The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 28, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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    RIBBOUS 5c T0 28c YARD
A wffDinff Sale on many width and pricey In tia
fjVX Ribbon.; all Wed thades . ar. ncludel,
to 4tf inches wide, b.rgtmued .'--'
;jiL th rr ' aiMiM-ii 7 u.
i ..,,) ' . ",C .tth 30...r4... 1V
fe" 9c Sft:?.23c
lii'-inch width ; t&U . . 28c
I nrth 18 rird...." "- '
EMniMiesM Yard!
Hew and Clever
Heckvear Styles
Late conceit. In charming Neck-
wear mode hare ju.t reached '
included are the new triple?
, niching. the litest craze
embroidered linen collar., etc:
the ruchings , mn . from 50t
, to,
New tailored, Leather Belts,
65 to 91.50
New tinsel and wa.h Belt.
ri -
" v
50c K).65e VUlS 39g
An absolutely , fast black
hose in boot or alloyer lace
patterns. Our own importa
tion. Hermadorf dye guar
antees the colors ; we rec
ommend them for wear and
design. 60c and 65c values ;
special Wednesday, QQ
the pair..... ....... OaC
$1.35 UMOU SUITS IT 98c
Extra cjulitr lisle Union Suit. In Swiss ribbed effects,
full sizes, trimmed on yoke and knee with pretty lace;
a grade that .ell. regularly for $1.35 each, no
Wednesday .......U0C
CHILDREN'S PANTS Fine white gauie, lace 00
trimmed, .ires 13 to 34; teg. 50c, the. pair....... ZiC
ninnlrnfc Sanitary gray fleece Blankets, with,
UlUlllil& pink or blue border., good size, me-
1 : " diunr weight; .ell regularly fft ClC
at $25 the pair, pedal.....;! Jp 1.0 J
MJ . .. -
vi , I.
Important ! fBresswodsale
All the bargain-wise In Portland and vicinity arc displaying intense interest In
$he greatest aale of! wool fabrics ever known in the entire northwest Sales grow
larger each day and enthusiasm increases. No one with a want In the dress goods
line for months to come can afford to overlook this unprecedented opportunity
The largest and best assorted stock on the Pacific coast thrown open at prices ab
surdly low. Only two exceptions out of all the thousands of yards we own Mo
ravin Broadcloth and Read'i Lansdown. These are contract goods and must be
sold at a stipulated price BLACK OR COLORED DRESS POOPS, LIGHT
Edges or insertions in lovely pat-
terns. ueiicateiy aamiy w, uw,
and heavy. A fine assortment of
designs and all superb values. Let
economists take notice
and attend this sale large- U ll f
ly. Worth $1.50 to $2.00 ZfUVj ; '
the yard Wednesday; . . -
All-Over Laces $1.98 &
Venlse, Valenciennes and- Oriental :
patterns ; for trimming dresses,. ;
making yokes, coats, etc There
are many, many yards and a very :
good selection of patterns. Worth
to $12.00 the yard bargainized as
follows:.- , ..; , t, 11 ,. t ,, J,;,..,J.,....J , ,,.,.,. ., ,,,, ... - :
$1.98 $3.98 tarn
$150 to $8.00 the $9.00 to $12.00 the ' . ... ''iv- . ri-T- - ' ' Tr-"
special. ,. $2.98
- special. . $4.98
Goods worth $1.00
Goods woth $1.25
Goods worth t d Aft
$1.50 yard.....e9l.U7
7'j ' Goods - worth' M Oft
1 1C $175 yard.....M.'.X
Goods worth
$3.00 yard
. - Goods ? worth . (J
, $2.00 yard..V;j)1.4Z
, Goods 1 ; worth 1 syo .
$2.50 yard.... .1.1 C
. S2.19
, Goods worth fo JQ
. 3.50 yard. . , . .e$.ftO
Goods ' worth t) ftQ
$4.00 yard...'.. ti)e70
Coved Coats & Third Less
mwmi sw swi w mm
These Gloves come in
black or white and in sizes
sy2, 6, '6J2 and . 7 ' only. ?
They are the 16-biitton
length, selling regularly
for $1.75 and $2.00 the,
pair, ?. Decidedly the bet
ter sort ot
'virUhCSiA'-'nefV Hoi ju.t re
cejvedcontainiog all the lateat and ,
Vipst popular make, and xolonngs.
Included are chenille dotted ef
fect, in all color.; 22-inch veilinga .
