The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 10, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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Town Topics
mmm J i
Helllg ,i.,,,"Mri. Temple'a Telegram"
Baker ...... "The Heir to tha Hoorah"
Btar ....'The Merry eWldow's Return"
Lyric ......"Tha Lady from Laramie"
Jrand ............ ......... .Vaudeville
The Salem electrio Una la opening up
a rich country to tha couth of Portland
and acreage la sought eagerly by bun.
tired or citizen ana newcomer to tne .
city. F. Breake has an .Important 4n i
nouncement in today" Journal about '
Madison Villa acres, which are only
- 18 minutes' ride from tha center of the
city. These acrea are cleared and In,
1 . 1 .... ( . ..a annulling. . . . V. 1
UUlLl.nituil aim , bi. - g , k Y
: public. The fare on the Salem Una a
Madison Villa resident Is only S cent,
which la quite a consideration. Read
- Mr. Breske's large announcement In
The Journal carefully and visit tha tract
today. And the country immediately
south of tha city 1 bound to appre
ciate greatly In value-and It will not
be long before acre tracts will cell for
double present prices. , . . ,
Conklln Bros., 203 Kothchlld building .'
announoa tha opening of Boise's ad
dition." Thia tract Is on tha Bellwood
carllne. only 14 minute from the cor
ner of First and Morrison streets, and
lies between MHwaukie and Eighteenth
streets, and Holgate street ana center
avenue. The streets are graded and the
Brooklyn public school is only fout
blocks away. A Catholla school and
church are oa tha addition. Already
many choice lots have been secured by
people who were eagerly awaiting the
opening ox mis bquiuuh. u vv
lota 60x100 feet and prices range from
$600 up on easy terms. To accommo
date purchasers an office is open on
the grounds and an -agent will be there
very day including Sunday. Read the
announcement In today' journal.
A new -
; "VHS SATS OFEJTED at our new
store ona of the finest and most
complete optical departments on
'.the coast, equipped with all tha
most modem and scientiflo in
struments. , - ,
sb. orosas b. pbatt of suv
- Jose, Cal.. an optician of 20 years'
' experience, ably assisted by our
regular optician, will "have charge
of this department and your eya
troubles wiU be carefully , looked
after, , ...
citAKOH voTHtxra tob
v be able to wait upon you promptly.
: us a chance, for we feel sura we
can locate the trouble; at any
rate It won't coat you any thing
iito- find out. ' ,
oxm nw z.ooATioir
265 Morrison
Tom Poulson. a restaurant , keeper,
was fined 125 by Judge Cameron in tha
municipal court yesterday morning for
refilling Lea & Perrln's Worcestershire
bottles witn an interior graae oi much
Mrs. Sarah Evana. city maraei insueu
or wm tha comDlainant and feels high-
' ly gratified over the outcome of the
case. Tnts is me tnira convicuuu jur
this offense which she has won in tha
past several weeks. Mrs. Evans also
succeeded in securing a- conviction -In
' the case aeatnat A. S. Orosvostes. a
confectionler at Second and Washing
ton streets, for keeping his candles un
' covered. Orosvostes was fined $25.
Brief but impressive was "the tribute
of respect paid to the memory of the
lata Charles A. Cogswell by members of
tha bar yesterday, when resolutions
were adopted to ba preserved In the
records of the circuit court, and short
talks were made by those who had
known him best. G. W. Staplecon,
chairman of the committee on resolu
tions, presented Its report and gave
heartfelt testimony to the worth and
ability of the departed lawyer. Others
who spoke were R. W. Montague, W. D.
Fenton, Judge L. H. Webster and Judge
E. C. Bronaugh, the latter speaking
for tha bench.
Thursday afternoon was a gala day
at St Francis academy, the school be
ing visited by Archbishop Christie, on
the occasion of his name day. The pu
pils, in appreciation of the honor con
ferred upon ihen, gave the archbishop
a dellhtfurreeeptlon. a program of ex
ceptional merit and interest being ren
dered. At the close of the program his
grace addressed 'the school, expressing
In his own eloquent manner, his great
I-lcasure In seeing so muoh culture and
refinement exhibited throughout the
program, and dwelling at length upon
the advantages of art education which
afforded moral training.
