The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 27, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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AH tWDIf IWDf WT KBWtfAflfc.
C B. JACKAO .......rWUfc
rMUkr4 w imli M)pt Saeaa1 eae
own more than V certain amount of land, as It ' ia not near, an other
even the most proddctlve lead. With Faclflo coaat port Tat a business
auch ft law la force; with 10'fanv amounting, ft ia said, to 1110,000 a
lllea tattled on those fertile plains year, at a word from the hoetlla
where one family hae a home now; (war department, of which, by the
with, treat Quantity not only of way, Mr. Taft It at the head, la to
Small Changs
thousand ought to register
r7V!iT,:Sd"itfu t'TO-Tot but of other gralna, and fruit, be transferred to Ban , Tranciaco.
-; ' 0. ana vegetables, raised, aad wim a net-1 secretary Tan is pernaps-Bure or
fr.S.XZi vSJ&ur&ttnim work of electric railways tbronsh Oiegon'a delegation. to the Repabll-
' I eti-a region, how vastly , betters the can convention, and doubtful about
tm n-noNr.A-WAi mi nova. a-fLi&nii would be utilised than It U I California a. 1 Perhape . the
a u i.iuit Mn Miwtt.a at ma ninera, ...... - ,
tVii t . iii tert-Mt r- . I now, and what opportunity It would l reaiiy cornea rronwiarna ana warn-
East KM ernve. B-44; Hut S3.
afford to thonaanda of people book-I man.
V- I. ml a tpwUI Atlwdttac At"?.
. rtrniwurl-k BulMI.. UJ flflfc araBS. Wee
: TrllHiM Uulldlnf, Chios.
liptirllua lirnl fer U t ear (Mr
la ib I ait Canada r Maales.
oe rear ....,,.83 l Ona BMatfe.......l
f siKPAf.
Ona rr. ..... M.V t Op evnfa..,,.,.S
On Mr . .IT.W Oaa amala., I
tttti -n in1 T.mii in irrrmni ,
We do not expect- thte reform
meaaure to be enacted very 'soon;
It will require discussion and agita
tion and meditation; but ia there any
rood reaaon why auch a law, care
fully conatructed, wonld not be a
great good to the greater number of
people, not only in Umatilla county
but throughout the atateT
But keep on hurrahing and voting
just the aama. Whan smitten on
one cheek, turn the other for an
other whack.
v . by FltEDEIUO J. IIASKIV. . .., ,
. ' (Copyright 0. byFredsrlejr.Haskin.)
Toklo, March . 16.- The gre&teat economlo trnat In the world haa Ita
headquartere In the palacea of Toklo. The Japaneae imperial "household
la the canter around which an amaslag bualneaa ' organisation revolves,
The effecta of the aDDllcatlon of "trnat" methods to a naxtnerahln Wwmii
order! a sovereign atate, a family of prfnoes ruling by divine right, and a eer-1 UtUr b. 00 tbrt) ,oi
tain ouqu vi nca men, are neing leit ail over me asst.. ia oenna uu The pulp and paper trust la aaf for
parineranip ana explain ma aetaus or us worzing wouia oe aa airricuit aa i ar ue ouiar uniu.
It would hare been 10 yeara ago to get a line on the operations of a
The flray boom .will naver aaeutne any
mora aacwaa coior,
0pMklna; of bla atlcka. that one of ,
Whan Hobaon eomaa. the Jape would
Stray Topics
.From Nc-w York
XW TORS, -April tf s-anothar Im.
porUnt atap In the vaat 190,000,.
000 worth of tmprovemanta that
re balna carriad ' oik' tv tha
.. nnyivanl railroad la lit ayo
tra of tunnala that will eoonoot Man
hatUn with Long Island City and New
Jaraey waa takan lut w.k h k
aroai American tire inauranoe company, uut juac aa unanciaj peace in pun about th nomlnao for aanator win- tnnnal uador Barcan UU1 waji eompletad,
So far not a pararraphar haa mad a I
It la the moral and intellec
tual progreaa of the people to
' which the patriot ahould de-
vote himself aa the only dig
nity and aafeguard of the;
atate. W. E. Channing.
T IS NATURAL and proper to
ympathlie with a man like
J. Thorburn Roaa . when con
Tlcted of a crime and aenteneed
PACETIOUSXESS 0ERDONE. U Ignominloua punlahment More
than to him, sincere And sorrowful
TliREB OR FOUR anti-Statement I sympathy rune to hie refined andlfi. and in many f them it-controls
No. 1 newapapera that began. Innocent family. It seems a eTwatlfc;5fcirp& uvS
' immeaiateiy arter tne pnmar-1 trageay wnen eucn a man. wno naa
lea, to eall on Governor Cham-1 to all outward appearances always
berlaln to withdraw from the aena- led a strictly moral life, who has
America required the exposure of the insurance company methods, so la
ternatlonal peace in the orient may require a frank exposition of this
mysterious trust of Japan. ' , ; ,' .' ; ,'.