;n nlain mcshrt for sailor hats and
colored silk nets Jor aquare veil.J a very, complete assortment
; The most particular people in Port
land buy their footwear, here. More'
and more, those who are fastidious,
. as to style and iit are learning to'
depend upon our shoe shop for their,
supplies. VVe cater to the people
who seek value and style as well as
small price.: ; Buy. your next pair
: here. v..W -r vf: '
j LOW SHOES are , overwhelmingly,
popular. . We are selling them by .:
the hundred pairs: " The most ; fa-.
vored ones are Garden Ties, Colon-
TZ-$2.50 to $5.00
1 ?
WOMEN'S OXFORDS in kid, calf
or patent I leathers, in black, tan or
white; in all new shapes and in all -sizes,
"turn sbles for dress wear or
extension soles for street shoes. The V
most stylish Oxfords to be had this ,
season; values to $5 the pair. A lot
of 300 pairs, bunched for Oft
Wednesday, at..; ...... . O J.Oi '
; . FORDS in vall the wanted leathers
and . styles $3.00, $3.60 and $4.00 ,
grades; also a few selling regularly
at $5.00 the pair, special Oft ,
Wednesday at, , . . .9aO7
A sae a large num ,:
bcr of the very heat cov- ;;
ert coats in ' the ; natty
short models; 24 and 27
inch r lengths, the best
col6rs and styles. Loose'
or tight fitting styles,
the best .values to be
found hereabouts. Take
liberal advantage of this
generous offer by Port-
1 knri's largest and best
style store, and provide
yourself with one of the,
most sensible and useful
wraps made. These coats
are good for street or
dress wear and for all seasons, all short
: models Wednesday and Thursday. ...
Third Less
v. tu, ,,.i"...'t;n!.?.f
Men, take solid comfort by sleeptog. in a MEN'S ' HANDKERCHIEFS, of Indiaainen
. JiVht weight. -full size, lone neck nicht- in cross bardesicns. The resoilar brice
, These are made tot, good quality " 15c each, Wednesday. . . . . v . y,3 tor ,
-immd fltirl . hv! th , mrwiiT'O MAT tTAew ITr-...: Itt l- .'
French neck. " Regular 75c values ; ;;8pring patterns. ;; Extra good selection- n
', Wednesday, 1 L
neatly- trimmed and have the
Regularly . 25c the pair, Wednesday
SmaliTrimmed Ha1s$3.98
A oneway special on trimmed and
tailored Hats,' worth, to. $13.50.
Bv all means the greatest special
S - nt 4-Um caacnti ' ' TTff rtJat fmr-Vs
' - . f ' '
.i ing styles in sailors and dress
IhatsV Profusely trimmed, all col
' ors, sizes and shapes. The dec-,
orations are ribbons," flowers, etc
- These xome' from the best Head
V gear designers :: in the. county.'
tSome originated m New York, some are products of our
own workroom., All are decided--f jfjl f(f
ly charming styles. Regular valf V k (yl JSyf
ues run to $13.50 each-Wedries- vJtf TlXiJ iUJ
aay. . ..... v -
Secret Service Agents Locate
: . Counterfeiting Plait in
YancouTer-Spnrious Dol-
. dars Also Jfouna unaer
Unilding on East Side. .
, fart of the outnt which ha been
used toy the can of counterfeiter, thrM
' of whom r now In JaU,'Wsa el4 tor
, tba United State authorities this morn.
In; la Vancouver, Washington, and In
j addition 10 apurlooa doUars were found
tm th cast aide, where they had been
': thrown by Dtera Ramsey Just before he
wm captured by policeman Blaolunan.
The' paraphernalia and , the Imitation
.money will be held as evidence against
thsmen.! 7 --- l' "- i .
The money was' found under the build-
" In of the Valvoline Oil company, , Sec
ond and East Washington streets, by
Stephen . A. , ConneU of Portland and
Thomas -B. Foster of Seattle, secret
service agents.. . The coins were in a
tobacco sack,, - . .
' Threw Away Bad Money.
, Ramsey, was arrested Friday. He had
peed some of the taoney of his own
' make on Henry Meyer, a saloonkeeper.
The Oregon Naturopath
Institute and School
Radical euros by the ' latest natural
healing methods.; All chronjo and acute
a lueases . treated and cured . in the least
time possible at the smallest eost
Habits of every description and kind. In
dults or children ,' treated and cured.
1 he finest equipped office on the Pacific
tast for handling suffering patients.
