1 ixi i ORuON tAlLV JQUKNAU K)RYLANiV MONDAY .KVEN1HU. .MAY, 28. 103 , ... 2 -9 -,; : .HIST RIGHT 1 FOR ROSES, 5 ' ' ' present Cloudiness letter Than Hot Sunshine t Blooms AVill Be Out in Full Perfection in Time for Festival. En'&s' Already Eeceived I Show That the Different 1 Parades "Will Be Eicep- t tionally " Attractive . h ca I turcs of the June Show. "Rmh fragrant, roses rar( The roses are eomlng. Today's weather, partly eloudy, Httls sprtnk. 1 ins of rain. Just enough sun to keep the air warm but not so much that thare 1J any danger of seorchlnf tho buds. Is efcactlv what they bavs neeaea. tPeopls who bavs wanted wan treatb- and bright sunshine' to rbnsi out their crop Of beauties baven'ttad tnucti' dealing with , roses. . Ts,P" 1 .. . w . . ih hiuie particularly tender and the sterna-sre soft and, easily broken. ... A week of uMh'nhnd,:,hitt weather now would c,orc.i? 'JV'.r"., bring out imperfections in 3smge the auallty and quantity of the Jrop." In th? Judgment of ulhiU, Jms today's 1 weather Is Just the thing I neded to uphold PortUnd s claim - as tA Koae wuy. . I Cverv Bosh, nil Of WOSnlS' , tcu himh in s town contains Its i i.i - tu..Mr tnr th festival week. t In the parka the bushes are gradu aliy coming into full bloom. In another - iv h.. will be sorgeoua The dv are covered th bloaeoma three bushes 2 i tl e roof of F. V, Holman's rjsfdenoe at - t0 Taylor street are covered from the 1 -wn to the gable points with bloseoms. TiTe superb white Vrau pflV? k'" re coming out and'wlll be In the height PC their beauty next week.? The Caro line Testoutthe Portland rose -Is al ready blooming and promises to givi 1 a refusion of rows for ;M,3t,.wi' costs. The Kalserln Augusta Vio Uriaa and the pink and white Cochets are racing with each other for the honor rtving the mfcst blossoms to add to the beauty of th fesUval. ITrue, Borne of Hhe rarer varieties of T kik .h r.olRlisti have been rwparing for the exhibition on Tuesday ?!ey not be ready. The backward sea r u haa caused "aome growers . to ask til .xrvn.ulon itself and the com- , tltlon for prisma be postponed for a or 1 dsyr, but thla would dlsap P int many roee experts who are eoniBI tf Fortiana lor vt probable that It wttl be done. . . . , it , rrofaslea f Blooaa. . 1 1 . th roues the ones that riubine sis ar rsgrance and beauty and number iney wui '!""'; 1.. n t.. in East Port land particularly! are already In a pro fii.inti nf Moom.1 The bushes that line tite , drives and Mkhe parks are comijng ito blossom and5 Portland wl.ll nndoubtr - it. n t-Vi huut iMiautiful elcht or any city In the world when the festi val opens on jumhubj, n .Thousands Of foses sre to be cllnpod find used In th various parades and pageants. Mr.' Holman, whose bushes are exceptional Wor the perfect ion ot their roses although not neceasarily for Oielr number, says that he can cut r nnn --nA mtu ni Inture the aooearance of his bushea i There are nundreds of other rose growers who will rurntsn i Unfortunatelyvl owingA to the negll-s-ence of the park denartment. the MOO buHhea presented the city on Washing ton's birthday will not be in bloom un til the end of f June they were left tinnlanted for nefcrlv a month and were iBte aettlnr their start But air the knahoa m elreadv covered With buds and flowers and the. spectacle. xf the rosea promises to be beautirui Be yond description. .1 ' . " :' f::y : i X. Tin .Oarrlagw amat. . One hundred and .fifty-seven entries In the horse and carriage parade of the Koee i Festival, 5 to e held Thursday morning. June 4, ..ave been made by the members bf the Riverside Driving club lone up to data.; Kvery member of the organization has' taken-hold of the mat ter with great enthusiasm' and this di vision of the jarade will, with the turnout of the Portland Hunt club and the Junior Hunt -club, form the nucleus of what Chairman