' THE OREGON SUNDAY jOuxiNAJL, h0ku.tO. SjJNDAV .' IvlOKmrtG, j UN 7,- ma. V WELSH SOLDIER OF . FORTUNE IN AMERICA Captain Owen VatigMn Tell s of Some of His Early Expe- riences as a Cowboy in the West Says It V ' : . Isn't Natural. ; w ' ' '"From Staff Correspondent. , London. May SO. Captain Owen Vaughan. ths Welah soldier of fortune, who aftar maklns reputation aa ,a noVallat under the difficult nam of Owen Rhoscomyl. baa begun another un der hi own nama with "Vronlna has had a career, that la almoat aa crowded with : excitement aa that of Major s. R. Burnharo, tho " American scout,; al though Ilka tbs famous major. ha Is yet a young man. But no one ever succeeded In getting an Interview out of hlra until the present writer ap proached him. It waa. the word Amer "Amerlra was mT home." (till DI, "almoat aa long aa any other "country under the sun. Some or my 'tnoH hiiiitiiii tnamnrlna are of scenes and incidents in . America from Boston- to Frlaco. ' Some of my truest frlenda are there still. You think you'ro a pretty good American, no doubt, but I'll lay you what you like that I've filled more billets in American Ufa than you nave. from tramp to, stock owner. Bona Away Vrom atoms. "My earliest recollections are all of running away, first from home In Wales, aa soon aa I could toddle, and next from school, as soon as X was blar enough to be aent away to onej Up to that time my only remembrances or, aaventures are of being twice pulled ' out of the water and brought to life by artificial respiration, once being trampled badly hv a horu. smd ones worried by a at raj Aa eacn scnoot expeuoa ron ut do. running away, or Insubordination, or something; it waa alwaya a change to go to another school, meet a new lot oC boya, have to go through, a new course of flghta to aettle my standing, and learn a new neighborhood by run ning away and tramping It. Time and , again I've been caught with soma camp of gipsies, and, of course, there was my regular procedure of hoarding my pocket money, storing crusts and then looting the kitchen carving knlfa and maklpg daah for Liverpool or Lon- . don, or some other place of ships, where a fellow would have a chance of be coming a pirate straight off. That's how r stowed away at last In a little old brig bound for Rio, Through Bouthwesters. "Heaven knowa how many days we were threshing through sou'westers and nor'westers, till the crew got mutinous and I thought the 'western ocean' was the dirtiest piece of water In the world. Aa a matter of fact, we had to put In to aome little port at the foot of high mountalna in one of the western Islands and there the crew flatly went ashore, got drunk and refused to come aboard again. The skipper got 'em all tried and sentenced to Jail, if they didn't return at once. The fellows just trooped out to the Jail. The Jailer wanted a commitment order or some thing. They told him to go to-r-the other place' and get one if he wanted it They'd been sentenced, and they were going in, and Where's those keys and be damn lively now, too. He went round cad got the order, I sup pose. At any rate, he came round that afternoon and told us that If Ve went out to .walk round the square that eve ning, as the people did, we'd find the key under the step up till 8 o'clock. If We didn't come home before 9 o'clock, he'd lock us out, becanse ha always went, to bed at 9 o'clock, and he wasn't going to get out of bed after that, not to let Bt. reter in. Jail Was Rao. "Rut bar havlnar to set home ao ear ly, that Jail was fine, and all the people of the place came round and lived there wun us. inj nnraaiu inoir i wuu drink and whacked ft out with us. I only remember the fruit and the fish and the wine out of skin baga, and the women and tne girls. Tou see. I was a boy, all eyes and limbs and one comprehensive smile for this rlppln' old world, so I got on Immensely. "The skipper came round the second day and saw what waa up. -f I still think I never heard a man swear aa he swore. He didn't awear loud- and ramping like a roaring stallion. He Just looked and looked, and then ha sat down on a corner atone and began to awear like a man saying his prayers. and I swam, ashore In the night on. a pair of oars, close to Wilmington, Dela