The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 01, 1908, Page 16, Image 16

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1 u ML!
a -SKA Hhan 4mn 'im absolutalr frea ' An linnt nhnnr Ml
volumes md handsome golden Mk eaae will b glr.n- to it lodge, school.
1 . MM .1
yTT." " ""?f "v-iniiMllil
Butter la down today, andlt will not
. b vary long befor th lowest prlca of
-- thaaar will reached oday tne
beat make of City creamery are ell-
' in In tha retail shops at SB centa per
' , two-pound square, while aoma gradea
f ;that are considered, flrat-claas are sell
in at SO cents.- - .. . . t
. Egga ara not goinir any lower, but In
- 11 tome quarters are being sold at a hlgh-
i, r prlc. Tha reason for this la that
eg ara not quite ao plentiful aa they
s iiwer. a ahort time ago, and tha demand
for storage la now quite heavy. . .
Cheese of new make ia coming to
.market tfult freely these days, and the
- price la down accordingly In the retail
"' shop. It la not generally known here
-' that Oregon cheeae ta the beat pro-
.' ' duced In the country, but In outalda
! markets where they have a chance to
-! teet tha qualities of the various atatea,
; tha Oregon product sells highest. It
' - is generally tha rule for the product
' nf 1 mini lo aell higher than the
, product of another aection within Ha
.' own ooraera, -uui wwn in t,muuinm ma
; price of Oregon cream cheesa la always
Be a pound higher than tha CaHfomia
"article.. In tha land, of Native Sons
f this Is a big compliment to the Oregon
" production." v.". " ):',
, ' Vy.. - , .. - K-
Two excellent ; puddlnga for winter
dinners' are these given by the Dellnea-
! tor: . '- '!
5 Marlborough Pudding. Beat the yolka
: of five eggs with one-half pound of
sugar, and one pint of cream seasoned
. with the grated rind of a fresh lemon.
Put lW,a deep bowl or-pitcher and set
vln a vtfUel or boiling 'water, and stir
'. until It la a thick cream, -When cold.
, etir in a small cupful of raspberry lam
or orange marmalade; pour Into a deep
. baking dtsh. Whip the whites of tha
eggs to a stiff meringue with four ta-
blespoonfala of powdered sugar and- put
. on top of the cream, With a spoon
shape the meringue to look like large
rosea. Brown in tha oven for a few
-., jnlnutea.- ' -' :
Lemon Pudding. Pare the rind of
. - three lemons, and boll rind till tender;
pound In a mortar and mix with them
. a quarter vof a pound of lady fingera,
' crumbled line, and stirred Into a quart
;. of boiling milk. Beat tha yolka of four
' eggs light with half a pound of sugar,
. ! and two tablespoonfuls of lmon juice.
; Stir In the whites of tw eggs beaten
--Hjllffc-Add-na-mUkput aU onJback of
j.. fire and) etir till thick and amooth.
I But a border of paste around a deep.
' dish and 1 pour' in the pudding.- Etrew
top thickly with candled aweetmeata or
thinly-allced citron, and - bake three
quartera of an hour. : Serve cold.
" Strawberries- from California are now
- quite plentiful, and tha price ia getting
' down to a basis where everyone can en
' Joy a taste.' It will be only a, week or
' so before Oregon berries come,. anrt then
' me cream pucner win do ,reaay ror usj
Hot weather and lemonade go hanai
In hand Nowt tha price of Jemona la
advancing, and there is a prpapect .that
augar will do the aama thing.
Navel oranges are getting ao high
hiviiiM nf the short aupply that -faw.oi
the stores have adequate auppUea.
Banana are In good aupply again In
the retail , markets, but prlcea are no
lower because of the ; great demand.
Mexican tomatoes, are -nJar up,
nlv. but orlcea are still too high for
general use. Soma-will be coming rrom
California aoon...
Pork pie is an English delicacy which
the American- tripper never forget.