The aaa-lonf prejudice againat aaer
chants tn Japan haa not prarantad the
prlncaa of the Impartai houaohold from
aelalna an opportunity to inaBa a lit
tie on the alda la a 'purely eommarclal
way. .The lmpartaj aouaoboia, oporating
undar the eatabllahad Coda of family
lawa, owu atock la naarly orary larga
bualnoM oonoarm undar the Japnaa
torlal race, aeem to hare become ao I stood high In good society, who haa
delighted with their : facotlousness I been1 an active and useful member
that they hare kept reiterating the of a prominent church, ao falls. O,
tlona, until now abooluta masters of
tha world' trmda, to axaraln into thai
ways aad ma&aa by which tthoaa thlnaa
MTivNunon. inooooiuom isaumi in
upportlns: tha proposition that If Japan
has ben admitted to Uia family of lbs
flrat-oUss nations, the first oriental na
tion to be so honored, it must obsarv
me ruiee or uia aania aa- played by the
older nations, and must conform to In
ternational ethics in buslnaas aa well as
iv mi wiuHivnai imw in war. , ,
- ' Sxperta APVJa l"oew '.
Official reDreaantatlvaa at vuttni
nations la Japan ax now besrechlns
uwunr vmn wp.iw w..yuu . . mir lovarnmaotf to send competent
aovornmenL which they control br tWr a.Mrta I- nniiti. ZZ. . i . . ' '
asaoclatlon with th rullna oligarchy. . I lea to this country to make a atud
Kor Uiatanoo, tha Imparlal oousonpia I of condlUons and to asoartaln if bmiU
. ...... t , . . . . i i . mill . i . . ; : . w
vwsu m r,iuiiuH on, juai wnsro US nrivato bualneaa an.
sang la a caaa-waife, v- . Aftor this tunnel waa connects U waa
. If th Naw York World eoold only ,lbI tojlwmllt undrrouiid and under
realla th f-ct. It la halplng lnetaad of water a dlaUooa of .oror fire Bailee
burning Hryan'a oandliSacy. i. from Ivons; .Island to Jersey Meadows.
a a i . . . Thai minnlatliui e tM. I.
But 14 new battleahlpa wouldn't rn- b, th artiMLi.r tZ. ,.a .1
ire Pac In a poiitloai oonventlon, or fTV' . nia Of the road aa
parent when ft Is considered that the
owners oan also - operate through the I
nstanoo, th Imparlal household of condlUona and to asoorUln. If ooasl
lama, cotton siinnlaa mill Th bU .. h. r . v, r, . . . v! i' . r. .
raw cotton must be brought from th terprin In Japan leaves off and where
United Btatea. manufactured In-Japan, th. v.X,-n, JZTi Wa"Z I
1 iuf,uuua muii oi eouxae o con-
la a women's oonventlon,' lthr.
lYank Gould say that If he war poor
h would b happy. W know who
woojd accept all your money, Frank.
' .
' Count Bont eontamplatlna Anna's
marriair '. with th de Hasan fellow,
feels sure of his reverse on her, at
lru "V . . ;;:
Xould'e missions under a curse" Is
th heading of an editorial In an e
Chang. .But 1111
think ao. . .
HT SHOULD NOT men seek
Ing public Of flee . be aub I BUggestion until they seem to have! the Pity. Of it. And aome Bay that Imperial household wishing to make a I ducted wltn great tact and diplomacy, I hav helped.
jected to the aame testa as made themselves and aome of their on theM acconnU the law ahould f SniKtGvpir JapaT-wiu n..rnt "fe
io iiiness inai are appnea i readers peueve tnat uey . are in I oe lenient, tne state anonia oe merci-i to compel with other yama in tn ing mad. Tet th diplomatists of th
in the cum o private employmentT eam-t. It Is often .aid that one ful; that auch a man -honid be al- nrn'r .0
i w uiitut uvt ftc iu iu.w7 CUJU1-1 oy royrauus; a nuuii; . luiiuicu vi I iuwiu ip ouiys uio yfuaiii u ui 01. , ji auao owna ium vim I uauon. ui ona or wnlcn may b the
, onic atatesmen to repreeent s. butllmarlned 5 yarn often enough will sake of wife and children, of church ll'.PJ'U!? "L.V '.la ?S,rAh-n,w..' "d the.drnchina
we would get men who would do I after awhile come to believe it true, I and society.