W. M. Davis says will be the grandest decorated vehicle jd saddle bora pageant ever held on tbe coast ; - ' Estimates based on the number of en- tries already received make It certain that this parade will be at least five miles in length and It will pass through ; the important streets of the" downtown . business district? over a route that will trlve everybody a fine chance to view It. The committee has received entries In this parade from aa far away as Jack sonville. A dnxen other Oregon towns have sent In for application blanks and They Include both decorated "pleasure hlclfs und floral decorated saddle ; nrses and ooniea. The Riverside drlv S'. club will furnish club colors to all iirle to Insure. uniformity. kThe Portland Hunt club will be repre Ffnted by- its full membership as will the Junior Hunt club composed of ISO rn embers of the younger generation. 1, . Prises for Xxsoorated Wagons. . Applications from fraternal societies which dealre to compete for the $100 csh prize offered by the B. & O. T. cmpany for the most artistically deco rated wagon abould be made at once to Chntrmaa W. M' Davis, Chamber of Commt-rce building. This concern has donated the use of six of Its heaviest wj sons . and the society which' drease rne of them In tbe finest manner will be riven the 4100 oash prise. Private owners Hot automobiles are i t red to send in applications for entry J.Unks for the competitive motor ear ! Grows on ohe-' v I asasBBBBBssBsaBBBSBW ass-SB ! easawassssa ... v ; the new ''toastM flavour of . ' " -t t rTho Tasta lierorf 'f y; I ' : ?Msde by , .' rstum Cereal Company, Limited.' Battle Creek, Mich. .; ;. CHAMBERLAIN'S POLICY SAVED MAHY Senator Miller Declares Manner In Which Governor Has (inducted load Business) of the State Is One Thing i Above AH Others Most Commendable, " 1 Governor Chamberlain.' land policies are vlgorwsly championed by , Senator M. A. Miller of Linn county.. Senator Miller ha a served In the -atate senata sine. th Mm Governor Chamberlain wai elected governor and for hat rea aon la well qualified to jppk on the subject ' He contends Uaf the one thing- above all othera vUck should glv Governor Chamberlain 1 moat leans for self-congratulation in all his publla acfa la the honorable and thorough manner In which ha baa handled Ins land busi ness of the state. In his discussion of the subject Senator Killer says: . i . "I am surprised at tb attacks that ara being made on Governor Chamber lain by the Evening Telegram In rela tion to ht administration f the public lands of this state. Being familiar with the history ox Governor unamoeriain's official acta, and especially with thoae in reference to the disposition of tbe lands in question, I am prepared to say that if there is any act of hie Ufa of which be earn Justly be proud it is this on. I have been a member of the sen ate since Mr. Chamberlain -was elected PATCHY SIDEWALKS MAY MEAN NO MORE LAMP-BLACKED CEMENT There will be no mors : lamp black put ' to-siBat sideka Jfb.xU council- -adopts - ths T'.reoommendatloB made by the street committee at a meeting this morning. -i-.o . , After Struggling for months to get the lamp black ordinance through and In which time Mayor -Lane vetoed tt and the eouncllmen jumped on It, Dr. Victoria Hampton once more finds her self confronted with a fight for her pet measure. A petition: was presented to the street committee this morning ask CLEVELAND STREETCAR MEN VOTE AGAINST ARBITRATION (United Pnss least Wire.) t Cleveland, May tB, Arbitration U s meant of settling the differences be tween officials of theMuntclpal Trac tion company and the streetcar men's union- received a setback today, when it was learned that an Incomplete count of the votes cast on the proposition to arbitrate the seniority rights of the non-union men show that the question BAPTIST UEEIIlie Attorney Makes Spirited De fense of Action in Y. M. C. A.