i . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 5, 1808. E. I 111 SUSPECTED (Continued 'from fage One.) i ' Solomon told of his various transao- , tlon with Martin and" said that ha bad . desalt .with htm about 12 timas and that : Martin always called between ( . and T '; o'clock In the evening. He said that he was convinced Martin was a dangerous man. He said that Martin often be- . . trayed himself and from his ' actions trained tne belief that Martin ' would commit any crime. Solomon said that - Martin- would --never allow himself to be crossed in conversation and that he i would never allow anyone to Rain a point in an argument. So positive was Martin in such affairs that Solomon . said he was convinced that the man was a user or cocaine or some other oru. What led Solomon to this conclusion mora than anything else was a state ment made by Martin In the store when some old man .came in who used snuff. Martin was In the atora when -the old man came In. Seeing tbe old man take i a pinch of snuff Martin asked for some. . As the old man passed out' Martin made the remark: ."See that old man; if he could not use snuff he would ko crary. ''From that statement and after . watchlnv the man as I did. 'I was con- . vlnoed that be was s 'dope fiend," said . Solomon, ' - ! Martin tiooked for.Posltlon. That Martin was a brilliant man and one of splendid education was shown in his civil service examination at the city hall. Recently he passed fourth in the Civil service examination tot city sealer at the cltyxhall the day before the an ' nouncement of the appointments was made by Mayor Lane, ile hoped that he 'would be one of the successful ap - pointee-snd--'whei- Mayor Lna an nounced on rlday morning that be would appoint others, it is supposed that Martin became despondent which led him to commit the crime he did on the night of the day the announcement, was In kit examination whleh- Martla took for Instrument man In the city engi neer's offioe.the suspected murderer re received a grade of 88 per cent In trigonometry and solid geometry. He failed to pass the other requirements of the examination, however. ' Thursday was the last seen of Mar tin at the city hall. He appeared there at that time and sought to have his f trading- changed on his examination for nstrument man. He failed to pass by a narrow margin and argued With Secre tary Mcintosh that the marking had not been done prdperly. Falling to accom plish this, Martin spoke about the po sition of city, sealer of weights and measures. He was anxious to reoeive the appointment and talked to many persons about the bulhjlng concern ing It. , . Martin wa extravagant la his habits and spent his money freely, With an Income of only f 96 from the city he pur chased candy and passed It among the employes of the building. Ha lavished what money he made, and was continu ally pawning articles of Jewelry which he owned. Pawns Bis King. It is said that Martin pawned his West Point class ring with Uncle Myera on Third street. -This ring cost Martin, as he explained to Solomon, $135. He pawned It for 16.60. The ring is described as abeautiful article of jewelry, bearing the class numerals '9a." the year Martin graduated, and set with precious stones. Martin pawned this article often, it is said. Little has been learned about Mar tin's past history. He has been in Portland several years, and Is said to a. well-known detective who has been connected with the New York police for 20 years. Martin- also told employes of the ctty-hall that he and his brother were appointed to West Point at the same time, the only case of two brothers being appointed rom the same Btate to the military academy at the same time, aecording to Martin. What has become of Martin is what concerns the police at this time. Wheth er he has committed suicide, hid him self away in the city or left for some other place are the questions to be de cided. The police are also wondering where the coat and vest Martin wore when he is supposed to have committed the murder have gone. The discovery of the coat and vest would be looked upon as a valuable piece of evidence In locating the suspected murderer. That Mat Martin had criminal in stincts and was ready to commit a crime to gain money was shown" in a conversation at Solomon's store. The n !ir.t th mifinect mirchased the shirt -of Drey. Martin asked the clerk liw Solomon's store if Drey had money. The clerk replied In the affirmative, and when Martin was talking to the old man in the plasa block while buying the shirt he asked Drey if be did not want to make a lot of money. Drey said that he did, and Martin said that he knew where there was a lot of Jewelry and diamonds