THE' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 7. 1905 EXCHANGE 11 A 6171 FMM'S .Our Friday Bargain. Sales are especially arranged money-saving occasions. It is our, intention to sell on Friday goods selected from pur' regular stock at prices a utue less than elsewhere. , . It will pay you to come a long distance to take ad vantage of these remarkable Friday bargains. DID XOTJELOPE WITH COACHMAN. 7 , . ;. ' ' V ' - ' V, i I II r - - ' ;,.:t;, 1:.'K.;:-:ft. J ,, , v. . .., .:-.: '.. .J-;-' S "fc 1 i'. .v' ::. -ix', ;.; ! . J .'."': ',.V. i ' . . '," 1 1 - - A ',':V '' ' V , 0 N ' - ,::v:-f. - ' ' f I Mrs. Brown winked at Mr. Brown winkeil at r. " V, J '""- . 'Js . 1 the Grocer. , Mrs. Brown and said: V ' . V t' ; j I "' - "x -Tbew'. Much in a Wink" I J "Mi" A ': EW-C A: J (T ; Why? Wink at the -:. vv Grocer and leam. " '.'.? X: - - , 7 w Read It Before X X ' rVf ::V "aT X You Eat It j ' ' - A " Tmimam 1- -, i . MASSACHUSETTS ROBBERS MURDER INDORSES BRYAN EXPRESS AGENT Mrs. Alfred G. DIeterich. whose husband denies that she eloped with Barry Brenchley, the Vanderbilt whip. Mrs. Dieterich, who is worth $7,000,000 In her own right, left New York several weeks ago. 8he la now In Paris.: Brenchley disappeared at the same time, hut his whereabouts are unknown. SHERLOCK SIGLER CLEARS UP MYSTERY OF THE TAX ROLL Another myttery has been cleared up In official circles, but this time it vu not a murder mystary, neither waa It a robbery mystery, : but ust a plain, elmpiei , mystery of a man who made out his statement as to the amount 'f property . he owns ' and returned It to quit vfirking for -your clothes Reverse the conditions. Let your clothes work foryou, Vhy not? Be fore' a man , begins a trip, attends. a social af fair, gets married, , en-; gages in business or con templates a big financial undertaking, what is the usual remark you hear him pass?. "Welf, I guess I had better get a new suit of clothes.' AVhy? Because he knows that a well-tailored suit, fitted excel-, lently, made to order by a tailor who knows how, is the safest, surest, and best guide to success in the particular effort he is about to launch.' 'In other; words, this man believes in having his clothes work for him, instead of working for them. Columbia clothes are IT. : CDOCMM cvenS 823 Stark Streets County Assessor Slgler without sign ing his name or Riving- his address. Btgler pondered over the Strang docu ment for several dayshe had more like It to Bonder over, but this one In particular caused him to wonder be cause the amount was large one and would aid materially In swelling the assessment roll. : Wondering how In tile world he would discover the owner of the statement ,Slsler started a search of last year's assessment roll to dis cover a statement similar to the one unsigned. Incidentally Staler told a journal reporter anoui tne strange docu ment and said that it was but a Bample of the difficulties- encountered by the assessor.- f "Now when I send a deputy around to this man to assess his property he Will say that he has already sent in his statement. That la not ail he will say. He will aay that I am trying to make out that he did not tell the truth in filling out his statement and make a few more , remarks as to the manner Ht which he office f county assessor la conducted." Thus said Slgler. The search through the assessment roll revealed a state ment Ust year which was very similar to the one held by Slgler. In the mean time The Journal reporter wrote a story about the mysterious statement. , When the deputy assessor called on the man ho announced that he had read The Journal story but did not think that It oould possibly have beta about himself because he had been so. careful with It He had Set down the various amounts with care and had even gone so far as to make a copy of the statement The deputy showed the statement received by the assessor. It was at once recognised by the man and he was "flabbergasted." When asked why he had not signed the document and filled in the address the man said that he supposed the sec retary of the company for which the statement