14 THE f OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, ' WEDNESDAY EVENING, - MAY 13. 1908. San Francisco Office' Oregon Journal , , 1206 Call Bldg. Telephone Bmimt lit!.- ' , 4JTTBTISEjrEHTO A1TO tSTTM fcCAIPTIOJHS MSOSZTBXt. .of Oregonlane when ! San Fra netse-, ran have their mall mt to ear of Tho Journal office ',-'' , arthvb-i- fish.,- Representative. Dledical Building PARK AND AID EC STS. 17 tl t ? "crisis 2 T Alphabetical Directory turner, 8. - "Ala-, 47 0 Wr!, Kdw, dentists Suite ill.'. French. 0. Gertrude, XW, physician Suite 825. Phones Main 714. A-4917. Terris, Drs. Jr. 8. ft O. J, deatlrts Formerly Macleay bldg. Suite III. Main 1939. '- 1 Hyde, Dr. tec "WOlet, physician and turg-eoB Practice limited te prnl to urinary diseasea Formerly Fltedner bldg. M. 266. A-186S. Boemar, 0. A, Parker. K. 0 Drav Suite 609. Phone MRln 166. A-1865. Holbrook, Dr. Millard C, dnUa For merly Macleay bids:., auite 401-1-1. Xtawke, a S 3r., physician and Burgeon Suite 407. Main 8511. ' Xeefer, X B, Xr, dantiat Sulta 11T. - Main 268S. A-3404. Xarktn, Geo, jr dentist Suite COS. Phone Main 878. A-1744. " . Perkins, T. Xb, Dr., dentist Suite 0T. Phones Main 1512. A-6404. Timm, Edna O V pUyalciaBfluIta 25. Phones Main 714, A-4917. Visiting1 nurse' Association Suite fOl. Phone Main 4087, Watson, Alfred p. Dr, dintise Suite 603. Phones Main 678, A-2744. Elegler, Amelia and Trad J phyeioUn and surgeon Main 81. A-4042. NEW TODAY, Only $250 ' KOtrsa Aim ui nr , Cap itolHill The prettiest place "in all of Portland on the west side, inside the citv limits. no bridge to cross, on the best carllne ever built, with 6-cent car fare. I This is a 7 -mora house nicely ar ranged, all finished on a beautiful lot flxfA feet, htirh and slchtlv. All f CAPITOL HILL Is cleared, in frass plot, no stone, no gravel and only 8 minutes ride from; the business cen ter of the city, We f urnlah free abstract complete to ry purchaser, title to all of CAPITOL, HILL Is perfect, all deeds and contracts of sale given by the lllbernia Savings bank of tms city, uan as toe ornce Clohessy & Smith 40L 402 mui BtrnOJIHO, t)on't write or telephone, but call at the ornce. Terms to suit any, as we wui accept as iow as tau casn. rwww A A A A Oregon Central Road Grant Opening The plan for 'the opening tip of the great Oregon Central Grant has been approved. As the applications for these desirable lands (for half a century withheld from settlement)" has been enormously large, owing to tho liberal Jnduoements offered, Immediate appli cation should ba made for full infor mation,: which will be furnlshvd free of cnarge. Any sized farms oesirea irom 10 acres to 1,000 acres. The price is the same. 200 each. Perfect -titlea guaranteed. Writs today, , , Orefloa Valley ndCfc HO Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. For Sale or . - -. " ..... ..." .1. . -i. : ... i f.vrhnncrta ilVUUllV . A new l-room modem house, t il re places, furnace, ate: Una location, walk ing distance. Will exchange for farm In Clarke " county, , Washington. Price, 37.000. Zimmerman " 881 OOSBBTT SXBO. BATS TOV 8ZZV . Ilancocli Street Addition Every lot ha cement sidewalk, ce ment curb, parked street, water, and ! a building restriction that Insures first class buildings; spacious ground, un obstructed view, and abundant . light and air space. Kasy term If desired. - T. Iff. SCaTOOnCft.KEB, , 708-1 Corbett blag. Main 7865. A-B722, $7,000 nuys choice income property, west aid, l ays $912 per vesr. . -V!-, . M.B. IB,'..'. Room 411 Corbett Bldg. ' ' Russian Court Ball. ,'' : From Tlt-Blts. ; Po atrong is the spirit of gayety this w-.on in fct. Petersburg that there Is rnu.-ii lk of reviving that dream of nmV.tuu (rlory the boyard fete of 1S': ' declared to be the moat magnifi- r. - Ji!ILlM"c,a:1 of modern tfmes. I he tovarda were the old Rusnian a4 fe,,.thV,m ?f I'an Te"iWe u orn lUl were orth mU- a nn,,, women (pent fortnight in ..... , !rw rJB on ... costume of the i ; r. vi "I"" the first wife . l i Vct'" Th dress u. , ; K IT- ,,,VouuUsh and has never NEW TODAY. FA R.'M S Of which 7 acres ! beaverdam; mne rrom Balem carllne, 8 miles from forunna; running water " whole -year w tauu. t-nce, ,uuu; terra. -t- 6J Acres On Clackamas k river: nice orchard. chicken-houses, (tood brooder housS, good C-room house; 3 acres under cultivation: 3 eoo1 surlna-a. water niDed in houe; 1 cow and calf, 1 horse, about zew cmcaens. watron, ail small tools; on rood county road; R. P. D. : t miles from carllne. Price, 11,800; good terms. AB Acres rf Located on bank of 1 Willamette river boat landing; on place; 1 mile to R. R. Itood new barn: fair 6 -room -. bouse; mall orchard; 10 to 26 acres under cultivation; 6 acres brush and timber, balanoe stumo - Dasture land. Price. 