whioH , they oould' steal, with' out a being caught. Drey refused to have anything to do with Martin In the matter, and the suspected man insisted ana argued witn tne oia-ciomes man. Drey remained obdurate. Happened Wees! Ago, ' 1 This happened Just one week ' before Wolff was murdered and robbed, and it Is believed by tjie officers at that time Martin was planning to rob somebody. Whether Martin had dealings with Wolff or not is unknown. No examina tion 'has been made. of the books in Wolffs t store. ; At times Martin as sumed the name of S. A. Suffin in- deal ing with-Solomon, but always rave the same aaoress wmcn is on tne east side. MERCHANTS STAET S s SUBSCRIPTION TO SECURE CONVICTION Merchants of the city have started subscription list to secure a reward for the capture of the murderer of Nathan Wolff, the First street pawnbroker who was killed in his snoo on -riaav nijtht. The following subscriptions wers se curea up to noon louay: Coleman's Night Watch service. ' by J. B Coleman . . , . . .... . , .410.00 F. W. MuHtey 10,00 seeman, Hpauiamg, . wooawara company . , . . . ................ Lang & Co. New York Outfitting company, N. and Im Weinstein .. 10.00 ,10.00 10.00 150.00 DETECTIVES ON ' GUARD AT THE MARTIN HOUSE Detectives Jones and Tlchenor guard d the Martin home all night. They were relieved this morning by Inskeep and another detective. It wag thought by the deteotlves that by some possi bility Martin might return to the house. In the house this morning was Mar tin's sister, a trained nurse. She would not speak to the detectives and they had orders not . to ask questions nor to answer anything she might ask them. All night and all day the visll is being Kept, who a ury-eyea woman wlin a drawn face sitting - by the window watching ad waiting for she knows not wnat. Only this sister is staying at the house. Mrs. Martin and the other sis ter are absent, and If the detectives know their whereabouts they 'are keep ing tne iaci sincuy to xnemseives. REWARD -OF $ 1 ,000 STANDS FOR FIEND WHO SLEW WOLFF ;- The county comm.' loners now have a standing' reward of $1,000 for the surest and conviction Of the murderer of Wolff, The commissioners followed the usual practice In requiring that a conviction shall be secured before the reward will be due. The offer is made In this case because it Is considered to the public interest that Such ai atrocious crime shall not go unpunished if the expendi ture of J1.000 can bring the guilty to justice, juoga weDsier aeciarea that he believed the money would be well spent, and Commissioners Llghtner and Harnes joined in tnis opinion, MARTIN ALLEGED TO HAVE BEEN SLAVE TO THE OPIUM HABIT Edward H. Martlh la known to 1m addicted to the; use of drugs, generally of opium., V.-V. Eyston, a fireman be longing to hose company No. , recentlj saw him leave the back door of a CM nese la unary at tne northeast corner or second and Madison streets. It was ail too evident rrom Martin's tions that he had been using oDlum. Urged by curiosity, Eyston saw him board an east side car, and as the fire man was taking that car himself he rouowed mm arter he left it to the nouse wnicn tne Martin ramlly has oc cupied since April 1,9. MRS. ORA G. HATTAN OF ST. HELENS DEAD (Special Disrates to Tne Journal. St. Helens, Or., May 6. Mrs. Hattan, wife of County Judge Hattan, died Sat urday evening of heart trouble. She was iu-dui a snort time. Ora Gerald! ne Overturf was born In Ohio, July IS, I860. She was married to R. H. Hattan. March 6. 1890. in Kan sas, and came immediately to Columbia County and moved to St. Helens 11 years ago. She was notable for her amiable disposition ana was a iire-iong member pf the Presbyterian church. Besides hsr husband, she leaves nine children, three boys and six girls, the eldest 17 years of age and the young est1 a babe of three months. A brother ana sister reside in wans, waiia. I. , ,. 1 111 , ' ',' I ' "Vi i im m i i i i i j ii . it Aj W s)jS f If r r , to" The Kind Ton Ilave Always Bought, and which has been. In use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of Jt " - ' and lift a liAAii vnftrlA nnrlpi' rila npr. v sinnftt snnArvlslon sinco its infancv.v V Allow no on todeoeive you in this. ' All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-a-ffood' are but Experiments that trifle -with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Eiperixtient. What Is GASTpRIA' Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opimn, Morphine nor other. Narcotio substance, Itsvage is Its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays FeTerishness. It eures Diarrhosa and "Wind Collet It relieves Teething Troubles, cares Constipation and flatulency. It