The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 28, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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Activities of illkado'a Sub
jects Jn Korea, Chiiia and
JTanchuria-; Investigated
by John Bull Charges of
. Treachery, r . .-; : ;
" tVntfri twm Ueaea Wtrat
London. April ' II BnUft resldsnte
of the Far East hav iur4 tb Brit
ish imnuBWt to Investigate Japanese
' artivltle In Xor, Manchuria , 4
chin,".. ; v.' , i.
., Tht .Inquiry I btnf cautiously car
ried on, but It Is uno,utlonably tru
that Enflanas oipiomaie ' .Y
prosecuting tne imnniiiiira ""'?
r ........ Tha Knfllsh Un
doubtedly ouesUon th mikado good
toll.. .: - a ... '
nufhar aa-alnst th mikado Occi
dental . ally ar heard rrZtrf .)
. tr-..t.t ....nil.. In Ma-heat official cir
cle. Thrests of Japanese absorption of
British oriental commerce, now or tne
extension of tha mikado' sphere of in
fluence to India and Australia and vn
of an extended dash la China are
heard from aoureee which yn hint at
reslly eriou development
The English commercial tntereeU la
'the east nave oeen umun wi"T
J home government for a lone; time that
- i.n.n la trvin to, undermine tnem
' wherever th two count rise trade de
tvelopment conflicted. They ehargeth
; mlkado'e subject with actual dlshon
, it, backed br their government, too.
j In China and Korea. .
Japan will not allow the paralleling
1 of lie Manchuria railroad by another
i power. Any attempt la thla direction
would Prior answers 10 m ciiom.1 vu
thle point England haa yielded, to the
promoter intense disgust. t
5 ; v ', 'Kit,
; Animals With Good Records
to Go Under Auction-
, eer's Hammer, n .
With, an attendance of hundred 'of
stockmen and Interested spectators, the
; sixth annual sal of the Portland Stock
1 company opened thla morning; at th
'fair grounds. Notable not only for th
' number of horses, hut also for the claaa
of the animals, 1 the exhibition of blue
rlbbonera now quartered la the stable
at tha exnoaltlnn e-rounds.
Amonr tha fast harness animal With
records on many tracks that are to so
under the hammer era tirrry Mime, a
l-vaar-old brous-ht ' from Illinois. Thl
filly has a record of 1:10 and Is entered
in tne nentucity luiunir. n.nicK-juiaua,
5:11 H: Hock ford, 1:20; Red Rock, 1:20;
Paul W.. 1:20, and number of other
lens well known racers are also to be
sold to tha highest bidder.
Koadstere, driver, coach horse, Bul
lions, brood mares and aaddler are In
cluded In the total of nearly 100 thor
oughbreds. ,- 1 ..,- -v, -
Horsemen from all over th north
west from Butte to Ban Francisco, are
to be found at the auctioneer's stand and
the bidding Is brisk though the prices
offered are much lower than In former
years. Animals that last year sold for
more than 1209 are not Dringing iiov
this year and other sales, are la pro-
For the first time In the history of
the stock association' sale cattle are
to be included and Friday la the day set
for the disposal of several fine herds
of pure-bred dairy and stocfc anlmaia
' (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) '
Astoria. Or.. April . AU th sa
loonmen -.of 'Astoria ihav M lned an
agreement to keep their place of husl-
hm flnaA nn Bund&vs : and will aid
in th enforcement of tbt Sunday law
01 tne state a - , (
Astoria,1 Orv April II. The effort, to
avoid a local option fight at the coming
lection bids lair to meet wnn aucoesa.
Mayor Wise has called a special meet
ing of the council for this evening- when
a resolution will be Introduced declar
ing that no license shall be Issued for
sajoon In the districts which are now
"dry." This would mean that th con
ditions so far as local option is con
cerned shall remain as they are now.
Four of the councilmen have' already
Informed the business men's commit
tee that they4 will support the resolu
tion and the measure is one which the
hiiKlneaa Interests, . Indudlnr the liauor
dealers, and also the clvlo league are
In favor of. The representatives of the
civic league' have promised to withhold
the filing of. their petition until after
th meeting of the council. ,
6olt Against J.V. Ilewltt.
Testimony waa begun before Judge
Bronaugh in th circuit court this morn
ing in the case of the Equitable Saving
and Loan association against John D.
Hewitt and other to foreclose mort
rrnres aggregating nearly I4.000.
