JOUPJiAL CIRCULATIOli ' yrsTi:i:nAV was More Help Wanted? -; Business tor Sale? Heal Estate tor Sulc? ADVERTISE IN THE JOURNAL 29,425 The Weather, Fair, tonight wltl) light fr'o.t; Wednesday fair, warmer. PRICE TWO CENTS: nC cYii TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 23,. 1D08. SIXTEEN PAGES. PORTLAND, OREGON, VOL. VII. ) an n i r J, r i t .rSt II ; . - t nu. - , , , ...... . C' All ;x J L J) 3it . . . I i ' i A I II i - L 4 V m r-7, a E 'DECUAfES TO WTEttSTOSUPPORl tT M Cake and Georea E. Chamberlain taice raaicauy "'" nr cou"1'. h ha declined to adviat the nomination of State- U KiStM position which re.ulted in bis own defeat. . ; mentha candate. posmon w h.n(i claret with-emphaiU that SS-SSlitt .fHo he 1 -Sr M contends thatTi. U the premier exponent of the principl.'of e. -.:v - Yt h iiti be does nob consider that he is called upon , !"in liiYeAora t ? county or district whether they should come 'to Uetupport' :of. independent candidate. J who are representing . StatemSt No. 1 principle in those parts of the state where the issue : will ?lX?ttipl st'the June election, ..,it d,d in some part, of the . tut at the vnmx' j i Ww ' explicit He say. he I, SSiSt : No 1 advoct; ha. bwen in the past and will be through the fctlSSl hcaVe BcUing ia th, prinap e t ot by Statement No H.-,ftr rhamberlain contend, that it I. m auiy 10 spreaa me auwinc ' SteS itliiSS). who wiU listen. Ut is his duty, and will be hit ina ro pv .j:.. ,. n-oole durinir the cominff campaign to vote only fS those candidates for legislative office No I and who are thereby known to be ; V direct election of United States .enator. "I Cannot. Meddle ini .CQun:. ' ty's rolitical Affairs, (. . V . v.;, Says.CakeUii trloV Mid Mr. Cake in dlaouaalnf hl attitude regardlnf rao" iSah,r: uiur. inVwh.4? hVthou, f that atutud , i ii h mti ' I - h Jv. wpported It fVom the In now and will continu to .upport U for to rNtureT During th P" mary un- P1?0 P."n J:i.- i"dld not a4vo ' fain of county or to atwnipt-to int to any ticket that ahoulbo leot d I conalder that the . people -ahould TWO MEN FATAIAY ' : INJURED IN WRECK ""v J"1' AfUl7 trn road, baa It Stanley, Oklahoma id ' .LTttrwothl were nur ,.in.k. There is aome evuienvw r. m th accident ocourre. on.,, a. atr&tatit Piece or traca. ThnIA ff atally Injured are: J. B. Max J. Adams, Well, Lowell, ; Arkaoaa.; Franots. Oklahoma. - TARS BUY LOVING CUP FOR IX)S ANGELES ?'.' (United Ptcm tewed Wlre.J " . Canta Barbara, Cal.. April 28-The v.1,7. (r-lcfTta t)f the battleship Missouri hlUve rald a fund f tTOO by .ubrip Uon? and today delegated one of their ,mn to take the money to Los Angelee 2nd buy a loving cup. to bepresented to the city In appreciation of the wel come an" antenalnment given them thF?ur" other batUhlpsJof the fleet are now raising a fund with which to Sresent Loe Angeles a souvenir of th "Ileet week In the city. . ' . . , INJURES I'JIFE; DIES OF GRIEF Canadian Farmer, Accident -: ally Drives Over Woman - ; arid Loses Own Life ' ' ' (United PraM Leiied Wlre.1 . New Westminster, - B. C, Aprll 8- Following a serious acciaenv wmuu frii hla wife on Friday afternoon, and ,. v,(h ha wna unintentionally re- ' ..k. t rmmhi a. rott road farm ,ltr, dH suddenly last night from heart failure, flirectiy traceaoie w iu "-'y-inent and emotion -attendant upon his wife's 'accident. ' ,: i u- Mrs. Coomba was, run over bya. rig Whl?h her husband wms driving, the wheels passing over ber prostrate , body . twice as. In his frantic efforts to stay the prancing team Coomb comrUed them to back up over the fallen woman a teoond time. Mrs. Coombs Is not ex pected to live. ,. 8TATBI re who ha, not .ubsenbed to State. who have subscribed to Statement in sympathy with the doctnne of by popular vote. rVr; .. V ;, f4Votc. for Statement 1 Men Irrespective of ? Political Belief,!! Says GoTernor.- TJo rou want td know what I think bout ltf aeked Qoternor Chamberlam in tnntr to the -iii nation of 1 nlu etll" tude tegardlna the movement for nomU natlnc and electing Independent but men! No. 1 candidate tor the'leaiela- ture. . "I will tell you."