assimilates the Food,1 regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, rrhe Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend. cqnuinE CASTORIA always Sears the Signature of Tbe Kind You Hp Always BougM In Use For Over 30 Years .k , . : ws esweaua eewMMW. w mvnaav stkcsv, sets vosa etra ATE1PTIIIGT0 START HOLY I'AR England Wildly Excited Over News of Battles on . Frontier of India. , ; (United Piess LeaseA Wire.) , . ondon. May. 6 All England Is wild ly excited today over the news of what amounts to real war la India. AlthouRb the British forces won the first battles fought' with the Invading; forces from Aiernamstan,: tne invaaers nave noi men driven back across the border and It la feared they will attack again, and that the English troops on the scene may not be sufficiently strong- to--numbers to withstand their onslaught. The serious news regarding the situ ation adversely affected consols as well as Indian stocks on the stock exchange. Dispatches from Simla report that In the confllots already, waged, several hundred Afghans were shot down .by the British troops who used mac bias suns with deadly effect. Apparently the Invaders are trying; to tart a ''holy war" and Inflame all In" dla fThey are marching through the country with, the fiery cross of Mo- nammeaanism . as their stanaara ana making fsnatlo appeals to the populace. Heavy losses resulted In Monday's battle between Major-Qeneral Sir Will- nnlr a' fnrnsi and n rhlilriiisi i At- ?tians, according to the latest advices rora Simla. The number of killed Is not given. but It Is conjectured that most of thai aeaa were Tiati ves.- - - . -u.'. , Most of the fighting took place upon the hills west of LAudl-KotaJ, In Khy ber pass. " After a ' brief engagement, the Af- fhans were" driven over the frontier, he British pursuing; them until the lino was reached,: killing; and wounding many1' of he raiding natives. 1 ROOSEVELT'S AIOES ViORRY FOR PRES1DEHT Executive Eefuses to Solv3 Problem of Seating Con tention Guests. (Dotted Press Lasted Wire.) Washington, May 6 JIow are 5,000 of the biggest men In the United States to bo seated in a room that can't possibly seat over 600 people? How are 25,000 other of the big men of the United States to be convinced that they aren't- entitled to seats with tne ones who get them 7 Those aro among the puzsTes Just now confront ing the advisers of President Roose velt In connection with the entertain ment of the convention of governors of states, which will be held here less than a month hence. The difficulty ' Isn't worrying the Dresident: he is lettina his social aides do the worrying. He Is merely pleased over the assurance that bis gathering is going to be a great success. K The White House mall is deluged with requests, applications, demands for Invitations to tho conference on the conservation of natural resources. The president himself will call the gathering to order and the report Is that ho Is doing more work on the address whl In that connection, he will make, than he has put on almost any Darjer of his administration. ixoDoay dreamed tnat "conservation of natural resources would prove so magical a phrase. It In thought probable, from the in terest which the gathering has excited that within the year following there tit he a national aatherlnar of much less exclusive and limited membership at wnicn organization wui De effected. : : Urn-. : A condition of general debility, aside from its dis comforts, is dan-: gerous, for it is an invitation to every acute disease we meet, Mr. John F. Williams, of 91 1 Lincoln St.Anderson, Ind., says: "I was run down and suffered a great deal from sick headaches and pains in the back. My stom ach was weak, appetite poor and complexion sallow. I had night- sweats, which so weakened me, that I had little interest in my work. I tried several doctors but got no better and remained in this condition until I read about Dr. WiUiamV Pink and started to take them. I got so much relief from the first few boxes that I used them until I Was entirely cured." Dr. Williams' PINK. PILLS build up the blood and make you strong, hungry and energetic. At all druggists or direct from Dr. Wllliami Medicine Co., Schenectady, If. Y. jocenu per box; sue boxes fa-jo DOUBLE LIFE LEADS WOMAN TO PRISON CLUMSY CRACKERS OPEN DALLES SAFE (pedal Disputes to Tbe loaroat) Dallas, Or., May 6. The clothing store of P. A. Flnaeth, corner of Main and Court streets,, was broken into anl robbed some time Saturday night, tho thieves securing $20 from the safe. No merchandise was taken so far as can now be ascertained. Entrance was made by prying open a window in the rear 01 me Duiiaing. una saie aoor was broken loose by some