ware, and that reminded me, I suppoae, held up before we rot to New Orleans. The 'crew' never got his pay-that'a what; ha waa so loud about. , ., , : Pi-yTSM Swam Ashore. iyity;f: "They took us in between the Capes, that the Indiana and the buffalo were still waiting zor me out west. Anynow, that'a when I started for the west I remember I had a nickel and J centa for traveling expenses. As a matter of fact I dldn t go weat mat winter at an. In evarv town I struck there waa el- wavs something to delay me. Some body would offer me a Job, or of t ei to adopt me, and It waa so hard to break away, that I go to Mew York instead of a wn I It was soring a vain I first saw the loveliness of Faesalc as Cheyenne, and I started for the weat, via the ties of ih Ola ranroao. "Tour're an American. Did you ever tramp from Passaio to the Susque hanna? NO! xet yeu aont mina do ing Europe on the off chance of see ing scenery that I'd forget a thous and times before I'd forget that stretch of country as I saw it then. Ah, well, and that'a when I did my spell as a tramp, a spell , that ended, after ad ventures enough to fill a book, out on the prairies in western Kansas, In a fie-ht between a sheriffs Dosse. com ing up 'on two locomotives, and the gang of 40 or SO tramps who had chased away the trainmen from the freight train wa were all on, and had then fallen to on the provisions with which the train waa loaded. Old ryq whlakey, tinned peaches, and kega of lgs feet are tne things rememoer hey went for most . Watched the Tight. "I walked away from them and watched the fight Some of the tramps arot away la the dark, aome got bagged. aome got killed. I walked to the next station, wnicn , na a moon, ana, therefore- waa called something city. and next morning hired myaelf out to a. nMMful rancher, who waa half full of good old rya whlakey, and who put me on a nui no mnu im u vui for TO mllaa: 70 aolid miles for a first day's ride In a stock-saddle: miles that lasted long after dark, lasted, in fact, aa long as the whiskey lasted, and then we camped, aupperless, on the banks of a drv creek. "When -he woke next morning he Mmait considerably astonished to find me there, and while I did my best to explain he was hard at it, thinking things over. All he said was. "WelC kid, you re nere, ana so we u nave to make the beat of it. We'd better be saddling and going; though If the sher iffs faat to a crowd of hoodlums like that we'll, be pretty safe for a day or two." "We .wera safe, aa it proved, for exactly seven daya at the end of which time a gang of armed men found ma herding horses oh the banks of a dry lake, a couple of hundred yards from the dugout in the low mud and rock bluffs, at the west end of the lakebed, where my boss and the reat of his 'hands' were sleeping. Thought of Xorse Thieves. "I only thought that here was a f ang of horse thieves, possibly the no ortous gang I had heard so much of, which had Its stamping ground some where In that very part of the coun- xna order to drive the horses out minions.' i That memory includes the first appearance of barb VI re, and the last appearance of the buffalo aa a, mer chantable article how many of you know that he was finally wiped out as 'butcher's meat' In 'S2, up In tne Mussel shell country of Montana? It includes the first acuta phase of the long feud between 'sheepmen' and "cowmen'; in cludes "cattle wars' and 'Indian trou bles'; hunting and trapping when both were still paying Industries. It also In cludes "riding mall "stag driving,' prospecting ana - mining, tie chopping and tie driving also, while the long trail from Texas to the British Una was still In Its glory of ; hard work and hard rations, as " tone softly remembers. "Roundups' of cattle wera Interspersed with 'roundups' of outlaws. Outlawry, in fact, was ao easy to come by that U was a rigid rule among cowboys never to ask the name or business of any stranger who dismounted in camp for hospitality, neither to Inquire Into whence the stranger came, or why, or whither" he was bound. Sufficient that tbs stranger was courteous, and was entitled to courtesy in return. ' No one knew whose turn ft would be next, and one can remember being outlaw and deputy sheriff in the earns year