-he aald. coming to. the answer.. ."I believe In tlie 'prlnol- pie ol statement JNo. I. i nave aiwey believed In It and will continue to do ao iturlnv my future career. I have alwaya advocated Statement No. 1 At Oregon City, during the last primary campaign, when I delivered-an address there I ad when i oeiiverea-an aaarcas mere i au- vised the DeoDle of Clackamas county to stand back of BtatemenfNo. 1 and to vote for those candidates for the legis lature who subscribed . to Statement No. 1 and for those candidates aione. 'Tiurln the enmlnr amDatan. as go out over the state I will continue fffl give this advice. . I will tell the voters hirwu, there la a Statement No. 1 candidate for the . legislature to M vote for that candidate irrespective of his political belief or ,his party affiliation, . "As an advocate' of and believer In the nncipie or airect election oi vmwu iiitu wnatsn b the neoole I do not see what other ground I could take. Be lieving thst the legislature should obey the dictates or tne peopie in ine eiec tinn (if -the, senator. I oonnlder it con slstent for m to advise tne . people to .nil inn that, the leaislature will obey them by electing onlv those men who Sledge themselves to abide by the popu ir voice, expressed at the polls.. Being of this belief I consider It my course to point out to the voters that they should vote for Statemeat No. X candidates In order to establish the principle of State nut Hn. 1 and ntrencb the oeoole in their Dower to designate their eholce for United States senators. I British Scout boat Alttentive'.Bams Destroyer Gala and Sends It to.Bpttom While MarieuYering at Night Without Lights. ; ; x ' ' ; :'' (United -Pren teased Wire.) narvleh. England, April H. For tha third time within a month disaster has befallen the Brttiah navy, the latest ao-.; eldent occurring during maneuvers, orr Kentish Knock., in. the JNortn . oea last night, when the scout boat Attentive ran" down tha. torpedo boat destroyer Gala, outing the Gala Jin twain and .end ing her to the bottom. All or tne mem bers of -the Gala's crew were reacued with the exception of the- engineer.; who BOSTON CONTRACTORS SAY PRESIDENT HAS ! DONE THEM INJUSTICE , , (tatted Pren Ueied Wire.) ' Boston; April 28. -President Roose velt has stirred up a hornets' nest by making referenoe In his message read In congress today to alleged collusive bidding by certain contractors for the city contracts of Boaton. , Tbe contract- JUDGE GE0KGE GRAY MAKES CAMPAIGN PLAY .-'- -. .'.fv:..iin, . ' ' ''; 'rt: ?:fs'i;: (United PreM Lttted Wlre.1 Princetons N. J. April 2..-That no cttlsen of the. United States should. re ceive a compensation greater than "that paid to the president was the opinion expressed today by Judge George tray. of (Delaware. In declining a munificent ealar; "of fired hl T if he would .become : BMSE. iimPEiwmis Metropolitan is Tallest Building -1 ., i . it) . v rr T:T -1 5t 7: nirtrf i of the : tanest talMIng la the world. The' photograph show, the tower c4: the 'Metropolitan Life Insurance company's building in New York, and the line drawing shows the addition to the rtractnre which will carryx It' more than TOO J feet above the sidewalk. . , ... was unable to reach tha deck, before the uMflAl wnnt down. . : . - The torpedo flotilla was maneuvering without lights when the accident oc- verlngSwlthout lights. ttadar had smashed to .the GaU .amioanips and in backing off struck the .torpedo DiHhi. Y.lrhta were immediately turned on and the Gala', nvenwere olcked up The Kibble was forced to but in at Sheerness, -ner two cobiii v menu being filled with water. ora declare that the president haa done them an injustice. , President Smith, of the Smith-Lowe II anmnanv rtr.