The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 16, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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. r-
. Mrs! Henry Smith,
whose picture Is here
shown, it a member of
the "Devil Chasers," who
permitted the cbiei Jf the
sex at Nazareth. Pennsyl
vania, to kill her eyear
Do not take chances on it weanng away or experiment with some unknown preparation
which may leave the 'bronchial tubes and lungsweakened and susceptible to attack from
the germs of Pneumonia; or Consumption.
T. B. Williamson Is Brought
Out in Benton atf Result of
Revolt . Against Bone
brake, ' Whose Defeat Is
Predicted. ' - .
old daughter, because, at
he said, a devil was de
vouring the soul of the
child. "
i (Special Dispatch to' The Jooraa1.) v .
Corvallls, Or.. May 16. T. B. WU1-
. lamson, 'a' Republican - and a bright,
progressive Benton county farmer, has
teen placed In the field a a straight
, Statement No. 1 candidate for 'representative.-
: His candidacy la largely a
revolt' of ' Republicans against the can
dldacy of Bey. P. X. Bonebrake, another
Republican . candidate for representa
tive,' who signs a. atatement to support
that aanatorlal candidate receiving a
"majority of the people' votes. Bone
brake la strictly opposed to Statement
I Jflo, Viii!.'..f'f-3 .'... - ,
When a ; movement waa inaugurated
immediately after the primaries to
rlace a Statement No. 1 candidate in
he - field against ; Bonebrake, a, local
lieutenant went to Portland to consult
Mr. Cake on the aubject. He came back
and after calling - a meeting of hla
friends announced to them that Mr.
Cake waa not In . favor of putting a
straight Statement No. -1 candidate In
the field.
The appearance of Williamson In the
field is likely to result In the defeat
of Bonebrake, as Statement No. 1 sen
tlment la very strong throughout the
county, especially, in the, country pre
cincts v .. ;, , .
v .
' je
Summer Stove ?
heating the room.
- The rifling air of a
close kitchen is changed
to comfortable coolness
. by installing a New Per
fection Wick Blue FJame
Oil Cook-Stove to do the
family cooking. ' :
No kitchen furnishing
is so convenient as this
stove. Gives a working
heat at once, and. main
tains it. until turned out
that too, without over
If you examine the
Wide Bine Flame Oil Cook-Stove
, ; , yon will see why this la to. The tteat from the
chimney of the ''New Perfection" Is enctmtrud
, i under the kettle and not dissipated through the room -by
radiation! Thus It does the work of the coal -range
without Its discomfort. Atk your dealer about
this stove if not with him, write our nearest agency.
' bousefurnishing and gives
a clear, powerful light more agreeable' than gat or
electricity. Safe everywhere and always, Made
of brass finely nickel plated utt the thing for the
liring-foom. If not with your dealer, write our
Dearest agency. a ,; ' - -
Standard Oil Company
led) ,:.: ,.
Campaigning Is. a IIousc to
House Handshaking Af
fairThe Candidates:
(Special DUpttch to The JonrnaH
Dallas, Or., May IS. Polk county pol
itics is decidedly slow In warming up
thla year. Each candidate for a county
office la doing hla campaign work
quietly, and most generally by a per
sonal house-to-house can vase over the
county. '
... The selection by the state Republican
convention of B. B. Williams of this
city at a delegate to the Republican
national convention ' is cleaning to all
political partlee In Polk county, he be
ing the first delegate sent to a na
tional convention from 1 this county
since 1900, when J. H. Townsend, now
deceased, was sent .to' tite uemoc ratio
national convention at Kansas City.
B. F. Jones, Republican candidate for
joint representative rrora Lincoln ana
Polk counties, a Statement No. 1 man
will opposition at the polls In
June. For representative- from Polk
county, - w. v. lienry, democratic.
Statement No. 1, will be opposed by c
L. Hawler. Beoubllcan: anti-statement.
For county Judge, J. K. Sibley Is the
Democratic candidate and E. F. Coad.
present Incumbent, the Republican can
didate. For sheriff. J. 11. Grant. Demo
crat present Incumbent, Is opposed by
IT. li. aiuscoii, KepuDiican. tw county
clerk, K. , M. Bmlth, present incumbent.
candidate ror a tnira term,- is me .Re
publican candidate, his Democratic op
ponent being V. 8. Crowley, a teacher,
living at Falls City. For county treas
urer, D. P. Btourrer. Republican, and
Ed. C Dunn, Democrat, are the oppos
ing canaiaaiea. r or assessor, jr. n.