No wonder
you're sick.
will relieve
you prompt
ly and keep
i the bowels
in ahealthy
jj conditi o n.
j ; Try a bot-
Jtle today. '
' D'ifinj the past 54 years it has
rfr.Vlshed remarkable record
f cures of Heartburn, Sour Stora
SiVi. . InJ'esticn, Dyspepsia, Bil
ntss, Female Illi and Malaria,
; rr . J Asue. . ' ;" - . : j
- -aria
r;''';..- , ... 1 111;, . . " ' ' . .'-.A
rrominent" Women Attend Mectinij Called to Tromoto'
v Intermarriage and Social ' Equality -- Minister 1
- Flees When He Sees the Gathering.'"',5- )
V f
(CalUd rraes'teeetd WlreA
New Tork, . April II. Th "oclal
quality and Intermarriage" banquet
given last night, by th Cosmopolitan
oclety of Greater New Tork la th tail
of th town today., Th whit girl that
attended are making no effort to oon
oJ that faot, hut while advocating
social equality aad Intermarriage of
white and negroe. they decline to say
whether or not they would permit a court them outright
The banquet waa , give at ' reoar
French restaurant and was attended by
0 white girls ana women, ui u
hln. aeated beside negro, men. Mary
riuin rn a settlement wur
r and whose fstber is proprietor of the
St. Oeorse hotel in Brooklyn, wa the
only white girl to occupy a f7
n Iter's tttlMwVt
Negro men, proud of their promlnenoe.
at arounq ner. ' . .
Two white gins, cmmmi w vw irw.
Mississippi, the Mlesesi)ooiiiue, sat on
ither Side of i. H. Tnompson, lorm.r
it of th Eighth Illinois (negro)
nt lie regaled hi companion
lorle of the campaign In Cuba,
Tha wru chatted hanuily and laugh4
and made much of their entertainer. .
, , woaaaa Brtnga SaogTiteT.
Mra. X W. Oet and her H-yar-old
daughter, Beeale, who were introouc.u
a prominent aooUl pleader., occupied
eat at one of the tablee. Opposite th
mu aat auwra "";
f an orcanlaatloa that
Prnen1vra, mention
socialism, soolai - equality, or inier
marriage, they - were frantically ap
plauded, but trn" greeted th name
Kooeeveii. -
n.mlitnn Holt, ecitor of th Inde
pendent, wa th principal pakr. , He
id:: - . ;.a .
intermarriage, u
enough, will solve the race proDiem.
don't believe the white man would be
eo anxious to marry tn negro woman
wouid th negro man to wd th
Whit girl and vie veraa. but thl
amiiM continue, the negro man marrying
th whit girt, nntil they would gradu
bleached or until, the race
run out." .-.
Itnling of County Court on !
Will Determine Whether Campaign Against the .
i , Liquor Traffic Is to Be Carried On. ; .
Should th county court declare the
petition of th Antl-Baloon league, ask
ing that th entire cast aid b voted
upon in ' th coming prohibition cml
palgn, iUegal, practically no fight will
be mad by th temperance force at
th coming election. It 1 probabl that
th Anti-Saloon league will conserve all
Its force for the aampalgn two year
henca, . 'a.a: . 'v
Aa th question 1 now np to th
county court, the league 1 practically
resting - on . It oars to .await th ' de
cision. ;i, It , la antirely matter of
whether the election two years ago or
that of a year , ago on th prohibition
question waa legal. If the election two
years back was legal, then the anti
saloon .lament ha the right to put the
lemperantte question for the entire east
side on the baltota However, if that
of a year ago is sustained, then the
antl-prohibltlon people can vote their
wet and dry dlstrtots aeparatelyv . - r
Should this latter alternative b de
cided upon, in all probability the Antl
Saloon league will not attempt to cap
ture the wet precinct along the flyer,
and th prohibition question will prob
ably be eliminated from the June eleo-
tl"i am confident that th county court
will ausiain th legality, cf our pe
tltlon," aald Beuotsry J. R. Knodell of
; Safe, safe, Who haa th eomblnatlont
When la a safe not a safe? , Anewr
When no one can open It
TTn hn th. third floor Of th POBtofflO
building there Is a aaf retln peace
fully In a corner. it la wcgea. - j
where th troubl He. The combina
tion ha been loat Dr olae whoever has
it la keeping it and - refuae to com
"Slra 1. tn tha offlc of the TJnlted
State district attorney. .1. IS""
old Uncle Sam. When ' John H. Hall
held the position h also held the combination.-When
Mr. Hall r eUred. W. W.