Portland lodge, No. JOB, of the Fra
ternal Brotherhood will initiate a class
of 260 candidates Wednesday night,
July 1, at the- K. of P. hall. Eleventh
. and Alder streets. This Is to be ona of
the largest classes ever initiated into
: the Fraternal Brotherhood in this -city.
If present plans materialize the class
will number 250 strong, and with the
exception of the class of 60 Initiated at
the armory last summer will be the
largest ever Initiated In this state by
an order admitting both men and wo
men on an equal basis.
At' Central W. C. T. U. meeting
Wednesday afternoon Mr. M. L. Hid
den had charge of the program and
save a talk on her department of anti-
narcotics. She spoke especially of the
use of narcotics in medicine. She spoke
of the cigarette advertisements In this
city. She told of an organization of
young ladles who decided not to accept
the attention of young men who used
tobacco or liquor. The danger In soft-
-drinks being drugged was spoken about
vNext week will be a business meeting
and a parliamentary drill by Mrs. M.
L. Christian.
Tha coroner's Jury which held an In
quest on. tha body of Herman Wubber
hort yesterday, , established tha fact
ft hat i mora light are needed for the
araws on roruana bridge. Wubber
horst walked off tha draw of tha Burn
Side bridge before daylight and was
drowned In the Willamette. Had there
been sufficient light the watchman on
the bridge might have seen tha unfor
tunate man in time to prevent his
rled over from last week because it
was desired to wait tha recovery of
Adams. Tha three boys are alleged to
have beaten Adams because tha tatter's
offer to escort a girl home from a
merry-go-round party was accepted, -they
following him and attacking him in the
presence of the girl.
Tha seal of approval Is given to the
suits wmftkeL, There Is. more than
fashion In them; there Is style as welL
The man of taste wants something dis
tinctive nd yet correct and that is
what wa provide. Bemember, we make
any suit in tha house to order for t2B.
LNo more. No less. Coma In and look
bur or not Unique Tailoring company,
309 Stark, near Sixth.
Enjoy a trip today on tha Salem eleo-
trio line. Incidentally stop off at Meti-
5er station. Just SO minutes' ride from
efferson street station, and see Mets-
er acre iraois jwnicn are selling at
less than 60-foot lots In some city ad
ditions where It takes Just as long to
reach. Don't miss the present oppor
tunity for good investment or an
ldeat homes! te and a money-making
fruit or vegetable proposition.
tha annual meeting of tha Home
Training association will be held at the
committee room of the city hall. Wed
nesday afternoon at 2:30. There will
be Installation of officers, yearly re
ports and reports from the branch cir
cles. Two klndergartners will ba in
charge of children who accompany the
mothers to the meeting. A large at
tendance is requested at this meeting.
All those who wish to hear single tax
debated or enter Into the discussion
themselves on the proposed amend
ment are Invited to attend tha f ree-for-
au PUD,"0 meeting of the Peonies' For
um in the Selllng-Hlrsch building this
evening at q clock. Attorney Wallace
McCatnant will speak asalnst and H.
A. Mosher in favor of this tax reform.
Attention opiunicipal Asso
, ciation Calfed tcr&ensa
tional Films. -
(The' Municipal association ha re
ceived an anonymous letter which Sec
retary Bain believe deal with a ques
tion . of public morals that should ba
presented to tha public through Tha
Journal; and has enclosed a oopy of the
letter which , he says ha not been acted
upon by the executive board of the
association, but which he asks to have
?ublished as an assurance to the writer
hat the matter will not ba overlooked.
The letter follows; . . -
"Is it not a little remarkable that our
food citizens who are advocating re
orm, and suppression,' or prevention,
of crime and vice, have never directed
their attention to what Is . considered
by many a most vicious menace to the
young of our cityt . .
"Reference la here made to the cheap
theaters, and particularly to th five
cent moving picture - shows, of which
there are nearly a dozen now in opera
tion In thia rUv MllIT of tha oictUrSS
shown are instructive. Interesting, and j
amusing, out eacn evening mare
sandwiched In. exhibition of burglary,
robbery, assault murder, and It Is quite
realistic when delineated by these mov.
