The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 14, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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"Nemo" Corsets Week0 Demonstralio
Sutterick 'Tasbipn Book
for y Summer 25c; f and a
Buttcrick Pattern 1 IRIX
"r?A'P3 -fir
rs: A fa) r
As a lady remarked Wed
nesday, "Lipman-Wolfc's
ire not just out of the
Buttcrick Pattern I want."
-' 1 . mini:. - v-v a .:v.vv"--.v. v : 1 1 i m i im r r m jr t m-rt: a. . j-r" .
- m u r x' ii it wi i.i i mil t r i i vuj in r iv d i nv uv 1 ".f cik
TArM rti r uTR- :Z 1 irk via 't t Citi i
' vals.,to iho.ju at 1.4 j
P- , Every lone of these) fnodish- Suite . w'a f selected'
M&X. - ' withrthe view of making the greatest suit
selling rnaay, oi. tne season, xney? come in
lauvi -acvav. i.jr v . v
- in'nianv stvlp."' " " '
----y .......
v The; materials are . Rajah Panama, Chiffon Pan-
jamai shadow striped effects land fancy striped
. , cloths i: the , colors are black,' brown, navy," Co-,
v " - jpenhagen, blondine, ;gray. and raspberry. ;The ;
j jackets arc-all lined with plain and ' fancy silksl
i ' - The skirts are made" in. the newest gored and
' Iflare styles. ' ; "
"These' Suits are i shown today in onr , corner" window.
' They are models' that have sold all season up to $48.50.
" They're-a splendid bajrgain' for this Friday ni jj
Bargain Day only. w. .".v. . . v . : v . 3)L 1 ffD
k M
$fl.50 Jaunty Box Goats at $4.87
Friday Bargain Day-b-inch jaunty ' Box Coats of all
wool, fancy, striped and checked materials, in light and
dark shades. , strictly ; tailbrmade, .with velvet Jcollar and
,coat sleeves., Sold regularly up to. $8.50-4 Fri- J nj
.'day J3argainJ5ay.u;."i :L.J. O I
. to $1.
33 c
- Friday Bargain Day we offer another of our great bar-,
gain sales of fine embroideries 10,000 yards of pretty
embroidered Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric edges, in
sertions; flounces and double-edge bands, 2 to 18 inches
wide, in filet, soutache, French and English evelet ef-
l - , - o j - n f - .- . t
fects. Many different designs to choose from All newly imported from St; Gall, Switzerland;
this spring. There are values up to $1.75 yarda wonderful sale at 33c yard.
1,000 Yards Rough Pongees,Vals. to $1.25 Yd., 63c
For Friday Bargain Day only lipman. Wolfe & Co. offer 1,000 yards Rough Pongee SQks, 22 and 27 inches
wide, all pure silk, in leather, brown, navy, light blue and natural. This is the lowest price ever quoted for
these goods.' t Only "1,000 :yards will be sold. Be early. . Values to $1.25
n . " - " -V ' "j - r 1 .i i ... .i . n - ii
63 c
Reg. $2.00 lo-Biitton Silk Gloves at $1;18
Friday Bargain Day we place on sale a second shipment of regular $2.00 long Silk Gloves, full 16-button length.
This superb glove; bargain had, 'so great a sale last Friday that some sizes were exhausted. Plenty of cloves in
au sues are reaay tor uus j?naay ui oxacK ana wnite, every pair double tipped. Regularly $2.00 , ft I
the pairFriday Bargain1 Dayfi7vWvVvr. vT.77 ...TT. TV. '7. T 3) 1. 1 Oj
Values Up to $2.75 at 95c
Another ; of great Veij
Sales, i a special large pur?
chase of round, square and
oblong? shape " Chantilly
Iace Veils in all colors and
patterns, including ; Point
d'Esprit, ring dot; soutache
and dotted;e0ets.'-:These
are the verv smartest nov
elties pf thie sjeasorx the
kind of '. "veils ' that . other,
stores always sell at top
prices values ; Up
to $2.75, Friciay
Seiisatio Glass Site
This event offers a special opportunity to buy wedding gifts of
$7.00 Cut Glass Cruets...
$3.50 Cut GUss Cruets...
$3.50 . Cut, Glass Cruets., .
$4.50 Cut Glas Cruets . . .
$7.00' Perfume rBbtties . .".
$5.50 Perfume' Botles....
$3.00 Perfume Bottles...
$15.50 Water Pitchers..;
$9.00 Watr. Pitchers.
$12.00 . Water Pitchers .
$1.50 Cut Glass Vases.
$13.00 Cat Glass Vases
$10.00 Cut" Glass Vises
$6.50 Cut 'Glass Vases .
$14.00 Water Bottles'..
$9.00 Water, Bottles. . .
$6.50 Water Bottles...
$5.50 Celery .Dishes.. ...
$6.25 Celery Dishes . . . ,
$8.50 Celery Dishes
$9.00 Sugar and Creamer...
$10.00 Cut Glass Bowls
$8.50 Cut Glass Bowls..