The Housekeeper has captured the recipe-
Takei three pounds of lean freak
pork 'cut Into atripa as long ae your
finger, alx i large. Juicy appTea. two
tablespoonfuls of butter, one cupful of
sweet cider and salt and mac to taste.
Have a good pie crust for an upper
crust. Put a layer of pork within a
pudding dlah; seaaon with pepper, aalt.
nntmiav or mace, .next a. ir v
sliced apples. trewed with sugar and
blta of butter. Go on In thia order
until you are ready for the crust, hav
ing the laai layer 01 -W"7"; ""1 .
the cider, cover with a thick cruat of
mamt rv ArnAmAnt tA around 1 tha
erire-. a silt. in-Aha , nvld4ie. a-nd
baks in a moderate oven one hour and
a half. Should the crust threaten to
brown too faat, cover with paper. When
nicely browned "bruah over with butter
and close. the oven door for a moment;
then wash well with the white of an
Serve -hot, ,4 -.'
hurch, club or society in Portland I seouring tha- largest
.months. 11.68,. 128 votea; ona, roontn, as cents, 40 votes. and
i Votes will be Issued with paid-in-advance subscriptions to The Journal, as fol
17.60, 7bU vous.
Iowa: One year.
alx months, JS.75,
300 v votes:, i three
iurv murehani listed, below will give with each 10-cent . nurchasa Nona vote.
V At tha dose of the contest the lodge, school, church, club or eoclety recelv
ing he largest number of vote will be awarded the library complete, with
-' ease, t -Current aooounts when promptly paid are entitled to votea. The library
Is ou exhibition In tha Fifth street window of Tha Journal office, corner Fifth
fnd Yamhill streets. Ballot boxes are located at Holsmaa'e Jewelry store.
41 Third street: White Front drug store. Its Grand avsnuer Watte-Matthleu
drug store, tit Russell street where all votea should be , deposited. Trad
with- ma rouowing marsuaiiHi m", wuer vpiof f
to a
ianaNVHi Yma nnt ' mni down
reasonable price hera yet. v Now that
th Oregon grass is coming to market
the ahlpment of California stock have
been discontinued, and high prices are
the result of the inability of local pro
ducers to take care of tha demand thus
early. Some that is coming from east
ern Washington la quite good.
Fish of all kind are scarce and
prlcea at this time are the highest In
veara. Columbia river chinooka are
steering clear of the nets, traps and
wheels and refuse to be caught. There
fore high prices.
Shad waa so plentiful a year ago that
very low prices ruled in the fish places,
but up to this time, the catch haa been
unusually light, and therefore, pricea
are atlll up in the air. Same might be
said of halibut Raaor clams are. mere
plentiful and they are qulle good qu&l
ity at this time.
A cake very popular In Mexican house
holds la made from thia recipe. It is
of Spanish origin:
rum, and beat, them well together-for
' Take four ounces of sugar, the yolks
of. four Aeggs and a tablespoonfut of
fully 10 minutes. In the meantime, ere
pare some fcalmonda by - scalding and
peeling- tht jx:. then crush them In a
mortan with the white, of egguntU- the
result Is a amooth paste; press this
through a aleve, and add the grated
Put This Stove In
Your Kitchen
& m
v It ia wonderfully
convenient to do
kitchen work on a
, Move thatV ready
at the instant wanted,
; and out of the way the
,r moment you're done.
' Such a stove ia the New
Perfection Wick Blue
'Flame Oil Cook-Stove.
, By using it you avoid the
. continuous overpowering
heat of a coal fire and cook
with comfort, even in dog
days. . The -:- ' . y -. .
. , " .- .-. .- -- .......