In m nfnturAft.
T,Some of tha scene -are imply bortl
rifylng, while all or tnee criminal
cane have anything but an elevating
or refining tendency. .
rne commission oi crime
to be often tha result of reading cheap
criminal novel stories. How much more
Impressive, than reading is tne aoiuai
scene, as hown in these pictures.
"Every detail in the commission of
crime Is enacted to the letter, and the
vmmr and old ma v see Droduced in
ahmit nine different so-called) theaters
In this city, every night crimes or in ;
most revolting character. Scores of lit- i
tie children visit these places, and I
submit that it so familiarizes both
young and old with crime that It not
only loses its dread, but frequently In
sDlres a fascination for things ghastly
and shocking.' . . j .
Stock and Store of tha Old Welch Store '
Being Imt) roved.
Alterations going on at the old stand
of Welch, the American clothier, serves
to remind shoppers of the fact that this
landmark is In new hands. For many
months prior to the exit of Mr. Welch, :
one of the present owners, John R. Nor- I
rls, was associated with him. Natur- !
' ' ' " '
nisi ;av;
The Second Quarterly District meet
ing of the Woman's Home Missionary
society of the Oregon conference 'will
1 be held at Centenary Methodist Epis
copal church, corner East Ninth and
Kast Pine streets, Friday, May 16. The
meeting will begin at 10 a. m. and con
tinue through the day. Luncheon will
be served at the noon hour. A splen
did program has been arranged. A cor
dial Invitation Is extended to all who
are Interested In the work of the Wo
man's Home Missionary society.
R. W. Schmeor has applied for let
ters on the estate of H. Bowyer Mc
Donald, who died In Washington. D. C,
on March 2, 1907, leaving valuable
property in this city. The estate has
been probated In Washington, and tha
application here Is to provide a way for
sale of the landa. The property con
sists ofabout 268 lots In Graybrook
addition. W. A. Holt, A. M. Wright oak soles, 76 cent. Bauer & Stopper.
to 'appraise the estate.
Miss Watklns. the blind lady 'of the
Patton home, will give a, benefit enter
tainment at the Third PrhvtHn
church, Bast Eighteenth and Pine
streets, Wednesday, May 12, at 8 p.
m. Admission 26c for adults. lBn. for
children. Mis Watkln will be as
sisted by some of Portland's best tal
Rabbi A. J.'ovsovlts of Portland, or
ganized a Bible class of young Jewish
boys from thirteen years up - for the
purpose of studying Bcripture. Any boy
wishing to belong will call at Rabbi A.
J. Ovsovltz, it? First street. The class
will meet each Wednesdav at It n m
the residence xf Rabbi Ovsovltz.
Water through hoea for sprinkling
yards Sr sidewalks or washing porches
or window must be paid for In advance
and used only between the hour of 6
and 8 a. m. and 6 and 9 p. m. It must
not be used for sprinkling streets. If
used contrary to these rules or waste
fully it wUl be shut off.
The benefits of federation An club
work will be the topic of an address by
W". Wynn Johnson at the regular meet
ing of tha federation of east side clubs,
next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. A
large attendance Is expected as It will
be one of the most Important meetings
of the year. ! J
In th Unitarian church parlors pext
Wednesday afternoon from 2 to 6
o'clock a committee of ladies of the
church wilt have on display a fine as
sortment of rag ruga for the country
home, seaside cottage, city porch,
house-boat, bath or bed-room.
"T na.m
John R. Norrls.
This week we are going to haye a sale of toUet paper that will give the public an
opportunity to lay in a supply for future use at surprising low prices. Econom
ical people will buy at least a case as the sale will close
;at tjie end of the week and after that you will have
to pay the regular price again.
