The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 16, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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Helllg , . . ... . . ...
' Mr..WJgs of the Cabbage Patch"
-Baker ...."The Heir - to the Hoorah''
Lyrlo ...... "The Lady from Laramie"'
'Bur . .. ."The Merry Widow's Heturn"
Grand .Vaudeville
'Tonight In the T. M. C, A. auditorium,
Judge. M.. C. George end. E. 8. J. Mc-
. Alllster will debate . for the benefit of
; voters, tho proposed tax exemptions on
dwelling houses, barna, sheds, outhouses,
machinery, buildings used for manufac
turing purposes. Improvements, tooU,
i etc. As this Is perhaps the most Im
portant and peculiar 'measure coming
i up under the Initiative and referendum
and the . speakers are eminently' fitted
. to present the reasons for and against.
s an Interesting session Is promised. Af
: ter the principal speakers have finished
an opportunity will be Riven the audi
once to ask questions and discuss the
question tor a limited time,
The ,Y. W. C. A. "At Homes": ars
always delightful affairs and a rood
time is expected tomorrow: ; Dr. CUr.
ence True Wllson-wlU jpeak; The sub
ject of his address Is "True Dignity of
- Lire.-' i nere win De vocal solos . ty
Mrs. R. K Stoner, Mies Leona Struble
and Mr. Kilpack. and a violin solo, by
Mies Louise LaId. Interesting groups
will be formed at 4 o'clock before the
program commences at 4:30, and every
one will have an opportunity to make
'... Civil service ' examinations for four
- government positions will be held dur
ing the month, of June. June 17, there
wlU be examinations for the positions
of custodian of archives in the navy
department,-telephone operator In the
.war department, electrician-elevator op
erator in the custodian service, and on
June 24, for the position of -laboratory
assistant Applications should be made
to Z. t A. .. Leigh, at. the postofflce. ,
The, regular meeting of the Juvenile
Improvement association will be, r held
In the courtroom ' of department No.
4 of the" circuit 'court,- on Saturday,
May IS, at r 8 o'clock p. m. The sub
ject for' discussion Is "The - Juvenile
Court Act." As this will probably be
...the last regular meeting until Septem
ber, a full 'attendance is desired. - All
interested In the work of the associa
tion are Invited (to be present,
' Lee F. Hanrner; field secretary of the
Playground k Association of America,
Will Iscture en '"The Importance of Pro
viding Playgrounds for Children in
Growing ,. Cities." at - ths Unitarian
chapel, corner of Seventh and Tamhill
streets. .Monday, evening. May 18. at 8
o'clock. The lecture will be Illustrated
with matflc lantern. The public is
respectfully Invited. There will be no
admission charge. . : , ... . ,
Resolutions of respect in memory pf
the Jata," Charles A. Cogswell were passed
by the members of the city executive
hoard yesterday "afternoon. Mr.- Cogs
well was a member of the board for a-
: number of years up to his sudden death
several weeks ago. The resolutions re
viewed briefly Mr. Cogswell's long pub
lic career as a soldier, lawyer, legis
lator and public-spirited Citizen. -,.
:- , ',. r.. i , i v . . .- . v - r
Water through, boss ; for sprinkling
yards or .sidewalks or washing porches
or windows must be paid for In advance
'and used only between ths hours of S
and s-sv m. and 8 and p. m. It must
not be used tor-sprinkling streets, ix
usea contrary to tnese rules or wssie-
fully It will, be shut off- -s
Articles lost and found on the street
cars May and 15: Twenty-eight um
brellas, one - ostrich' boa. two pairs
? loves, one muslo book, one manuscript
play).' one lunch pall, two shirts, one
A Rush to the Casket
' Seven tenths of the sick of today are
on a keen gallop to the grave,' Ther
sirs , contlnually TllHng' upr on ' drugs
that gnaw the stomach,' poison the sys
tem and decay the brain. They are
blindly following they know not what.