VicIi Blue Harae OU Cook-S(ove
is ao constructed that it cannot add perceptibly to the heat of
, a room; the flame being directed up a. retaining chimney to'
me atove top wnere it is needed for cooking. You can
see that a. stove tending out heat m but ent di
rection would be preferable on a hot day tq i,
- a .stove radiating heat in all directions. , The'
New Perfecting keeps a kitchen uniformly
comfortable. Three sizes, fully warranted.
If not wi th your dealer, write oor nearest apney.
. !Na ; for family ate afe,
convenient, economical and a great light
gfw. If not with your dealer, wnta our oetr-
W. K.- aKaBXBUb CO, dry goods,
clothing and shoes. 180 o SS Bast Mor
rtaoa atreet. J ,.t ' if , t :
: ' .11
1. KOinCASr, Joweler, 14 Third
street Main 8188. '
O.' at - BOnxiATHB.' photographer,
Third atreet. Paoirie I7u.
AOB CO, office and warehouse 111-118
North Sixth street. Main. iiao,..Aieas.
in w. BBAZHABO OO, sporting
tooda HI arena avenue.- jwisi .
LIBIITT OUali 1VS vu. oiiice
111 Pin street. Horn A-81IS. Main
aide street. .Main 877S. A-J 770. .
ZtrSCX k OaTXX4-merchant tallore.
138 Stark street, i'ecuio jvu. . , Vi
OBEOOB 8TBW CO, clgara and nswa.
147 Sixth street f
D7. m. rxrVT. nlnmblng "and gas fit.
Ung. (07 William avenue. East 4828.
SBVO 8T0BJB, 188 Grand ava. il S868.
a. K. WUXBTT, grocer, 128 Grand
avenue, u-lisi. Jbast zaa. -
shop in th cfty, l Sixth atreet.
Tamhlll, aoraar .gark. Main . SHU
CB3CUO0 MABEZT, meats, 117 Third
street. Jiain 418. v - y
East Morrlaon street. aat 8188. B-K26.
876 RuaseU street. Cast 648. ; -
SB. BUjaVWBaaXX, dtfttllt. J 48 14
Washington, corner Seventh. Main 8118.
axiccb svnrBB, . fin millinery, - 481
Washington atreet.
SHAJTZa TA1TB, wood daalara,
yard at Eighth and Main street. East
Second and Columbia sUests; retail 148
Third street. -
atOOBB BBOS,.east side ntw deal
ers and confectionery, WUliam avenue
and Russell street. . Eaat 4708. . .
B. A- McADAKB, blcyelea and1 sport
ing goods, William avanu and Knott
street. East 8488.
TOBT, umbrella and leather good v 844
WUliam ava. C-1004.
W!wal 9v
- 4
'-i -Hi
TATXOB. m STABT03T, plumbing and
ga fitting.. 08 fin streeC " "
, .fTBAX. SCABrBT. meat and fish,
ISO arand avenue. B-lSSS., Eaat 418.
- 9. A. SOJLlffB, wallpaper, 'painter and
iwcorewr, in union ave. East 1085.
2.tasi 8MBTi meat and fUth.
840 Firat at Main 187. . . .- ,
CxnamrtT BBOS, wood 'dealer.
Marshall and 18th sta Both nhonea ?-
Washlngtoof t Main il7. A-8187!
avl SAVxa br. 841 1, WUliam
tZ?C:F& wall paper and
paints, 406 Morrison C . Main 1871. ,
florist! IRS wirtti
opp. Meier 4k Frank. . Main T818. 7
SYSf.SHT "rarwo s cxBAirnro
WOaii, 8 Grand av. Eaajje&a.
UflBf ItUB ' niBZ, 6alAii
hort wood. , B-1681; East 8081. Office
and yard ,Thlrty-alxtt. and Hawthorn
X S. wOHlBOg, 'Inamith. 888 Grand
avftnua-aat.Ali0t, U ,
BAXXB, optician. Dr. TL J. Mllla. mm-
slstant Main .1874.111 th at
- aoaiBWBHi Ova OO, sporting
gooda 118 Sd si Main lOOat T"n
OOXJBMAJf BlAKOWAXJa CO, hardware,-mechanics
tool and cutlery. 108
3d at Main (187.-
and repairers of carriages and wagon.