blacksmith tools. which were found this morning behind a building near by. The tracks made by two men could readily be traced from the broken window to where the tools were left. The trail thence was Obliterated. The work resembles that oz amateurs, as the safe was almost wrecked by the manner of forcing the combination lock. Sheriff Grant Is working on the case today. The matter of securing a night waicn lor isaiias nas oeen unoer way for several days and it Is thought this burglary will accelerate the move ments of the city council In providing a night officer to guard tbe business district of the city at least. DEMOCRATS OPEN CAMPAIGN TONIGHT Democrats ef Multnomah county will open their campaign this evening at Jones hall, Front and Glbbs street, with a rally and a list of good speakers. South Portland is noted as being a good political center and It Is expected that the meeting tonight will be a large one. Among those who will make ad dresses will be E. 8. J, McAllister, John A. Jeffrey, candidate for Democratic nomination for congress, John Manning for district attorney and Tom Word candidate for sheriff. Tomorrow nlvht a second meatlnv will be held "at Seventeenth and Thur- man streets on the southeast corner of the Intersection. At this . meeting a number of addresses will be made and it is expected that there will be a good attendance. HIGH PRIESTESS OF ANARCHY COMING . "; . ' ' Emma Goldman, anarchist, will be In. the citv May 23 and . will slve a series of addresses, speaking every ev ening and twice on Sunday. Halls are being engaged and no interference front the DOlice la expected. Miss Goldman's subjects will be "What Anarchism Real- Stands for": Direct Action a Logical ethod of Anarchism": "Whr Woman's Ehnanclnatlon Has Not Set Her Free": and the Interpretation of two of Ibsen's aramas .-Tne enemies or ins people and '.The Pillars of Society." A debate with the Socialist party Is also planned. It is' expected that E. J. Lewis will be Miss uoidman s opponent. . . ARCHIBALD BUTT TO - BE PRESIDENT'S AIDE melted VtMs Leased Wirs.1 " Washington. May S. Captain Archi bald W, Butt, wbo wUl take Captain r itghugh Lee's place as military aid to the president. Is on his. way to Wash ington from Havana. : Captain Butt came) to Washington in 1899 as corre spondent for the Atlanta Constitution. In bis newspaper capacity he saw a part of the Spanish-American war. llj was made a captain In the volunteer 'service In 1800 and assigned to the quartermas ter's department The next yearne entered- the regular army as captain, con ttnutng In the quartermaster's depart- mat- -"-- ; A 7 r.7 T.L- . (Cstted Press Leased Wira.) Chicago, May 6 The strange double Ufa led by Mrs. Lemuel Schlotter ended today by an indeterminate sentence In the state penitentiary. In Glencoe, a fashionable suburb, Mrs. Schlotter was known as the wife of a wealthy Jeweler. Her automobile, her horses and carriages, her silks, jewels and furs were the envy of the Glencoe matrons. Down In the Peoria street levee dis trict Mrs. 'Schlotter was known equally well, but, under another name. There she was known as Leona Garrlty, the proprietress of a resort where young gins were mrea into white slavery. Finally Belle Winters, a little 18-year old girl, told the police a story which lea to tne arrest ol L,eona uarrity. Then it came out that Leona Garrlty and Mrs. Schlotter were one and the same person. BOER LEADER IS NOT RAISING CORN FOR WAR (United Press Leased Wire.) New York, May 5. General Francois Joubert Pienaar. formerly a Boer leader and now a British subject, gave person al assurance today that his mission to America Is not to cloak plans for an armed Invasion nf Portuguese West Af rica. When General Pienaar was con fronted with evidence connecting him with activities secretly directed against Portuguese territory in west Arrici ne admitted that he had contemplated the organisation of a force of adventurers to take possession of Angola but as serted that he abandoned tne idea few months ago because of representations from the British foreign office which refused to sanction his enterprise. General Pienaar added that no part of the money he is now raising In Amer ica for ttie suppression of the slave trade in Africa will be diverted front its proper object. KELLEN KILLS SELF AT SANTA BARBARA (Cuit! ted Press Laaeefl Wlra.l Santa Barbara. CaL Mar 6. Mystery surrounds the suicide of Edward Kll len. 6S years old. who only recently came here. Klllen s body was found on a lonely stretch of the San Marco Pass road, in his rooms was a trunKnu ox women's clothing, a letter signed "M. Roberts," together with a pass-book on a Los Angeles banK. Aside from This nothing