13,100; 11,600 caslj, balance 4 years, at per pent. , , 80 Acres IB clear, 10 acres more nearly clear and in . Dasture: creelc ana sorlnea in Pas ture; a sjood 7-room house, nearly new: a rood new barn and other outhouses; a fine orchard -of TftO treeshalf of them bearing;. : Personal property: 1 team hnriM ana hirtitu. wa aron. hack or bugrgry, plows, disc harrow, mower and rake, cider mill, 3 cows. 46 coats, 16 9 sneep; aooui luu cnicsem, a mamiu, rood kichen ranne, 3 heatera and moat household roods; miles rrom food town, in Yamhill county. Price, 4.800: 13,000 cash, balance years, 6 per cent. v Acres K.rr frct Ihrnted ftn Egtacada car line, 16 minutes from First and Alder; fine large spring, good 1-room faouae; station on corner of land; finest chick en ranch proposition. In atata. , Easy Several fine hfrh-irrade farms within one mU of North Yamhill. . Espey-Meine Realty-Co. XOOX 813 OOMMSXOZAXi SUXU Oorasr Beoond and Waahisctoa. tea 6 ACRES within 10 miles of Portland, on good, leading; publlo road, H mne from railway station, with good side walk direct from station; all cleared and In a high state of cultivation; 4 acres of good winter apples; good 8- rootn house, gooa weu; au lencea, uui snce ground all in crop. Price only 13,600; , 3600 cash; balance to suit the purchaser,., ...... m ACRES rich, rolling prairie, all cleared and at present with a heavy set growing crop of clover, rnce liiiu per sere; one of the best buys In ths vi cinity of Portland; terms easy. r- 4 ACRES adjoining good station on the Oregon City carllne; 1 acres cleared, luiiinK, atnmn land: Brood well of water. Price only 11.260; $500 cash, balance easy payments. . The Shaw-Fear 84SH BTAJIX ST. IRVINGTON $OOQLot 50x100 on 15th St., close to' Brazee. " ; 9900--Lot 50x100 on 23d st., close to Thompson. J $1,100 Lot 45x100 on 14th st., close to Tillamook. 92,600 Lot 100x100, corner of 15th and Thompson. One third cash will handle these. Irvington Investment Co. 331 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 3177. FILLEY PARK LOTS $110 AND UP $3 Down and S3 Monthly te Fare, Graded Streets and Water. FILLEY & KENNEDY Office 410 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. Branch at Lents, Opp. waiting room. 14 Per Cent Investment I'-.- T-room house, close In, In 8UNNT SIDHS. . Nearly new and strictly modern. S2700I part cash; worth $3,000. Rents for 2S per' month. P-43, JOURNAL. BARGAINS ,v 1 , In fruit tracts AT rULMATK T A 1.1.8, A OOOD AS Joining City of Klamath Fall, The Land Where Things Grow Tracts from 6 to 40 acres, price from 830 to 3300 per acre. Apply at once to P. J. "BTEINMETZ & CO. r 184 HDtslaom St, Portland, Or. . HOOD RIVER Al AWPI.15 IAJTD TOM - 960 PSB AOJUB. Pre' water; timber" will ' mora than pay for clearing. Surveyed into small tracts. This 1 a chanc to get In right. Terms. . . -r MacRae & Angus "; "',433 Chamber of Commerce. - $14,000 A Two-Story Brick H IN BUSINESS CENTER -ZIMMERMAN' 521 Corbett Bldg. "! Company NEW TODAY. . Yod'II Never Find AnoUier flacc as Good For (be Money " Swell (-room buncalow with all mod em conveniences, on East , Madison, near 6th. Only 31.000. r - - VTrav-uwauurcx co, 148 Alder' St. . HOUSEHOLD NEEDS. Beauty Parlors 5nVSl-V- a g, ma a MtMi. etc. Mrs. Boiincv. 711 Shetland, Fire Insurance ll. a hotiaehold need.- See John P. Sbarkey about It Phones A1587 Main 650. th St. cor. Washington. Gas Hantles &hl "Ue. "it each; 11.76 des. Manning, 43 Third st. 1n rnntm Butter, Milk and Cream. J.UJ urtUJIl Albina Creamerr Co. Txri' O Mallev and Neuberj;er. 8lt 1 1 JXieS Wash. Choice wines, liauors and cigars. Iook for our cut-rate sais. Free delivery. ttione Mtn BUSINESS UARD9. HOWE, DAVIS & KILHAM. 101-111 ID i Ri.nU booka n.anuracturea: saris. for Jones improved Lroooe-Lrfuxi ieix ers; see the new Kureka leaf. A-1337, CLEAN TOWBLS DAILY COMB. brush, soap, -I) per month. Portia n Laundry Towel Bupply Cv th and Couch sta ro one BRUIK DETECTIVE SERVICE CO. " 37-39 Hamilton bldg. M. 4943. A-1445 WAKKEN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street navin.T. sidewalks and cross- jngs. : 814 Lumber Exchange ADOLPH A. DEKUM. 131 1ST ST carries a full and . complete assort tnent of butcherr sAippllea. : IN kOOKlNd. tlUTTEltlNCL RE- pairing aad general Jobbing. J. loall. S Jeffeno at tselflc l4a4---'---- 31 tr. E. BEACH CO, THE PIONEbUt nm to. winaow guass ana. guuung. 136 1st. ' Phone 1334. GILBERT & KETSER, CIVrfL ENQI neers and surveyors, office 414 Couch mad., ids 4th st. Phons Main 7160 t PKLUUkjli. MUTAB1 PUBLIC, commissioner of deeds. Deutscnea notarise K. 14 Mulkey bldg Id and Mor. UFUR A DUFUR, 1S COBBETT bldg. Pbona A-83ti; largest and most complete stenographic office In west EXC A VATJNG, TEAMWORK. WOOD hauling, I cleanlng-up a specialty. Logan & Clow, 28 Hawthorne. E-257D. CHAS. L. MASTICK A CO.. 74 Front, leather of every description, tap infra. findings. - HE BAKBL.R ASPHALT PAVING CO. Of Portland. Office &6 Worcester blk. NEU & KlNUtiLEY. 2k 1ST.. PORT- land's leading marble and granite wka. LAWYERS' ABSTRACT & TRUST CO. M. 660. A '4221. Portland Trust Co. bldg. DONNERBERG . & RADEMACHER. plumbers, 808 Burnslde. Main Z319. . DESIGNERS AND PHOTO ENGRAV- rs. NelssftConnawsy. io Zd M. 7alt J AS. MoL WOOD i CO.. ALL KINUS t)k' inftlintnrA. mirtv hnnA. HfrKiiv bldff ISAAC JL,. W HIT 12. HlHii lffioJ RACHJJii, 144 Sherlock bldg. BUSINESS NOTICES INVENTIONS SOLD ON COMMISSION. Covenant ' Contract - eomiauy 427 Flledner bldg. Main 2891. 