818 Bumslde. Paeiflc 1047.
P-r7. JgnUhed Work, . Woodlawn
1238. 427 Dekum av. ( r
JUU ' SOBJUlOBIiA deanln v . , nit
dyeing; uick work.. 48 ft th A.
OOIiTTMBXA nBX CO. Flah. ova tars.
poultry, butter, eggs, veto. Main ' 8;
A-88B. . Jhird and Ankeny , sts. ,
V. ST. BCHVaU. h CO meets. Wrw4.
lawn 8; C-1888. 714 Union ava. north.
poBTXuUn mn k iwrnro oo
tents and awnings, window awning and
porch curtalna a specialty. 18 N. Front
C B. IjEB Real estate and Invest
ment. Room 411 Corbett hide. Mala
8S0. i
rind of one orange and the Juice of two.
Beat the whltea of four eggs to a stiff
froth and add to It the first prepara
tion; then add the orange and almond
mixture and blend perfectly. . Spread
the batter in tfna which have previously
been covered with buttered papers,
bake to a moderate over for from -25
minutes to half an hour. When the
sheet haa become somewhat cool, cut
tha sheet ' Into small cakes of equal
else; dredge with powdered sugar and
Mayor Appoints Fred G.
Buchtel City Sealer, With
E. 1). Jones Deputy.
Mayor Ln' appointed Fred- O.
Burhte city sealer of weight and
measures and Ernest tx Jones denutr.
When th announcement of the appoiht-
menta waa made at the city hall this
moraine much comment was Inrinlr-d
in because Buchtel waa second In the
list rurnlsnea Dy the civil service com
mission, while Louis V. Eberhardt, who
flnlriied first In the examination, was
not given a place in th newly created
Mayor Lane haa the sower under the
city charter to appoint any one of the
three candidates certified , to by the
civu service commission. lberhardt
passed the civil service examination
with a grade of 83.78 and Buchtel with
66.13, Jones passed with a grade .of
Buchtel has been secretary of th
county board of relief for a number of
years and Jones la In th employ of the
Independent Coal & Ice company.
Buchtel will . receive a salary of 8125J
a monm ana Jones 10U. . They will
lane me oain or. orrice tomorrow, t
The appointment of .the sealer of
weignis ana measures nils a lona felt
want among the merchants. They have
heen seeking for an official sealer for
momns ana wnen tne orrice waa cre
sted by the council they expressed sat
isfaction. Examinations were held by
the civil service commission as soon as
possible and four men qualified for the
pldce. Thia list was furnished Mayor
Lane about two weeka an go and he has
been investigating the character of the
men and their qualifications until this
morning when he - made his appoint
ments. The fact that Buchtel and Jones
will take their oaths of office tomorrow
means that the work of the office will
be started at once.
! S35 ACB 400 acres, 80 acre cleared, balance timber; fin level
II orchard and farm land, after the timber la off;. 18 mile from Portland.
J S600O ISO acre wheat land, all fenced and croaaed, 4 mile from Hal-
M sy. In LI"" county; good house and barn an outbuildings. Thl tract
f J . Ilea In th beet part of the Willamette Valley. , A , splendid home;
I -. terma. . . i. Vvy;-'; r
1 1 8150 38TB ACBE 7.86 aicrfa on Burnt Bridge Creek, H-mile from Van-
t , . couver Heights and mile from trolley line to be built thi eum-
M , mer; land all cleared and on good county road; place 1 covered .with
M bearing prunea, appleaand grapes; also running water. . , --.:-,;
fj S150 W Am 10 area. 10 miles from Portland. :.r-. , '. r'
t 260 ACBBB of land. 1804under cultivation; level; n6 waste! allf fenced
t and crossed In seven different fields; about 40 acres standing timber;
h ' H-mile to railroad eutlon; rural route and telephone; the buildings
jj consist of S barns, large wagon shed and all other outbuildings nec
- . ; essary; 8 good wells and a 10-room house: th most beautiful home
Ji in Marlon county; lots of fruit of all kinds In erchard. This beauti-
. .- ful and ideal farm will be sold for 45 per acre, complete In 'every
j detail; 84.600 cash, balance time. .1 r .