Mver is the Democratic candidate, and
C. S. Graves, present incumbent, the
Republican candidate. For school su
perintendent, H. C. Seymour, present
incumbent, Republican, will be' opposed
by W. I. Reynolds, Democrat. For aom
mlssloner. William Riddle, present Re
publican incumbent, will maVe the race
not only stops the cough but heals 'and strengthens the lungs and prevents serious results
from a cold. Contains no opiates. -;:!-,; :'.
' Bo v. Sura , You ; Get ., Foley' ' .
There are enbstltntee made to tell on the good name of T61ey9
Honey and Tar. Bewafe of them. Yon should have confidence
fat a cough cure that has been sold with universal satisfaction for "
l thirty-five years. The genuine Foley 0 Honey and Tar 1 fas
a yellow Package. See that yon get It. ! '
A mother Testifies
This is to certify that my daughter was down for almost one year
with a cold. The doctors finally pronounced it consumption. We had
given np nope lor her recovery, I was given a sample bottle ox Foley's
Money ana i ar. i gavait ail to her in about three hours, it i
the cough, and gave her rest. I sent next day and bought a 50c
and began giving It, la three month's time she waa well. There can
sot be too much said in favor of Foley's Honey and Tar. It saved my
child's life. Mrs. George Batsoa, Fountain Grove, Mo.
Three sizes 25c, SOc and $1.00. The 50-cent size contains two and one-half times as much as the small size
- . ' , ad the $1.00 bottle almost six times as much.
scld ra nCo::::HDED by
against A. M., Holmes, Democrat For
coroner, R. L. Chapman, Republican,
will hav no opposition.
The Socialists 'also hava candMnte.
In .the field for each county office. They
expect to poll at least 600 votes.
The total registration In Polk county
Is about 3,700.
State Grange Resolution
Against Tinkering the .
Initiative Law.
1 . t
I'll Cure
If you are drugging, I want
1 you to atop it now. Drugs
can't cure you. .- Instead - of
building up, drugs tear down,
because they contain poison in
stead of nourishment. When
you are ailing you need some
thing that gives strength, new,
vltaUty . to the body. , Drugs
lower the vitality and cause an
ailment to became cbronla .
The only way to cure any
thing to to help nature. Drug
don't do that. Nature will cure
when she has the power elec
tricity. ,,,,,
Electrtolty 1 nature's medl
cine. It - cures by giving
strength, nourishment to the
body. It removes the cause of
disease by supplying to the
body the force It lacks, ena
bling every organ to perform
its worn properly, and when
every organ is In a healthy
condition there can be no pain
or sickness.
' Feed . electricity r to your
nerves. They will absorb and
carry It to every orsan and tis
sue,' giving health and strength
to every all in g part
Electro Vigor Is an elsotrto
body battery, applied while you
sleep. It Infuses a stream pf
eleotrlo life Into the body all
night long. It does not shock
5 blisters The only sensation
is a mild, soothing glow.'
Electro-Vigor Is not an eleo
trlo belt. It never needs charg
ing, for It makes Its own power
- Electro-Vigor is cheaper than
a course of drugging. - " .
A Book Worth $1
Cut out this coupon and mall it to
me. I'll give you a beautiful 100-page
book, which tells all about my treat
ment. This bdok. Is illustrated with
pictures of " fully developed men -and
women, showing ' how Electro-Vigor
Is applied, and explains may things
you want to knom - I'll send -the book
closely sealed and prepaid, free. If you
will mail this coupon.
Cut It out now. - '
S. A. Hall, M. D.
, . UI4 d ave, Seattle Wash.
1303 riUmore St Baa yranotoco.
Please send me, prepaid,' your free
100-page Illustrated took.
Name ' . . . . .7. ....... . . .
Letters like thee are pewrtag
In dress all parts ef the West.
They show what Bleetre-Vigor
Is dels.
I used Electro-Vigor every
nlaht for three weekf, and the
asthma Is cured. I feel fine
and my appetite le Improving.