was made out would do that before sending It In. The secretary supposed that the statement was com plete' and that was the explanation. The man who made out the statement la at the. head of a well-known east olde corpora tlon and "made some con fidential talk with the deputy before ne got away, me aepuiy said it was too good a Joke to keep and the man admitted It He was Frank Schmitt, of Frank Schmitt & Co.. manufacturers of -sashes and doors, 115 East Eighth atreet. -. UTtEy WILL DEBATE . AVITH W. B. MUARRY The South Portland Republican club will open the campaign in South Port land next Wednesday night The main event of the evening will be a debate between W. 8. tTRen of Oregon City and W. R. McGarry on the recall bill, which Is' one of the many bills to be voted on at the coming June election. The executive -board of the club will endeavor to have all of the initiative amendments fully explained to the voters at a aeries of meetings to be held before the election. Among other .nukpn who have been Invited to ad- diees the meeting are Judge George J. Cameron. Sheriff R, I Stevens and Robert 0. Morrow. Miss Lena Harwas, Frank D. Hen ri easy. Bailey. Jackson and the NeW Moon quartet nave wen entafta io iur ni.h the musical entertainment for the evening and enlarge crowd la expected to be present.' FAMOUS JOCKEY WHO W0X DEBBY IS DEAD Catted Press Leasee Wire.! once famoua Jockey who rode 20 times In the Derby and won It three times, lsvdead at Leicester, after a long ill ness. He wat J years old. King Edward knew Custanca and his mir.cnwn.iv . . . . - - ?'ears Ago during his visits to Mr. Chap In, Custance used to be told: off to give ma King . . i' Bargain Trlday Special. i.rt wlnii KOe rer rallon: 11.00 rort and sherry, 75o per gallon; all 1.S0 quality wine. $1.00 a gallon; $3.09 whiskey, J.zr per gajioa; wmn key. 13.00 per gallon; 15.00 whiskey, $8.75 per gallon. - . 25 per cent discount on "brandy .and gin. , '- . Friday only orders delivered to all parts of the city. - National Wlna Co.. Fifth and Rtark street, Phones Mala A Mi. , I MAN KILISJIS WIFE W, A. Carmen Fires Three Bulleta Into Woman Who Deserted Him. (T7nited Frew Leased Wire.) Ban Francisco, May 7. W, H. Car men, 80 years old. living with his father, W. A. Carmen, at 117 Noe street, fired three shots at his wife, Mrs. Margaret Carmen, a cashier In a nickelodeon at 618 Broadway, at noon today, instantly killing her. With the - nickelodeon crowded with people. Carmen stood in Una at the ticket window.' and as he I reached his wife, who was selling tick ets, he said: I told you Id kill you if you left me. You have done If With these words Carmen drew a re volver from his hip pocket and fired three shots through the small aperture in the ticket window. Each shot took effect the woman dying instantly. Carmen came to San Francisco six weeks ago from Spokane Washington, where he was employed by the Great Northern Railroad company as a book keeper. His wife, it Is said, left him some months ago and came to San Francisco, and has been threatening to secure a divorce and marry a bartender who is employed In a saloon on Broad way. , State Convention at Boston Instincts Delegates to Den ver for Commoner. LANGTEY'S MINE MEEELY A HOAX (United PreM Leased Wire.) London. May 7. Lily Langtry's mine In Nevada is declared by her managers to be. a hoax. The "Jersey Lily" frank ly admits that the notification she re ceived concerning the richness of the froperty was nothing but a practical oke, but later developments have proved that the Jest was costly. A committee was sent to the United States, and at New York learned that the fabulous store of wealth lay In the fertile minds of a few unscrupulous pro moters who used the actress' famous name for advertising purposes solely. The committee went hojrf and- reported the facts. , v FOUR LIVES LOST IN FIRE AT NEW YORK (JJnitea Preu Leaned Wire.) New York, May 7. Four lives were lost today in a tenement fire, which was evidently started by firebugs. The blaze started in an alrehaft and spread so rapidly that Samuel Sachs, Mrs Eva. Berg. Hattle KoDelam and