if Sit TT ACXB 140 acre. 20 mile from - Portland near : Scappooae,
M with tie timber and cord wood enough to pay for the place: a fine
si dairy farm and rood orchard land after cleared. Thl la a snap, as
1 1 land Is held at 820 to 828 per acre all around It now.,
S5.50 5 ACm-r4., At Ostrander. Waahlngton;: splendid now
v. u., , -... ,u, uiu gooa iana arier ciearea. j..- ; .. ,. .. .
t WS lilfTB IS mi wemTB nm WM A
- '
you have any property to aell. write us
you nave any property io u-aae. writo m - . r . -
If you want to buy, writ ua. . r , . . ,
Hood River Irrigated Lands '
l.0OO 10 acres, under Irrigation ditch, with 14 lnche free water
in Uiu-h. partly improved, for 8100 per acr. This will go to 800 per
sere when improved.. 1 paying per cant on Investment at present.
SIPrt TOB ACTBB 0 acre pple. Und. unimproved r ail land In this R
vicinity Is eiling for 8250 to 81,000 per acre; mile from Hood ' H
River and on Hood River railway. - This i fine. - - - r " J
WB HATB tpiCB rXVB WlUIT X.AJTDS In - this district bearing 'fine
winter varietie of applea, and fruit, that will pay for th land la th H
next few croya. "" ' '- ... , . -M
- ' ' 1 .i . -r--i, -X-'V. . y .--I V M
tir niinn i n- r trm ' .i -.. . jh; !!
I IV Hi I If t h fail II-IIK--, Liai int UMt PI
: :rrrrrrrrrrrr!zrrrzssr2EiK2sxxssss2si2zrrssszi
i . . . . ( . . . . . - . ... .
; . ..... ' ... i . - : ... . f
I UL I lliln I Uli
Capital State at Boise to Be
Wound Up If Not Reor
ganized Speedily. V
(United 'Press Leased Wtr.l
Bolse JdrL, May 1. Directors of the
Capital State bank, which was 'closed
list January, late yesterday afternoon
were ordered b? Judge Wood In district
court to appear before him Monday and
show what steps had been taken toward
th organisation of the institution. He
ststed that unless the bang could-be
opened at once he would direct the re-
" o proceeo with . closing up the
affair of ths bank. For more than two
months the movement to reorganise the
bank ha been on Toot, outside parties
agreeing to furnish 8800.000 for the pur
pose. , Uelay waa caused by tha failure
of depositors to alan an aa-reemant
Russian-Pole Professor De
clares Powers of World
Today Are Mad.
(CrJted Press Uased Wire,)
Chicago, May 1. "What f America
need Is a thrashing. ; You are all too
proud, too full of conceit; you; worship
the material. Tbolioorti 'the thousands
that ara higher than the raaternaL
Business ' la everything learning is
nothing. Why, even China, of It kind,
haa a higher typi of civilisation than
you have."
Such waa the fall that America se
cured at the hands Of W. Lutoslawskt,
an eminent man of learning, professor
of sociology and logic at the Univer
sity of Cracow. Russian Poland, who.
on a year leave, is visiting ana Btuay
Ing this country. Ha la here for i
lecture at tne university of Chicago
this afternoon. Among other thlnsa
Professor Lutoalawskl prophesied - a
universal- war and tha destruction of
autocracy in Europe. In that war
America 1 to te drawn, possibly on th
wrong side.