-Goldman Affair C B5. 8. Wood is the next man of prominence to come under the Baptist ministers displeasure. While no action was taken censuring him, the ministers this morning openly discussed his stand in the Emma Goldman ease and de nounced him - for denouncing- -the T. M. C. A. directors who would not let their hall bs used for the Goldman lec ture. i.-' - . "It Is disgraceful," said Rev. Smith of the Arleta church, "that a prominent lawyer, the attorney for one of the bl seat corDorationa in the country, ahou force such views on us and denounce decent people for not countenancing the free exoresslon of her anarchistic vlewa. I sympathise with the editor who passrs the matter up In silence because with all hla command of lanxuags be cannot find words to express his contempt for this man. There is only one sentence that can adequately express my opinion of the man and I don't know what that la." The other ministers generally agreed with Mr. Smith. . . Thtra ni a discussion of the pro hibition question and Mr. Wise, who haa mum neunn ine eaai siae ior ut anti-saloon league, told of his pi ogress. Ha anoke ODtimisticairv ana saia mat hla results in Precinct 09 showed great sentiment for prohibition ana ne naa been toM that thla would be th hardest precinct to work with., ' From thla he inferred tnat the east side will go dry at the election next week. Jt was sugi feated that the ministers stay away roro the meeting next Monday of the Ministerial Alliance and do active work at the polls instead to gain supporters for the nrohibition measures. When" informed ' of the criticism to which he had been subjected by the ministers. Colonel Wood ' made a brief nut nnln "I arraign the managers of tbe Y. M. C, A. and the Baptist ministers themselves who condemn any person unhurt." ha said. --"Those, who give credence to misrepresentations, and do not give any person in mo worm me right to fairly and peaceably express bis or ner views. . t la not Question with me. with Mr. Elliot of the Unitarian church or with Rabbi Wise aa to the merits of what Miss Goldman has to say. It 1s a question as to the right of free speech and of Christian toleration. It la the question of the right of any per son' to . speak for himself, - the oppor tunity of free speech, without being jUugea ana conaenuiea Deioreonna. - ' "Any person who opposes this tight or Tree speecn ana aenies xne rigni 01 another to present hla or her views la In my opinion, an enemy of -, society, whether members of the Christian asso ciation or of the Baptist association." f parade.' for tha reason that only those wnlcn are orriciany regiaierea win oe eligible to compete for the many hand some trophies which will be awarded in the different classes. While every automobile In the northwest will be allowed to participate In this parade, they must be listed and given a serial number In order that the Judges may be able to make their awards according to the list of entries submitted to them, The committee in charge of this t4 rade has sent out 1.800 letters to auto bile owners and while about 160 replies have been received, the time ia so short that all those contemplating entering the parade should lose, no time-ia getting Into the-band wagon, t Entry blanks will be mailed upon ap plication to" Festival headquarters, either in person, by mail or telephone. The committee has set th high mark of 1,000 entries In this cavalcade and Is anxious that this number be exceeded. At that, this would include only about 60 per cent of the motor car owned in Portland. . . - -I.?-, j . -.