The .credulous , nonentity consults . ths
fortune teller on . love' and finance, the
confiding patient the prescription writer
for a Latin order, to the druggist to sell
him or her a1 mysterious "something" a
pusale an. enigma In truth a vial of
detriment the seed of other Ills. -'
: v Wo Drugs for He
'Thers ought to. be none for any one.
Sensible: ones ' are discarding them, en
tirelyshunning them as a viper. Na
ture has a remedy for everything.- It Is
not the product of human genius. It is
not enmeshed in "How much is there In
It ,for ms.;, 'It is not selfishness,. .but
ths n-f ;: V "!;; ,;-.-
L Scientific Essence of :
liiSf? Nature
'. -.. f
- Scientifically applied; v I - have cured
hundreds of persons by this method All
manner of diseases readily yield to Its
soothing and healing influences. And
ths cost ' la nothing as compared ko the
combined demands of the medical doctor
and his ally, the druggist, who "sells
ths dope." v , '-. . . " ' v "
..Rheumatism, Neuralgia
All stomach troubles,' all kinds of fe
male troubles, or any other disease, no
matter what, will mors readily yield to
ths Naturopathic' treatment, than to
any drugs or a million bottled of ths
.stuff called patent medicines. .
815 l!th st, two blocks south of Jeffer-
son car, and one block from either
llth or ISth str car.
bffice hours to 12. 1 to 4. Home
phone A-2123. .
I, s
- - ' - f -
Mrs. Daniels .Uses Her Hinjr
to Good Advantage
; This Morning.
Mrs. Daniels, 779 Gllsan street, ex
emplified her woman's wit this morning
when she used ber gold band ling as a
burglar- antidote, with good . success.
Across the street from : Mrs. Daniel's
residence is the grocery stors belonging
to E. A. Robinson. About 3 p'clopk
Mrs. Daniels awoka and, chancing to
look out of her bedroom window, she
espied a man standing In the shadow
of the Robinson , store. r ..:r "
; She realised that it would be futile to
attempt to call an officer. She surmised
that the; man probably had a confeder
ate who was engaged in looting the
store. . She realised If they were made
aware ' that they , were watched ' they
would probably nee, leaving; their plun
der behind. She began an . Insistent
tattoo, on tho window pans with her
ring. Almost immediately the man on
the outside disappeared in the store.
When he "reappeared he was accompa
nied by another man. Ths two walked
rapidly away.
A search this morning revealed the
fact mat nothing had been taken from
the store.' . The two men are described
an rather tall and wearing overcoats.
The -police sre searching for them. , ,
sheet music,' one photo, one basket, one
silk bag, one book, one pair shoes one
bottle of liquid, one suit Underwear,
one package" bolts, One snuffbox, .one
handbag, one' gun rod, three packages,
one lunch box, one tennis racquet. Call
at ths lost article room of ths O. W. P.
railway station, corner First and Alder.
. Falua Carona, who was before Judge
Cameron some weeks ago on a vagrancy
charge,' was captured last night by Of
ficers Johnson. Abbott and Leisy In the
terminal yards near Seventh ana North
rup streets, - wher hs - was running
around in a demented condition. . So
fiercely did he fleht that It was neces
sary to handcuff him before he could
be placed In ths patrol wagon. ,
MU1I Watklns died at 4 o'clock this
morning 'at St. Vincent's hospital Mrs.
Watklns Is well known at the "police sta
tion. - For the past five years she has
spent' more or less time in custody of
roue Matron mmmone. ens was
brought in Saturday and . sentenced to
80 days for being drunk. Tuesday she
was taken violently ill and Thursday
she was removed to tne nospuai.
. Ed Chapman,, t ha Indian who took
liquor onto the Umatilla Indian reserva
tion and thereby disturbed the peace
and dignity of the United States of
America, pleaded runty in tne federal
court this morning and was fined S25
and requested to Tend - his presence' to
the interior or the county jail xor the
period of Q days. ; ;
Beginning today the Portland Rail
way, Light A Power company will put
on a local e'er, leaving First and Alder
streets at 6:0 d. m.. daily, except Sun
day, for all points on the Bpringwater
Eivision between uou . junction ana
ents - Junction, Car will be marked.
