THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 3, 1908' THE REALM OF. MUSIC (Continued from Page-Six.) T. Is sm -r '"'r';;:' y rrr J wAAn- mm the urn shall contain the words and number of verses as written by Francis fcSeott Key. - It-would have been better to Introduce a bill abolishing altogether that silly "Star Spangled Banner' na tional song, which la neither national -nor a song, la the bent mdh of that word. The text of the anthem Is puerile and nupersentiroental, and the muslo la not only unmelodious, ' but also la o badly constructed that faithful vocal rendering; of It Is Impossible for most voices. In these, days Americans have been -educated to look behind ' the bills introduced at Albany and Washington and to probe for the' real motives that Inspire them.- The -Musical Courier Is not interested in politics, or lir state or city contracts, or in the book publish ing business, and without any Insinua tion or allegation t whatsoever we con clude thla paragraph with- tha Informa tion that - if the aforementioned bill should become a law It would eliminate a large number of standard 'readers,' Tpeakers' and reference books now In use in our schools, and would require those Institutions to buy new ones." 5J T IFE BLOOD DRAWN XJ. Frrtnv LesrhetizltvitM. Perhaps some of the rabid i-eschetlx-kylles members of that self-formed sect which the great teacher himself said ' has discovered' for htm a method he never had would feel their bonds of loyalty and Improvement loosened com- - fortably could they but know. No more would they have to stand dutifully en thralled with eyes rolled heavenward In . hero worship -. when the sunny-haired Pole begins his a thletlo gyrations about the keyboard. They couldjoin that ranks of the more progressive and the inde- pendent-minded and denounce - jRader wski as a poseur who has sacrificed art to popularity. If they only knew! s Well, they shall know for it will be a kindness. Read, then, that the great and - glorious i Padereweki disclaims the Leschetizky Influence. -The divine plan 1st is abov even the god-like teacher and little Leachy shall not have re flected glory added to his aureole by the big Paddy, And this by his own (Statement' for to a IjOS Angeles reporter ihe told the heavily weighted truth. Jean de Chauvenet, knowing, tha great mo ixnent of this matter put tha question of j method and hare is what ha writes with ease and unconcern as though he were (not demolishing the inspiring llfe-the-ry of many worshipers: VOf course, the Interesting toplo of the hour was methods. 1'hea the Le achotlzky method! 'Ah,' said Paderew !aki, that name has been used for most everything. Most ' people think I use jthe Leechetirty method. That is a mis ptake. I took 30 lessons from him. Old Tieschetlslcy make me a player? No, I 'learned vary much from him; ha Is the world's greatest -teacher, but I was (already formed ' before -1 went to him, rfeoth as a pianist and a composer.' " ORCHESTRA IMPROVES f With Every Rehearsal. Kvery one Is glad that the Portland Symphony orchestral concert Is actually tm. hand again for the delay due to va rious small difficulties has in no way succeeded In lessening tha Interest and enthusiasm. The program offered la an excellent one and there la much curi osity to hear the orchestra In Its Im proved condition. All who have heard the rehearsals report remarkable Im provement In the ensemble work. Ihe solo work Is especially Interest ing, Both, artists are well known and are favorites here, and their appearance with .the orchestra la looked forward to viiih pleasure. Mrs. Reed's "Ahl Rendlml" aria gives a 'splendid chance for her to show off her round tones and it builds up to splendid climaxes. The other air. "A Woodland Serenade," by Mascjteroni, is a dainty little thing and l sunf with an accompaniment of picked strings. Mr. Bettman's work Is no less pleasing and nhowi' his acpey and his mush clanship. The concert wHl be given in the evening (Wednesday) at the Helllg. and a large attendance is expected. The program is repeated here: March, from "Aida". G- Verdi "Peer Gynt" (Symphonic Suite) .E. Grieg Polonaise In A Minor, for violin ; Wlenlawskl Henry Bettman. Jfantasie, from "ija Boheme". . .Puccini Aria, from "Mttrane".. Kossl "Woodland Serenade" ..A. Mascheronl Mrs. Walter Reed. Xntermezso, Op. No. 12, No. 1 M. B. Palaclos Hungarian Dances, Nob S and 6 ....Johannes Brahms T DENTICAL WORK IN A Berlin and Portland. So shortly after hearing the com post it ion so Veil given here at the recent (festival the following note from Berlin !n a production there off "Fair Ellen" ,galns double Interest. "The chorus here hinder W. H, Boyer's direction did ex cellent work and sang with the neces sary spirit and vim. The orchestration, 'which Is the heart of the work, was ex cellently played ' by the Chicago Sym phony orchestra. Following Is what tha Berlin correspondent of the Musical Courier says: ; ' " 'Schon Ellen;' which .was written .more than 40 veers avo. wax ona at tha jilrst compositions to make Bruch'a ! faiAwn tn tha world. It fa a beautiful choral work; It was admirably rendered under the composer's direction Ion Saturday and made a bier Impression. ; The text deals with an episode of the great Indian mutiny of 1857, and tells how the English, out off and surrounded by the enemy, besieged tn an old tower, had given up all hope. But fair Ellen, aver and anon, hears in the distance the familiar old march, 'The Campbells Are Coming,', and she stimulates tha dis tracted garrison to hold out a little longer, until t.,e Scotch actually arrive and disperse the enemy. It Is a stirring composition full of Stlmmung,' - . and Bruch has made a clever use of the old Scotch tune; at first it Is heard almost lnaudlbly, then it grows louder and louder, until the-- Highlanders break through the ranks of the enemy. Both the solo and, chdral parts are beautiful and melodious, and 'the orchestra back ground is very effective."".- -H Cn ESSIE ABOTT TO JD Sing With Other Artists. ' Of special interest Is tha announce ment that with Bessie Abott will come Edith Moxom Gray, planlste, who played here so brilliantly the J; Tschalkowsky concerto,: with the Chicago Symphony orchestra. Her work won her r an en thusiastic : encore. Hans VlJressel, .'cel litt, will also be with Miss Abott, and those who keep acquainted with musical people and things, have heard his name often enough to know that his playing should be well worth hearing. He Is .an' English 'cellist-and has had great success In Europe. Alius Pott's popularity is unusual for one so young. Her work at the Met ropolitan ln New) York has given her prestige anion the best known prima donnas. Her American birth makes her an especial favorite, for prlda in her accomplishment Is mingled with delight In, her art. . . ...... ,. - , ' .hi ul J1 s Pws) trii H'" ? rt ii f v" RUGS! RUGS! RUGS! Everybody Wants Rugs Brussels Rugs Eureka, 9x12.:. ......... $15.00 Brussels vno Burlington, ff 0 ft A - ux.m ................ tPAOaUU RoyaL Brussels Rugs, QQ yilton Velvet Rugs, $27.00 8X12,.., ttnexsjiteeai for 80 Tears. WE, HAVE, A LOT OF ODD SIZE, MADE RUGS FROM REMNANTS Which you can buy at a discount of 25 per cent less than cost. Be sure and bring the size of , your room if ; you are in search of a bargain. ROCKXR Three styles of Rockers take your ' v finish.'. WE OWN THE BUILDING NO RENT TO PA Y-f HAT'S WHY WE SELL FOR-JsESs! Li :! Et-- Jl .ii3 , ml tl II III 1 fl HI i T TTCO 1 iilli? Axminster Rugs, Irn- QA .11 C ported, 9x12. ..... . . .$a)UXt) Burmah Pro-Brussels, $10.80 9x12 Extra Quality Ingram, 9x12 $9.75 Larger and Smaller Sizes in Proportion. BARGAINS choice Oak or Mahogany $2.25 Refrigerator Special 0 PER CENT .DISCOUNT . Carload. Arrived Saturday . Heavy, substantial cabinet, charcoal packed, and uned . with . galvanixed iron, removable metal - shelves and other sanitary' improvements; hat' most -perfect .scien tific cold air circulation. Cabinet la made. In golden, oak . finish; white enamel inside; made, along new linear a great economLcer of ice; is thoroughly guar-' aq ,v .' anteed la every particular." . . . '.T. ...... .'