tblnps.. The system Is worth trying and poaalbly thla la the case with I But no argument la needed to
and In June there will be an excel-1 these three or four editors who are I show that such a policy would be
lent opportunity to put it to the! insisting (hat' since Cake received I destructive of the first principles of
, test, uovernor cnamoeriaia ana 1 the Republican nomination for aena (Justice, The greater a man a intern-1 carried by thos ships at a profit; if th way th government officials talk
Mr. Cake are the two candidatea for tor Chamberlain ahould withdraw. , Igence and ability and opportunity, I ao, th profit ,sros to th inperui about and nothing could appear to
the United Statea senate. One or L But a little reflection shows that the greater hi. crime or aln when .Vt? br t.nmu i tKVZ23??SS&
the other will represent thla atate at I thla suggestion or demand Is tot rea-1 he violates the civil and the moral I y imperial houaohold, but by th at the ivory sam tim a governmant eioiung, rcki. d th eons-
Waahlpgton for alt years from next eonable or worthy of more than very haw. Many men are eeiH t9 prison 1 th ship nlYial.Z " ITamrnrSwn br t. ioVem.nil QU,nCM J-'
March. brief consideration. In the first whose intelligence is low, whose op-1 Vsee ret nkatdiee. ?i?!Ij0Z.,?-con,?M?-. maopl, l "We auspct that U th
Which shall It bar , It la for thelpUce, it comes almost entirely from I portunltlea .have been email, who I Losses in other business in which
people to choose. How can their papers that were oppoaed to or not have been Illy brought np, who have ?t AJStSSnmTVn madt ud
LduiLe uu uciciiumcu uvuer itiau niat ail in Bympauy wiui me aieciion 1 caa out Utile lignt in tneir bouib oriin tne same way. m
th beginning of tha end of th crest
enterprlss which la to bring at least
1,000 trains a day Into Manhattan,
while th tunnel system la far from
oomplst for trains will not be run reg
ularly until it 10, still th work la pro
greasing satisfactorily. Over II miles
of tunnel nave already bean axoaratad,
w''l.l!-c,J,,ttaJ the removal of over
1.000.000 cubio yards at raJr aiut rti
" Th closing of th Fifth Avenu hotel.
New Tork's famous old boatelry, da-
Am fi.r.n I w' " . . "u" Swoop III nom Ol
d. Began, Ooeen 1 1 mauy of th world's most famous men,
woo nav visiieq uouiam in toe last 0
V.l. VU I WUUOWnf VI T OI tnO lUI. .
. . . : . - . , 1 hiiui, . luui lis Tallin, w nmw natw r, .a w .
Mm, but ir be had pean nominated ana 1 cuDled by fuiMi 7 l
nnaitt Jun. Bepuuiloans would no.TaluiUrJ
in ini room mat naa been oooupled at
airrerem lime by Abraham Unooln. .
cms room that bad been oooupled
business "go," It will permit Its steam- of th orient la another deluge of
era ia oarrv in, rmw wwn innu u-iwora.
letio and th furnished product to China! Th Japanes government declares to
for less than cost. This srrectuaiiy I th world that It will tak stepe to stop
shuts out all foreign shipping and I the dishonest traders who Imltala for.
makes business for the-Japanes mer-lgn (coda and steal foreign trade-
chant marine. Other business may be I marka. Nothing oould be fairer than
John p. Rockefeller aaya he lovs
everybody, all humanity, and If he
doubtless bellevsa that It la good for
them to be poor.
' e -r- . : -
'. There was a eulet wedding at Walla
Wall, the other day, so far aa th prin
cipal parties war ooDcersed. Both
wer deaf and dumb.
. - ;'-
In tha town of Bkidoo a lynching, a
news item saya. waa -asnerauy ap-
lauded. What el a a could b expected
a town name4 HKiaoo. .
e e '.
Couldn't . that fallow de ' Saga be
somehow lnduoed to get Into a a tr en ti
the relative fltneaa of the two can
dldateaf ..
If the federated trades, it the com
mercial bodies. If the grange, if any
. v ,v- . 1. v. iv. 1 ... . i. i.v. ... 1 ten
w .vi. . i "f" I iuiuu, , uu uvv " I by a half uosen men,
tially pa
ternal government of Japan.
Statement No. 1 method. ' They are I been partly to blame for all thla, I anything on earth, it
not in a favorable poeltlon to make haa no aympathy for them. Ki. MnWrlHi-r.
a nroDosltion of thla kind. And I Tet in a moral aenae one of these I money, a bualneaa will
Individual nr hnd v rvf rtf lnn In thla I .v t - n.i.,..n. i. I . , . i nt . ... I a rlvat ooncern. but With
-rf 1 luck ijuajiiuK iu mKj im uv i men ia uvb uoafij ikj kuiilj mm m uiu . ...... l.ij t r- .
state were required to name one of calculated to help Mr. Cake any. I nke Mr. Roaa. One comprehended I out any weak point with a subsidy, if;
these two gentlemen to represent Why is it that these "anti" organs the difference between right and
their Interests before any tribunal are ao desirous that Mr. Cake ahould wrong far less than the other did.
or body, which would they chooser have no opposition?, V- ':', To punish that man and excuse this
If it were necessary or expedient Then what aort of treatment one would be a deadly blow at the
to nave tnia atate represented in any WOuld It be of Democrats by the gov- TerT taproot of Justice.
great convention, or to present us lernor. after they oald him the com-1
turning out an Imitation of a Brittsh
Amerioae product, stealing even . th
Initials Of 1 th American eomnanv tn
brand - th package. This particular
orana or goods naa wnony a riven th
foreign article from Japan by virtu
th truth wer
known, thos Oould and Vandorbilt
women wer too much Inclined to gossip
over the back fence when hanging out
th wash. , ',
Benjamin Harrison and James O. Ilia In
orougnt nign prloes. The bidding was
spirited for ail of the furnishings of the
lamous 01a noiei. out besides lb room
mentioned the effects from those rooms
oocunled by Oenerai E harm an. General
MoCleUan, Pom Pedro and th Prlnoe of
Wales commanded high prices. . Th
hotel realised aaxlr llOO.tfOB from tha
Sal. , . . . , . , . . : , S
Social settlement aad charity woikors
were given a black ere last week by.