Rank waa thar ; under Franoia , J
(Special Dispatch te The Jeornatl : V
Oregon City, April I. J- M. Ploker
ann hi. anna John and William, John
Riley, Walter Sinclair and Earl Ranslar
were brought Into court at 10 o'clock
this morning for entanc; - Judge Mo
Bride said there was certainly a preju
dice against th advent; of Htndua to
thla country, which many people shared,
himself included. It was unfortunate,
he said, that they were allowed Jo come
here, as they were not desirable; but
so long a the law permitted, them to
come here and allowed their presence
tlfey were entitled to the protection of
the law, and In this case, tne law dbjiib
broken ny the act -of the defendants,
the verdict of the jury wa In accord
ance with the law and the evidence.
- J- M. Dickerson and hi aon William
Dickerson, convicted of murder in the
second degree, were sentenced to lm-
f rlsonment in the state penitentiary for
ife. - - : :' -.- . ' j
i waiter Sinclair
s-ae called up ana re-
proved by the
ludffe for his bad com
e for his bad
while in Jail T Thl a referred to his as
sault upon the jailer, whom he marked
for Ufa . -.:
Sinclair remarked that the jailer was
drunk at the time and attacked him and
he etruck In self defense. This Jailer
Nehren denied. Sinclair waa sen
tenced to six years tn the penitentiary.
John Riley, John Dickerson and Earl
Rancler were called up and addressed
bv the judge. Owing to their youth and
previous good character and Jh belief
1 i
Referring to breaent condition la th
south. Holt said: - " '
"Conditions ar going to get woree la
the aouth befor they get better. When
the negro
eoDle get better Muoatea tne
whites m the outh win bav toreoog-
Bis them a their social equala
Booke Washing-tea Agitated.
Booker T. Washington 1 greatly kat
tated over th banquet, sp.clally over
Holt's enaech. The eminent negro edu
cator sent word to the hotel dexk thl
morning that he wa "not. t b di-
turhat " . .
In reply to a not sent to hi room.
Washington saia; , ' ,.
"i have notnina to say. - ' -
' u.tnM T P,t,p, wfiA waa tn
have delivered an address, but who un-
raramoniousiv nea wnen ne nw in.
trang gathering. ' explained his hasty
geitarture today, as follow: f .
- 'i bad no idea when I entered the
meeting that it purpoa waa to Start
campaign ror mixed marriages, my
understanding wa that th meeting
was called for the purpoa of bringing
together the different race In order to
protest against th cast, spirit In a
general way. There Is no such thing as
octal equality, even among th. negroe
themselves, but I do believe the Amer
ican people must do Juetlce to th negro
on his merlta j-ereonauy, u woum o.
needless to say that I do not believe la
intermarriage.'1 , ,
'. ' Bot. re vera fmrpriaea. - f ?
Peter ald th sight of th white
women seated as they were surprised
him a little. He had attended religious
conference and had seen whites and
negroe eat at the eame table, but never
bad-be eeen
alternate eea
white women.
had.lie eeen so carefully arranged the
alternate seating of black , men and
Miss Overton denied today that h
decidedly favored mixed marriage, or
that any of tha other w
rnic. women pres-
it openly xavorea intermarriage.
"Lest night's affair," she said,
gathering of high minded men and
women with a noble purpose, person
ally fm not exactly In favor of mixed
marrtagee, ana I aon t peiieva ins proj
ect was favored br anv of the nhlte per
sons present. The great trouble Is that
the nobleness of purpose of the cosmo
politan gathering waa not appreciated
by those who cannot appreciate the
wrong or tn colored man." .
Anti - Saloon League Petition
th Antl-Salonn lagna "Tha mix-tip
occurred becsue twe year ago a mis
take waa made in marking tn ballot
and many who thought they were voting
fitr prohibition actually voted for h
saloons. There wa also a mlx-up over
the boundary lines of precincts.' These
two things taken torether have resulted
In our petition being taken before the
court. - .;' . '' , - . - s
"Even If It Is decided that our peti
tion is illegal I do not think wa will
attempt to draw up another. Tt would
be neceeeary to Include th entire coun
ty In order to give up any advantage
over out- present position and we are
not particularly anxlou to make that
fight . until w endeavor ' to carry the
whole state, two year from now. If
th saloon men ' - Detitlon is sustained
then we will probably male no fight
and there would be nothing to gain for
either side. In that event the present
wet precinct will remain wet and the
dry- nreclnct dry.
In St. John w ar almost aur of
carrying th cltr for prohibition. There
are two doubtful preclnota there now
and with th addition ot nreclnct St
which I very dry, the result aeems cer
tain victory for us.". . , . ..i.