17t Van Houten St,
, - Portland,' Or.
- , '
' Electro-Vigor has been a boon
to me. It has eured me of In
somnia and nervouaness. I am
very grateful Indeed for what
your. Invention has done for me.
. 401 Tourney Bldg.,
, - Portland, Or.
t have used Electro-Vigor for
about (0 days, and. am greatly
benefited by Its use. The vari
cocele is much better, the pains
have entirely left my back, and
the vigor of youth has been re
newed in me In this short time
to a wonderful degree. '
s - . General Delivery, '
Spokane, Wash.
My health has improved very
much under the use of Electro
Vigor. The backache and diar
rhoea are cured and 1 am feel
ing better generally than I have
for years ' past I am an old
resident of Portland, s having
lived here about JO years, and
will be glad to vouch for yo I r
treatment, at any time. - -.
H. F. BRUKK. . "
."'W, t7S Sandy PL.
' ' i Portland, Or.
(Special Dtipatcb to Tbe J our nil.)
Eugene, Or.. . May !. The thirty-
fifth annual session of the Oregon state
grange closed last night after one of
the most successful and Interesting
meetings in the history of the organiza
tion. Tbe attendance was large and
the interest In all of the topics dis
cussed was greater than usual. The
delegates are leaving for their homes
today with the thought uppermost In
their minds that this session was a
splendid success and that they will
never, forget the hearty welcome and
the courteous treatment received at the
nanas or tne people of Eugene.
Last Night's session was devoted to
the installation of the newly elected
officer of the grange. At yesterday's
sessions a number of resolutions Were
adopted. Important among which was
the one against changing the initiative
taw. 11 was as lowowe:
"Whereas. Political forces and coroor
ate interests within and without the
state are seeking various ways to de
stroy and annul our Initiative and ref
"Whereas, Theae laws may be some
what crude in their oneratlon- never
theless they are capable of expressing
ma win 01 me people 01 uregon, as
has been shown by their use In the
past; and
'"Whereas. We have full confidence
In the Intelligence of the voters of
uregon ana believe that should they,
through mlsunderstandlg. Dass any bad
measures, the same may be remedied
tnrougn tnese laws, thererore, be it
"Resolved. By the Oregon state
grange In session assembled, that we
are strongly opposed 10 any cnange in
the initiative and referendum law, un
til such time aa these laws have Droved
themselves detrimental to the people of
uregon, ana we Deueve tnat any at
tempt to change such laws while the
same are being tested in the courts
would be unwise and uniust to our peo-
fue, inumucn as 11 wouia do a conms
nar and disturbing factor."
This resolution was introduced by R.
W. OllI of Clackamas county.
Ths committee on good of the order
recommended that each grange in the
state appoint a press corresoonaent.
whose duty it shall be to report to the
local papers the dolnvs of the grange.
The um of S2.S00 waa nnnrnnWx tsrl
by the grange for extension work In
the state and . organization of new
And the Operations of a Bad
Band of Rustlers Are
1 II I 1 It .. . I f it r i '
Make Your Paint Money
Buy Satisfaction!
(Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.)
Walla Walla, Wash.. May 18. J. A
Mclntyre. one of a gang of alleged
horse thieves operating along the Snake
and Columbia rivers, has been convloted
In superior court on the evidence ; of
Paul Kruger. a member of the gang,
who -turned states evidence' atad con
f eased that he and the other members
stole horses by the carload and shipped
them to Chicago, where they Were sold
tor a gooa price. Tne money derived
from the sale was. divided among the
gang. -
Three accomplices, John Tyke and two
sons, are now on trial in the superior
The defense tried to show-that Km.
ger employed the others and that they
did not know the horses were stolen.
The gang has operated for years in
the sand belt along, the Snake and
Columbia rivers and thousands of dol
lars worth of horses have been stolen
from ranchers all over the country.
The gang made frequent trips Into the
farming dstrlcts and after rcrundlnar iin
a vanu vi nviwi wuuiu arive mem -to
the uoiumoia ana snip tnem across the
river Into the Horse Haaven oniinlr.