Woodlark (1,000 sheets to roll), per dozen.... ......... 90
Nero, 4dunce roll, per dozen .33
Oneida, 6-ounce roll, per dozen 42
, Sanatas, 8-ounce roll, per dozen .57
"400,'MO-ounce roll, per dozen .......60
Mount Hood (1,500 sheets to roll), per dozen. . . . . $1.02
tsaisam l issue, nign grade mediated paper, (3,000 sheets ,
- ' v to roll), regular $3.00 dozen, special .$1.65
"pelta" Square Package," per dozen.: 0O
"Klondike, Square Package, per dozen $1.02
"Balsam Tissue" (1,500 sheets to package), regular $1.80,
" special .$1.02
With each purchase of one dozen we give a holder free.
Order a case today.
Wc Carry Likely Baggage
We have lately put in a Tmnk Department, and now
have a full line of Likely Baggage, including Ward
robe Trunks, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Trunks, Steam
er Trunks, and, in fact, any kind of trunk you may de
sire. Likely Baggage is known the world over as the
kind that defies the baggage-smasher. For quality,
appearance and wear you can't- beat them. Trunks
from .$5.00 to $75.00
Full-Leather Suitcases, 24 inches
long, with inside shirt fold, rivet
ed frame, well strapped and fitted
with strong locks, regular $8.00
values. Special $6.00
All our $1.50 Handbags, in black
and colors, with Venetian han
dles and inside coin purses. Spe
cial 98
Tulip Handbags, the latest fad, in white, lavender,
navy blue, black, tan, brown and gray. Prices 50,
85a and $1.25
JUST IN A new shipment Cross Imported English
Gloves, in all styles, shades and sizes. Ex
clusive agents for Cross Goods.
ft it
Oil Paintings Deduced
a a.ii sj law i m
43 original Oil Paintings, no two
alike, values up to $15; beautifully
framed in latest designs of mold
ings, each encased in a shadow
box, every one a work of art and an
imported piece, your choice $S; see
Washington street window display;
don't fail to see the $8,000 original
oil painting on the fourth floor.
Arlhtic Picture Framing
allv enouah Mr. Norrls became ac
quainted with tha trade of this popu
lar clothing establishment. Mr. Norrls I
la an experienced man In mercantile i
lines, havlntr been In business for years i
In Oakland, California. He finally sold
this business and opened a fine Btoro
In Ashland, Orepon. Taking advantage
of a favorable offer, he disposed of this
establishment when he came to Portland.
I Associated with Mr. Norrls, under
I the firm name of the Norrls-Baker Co..
Is James R. Baker, who hag been for
years Identified with leading clothing
Tha Portland Shoa Repair company,
369 Yamhill strest. between Third and
Fourth streets. Phone Main 7655, Tour
shoes repaired while you wale. Best
American Bank A Trust company of
r-omona, vrenon. u seven m street,
Klk temple. sollcUs vour business: cava
4 per cent on savingrs and time deposit
ana z per ceni on aany balances.
Oil Martin, Bruce Strange and Roy
Antonlsen, three youths who are charged
with making an assault on Thomas Ad
ams because they were Jealous of him.
will have a hearing In tha juvenile
court in a law days. The case was car-
This will remind you that now Is
tha time to have your hair mattresses 1
Phona Main 474. The Portland Curled ,
Hair Factory. H. Metiger, proprietor
F. E. Beach A Co., tha Pioneer Paint
company, selling the best things made
In paints. Honours floor paint, Japalac,
Alabastine, Liquid Veneer. Erne Huh
noor wax ana nuneer pure paints.
First street.
Is not a -month off, with Its prise ,
floats, windows,, etc., and- now is
the time to order '
For unique, artistic and beau
tiful cups Heltkemper's has no
equal. - Both elaborate and grace
full v 'simple designs In bright.
German and dull" finished silver
. trom which to choose.
FULLY DONE. ; : ;,
Jewelry Store
'. 'v . '
ZiOwtrt Priced Jewelry Btora for
Tina Ooods, v.,
786 Morrison Street
Jaeger Bros.. Jewelers, new location
268 Morrison street-, between Third and
Fourth.' Watch sale this week. 20
Morrison street, Jaeger Bros.
Tha Regulator line steamboat Bailey
GatKert makes round -trip to The Dalles
dally except Sunday. Leaves Portland
7 a. m., returns p. m. Alder street
dock. Phones Main 914, A-6112v
The Empire- restaurant will serve a
special Sunday chicken dinner. Ice
cream, soup and salad for 50c 192
Third street, next to Baker's theatre.