Three meeting for prohibition have
been arranged thla week on. tonight
at Montavllla Methodist : church, at
which F. H. Adams, H. M. Montgomery
and J. K. ivnooen win ds tne speaxers,
on.) tomorrow niahp at Sell wood Pres
byterian church and Thursday plght In
ciacaamas. v v,.it.-. ..
Heney. The combination wa changed.
Mr. Bank and Mr. Heney knew the
combination. Eventuallv W. C. Bristol
was SDoolnted aa tha United States dis
trict attorney. Mow cornea John Mc
Court, th latest appointee and he la
unable- to unlock the safe. Mr. Bristol
hasn't the combination. ' Mr. Hall hasn't
It It was changed after Mr, Banks re
tired, ao there you are.
An expert will be hired to aohre the
puizla It will only cost 128. Undo
Sam la rich. It coats money to change
district attorneys.
And what will be discovered when tha
aafe la finally opened, Guess 1 , v
Nothing. - '
of the judge-that they had no murder
In their hearts, they were each sen
tenced to three years' imprisonment
ana paroiea. uney wer tnen reieasea.
The circuit court wa busy In criminal
axrairs yeateraay,;-
' Roy Cardon, who on Saturday entered
the plea of guilty to a criminal assault,
was sentenced to it wo yeara and a half
in tne state penitentiary.
O. S. Halnea. who on Baturdar en
tered a plea cf guilty of an act of Inde
cency,: was sentenced to six months In
the countv lau,
the case of the state ve. BJ.:R. 'Caae,
cnargeo witn assault, on appeal irom
Justice StippaVoourt, will com to trial
today, .'-.j ' ... ,
The trial of Otto IT, Olson, late clerk
of the Willamette achool district
charged with embesalement of th. funds
or wist aisinct,-, was aet tor Tuesday,
May C , After thl trial. Olaon will
haaVak ' TA Aak a ItAt Hss . Blaar-lrMtas ahkaVak
that of forgery in signing th. name of
Rudolph Eoerner to a promissory note
ior ou. tiu enierea a- piea or not
guilty to each of these charges. :
Walter Sinclair, one : of , the seven
charged with th killing of the Hindu,
Bhingwam Stnsh, at Jari's mill on Hal
toween last entered the plea of guilty of n ir
Dora Cheek, charged with assautttn
rgea witn eaaanirfnr
Kate Swanson and Ralph Mclntyre witn
. w
a gun, waa given unui Monaay, May i
i nlead.
The case of the stats l : Aniavanii
and , Nelson, simple, assault goes over
for th term. ,. t . "
' Salt, to Forecloao Mortgage, ,
W. W. Savage has bernn mutt in ,a
circuit court against C S. Jenne, Sam
uel Swanson, Augustus Walker. Olin V.
rord and William Roble to ; foreclose
a mortgage for 2,B0O on the furniture
of , the Olendora hotel. It . Is 'stated
that, a note waa 'given b v. Jen ha unit
Swanson and that Walker!. - now has
ossession or the property. Ford 'and
loble also having- claim of some aort
against it -, -.. - ,.-
iilV M 0. II. C.
'.;' ' . (
Miss Cathey Haa the Honor,
, Winning From Three
; s Competitors.'
, (special Dbeetch te The feereaL
Corvallla. Or April IS. Elabortt
preparation ar In progress for th
coronation of th May quaes' at th
Oregon , Agricultural . college, , Friday,
May 1. ' After thl ceremony th queen
t .
wtU witness a physical culture drill and
the usual pretty Maypole aancea in tne
afternoon the annual class field meet
will take place and the winner in each
vent will be crowned with a laurel
wreath by the queen. 1
Thl 1 th first May day affair ever
planned at O. A, C and 1 exciting wide
spread Interest
Marl Cathey, the accomplished and
mar daughter or ur. ana Mrs. ts.
hey, won th honor of being queen.
l.ioo vote to tn gooa. Her
ond. Miss ltha Kdlngton third and Mis
waa J.T97. Mia Iva Mcuinnia waa seo-
Oreta oray rourtn. . ' i . -
. Mlaa rather haa selected a her lm
mediate attendant Miss Irene Currln of
Portland and Ml Roxana cat or tjor
vallla. both O. A. C. alrla and Charles
Watt la to be "Prince Charming." Th
regal robe will, com front Portland
and Will b very ricn. .