an unidentified man were burned to death. Hattle Kopelam was 2H years old She was roasted to death on a grating at the bottom of a Are escape. , More than a score of persons living In the five-storr bulldlna- were hnriiv injured. .ost of them were sleeping wnen in, aiarm ox nre was given. CARTER ADVOCATING POSTAL BANK LAW (Cnltfd Press Leaud Wire.) Washington, May 7. In urging the adoption oi ms oui eaiaDiisning -.postal savina banks. Senator Carter (Montana) todar declared that the banks would not necessitate tne employment of ' ad ditional forces and that the purchase of equipment would not De necessary. What a Stout Woman Should Wear "It la a mistake for a fat woman to wear long, loose, sweeping lines. She should wear fitted or eeml-fltted clothes, and choose dark materials," said a prominent dressmaker, notable for making "good figures", of -stout Women. "My success In making stout women appear thin, however. Is due. In reality, to the fact that I can make them .thinner if they will take my ad vice. I advise all the etout ones to go to their druggist get U-ox. of Marmola belmr careful to eet a sealed package), of Fluid Extract Cascara Aro matic and SV, ozs.'of Svnin Slmnlcy These ingredients are mixed together at name una taaen a teaspoonrul to a dose aiier meais ana atedume." "All threa are simple, wholesome remedies that cannot do harm to any one. : They even help to improve the health, while, the way they reduce fat is truly astonishing. I have known a woman to lose over 10 pounds between visits to me. f It takes the fat off sym metrically, too, without causing' wrin kles, dosl not interfere with the diet In a n v w a v inH. Hnt .Mnl a Whole lot of fatiguing exercise to show resuiis. t wonner. more dressmakers do not try this plari Of mine, for the in gredients are eheap, easily secured, and pleasant to "take, and, as I said, really Improve pne'f health anJappearance.'' . ' A X - . V .-: ' ' " '!'. (United Preu Laased Wire.) Boston, May 7. William Jennings Bryan today captured the Democratic state convention held here. A platform containing an unqualified indorsement of the candidacy of the Nebraskan and Instructing the delegates to the Demo cratic national convention to vote for him was presented to the convention. EOSI WIFE A! POKER BUI Wood Sues Gans for $20,000 Damages Gets $1, for Everybodv Chipped In. New York, May 6. Frank P. Gans firmly and Insistently denied that he had ever done anything to rake down lira. Walter T. Wood's love from her husband. Wood la suing Gans for $20, 000 for alleged alienation of Mrs. Wood's affection. "in the supreme court at Newark, Gans and his witnesses, George F. Mor gan, Harry T. Caulett and Reuben Mil ler, swore they never saw Mrs. Wood display extraordinary affection for her husband -nd that anyway, she was as openly and publicly and equally affec tionate to all of them. In fact. Mrs. Wood's affection seemed to be a sort of jackpot. The Woods lived at No. 856 Waverly avenue. Newark, a year jago. Gans' witnesses, swore that Wood ran a game of poker and sold whiskey and other refreshments to his guests. Morgan, who lives at 'No. 235 Academy street, Newark, admitted that he Was to have shared the profits of the games with Wood. Morgan said the games usually began at 8 p. m. "When did they endT" asked Samuel Leber, counsel for Gans. "When there were no more players, or when all the players went broke?" "0 whan thA 'ii(t,' all V money, suggested Howard MacSherry, Woods lawyer. Or when Wood got it" amended Mor gan, witn a certain bitterness. He added that Mrs. Wood waa alwava at the game, and often were some of her laoy irienaa. "The boys went there to have a rood time said Morgan. "One of the rules of the game was that the man who won the first pot paid for the drinks." "Wood told you how the trouble with h! wife beean?" asked Mr. Leher "He said It began because she drank wun oiner men, and ended when he went outside to play poker," said Mor gan. After being out . about long enough for each Juror to deal a poker hand all around, the Jury .brought In a verdict of 1 damages for Wood. "Oh I d give 850 