la the same territory. "Seven- years of such a life, oven with intervals for outside expeditions, nat urally crowds one's memory with In finite hair-breadth 'scapes, ' most -- of which modesty forbids retelling (except as fiction at so much per thousand) and many others only come to memory at odd times when soma incident some scent or riower or chance word, or even Yet because It waa one's earliest ae ries of adventures, one remember more aeas. Kevolu out of faahlon. Oun DOCTOR TO HAVE ESKIMO PATIENTS English Physician to Prac tice in the Shadow of J the North Pole, . of It than of what happened In aftar a deal with Belgians, The vigorous ad- years In other lands an lions are coins; out ol running now - belongs to. people who try. of that hollow, and up onto the fla. backed as It was by a Winchester rifle peering down Some of the fellows offered him drinks, and aptne offered cigara and tobacco. ,TOne offered htm a banana, and they all fell to kissing and cuddling the women for him to eee, till he got up and shook his head and went Only when he'd got round the corner he came back and lAoked his finger at me. 'Here, you!' he said. 'You've no right In there! Tou weren't sentenced. ou don't belong to the crew. You're only a stowaway! Coma out o' that. Get down .to ship at once, you young etc, eta, ate' t draw Didn't Hear. "But the crew wouldn't hear of It They told him that if they let me go he'd be putting to sea without them, and be dividing ma Into watchea, and mus tering me at eight bells, and having me 'all hands on deck' and no dog watch, and how'd ha manage to have me as lookout on the fos'aTe head .and taking the wheel on the poop at the same time. And especially very especially they desired to be informed If he Intended to make me draw full storm allowance from the if bluff at my ministration of the foreign enlistment act has killed 'foreign legions, and lastly 'King Edward the diplomat,' has meshed, so much of the world Into trea ties of peace and amity that one does not know which way to turn, for a de cent Job of the old sort. I well re member coming home from - the South African affair with the names of BOO picked Irregulara and officers' full com plement. Intending to bargain with eith er the Chilian or Argentine minister In London, Argentina being then on the verge of war. Alack! The first cour teous ambessador condoled with me to the hilt but Tour king! King Edward, Is Just settling the trouble without war. It Is peace I "And peace It seems to be. But peace rankle In one's mind at last till one fanls at times one must take ship some where for somewhere, and see if some thing won't happen to somebody, Just to break the deadly grind of civilization. Peace may be profitable but Is it nat ural r (Ipeeit! Dispatch to The Journal.) New Westminster, B. C' June -The first white medical man to go into the far North with the idea of creating a permanent practice among- the Eskimo and Indians of those regions left Ed monton Thursday for Fort Good Hope, MOO miles north of the Mackenzie river. The hardy doctor entering upon this trip Is Dr. James F. Rymer, an English surgeon who has practloed his profes sion in England, the United States and Canada for many years past - He does not intend to return to rlvlllutloiv for at least three yeors, and then only 'for a orior visit. Dr. Rymer will be the first resident medical man In the far north, and will have only semlsavacea for Datlenti people who observe neither the laws of hygiene nor health. He will practice much further north than the limits where treaty money is paid to the abo rigines, making his headqaarters at Fort Oood Hope and Fort McPherson, on tho innge 01 tne Arctic ocean, where several virulent forms of diseaaa and fevers have broken out of recent years among me natives, many or wnom gave aiea because of the lack of proper medical help. Only five white people live at Fort uooa nope, tnese including a Koman Catholic missionary, a Hudson Bay sioreaeeper ana nia wire, and two trap pers and buyers for the Hlslon Nagle Fur Tradlna- Company. Of these five only two speak English, French being the language in common use among the Indians at mis point, ur. Kymer mas tered rrtnen many years ago, ana ex sects to become