11 C HKNRICHSEN CO., JEWELERS. and opticians. Z84 Washington st. HEITKEMPER'S ROSE QUEEN CIG- ars, 1 n coroett St., pacific 1483. WEATHER REPORT The pronounced high area, noted over long the coast. Cloudy weather nre vails this mornihar in western Oreton and western Washington, but east of the mountains the skies have cleared. Light frosts were reported from Spo- nane ana waiter city ana a heavy rrost from Boise. General rains from Utah and Arizona eastward to the lower Mississippi valley have attended the eastward, movement of the Utah diS' turbance which is now central over the ; Texas panhandle. Temperatures over the entire country from the Rock ies eastward to the Atlantic coast were decidedly higher , than yesterday morn ing. .. - - ., ., ... ', Indications point to -showers over this district west of the Cascades to night and Thursday, while east of the mountains the weather will probably be fair with higher ' temperatures Thursday. Light frosts are expected In eastern Oregon and southern Idaho tonight. - Temp. Max. Min. Preclp. Baker City,1 Or. ... 60 Kansas City Mo.,. 74 Lewlston, Idaho . . 63 North Head, Wash. 60 Portland, Or 67 Roseburg, Or. , . , . 80 Sacramento, C'al. . . 72 St. Louis, Mo 82 St. Paul. Minn.... 68 Salt Lake, Utah. . . 84 Walla Walla. Wash. 60 30 .00 64 .00 42 .00 44 . .02 45 T. 42 ,02 4 .00 64 .06 46 .66 40 .74 44 - .00 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Have your abstracts mad by the Se curity Abstract Trust Co.. 7 C of C. B. M. Lombard and 'wife to John Setts, lot 2, block 21, Railway addition to Montavllla $ 85 B. M. Lombard and wife to John Seltx, lot 6, block 21, Railway addition to Montavllla 170 Rlvervlew Cemetery association to John Muchow, lot 143, sec tion 101. said cemetery ..... . 100 Charles Collar to John Stead- man, lots 4 and 6, block 11, Portsmouth addition 1.000 Charles H. Heller and wife to W. T. Shlrey lots 3 and 10, block 12, Lincoln-Park annex 3,050 F. W. Torgler and 'wife to Hen rietta Gordon, west V, of lots 6 and 6, block 9, Hanson's addi tion , 1,350 Board of school trustees to E. L. Woodward, lot 18, block 277, lot 3, block -278, .Couch's -addition ..,...!. 8,000 jesste L.. xuuie, eti ai, to An- drew C. Wald. lots .7 and 8. block 26, McMillen"s addition. 6,200 . w.. jorgier ana wire to wu Ham D. and Nettle M. King lots 11 and 12. block 1. Pled mont Park 1,600 wonn ri. tjmun to vera Pine, east 83 feet of south 100 feet of lot 6. block 2. William Avenue ad dition No. 2 1,900 xieroeri uoraon ana wire to w. Tora-ler. east V, of lots 6 and 6. block 43, Sullivan's addition., 1,000 wiuiam w. etevenson ana wire' to Bertha B. Curtis, east 75 feet of lots 6, 6, block 2, Dolan's ad dition, and east 78 feet of lot 6, block 28. Hanaon's second addi- tlon 1.8P0 .rercy wiyin ana wire to jonn Moon and wife, lot 22. block 16. Willamette Heights addition... 1,160 jurrie Maybury to John li. Will- man, lot 4, block 9, Rlverdale.. 200 x. a. Reynolds ana win to w. s. Coleman, lota 9. 10. block 3. Portsmouth Villa, annex No. 1.. !. 200 Norman H. Bean to Barnat SalL lot 8. block 78, Rose City Park. . 8,300 m. a. rtoiroea ana wire to ueua M. Mason, lot IS. .block 8. Scenic Place . . o-m-. t .-rrf Tittrjr. 876 martin battier ana wire to a: w. . Hammersmith, lot 10. block 16. Highland 660 w. i-iugney to rniuip Kcnnell and wife, lots , 7,-block 2, Red- ' Ilchton t -sso A-T. Hugglns and wife t Z, IL , ureenougn, lot, 4, block 31, Irv- ton , . . i.i sa Title Guarantee & Trust company , to m. v: jjoy, iota i l. bloc 15. South fit Johns ........ ESS H. Sinshelmer-to John LUnda et a I, lot IS and east, half of lot 9, block : subdivision of River- ' Overlook Land company to Mary , Keenan, lot 4, block 14. Overlook 700 Areta Land company to Sophie- Ruben, lot 12. blofk tl. Klberta : "iaa Robert J. L'pton to P. W, Berger, lot 1. 3, 3. block 3, Upton Park . 725 N- M. Davis and wife to John Mc- Jeoa. lot 11. hloclr T., Central AI. Villi ,,,,,,,, 400 REAL ESTATB TRANSFERS F. C. Cauthorn and wife to 8. C. ' : Priestly, lot 13, block S3, Fox- ehase addition .. ISO B. F. Harvey and wife to Evelyn -. A. McGraw, lots , 7. block 6, Piedmont 3.000 " Pacific Title it Trust Ca. the leading abstractors. 104-6-8-7 Killing bldg. V MARRIAGB XJCENSES Clarence Bettis, 1264 Macadam street, 21. and Julia Colbert, 20. Lv Ci Newman. Grand avenue and East Taylor streets, 19, and Susie E. Hoff, 2. "VVilhelra Salswedel. Portland. 82. and AUgUSta .MOtlKUB, z i. Grover Courteman, Maeger, Oregon, II and Harriet Lane, 19. J. G.' Watters. 385 Fourth street. 19. and Jemima Ella Cooper, 82. .,' . v redertck 11. lilttenow. 287 East Bev- enu street, X, and Nancy O. Harmon, Hugo W. Schumann. St. Louis. Mis- iBouri, z, and Anna t. White, 24. r Hans O. Granville. 118 Emerson street. b. ana K.nsiine ass, 13. Pedersun. florist. 