rather Curry, pastor of the St James
ohuron in th lower east side. Father
Curry pitched Into th hous established
by Jacob Rils, Prsldat Hooaevalt's
fi-iend. with special vehemeno, and de '
vuwq mat 11 was paupensing tn cnif
drn and making rrmfter of th par
ents. H further declared that charity
workers among th poor people -f the
Ghetto did nothing but give It a bad
nam and that cto tenths of th money
which Is entrusted to them by eontri
bntlons 1 spent In supporting th work-
Tue attack
lmrilj I SLll! r2PLr-' JPV wner of the New Tork. World, to say .tirred up th bitterest feeling through-
, ' . jt I . luuiiiuuu uinrr, nui 1 o wnat sxieni n is inwnwwu wi- ou, the ait
Interests before any of the depart- piiment and did him the honor to
menta of government or a congrea- nominate him, and "when he had
slonal committee, which one would consented to accept, for him to any
they select? ' Be would not run, would not carry
.If some great Issue Involving dl- tn4 banner or stick by the cause
rectly the. welfare of Oregon were at which they had entrusted to him?
stake and Its determination depended! for there .arejaome Democrats left
upon the manner of Its presentation j vno bb such do not wish to and
and upon the force and Influence of J woald not. vote for Mr. Cake,, and
the advocate, which of theae two men I ir would be an insultlnit thins: to
SjjTiSSB . .,. ' -l S , eTew
would the people prefer? ; i;
The application of such tests as
these should be determinative of the
people'a action in June.' If Mr.
. Cake as senator would aerve .this
' Baker "Sherlock Holmes."
Just how successful a humorist WU
lUm GUlett was when b wroU "Sher
lock Holmes" waa realised yesterday
when th Baker company gave the
them for the governor, after nomin
ation, to decline to make the race.
But mdre than this, there are
thousands of emancipated, independ
ent, voters: mostly, naturally. . Ke- MramatiiMl ronu DovU haro. When
state better than would Governor I nnbllcana. who may orefer Mr. Cham-1 th niar first cam out w. were, too
rii a. a . a t ; -w 1 a I I .
cnamoeriain, men xur. vaao anouia berlaln to Mr. Cake. Many Repub-1 stunned by . the molodramatlo thriiia m
be elected. "If not, he should not beji(rnl,, nrfrrnd him for srovernor to te laugh vry much. But ystrday
Pnrnl.h WUhvfnmhA and "" was iwtn si. wi.
:,r;r -In rnt Whnvr .th ublqultoya Mr.
siuv -, " . , Holmea said or did anything.
uaxe ior oenator. At least meoo , if h- n,, reply, to Dr. Watson-
men, and all others, party lines hav I dear Dr. Watson w held our sides.
Ing bepn much loosened, ahould have " ". SlJRl .Moi1
an opportunity to choose between I And when he went on with those do
these men, .' That .waa what the pri
maries were forto select two can
didates. The election Is for the peo-
. elected. The question is a moment
ous one for the stated Personal am
; bitlon, politics, weigh . as nothing
' compared with the importance of
having Oregon represented at Wash-
Jngton by the strongest possible man.
ductlons of his -, It - almost killed us.
Blesalnss On the head of wnilam Gil
lette for giving tne woria. a, comeay ai
whicn we can laugnr
Not that every thrill waa not present
at the Baker production, jno. maeea
But by some subtle alchemy the old
thrills of terror had been turned Into
MnU RTOHARnSnV tnld tha nuv
I1 pie of Pendleton some plain PIe t0 caoose between these two. It
If tinDalatabla trntha . lnat "hould be an act Bavoring of pol-
. ' . week about their Inactivity I troonery for Goyernor Chamberlain I thrills of delight it's a good chang!
in the maVter of cooperaUve develop- to withdraw now. ; an'r'e'venmg0
ment. and anch wounds of a friend . iuuuu-.uiSruwj 1 Mr.
Bhould be beneficial. Pendleton It- reiterated, la scarcely deserving of
elf haa an enviable reputation aa a so'. much of a reply, yet we give It
town at ftntArnristn. nrorrfllT this much attention lest some voters
people, . so 1 far as , their Immediate nould suppoae that there is some acpropri
"" . I morlt in it But there la not' it la I Alison Dick and no one would hav to
, City affairs are concerned, but, it Is I n,11- cut tuere is uot. " look urund more than one to see of
charged, they have not bestirred ony iViiB?.r V , A M1 n&. -fiSf ISt
.... ...... c I from l(nr habit lika to fool tha neo-I -rnc. "ever Sherlock! He laid down hi"
point but td them and help provide P1 whenever possible.