axsaualnted with the several Indian dialects within the next lew montns. Mo is taking with him sufficient medicine In a concentrated form o last about a year, and has ar- r&ngea ror a rurtner shinment to r forwarded to him next Anrll. Dr. Rymer comes of an old English meaicai ramuy. nis great grandfather, then a surgeon in the English caving aiacoverea a cure lor Scurvy navy, nearly 100 years ago. His father ana Krandfrfther wera also medical men of some sA ending. . pr. Rymer is 4t years of age, and a bachelor. He makes a hobby of pho tography, and is also an author, of some note, contributing to a number of Lon don periodicals. -. - , Tbs married man lives 'scientifically; he never pays a bill twice or thrice over because he- baa loat the receipt The bachelor, lives unscientifically. . He ia robbed right and left; he la the prey of every footpad that lurks behind-the counters. . ., ; K id n eyCu re eOc BottleT7s3Q' Bottles TOT JsBTBXCXBrjL and other drug habits are positively cured bf HAB1TINA. For ftrpodermie or Internal use. Bampieseni to an: ny drug habitneAy , Pixia mail, uegular pr 12.00 per bottle fj.rr arngrist pt by mall In plain wrappes, alia Cham leal cw St. Xouta. Um kMatats Brag Oe W Shirt Vat sals to jreruead. "Nf IaEHAKDmI r rXUnJMX I Use Big for ai I tolte4m dlaeoarcMolaJB ImMml VI trrttatioas er all J mitiiw ( aaaeeas smi LIBRARY VOTING CONTEST A 1800 library given away absolutely free. An elegant library of 00 volumes and handsome golden oak eases will be given to the lodge, school, church, club or society in Portland seeurlng the largest number of votea Votes will be issued with paid-in-advance subscriptions to The Journal aa fol lows: One year, 17.19. 75 a votes, six months, I8.7S, 300 votes- three months, $1.6, IK votes; one month, 66 cents, 40 votea and every merchant listed below will give with each 10-cent purchase one vote. At the close of the oontest tho lodge, school, church, club or society receiv ing the largest number of rote will be awarded the library complete, with eases. Currant accounts when promptly paid are entitled to votea. The library Is on exhibition In the window of the east aide office. ISO East Morrison street Ballot boxes are located at Holaman a lewelrv store. 14 Third .-.., . wvi,. Front drug store. 111 Grand avenue; Watts-Matthieu drug atore. 75 'Russell vimi, wnfli mil Tom buvumi mw uvilu. inai WllQ cnants ana get ousy wun tne votes: the following mer- elbow. gave me my chance of doing something hterolc. If I were to stam pede those Horses to the other side of the dry bed under the feather bluffs, that would srlve mv boss and his saven men a chance of getting out by their cnimair, onto tne xiat, ana to Dlow these horse thieves to plecea So my answer to the order was to Jam -In botn spurs, whoop like the devil, shoot Hke a cowDoy painting a town red, and stanf the horses away like mad. ' "T heard some of them shooting and shouting. "Kid! you damn fool you!' but the bullets went over my head, and I got my herd well up on the other aide to meet rifles and gray faces there, too. The whole lakebed was sur rounded, In fact, and in 10 minutes' tlma such of my late companions a were still breathing were being hanged over the low cliffs close to the dug out, while the "leader of the attack, none other than the sheriff, was re quiring me to explain how the eternal, etc., I came to be a member of the moat notorious gang of horse thieves between the Smoky Hill river and the Platte. - My unmistakable British ac cent saved me. "It was too palpably fresh from "the old country,' so my tale was believed. 'But, kid,' said the sheriff solemnly, 'I sure enough did get so mad when you made that dum fool move to get away Instead of puttln your hands up I waa pretty near shoo tin' at your carcass In stead of over jour fool head, as we all did. when we found you wouldn't throw up. Wild, and Woolly. "That was a fair Introduction to the wild and woolly weet, which Is bounded In my memory on the south by "Wet Horses,' meaning horses run across the Rio Oranda from Mexico, and on the north by horses similarly, obtained and run across the border into 'British do ll CO- dry goods. elothtng and shoes.410 to SS4 East Mor rison street. & KOUncAJT. Jnweler. li Third street Main S1SC. O. X. KOPSTSATOm. Ohotosrapher. 