410 Vancouver ave. reratluma. hellotrooe. coleus. le: has nets, que; plants ror poxes, cheap. wedding Cards.' W. G. mlth A .!o Wasbinstoa bide, earner 4th and Wash. ingrxon at s. Tonseth & Co., tlorlsts, for flowers of til kinds 128 tb at . - . Clarke Bios.. Florists Fine flowers and floral designs. ls Morrison .st. id floral designs. Full dress suits for rent, all sums. unique Tailoring (Xv. 10 Stark st Max M. Smith. llorlsL 150 Ltbi aLT odd." inner st rrani s. Main uis. , BIRTHS i NASH May 8, to Mr. and Mrs. C O. Nash. 194 Hancock, a daughter. BARBER May 6, to Mr. and Mr. W. R. Barber. 121 Belmont, a daughter. CONN May 9, to Mr. and Mrs. John E. Conn, ill - East v Twenty-fourth, a daughter.' . '.;-,--.:.. ' ;-? ANGERSTEIN Ma 10, to Mr. and Mr. Paul E. Ansfrstetri. peninsula, a son. BAXTER May 4, to Mr, and Mrs. A. & Baxter, Arbor Lodge, a son. " - . M'TARNOLSON May . to Mr. and Alra. J. T. McTarnolson. Arbor Lodge, son. - MURPHT May 8, to Mr., and Mra. E. f. Murphy, 367 Weldler, a son. DEATUj ROBINSON In this city. May 13. at 319 Monroe street. Llszie 8. Robinson, aged 47. years. 3 moiihH.14 day, In terment at uaiem, uregon, unerui an nouncement later. Salem papers please copy. MAC William H. MacRae, 746 Mississippi avenue. May 13, lyos, wary MacKae. ed 90 vears. i months. aays. - xso- ce of funeral will be given later. GILHAM May 11, C. O. Gllham. county nospltal, age ft; tUDercuiar meningi s. TAYLOR May 11, Emma Jane Taylor. Oood Samaritan hospital, ago 61; can cer of uterus. . EISIMINGER May 11. Ella W. K1B1- mineer. 323 Mason, age zz; abscess 01 lungs. KING May 10. Leon O. King, 811 East Thirtv-aecona. aae 3 years; iuoercu lar melngltis. RODEHARD rMay 12. Raymond Rods hard, East Thirty-first and Glisan, age 2 months; inanition. DAVIS May 9. Emma E. Davis, 611 Harrison, age 81; chronic endocarditis". BOTTS May 11, John Purdy Botts, 188 Thurman, age 68; pneumonia. KRAUSE May 9, John Henry KrauBe, Crystal Springs sanitarium, age 68; pulmonary tuberculosis. RIGGS May 7, Anna R. Rlggs, Mon tana, age 73; cerebral hemorrhage. KENNEDY: May It). Bruce C. Kennedy, Springfield) Oregon, age 68; Bright' disease. FELGER May 10, Nancy E. Felger, Corvallts. age 66; pneumonia, UNDERTAKERS DUNNING. M'ENTEE ft GILBACGH. undortakew' and embalmers; modern In every det.Vl. Seventh and Pine. Mala 480. Lady snslstant. J. P. FINLEY & SON'S, 3D AND MAL1 son sts. ' Office .of county - coroner. Phone Main 9. . ZJSLLKR-ByRNES CO., FUNERAL Dl rectors, einbalmers. 27: Russell. East 10K. Lady assistant. ELWARD HOLM AN, 220 2d st. UNDERTAKER. ERICSON UNDERTAKING CO.. KH balmlng- lady ass't. 409 Alder. M. 4113 CEMETERIES ROSE CITY SINGLE GRAVES, SlOt family lota, 325 to $75. Superintend ent aticemetery, corner of Fremont st. and Cully road. Phone Tabor 206. For run information apply to frank Ben le gL 631 Worcester er blk. Phone A-1S1S. NOTICES IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE State of Oregon for Multnomah county Lucy May Sargent, plaintiff, vs.' Draper C Sargent, defendant. To Draper C. Sargent, the above named de fendant; In the- name of the State of Oregon: You .are hereby required -fo appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled, .court, on or before Wednesday, the 17th day of June, 1908, which, is six weeks after Wednesday. May . 1908, the date or dered for. the first publication of this umiuuni, una ir youi xtui to appear anu answer on or before said Wednesday, June 17, 1908, the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for the rener demanded in her com Dial nt. to wit, a aecree aissoiving tne Donds or matrimony now existing between plaintiff- and defendant, and for such other relief as may appear meet and equitable in the premises. This summons 1 c! uKllshed by order of the Honorable U. Gantenbeln. nresldina- 1ndn nt sie-ned on the sixth dav at Mav 19ns. The date of the first niibllcatlon nt thi summons Is May 6 1908, and of the last puuiicauou tnereor June 17, 1808. BAUER & GREENE, Attorneys for PI. In tiff. NOTICE OF SALE OF PATENTED Bwamn Lands Notice la hereby arivnn that the state land board will receive sealed bids until 2 o'clock p. m. May 26. 1908, for the following described patented swamp lands, to-wit: The W. V.. ol V, of N. or s. K. U of section 21. the W. rc v. of B. r. u o Bf 8. E. Vi of sec- tion 28 and the N. . of N. E. 4 of section 29. townshlD 8 north, ranse west of Willamette meridian, being, in uoiumyia county, uregon. i All bids must be accompanied by i regularly executed .ADDlication to Mir chase and by cash or postal money order for at least one fifth of the amount offered. No bid for less than 18 per acre will in consiaereo. - . The right 1 reserved to reject any maa an Dias. . ADDllcatlons and bids should ' ba ad dressed to G. G. Brown, clork state land plication and , bid - to purchase swamp lanus. s , ; " ' .- vr. Vjf. BKUWflr 4 " Clerk State Land Board. 1et rM ,Ut-. A - . 11 , AAA . mi, ,tpt uaj VE tltl 11, truo. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND TO ALL persons, firms and corporations In- teres tea in tne xme uuarantee at Trust company In pursuance of an order made bythe honorable the circuit court of the United States for the district of uregon. In the suit or N. Coy. nlaintiff. against the Title Guarantee A Trust company, a corporation, and others, no tice is nereoy given to tne creditors, a wen as an persons, nrma and corpora tion having claim or demand against the said Title Guarantee A Trust com pany, a corporation, of Portland, Oregon,' to present the same, with the voucher tnereor, duly veririea. to the under signed receiver of said Title Guarantee & Trust company at hi office In the city of Portland, Oregon, on or before tnree monins rrom tne aat nereof. Portland. Oregon, - December 18, 197. .Time extended to July (, 1908. R. S. HOWARD JR.. Receiver of the Title Ouarantee A Trust NOTICE WE WANT THE ADDRESS of Thomas Hansen, who ' resided . in Albina in 1889. He was a carpenter by trade. Any one reading- this ad and can clve any infnrmatinn . in t ahai.! tn thm abeve Thomas Hansen, will please call at our office at once. ' - Thompson a onnrv. Phone Woodiawn 202. 841 MiaslaslppL MIETINO NQTCES ATTENTION m NEIGHBOR Somethifl? Dcin? ?T0-HIGDTI : BETTER COJffi HARMONY LODGE. NO. 12, A. F.i and A. M. Special communication this -; (Wed nesday) at 8:80 p. m., for the purpose of conducting the fu neral, of our late orotner, i-y-man E. Hawkins. Members are requested to .attend. By order of the W. M. '--f" W. M. DE LIN. Sec. PRIZE WALTZ AND 600 PARTY given in Marguerite camp. R. -N. A. . -N. A Thursday evening. May 14, . Artisan hall. 106 U 8d St. 16e. VI vv.. A KVKKURKEN CAMP, 6.4. : meet Wednesday evening. tJl(IT.. M snrl MorHoon 'sts. ' Allsky M. W. A. OREGON GRAPE CAMP Ntt .976 ; Mondays,: 17tU and Marshall. vifltnrs v. .(coma CARD OF THANKS TO OUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS for their kindness and sympathy, and for the beautiful floral tributes sent for our beloved one, we wish to re turn our heartfelt thanks. R. H. Haw- ney and family. E. B. Whits ana A. K. Vhlte and family,: husband, father and nrorner, "XOSTAND FOUND ; LOSTrPOINTER DOG. 3 YEARS OLD, color! liver and white, collar, marked W. C Clark. Return to S5. East Couch or Merchant' TIatlonal ban!; Phones B-2066. Main 364. Reward. . TAKEN IIP. ONE BAY GELDING. UN oranaea. unaerwooa, on MiiwauKiu road,' south or wooastocg ave, LOST GRAY CAT, WHITE PAWS, breast, and face, from 627 E. Bum- side, between 11th and 12th; reward for Information leading to recovery, v Fnons E. 3021. or call. - " - FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HaIH niattreases renovated and returned same dev. 338 Front st. Main 474. A-1374. Portmnd Curled-Hair Factory, H. Metsecr, proprietor. ' " MALE AND FEMALE HELP SUPPOSE YOU LOST YOUR PRESENT position? li you cannot command a good position at any time, better see us. tzft .wasxungion. st .Main i.um. A-5601. WANTED AT CLACKAMAS TAVERN. a good German counle. good cook, no young , ennaren wanted. Apply to A. Erlcknon, R. F. D. box 6, No. 2, Oregon City. Or. HELP WANTED AND SUPPLIED, Drake. 206 K Wash.. PsC. 1370. A-1670 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED SALESMEN; MANT MAKE 8193 to 1160 per montn;v some even more; stock clean, grown on -reservation, far from old orchards; cash ad vanced weekly; choice of territory. Ad dress Washington Nursery Co, . Top penWh. Washington. i WANTED SALESAGENT TO HAN- uio luu linn vi vpai, a inner ana r nni. druggrsts', pharmacists' and packers frlassware In PortlaSd and vicinity. It s a ware that sells. Apply by letter statinsr facilities to handle to D-10. Journal. - - MEN TO LEARN PLUMBING; ELEC trlcity, plasterTn? snd bricklaying; day and nlcrht: no books: nosltions se cured; free catalogue. Coyne National Trace acnooi, zso-xto "to at.. Ban Fran cisco. CAL WINE DEPOT, HEADQUARTERS ror cooks and helpers 148 4tn st. WANTED SALESMAN OF GOOD AD , dress to sell shoes, . Comfort Style Shoe Co., 39 Hamilton bldg. WANTED TODAY FIRST CLASS Mo tion picture machine operator; big sal ary. Call Newman s Motion Picture Co. 298 Burnslde. MOTION PICTURE OPERATORS. 125 to 130 weekly. Liearn the business. Terms reasonable. - 293 Burnslde. WANTED BOY 15, CLEAN HABITS and appearance, to learn trade. El- mer J. Wallace, signs, 827 Stark st WANT SOBER, INDUSTRIOUS MAN as partner in repair business; will teach you. Good money ' In it. Small amount required. 618 Commonwealth bldg. WANT 2 MEN FORDRAMATIC COM pany, with some experience, for sal ary, loan union ave., room S3 WANTED NEAT APPEARING YOUNG man with small capital as partner in good paying business. 225 6th st. FOR SALE hi INTEREST IN CAR penter shop. 375 Burnslde. Phone Pacific 16. MAN WITH REFERENCES TO So licit and collect; experienced jnan to go With you and teach you the busi ness; opportunity for, promotion to good salary position soon.. 409 Macleay bldg., IS6 Washington st. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED ANY ; LADY THAT IS ' A good cook and wants a home of your own, write; object matrimony. R-216, Journal. WANTED CAPABLE YOUNG WOMAN as children' nurse, experienced; ref- erences. W-2. Journal. WANTED A GOOD OLD LADY TO keep bouse for man and 4 children; must be kind. E-89, Journal. WANTED A GIKL FOR GENERAL housework. 