Alison as Sherlock was Mr. All-
son. It was a boyish, curly Headed,
food-natured Sherlock; Brier lock didn't
Ic at all. The very Idea of calling
that smiling young man Sherlock seemed
preposterous, uick seemea so mucn
appeared not to care whether . the
.great region of which : that city Is
the center was made known abroad
or not; and they have done nothing
to encourage small Instead of large
farming; - ao that the population of
pipe In a pleasant way, with a boyish
smile on his Hps. Be referred to the
young woman In th Larrabe cam with
a look of romantic Joy that was becom
ing to a Dick, but not to a Sherlock.
Ho was a very nice kind of detective.
air. Homam is at least a consistent
HE FLEET will on request stay .latently bad throVPhout The" w
in San Francisco harbor two never a minute's deviation from his
V ,, . . .... . course of ruin. He took Larrabee, who
: day longer , than scheduled In is generally supposed to have been a
the itinerary, so as to be there mor.a E l?BB smooth " individual, and
that region, except on the new irrl- OTe. Sunday. The prosram can be ih .tXtr lsSLS
. Ration projects, has declined rather Tery easily and quickly changed to and roared as usual. William oieason
than increased. Some farmers have acc;de to a quest from San Fran- iht"" w&dded "toThe
bought the adjacent lands, and those ei8Co, but cannot be departed from ??&tnilt?. BAYllyl' w.'?
who sold out have In many cases ln th least In order to come to whoi&alliiiSSi
moved away So. while wheat and Portland. San Francisco can have lZAWjj3rnM.7P&itt1't
..Mlnn tnMi ir thoao' ini . .i. had to do well. There is a host of other
.riwww v - wnatever it wants irom tne govern- characters, an 01 whom do reasonably
duetrles .are, in fewer hands than ment; Portland can get nothing, or '"Sfc ta n. .
formerly and other Industries have little, however deserving of it, or the mechanical effecu fto incase" thi
not gained a foothold-except fruit- however meritorious her. claims. It ,ntere8t ,a tn death chamber under the
1 .ImXmm eK.tmm 1 urana xa ana va 1 lav r m . . . 1 - - - -
rmin5 , lu - i " .; " . . nas ever oeen tnus. nas been so
There are fewer people to buy neces- with regard to the purchase of sup-
earles, and the town cannot grow, pUeg f0r tn Philippines, and in other
The East Oregonian points out the matters. Both the war department
nt frreat farms, and asks. "What .n.fmAn v
Vvr.r- whn ha. 1"" "r::"T'wLw the Editor of The Journal-
ia mc j -1 uubhcu an uypuriunny to iavor San I JBrownsviue, ur., April 28, 1 wish to
raised a big crop or wneat nae a per- Francisco and Seattle at the expense .a;La "w wor.d '.1 ,"!? 1 Mr- Mc;
e,.' tn InvMl : his aurolna ,iia Jl.'?! I Arthur's recent article which appeared
i:.s.. . .ov ., I VI vi u.uu mu nucu 1L ; CUBt Willi in JOUmal.
money in his neignDor a rarrn, ana
however, the imperial household cannot
mak any headway at all againat for
eign competition, tnen th power or tn
government will be utilised, a atate
monopoly la created, and th particular
Industry Is under th control) of th
emDlr of Jaoan. Which la a subsidiary
company in in trust.
' partnsra in th th government Itself, Is trying to foro 1 0uily in predatory - and
a chance to mak th genuln article out of Xlanchurla I corporatlona No answer. .
U b..vcr.r,ed I and other part of China by of faring I , , .
v wiui n vT.iii-i0t imitation at, ensapar pric. I , -;, ol t 1
Ity, hacaus Mr. Rila Is con
th father of settlement work
Thla Is an Instance of a a-overnmant
monopoly. But what no on can tell
with r.rt.lntv 1. Knw tti.nv K m.n. I
ufsoturlng . concerns, apparently con- Mayor Rodgers has Inaugurated
troiiea or private capital, ar really I campaign for a cleaner tJalem.
linked with th sovernment through the I ' .
tTundrada of bushols of Clackamas
county potatoes will not be taken to
market, on- account of th low pric.
A'TJnn count- eras? man. whll be
ing taken to Albany, seised an offloer'a
revolver and shot himself, as was sup
posed fatally, but now he la, not only
Imperial household's orivata ahare
holdings. And no one can know whether
It .is aa entirely Independent concern.
or ona In tha traf. whfih I nln, msvmm
Suddos that John D. Rockefeller. J. I of the thlnra that in P
r, jnurvkui, mu. n. nurnrauj una i nooiH i commcrciu iroUDiA m U rvr tWMlm
fi-iSfA-5.t!?V?S.OTf?.lJ,rai.,.5?l I 0p4al reals WUht,
V W Ul IIINVUI VI VIIV J US WU ' DtaUVB. DUIT I aaa . . . . . .