"Th power of the world today ar
mau, mnunuw me proieasor. This
maaness spens overthrow. Th tnmA.
iitroa ui rniBi win mean wttnm a
raw year the destruction of Pm.ia
U. will preciplUte a universal con
flict. England and franc will attack
Prussia. Russia will be drawn In a
Ita ally.. Japan will take a hand on th
side of freedom. And - America mav
oaslbly, through It antagonism for viM.wT. ui -sirum -B.JllA1 ' with
Eye glaase 8100 at Metxger's.
Men's 88 vlcl kid Oxford, in hiak
iiu mil si.YO' pal
Sample Shoe company. First and Madl
on. .... ... , .. v T.
(Continued from Pae One.)
f-'-. I
AnlOppbriuniiy For You to Get It
y' ;WilI you tafcf advantage of it? Do you really want money, anyway? Would
rf you like it to come in lumps? Take a month of your rneasly wages and put
: f it in the stock of "V - - . ' - a -
ing tn new organization 18 montha In
wmcn to pay-' depos.1 tore In full. . , --v.-.
Grand Masquerade
- Your 8hoeM8hined Free. r
'TSB KOBII. bajkbeb nor -
- ' - . 1 Blxth St.
fiieTioer Bulletining Company
And well help you buy thai lot' ", We'll help you build that house. We'll
help you pay the mortgage on that farm. ' Well help you to" help yourself.
;Is our orice today, and onlv 10 oer cent down and 10 oer. cent per month.
, Vou can afford that, can't you? Surely you can put forth some effort now
"-. that you may be spared fatigue in future years. - ; ...,.-,'
"if.; . . . . .. vv i -
' Get Into Our Band-Wagon Today.
, ' ' ,
We have a place for you. The Florence mine of Gol3field
prodigious dividends. So is the 'Mohawk, So is the Consolidated.; lOO.OOO
of its shares being sold the,' other day at $6 the share. It was hard work
to sell them at the beginning at 2J4 cents. . When the, mine bad a showing
Similar to ours, its stock was sold at 50 cents. Then k sailed to $1, wavering
a moment and shooting- to the $2.50 mark. One dividend and it was $3.
. Portlanci Bank Clerk Got Rich in Mohawk.
' -, .. V v":' . ' " ' ;'-.:V' . : - '
His name was Robert F. Scott, and he worked at $25 per week. He put
six weeks' wages in that mine's shares; and sold, after drawing several hun-
dred , dollars in dividends, at $105,000, afid ,4s now enjoying a tour of the-
world. I "v ' . ' . " '' ' -
Our Mine Is a Better One Today (Than the Mohawk: Was
at That Time. : .-
We nave a better showing than the Mohawkpad. We have richer "ore ' '
than thd Mohawk had .then. We have .worked foljrears to bring our prop
erty to jts present' condition!. We.Kad the same trouble at the start that the
Mohawk: people had. ; The Florence met thefame difficultiesdoubters
.afraid to chance a dollar.. These doubters have long since been sick; They,
.will remain-ill-fcrr many, years. Regret is evident in every breath they'
; :i ;..v.,,v.j;we vfEREFOOLSif ; - '
. Is their declaration. We coincide in this opinion. At least they showed bad
Judgment. Had they banished their timidityf they'd be rich today. But they .
laveiheaps of near relations that like themselves iwtfl continue poor, all
because "We were fools 1" .4 -:; .v v -.:'. ,,! ; :
ji ;i0ail?eirspns'..Wpd Cprne in Tomorrpwand Buy 1,000
" Shares Apiece, We'd Close Our Books, Buy Our
v Machinery, Rush It to the Inline
t. t ,- .,
And those 100 persons would have-tbeip money back- within 90 dayv. and a
steady income from that time on. Won't you do it, people? Won't you get
into the gold arena while you can? ' ! .
There Are Fortunes in Our Mines for You arid Us.