- 1 WOOD SCORED H THOUSANDS governor,; therefore I speak from deft' nite anthorltv. ' ' i "Now, If Mr, Chamberlain's policy had been followed by hla predecessors In years gone by, the public schools of this state would have thousands of dol lars to their credit where It has on to- "From his message to the 'legislature of 1J0S we- have the following: "The grant to the state of the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections -In every township for school purposes did not carry with It the title to those sections which were known to be more valuable for mineral that! for "ether purposes at the date of the survey, and for every mineral sec tion lost to the state it had, the right to. select tnaemnity tanas in ilea tnereor. Here was a rich field for exploitation by the speculator In mineral base, and it seems to have been farmed out to private enterprise.' , , 'The governor' baa endeavored to eradicate these evils and the land is sow selling for four times what It did when he. became governor. Therefore such attacks as thoae made upon the governor will not injure him In v the least, but will redound to his credit He will run at least 1,200 votes ahead of his ticket In old Linn county, and bis lection to the United Stales senate . la soured." .;' r'-.:."v-- ing that tfca lamp black ordinance be repealed. - - - - - The petitioner obJect'lcT thr ahfoK'd"' Jnent of the ordinance because of trie variegated coloring of the city side walks as a result of the passage of the measure.' A patched effect has re sulted In tha sidewalks sines the ordi nance was passed. The property own era have been objecting to its enforce ment for several months the climax coming this morning with the action of the committee. Councllmen Cottel, Con canon and Wallace voted to repeal the ordinance and Vaughn announced that be would put In a minority report - v ' I ' has undoubtedly oeen snowed under. jreaiaent jjupont or tho streetcar company declared after th announco- ment 01 r me probable result of the vote sn made that if the emnlnvnH man had been ma. refuse to accept arbitration, clause 4 of the arbitration proposition will be eliminated, and that It would then be up to the strikers whether arbitration will be accepted to settle other disputed polnta .. , Montreal longshoremen object to the bonus system Introduced by the ship ping men, but th latter refuse to abolish It . Fouith&YaiTihill intheY.M.GA. '. Building BOYS' If the soles wear' out the uppers you get Sizes 12 to 2 Z?$$2&S t ' ' V-" . i - "'.vM i--.'-' 1,'--r'ir'rf-r-: iv2- -.;- -t v.. " ' vv "".- ' ' - i ) ,.." ' ' , ' : - r ... . . b - - ' ' . ; - - ' ' ' '': ' .' "aawaBalBBSjBBaSsSBBBaaaa I Otic Best Meti's Soles Are Now 60c Rubber Heels 35c , AOTO JlflD BUGGY- ; ICILIDE'IEGBROKEd DrWatts -Injured and Two t Other Autoists'Narroyf- ! ; 1 ly Escape; . :., A badly smashed knee and other In juries to Dr Oeorge E. Watts was tho result of, a collision between a buggy and an automobile on " tho Bass , Line road three miles east of Montavilla yes terday afternoon.- No blame is laid to either the driver of the bua-av or to Dr, wans, wno was ariving nis ngnr. tour ing car toward the carllno on hla return to Portland from a country Jaunt Both the automobile and the 'buggy were go ing towara tno crossing ana Dr. watts was about to paas the buggy when the hore shied and drew the bueav rla-ht in front of the motor car. which was going; fast enough at this time almost to tear the buggy to kindling wood. When the smasbup cam another tour Inr car. in which were Gus Ludwlg and Howard M. Covey, nearly added to the accident, Mr, Covey Just succeeded ia stopping his machine In time to keep from running over the othera ' These two autolsts and James A. Gow anlock, who cams up in a third automo bile, succeeded In extricating Dr. Watts from under ; the . machine, which had turned over, and conveyed him to the Good Samaritan hospital, where he was reported this arternoon as reeling Well. His broken knee, . while it will Take a lonr time to mend, will not Drove fatal aa was at first feared. - - --.i