A Twenty-third, atreet car going op
Washington street aplit the ewltoh at
Twenty-third street at 1 o'clook thla
afternoon and the rear end, awinglng
around across th tret Injured two
women, both of whom were accompanied
by children. A tiny baby was thrown
from its carriage under the car, ao that
tn render dragged it along th pave.
ment, but by some miracle It waa not
injured In , tha slightest. The patrol
wagon made a quick run and took th
Injured to the hosnltaL
Mrs. Edward Stead Ue, 1J15 Kaet Lin
coln tret- and aMr. Frti Neff, 80
Washington' atreet, were the two moth
era who saw their own Uvea and those
of their beloved children Imperiled by
th sudden and altogether . unexpected
swinging oi- m oncoming -car. , They
were crossing the atreet and had no
Intention of boarding the car, nor were
they too near it according to the
Statement of ey. witnesses. - - -
Mra Steadter suffered what the sur
geons at St Vincent's hospital believe
to ne a xracturoa esruii. Mrs. Neff sus
tainea severe cruises. Both woman
were Knocked unconscioue. -The
8-months-old baby of Mra BteaA
ter waa thrown under the car. which the
motorman nrougnt to a run stop as aoon
as poEsioie. ine iact tnat tne wheels
had lsft the tracks and were sklddina
along the asphalt aided hlra In stopping
ute car pruuipuy. . . r
The oar was proceeding ' west ' on
Washington, and .had just turned Into
Twenty-third street when .the aocident
Known, , tne rear trucn rawed to urn
and kept to . - the Washington atreet
tracks leading to the ear barn. -.
Edna, tha 14-year-old daughter of Mra.
Neff waa with " her mother, and waa
slightly injured about th face. Mra,
Neff is the wlf of FTed Neff of the
& Stuart box factory Mra Stead.
ter' a husband Is employed In the right-
:-way aenariment or tn u. k a n.
At 2 o'clock th. claim denartmant nt
tne poruand Railway, Light & Power
company had received no particulars
ana couia assign no reason Tor tne rear
truck leaving , th track, .. . a ; , .
' (United Jreis Leased , Wire.)
l0rtamonth,i England, April
18. An aerogram received hero
aaya a boiler on th British bat-
tleahlp Britannia haa exploded
. and that several men war In-:
jured. Th Britannia 1 . ex-
pected to arrive ner tonight. '
. . , India Escape Famine, J r
Tjihorc". British India. April t8. 'The
famine which threatened all thla region
has been escaped this year by reason of
the rains, which nave lately come t
lieve the fearful drought which
come to re-
suuea uioa ua
ITayor Borers and City Councilmen Debating Project of
- Declaring: Trades Nuisance and Tearing Them r;
Up Corporation Prevents Paving. - ; ,
." (Unite Tree teeeed Wire.)
Salem. Or.. April It'Tor th lest
year X have tried to xerclse th greatest
patience and forbearance In dealing with
th Portland Railway. Light at Power
eompsny, Jn th hop our atreet 1m
provemerfTwork might go along without
a tie-up In th courts, but under uoh
provocation aa we have faced during
that , time I declare my pattenc has
bean tried to the breaking point, and I
for one will stand it no longer.
"If w must submit to the dictation
of the Portland Hallway, Light A Power
company, or any other corporation, the
sooner we know it th better."
Mayor O. . Rogera or Baiem na sent
a special mesaag to th council, em
bodying the above. In which he declares
war upon the Portland Railway, Light
power company because th company
lias refused to Improve the trecke on
streets which the olty wishes to pave.
So effectual has th holdup beeta. that
Rushing Into th open with a flam
ing fire-gallon gasoline can In bla arms,
Charles Ruttlngh saved bla tin 1 and
sheet Iron shop at Arleta from going
up In amok Sunday night Buttlngb'a
bravery, however, cot him th better
part ot hla mustache and hi anna and
VL .-'.I I Him ' ,-,.". i
" Lem Wooa and Ta Oueng, Chines
gun men who ar charged with th
murder of Lee Tel Hoy. a merchant of
the local Celestial colony, pleaded not
guilty before Judge Oantenbeln la the
circuit court thi morning. They de
manded separate trials, and It waa de
cided to try the first cas June 10.
Four murder trial ar. scheduled In
the circuit court for th May and June
term befor th summer court vaca
tion open. First will com Nathan U.