The remedies that "we empjoy are Na
ture's, including Clay, Herbs,, Osteo
pathy, Chiropractic,) Suggestive iThera
peutica. Psychology and Electropathy,
fiadiators. Vibrators, - Electric Baths,
i.i-yi candle-power' Leucondesant ' and
fciien lAghtm, X-rays, Violet Rays,
lit'UU FrtMjuency Currents .of 100.000
iniu, (ialvunlc, Froilic and Sinusoidal
.Currants for all chronic cases. Come
.9 our oftloes and enjoy free council.
If umthle to rail write us. Bent result
siitii Hiil attained in cases that have
ri troAted and given up as hopeless
i v' aysUMuav .
at lit Grand avenue. r- Soon afterward
It was discovered that the money was
counterfeit. Meyer reported the matter
to ; Policeman BKclcman, and after a
chase of several blocks Ramsey was
caught During the chase he managed
to get rid of the 10 bad dollars, all he
had In his possession. ,
Louis Turner, alias Frank Burns' and
Fred Horton, was arrested at Ban Diego
several years ago for counterfeiting, the
government authorities allege. He was
sentenced , to serve two years at San
Quentln. James Rafferty, who was
with Turner when the raid was made in
a Vancouver lodging house, is also be
ing held. .These two men will probably
be tried in the United State court at
Tacoma, - while Ramsey, also a member
of the gang, will have his hearing be
fore Judge Wo 1 vert on In the federal
court at Portland. The government
agents also claim that Ramsey is a for
mer convict.',
Operated Sjereral Kontbs. .
From the evidence at hand It seems
that these men have been operating in
this part of the country for several
montna. Between - saoo and linn in
counterfeit dollars have been passed in
Portland and Vancouver during the last
few months, and it is claimed that Tur
ner and Ramsey have been making all
of them. Before coming here, it seems
the men operated In ; Seattle. Turner
was arrested there in March, but for
lack of evidence was released. Then he
came to Portland, and from the number
or counterreit coins ' wnicn have been
rouna nere dm been busy ever since.
" Turner. - according to the ; fedaral
gents, was the , leader 1 of the gang.
Ramsey- assisted him and passed many
of the coins. Rafferty is- also alleged
w iv. own on. vi uie assistants.
Ramsey will have a preliminary -hear-In
before United States Commissioner
Bladen tomorrow morning. ..-!.,'
The arrest of these three men puts an
nd to a well organised gang of ooun-
lerieuers wnicn nas Deen onertmno- in
the northwest all winter, say the secret
service men. and now that the leaders
are in jail there will be a let-un of the
tMm uutuuer, ' ui '! imiiAiion aouars
which have been scattered broadcast on
the unsuspecting public. , . , '
Contlnued from" Page One.)
sat on the counter , chatting with the
men in me store. ' . ,
whiie thus occupied wisdom opened
the door and Antrtrl- - Rrnitfn
ly leveled the gun. at a distance of not
oyer five feet, and fired, the entire
charge of shot striking Wisdom In the
.v.npirr, Killing aim mranuy. m -j'.
Brown very coolly said he would a o
company any of them to Vale and de
liver himself to the authorities, or
would submit to being guarded until the
cuoriu arrived. thh was unnecessary,
however, as one of the neighbors took
mm borne with him, S where ; Sheriff
ater looK Him 4n charges-v . - .-r.
V'vM .(Uaited Piw ImhI Wire.)
CWoago, April S8A thousand
actors, aotresses and ; theatrical
4 people without jobs are in Chi- :
4 cago, stranded by;;wrecked cm;i4
4 f panleg. 'They have been dumped ;
4 i here in Jhe last six weeks, the"
4 majority coming from the east
Western ihows were not success-v
ful east Of the! Missouri. Many
of - . them - have; . been musical 4
comedies, which were successful
4 1 the west".-; -, - .;i- .4
Man Who Arrested Outlaw,
"VVho Later Terrorized the
Northwest, Dl at Denver. ;
(Special Dtapte to Tbe Jearsal.t
Denver, April 28. One of the bravest
of the old-time officers Of the west,
E. A. Farnham of Steamboat Springs,
Is dying at St Luke's . hospital. His
condition is so serious that a telegram
has been sent to his wife asking her to
make all haste to Denver.
It was Mr. Farnham more than any
one else who succeeded finally in rid
dins Brown's Park of its cans: of out
laws. - He captured single-handed ,. the
outlaw Harry Tracy after Tracy had
murdered valentine Hoy. Tracy arter
ward escaped from prison, and In his
efforts to' avoid arrest killed seven or
eight men of the posses who followed
him in a perilous hunt through Oregon
and Washington. Finally Tracy was
surrounded in a wheat field a few miles
from Spokane and killed himself In the
night by sending a bullet through his
brain. JU - ,-;:,-
Farrham has lived in Routt county
for a quarter of a century, and his
name has been a terror to "bad men."