71 Widl-r. C-1?V)9, VeST SIDE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 133 '4 5th st; phone A-83 80. WANTED GIRL OR WOMAN FOR ' housework and cooking part of day. 747 E. Madison mi.-, Hawthorne cars. WISH TO MEET LADY WHO WANTS reliable house-working partner; hotel. restaurant or similar line. Address J- 478. Journal. WANTED FIRST-CLASS NURSE girl: references; wage v 130. 730 Hoyt st. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL bAiiMWAflr sxAti Ayv-.U1.M..1I 4HHH uuua 'i fc euu vvuniug Biliail iaUUl J , 216 N. 28th st Call mornings. PANT8 FINISHER,- CHARLES -COOP-J oun, imiors, avv 'ml Bt. - DINING-ROOM GIRL WANTED. CALL ready to go to work. I6Z Grand ave. - SITUATIONS WANTEIV-IAL- MARRIED MAN. 24, NOW EMPLOYED, desires position in city within 200 miles or Portland; -experienced adver tising, buying, store management, sales menship, window trimming, special sales of all kinds. Salary reasonable. Address 94 E. 11th st., Portland. FARMERS' AND LOGGERS' EMPLOY went Co. Help furnished ' free. 21 N. 2d. Main 6487. Orders at our expense. WANTED STEADY WORK BY MAR rled man; will fix your lawn or any kind of work. Phone Main 1222. WOULD LIKE PAINTING FOR PRI vate parties: can save you monev. Address D-80, Journal or phone Wood lawn lfvo. POSITION ON FARM BY YOUNG married man. experienced and srood with stock. Address room 1, Hooa hotel. MAN COMPETENT TAKE ENTIRE charge house cleaning: ranld. thor ough; engagement day, hour or contract H. Lonsdale. 108 12th. A-1839. YOUNG MAN FROM THE EAST; SIX years' experience at blow-piping. K-273, Journal. ' ', YOUNG MAN, 18, SPEAKING A LIT tie English, wants work in American family or farm: small wages to start P. Kara gees, 286 Burnslde. v YOUNG MAisf WANTS EMPLOYMENT of any kind. Has had experience in grocery business. F-16, Journal. . SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE STENOGRAPHER WILL CALL ATOF- ficesvfor dictation; letter-copying: en velopes sddressed; charges reasonsble. 603 Lumber Kxchange.' Mam 4S77. WANTED AN OLD OR MIPDLE- ared woman to assist In housework and rare for children: small . -wages. Call 760 Michigan ave. A GOOD, RELIABLE GIRL WOULD like position as office girl; references given. , L-81, Journal. -1. ' f CAMP 4 W.o.wA i SITUATIONS WANTED .FEMALE LADIES' LAUNDRY OR CURTAINS to take home; done neat and cheap. j-none Beiiwooa io7. . EXPKRIRMCEn' STENOGRA pher wants 'work out of city; wodld go to lumber camp; owns typewriter, K-28. Journal. - r WANT WORK BY THE DAY; CALL East 6469. Mrs. B. BOOKKEEPER AND STENOGRAPHERS - experienced and - competent, best- of rererence, moderate salary, f-iej. jour nal. -i ; -. ,. , - WANTED AGENTS AGENTS . WANTED FOB SALE OF . ''Looters of (the Publlo Domain,'! b S. A. D. Pater. Kinur of the Ore son Lan Fraud Ring. In collaboration with Hor ace Stevens, the greatest work on the subject iver published, embracing complete exposure of - the fraudulent system or acquiring titles to tne nupnc lands of the United States. - Contains 5Q0 pages. Including, nearly 800 fine Il lustrations or prominent actors ana events In the great land fraud drama. Liberal - commission allowed : active agents with good reference. - Applica tions for territory should be- addressed to Puter fc Stevens,-Hotel Lenox. Port lend. Or. ' - - ' Wanted house to house can- vassers in every town In the Willam ette valley, and as far east as The Dalles, includins- Portland, to sell 'coal and coal stock. - For ' particulars sea classified ad under business chances. Good -solicitor can make from 160 to 310.0 per week. . . . ' v. . i CARDIFF COAL COKE CO, V 14 H th et t Phones A-361S. Main 8648. AGENTS WANTED CAN YOU SELL goodsT If so we need you: complete outfit free: cash weekly Writ for choice of territory. -Capital City Nur sery company, saiem. or. ' GOOD LIVE AGENTS , WANTED AT 118 Grand ave. Somethins- new. Call between 10 and 12 a, mv HT L. Smith. WIDE-AWAKE SALESMEN WANTED - For full particular address Ore gon Nursery Co.. Salem.' Or. : WANTED FINANCIAL fr.fcJ'W sis-MSWisHse,isasWWSWs, CASH FOR TELEPHONE BONDS. ORE gon Trust. Title Guarantee. Meivbaata accounts: H. W. Goddard. 110 2d st - TO BORROW ?200 TO FINISH, OWN home in suburbs, paving- back on In stallments. E-374. Journal. 500 TO 12.500 WANTED, FIRST clas residence security. 7 tier cent. Address today. G-272, Journal. , WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COT. tages, flat, stores, offices, rooming bouses, eta ,. Landlords will do well to call on PORTLAND TRU8T CQMPANT . OF Phone Ex. li. 8, E. Cor. 3d and Oak. WA"TED REAL ESTATE WE HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR ALL kinds of city broiiert v. . What have you for sale 7 come and list It at once, for we have the purchaser; we are mak ing a specialty of citv orooertv. WASHINGTON 4: OREGON REALTY COMPANY, 108 Rennnd St.. Portland. Or. IF YOU HAVE CITY PROPERTY t6 sell, send street number, vrice ana lo cation to - Ralph Ackley J 0s Corbett Irtdg.