapestry, Brussels, Body. Brussels, Velvet, ' Axmmster and Wilton, in desirable patterns and colorings; three lots to select from at the specul, each, 50f , 75e and fl.00 ; 1 ISEW, TAPERINQ ARM ZON-O-PHONES ARE THE BEST ' The Motor, Inside and out, architecturally and mechanically, In beauty and utility. .is a great advance over any other talking machine. The new Motors will run from one to five large records with one winding; does not need oiling for two years; not a part to get out or order. The motors are Interchangeable, all parts are alike and will fit the One spring, two springs or three springs.' Less parts for you to carry. ,, It runs without noise, with perfoct uniformity and steadiness, and can be woand while running. Records can be placed in position instantane ously, and tho horn sdjustment is simple and secure, in short, the new Zon-o-phone has hardly ono mechanical feature or fixture which Is not an improvement upon all its predecessors. We knew these instruments would create a big demand when once seen and heard and they have. They are the best that money and 'brains can produoe. We would like to have you compare the Zon-o-phone with any other Talking Machlnea on the market, and, if not as represented you can return them for full credit. Every home has a Talking Machine or wants one we have all ths makes here and the handsomest and best equipped parlors west 'of Chi cago to show-them In, also the most complete stock of records for all mscnines &on-o-pnone, t.aison, .ioiumoia ana victor. wnicn you can oo nere, ana Desiaes a can at our new, finely complete music store notnina wet or Chicaao will comni well worth your time just north cf Washington. Couch bldg.. eeldes a call at our new. flnely-eoulnned pare with it is and 111 Fourth. BZatXVBEm THS STSW I.OCATIO 111 rOTTXTX STBSST. riAXOS FBOirOOSafKS , TATiXXSGt MACBCTEB SPECIALS IN The DRAPERY DEP'RTMENT $1.50 values in three-fold oak frame Screens silkoline filled panels-7-special, each. . ; .85 $550 values in Mission Screens three-fold panels filled with green, or Ted burlap special, each $3.5a $G.00 values in Shirtwaist and Shoe Boxes covered in Japa nese matting and trimmed with bamboo special. i " each . $3.35 WARDROBES T Special Tomorrow at This Wardrobe is 7 ft high and 3 ft wide made of poplar1 in dark golden polished finish has fancy top panel and pan eled doors and sides, also has full-width drawer : at bottom. This pattern sells regularly for . . $12.50 and is an attractive bar gain', at tomorrow's special " price. , 1 :' ; -- , - ' . 'i ;- It is quite as necessary jtJiat you should eat good FOOD as that you should read good books, listen to good music,' hear good sermons, and loqk at beautiful pictures -Elbert Hubbard. , - " . Columbia Ham and Bacoi ; t (U. S. Government Inspected) ' Don't cheat , yourself tyf trying any other brand than COLUMBIA, the Ore Agon "product always pure, wholesome and nutritious-a perfect meat . food. ASK YOUR. GROCER FOR 'WW- iAbSa COLUMBIA BRAND Sale o! " Summer Furniture Ends Tomorrow 0!.lPLETE-H0U3E-FUl?ni5nER5 Mt rousl ? ewMTtwtt Lawn ; -. Mowers , Garden Hose Hammocks In Basement UWIOBJ'MEAT'CO.. 4 A ; Portland, Oregon . PIONEER OF THE PACIFIC ' .' " A ' - ID body of the dead man to this city on the steamer Cassiar,