"OaKs. uou junction ana Lents Juno
tlon." '
Steamer Columbia between Portland
and Vancouver, four round trips dally,
leaving Washington street dock. Leaves
Portland e:J and. in a. m. a no and
t u: m. leaves- Vancouver :16 and
11:46 a. m., S:16 and 6:46 p. n. Fare
Z5 cents rouna trip. waptain . James
uooti, owner. ,. .
I A meeting of the Riverside . Driving
olub and : other owners of wheeled ve
hicles, wllllnsr to bartlclpate In the com
ing par ado of , the Rose Carnival. June
4, 1901. will be held in room 12. Hamil
ton building thtrd - floor), Monday
evening, xaay iub. - -
. V. - Mil lllllll " -1' --"
Bailey Oatiert to Cascade Locks and
The Dalles and return, Sundajr. May IT,
Leave Alder street dock 41 a. m., return
st t p. m.; Fare to The Dalles snd re
turn 1 2, to Cascade Locks and return II
: The Regulator line steamboat .Bailey
Gatsert makes round trip to The Dalles
dally except Sunday. 1 Leaves Portland
7 a.i m-i returns p. m. Alder street
dock.) Phones Main 14, A-6lll.g..
Why buy 1 2.56 or S3 machine-sewed
shoes when for S. 60 you can buy a
hand-sewed Borosls, "the shoe that has
no equal "? Knight's, Third and Wash
ington, soie agents. .
The Fellowship circle has adjourned
its Emerson class for the season, but
the Sunday afternoon meetings are con
tinued as usual at sui xamnui.
Steamer Jesse Harklns, . for' Camas,
Wsshougal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock at 1 p. as. y : V'-
Pla-Mate children's shoes, box t-alf, 6
to 8, $1.60; to 13, $1.76. At Knight's,
northwest corner Third and Washington.
; t' ' 'I-' - ' ' "' ' ' ' sa
' Walk-over duckis uxroros per
pair. Best value ever made. Knight's,
Third and Washington. -
Knight's have more styles of $3.50
Oxfords than any other shoe house in
the northwest, -
If you have trouble to find the hose
to match your gown or shoes, try
Knight's p,;, ,
ft.' Chambers A Sop, opticians, now at
821 Morrison street, Marquam building.
Satin slippers, stage last, in all col
ors. Knight's, Third and Washington.
Woman's Exchange, 118 Tenth street,
tuncb 11:!C to 2; business men's lunch.
. The merrymakers' dancing party to
night, . Rlngler's hall:, excellent muslo,
Hall's new : restauraat, 830 Washing
ton street, now open for business, t
Ladles take a peep at the ' Sorosls
hosiery department at Knight's. .
Hall's new restaurant. 330 Washlnar.
ton street, now open for business. -
'' W. A. "Wise and associates, painless
entlsts. Third, and Washington.
Exclusive styles In Ladles' and chll.
dren's hose, at Knlght'a
Ladles Sorosls 19o hose " will wear
Knight's, sola .agents. . 3
Children's hose that will wear. 25o
per pair at Knight's.
Canvas Oxfords in aU colors, 12.50,
Shaw Knit
socks for men - 25c, at
Sorosls hosiery . 26o
Knight's. -
per pair.
. fc . "
Sorosls solves ths shoe question for.
ever. .. ......
Big stock of baseball shoes at Knight's.
Sorosls shoes ars practically perfect.
Baby shoes with wider toes st Knlght'a
Bsrger, signs, show cards. tSe Tambin.
Knight's want your children's trade.
Journal want ada. jo a word. '
Tachtlng Oxforda Knight" a
imiES o. it.
via mam
l , ,
War Department Is Trepar
ing, for the Maneuvers at
v , American Lake.