U known of the suicide. The body will be burled by the lodge of Red Men. The Figure How Too Much Fat May Be Safely Reduced at Home. , "Qh. that this too. too solid flesh would melt! cry the ladies nowadays as they try to squirm into a princess, frock. How much would the too gen erously proportioned dame not give up for four inohes less in the "waistline-as she compares herself with the more fortunate one hundred and twenty-five pound sister. Various devices' are sug gested to arrest the flesh producing tenrlencv and kacin tho ftanir trim. In cluding exercising;, walking and dieting as well as numerous patented remedies, i Exercising is hard work and takes up precious time: dieting is distasteful and real punishment, and most of the pat ent remedies are danareroua to health. The very best thing for , the overfat. whether male or female, is a simple horns receipt: k a, Marmdla. ox. Fluid Extract Caeca ra Aromatio, SH ox, Syrup Simplex, which can b ob tained of any druggist at small cost. This should be taken a teaspoonful at a time after meals and at bedtime, and results will -be both speedy and certain. xnis is a narmiess mixture tnat can not bring on any stomach troubles nor cause the dried-up, wrinkled appearance or those who starve or take "patent re ducers" to get; thin. On the contrary. hough It often takes the fat off at the rate of a Dound a, day. it is really very beneficial to the system,' cleansing the blood and causing the complexion to become fair and beautiful. The eost of the three Ingredients is a mere baga telle, and one may. If they prefer, get them separately and mix, them together at nome. - , Shaving" 15 Cents (Tour Shoes Ehined Free) CTEB iuODIJX. liun IOf - 1 feixth BUeet, . , - ., The - nosT , w ! In Value &ei. Yalues oeiuS Lace Curtains I mml fffi rsv4. The unmatchable values that have come from our popular Curtain section this season have been many and great,-but for tomorow we have arranged a sale that will eclipse all our past efforts. It is a sale of the greatest importance, coming a ii unci jubi at moving ana nouse cleaning time, it fs a sale that yon cannot afford to overlook if you expect to buy curtains of any kind. Following we list only a few of the many great Dargains: : 75c Curtains 58c White Scotch Lace Curtains in a large assortment of neat ' designs, full 36 inches wide and 2ft yards long, finished with buttonhole stitched edges; reg. 75c values, CQ specially priced at, pr. UOC $1.15 Curt'ns 90c White, Arabian and Scotch ! Lace Curtains made with plain and figured centers, finished with neat, and at i tractive borders; they are 45 j Inches wide and 3 yards loot; j regular 51.15 values, QA special, pair... OUCI $1.40Curtfa $1.15 $2 Curtains $1.08 SwissCartalns $1.75 Val. $1.45 Ruffled Swiss Curtains in a full assortment of dots and figures, finished with attractive hem stitched ruffled border: they are 43 inches wide-and 3 yards long; White and Arabian Scotch Lace Curtains in a large va riety of new designs, made of extra heavy net; they are 40 inches wide and 3 yards long; extra good values at $1.40 "a pair, spe- t C cially priced at. .. . pl. 1J White Cable Net and Madras Lace Curtains in an unlimited assortment of . neat border patterns with plain center; " curtains that have always ssold; t2 a pairt gpcciajly priced for this sale d (6 at, the pair J) Jl .DO Swiss CnrIains$LI8VaL$l.lf i $2.23 Curt'ns, $1.85 An extra special offering of white White and Arabian Bobbinet Kuttied Swiss curtains in a tun curtains in the latest and best assortment f all sixe dots, neatly designs: they are made 46 inches hemstitched and finished with wide and 3 vards inner: anlonrliri . t i; ,t rn j, . i our regular line, specially aeep rumea ooracr; our regular wearing curtains; regular $2.25 priced for. this sale at, d 4C $140 line, specially d C values, priced at, per (1 Of per pair.,.............Pl"J priced at, per pair...... eyleU pair l.OD Odd Lot Sale of White Irisli Poiiit and Brussels Net Curtains Fortunate indeed is the person who can attend this great sale, tomorrow, and secure one or more pairs of these handsome, new curtains. But those who wish to share in this great half price sale must be early, is the number of pairs is limited less than 150 and , they will not last long at Monday's prices. 