16 Third street Pacific 1710. XABSBJaXT VULmtiTVM fj ITOl- AOS CO, offlos and warehouse 111-111 North Sixth street Mala Ida, A-141S. B. X. BBAAlU OO. SDortlag goods, lit Qrand avenue. East til. CO XX ft ICS OO. office 111 Pine street Home A-llla, Main TTOOAJr COAX CO., office 111 Born side street Main 17T6, A'1T7V BUSCa: ft OrrSB. merchant tailors, til Stark street Psoitis 100. ? MOOS' nwi OO, cigars and news. Sixth street W. St run, plumbing and gas fit ting, to? Williams avenue. East 4115. K. A. WXUOsTV WXZTB TmOaTT DBVO ROKI, lit arand eve. E. . A. - M. WXXrXtZTT, grocer, lit Oread avenue. B-1K1, East lit. TU MOSEZi BABBBB SHOP, flnaat shop in the city. 1 tsuttt street MA8OVI0 TBMPXJi QBOOEBT. ISO TamhiU. corner Park. Main till. A-1717. CXXOAOO KABKBT, meats. 1IT Third street Main 411. KOBBntB BZiBOTBZOAX CO, 111 Bast Morrison street Bast Ilia, B-Kll. WATTS-XATTXZEU OO, druggists, ITS Russell street East Ma, SB. B. B. WaXOHT, dentist 1H Washington, cornor Seventh. Main till. AUCB BXVEB, fine millinery, 4 Washington street ft PAaVB. wood dealers. yard East Eighth and Main streets. East 115. BUl"l'M-m BBBAB OO, corner Second and Columbia streets; retail 141 Third street HOOBB BBOB, eaat side news deal era and confectionery, Williams avenue and Russell street East 4701. E-,A. KoASAXS, bicycles and sport ing goods, Williams avenue and Knott street East 2481. WTT.T.TMT AYX. tTXlSILLA VAO TOXT. umbrellas snd leather goods, (44 WUllsms- ave. C-1004 'AtXOB ft STAXT03T, piumblng and gas fitting. ,101 Pine street , kUBEBT. meats and fish, 110 Orsnd avenua B-ll8. Bast 411. .eirsr8.?8."00"' tn Ru- W-aagtot -t rrilTl1. 4" sr. Ml. SATO. ave. l n n cm - imiATi,iJ VB.S.. y ssaataral dlaeoarcMjolaJamatloaa, r auoeraiMW mmbnut. hlalML and boa aairlna ltuHitrtrcLU, gest or aouoa r "1 ,B47lratlB . f"e saat ta alala wraapsa, r I ' by aareaa, rBld, (at jt ti Je. or i bottiM-ei.rt. r a ciroalar seat aa jusssV CMltfwdy. Vr: jSewJSjrSi btbvbB xmwa ts faii. Tarnnt's Xzwae sf Oabebs asd Tee tail iImh ae aad aoeaHyaesjielat uaorrheea.sl ttwhrtea, f Kay te take, eoefanlea e carry, til nan saeessahU se PtieefLa) Rows A Martln'au lkt ' W!.. lngion su Portland, Or.! or by mall from The Tarrant Co, 44 Hudson CT Nsw Tork, , y. , ,-. JWWfftJSBssssajl W frvl' tS'- March 14, 10. imm,,h:5l nme Dear filr: My wife ?iUA uslntea bol. C.GeeI7o The Well-Known 7 Reliable CHINESE ' Root and Herb DOCTOR &&rt "KW.y Cure Tea" she la PraaMent itr a . r ; ... . : im mi., says: , ..- .uiierea ror a long time with ktanay trouble, nothing doing me any good. . Three bottles of Mr. Wn TiZ V" l cured me ao completely that I feted"'with'Wr;act'' W " " W. J. Van Damme - . 1U Korrlsoa at. Next to; Pap's Coffee House. CHICHESTER'S PILLS msimi lilrm -lilj. bftm, mmmS with Sm Take m M. B,r JSS 1 ' rimlia fch-i iiTnr .W BY DRUGGISTS EVEmBFRE Has made a Ufa stcdv of roots and herbs and in that study discovered and is giving to the world his wonderful remedies. Xo VCercnry, poisons or Brags Used Xe Cures WlUiout Operation or Without the Aid of a Knife. He guarantees to cure Catarrh, Asth ma, JUing, Throat Rheumatism, Mar vousness, Nervous Debility. Stomach, Liver, Kidney Troubles; also Lost Man hood, Female Weakness and all Private Dlaeasea ?, . ... i , . A SURE. CANCER CURE Just Received from Pekln, China Safe, Bura and Reliable. IF TOTJ ARE AFFLICTED DO NT DE LAY DELAT6 ARE DANGEROUS If you cannot call, write for symptom blank and circular. . Inclose 4 'cents in stamps. .- v? , :-: CONSULTATION FREE The a Oee wo Ohlaess KeeUolne Co, 12 la First St. Cor. Morrison, Portland, Oresorv Please Mention This Paper. f OB WOMEN ONLV Dr. Sanderson's Compound Savin and Cotton Root Pills. The beat and only reliable remedy for DELATED PEH- IDS. Cure the mnmt nhalln- ate cases in I to 10 daya Price II per box or three boxes IS. 00. Sold by drug- flsts everywhere. DR. PIERCE. 181 Irst st. Portland. Phone Main liB. barber. 141 Williams r-KJlJnT?? wall paper and paints. 40S Morrison st Main 1171. AXL 115?Kt lorlst 1(0 Fifth st, opp. Mel.r a Frank Main Till. WOBXB, 189 arand ave. East 5S1 8VXXTEZSB PTJEZi CO Lonar or ahort wood. B-1611; Eaa I0S1. Office and yard Thlrtv-alxtr anH "T vi. n. uaiABUX, .nsmltL. 