- - HAVE 12,000 to $15,000 TO INVEST IN citv bronerty. owners only; give low est cash price ana run particulars. Ad- ress. A-270, Journal. W ANTEDMODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. near Hawthorne or E. Morrison; must be bargain; spot cash; owners only re ply, J-96, Journal. 1 FOR CASH". HOUSE AND LOT SEND location with full particular in first letter. P-14, Journal. WANTED. FROM OWNERS. VACANT lots at Portsmouth, university, ori. fenmsuia; give price ana locanon must be cheap. . K. Lt. tUUKUAN, 1641 Van Houten ave., Portsmouth. COTTAGE. 6 TO ROOMS. 1 TC2 lots, not too far out; give location, price and particulars. B-818, Journal. WANTED 1 TO 5 ACRES IN CULTI vation: some fruit; must be near car- line: will not buy holes, mountains or land on edge: 3700 down. D-271. Jour nal. ' - V" WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE PATTTOP PR1CEB FOR : FURNITURE And anything you have to sell. PORTLAND AUCTION CO- - Main 6655. ' A -4 121. CLOTHING? PHONE MAIN 1851; highest price paid. ' 88 N. 3d et. THE DENVER AUCTION HOUSE pays highest cash price for household furniture, 227 2nd t Phone A-1099; MSln ' 8418. ' .. IF YOU WANT THE HIGHEST CASH price for your second-hand furniture, see J. Lesh Vumlture Co., 194 Grand. WB BUY AND SELL EVERYTHING on earth; household goods. The Dol- lar. 231 1st Main 6374. A-2327. IF YOU WISH TO EXCHANGE OR sell your furniture for cash, phone cast 204. 86s Mawtnorn. bPOT CASH FOR YOUR FURNITURE; prompt attention always given. E. 1067. CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. SAV age A Pennell. 346-147 1st. Pao. 880. 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, ALSO corner lot 60x100. not - over V mile from East Side High school; cheap fo? cash. Q-377. Journal. . .... WANTED. 2 OR 8 HORSE-POWER boiler In good shape'. 09, Journal. MIDDLE-AGED LADY WITH GOOD suburban ihome, would' like to take care of one or two children. . 183 Bid well ave. , Sell wood. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED 4-ROOM. APARTMENT for 8 or 4 months, complete, mod ern and very convenient Apply to Janitor The Sheffield, 7th and Jeffer son. TTRNISHED 0R UNFURNISHED. MILNER BLDG.. 860H MORRISON ST. MODERN, CENTRAL. REASONABLE. THE GRAND. 46 H N. 3D ST. ROOMS ror gentlemen. fi.Ei ter week ana nr. tTHiS grand Modern, neWLY furnished throughout 2 blocks from Portland hotel. 387 Yamhill. Main- 4788. THE KAKI FURNISHED ROOMS, 61.50 per week and up. 10 tH Id. FURNISHED ROOMS, NEW. CHEAP. 107 Sherman et Pacific 468. FURNISHED ' ROOMS CALL OR Phone Sunday or evenings. Main 8091. 5R6 Hoyt t. CLEAN, ELEGANT STEAM HEATED rooms. . 849 44 Ankenv. comer 7th. Main 8666. A-1147. Transient 60c and 31. THE NEWLAND HOUSE, FURNISHED rooms. 31.25 and up. 806H 't st UNFURNISHED ROOMS TOU WILL BE PLEASED. i; MILNER BIDG.. 850H MORRISON. -MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. 8 ROOMS, WATER, 310. 840 H FRONT. 3-room flat 312. 192M Market Main 6864. - ROOMS AND BOARD ROOW AND BOARD; NICELY FUR ntahed front room and board for two, 35.50 per week. 447 Main. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE - FOR SALE: FURNITURE FOR 8ALE. HOUSE FOR rent, six rooms: modern: walkinar dis tance, 8190. 269 18th st. A SNAP, FURNITURE. OF 8-ROOM down . town. house for rent: right Phon Main 6692. IF VOU REALLY WANT TO SELL, the Portland Auction Co. will pay you all It's worth. ..Main 65S; A-41J1. FURNITURE OF 10 ROOM ' HOUSE for sale very cheap if taken in the next 3 weeks; good .location, always full, rent oqly 330: Phone A-2993. FURNITURE OF A 6-ROOM HOUSE. 41. S579. rOR RENTHOt SEKEEPINQ THE SHEFFIELD ONE 4-ROOM UN furnished apartment, with bath; mod- ' em and fully equipped for convenience; rent reasonable and location saves car fare. Appy to Janitor,, 7th and Jeffer son. -, - - .. - . THREE NICELY FURNISHED HOUSED keeping rooms, phone and gas. 668 E. Davis st. .,- . THE SHEFFIELD ONE 4&OOM 'titiT , -furnished apartment, with .bath; mod ern and fully equipped for convenience; rent reasonable and location saves car- fare, Apply to Janitor. 7th and Jeffcr- son. , JDEAL DOWNTOWN HOME. v MILnrh RT.n., aKftu. vmRRisnw MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. ' . L.AKU1S. CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms, laun dry and bath. 184 8h.rmn aU aoulb, Portland. - . l-5 WEEK UP CLEAN . FUR-" uunea . nouaexeepmg rooms. . bath. laundry, furnao beat. Stanton et U car. yard, 303 LARGE LIGHT HOUUEKEEPlNU rooms, nicely furnished; running wa ter. 608 Alder. NICELY FlRNlSHfiD ' APAR'i"MENTj - . i nuui, kibo i single front mini. v.nii pet ween and , 475 Ta y lor. LARGE,' LIGHT AND CLEAN HOUSBN keeping rooms, good location. , 631 Thurman st . . " FOR CLEAN." , WELL-FURNISHF.ri housekeeping - and transient - rooms. see the Owens. SSOi Russell-st. - HOUSEKEEPING - ROOMS, N E W buildlnx. chean. - 807 Rharman at Ta. rifle 455. ; ' - ' '" HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. - LOWEST rates; light, phone - and water in- eluded. 801 "Water st ' SEVERAL NICE SUITES FOR LIGHT house-keeping; phone, bath,' etc. The Southern. 