Tho man and woman who wars seated In-the bucrv were hurt also bv the col lision out not seriously, -u a ?::( BECOVEE LANDS; . Continued .from Pag.Ona)u ' ties ao filing on tbe land arid redeedlng It received in araetloally-all cases S60 in cash for their part in th transaction. Th complaint covers over 40 closely wmies r pages ox - rypewruien manu script, and sets forth each piece of land v In detail, also the exact dates when, all papers connected with- each piece of land was filed. Because Of th limited time left In which to bring suit the whotr cass" waa worMdrntr by tb dlstrlc-attoney's-offteo ini lesattran one month, and the papers were drawn up in tnre oays. ' , ' .- ; Aimuufa ail .Mia mhu 'vunwrDeu ca located in Linn county, the original pa pers were filed In Roseburg in two cases, and in Portland la on esse. The larttes named in the three suits ar as ollows: . ' . r : - i-H ..Thorn XaTolTSdt!,-'.i . Roaebur distrlrtJ-C ay smith;' irlck A. Kriba, Charles J. 8 wen son. O. Jsdd Maaley, Will Meaiey. X A.- Thomp son, Georae F. -Meaiey, Richard F., Ma lone. William 3. twrnce. Albert Hen ry Gould, John X Gillilana, Louis May hard, Joseph O. MIckalnon, James W. Roaell. John Thomas Parker Samuel K f tokens, Sidney H. Scanland, Joseph H. teingrarrdt, Cornelius H. TothlUi Blch ard HWatkinds. Charles Wiley, Fred Wodtll. William W. Billings. . Roaebnrg district Nils O. Wsrner, Eva C Warner, First Trust & Savings bank of Illinois, Robert El Greacen, Hubert H. Rogers, John A. Wllld, C A. Smith, Frederick A Kribs, 8. A, XX Puter, John I Green. Thomas Wilson, Charles Barr, Charley Burley. Nell E. Doiler, Hnrry Salt marsh. Harry C. Barr, Edward- Flnley, John J. Jaggy, J:- B. Phillips. Zepulln Smith. Douglas Adktn- on, Sttdle E. Futer. Elvira S. Jacobs, Isaac R. Borum, Benjamin F. Kirk, George , I. Thomae, Peter Buff In art on. John Harrison, Jennie Moulton, Jacob .W. Stlllwell, Henry Blakely. Elam Mil ler, Frank W. Burford, James B. Cooley, Luella Beeman and Hugh Blakeley. Portland district Frederick A. kribs. unaries a- emitn. Aiexanaer v. ustrom, Charles : l Trabert John Ai. Willd. WE ARB SOLE few i r :w 1; h M back-resting; Slender and Medium ' A beauttrvdaewinodalrto - " - : ' NEMO SELF-REDUCING CORSETS Bring hcalti. comfortandrtyle with MAKEOUTWOMEN SLENDER " The hew Flatrunf-Back models reduce both abdomen and . 1.1 dJmuu Model foo. 312, for tall stout women No. 320, same model, Model NO. 314, for short lei NO. 314, for short stout womenjrio. id, same moaei, Nemo Corsets are sold in all od stores thronrbwt theiwia. Aalt your FieTure-Burtdlmr," mailed free on hv.... T CI A Am T3 ' Tf ' rtTa1 mr T W -ilBI lOV Bf DWCIIBUIlt JUa 'iouu, Holmberg, O. Judd Meaiey, Will Meaiey.. johiv A.-TtiompMn; - ueorge -v --aeutfr Bert O, Nye;"MagglTX' KaMerTCbarles W.-BmIOs, Mary A. Watta Oeorge A. Westa-ate, Henrietta Wsstxate, M. jutta Willla, J. Frank Malone, John A. Brown, Thomas ,3. Burgtt Qeorge Collins. A THAW FUEIOUS : - - .- (Continued from Page On)-" sting . when compared with th dra matic work of tHe prosecution. ! i "I don't blame the reporter They're expected to write interesting stuff. But the bearing brought "Out several things n my favor thaiVwer not published. ."Dr.". Jacobys testimony in my be half was absolutely conclusive, but II was uninteresting, so little attention a,aa natd tn i . i T"hen Jesame's cross- examination of the- doctor-mad lively reading and got mro print leaving me false Impression that the doctor was completely annihilated. - . v - "I do not criticise the court, and I do not blame Jeroma As to my future course It Is in the hands of toy counsel. I am unable to understand what made anyone think I was Insane from my manner On tbe witness stand. I am sure I was cool. Tbe only time I hesitated wass when th stenographers were be- "Tbe "attendants at Matteawan did everything- they