(rt that his COnCem. Which was named In connection with what Is known as the Boston agreement' hd ever heen concerned In any deal ln- 1 volving city contracts. ,-s. ,. : . . r- ; the head of ona -of the big insurance companies. . . . The salary whlchv he decline for the sake of principle la eeld to be 1200.000 a year. ' , , ' s New Steamship Line.. "(Ue'ted Preee Ie Wire. J Madrid. April i8. The French Trans Atlantic Steamship company ha. llshea a line of steamer, between Bn boa una Nptc Yorl which will make the lournev in 1! days. It will enjov areit commercial aavantage. M e . - a , - i i .'. I GOES 001 IM1 (1EAGHIF3G FOR STEEL Stalo'irreasurer -May; Yet Answer to Courts for Con nection With' Wreckers of -Title Guarantee & Trust Company. ( f;: .'.. TTnwillinir Spirit of Witness . During. Ross Trial Leads - to : .Uffly Rumors Butk : hart State Witness at Next 'I'dtem A. Steel treamirer of Oregon. la under the shadow Of InvesUgaUon rn . hia - oonnectloa wits J. TnorDum pu and T. T.xBurkhart In the wreck m. h Title Guarante ' Trust SP W ww . company and may have to answer be fore the courts. . ': " . ; iKa law durinr the In' vestltT-m wVulting inthe Indictment of J. Thorburn Ross, T. T. Burkbart. u a KoHlann and Oeorg K. Hill. i.V... ' steel was expected to be able to aid the prosecution very ma terially' when : the m ef tb- bank .bowed that My. Steel knew much ooncemtng the .,po-t or ine j st& money and how tUey were ih bank. it. was expected that when $Tt upon the! wltswsliad U hi. i testl-. Siony ; would be of fteat aid to the 'l5i'eei TTawiilaeT'witooesv'ii-''C; .-ini i.nwn.ii'lii'. 6teel wftS at.wiiaB7.n: witness. - He , remembered clearly all wan-actions helpful . to the lefend ant'a aide of the case, but hla mUifl.waa p?.ctloally blank when Judge Wp.Md bietrlct 'Attorney- Manning began to nrobe him in oenau "i v u Since the trial of Ross, which result ed In hleoonvlotlon at Salem before judge Burnett, the, district - attorney's office has begun,, to probe Into the bank, re" rds again, no to trengthea SK case T of the sUte against the re maining defendants, but .to . rt w Jus where the sUte treasurer stood in hi. connection with Boss and Burkhart. Mr. Manning wUl not dlacuss Ms plans regarding the f u4ui trlaK of the Title Guarantee cases. He admits, how ever, that the purpose of his present in vestigation is to determine Just what Steelps connection with Boas and Burk- l.a ' wraa a i ' ! -Th courN of thU -Invotifatlon bo aa Vtmm Hat art tll how that Steel was closely associated with Ross and Burk- hart, both personally and In a business way. It has been shown that he main' liinn watch on the banking law under which Boss was so favored by i tha state treasurer, and advised with him concerning Its fate at the nana, or the legislature. :i . 5 Burkhart a State witness. ;cr ft la hinted In rumor that when the Investigation now being conducted haa come to an end. State Treasurer Steel will be entangled In the Title Guarantee mess through his close association with Ross and . Burkhart and that he, too, will have to face the courts. ' Trial of T. T. Burkhsrt has been Tpost- poned until July 13 at the request of his attorneys. r There Is a continued rumor that Burkhart will come Into tha state', camp before that time and tell what he knows of tbe wrecking of . the Title Guarantee ft Trust company. - Ti - . It is believed that Burkhart has In his possession evidence which would be of very material value, to the prosecu tion and that he has been considering the advisability of Imparting this informa tion in return ior some consideration at the hands of the prosecution should he be able to secure such consideration. .;';. Kay Change Flea. Mr. Manning will not discus. 