The officer finally obtained a clue
mat resulted in tne. arrest or the five
men. , ,
(Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal V
Astoria, Or. May H.-The body of
Christopher ; West, who was drowned
last August by falling from a sail
boat near Cathlamet, was . picked up
Thursday by a flaberman near Pillar
Rock, west was a son of David West,
treasurer of Wahklacum County, re
siding In Cathlamet. and was 18 years
of age. The funeral took place at
Cathlamet yesterday afternoon. .
HpO ' make "your paint money buy satisfaction
means a great deal. You can't achieve sat-,
isfaction with cheap, inferior paints that crack and
peel and blister and begin to look shabby almost ,
as soon as dry.', Nor with paints that are coarse
and uneven. jn texture and lacking in lustre
mat win uul give lvug wear.
But .your money ; buys
' unfailing satisfaction when
you spend it for Lowe
Brothers "High Standard"
'I-Liquid Jiinbecaax it's
made of best materials it's
made by ' highly efficient
machinery which grinds and
mixes much more thor
oughly and uniformly than
could be done by hand
Because The Lowe Brothers Company has
35 year's experience in good paint making
behind it, and its experts are always seeking
for betterment. . : V
The Concrete results are that "High Standard"
Liquid Paint goes farther and spreads better than
other paints, that it gives more wear and retains
its look of brightness and freshness longer. It's
the best paint investment you can make pays
you dividends of long and satisfactory service.
"' You can find more beautiful, durable, up-to-date
color combinations in this line than in any other.
Your house will not need to be like your neigh
bor's for there's variety here.
' "High Standard" Liquid
Paint is put , up ; in sealed,
air-tight cansready for ap
plication. ' " -v. j'-:-.. . I
Every can, large or small, :
contains the full quantity
of paint designated on the
label TJ. 8.' Standard
measure. ' '
Jtut aa dependable aa
"High Standard" Liquid
... , fatnt are Lowe Brothera
Varnishes and Enamels, for exterior or in
terior finish, and Vernicol, a stain and finish
for floors and woodwork. 1
They will save you money as well as give
satisfaction. ' .
Let us make suggestions fcr ' your color
combination. Ask for color cards. See sample
panels. . , ' . , ,, , .
For Sale by Paint and Bard ware Dealers Everytvbere
N. E. Cor. Second tad Tyl
roruaaa ureson
( Mpney-Maldng Ways of Using Vant Ads )
To Bay or Sell a Musical Instrument
Itls undoubtedly true that "a new Broom sweeps well,'' but
-a new Musical Instrument is not: always the , best to buy.
For Science has proven that the actual tones of art Instru
ment are absorbed by its material. the oldest violins of
the masters play the sweetest It is a wise plan to buy second-hand
Musical Instruments. And the place the Classi
fied Columns of this paper under the heading "Musical In
struments." Whether you want : to Buy or Sell you'll save
most,' and make most, by using a little Want Ad stating your ;
wants, and inserting it here. Think for a moment Isn't there, Y
"one instrument you would like to own, or it may be that you'
have several you would like to SelL ) You reach the best of
buyers and sellers in our "Musical Instruments', column.
Maybe you won't have to spend even a few, cents to find
what you want we may advertise it today. Look and see.
i ; . . W - EXAMPLES
phone. Must be In first-class condition,-
and supplied ' with up-to-date rec
ords. .Price must be- reasonable. " Ad
dress L B-88, Journal. '
elass condition; 75 years old. Must
sell at once at areal aacrlflce. Address
C N-47. Journal.
JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ; RATES rTcroV ?irt n ,n'Uon S"T"B T"!cutlT' ,nM.rtlon' ,0'th
1 month. SO issues,
t months, 1. J6 per line per month.
, ' ' wub ------ - - -
, . , ' - ' '. i . 1 muuwiay f i.v per line per monio. .
There is no LOSS of TIME in the getting of what you WANT if you use or rc?. c r
Classified BARGAINS front day to day. All that is necessary is the writing of brief hitsr i
asking for particulars on the things advertised or looking dver the many chances in r - r
to YOUR Want Ad, You or your messenger call , at our office the very Eame day y . - i
appears and get RESULTS. In two or three days you are satisfied. Our Wart 1
are TIME savers. , , :i ' "
v . (Copyrisht 1908, by George Matthew vAdaina) -