gladly to the kitty out of a 120,000 pot," said Gans, Joy- Bandits Board Rio Grande Train and Kill Man for Hundred Dollars. (United Pram Leased Wire.) Denver, May 7. Charles H. Wright, express messenger on a Rio Grande train, waa murdered soma time during the night by robbers who looted hta car. They escaped with 8100. Wright's body waa found in his ear when it arrived here this morning. Officials of the road are seeking facts concerning the crime. . MAKE FIRST FLIGHT IN NEW AEROPLANE (Halted Prtw Ltaaed Wire.) Manteo, N. a. May 7. Wright broth. era, the aeronauts, have made a first flight In their new aeroplane. Although but a teat flight. It waa successful In every respect, the machine in perfect control traveling;, for a distance of 1,000 feet Apparently It could have been flown 1.000 times as far Just as easily as not The flight was made In a light northeast wind oi 14 mues an nour, ana the machine waa made to alight with nerfect ease and safety. After several preliminary testa to be made during tne next two or tnree aays, an atnduranoe test of the machine will be made to Cape Henry, a distance of 75 miles, and return. Before the tests have been completed experts represent ing the United States and foreign gov eminent are expected to wltneaa them. GREAT DEMAND For Hyomei, the Catarrh Cure That Woodard, Clarke & Co. Sell Under Guarantee. ... UNION REPUBLICANS ELECT DELEGATES (Special Dispatch to The Journal. La Grande, Or., May 7. The Repub lican central committee of Union coun ty has chosen delegates to the state Re publican convention in Portland, as fol lows: F. S. BramwelL county chair man; J. H. Peare and W. J. Snodgrasa of La Grande, 8. Barnes of Elgin, L, A; Wright of Union, C. A. PlaylJ o? Allcel, J. D. Casey of Hilgard and Harry Cooks of Medical Springs. Athena Graduates. (Special Dlsn.tch to The JoornaL) Athena. -Or.. May 7. Four rnun. nen. pie, two boys and two girls, will gradu ate from the Athena High school at tne ciose or tne present successful term, which ends Friday, May 89. The present term has been oen of the best in the history of Athena from many standpoints, and those who wiU gradu ate are Benjamin Gross. Maurice Hill, Martha Gerklng and Cecil Boyd. , " Stabs Wife. (United Prew Leased Wire.) . . . Visalia, Cal., May 7. Because Ms wife refU3edto return to him. Leonardo Cometlago, a Mexican, probably fatally stabbed hert on a ranch near Visalia, laet nighf-'' Cometlago escaped. A posse searched the brush, whera he Is, believed to be biding. . . The record for sales of any medicine by Woodard, Clarke Co, baa been broken by the reoent demaod In Hyomei. This la not alone due td the peculiar weather conditlona that have Increased catarrhal troubles, but also to the way in which Woodard, Clark A Co. sell HyomeL wun every aonar ouiin, wooaaro, cirir a c.a. rive their oeraonal guar antee to refund the money if Hyomei does not give absolute satisfaction and do all that Is claimed for it Some peo ple may say "If only I knew It to be trim I would not hesitate a moment" This la the average individual's thought when reading some striking offer like this. You can. however, easily prove it true by asking Woodard, Clark Co. about the guarantee they giv. The reason that they can .sell Hy omei in this unusual way Is due to Its wonderful curative powers. There is no stomach drugging with Hyomei. It is a medicated air treatment that kills aU catarrhal germs, prevents their growtn, sootnes ana neais any irritation in the mucous membrane, vitalises the tissues and makes catarrhal troubles impossible. It has cured many right in this town and you should try It now and get relief and cur from catarrh. ,Wet and Slippery. pavaotarrt nak aooldent to horses froqaent. : For Cuts. Brat, flail A Strain's try Mexican Mustang liniment. It soaks down to th bona, rllvallaornslnatffr - thn basis the wound r torn ligaments. - Ks (grwt antl aptl qualities maks K saf . : and sura. v..' Equally good for Mao or Beast Our FSEB booklet, "Points from a . , Borse Doetor'sDiary" will helpyoa ia caring joar livestock. Send tor it. LYOH MANUFACTURING CO, 44 South Fifth St., Booaxxir,N.Y. Hair Cutting 25 Cents (Tour Shoe Shtned Free.) -r :, TX3 XQTTI UUEB KQT ' ' - . ' $1 Sixth St. .