4ha situ ation, and Harrison Alien attorney for Burkhart, .denies in positive terms mat his client win neaa gumx. tend, that the ease will go to trial July IS and that his client will stay by hla present plea of not guilty throughout. In spite of this the rumor refuses to be quieted ana continues to tne eiiect tnat wnen tne time comes dui mian win tell what lie knows for the benefit of the state's case, it is contended tnat (Oontlnued on Page Twa) First Gun of the "Campaign Governor Chamberlain will fire the opening Sun of the senatorial campaign tonight at a mas. meeting to be held at Bickner's hall. 102 North Jersey street, St. John.' The hall 1. on the line of the St. Johna car and prepara tion, have "been , made for a packed ;houae.,ra;,tfl-ff''' V1 Bev. F. I Toung will aot a. chairman, ii The program; will in olude muale,; In J hla address nnvurnar. Chamberlain will aet forth hi. view, on the Issues of a. ' , e.mnalin and - Will discus. Oregon", neeas in tne ma.w.v national legislation and appro- national leglslatK prUtiOnS. v t ;:v.. This wUl be the only oppor tunity that votera of thl. county will have to hear ' tha : governor ( before be leave, to campaign the Ute. - SPENDS ' FQRTUNE FOR DRESS : AND HUBBY lb ALAKJnuu - 1 - 04 I r i Advlcea rrom. arm state -" . eccentrtdUea and rttravagancea of ' young Mrs! Jame? A. StlUman, for-, , merly "Flfi" Potter,' rdaoghter, of. Mr.. Jamei; Browa Potter g Hnnslv alarmed , her friend.., er . hnsband laming all hl. inflnencei to persuade her to return to the United State.. She ' has within the past month .pent $50,000 for honae Uiien alone, and-ha. bongiit o naa " ...r.ra nf BOO aDiecc ' Pictures are from recent photograph, of Mr. and LOSES:! John Dowling, Oljmpia In- vehtor, Declares He llas f r Been Bobbed by snarKS. . " -r - ' i : finite. PrM Leawd Wlre. mmm. Anrll 28.John Powling, an l.ntnr. whoa. nome im in v.-t Washington, occuple. a cell "hera today, and Charles PondeUck. a machine maker, inflicted by Dowllng. f The ehoot hmneht to an abrupt ending a legal .A., in which the two men; in euui1...v- , . .nrnevfL were the presence v , -engaged.., . ,i'iCiV'f'w-''. tW ' un- 'Ia loss of $8,600, Dowttng Iseharged h having pulled a revolver, from lis ioaed Wlin IS P The DOCKei iu nua. .r-.7 1Ket and f i l.ii.r'i attorney, james n. was si wounded I" trying to wrest ; the on from the Inventor, -iftljt .kr avarv cent he ; had saved i i tha nonce siauuii svniium ww- to promote an Invention ha4 been etplen .".hWtlng'occVrred ltf the oftlee of Attorney Tllton. where, iJowimg naa with his attorney, tj, a. rx.,m.t nf Little Rock, Washington ha. been noUfied of hi. father', arrest m f . ... , . OBEY;- SEI1EI CONGRESSMAN. LILLEY MAY BE DISMISSED FOR MAKING CHARGES t ' (United Prene Lwted Wlre. Washington. April !, 18. Bepreeenta tlve Olmsted of the committee which is Investigating' the charge involving the Electric Boat company; surprised Repre sentative Lilly's attorney, Frank 1 Brown of Corinectlout, Hy declaring 'that hi? client may be call before the bar of the house arid expelled. There had bon a great deal of talK . ' ' - i ' . '.- ' ..I -. . I ' , . ':".-.. -. . '; ' ., V V,, Un SUllman ,4 irxe '' 1 FEZ CONSULATES HUE THREATEHED City. Praetically in Hands of Moslem Jtanus unu jiuj Sttack;ForeigriersJ;: ; (nnlted Pr teeeed Wlr. ; i Aarta ' Aoril 28v Tangier report. Of most . alarming ; nature -.. .are s received hera today,-The most .tart- Ung la that the city of Fe w ..yirtumtiy In the hands of the : Moslem bands. which are threatening to sack; au xne foreign consulates. The French gov- t.. l..ninr, t). wing hot between Parts and SiorScco In seeking the latr est "nformatlon. Jhe news of thaaav " nf itAtaulL the i famous believed generally In Paris that he , la aeaa. Plan Ovation for -Taft. . luium .-w . ' Anrll as. -The- new Taft organisation In this city has arranged tourn out in great array at Carnegie hall tonight, when Secretary Taft de livers an address under th auspice, of the Civio Forum.. The secretary la. to .Son "Th Influence of America on speaK -f tVl. world" t'opuiar mniivH..-. - " : t of the poeslbaitv- of svch extreme ac tion, but this was the fiMt Intimation had come from the lnveet.auu. .committee itself. v ; . llf. I,Hiev nimoBii . .v.o. mw He U 111 in hi apartments at bj N Willard. and it i said '.