eould for m during my ata her until about 10 days before I came here, and then their attitude suddenly changed entirely, and I was constantly given th worat of it" ',. Wo raltk la Wife. . .'Thaw' was asked I If there Was any as laaaajaaaaa. AGENTS POR PORTLAND . . .' ' ;(. :.' S . . : V' ; ,:-"'. j- .:. . hn ' 'v" ' ' 1 I f sa I T, a'v " ' ' I F sL I before a New Pair . FOR YDUR ATTENDANCE LIBERAL PATRDMADE DUHjIG V-" ; "nem6week" . MERICAN vrotnettliave feonamonienae; they can't be fooled much or often. The over- wbelminaT uccetg of., Nemo Week that Madame Ametica know- a tation when the sees it and refuse to be duped. 7 ,s , We extend our thanks to the thousands of alert and - honorable ? merchants, -'all over the country, whose hearty co-operation made this year's Nemo Week" a valuable object-lesson to their customers and a notable trade event as well. THERE'S A NEMO", for EVERT FIGURE, STOUT, SLENDER OB MEDIUM , " Tor STOUT WOMENj this famous Netnd Solf-Redudnf 'th corset that never had rlva' , ; r , For SLENDER and MEDIUM FIGURES 1 the wonder ful Back-Resting and the lissome Willow-Shapo. Every Hemo Corset Docs Something. for , You That No Other Corset Can Do. adW4a noiulhle to stout fisrureSt ' . stout womenj Ntf. 18. same model, request. ; KOP Mlra, San rranciaco utnc. uw oaary jtroafc prospect "of a reconciliation between him and his .wife, Evelyn NeaWt Thaw. He evidently waa displeased at th men tion of th subject but replied:- , "I don't think .there ia any danger of my wife withdrawing her divorce case. . Mrs. William Thaw of Pittsburg, mother of th prisoner, and his sister, Mrs. Carnegie, visited him In th sher iffs - quarters - her -today They- wer; f reatly distressed at tbe decision, and he eider woman seemed almost ready to collapse with grief. It Is said this afternoon that the hearing to determine the place for confining Thaw may not be held until a week from Saturday MAJORITY I& CERTAIN;" (Continued from Pag On. tra theatre on THUraday night and With a tour of the county by automobile on nt th id Tl Friday, ending with a last big meeting wit Fri on the east siae idav nieht. .Mayor Lane will reside at im umpire theatr meeUnif Thursday nlffht ana ther will be a special program prepared. Governor Chamberlain will make tne principal address of the evening, and it being his first appearance in Portland rnor Ipal r his during the senatorial campaign, it is cer- tain that the theatre will be packea to tk. Angrm in hair hlfll. Friday Governor Chamberlain and a number of other candidates will- tour tbe county in an automobile. The first stop will be made at Sellwood at :80 o'clock, wher the governor will de liver a short address. The second place will be Arleta at 10:S0; then comes Gresham, at lt:80: Troutdale, at o'clock: St. Johns at 4 o'clock. The trip will clos with a big rally, on the Sizes 2 t6 VA a r - - 1 ' V proves "t 1 rank imi 320 SELF-REDUCING -For Stout Figures .. 4 - with Flatnin2-Baclc.y ',$Q;50 with Flatning-Back, ,; wim x laining-Mca., , daalr. Write us for booklet, "Hygienic east Side at night, in a hall yet to b selected and announced. ' Ex-Senator John M. Gearln will apeak ln-Clatsop-"COunty, , at Aetora. on - Fri day, taking the place of Governor Chamberlain, who was : scheduled W speak there . on Friday, but who will b unable to do so because of th now arranged .trip through Multnoma) county. . 4 - i . i , m Paprika Schnitzel TODAY tosTTXlV t V at. Reinbraten Tomorrow , (Wednesday) --' Otr 9AH.T ' MERCHANT'S LUNCH - Served from. 11 :M a. Tn., . , fn- to i J. p. m. is d- JUC ' , servedly ; popular, ; . . " .. . 'V ... . t. , .. .. ; ; ' "- Special Sunday Dinner v 50 Cents Trt LITTLE HUNGARY "A XsstaaraaS for rploarea." cob rrw Awn Awnrsnr motes Soott Bid. . 88 Third Street Opp. Chamber of Commerce The Kind . You've Been Looking; For ? Li .;. $2.50 mam