$7.00 Cut Glass Bowls..
$6.00 Cut Glass Bowls. ;
$5.50 Cut Glass Bowls.,
$3.00 Cut Glass Nappies...
$2.25 Cut Glass Nappies...
$4.00 Cut Glass Nappies
$12 50 Cut Glass Compotes
$4.00 Cut Glass Compotes.
$2.25 Sugar Shakers.......
$3.50 Sugar Shakers
$4.50 Spoon Trays
$5.00 Spoon Trays....,
$3.00 Spoon Trays
$3.00 Bon Bon Dishes
$4.00 Bon Bon Dishes.
?5.98 mxttrn
...,....4.78 teMM
........M48 xtfr.
, . . . . i -f 3.38 CSxLiLiJ.?
. . . . fl.68 "4BSSC5&Dij.
f 2.18 fpQQVtSs
. . . .
;;;;;4!i9-: jv
81.68 Al(r? '"
250 Fine White Lingerie Waists
Reg. $2.75, Friday Only $1.98
250 fine white Lingerie Waists, made
with Valenciennes lace yoke, embroi
dered panel and rows of embroidery
and lace insertions ; new elbow sleeves
with tucked and lace edged cuffs. Sold
regularly at $2.75 Friday
Bargain Day, only. . .
1,200 yards of fine quality Seersucker
Ginghams in blue and white stripes of
various sizes; a great special
value Friday Bargain Day, yd. J. J.
0iir of Muslin Underwear Off (ers Some Sensationd Friday Bargains
$3;00 Skirts at $L69
Cambric Skirts of good quality, with,
deep lawn flounce, daintily ; trimmed; '
values-up (to $3. ,- .. ..' '' i
$2.25 SkirMtK3
Cambric S, ki As with . deep- r flounce","'
daintily trimmed with fine laces etc.;
values -up-to $2.25.-"- -:.--. - -
Skirt Val& to $5, $1,98
. Extra fine -'.'quality ; Skirts .with deep;,
lawn ; flounces. , daintily trjnjmed .in va-i
riotfS'.'stylesvalues to ,$5 each3 ;
65c Drawers for 39c
.'im'". i' .1.., . j i. ... ... ..... . .
fcCambrlc Drawej-s, deep rufflewithj
lace insertion; 65c values. ... "v C". V
-: '4 -'y ' ...... - . -'.. ' '
" '. Fine cambric and nainsook. Drawers,
..regulation , and circular cut, daintily
trimmedvalues to $1.25. - -
$L35 Drawers for 85c
Fine nainsook andcambric Drawers,
fulU flounce,, open side and, daintily
trimmed; values to,$l-3!5. 5 '
$1.75 Drawers, $1.10
Extra quality nainsook Drawers, pret
tily lace trimmed; values to $1.75.
$1.75 Skirts at $1.18
Cambric Skirts, deep flounce trimmed
with lace, insertions, etc.; values to $1.75.
Skirt$6, $2.98
Fine cambric and lawn Skirts, daintily
trimmed with extra quality laces and in
sertion; values up to$6.
$1.75 Gowns at $1.10
Cambric and nainsook Gowns, daintily
trimmed with lace, ribbon, etc.; values
to $1.75.
$1.35 Gowns at 79c
Nainsook and cambric Gowns, trimmed
with lace, etc.; all styles; worth to $1.35.
Reg. $2 Gowns, $1.29
Extra quality long cloth ' Gowns, with
embroidery yoke and' variety of dainty
$2.25 Gowns at$1.53
-Extra fine nainsook Gowns, with
dainty trimmings of fine nainsook, etc.;
values to $2.25.
85c Corset Covers, 59c
Nainsook Corset Covers, dainty trim
mings of fine laces, ribbon, etc; values
to 85c.
$2.00 Chemise, $1.49
French hand-embroidered and hand
made Chemise, scalloped edges and em
broidered front designs; values to $2.
$1.75Cor. Coy's $1.10
Extra fine ; Corset Covers, - daintily
trimmed, open back or front styles; val
ues to $1.75. . - . .t
Fine anA sheer nainsook Corset Cov
ers, daintily trimmed with fine' lace; etc.:
values to $2.25. , ; j ' ,
$1.65 Chemise, $1.10
:' Fine I nainsook 'combination Chemise,
daintily trimmed; values up to $1.65.
And many other extraordinary Values
in unaerwear, wmcn we do not have
space to advertise. - . ' ;t
Tuscan Lace Straw and Proxyline-tHairriats
A" remarkable Lipman-Wblfe special ; for Friday Bargain Day--beautiful Tuscan and Neo-
politan Straws in; natural and black;; also proxyline hair flats. Regular
$2.50 values, Friday Bargain Day for: .-. . . . V
Regularg75Merry7tWidowP Bows 49c
T-.-r..ii Prtllf onrt i PufASat vlt anrl. French
CoUlli Uiijf . villi" wiuvivu ua - w -'r : - - t ----- .. j,
'. effects; a variety oi designs-to choose from; yalues to ,50c, 01 :
Friday Bargain Day. .. . . . ?. . . . . . . .'. . . . . .'.; t
Colored striped ects in, "Aierrywiaowf cows, m orown iigm ,--v
: blue, pink add black striRes,,'aso plain white lace effects; AQr (
regular; 75c .values i, . t. ...... v.. v. ;..;.'... V SvVil-i.