-'f.ind Phvslcian will not allow hlra ' o attena lay more of the heannifs, so near to a complete nervou colHpfe is he a Mlt l V' jtaJiw- the lvetl.a Ji fcV. s,-v ill' mom Finos John Brown Wlio ..Killed William T. Wisdom at Ironsides Exonented by Grand Jury at Talc, .Ore gon,' ... Wisdom Had Led Fourteen- Tear-Old J Daughter of : Brown rAstray Shooting ,by:lndignant Father Fol-. lowedl'V-'V-''''. (SoeeUl Ptspeteh to The Joeraal.) Vale. Or.. Aprn 28. Jobn Brown. who on rehrnary 14 shot and in stantly killed William T. "WUdom at Iroa.lde, this county, to avenge we wrongs of his worse than motherless little daughter, 14 years oia, was re leased from custody today, the Mal heur county grand Jury holding ms killing Justifiable and refusing to in dict Brown. Public sentiment i sat isfied with ths decision ox tn gn Brown, a .ober ana mausinoua iuu ef limited means, had uvea, wivn ms wlf. and children, on a homeatead near tha vlllate of Ironside, but it was a m.tfae at common repute that hi. wife had beon troublesome to hi. peace, and about six month, ago she left him and their ' alx small ohlldren, .ince which Urn .he has been In Baker City. - Tha eldest of the six children is a daughter about' 14 year. old. and ltwa. for thl. child that Brown set a ry that ordinarily place, men In ' the Shadow or tne gauown. - . - . The atory of the girl', wrong, dates back to aoout two year, ago, when Wisdom built a shack en the Brown homestead, without the consent of the latter. This caused aome trouble be tween the two men, as Brown suspected tbe purpose of Wisdom. , Wisdom was reputed to be a shlf Uess fellow generally, priding himself on his gallantries. During the two year, he occupied the house on the Brown home atead he wa not employed at any par ticular occupation, simply working enough as a day laborer to secure a subsistence. During this time the trou ble between the two men would at times recur, but nothing serious took place until about two day. before the shoot ing. When Brown came home and found hi. Anni.itH rrvlnr. He tried to in duce her to tell him the cause of her trouble; but for some urns sne poemva ly refused to give him an Inkling of the ai raaaon. but finally she broke down and said "Old BUI haa been here again." Thia was the first Intimation that Brown had ' ever had that his daughter had been led astray and he elicited from her the statement tnat tor , me year she had been the victim r the most extreme and revolting bestiality. . The relation of these events by his own daughter,-whom he supposed to be an Ignorant child, half erased Brown, but he repressed hi. wrath for the time being and went to a nearby neighbor for consultation. To the neighbor he broke down and cried like a naoy ana 101a u tory of tho wrong that had been done. Was Befused Advice. The neighbor refused to give' hlra ad vice, but suggested that lor tn time k. hrtnr hla children to his home and leave them, pending further navel. opments. ' TM. waa none ami ui meantime the neighbor visited Wisdom and advised him to leave.1 lest there be trouble. This Wlsdomi refused to do, for the reason, a. he said, that he was not guilty of that of which he had been accused, and he would not run. but he agreed to leave ' the Brown homestead, not to return. , -' hi- ' home and in- The next nay Brown appe y; outrad of the storekeeper If he could borrow his .gun, as hewantea jo on the'ereekand tantto A number of persons were In the store t tbTtlma but noticed Jiothing unusu., to his 'manner. . He took the gun ani (Continued on Page Two.) ARCHIST DIES Seliff Silverstein livci .Month After Bein-IIurt by His Own Bomb. '' (trnld Pnm tsd Wlra New Toik, Atrll 2.Aft.'r 1' teg for a month Sails Silver. .. young anarchist who was w I" Injured by the etploslon of a ' he attempted to hurl lit a i,i I -lice durin a demniT.f.":i r unemployed i I f""ii !"-. ' flIilversttln 'howe-1 ,! the phyi"'.f t I' :--"" noun.'inir )fii..-:l.ii, v " r ' . was mm0. 1 i. -t 1 e 1 J fw i, ...i ' SUPPORTERS , ' f . .., . ) & vi- ? '" awjaaapaBaaMaawawwaaw . -":.