A-. k. ..i ... i ini occinawnrgu lniArttsic in thi vnrit
r.UBJTa vi.aav nicy wuau iw vu .us ua" la - . . . . . . . - a - .... . w .
lonal treasury for a subsidy to mak'n ' th,la glgantlo trust la not eon- j recovering bodily, but baa become sane
up any loss tney roignt happen to sus- .-fo- iib.
tain In any branch of business. Sup- t.". 1 J? 1 r' .WBar
. . u. . ,k. i. . .v. i ... I the sovereignty of the sovernment ran-
and wlld th government that no T other quesUoned. forergn capital feelslened and plunged oyer a grade, landing
person would hav oVen the lestd rlrht welJFht. ? th. Japanes "systsm." 1 10 feet below. Th bogry turned, over
to lUT In business If thev dealred to ln .ln rlrM Pco japan na no money, I several times and was baaiy aemousnea,
. . . . . . . . i inn nam n.v.. ma mnn.w ' I' 11 . . mm w
pusn mm out. ouppose tnai
abaolutelr control conarreaa
by change the tariff. Increase
ternal taxes or- do etnythl
aired, all for their ultimata personal
pecuniary oenent. Buppoee, nowever,
that these four - American financiers
oould treat . with 1 th nations of th
worm m tneir capacity as ths rulers
of th American nation, wag war If
they saw fit, and guard every line of
I v.. h. mmJ I.IVM . . r. wnn
'and TtSieia. account for th desperau efforU' It Is lout harm. ' r . - fJ
.- imaaing now to get money, honestly 1X1 " '
I MV..IKI. Ki.r ffh. t.l..11 - W . 1.1 . ...
UH muvr uw- 1 I . i . . . ... I , . . . . .
iiiniiivTciuiow hi jpa nave ncrn ouiiciwisnes to return tnanaa ana
with foreign cspkal. Railroads and
street railways lead th list, of couraa.
lot government owned part or tne rail
ways from tli a berlnninr. havlnr con
structed the first line. European cap
ital owned th rest All at once, with-
to all who assisted in replacing her i
cow that died, and she will ever
member their kindness in so doing, and
..i..w - i " .ir. i.v A.;: oui waminir or or- your leave, tne sot
mmivu m iviviiu umrui wiLn iimir I . ...... - . l . . . , ' .
own armv and nvv. The lm.rln.fin. """" me -pri va ruways
that can concelv of such a state of af-
". vwi ji .ii&iuivcijr imriuvr
ana imarin tn American people meek'
at its own valuation, paying for them
with 'government bonds which wer
worth nothing Ilk their face value.
l .i.hmlitin, in ft, nm,nm Jii T.Z. I "lnce in government run roaa mo
i?tVi. i.? S.p5Ia:-71lJL5i;l0Ply was instituted th shippers hav
..i.' . - i Lwiiu uujKini , iv great inconvenience,
Th!S 7tha ?war. hVVJt.t Ith "way julpmnt Is being run
hhM Jf.t iLVIa fTt1 'pe,rial down and tha- system Is being milked
i?".'.9 JW.. aurPlu- revenue -for I
illes. has accomnlished Wonde " foe 1 ir.l'1.. HI." ."""f "
,(7' i "k " 7i i.I .IT. ' . l oecaus rji in , enormous expenaitures
ib "UirJi. iwJ?1 .government Using mad on military and naval e -
.1 ISf. i Tnlb th P". Pansion. Whll this goes on and the
Japan has ona Una of mttmmmrm whii.h I s . . ..r ... . .
ranks fourth among the marYam. m. ?."i'".,"..,iur" VIZ soon died.
fcTVi.i. r'.u J i " a iirst ciaas. nation; wnne tne govern
Nippon floaU from the taffrail of ships ment's credit Is strained to the break
In every sea. Japan bas become an ex- ing point, and national financial dla erlously seeking aster is in sight; while all this goes on
to convert thtytrad Of China tO Its own tha concern. n which. the. tmnsrUI
purposes.' But lh very fact that It household own stock contlnu to de-
ns oecome a , consiaerani factor makes I clar .dividends of from It to to per
mors necessary xor OOCiaental na-leent and tha seonla mnka n tha
Kavaiawvr aiivir miuuiiwsb ass ev uviut atcu i twitvrtrs saiiss mm
ope that God may bless on and all. 1 th afternoon.
'a '
Correepondenc of ' Sheridan Sun:
Ther 1s no lovelier plae in Oregon
than th upper Wlllamina in spring
and summer. The prospect Is good
for an abundance of fruit of all kinds:
good gardens ars alwaya sure and
E rowing;- grain never looked mor prom
ilng than at present.
; . ' .- .-.- . fi ; '--V '
In addition to a well formed Morrow
county lamb th body of a second lamb
had grown out from the body Just be
hind the right shoulder, forming a
lamb with seven legs and two bodies.