-Adjutant-Oentral Flnser,' O, : O.,
has received the following communi
cation from the war department extend
ing an invitation to the Oregon national
guard to participate in the Joint army
and national guard " encampment ; at
American lake from August 8 to 13:
"War Department,, Washington, ; May
. Slrj Referring to the fact that con
gress has appropriated funds for joint
army and national guard maneuvers
during, the fiscal .year." 1908-9 and,; to
previous correspondence had with you
in regard thereto, the following or
ganizations -of , Oregon have been, In-
viiea ana are expeciea iu purutivaio
In ' the encampment of the troops fOf
the regular army at American, lake.
adjutant-general, third and fourth regi
ments of Infantry, detachment hospital
- "Attention Is Invited to. the Inclosed
ganlzations should arrive at camp fully
armed, . uniformed and equipped for ac
tive dutp- In the field - and should - In.
.1.1 iti.l. . .ntilnnunt anch tAntaire
v. ..uo in ' i "
and camp equipage as Is necessary for
an camping purposes. ,
"Correspondence with " reference . to
the execution of the details of - the
their home -rendeivous to instruction
camps, tneir pay, accommodation, ui,
sistence and Instruction at the camps
and provisions for their return trip
should be conducted by the state au
thorities directly with the adjutant-
general,- aflpariweni di ummui ,u
couver barracks, Washington.
I . . KOdEKT hMA w jLil v en,
-,- "Acting Secretary of War."
Albina 3Ien Postpone Action
on the "Williams Avenue
The North East BId Business Men's
association met last night at Woodmen
hall 'on Rodney avenue- ' anp Russell
street to consider the J. proposition , of
rebuilding the Williams avenue school
house. Owing to the small) attendance
by reason of the rain little . else but
discussion resulted. It is the opinion of
the majority, of the association, how
ever, that the matter should rest until
after the summer vacation.
President M. G. Munly of the asso
ciation, representing the Catholic Toung
Men's club, offered' the use of the
club's grounds to the city band for the
holding of concerts this summer. It
was discovered that arrangements have
already been made with the park com
mlbe loners to hold the concerts In she
Williams avenue school grounds.
' The association decided to send a rep
resentative delegation to the banquet
of the United East Side clubs May 26.
wOuests at the Portland hotel last
night were considerably alarmed whet
Dr. E. A. Salsbury, said to be a promi
nent dentist of Seattle, Washington, be
came demented and kept up a continual
harangue on the merits of chop suey and
the fallings of John' D. Rockefeller, of
Standard Oil fame.- The night clerk no
tified the police and the dentist 'now
occupies a cell in the city Jail.
Sleep seems to be the least of his
troubles, for all last night he kept the
prisoners awake with his rapid-fire re
marks on chop suey and John D. This
morning he varied the program by five
or six Imaginary plunges in chop suey.
City -Physician Zlegler was called to
make an examination." He believes the
man Is suffering from a long debauch. .
The WWte Temple
Twelfth and Taylor Streets. .
Ths Famous Baker City Reformef,
Will Speak at. Both Services.
BOTTD AT, 10130 A. X.
'iThe labor Problem"
Solo by Mr. R; N. Hockenberry.
"Stand and Withstand"
Duet by Miss Kathleen Lawler and
Miss Ethel Shea. - -
Taylor-Street Methodist
Episcopal Church
Third and Taylor Streets
Rev. 4 Benjamin Young, D. D.,
Pastor '
Morning Service, 10:30 o'Clock
"Vexation'and Victory
Evening Service, 7 :45 o'Clock.
Sacred Service oi Song Chorus
Choir Forty "Voices., '
Rev. Warren H.
Landon D. D. 1
Will Preach Tomorrow in
Calvary Presbyterian
Church '
Corner Eleventh and Clay Sts.
Morning "Finding a Great Book."
Evening "A Great Opportunity."
i ...