Druggists attention! Board of phar
macy meets in Portland. May 26. also
i at Corvallls, June 16, 1808. Qr-orge C.
j BlatTeley,- The Dalles, secretary. .
Harness! Be sura and sea our Una
'of buggy -harness before you buy. Prices
exceptionally low. Keller Harness com
pany, sixm, gear uavis.
Steamer Jesse Barkln. for Camaa,
Washougal and way landings, daily ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington a tree I
dock at p. na. . .
W. Moore, Battery A, Vancouver, la
reported to tha police as bavins; de
serted after stealing a gold watch and
ISO or If 0. - - i
Maccabea Uniform Rank dance, K.
of P. hall. May 14. Last dance of tha
season, etliee Orchestra. ' r ,
18 James ti. iiantr, wno nag Deen lor
years Identified with leading clothing (
WwwiHiJim j..iijii.g.iiM,ii.i..iijikw..WJl''".!iJ'1 J-w
James R. Baker. r
Handy Articles in Surgical Dept.
Corset Ankle Supporters, for weak or sprained an
kles; fits inside the shoe and laces up like a corset;
pair .$1.25
Artificial Eyes, made in Germany, and the colors so
blended as to make it almost impossible to distinguish
them from the natural eye.
Elastic Hosiery and Bandages of all kinds and de
scriptions, guaranteed to last and give satisfaction.
Trusses that will hold any rupture that can be held
by a truss.'
Eureka Hand Vibrators, has Swedish massage
movement, works with a crank instead of electric cur
rent, and is the most complete artificial exerciser on
the market. Price $10.00
Guaranteed to give tha proper
arch to a low Instep and make
walking aasv:
par pair.... 81. SO to 83.00
Experienced lady and gen
tleman attendants In thia de
partment njs f 0QT with ARCH SUPPOS
For Three Days Monday,
Tvcsday and Wednesday
1,000 boxes of Papeteries, rang
ing in price from 25c to 75c
Special 23f
Gilt-Edge Playing Cards, regu
lar 35c. Special 19
All our Postcard Albums, regu
lar $1.25. Special 89
All our Postcard Albums, regu
lar 6c. Special 42
See us before buying your
Fountain Pen. Why? Because
our stock is the largest and most
complete on" the coast. See us
because we make the old pens
open a charge: account with us
Exchange 11
Home A6171
nd -furnishlnst goods of Portland.
Among the younger set of men no one
Is more popular than Mr. Baker. In
fact the new firm begins business with
every promise of success.
People who do not come to town very
often will note that the new firm have
let the corner go, and taken an extra
Inside store, which gives them a wider
establishment than the old one and re
moves the disadvantage of having a
! stalrwav running up through the store
as .heretofore. New ana moaern snow
windows are toeing Installed at consid
erable expense, and the Interior will be
redecorated. The same lines of mer
chandise; clothing, hats, furnishings
and shots, will be carried In stock with
important additions.
B,- W. Moore, expert photographer,
Elks' bunding. Seventh and Stark eta
See Catterltn A Co.'s ad. in business
Chances, about stocks and bonds.
T ' - " ' - ' t -f '
John v A. Jeffrey; Democratic candi
date tor congressman from tW Second
district, left last night for The Dallas
to begin a tour of eastern Oregon in
the Interest of his candidacy. .- Through
out this week he will make a trip
through all of the principal cities or
eastern Oregon, speaking In
X. Chambers A Son, opticians, now at
121 Morrison street, Marquam building.
W. A, Wise ant associates, painless
feotlsts. Third and Washington.
T AntrLfAv, V.Tt Ba.alA I MAW .Mfl
I for summer guests.
" Barger, signs, show cards. 114 Yamhill.
Journal want4 ads. le a word.
Where 10 Dine.
Moore's restaurant serves a special
50-cPt iSUBday dinner. 148 Fifth at.
! Watson's Restaurant will serve a Una
ihJcea dinner. today, SO eents. , ,
Don t
Portland has the best equipped fabricating shop and the largest stock of
STRUCTURAL STEEL, on the Pacific coast. Also the most complete
Build Before. Prices Advance
And let us show you how quickly and cheaply we can execute construction
work of any nature.