Only on front leg was attached to the
body growing from th mor naturally
rormea jamo. Th iamb or course
aloered as
in the east side, and Is Idolised by most
of th people In that quarter. For bis
work there. President Koovlt styled
him as th moat useful man In th
United States. For many years, too,
whan President - Roosrvalt was nolle
commissioner he worked with Mr. fills
In establishing settlement houses to th
poverty stricken sections of Manhattan.1;
New . York has on of the finest
schools for crippled children tn th
world. It Is located to the lower east
side, and In addition to having all tha
appointments of th usual school build
ing it baa Doroelain bath tubs, showers,
elevator, dining-room, a roof garden
and a workroom. - Special chairs and
desks hav been Installed to conform to
th peculiar deformities of the differ
ent children. Fin needlework, book
binding, basket-weaving and manual
training are taught la th. school end
th work don by th boys and girls will
be sold. Th children are to b paid
for their work, the girls receiving U (0
each for flv days. For th poorest
children meals will b furnished, .and
free medloal attendnnce is given to all.
An omnibus goes from house, to houss
oollectlne th children, brings them to
scnooi ana carries in em nom again in
e e , - -. - ( ' 7 ;
Th shearing plant near Echo em-
Sloys SO men. Many of the shearer
ike the fleece from a sheep in two I
A queer oas of family complica
tions was presented In on of the city
courts the other day that caused th
magistrate's head to swim, and Inci
dentally -furnished a pusal for thos
who like to rigur out complex proo
lems. Th can was on of abandon
ment, which Mrs. Carrie Londgelll
brought against her husband. Here Is
the problem that th magistrate had
to figure out Ada 8t 1 11 well married
William Londgelll, a widower, 16 years
aro. Four children were born to them,
William, Ada, Theodore and Sarah. Wil
liam Londgelll Sr. bad a son, George,
by his first marriage. WUllam Sr. died,
and his widow married her stepson,
Geo r (re, thereby becoming atep-enster-ln-law
to her own four children. Mr. and
Mrs. George Londgelll wer wer di
vorced. Mrs. Londgelll took David Sid
dell as her third husband. Bh is now
suing Siddell for absolute divorce, and
, Election Comment
Letters From tlie People
Answering an Argument.
fo double his 'acres, f This is not
only legitimate, hut from, one point
of yIpw laudable. Yet this process
is manifestly Injurious to a "great
I have been reauested
government tens of thousands of dol- to say has not - answered our
lars extra to do ao., This favoritism n pTfthV
Brothers palmer and
and Inlustlce hava, hn monlfoot I no argument.
notorious, and even scandalous, tor' 7 A hZ X llTjn?
mnnv vears. But we atinnofto nnrh-1 their areumsnt -. fttinfii,f!trti v nnr .ntw
.. - , I. Iwt 4 a 1 ja a y Ala . - . ji' ' ' '' 1 TtOnetltB frifllilsra. it. Kits mm A m A aFiiuM m
many peopie. ; it . " uwu i mg can oe none aooui u, except to M(.rt .n7nV.' A?
towns, -and. to the county and region, coritinue to . hurrah . for the grand I w cannot meet them on siieh grounds
and even to the state. Mere-, comes
lo, then, the principle of the' -greatest
good to the greatest puraber. If
by any legitimate, process holders of
extensive tracts: of :j fertile - land,
adapted not only to wheat but to
o i versified farming, can be compelled
to divide their great farms and tnake
many smaller farms of them, should
It not be done? . ;
There Is only one way to do this,
eupgests the , East Oregonlan, , and
that Is by a graduated land tax -i:nin?
land higher per acre In' pro
! i rUon to the amount owned, a tax
t: at 111
' ;. i .
old party and vote the Republican
ticket ,
Even more inexcusable and far
more injurious to Portland," If the
projected change Is adhered to, as
It probably will be,. Is. the transfer
to San Francisco of what purchasing
bUMnesS j for the a nny r Portland
finally, after great effort, secured;
Everybody but? the- war department
knows that Portland ft the best city
on the coast for purchasing most of
these supplies,' or , would be If Port
land, merchants are'.Villing to make
It so. The tstuff needed Is raised
In unlimited auantltlea near Port-
as these. ; Conseauentlv w hsk for an
answring. of pur argument: In a
straightforward manner. Which ' it
seems they are unable to "do, and ao re
sort to this means. .
' ' -fc'KED E.. HARRISON.
Engineer Also Dressmaker. ' '
:.From the Kansas City Journal '
. W. B. Baldwin, one of the oldest -and
&"- J" ,nw" 0B th Missouri
Pacific road. for . i nnmi... ......
has been not only the bread earner but
the family "eeamstres'' for a - family
consisting of his wife and three daugh
ters. His family Is now in California,
but Baldwin still continVs to iew for
them and send their einrh.a a ,v..m
In the far went. He om. k..,....i
home In this city, and it Is not through
poverty but -On account t v.1. if"'.
poor health and the lov of the sewinit
machine and -his famllv tVi.t he
dressmaker. t . . , v .. ,. .
Victory Over Bossism.
From th Sclo News.
senator- rulton was th representa
tive of political bossism. Th popI
Of Oregon have, whenever they hav
had th opportunity, pronounced against
th political boss. It is gratifying to
know that they are proving tru and
steadfast' in their purpose. - ' '
Th election of united States sena
tors, by oijr legislatures of th past,
has nroven to be -the chief source of no-
lltical corruption - In Oregon. At th
capital city not only has boodle in the
shape of hard cash reigned supreme, but
bargains and politicals-agreements were
made by which, not th best. men were
appointed to federal office. In this way
have such men as Jack Matthews been
appointed to federal position, whereas
had it depended upon the votes of the
people, nis occupation in private lire
wouia not nav been aisturoea.