Donahue Sentenced for Asr
, sault on Relative-fGil- .
lett Blanies Druer.4 "
. John Donahue, who made -a' murder
ous assault on his uncle, Edmund
Sweeney, and whose defense was basad
on the grounds of Insanity, was sen
tenced to serve five years in the peni
tentiary by Judge Cleland this morn
ing. When arrested for shooting his
Uncle, who had a nArrnw Mr,n frnm
death, Donahue told the officers that;!
,ic uuu, anu ever since ns nas
Indulged In incoherent talk.
Donahuo was not surrounded by a
halo - as he arose for sentence. He
siooa witn nis bands la his pockets
and his Jaws worked on a chew of plug
tobacco. His attorney asked that he
vm sent to me insane . asylum, but
Judge Cleland said that the jury had
passed on that question, finding the
uvicnuani sane
Donahue shot at his uncle four
times, and three or . the , shots took
effect. The attack was made without
apparent provocation and without
warning. The trial developed the fact
that Sweeney had some time before
refused to loan Donahue money to
erect a house, although he had previ
ously loaned him money and befriended
him In- many ways. Donahue in his
incoherent way maintained that he did
not shoot his uncle, but shot a man
named Casey, whom, he said, the gods
had condemned to perdition.
R. W. Olllett. 68. years of aire, also
stood . before Judge Cleland for sen
tence this morning, having been con
victed of uttering a forged Check. He
made the plea that he nad been In a
hospital, where he became addicted to
the use of drugs, and that he was not
luiiy responsiDie tor wnat ne did. He
was sentenced to serve three years In
the penitentiary. Charles Lynd, who
was jointly charged with Qillett,' was
acquitted by the Jury. .. ,
David - La Mora, - convicted several
weeks ago on a statutory charge, was
sentenced to serve one year , In jail by
Judge Bronaugh.
w Northern Pacific No. 1, due at w
w 7 o'clock, arrived on time. ,
w Southern Pacific No. 16, due at w
W' 7:55, arrived on time. 4
w Southern Pacific No. 18, due at
w 11:80, arrived on time.
w O. R. ft N. No. 8, due at 8
w o'clock, arrived on time.
w' O. R. ft N. No. 6, due at 8:45.
arrived on time. '
- Astoria & Columbia NO, 21,
due at 12:15, arrived on time. 4
"He came up and asked ins for 60
cents, and when I told him I didn't
have It he knocked - me down," said
Abraham Rosen.- a ' storekeeper at , 269
Sheridan street, this morning.
Rosen's complaint was against Arvid
Jarvl. who was arrested last night at
Sixth and Couch streets for being drunk.
Jarvl is an ex-bartender and last night
was "celebrating" a little. He will
now answer to a charge of assault and
battery. . ,
Rosen says he was standing In front
of his store when Jarvl made his de
mand. When he attempted to arise sfter
beina- struck down Jarvl. he says, start
ed at him the second time. He believes
he would have been severely beaten had
not -a crowd quickly congregated, which
frightened jarvl away.
The. collection of butterflies, which
has been . upon exhibit for the last
month at the Sellwood and east side
branch libraries, will be on exhibition
st tne central lmrary, monaay, cany
18. unit for two weeks may be found
upon the landing between the two
floors. This will give an opportunity
for many people to see this beautiful
collection who have not been able to
visit the brancn lmraries. .
The St. Johns reading-room was dis
continued on Friday, May 16. All
members Of the llbrsry living in St.
Johns will hereafter return their books
at the Central library. .
Last Time "Mw Wiggs"- Tonight.
The last performance of the famous
American character comedy, "Mrs.
Wlggs of The Cabbage Patch," will be
given at the Helllg theatre. Fourteenth
and Washington streets, tonight at 8:15
o'clock. Beat sale at theatre.
Francis Wilson Next Monday.
The distinguished American comedian,
Francis Wilson, will present the de
lightful comedy. "When Knights Were
Bold" at the Helllg theatre. Fourteenth
and Washington streets, next ' Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday nights. May
18, 19 and 20. Seats are now selling.
Is s
v v i ' 1 ' r
"The Heir to the Hoorah."