Bultter, i ex-polloeman, who la charged
with m order in the aaoond degree for
the killing of Henry Schaffer at the
latter home after Sultter had stopped
a birthday celebration. Ill trial 1 set
for May K -'- ,1 ,
tieeiaea in case oi tn. iwu vnin
In Jun. Oeorge L Blodgett wUl again
be placed on trial for hi life for the
murder of a variety eetrees in a north
snd lodging-house. Blodgett wa one
oonvlcted and sentenced to d nugeu.
but a new trial wa granted by, the u.
ireme court. Jun u u tn aat set
or him to fac a Jury. ;
Jo Anderaon, convicted tnor than
a month ago on tb charge or auiung
Harry M.. Logan, haa not yet been
sentenced. His attorneys have aecured
several exlenalona of time in preparing
their motion for a iew trial, which
must be presented befor th Judgment
is pronounced. .
Another criminal cas reversed by the
supreme court which 1 to b tried be
fore July I that of Charle W . Wal
ton, who Bhot Officer Neleon Whllo th
latter wa reatetlng an attempt to hold
up a car on Wlllamett Helghta Wal
ton wa given an aggregate eentenee of
about se year in two , i
. a ,v. iniAtni.nt ta . now nendlng be
fore VJudao Cleland and th daU for
trial haa not been flaed' ' 'rt,,.
Roy Summera, paroled on oondltlon
tv.. k fnmiih 11.000 bond for good
behavior during, the next tiv yeara 1
aUll i In JalL His father haa gone east
to raise , th necessary .money. Toung
Summer waa convicted of larceny and
aentenced to live year. ur
, k '.., ynhn P. Kavanaugh
nn-tte wnkM ot th city park
Eoard an Invitation to mind - own
business thi morning In Tl"p.h1!
wrot to City Auditor A. I - Barbur
relatlva to a motion passed at a. nieet
Ing of th board in whloh th city au
ditor wa mtruotea to aa.vis.
naugh that tho board wantea mm v
push th caao Of McKenna against th
-Kavanaugh replledthat th cast . wa
being pushed as rapidly a posslbl and
that all litigation 1n which th city wa
involved would be conoluded as expe
ditiously a possible regardlesi i of any
moUon mad by any board of th city.
Th letter addrsse4 to th city audi-
't .vaf, imn favor of the lid Inst,
wherein you advise me that at a regular
meeting of th park boart held Febru
ary l7 1808, L Lang mad a motion,
which waa carried, that th olty attor
ney be requested to push th caj of
MOKenna against tn. oiijr, riui
relating to amendment to tn city oaw
'Th baric ooara is aavieea mat mis
- -1 - . i-...a .1.1 in.
case la being pushed with au tn ex-
tedltlon possible, and it win pe Drougni
The city' briefs have been filed, "and
wa are now awaiting th filing Of briefs
n trial at tha aariieat nossiDia moment.
for the respondent the time for filing
which na not yet expirca. Dome um
befor thl meeting I mailed Mr. Lang
a copy of th city' brief.
"I will at any, time be glad to advise
th member of the park board concern
ing litigation in which the city is in
terested. and suoh litigation will be con
eluded a aoon as nosslble. and thla
will be done regardless of any motion
made by any board of the city to push
the proceedings to an early settlement."
The suit of McKenna against th city
involve th amendment to th - city
charter In regard to , establishing a
boulevard system. . Th amendment car
ries with it a bona issue or 11,000,00,
whloh th board is anxioua to secure
aa aoon as possible to carry out its
schemes for a ' parking system. Th
cas la nOw In tho state auprem court
f Special Ditpatch te The Joarotl.)
ifidleton. Or.. - April 18. Petitions
asking for the establishment of a rural
mau route out or this city and covering
th settlements on Birch, McKay and
?'utullla creeka south of here have been
orwarded to Congressman W. R. Kill.
The route will include about 100 patrons
and will cover the same territory served
by the Pendleton-Pilot Rock stage line
before the completion of the Pilot Rock
branch of the O. R. & N. While the
stage was In operation the farmers were
enaoiea to get tneir mall from the etare
dally, the driver distributing the letters
and paners along the route tn the
boxes provided for the purpose, but no
that. the mail Is carried on the railroad
tuis free distribution has ceased. The
length of the route will be a'lout 25
rnUes. ' "
the city he s never been able to pave
any thoroughfar where there are atreet
car trarks.
The Portland Railway, Light Jk Power
company holua a relation similar to the
city of Salem as It does, to the city of
Portland, except that It his done noth
ing at all for thla city. The cars ope
rated In Salem ar a disgrace to the
corporation and It refusal to Improve
a single track railway on the main
thoroughfare of the capital city has ex
hausted the mayor patience and also
the patience of the council, r j
The company cl1m sine It I com
pelled to epend S3ft0,u00 for street Im
provement in Portland It la not able to
do anything tor Salem. Salem Is at the
mercy of the corporation for the .city
cannot, under Ita franchise, force the
company to lay tleigian diocks or
grooved rails ion Improved street
gainst Its will. Members of th council
ar backing t he mayor and have pro
nosed to declare the street oar traoks a
nuisance and have them torn up when
the strset ar improved.
hands are kadlv scorched and burned.