It is there for the digging. "The rock isjFull of. it, and already you art
wishing you were a part andparcet of this great camp. .
' Incorporated under the laws of Nevada. Capital.-$1,000,000, divided into
1,000,000 shares," par value $i each,- fully paid and non-assessable. " "
Portland OfHce Suite 31 MalloryBldg.,268StarK St
. --.- - j , .. ' . . w 7
situation and shows It by his' bearing.
He" refuses absolutely ta talk rr nnhiT.
ration unless stereotyped written ques
tions ara out to him tnr
aldaratlon and answer. He -outlined hi
position in th matter thi morning.
When the seeker after information
found htm In Senator Bourne' offlc in
tho Chamber of Commerce building;- h
nodded in a far and distant, way. Then
he grabbed his hat and started for tha
"Morning," h said as ha paased down'
the hall. The greeting waa returned
oftly, .-. ;
"Do you wish' to ask me any ques
tions?" waa the follower. It waa IntLi
mated that tha interviewer had hist
dropped in to seek a llttl information
generally. . .
"Write your questions and leave them
at the offlca," i aald Senator Bourne'
secretary, "and I will answer them In
an hour." The suggestion waa mad
contritely that no cut and dried cate
chism was in mind. , .
Oak la Bad Hoi.
"Write 'em' reiterated wjJr. Young.
That la the, only way I wtttlllk to
you newspaper men nowadays." Then
be disappeared Into th elevator and shot
down th yawning chasm to th ground
below. ., .
"T. commented another politician
Who know the ways of Senator Bourne,
"it looks like Mr. Cake waa up against
It. If h don't deliver the national dele
gation what will ha get, and If he doe
what reward will he have?." About th
same thing that Senator Fulton, got
when he . organized tha senate in
Bourne's Interest. Wfiatf Pulton got for
that looks Hk th glitter in r olavthlna
harp d WM 'Vf Idafly, north to Frcemont,
Ana bo ji goea urriciauy th sea Is
calm and smooth. Really the breath of
th storm U over tha waters, and Mr.
Cak 1 In a rocky- channel, boanded by
a rocky coast, whn tha harbor light is
well nigh .smothered by-th fog of th
national convention delegation and th
heated breath of thi Fulton and Room
factions, each striving to .gain and hold
control of Oregon political machinery..
Desk "Room to Eeiit 4 f '
Tl Sixth
On around .floor;, low rent
limt. ucLt una, .
data, 8 9c pair. . Sample Show company.
wa r it as, sk va ivu (Btya.
Perfect fitting glasses 81 at Metigefs.
: 1 8c lb.
BUTTER, roll . '.50c andSc
RANCH EGGS, doz, .;;20c
Chinook Salmon, 2 lbs .25c
Halibut, 3 lbs for. . ..,.25c
Razor Qams.DiOZ.10c
Milchner Herrings,' keg. .$1
Honey, comb . . . . ; . , '1 1 5c
Large Eel, lb .... .;...20c
Deliveries for the. East Side
easf:to Twentieth street f
Columbia Fish Co.
Main 5 A5558 - i
Maaaarad Tonifht. t . ' '
-Oak rlnk'a monater " maaouerada on
skates tonight. Eight legant prlee.
Children'. SlJfcufferbarartajaA
to se thl gran 4 and great event Oaks
rink; tonight . , . t . .
; Perfect fitting glasses l at Metig-er'a
1 CnPTIAl -1'AIA"lj:AiniEC
or LLirtL wj vv y nmd
TO THE EAST AND RETURN yik ). i "'i ,
Northern Pacific Railway
Including St;Taul, Minneapolis,-Duluth, Chicago,
-i St. Louisrl Omaha, ; Kansas City,- St.-Joseph, "etc
For full information regarding Rates, Routes, etu call on
' or .write
H 255 Morrison, Street.' Portland."" Oreo-nn
-. - j. m m m m m