647 V4 1st St. . HOUSEKEEPING? ROOMS, ALSO FINlfJ ,,&lf rooms; running water; heat. B47 Hall st. . NICELY FURNISHED ALCOVEi ROOM! r, ?a.Ji,tS.he'1 ,or light! housekeeping. Call 185 Chapman st HOUSEKEEPING SUITES. REAS6n. 7?le union ave. pnone East FOR RENT HOUSES WHEN YOU MOVE "YOU ALWAYS ,need some furniture. ,-.. -Buy at no-rent nricea; the uvln,. will exceed cost of moving. We own our own Hulldlnvr "n. cupy one. half ; collect rent -on balance. MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE m. n,onH aw. "mr.A ' U,1- T, TT. . FOR BENT 7-ROOM . HOUSE1. 388 X 17th, modern, in first-class condition, ' nice yard, full of roses, 16 minutes' walk to 6th and Washington, 9 min utes on car, car X block from house. : Particulars call at - 860 Pettigrove' be tween 16th and 17th. T. J. Hoare. VAN HORN VHAN16FER FURNITURE and piano moved, stored or shipped. Phone Main 1813. FOR RENT 6-ROOM HOUSE. 93 K. - 46th St., near Stark; 6-room house. 1316 E, Stark, corner 48th st; 6 big cherry trees on lot. Inquire 93 10th st Phone A-1962. Main 6823. , ' FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE. ' '4.7 Harrison st. Inquire 895 11th ft FOR RENT FLATS FOR RENT A NEW 6-ROOM LOWER : flat 16th and Everett . Inquire on premises, oz n-verett et. FOH.BENlf 4-ROOM FLAT. PANTRY and bath, . unfurnished, 317, or fur nlshed 327. 207 Stanton, phone C-1962. 3 AND 4-ROOM FLATS, BATH- AND f as. 868 can i-taiaei. union ave. cars; l at house between 2 and, 6 p. m.t Main 8503. -' .". FURNISHED HOUSES 10-ROOM HOUSE. WALKING Dis tance, wen rurnisnea. rent iso month. Phone Pacific 1794. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES FIRST - CLASS " OUTSIDE OFriCH rooms for rent In new building: steam beat electric and gas light, with Jani tor service. N. K. cor, 3d snd Madison. OFFICES TO RENT IN THE WOR cester and Hamilton bldg. at mod erate rate. Apply to Robert ' Strong. 710 Corbett bldg. FOR RENT THIRD FLOOR. 60x100, in brick bids:., for storax only.: 241 Front. Phone Main 2599.' JUST WHAT YOU WANT MILNER BLDG.. "3504 MORRISON. ' MODERN, CENTRAL. REASONABLE. UNION OR LODGE HALL, VACANT Friday and otner evening; also or-' flees. Drew bldg.. 162 2d st FOR" RENT A. NEW Sf6REiROOM.. permanent, corner. 917 Williams ave. FINE OFFICES AND DESKROOM. Ill Bwetland bldg.. 5th and Washington. DESK ROOM, jO ROUND B'LOOR, 71 6th st near 0li. 35 per month up. SMALL STORE AND 3 ROOMS, ifi; sell stock cheap. Apply 601 Rodney ave.- East 2960. ' -'l X t BUSINESS CHANCES '' BUSINESS MEN. We will pay cash for any mercan tile business. If you must sett we will buy.- State fully amount of goods oa hand and the actual cost naming low- ' est price, before we will look at lt 320 to S 2 7, Corbett bldg. v CAPITAL Furnished for gilt-edge enterprise; In dustrial, manufacturing, . mining, steam and electric railway stock and bond is sues sold direct to Investors on com-' mission basis. Samuel Graham A Co, Selling' Broker. 43 Sacrament st, Mon treal. Canada. ' LEGITIMATE BUSINESS THE AMES Mercantile Agency (established 1898) furnishes frta Information on opportuni ties In - mercantile or manufacturing lines, city or country. THE AMES MERCANTILE' AGENCY, 204-205 Abington bldg. ATTENTION INVEST IN SMUGGLER - Gold & copper mining property, i. li. Woodward. 202 V4 Stark. Large rooming-house, owner will sell cheap or trade for property nt rennlrlns constant attention, eaat-, erit Oregon "real"" estate preferred."1 Ad- dress owner. A.-u, journal.' WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE IN everything or commercial value; list with us. City Business Exchange. Main 6384. A-1384. 115 Commercial blk. OUTSIDE CASH BUSINESS, ONLY hair day s worn, guaranieea 8 ciear per day; too much inside business; un able to handle both; money well secured; 1760 cash will take it. For particular -see owner, W. N. Cochran, 230 Alder 'at GENERAL MERCHANDISE BUSI-' ness, aomg a,uuo a monm, a wen es tablished trade In ' Portland suburb, close In; long lease, low rent;, at In voice. S-8 17. Journal. - , 17 ROOMS', EXCELLENT LOCATION, full of regular roomers; must- aell this week; snap. Main 7664.' MEAT MARKET. GOOD LOCATION. well established, excellent fixtures must be sold without delay. .- Call or write. 925 Lumber Exchange. -' - - GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. doing a good business, for sale cheap 'J by ownefj also 14-room rooming-houso -and hotel by same, party. Investigate ' this. Corner 24th and Vaughn sts. , 8. W. Ludwick, owner. HAVE GOOD LOCATIONS FOR MO" tion ' picture theatre. Particular Newman Motion Picture Co., 293 Burn side. ..'-' -' ' - i FOR SALE--40 ROOM HeffEL. WELL rurnianea, clearing 800 er month; price 83,000. Address box lil St Johns. SALOON DOING GOOD BUSINESS terms; sickness reason for selling; ; big bargain. Call 414 E. Morrison. ' A MEDIUM-SIZED STOCK OF PRY .goods, shoes and furnishings for sale. Lock box 392. Grants Pass. Or.: A WELL ESTABLISHED AND AD-' vartlsed business, must be sold st once, ss owner la called out of city; ex- prlence wot nyessary. -1177, Journal, FOR SALE RESTAURANT AND DEI, l('fltf"acn store rlnlnir trnnA liiialn.,' A-l location; 92 Oiaud ave., e&st iUe! A 1