-. f . Friday Toilet Specials Tiese are all first-dast goodi and the prices are so low, it's policy to buy now for future use. . Daggett & Ransdell's Cold Cream, regular 35c Friday 29 Pompeiian Massage Cream, regular S0c- Friday ........... a. S3T Woodbury's FaciaT Cream, regular 25o-Fr1day If Ed Pmsud's New. Mown H$y Sosp, regular 25c cake Friday 3 cakes .....v.- Kna Ed Pinaud's Queen Lily Soap, rejr. 25c cVkV FrVdVy 'j'cakeii'BOa arnauon poap, regular ,ac cake riaay 3 ...... SO v a r' w m . "a n ot?. teg. Z5c cake Friday 3 cakei..50e) Jergen s Beau ionde Glycerine Soap, regt 20c box-Friday Fackera Tar Soan. recnlar zSr- ner fair - to a. Williams' Jersey Cream Soap, reg. 15e-per cake Friday... FREE PHONE FOURTH FLOOR. Friday Rubber Reductions These rubber goods prices are hard to beat. If you expect to need rubber goods at any future time save money by attend- ing wuuK iaa Buying now. Spray Syringe, regular price $2.50 Friday only ............ 1.69 Red Fountain, Syringe, 2-qt, reg. price $2 Friday only....? 1.63 1-qt. Fountain Syringe, reg. price $1.75 Fridsy only ..1....98 Red Rubber Screw Top Ice Cap, reg. price $1.25 Friday only 63 Rubdry Towels, reg. price 35o Friday only ..r 23 R.EST ROOM FIRST FLOOR Friday Picture Specials Facsimile Water Colors, framed in gold frames, fancy corner orn aments, size 10x20, reg. price 60c Fridsy only (2 to a cus tomer) ,.25 Christy pictures, in colors, framed in one-inch black frames, size 14x18, big variety of subjects, reg. price $1.75 Friday only..89 Glove and Handkerchief Boxes for burning, stamped in new de signs, strongly built, regular 25c each Friday, two for 25) Royal Vienna Bonbon Dishes, handsomely decorated in floral de signs, 7 in in. diameter, with dainty handles, reg. $1 Friday.. 50f Odds and Ends of China, in rose bowls and vases, values to 50c choice, 2 for 25at Passepartouts, regular 15c Friday, 2 for 15 OPEN TILL 9tOO P. M. Friday Drug Specials Look around and see if yon can do better than this on drag sundries. We don't think yon can beat the prices quoted below. They are genuine money-savers. 3-lb. Chi. Lime, regular 25c Friday ...... 19f 1-lb. Borax, regular 25c Friday , 19) 1-qt. Household Ammonia regular 15c Friday Be) 1-lb. Bicarbonate Soda Friday 5) 1-lb, Moth Balls, regular 10c Friday Sw 1-lb. Cream Tartar, regular 40c Friday 33T 1-lb. Epsom Salts, regular 10c Friday 3r Potash or Lye, regular 10c Friday ...........Tat WE FRAME PICTURES Friday Glass Reductions Every once in a while we have a sale of Cut Glass at reduced prices. This time we are making a lower cut than usuaL Take advantage. - " Salad Dishes, our regular $9.90 Friday only "..... .f6.83 Salad Dishes, our regular $8.80 Friday only .$5.62 Nappies, our regular $3.30 Friday only ...2.13 Nappies, our regular $4.00 Friday only 62.8T, Nappies J fancy shapes, our regular $3.25 Friday only .M. 82.09 Nappieaj or regular $275 Friday only 81.46 See the 06OOO Picture Fourth Floor FAMILY WINE SPECIALS, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY You can order wines over the phone and we will deliver them to your home without extra charge. ' Reserved stock California Port or Sherry, reg. $1 qt.--Special 49) Irondequoit Port or . Sherry, reg. $1,25 Special T5) Catawba, Madeira and Tokay, reg. 50c qt Special 35f Claret. Zinfandel, Cabernet or Sauterne, fine table wines,-regular 50c quart Special ..: , ........... .30) Assorted Extra Fine Table Wines, in pints, regular prices 30c to 40o Extra Special 14) (TELEPHONIC YUUK UKUttKJ Friday Stationery Special Bicycle and B. Playing Cards, feg. 25c deck Friday 19 Decorated Napkins, 100 to the package, reg. 30c Friday 9 Decorated Lunch Sets, containtng 1 doten doilies, 1 dozen nap kins and 1. table cloth, reg. 25c Friday 16) Woodam 'brke.S Co. Fourth and Washington Bank, Store and Office Railings Fire Escapes and Fire Casings Fencing andr .TrellU.Wtrk-.; Portland WIr&&H Cor. Second and Everett Sta. ;V. --. Phone Main 2000 JOUENAL LHEES COST LI ITLE ACCOMPLISH MUCH SW V