The last opportunity to see the Baker
stock company In the great western
&lay, "The Heir to the Hoorah," will
tonight, and this is. without doubt,
one of the very best offerings made
by the popular company. -
' s .---. . i i i -ii W u n --Tins-' -V-jrV .. , '
' The Lady From Lramle." .
Tonight th public will again have
an opportunity of seeing at the Lyric,
the Allen stock company in its great
performance and fine production . of
that thrilling drama, "The. Lady From
Laramie," in which Verna- Felton and
her associates have been so successful
during the past week.
Last of Present Bill. . -There
will be two more performances
of "The Merry Widow's Return" at the
Star theatre. . These shows will be to
night at 7:60 and 6:16. The entertain
ment consists of & lively musical com
edy presented by three comedians, a
prima donna and a bunch of pretty
chorus girls. , ,
' The Doric Four,"
The Doric four Is a male quartet,
which has been making good this week
at the Grand, and It Is one of the best
quartets of the year. The headline act
is one which would make a mule laugh,
It Is 'The Laughing Horse.". This trav
esty on a circus Is a merry scream,. .
Ho! For the War Ships.:
Do not, deceive yourselves, you 'can
not see the warships from the beach,
as they maneuver seven miles off shore.
-Take the 8. S. "Roanoke" and see
them in all their . grandeur.
Fare round trip from Astoria. $3.
Ticket office 162 Third street.
Purchase your ticket early as space
Is limited. II." Young, agent.
' Cheap Rates East.
On May 18 the Canadian Pacific will
again selt round trip excursion tickets
to eastern points- at very: low. rates.
Tickets will be good for stopovers. In
quire regarding the variable routes.
4 . ' '.. '
"Ji Conservative Custodian
PAYS::. ,.
4 Per Cent
' ' ' i,. ,-: :. :: : ' ;:'
For the convenience 'of
its customers on Satnr-
day evenings from 6 to 8
114 Second St.
Corner Washington
-; AaroSBMBBTg.
XVQt, . and Washlnrton
. Phones Main 1 and A-1IJ2
- PAY. - ' ... .- .
The Distinguished Comedian, :" .
rsAvcia wruoir
, In the Delightful Comedy
Vrlees fi, $1.60 tl, 76c, 60f.
Beats-Now Sellirg at Theatre.
ilLILlll Mtb and Washington
Phones Main i and A-112I
Delightful Character Comedy,
: "mbs. wiaos or tbb oabbaob
' ',' ATOK." . .
Evenings, $1.60 to -SOe. - - -
Phone Main 2, A-6 880.
Oeo. X Baker, Gen, Mjpr.
Last time tonight. First time In
stock here. Paul Armstrong's famous
western comedy, :
An attraction worth a great deal more
than these regular Baker prices: Even
ings, 256. 36c, 60c; matinees. 16c 25c
Next week, starting tomorrow matinee,
"Secret Service."
THE STAR Musical Comedy
Week of May 10, 10S
- '.7:30 and il8 p, m. .
Lower floor, 25c, balcony 16o. '
Matinees daily at 2:80 p. m., 15e.
In this production will be worn the
largest "Merry Widow" hat in the world
The. first moving pictures of
The Fleet in Frisco
This afternoon and balance of week.
Ooens Exposition Rink beginning SAT
UKDAY, MAY 18, and will be open three
nights a weeg wednesaays, Saturdays
and Bunaays. parsons orcnestra. . Ad
mission 25c Ladles free. All cars
pass the door. Nineteenth and Wash
ington streets. ,
Los Angeles
MAT 13. 14. 15. IS. 17.
Games begin week ' days' at
a:su p. m tsunaay, s:ao p. m.
Admission fee Bleachers.
2 Sc; grandstand, 60c; boxes, 25o extra;
children, bleachers, 10c; grandstand, 26c
Boys under 12 free " to . bleachers
weanesaay. ..
i- -- PART 1 7",
(Speclsl Dlspstch to The Journal.)