Ruttlngh says he was filling the stove
when In some manner the gasoline Ignlt
ed. A ik explosion followed, but retain
ing his composure Ruttlngh held on to
the can and made a bee line for the
door. He managed to reach the open
before th flam spread to the wood
work. ' 4 v ,
; tOnttsd Press Usatd Wtoa.
' Balam, On AprU II. Th following
supreme court decision were handed
down today 1 1 ..-. .
Anderson va Aupperla appealed frern
Marlon county, affirmed; .opinion by
Commissioner Slater.
Rush vs. Oregon Water Power A Elec
tric railway, from Multnomah county,
reversed and new trial ordered: opinion
by Justioe Moore.
Milton vs. Paclfto Bridg company,
appealed from . Multnomah county. af
firmed; opinion by Commissioner Slater.
Williams et al vs. Altnow. appealed
from Harney county, a modified opln
ion by Justice Bean.
Trlckey va Clarke,, from Multnomah
count motion for rehearing overrulod.
' Kldredge va Hofr, modification de
nied. '
Krebba Broa va Llvesley, from Mar
lon county, motion for rehearing denied.
1- . I HI I '.
7rol" Wal Wlllaon la learning that
It 1 bad policy to take a fee from a
young- woman for sending her to a Job
that does not exist Th fact that h
wor at her when ahe asked for th re
turn or tn money will not tend to max
his punishment ny lighter. . 1
Several - respectable young ' women,
stenographers and clerks, complained to
the city attorney several days ago that
Will son had taken a fee from them,
but that no position resulted, notwith
standing that they gave him the money
unuer tne oeuer mat tney were paying a
fee for a definite position.' -
Willson was arrested for violating th
employment agency ordinance, Deputy
City Attorney Tomlinson presented hi
evidence, which was' apparently oonclu-
elve, today. . Thursday Willson' side
will be heard in the municipal court
Willson haa a dancing academy in tha
neuing-mrscn nuuaing. , - , t v
' .(Special PtaDetch to TW JetuneLI
t Pdleton. OrV April tS.A party , of
li Northern Paoiflo official will meet In
thla city today for a general conference
on th 1 operation of th line In th
lortnwest. mey win arrive Irom Port
and over th north bank road, vlewin
the work on that recentlv oomnlete
line, and from Faeco to thl city over
the branoh line formerly known aa th
"Hunt road." . The purpose of the meet
ing la to bring official cloaer together
ana to come to an unaeratanamg amoni
the department heads as to the bee
plans and methoda of furthering their
work. i-r.f -'-r.vy- , ., , - v t v -. f-.v.
Those present at the conference will
11 Third Vice-Preaident C. M. Levy,
. C Nutt general manager of the
western division; F. H. Clark, presi
dent of the Spokane, Portland A Seattle
(norm tanx; Henry uiaaeiey, general
western -freight agent; A. Bv Charlton,
assistant : general cassenser aa-ent: J.
h. De Force, superintendent of the Paaco
division; C. Crosby, superintendent of
motive power - iuiu . nuwnuier; j kj, so.
Slmonton, superintendent' of tracks,
buildings and bridges: Assistant Super
intendent J. Q. Cutler . and . General
Agent S. B. caiderheaa. ,,
C li. Levey. H. C. Nntt and other
officials of tha Northern Pacific who
have been inspecting Oregon lines of
that company, lert Portland last eve
ning for : wana waua, Spokane ; and
Lwlston. They will spend some time
In looking over the properties of th
company, this being Vice-President Lev
ay's -eriodloal trip to the ooast for that
purpose. . 1
7, Sold Painting to Taokees.
- -1 (United Press Lessed Wlra.1 v
Parls, ADrtl 28. An unDleasant im.
presnlon , has been created against the
house of Ooupll, which is reported to
have sold to a yankee millionaire -for
z.ouo.uoo rrancs, two urceic paintlnrs
that cost th house 800,000 franca
(United Press LKd Wire.)
4 Monterey. Cal., April 187 4
Rabbi Jacob Toorsanger of San
Frahcisco died of , heart disease w
4 fat hi apartments in the Hotel :
Del Mont last night. He was
. apparently In good health until '
10 o'clock, when he ' complained
of a pain near hla heart A few
minute later he dropped dead. '
V ' - ' '
Tom' Johnson Wins Ills
. ScYerf-Year Fight for the
Streetcar . Kef ormsUni
, versal Transfers Will Bo
Another New Feature.