26 Urand avenue. F-.st 6C0I. BAXXX, optician. Dr. B. J. MUls, as. Blatant Main 1174. Ill (th st XOBTXWI8T OUX OO, sportina gooda 111 Id st Main 10o "w",n" OOXAKAX XABOWABB OO, hard ti'mi Ma-inV001 cuU,, w . BUBSXA OABXZAOB WOBJCS, Mf ga and repairers of carriages and w axons. 113 Burnslda Pacific 2047. WOODLAWK UvTXBBT OO-Rough $?7. URA, ,iahea Wort Woodlawn 1118. 417 Dekum ave. JO XX aCXarmDX.A Cleaning and drains: oulck work. SSU sth it OOXiUVBXA PUS OCW Fish, craters, . poultry, butter, eggs, eta Maitr Sf'i A-66H. Third an! Ankenv st" P. X. 0OXXBL& ft OO, meats. Wood lawn 8; C-1888. 714 Union ave. north. POBTXiAXB TEXT ft AWXIXO OO, tents and awnings, window awnings and porch curtains a specialty. It N. Front X. B. XBE Real estate and Invest ments. Room til Corbett bldg. Mai) (860. of rum and drink It all myaelf such JKht-i his poor little Well-brought-up little boy like me, that Knew his prayers and aould even rattle off parts of the cate- a chlsm, they shouldn't wonder. It waa the rum that was their grievance. He'd never aerved out a drop since they d dropped out of Liverpool. "There was more' of that, till at last the skipper appealed to me as a good boy, who'd been well brought up, to come out of that evil crowd, but one of the women caught bold - of me and they an. Dundiea me out or stgnt in one cor . net. and the skipper went away. "There were some dava of that -and then the skipper got the vice-consul' on tne jod, ana iney got an oraer, ana - some soldiers cropped tip from some where, and wa were all turned out and marched down to the brig and bundled , mbpafa, the captain having te show the rum puncneon 1 nrst ana nana tne Key of it over to the first mate, with a prom ise that he must use It at proper times ana seasons. ; .- Kut in . vinn-ftnnaiii 'wouldn't let me go. He sent me home In the first ship that called, so I had .to stow away again. -1- , . Xevea Missed Ohanoe. "Please remember that I'd never missed a chance of inquiring after pi rates, and where they, were still to be found. So when at last I could no longer burke the sorrowful fact that 'pirates were Wf barring, it might be, some pig-tailed Chinaman -up God-forgotten creeks of Asia why I had to give ' up the sea. I . had no time to waste on a sea that had no pirates, though even In my ahort experience I'd seen a mutiny break out and seen It stamped out .There was still the sec ond string of ror. desires. There was etlll America, where one could 'hunt buffalo and kill Indiana' That's how I went to America. "First thing I did In America, though, was to take to running with the 'dock -raja' in Boston, and when one of them Atnlalnjkri that r1a lllirlA In Na OrlMn. had A fine business there, and would give us A good Job If we got there well, we borrowed'i a cat-rigged boat and started for New Orleana. .We could easily send the boat back by the next summer. I was 'captain' and the other fellow was "owner." -,..; "It waa in the fall, Indian summer, and we looked over all the cat-rigs in the harbor before deciding which we'd take. v. Of course we chose the one that was Too big for us. but we balanced that by shipping another boy at wages to be paid by .the other' fellow's uncle In New Orleans.. I suppose4 you know what - Hatteras ' is tn bad weather T That's' where we were found,- double- feefed, 'and blood on every knot- baling Ike biases, and mad aa hatters at being WE CURE MEN . Our Cures Are Thorough and Permanent ME NO EXPERIMENTS! NO FAILURES OUR GUARANTEE NO PAY UNLESS CURED NWhen Yon Need the Services of a Doctor, Con sult One of Wide ExDerience. Wit ARE Just now completing our TWENTIETH year as specialists In MEN'S DISEASES. If we accept your case for treatment a curs la but, mat ter of reasonable time. Each and every patient receives skillful, scientific and xpert treatment and he sees and knows from the beginning of treatment that "he Is getting the BEST medical attention Obtainable, ,' Our entire time and practice Is devoted to the cure of BLOOD POISON, VARICOCELE. ' STRICTURE, LOST VITALITY. HYDROCELE, PILES, FIS TULA, DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS, BLADDER AND PROSTATE GLAND, CONTRACTED DISORDERS, WEAKNESS AND ALL DISEASES COMMON TO MEN, ' T . - t ' t OUR METHODS are up-to-date, and are Indorsed by the highest medical au thorities of Europe and America. Hence, our success In the treatment of men's diseases, ' The mailable Specialists. Our Physicians Are All li censed to Praetloe Kedielne la the State of Oregon. us winvouo fwVthavouaT&S Tf"1 7"" kn" trl ,B you ouid eveX hes?tata il tithY r.Jir" wii,?.t2? treublesj jroud tell to your closest friend or that JeenWwJth mueiUh.dior ISifiS SSigSSP 1 J ?lfAtB ad CONFIDENTIAL as they, have make money. COVSULTATTON AND ADVIPE wnicm e-. u . . a. .... . awav With , Kmh tkt v,.