Qresham. Or., May 1. The third an
nual commencement of the Gresham
high school wll be held In the Metho
dist church Thursday evening,' May 21,
under the direction of Professor Baker,
principal of the Oresham schools. Fol
lowing Is the program: March, volun
tary; Invocation, Dr. A. Thompson:
"Arise, (Sleep No More,; quartet; "The
Accumulation of wealth and the Decay
of Man," Harley Turner; "The Making
of a - Community," ' George Schantime;
vocal solo, selected. Edith ' Gordon;
"Nulla , Palma, Sine Pulvere," Pearl
Metxger; "The Measure of a Man," John
Shattuck; cornet solo, "My Dream of
You," Dr. H. H. Ott; "The Student's
Place In Politics," Raleigh Watson; vo
cal solo, "Love's Sorrows," . Dr. R P.
Buttries; address. Judge Ei C Bron
augh; presentation of diplomas. B. W.
Emery; "Star of Descending," 'quartet
. The members of the graduating class
are: Harley Turner, - John Shattuck.
Pearl Metxger, George Bhantlme and
Raleigh Watson, v The class. colors are
cardinal and old gold. The class flower
Is the 'red carnation. The class motto
la "JNulIa Palma. Sine Pulvere." t
'V'v- Oresham Notes.
(Special ttotcb lo Tit Jonrail.
Gresham. May 18. G.:W. Andrew of
Toledo. Lincoln county. Is attending to
business affairs here and at Bull Run.
The Mount Hood pompany - has low
ered, the bridge over the cut on. Stanley
, Get grocer and cook tog-ether
and ask what's Nthe
matter I - t
Tour grocer returns your money if you
don't like Schilling's Best: we pay him.
Bulletin llo.'
Id this bulletin we propose to treat a very important, function
of a street railway company, namely, the part it plays in develop
ing the suburbs and outlying sections of the . city in which it ia
.placed, '- -'o;: vS-,.'i...-;.'-;s .v-. . ;''-', ' '
This subject is of such interest to every one in the community
that we shall have to divide the discussion of it into two parts in
order more fully to cover it, leaving some portions to be treated
; in our next bulletin. ,
In the special report of the United States census office of 1902,
under the heading of The Urban Street Railway as a Social
Factor," the report says: The street railway vhas been, probably
the most important single influence in dispersing urban population. -The
chief function of a street railway in a great city is the distri
bution of the population over a wider area than it would otherwise
be possible to occupy. Economic and social forces tend powerfully
to draw multitudes of peoples into huge urban communities, and
as the inhabitants increase in numbers they must either crowd
ever closer and closer together to the detriment of health and com
fort, or they must find some means by which, without intolerable
waste of time and strength they may live farther from one another
snd from their places of business." ,
A city grows perpendicularly, in the form of tenement houses
and high buildings, or horizontally, spreading itself in the form of
smaller buildings over s much larger area.
The character of growth is determined by the time consumed in
transportation between the business and residential sections of the
city. People will - not live in treat numbers more than one-half
hour's time from the business sections of the city. Slow and irreg
ular service materially decreases the dwelling house area and the
people crowd together. If the service is rapid and regular, the
radius of the residence circle is enlarged and the dwelling house'
area proportionately increased. - V: t .; o.; '
This healthy growth, will vary according to the character of the
street car service. - Thus in Glasgow, Scotland, where the railway
mileage is very limited, or in New York, where the service to the east
and west is hampered by the rivers, tenement houses prevail and
social conditions cause grave concern. Z
The horse car could travel but a short distance in a half hour,
and the suburban growth of the city was limited. The result of
the early adopting of rapid transit here was the speedy enlarge
ment of the dwelling area and greatly improved social conditions.
Portland has few tenements; it requires but superficial examin
ation to see how well the city stands in this respect. .Its .great
area is largely covered by. two and three-story houses, and it is
not standing stilL 1 A glance at every suburb will show that vast
building operations, consisting of two and three-story houses, are
now being pushed far out into the new subdivisions. - '
While this represents the energy and enterprise pf our citizens,
we feel that they will not begrudge us our claim to have aided in
making this growth possible and profitable. . .