Brown's Park, which is the extreme
northwestern corner of Colorado and ad
joins the "hole in the wall' country,
where "Butch" Ca8idy and his gang so
long made their headquarters, was the
scene ox many 01 rarnnam s exploits.
He had no fear, and Cassidy never at
tempted to cross the line into this state
as long as Farnham was -the peace of
ficer of Routt county.
. Many stories could be told of Farn
ham'a bravery- He was a man of few
words and slow- to anger, but of great
determination. The Hoys, who were
among -the oldest settlers In the county
and or great respectability, were among
his closest friends: Valentine Hoy was
killed bv Harry Tracy at a watering
hole because Tracy, who was then an
outlaw wun a price on nis neaa. xearea
that Hov would cause his arrest ' Farn
ham took up the chase at once and did
not stop , until Tracy s capture. 1 J. c.
Hoy,- th brother, -stilt lives on the
Routt county ranch.
Indorsed by ;
Baker County
' ' (Cnited Pre Iaed Wire.)
' Navy Yard, Puget Sound, Wash., April
is. -Orders have been lttsued to the cap
tains of the shins of the Pacific fleet
to the effect that the first squadron, of
the Pacific fleet undr command bf
Rear Admiral James- H." Dayton, con
sisting f eight armored cruisers.-will
leave here for San Francisco next Fri
day morning at .11 o'clock, The ships
are. tne, mgsnip west , Virginia Mary
land, Pennsylvaeia and' Colorado of the
first division, and the California (flae-
shlp of the second division),' the Ten
nessee. Washington and South . Dakota.
' The Best Bay. In Town-, .
In every town there must be the verv
best bargain -We do note know j of a
close-in full-slie lot for sale for bq little
money ss in -Kvanston f 400, 10 a
month, The Spanton company. 270 Stark
v B. E. Kennedy. .
B. E. Kennedy, editor of the Baker
City Herald, who led the fight in east
ern. Oregon for H.- M. Cake and was
unanimously: indorsed ' by Baker's 'Re
publican county convention for national
delegate at the convention held in Baker
City Saturday.
tn the resolutions passed by the coun
ty central committee-President Roose
velt's acts are indorsed and H. M. Cak!
is pledged the support of the Repub
lienns of Baker. . ' - i
The delecates from '. Baker county to
the state convention are W. J. Patter-
son. W. G. Ayre, W. O. Drowley, Jamen
Chinook. William Pollmaa, E. P, Vorus.
B. E. Kennedy. J. N. Hart. A. V.' Swift
and George Chandler George Chandler
was elected state committeeman ar,
James H .Aitkin of t Huntington con
gressional :-v committeeman.'! Roy Corey
was elected county chairman and E. vP.
Voru secretary. - -
1 1 ,i..' ' i 11 1 i.l f fii 1 1; -a 1 P: '
President RooseTelt " Sends
. His Congratulations to
New York Catholics.
CPnlted Pnm Leased Wire.)
New Tork, April tS-FbUowlng the
centenary anniversary of the New Tork
diocese today. the papal benediction
sent . through Archbishop Farley was
read by 21 onslgnore DIodome Faloonio,
apostolic delegate to the United States.
Congratulations were read from ., Presi
dent Roosevelt 1
Cardinal Gibbons preached a sermon
and referred to the close relations of the
church and its leaders In the contest for
American Independence. ' .'
Archbishop Logue of Ireland is one
of the prelates attending the celebra
tion. ,
The New -Tork dlooese has now been
divided into nine dioceses, with 1,100,
000 members. New Tork, City has 230
churches.- ... .-.". ..-''.
The celebration will end - Baturday
with a parade. In which. It is evident,
many . thousand Catholics will partici
pate, -
rt -; (Continued from Page Ona) h-z
in if
. (Cnlted Preat Xeaaed Wire.) ' '. j
Santa: Crus, Cal., April 188. Death for
her wedding lnrutead of the. festivities
that had been planned was the 'fate of
Miss Gladys Drullard. whoso, parents
reside In this. city. Her. marriage to
Edgar Miles Wilson of y Fairbanks.