- K.t Cir. ..X.Vi! " . v wmivai fvi ia our oirico. von run t te?ty lfyouVt7nnKo?kcihlh convenient of the pa- es cured at noma Meai II.S0 a coursa, OFFICE nr It all AananAm imnn h ii,.ii. i.T. r I - " e caroiui m selecting a oootor to treat you, i?irKivnrf9m..JKl'Jv''V to to Aether you get the euro you seek- WE FULFILL ALL OUR PROMISES and never hold out false hop. Tou need, health and atrana-th' rir. t- tiilrt: tlJnY it youVt2nno? CALt'rftl1 t ,eOUR TERMS are reasonable and made fo ault hi " lit".: CALU write for self-examination blank and free book. Many cases I HOCRB- 9 ad Vn" i0'0 'or Prl7cr.' PatlentsT f ronT iU6Qtirili ORE60W5I12EBICAL kr tsrVaa m& Morrison Stn Bet. Fourth & Fifth PORTL.AIND, ' OREGON ' . t : . . MY years diseases, . SPECIALTY MEN'S DISEASES There Js no ailment peculiar to men that I cannot cure. For twenty-five jfSTT.. s I have devoted mv entire time and enM-cv tn th fratm.n t .M, r My methods have been perfected by actual experience, with a thoroughly theoretical knowledge, as a basis. I am the only physician thoroughly and permanently curing those functional derangements commonly classed as "Weakness," and my success in overcoming such cases has placed me fore most among specialists treating men's diseases, and has brought me the largest practice of its kind in the west. 7 f My Fee for a Thorough sod Lasting Core of Any Aliment Is Only . . 10 In Any Uncomplicated Cast Dm. TATIOI, The Tioartlng- SjpedaUst I Never Disappoint or Mislead My Patients, and My Cures are Permanent i I have treated hundreds of men who have long suffered a gradual decline of nhyelcal and mental an era- as a ra. This success is due to several things. or tne cnier aisoraer. juy success in curing difficult cases of lone- stanrfina- h. m.. n-. It is due to the original, distinctive and thoroughly treating: men's diseases. scientific methods of treatment I employ. To those in doubt as to their true conditio lect. I offer free consultation and few that have reached an incurable one. i treat curable casea only, their true condition, and who wieh to avoid the serious results that may follow nC, Y,C ?th,r, at m7 ofr'ce or through correspondence. If your oaae Is one o "i,-1!!-11 no$ i00?1 11 for tmnt, nor wlU I urge my services upon , and ours au cases I treat. Scientific Treatment for Weakness" neg- ot the upon any Dosing the system with Dowerful stimulants and tonics In an effort to restore functional vigor can have but one final result, the condition ia rendered worse than before. Few doctors know of any other method than stomach drug ging, and when this does no good, they say: "There is no cure for Weakness." I have often made strong statements to the effect that the ailment must be thoroughly under stood before it could be remedied. I have proved It be yond dispute that so-called "Weakness" is merely an Indi cation of the existence of a low form of inflammation in the Prostate Gland, which Is usually aggravated and made worse br stimulating medicine, alectrlcltr or mr other agent mat excires temporary activity, ine prostata is a nerve center and therefore very sensitive to treatment the right kind quickly helps, while the wrong kind oaa cause great harm and sometimes irreparable damage. I employ the only scientific and .full effective treatment for "Weakness." which is almost entirely local, by which I mean that the medication la applied directly to parts. Medicines containing poisons are entirely excluded. I ob tain the most desirable results in every case undertaken, and the ours is permanent and complete. THE DR. TAYLOR CO. Varicocele I euro any case that I aeeept in on week's tlma My