VvTiite ilace and linen embroidered Collars- in tailored and Gibson ?..
effects, pretty designs in wmte an colors, wirn or wunoui rwwi - y. &
the bows and tabs; values rto 50c, Friday:;. . iJC rr,
Wedding Invitations
Wedding Invitations, engraved by the best
workmen on finest 80-pound paper of the
latest finish, with inside and outside en
velopes. Choice of three styles. '.'Any ex
clusive engravers' would cost dQuble., Our
Friday prices 1 . ' .V ' . I
25 Wedding Invitations, complete. .
50 Wedding Invitations, complete. .'
75 Wedding Invitations, complete...
100 Wedding Invitations, completer.:
Additional 100 for $2.50,v
100 complete Wedding Invitations, script
type, 10 fines engraved on copper plate, with
inside and outside envelopes, on Hurlbut's
Imperial KVellum, in the new gray white
tint. Would cost $20.00 elsewhere.
ftossmoyn size, 100 invitations... .$10.50
Additional lots of 100 for. . . . . . .... .$4.00
! V Extra lines engraved, 60 a line.
Reg. 35c Silk Check Ginghams, Yd. 19c
50c Tailored Waisting, Yard, Friday, 25c
800 yards highly mercerized silk check Ginghams,' in brown, blue, pink, green
and lavender checks. Regular value 35c yard;. Friday: Bargain Day.........
Onlya few hundred yards of English, mercerized White Brocade Madras in dots, f i
ures, stripes, plaids and checks. Values' to 50c the yard Friday Bargain
mm MUV
" Mr. Crewe's Career M
Winston Churchill's great new novel of 1Q
American politics. . . . . '. , .'. . , , .... d 1 1 0
Queen. Elizabeth Ruffs
The new "Queen : Elabeth Neck Ruffs , in all
v shades, plain and dotted.; entirely new; , $2 to $3
at 12c i
Men's fuie Cotton -Socks in black of, tan,''
-seamless? fodt vand warranted ; fast dye; .
Hegular i20c qualiryyf Friday , f ; ; Ol;
15 fciHanercKief s Tcr
Men's fine cambric hemstitched handker
chiefs, y2 -inch :br 4-mch hem; reg- -ular-15c-
quality -. .. . . . : . . . . . . . . I C
43ci Underwear for 25c
.; . s .
Women's Swiss ribbed vests," Jo w neck, , no
sleeves,; lace or. crochet yokes43c O C
quality, Friday .'. '... .'. .uO C
98c Underwear for 69c
Women's Swiss ribbed' lisle ot mercerized
vests, low neck, no sleeves; 9?c quaU !
ity, Friday sale. .......I...;....... OilC
25c Gold Dust," Friday sale. . ; v. . ; . ." .18f
5c tubular Shoe Laces, linen, 6 pairs... ... .10
15c card shell or amber Hair Pins, 3 ori card. .8
JOc Shelf Paper, lace edge, 10 yards.w.,.......5
5c Chinese Ironing Wax, 4 for.. ............ .5
35c Imperial Silver Polish, only.......... .23f
10c Rising Sun Stove Polish ................. 6
Shinola Polishing Outfit, with polish. ...... 25
30c doz. Candles, large size, doi..........,19
20c wide mercerized Corset Laces, S-yard length,
: all shades ... . L i ............ 12j4f
The Best Recent Fiction
All the bir sellers of 'recent years, same as the
- iriil4f 5C I IX iitwt hnfi"rrfa Af titles;
I vjUii f v viviivj aaMvuv.u l vwvr
book section. . .... ,v;
i J v V otaa. as
ldreda of titles. gQg j
$6.00 to $6.50 tace Curtains. Pair $3.95
Portieres at Pair $3.95
Reg. $6S$650 Values
1,000 pairs French Net Lace Curtains in all the season's
best : patterns' including, Marie Antoinette, Cluny,
Renaissance and Irish Point Lace Curtains, white or
Arabian color, 45 to. 50 inches wide, 2J4 and nr
3 yards long; regular $6 to $6.50 values..... O.")
100 pairs of Portieres in the' newest : ' patterns of the
season, made of good quality reversible tapestry,
twith tapestry border' lattice fringed and corded ef-
- feet, 3 yards long, 50 inches wide, all colors; M flP
regular $6 to $6.50 Aralues, Friday.......;.,
$3 50 Velvet Wilton Rugs at $198
300 velvet Wilton Runs in handsome oriental and Per
sian effects, large vanet
27x54-inch size; regular
stan effects, large variety of pretty patterns, t QO
$3.50 values. . . , . ..V a.U