48 to 53-inch White Irish Point and Brussels Net Curtains in a splendid assortment of hew, up-to-date patterns, in many instances there are several pairs of the same design; they come in 3 and 3J4 yards long, and are excellent A 4- f y -. THTV T values at our regular low prices. Owing to the limited number-of, XIi.ll Vf1JiWmJu1C1iXJLi pairs in this lot we will be unable to fill mail or telephone orders ' from this assortment; values up to $7.75 the pair on sale. . .......... XtegTUur 2rriCCS Women's Hosiery New Fancies 75c Values at 50c New Arrivals Placed on Sale Tomorrow for the first time. A most opportune time to buy a season's supply of fancy Hosiery, the savings will eatily run into the dollars and onlv the most reliable kinds are offered; this season's most popular new designs; the latest novelties in stripes", dots, laces, plaids and embroidered effects, not a wanted shade is missing; all are 75c values, priced for this C( sale at .sJUC Fine Children's Stockings (Am xzsMzr Princess Quality Best 25c Grade 10c A special introductory sale tomorrow of the cele brated "American Beauty" Stocking for children; stockings of uhequaled wearing quality made es pecially for us by one of the best stocking manu- aVtUitlSi i.aav.y m v. .aaw wa uu a mv , ovivvv. cotton, they come in both fine and heavy rib for boys and girls; guaranteed. fast black and stain less, made with reenforced toe and heelj our besf 25c line, especially priced for, this sale at, f A JaV pair Women's Knit Vests and Pants 40o Regular 75c quality; on ! pecial sale tomorrow, j a new line of women's knit Underwear, fine lisle thread Vesta and Pants in all sizes; vests are made with high neck and long sleeves, trimmed with ' taped neck; pants come in 3 styles, knee and ankle length tight-fitting, and knee length umbrella style, . trimmed with fine lace; excellent val ues at 75c, priced for this sale at, the AQ2 garment... i7C These Special Offerings in t Woolen Dress Goods Are leading-Bargains They merit strong, special and vigorous em phasis. We accord it with confidence. We have never offered better- values in our whole expe rience of dress, goods selling. The price reduc tion reflects the opportunity of great savings. $1.45 54-inch imported Suitings in neat novelty checks and stripes, in a full range of this season's new est shades, fine all-wool fabrics .suitable : for nobby jacket suits and coats; regular $2 d JP and $2.25 grades, on sale tomorrow. ; . . . w 1 HcO Novelty Suiting's 81 to $1.50 G'des 44 to 50-inch novelty Suitings in the newest stripes and checks in grays, tans, browns, blues, greens, modes;: French suitings, melange novel ties and fancy serges, finest of all wool fabrics, in usual $1 to $1,50 qualities, priced for this T A sale at ...I ifC 79c Novelty Suitings $1.00 Grades at 62o L45 to 60-Inch novelty Suitings in neat checks, r rencn suitings in oroken checks, tine silk and wool fabrics. in exclusive styles in various color combinations; plain Panama and novelty mix tures with silk. overchecks; regular $1 vail- ues, priced for this sale at...........i,..l'.,UaC Novelty Ouiting-s 656 to 85o Kinds V 38 to 46-inch shadow striped Panamas,' neat nov elty mohairs, self-colored mohairs, corded Pan amas, in the new smoke gray checks; also block checked serges, and' wool .taffetas in stripes, checks sfid shadow effects; values from 65c to 85c a yard, priced for this sale S.47c Splendid Glove Values Full assortments of leather and fabric Gloves in black, white and all the wanted col ors. FINE GLOVES AT n Prime lambskin Cloves, made in Paris; black and colon KID GLOVES AT 1.50 The finest French Kid Gloves, fitted and guar anteed. ' , Great Values in Silk Glovc3 All colors, styles and lengths -in, the t famous Uioversvme and .K.aysers Silk Gloves. 12 and 16-button length, double-tipped fingers at ....fl.OO, fl.2S and fl.50 uuuuic-uppeu lingers, duck ana colors, at ... ...-,..;. .-. ,50f and 75f i Long Kid Gloves in" black," tan and brown, at, the pair ;..:,.f2.50, 92.9S and 93.50 Women's Vests 25o Qnal . ity at lOo LIGHT WEIGHT SLEEVELESS. A sale tomorrow of Women's Sleeveless Vests, fine 8wiss r ribbed garments in correct spring weight, neatly made and finished with jfj. taped yoke.' usual 25c vals. priced-for sale. . laC Two Special Silk .Bargains Foulard Silks " 20 i; 85o to $1.25 Vals. OSU A great special 'sale of besutsful new Foulard Silks in a full assortment of this season's, most favored designs, dots, rings, aclrolls and neat set patterns in thenew shades, amden brown, Copen hagen blue,' reseda green,' new tans, navy blue, black, white, etc.; it is an unu.usl!y attractive as sortment of spot proof, satin-finished Foulard Silks that sell in the regular way at 85c to 2$ a yard, priced for this sale st Tafieta Gillra . Best Qo Grades Tomorrow we place en sale our rrt,;ar fc'c 1 -le of colored Taffeta Silk at a decided price r- ' -tion; over 80 shades to choose fro n, en1: : every wanted color; a silkTtiiat is gu-it.iv-us not to split, cr.urk or rut : crr rt i 1 i 1 soft chamois finish ami f i! l?y v.;"'i yard, priced for t!' s s.'e at 6Cc