PhnnDcA 1559 DftDTiAwn adf OFFICE: 209 StarU Street
rfl0neSisa!D 259 PORTLAND, ORE. steel Works: 15ih and FrontSU N.
The Popular Eoute. '
The Canadian Paclfio, 8oo-8pokana
route la the popular route across tha
continent. Their trains are tha finest
operated In tha west.
. L V- -
Sin Is' not cxired by . housetop diag
noses.. .. ,t. '
Charles J. Brrell has returned to
his home, ' No. 11 East" Tenth street,
after an absence of- more than seven
months spent In Phoenix, Arizona. ..
.. diaries R. Paul of Chicago. , repre
sentative of Jlrt, Rchaffner-& Marx,
is at tho, Hotel Portland.
-in Utt. and
accident insurance
05 Weil Targe Bid.".
o STTJDrjrrs, so oas, aro cocais
The 0!d Reliat!
Painless Dentists
This office is equipped with all tha
latest appliances and formulas for do
ing high-class work. - . -
I had 27 teeth .extracted hv tha una
of Vegetable Vapor and cheerfully ree-
uinrnena ,mo meition; nad nn pain or
bad result. MItS. L. DEBRANT. ,
Vancouver, Wash.
22-K Crown ....JfS.OO
Bridge Work, per tooth . . ....5.00
Logan Crown ........ 3.50 0 A5.00
Best Rubber Plata .......... ...$.Ot
Aluminum Lined
Silver Fillings , ...I.OO
Gold Fillings 2.Q0 ad "p
Chicago Painless Dentists
Mil! VAtl BM In 4 wV. , . .
Lady attendant
fnonea Main 1890. A 6340
for the Pianola just received
I'm Afraid to Come Horn In tha
Dark, Mavrinteli. Sogers Bros. Xa
lap ma Heleatlon. Oay Wliita Way
anetteaw Playing tea Peaiea Ba
laotloa. Merry Widow Bafactloa,
also Walts. Auto aca B elect Ion.
Star of tha Baa Serene. Fosaont
Bag Honey Boy March and, Two.
Btep aad 600 other Fopulars, Clas
sics, eto., foe Metrostyia and Themo
dlst. Many la Utorary all oa sale
Tot gooa aaiedlon, coma early, as
this shipment will soon be gone.
Sole Distributors of Pianola Plaae
for Kortbwest.
.UU Rheumatic
eiii Cure
Per bottle. Far Bottle.
Nervous Headaches
Neuralgic Headaches
Nervous Dyspepsia
Nervous Affections
A.W. Allen & Co.
Wholesale and Retail Druggists,
16th 4 Marshall St Portland, Or.
L. L. WHITE, Oklmt mi St ft
'The friends of dogmatism are hi
foea of religion. " v
2wuHirrtnHot.trfrs men
aUnauMSnatBtas.. n-w9mHir4 l.llj Sin sin
Pare Beautiful Jade Jewelry
Gold Bracelets and Bl
net Rings of all descrip
tions made . to order.
American name en
graved witn the - three
cardinal Chinese charm o
ters, via, Glory. Pros
perity and Longevity.
Charges reasonable and
orders of any design
promptly executed and
sent prepaid to any part
of the U. & The Skilled
cu.iiom ,weler, VOOX 8AJTO CO,
Jay Tu Cbong. Uagr, ZSX Alder atreeu
Diamond House PaJnt
vl gallon lots, tl.40 Pr gat . .
i -f 1 gallon lota. Sl.SO P" t"J
f i 1 Uanufactured by
j ' 630 Tront BU Portias 4. Or.
jMachlnery, Safe
Moved 4 Stored
4th 4 DAVIS WMetTotset I3tb 4 BOYI
?nth BA1-VK3AT imU A WAT 1
on the suM.-t of rrohii.ti l.m. r
At less than one-half prlra durlnr t
ft-.t month, hew fur ma le
passible price. U StliUHciier, J : i-
Uun street.
C0NY.LLE ruzmrA
?h-r 110. . ! .