' 1 i ''.. . i . ', . '' - '.'V
, i i-' :.'',. - ."'..." ?! "' $'', i' t '
(Cnlted Prees Leeeed Wire.) ,"
Cleveland, Ohio, April 1 Mayo
Tom Johnson' fond dream of a -ceht
streetcar far ha been realised. , ' ,
Af Ur a eeven-yar battl. which' h "
waged agalnat th mighty traction In- ,.
terests at time when th struggle ap- ,
peered hopelesa, hi effort were
crowned with victory shortly after mid- .'
night this morning, when the final pa- : l
pers necessary to th transfer of the ..
operation of the streetcar line te th
Municipal Traction company, , fostered .".
by Johnson, were exchanged. Johneon
made hii first fight for l-cent. fare
In 101. Within th. year the far will'?
be In effect with universal transfer
within 10 daya ';-; '
- ii . . , . .
War against th Sao Jos acal which .
la tfecland every winter by th fruit
men of th tat la contrary to cuatom , '
to bo carried on all wUmmar.' - : ?
.County fruit Inspector throughout .
th atata hav been notified to onforco ; -
tb apraylng law agalnat all those fruit
raisers who wer given notlc Ao apray ' .
last winter, and did not comply with In- .
mictions. . Thla la a aw movement .':,
the part of th horticultural board, -heretofore
those who galled to apray tn '
tho apring- or winter "wro not moUaUd i:1
during th hot 'montha. .'
Th notion of th , board la meeting
with th . approval of . tha moat . pro- '"
greaslve . orohardlata, aa they realise
that dnanraved orchards ar a wenac
to clean one ia th lame neighborhood,
owing to tho Infectious natur of th ,
acal pt f- - t '..;
Until last year the oompulsory spray- - :
ing law waa not enforced, but with tb ".
movement for better fruit -the Improve ,
ment waa ao marked tnat tne campaign, u
year haa been , extended into tn
aummap nnntlll.
Statistic laat year enowea an in
crease in th fruit output of (0 per cent
and an even greater increase I expect
ed thi year. Thla Incraas la attrlb-
uted largely to the nforcement of the
praying uw. ,
Another factor contributory-to th
Inoreaae la the esUbllshnent of many;
cannerlea Formerly tne nuix pi tie.
cherry crop In ' th WUlam.Ua j ; valley '.
wa wasted becaua or . poor , mar gets. r
Now, every pound of th fruit not
hipped out Is ' sent to Ih. canneries,
where a reliable market- Is always to ,
be found. '.Both the producer and the
factory are able to mak a comfortabl
recreiary muianiauH
of the atat
hortlculural board, sax th Increase In i ,
the fruit production of the Willamette,:
valley in the last three -year a a re
sult of these two influences has been
more than 600 per cent The money
brought into tha atat -by th sale of
fruit last year aggregated at a con
servatlve stlmat
... a li
yWhen a roung gity thought be-
come sluggish ; when she bis hebd-
aches, dizziness, faintnesst and eiv
hibits an abnonnal disposition to .
sleep) dislikes the society of othef :
girls ; then the mother should coma :
to her aid promptly, for she pos- i
sesses information of Tital import. '
tmoe to the young daughter. , i ':
t JAt such a time the irreatest aid to
nature is Lydia E. Imkham'sVege-
table Compound, - It prepares the
young ; system for t the coming
change, and has helped to ; bring 2
three ceherationa safely from girl- :
hood to womanhood. Bead hat
has accomplished for Miss Olson.'
i Miss EUan M. Olson, of 417 tforth
ast Street Eewanee, III, in a letter
to Mrs, Pinkham says: '
LydlaB. Pinkhanfg Ve?etablCom-t.
ponna cured tne of backache, aideache, - f
and eatahliahed mv neriods after th :
best physician In Eawanee bad failed
to .help met, saying that an operation ,4
waa necessary." , ' ; ' ..' ' J "?
For thirty years Lvdia K Pink- - s
ham's Vegetable '?, Compound, made ? j:
from roots and herbs, nas been the " "
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with ?
displacements, inflammation, ulcera. 4 :.'
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, ;
periodio pains', backache, that bear-. -lng-down
feeling, flatulency,indiges- '
Why don't you try it F ' s. ; v
3frs. Phikham invites all sick
women to write her, for advice. :
She lias fruitied thousands1 to, ,
health. AUdrecs, Lynn, Ilass.
C b.