Alaska, was indefinitely postponed on
Bceour-t of ner Illness, which: was not
thought to be of a. serious notu: until
the . typhoU fever.' followed by. menin
gitis, suddenly developed, " causing her
de&ii. So. thai on the dsy she wao to
hive been a bride the young woman lies
dea-i. Miss Drullard, who an IS ypam
old. -was . very populHr'.in . Sauta Crui
aoulcty. - . v .-
the continuance' was .-granted with the
understanding that Burkhart would
nhinn il nlea when - the trial dnte
came, but this Is denied bv Mr. Allen,
who savs there is nothing . in the rumor.
. It Is believed that Boss, who has been
convicted, Burkhart, whose case Is pend
ing, and Georgei A. ssteei, wnoee connec
tion with the case is under Investiga
tion, were more closly associated than
has yet been brought out in the trial of
Rons, and It is argued that the investi
gation of ' Steel's connection with the
other two lends credibility to the story
that Burkhart, Is preparing to become a
witness for the state. , 4
Unttm1 Prpua Leaoee Wire.) ; .
. Seaitle, Wash., Aprll lS.- The placing
of two and possibly three new steam
ships in the. Alaska trade-to salt out of
Penttle and connect with the Copoer
River & Northwestern railroad at Cor
dovla, on 'the- completion of that line
next year, was aeclflel on at the annual
meeting -of the Northwestern Commer
ctal company last night. ; - The vessels
will cost in the neighborhood of 1500
vOO each enu will -be built on Puget
rouna. , , . ,
i I
r : -. '
Northern Pacific Railway
Including St. Paul, Minneapolis, Quluth, Chicago,
St' Louis Omaha, ; Kansas City,. St. Joseph, etc
1 r ' 1
or vrrite - r .
; "; A. D. CHARLTON, Ai G; P. A. ,
l ' ' ' '" ! 255 'Morrison Street,' Portland, Oregon
t'mmmmmmmimmwmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmim mmtnmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmm H
N It
Clarke County, Washington, Farm Bargain's ' I
r 160 ACBSS good fruit land, i acres under cultivation. ; icomrortaoie s
ranch buildings, flne spring water, several thousand ' cords of . wood, 9 .
miles from K. R. station and Columbia river; abundance of -outranges . ,
S100j half cash, balance to suit at 8 per cent Interest. ' ,
940 AC3UB3 .fins' fruit - land, or would make an excellent stock ranch,
several thousand cords of wood, living water on each quarterr- miles
from good B- R. town on Nprth Bank road and on the Columbi river.
Vargain ai MT.W Per avcre. jierma tin pan. ush wnn .u- luum tivu
the heart of
land. .Abundance outrange.
easily cleared, being In an oldT'
failing spring water, beautiful f J, '
d household furniture,, 5 miles T '
11200.00. Z-
' " I Arpentlne Cropg tod., v ''
' - (ITnltert l'rM lieit Wlrs.k - 'i
Buenos -.Ayr,. April 28. Abnndrtnt
rain hvi fallen all over the eountrv
ssaiirirtv- abundant ttrops for all cereals,
esneolally -.male.".' t...... - .-. -.; , , , ...
Br official reports we know that the
efforts to raise a loan tn Paris.-London
and Berlin of .433,000,000 'gold.i have
sulted'.ln sucoefs, . Thin' lodrf will- bo
il for the uunversion of the Jaat.
' ' " '
.40 ACSB8 all good land, enough green saw timber to more than pay ;
for the place. Close to school. 6 miles from good town on- North Bank
R.,R.iand Columbia riyer. A good buy at HHUO.UU.
on AOasi. 4 acres cleared, balance
' hum. inmfnrtahlA ranch- builrllnira. never
AAn.lH.pfthl. n.rmn.1 nrnnertv and
frrtm ft. R and Columbia river. Price A1200
' ko irntra hut nf tanilJ f ft aci-ea under cultivation. ' B acres in as--' I
sorted fruits in full bearing, J-story 8-room' house with hall large barn
and alt 1 necessary outbuildings. 28 acres fine green saw timber, the bal-
ance or tne lana is excepiionmiy wy i 1
Personal property: Good team, wagon and harnesses, hack , and top
buggy, plows, harrow, cultivator and all small tools, 4 good milch cows,
some young stock and some full-blood Berkshire hogs, a lot of chickens,
etc., etc., all for M4.100. This place Is situated ,10 ml es. .from 4 Van
couver and close to a good R. R and country , town and In the heart of
the-dairying, fiuit and farming section. , s ,s ; , , , . .
, v This 1 only a sample of our places. We.' have the best list of any
'firm in th city, . Bank references. ' - - '.;.'".'.