treatment Is a palnJsaa one, and In most Instincts the patient need not be detained a slngls day from bual nees. There Is no doubt or guesswork, but absolute certainty of a thorough and lasting oure, with complete return to that degree of health and vigor that existed before the disease began. Contracted Disorders Every case of Contracted Disease X treat Is cured thor oughly. My patients have no relapsea When I pro nounce a case cured there Is not a particle of Infection or inflammation remaining and there Isn't the slightest danger that the disease will return in Its original form r work its way into the general system. Boms con tracted direases are leas serious than others, but none are too trivial to warrant uncertain methods of treat ment. I especially solicit those cases that other doc tors have been unable to cure. f MT OFFICES ABB OPEN EVERT DAT FROM t A. M. TO P. M. SUNDAYS, 10 TO J ONLT, Cor. Smcomd and. Morrison St. ' Prlvato Entrance 33 1 1-2 Morrison St Portland, Oregon aBg8ggggaaagamgggggggaHa8MKBna1g vn ir iTt irhnn a r iprn NO y, UNLESS CURED sax xsiawulfftnns re n cxstaiv to bs to otto IF CSSI!l!rt-2 JCJILC.3?. no standing professionally. BOW OAJT TOW XX- " nor TO a cvaxpi This instlrottoa has fenll up its splendid praetloe more toy the . TO rree-advertlBlng given n vy Its. PEBPSOT1.T lATIgrtSS fATXXVTS. who have leoetved the sanaflt of its modern, sdeatino and logltlmata methods, than la aay other way. If yon are not a perfect soaa oms to aa lant It worth the little time It will take when you are OZBTAXH that you t benefit of XOXTE8T, tVUTCXUsB physicians t A eonsaltsx tloa sosts you nothing SXOSPT your own time. t Our Fee $145.00 BstahUshed 8 Tears In Fortlaael Consultation Free We Will Treat Any Simple TTnoom- plloatea aiuneni lor mojoo. , X know the disease and Weaknesses of men like an open book. I have been curinr them for yeara v hava alvan my life to It, and thousands upon thousands of men, restored to VIGOROUS VITAUTT, are) today living nionTS , ucv5t. x B8vr nuia out iai mi. i uwTr ibh a case l cannot cure 1 ihvf?,0th5TOvJltlJJ1'll,of aU th diseases of men of VARICOCELE, 8TRICTTJRE, TONTAaiOUS BLOOD POISON, HTDROCELE, NERVOUS DEBILITY. GENERAL WEAKNESS, LOSS OF VITALITY and havo cured so many cases that If there Is a cure for YOUR disease you will find It here. When I take a eaio there la no such thing as fallura I CHARGE NOTHING FOR CONSULTATION, and my knowledge, skill and iexoerienoe ' ?hr: Vnr.T. issnW HOW and 1 CAX CURIi YOU Strictnre TL-Wj "affinW ruSi: mSZJSftm all'tlms'tt o'rna! r ,0U,," My Ur " 'imPl" "Ur" nd rmnmt- J aU obstrotor!J BlOOd POlSOa ? 1!??? tha system Tu'Sow aTerVlureln'aTSag0 V n 'hJtl-B. Plns In tK VariCOCale ?.C??.y.t,c,1 ,1u,cklyi wlt.h? "p ntlon front bustnesa MT METHOD wtvvwwq ja the safest as' well as the most certain and satisfactory. . ., T havs cured thousands of cases of Lost Vitality, Physical Debility, Dear . . r ... v . w u. MMuii jt . ,,, . 1 rat r . ,,,, development, tux iiu,rHQD makes a oulck. permanent and radical cure, without dlannmfnrt and sores tn the chronlo ulcers or tehee legs. I euro all diseases of a private nature) about which moat peopi, dislike to consult thslr family doctor, such as discharges, drains, eruptions and all contracted troublea I ia , If nave curea woiisaiia. w caaaa or iost vitality, ITiysioal "Debility, Despondency, Pimplea. Lose of Energy. Failing Memory, Palpitation of the Heart anT Stunted mjaksaat si mi lr lr nArmsinAnt mnA raarif r I onvsa Mtlfk... ai.ai..t ji . . . v.. , -w r w . vwi utuvuiu.vrfc ur ufjianLioii irom Private Diseases curs them quickly. PrOStatlC TrOIlbleS . 4 ,Bo?B 2f n,otabl accesses ot my professional eai-eer havs been In the rrt. iT T , . . -c caJ cur of enlarged and Inflamed oondltlona cf the Prostate Gland. Mv trent- meht acts directly, reducing Inflammation and Irritation; Jt-heats the gland, remove thobstrucUon ami as 'ah Uahes free passage of tha natural secretions, without pain or discomforiT. u " Writs If yotr cannot calL -J An correspondence sacredly; confidential. & fcTv- . . HOUR a. m. to S p.m.; sv'enlngs, 1 to t:30; Sundays,1 a. m. to If noon. . : - V coinei co ajto taxxxu bTbegtb, rosrun. onxaox. ' 4 - ' a ' - , - . -. ! I , i fi 'v- '