Prior to 1905 the city area was 38 square miles; in 1907, 44.75
square miles. Due to the rapid extension of the street railway
lines much of this has since become improved city property, mak
ing a tremendous increase in the taxable basis of the city.
, The electric railway system is equally indispensable to the dis
tricts outside the city limits. ' Its suburban and country lines
accomplish two things. ;; First, a great number of people .who have
their offices in the city are enabled to live in the suburbs Second,
the sections of the country transversed by the electric lines are
brought into much closer relationship to each other, thus greatly
enlarging and developing the field of business activity in, these
sections. The most forcible argument in favor of the value of
rapid transit as a developing agent in the suburban and interurban
districts is the increase in population and prosperity in these dis
tricts which has taken place since the electric lines were built
But the company is pushing still farther out and extending
ahead of the population. It has many miles outside the city limits.
When these lines were built they ran through very sparsely settled
localities. They did not pay for many, years. Some of them do not
pay now, but substantial homes have sprung up, lining the various
routes, and the people have availed themselves to a surprising
extent of their opportunity to leave the crowded sections and still
be within easy reach of their places of business. '
Present conditions are a stronger argument than anything we
can say to show the remarkable growth of the suburbs and the
fioolofarii trlvfit tft If fctf th fallwiva ' I
& :
Save .'
Corns snd have free examination. -
t r tn wrn , nm 1.-. t. t t -,.- n i.-i . erT
INGS. 75c UP: SET OF TEETH. 14.005
SPLENDID - SET, ia.00; ; ; GOLD
CROWNS, $1.80 TO 15.00.
AH work guaranteed for ten rears.
Lady attendant always present. All
work done absolutely without pain by
specialists of from 11 to 20 years' ex
perience. - n :
Boston Dentists
Voms JPhons A.-9O30. .
- Phone acala B030. ....
891K Morrison St Otm. Fostofflce.
Good for Man or Beast
WHILE using for ? Horses
and Cattle Dear in mind
that it is just as valuable
in your home. : .;
. That lame arm, strained
muscle or bruised hand will
not twinge long if Mexican
Mustang' Liniment has
been applied. V It penetrates
. quickly and so relieves all pain
; and soreness. ,
- Oar record Is SO years
avenue to the level of the road, making
It safe for travel. - - -
Mrs. Allans house In Thompson a ad
dition Is almost Inclosed.
. Ous Rlchey, a prominent fruitgrower
of Pleasant Valley, was transacting
business In Gresham yesterday.
Building Permits.
Jacob Van" Zant. erect dwelling, Boss
between McMillan and Halsey. 12.000;
Suburban Lumber cotnpsny. errt dwell
ing. IHvinion near Fiftieth, J'.',000; V.
M. Patterson, erect dwelllnsr. AVilhur be
tween Tfrrace avenue ami Orchard.
S1.5U0; Unrkhardt & t'adwll, erect ot
fie hullillnp. Peoond between AMer and
M(irr!snn, loO.OHO; 1 A. West. prvt
tiwellinc. t'tiautauoua boulevard near
ViUiS toulcvttrd, J1,:00.
: . .U'j
Ptotlatd Oregoaij
, Incorporated snd Chartered under
the Laws of the BUte of Oregon
NotfDoh't You Rec3
Dorse Insnrcncc ;
We Have' Never Seen the Maif V! ?
Could Afford to Be. Without It.
The ONLY COMPANY Licensed t
Write Livestock Insurance in
" the State 'of Oregon.
losses Paid Pas! YearlS.C : :
Call Us Up Main 57S
nidnd Rcof Stab:
AltXt S3Aor3
5 Gal. Lots 75c Per QrA.
Portland SashC::r D,
B3o riosx ST.
$cbwab Print;.:
rr rpr. irr. v 4
7 :i STA1",;