. .... I plfeU U ' 1JM m mat for tlie Ontfit Said the bride to' the gprootn "Gadsby's is now the popular meet 1 1 ing place for young Couples. As soon as the honeymoon is ended and the young folks settle down to the realities of life, then the young wife says to her husband: . VMEET ME AT GADSBY'S FOR THE OUTFIT' f It is the right place to go at any time, but especially so during our GIGANTIC SPRING SALE. An outfit from Gadsby's during the spring season costs just ONE THIRD Atlio AKn (ah is a large saving for young people starting in life. 1TO HAVE AND TO HOLD" is the motto of young married people. During this SALE they, can HAVE Furniture and Carpets and' HOLD their savings. They can HAVE credit and HOLD their self-respect. - They can HAVE Furniture and Carpets and HOLD a large per cent of. their earnings in their pockets. If you intend going housekeeping don't figure and worry, but let "GADSBY'S FEATHER YOUR NEST" and PROTECT YOU with THEIR GENEROUS AND JUST CREDIT. Refrigerators and Go-Carts Now in Season ., . This store is prepared to meet the demand, in seasonable lines of Furni ture Refrigerators, Go-Carts, Porch Furniture, Lawn Furniture, Camp Fur niture, etc We believe in having, what you want when you want it, so when you are in the market for summer furniture, etc., you will save time and money by coming directly to Gadsby's. We sell for less. . .. .... " .''. 100 Solid Oak Morris Chairs, with loose cushions; sold by the ff trust at $14.00. Gadsby's Price .t&i.JU 150 Ladles' Desks, in weathered , Gadsby's Price ,100 Kitchen Cabinets; sold by the ' Price.. 200 Rocking Chairs, solid oak; sold bys Price. 50 Birdseye Maple Bedsteads; sold bys Price..... 150. Genuine Ash Bedroom Suites, consisting of bedstead 6 feet high hand somely carved, dresser with beveled French mirror 20x24 inches ; three large drawers, and combination washstand ; sold by the trust dQA A A at $30.00. Gadsby's Price 9aOeUU 200 Steel Ranges with high closet and oven 18x22 inches; sold Aoo n by the trust at $40.00." Gadsby's Price ti)JJ.UU 1,000 Enameled Iron Bedsteads; sold by the trust at $3.50; Gads by's Price. T. Have now on exhibition the new Spring Styles in Furniture, the dull rubbed Mahogany, the waxed Weathered and Golden Oak, the Birdseye Maple. You are cordially invited to injpert their dis play; you will not be solicited to purchase. Extra "salesmen have instructions to point put to intending furnishers the merits of the new goods. Solid Mahogany Chamber Suits of Colonial Design $150 up . Early English Dining Room Suits, 8 pieces, $125 ! Weathered Oak Library Suits, 5 pieces, $100 Empire or Napoleon Beds, Mahogany, Birdseye and Golden Quartered-Sawed Oak, Gadsby's price $25. Brass Bedsteads, 100 patterns, from $22.50 up . ' HalKRinuture Weathered and Maj estic Ranges, Washing Machines, Sew ing Machines and Wringers ONE, OF THE LARGEST DISPLAYS OF CARPETS AND RUGS ON THE COAST SPECIAL BARGAINS Meet Me Gaisby's ftia nim Mies r( irAn4o' ' Ttiis oak; sold by the trust at $12.50. fQ r .dOaUll trust at $18.00. Gadsby's $14.00 by the trust at $4.00. Gads- i rj tDlejD by the trust at $12.00. Gads- rf A OUeDU - Golden Oak. L A C : : '' j 99 r'(?fl-' $10 FOR THIS EL.E3 OANT DirSIINQ TABL Tou will ba asked a third mora at 01 stores. It Is made of selected w trolden or. weathered' finish CIA The -foot size is marked at " Design is Just Ilka tha plctura .1 935 RANQE FOR 9: All are guaranteed ror 10 years. 'Le Range, with high closet and du crate, sprlngvbalanced oven doors. Is a heavy, substantial and dur range, made of the best quality rolled steel; adapted for coal or t oven thoroughly braced and bolted; bestos-Uned throughout; nJckel-trlmi section plats top. Oadsbys' - J29 30 BUFFBT FOR 4 This beautiful Buffet, worth Cf e 130.00. half ; price. . . ...... . . . ' $19 Princess Dresse $11.0 ; w Princess Dresser with oval or sh Freneh . bevel mirror: finished goi , regular tit rsiaa special - this week 4ll Special Chair &alo ITilS Beautiful Chelr, w-n i. hardwood end flnlsnfd uoiJ-n ' price, 11.50; Oh.)i.v- j price. SI w - U 'a . 1 sT . . I - V 1 11 W . If "