The defeat of Mr. Fulton is probably
the final struggle of political bossism in
Oregon, to reinstate itself in ' power.
In Juno the people will Undoubtedly
adopt th amendment making Statement
No. 1 obligatory in the election of
united States senator. A senator elect
ed by th -people will not then ow fealty
to any . doss except ma oniy Yigntrui
boss -the neonle. Men will then be se
lected for federal office because of their
?ualincations and fitness, rather than
or their ab.llty to deliver votes at the
general elections or at tne legislature, .
The fight of th people to reestablish
themselves politically is . being stubbornly-
contested all over the -United
States. 'Her in Oregon the victory Is
now practically won. Now that we have
the initiative and referendum.- th di
rect Drlmarv and will hav in June th
compulsory election by the legislature
of the people s cnoic -tor unitea state
senator, we hAve the tools by which w
can nave just as pure ana nonest aa
ministration of political affairs as . w
wia to nay.
; '' '. Mast Obey the People.
From the. Woodburn Independent
, Members Of . the legislature must
stand by th will of the. people or thy
wiJ hear from th people nxt tlm In
no uncertain tone. It simply means
that th pepple will be obeyed by a Re
publican legislature or will see that
there Is a legislative body elected of an
other political complexion There is no
doubt of Cake's election and th legis
lature must neea tne voice or the peo
ple and ; scornfully reject the . money
sacks that will probably be en exhibi
tion at Salem next winter. . Bossism Is
dead and th Republican party still
minutes -and do a arood neat ton. and I aha names as eo-resnondent. her daush
there Is not a man but what can shear ter-ln-law. Mrs. Carrls Londgelll wife
a sheep in three minutes. The en- of her son, William Jr. To cap the
gines run 15 pairs of clippers; two climax, Mrs. William Londgelll, a pretty
men grind shears for the 26 shearers: French woman, accused her husband in
10 men keep th pens and chutes filled the court room of being lasy. which
with sheep, two tie the fleeces and two caused htm to faint dead away,
sack and. sew the wool. -. v .
- . Dr. Julian Thomas, Ootbam's daring
Wfthto th last thre days there ?JerHterB'"' rLirJ-JJi.
. . v ,.A ,,..!, ... ,,w. city with numerous hair-raising ascen
have been 140 traveling men's trunks ,tongi nM retired from the Aero club of
In the city and many of the boys have America, and will devote his energies
had to lay over-a day or two In th to founding; a new club for aerial ex
city longer than they intended In or- ploratlons. Th trouble between Dr.
der . to .get the use of - sample rooms, Thomas and th club dates back to' the
savs the Euaenet Register,-' - Almost time -ha started in to buck what ha
elected to office and the trickv M every vacant room In the business part f called tne .-"parlor aeronautics" of the
golitlclan w1U be SompellS ' tow.n .d"?L'!?t?. "erT.lo ,,?
shows beyond doubt that th people of
Oregon ar to hereaf ter do their own
thinking as to the fitness of candidatea
for office, and that the old system of
boss rule, as far as our state Is con
cerned, Is a thing of the past,' never,
we hope, to . return. The '"people'a
choice" will not hereafter be a mis
nomer, but a blissful reality.- As a con
sequence the man of convictions, honest,
fearless and of untarnished reputation
win be ei
Old System Is Ended. '
From th Dallas Jteiniaer. 4
The victory for Statement No. X and
the entire demoralisation of the machine
to take a back seat. It will take years Ket tnera WM n0 room enough
a .r.ImIw .w,..m.4.4. !.. 11--. v . - - f 1 -1 V
th voters wlU continue as thsy hav -Nearly all of the so-called 'soonrs
begun and keep the power In their own! In, the land rush Of last fall will leave
hands. It can be done. It will then b I - .-,... . a.
a plasur to vote and not a simpl fare tn woods to Vke up thslr residence
uu miuw poiiui.ui, ,,-(,, t. i ior an maennite penoa.
- ' ' ''" ' y-k I ath -Falls - Herald. -
TCUIiam lrlmer Birthday.
William Lorimar. retiresentatlv In
congress from th sixth district of Il
linois, wae born In Enerland, April if,
1861. When 6 years old he emigrated
with his parents to the United States
and In 1S70 the family located In Chi
cago, where young Lorimer received a
public school education. His father died
soon after and at thejage of 11 William
went to work as a sign; painter's assist
ant to aid in the support of the family.
He continued In - various trades until
18B, when he became ; a real estate
agent,.' later .
business.- At
for Bn Indefinite period, save the Klam
ath Falls Herald. Despite the fact
that tne tana ornce at jjaKevtew re
fused to accept the filings of the soon
ers and also refused to allow them
hearing,' they have stayed with the
lands and -most of ' them have main
tained a . residence thereon. in many j
instances they nave bunt Tine cabins
and have the same furnished so as to
be very comfortable. .' .
r v ,6 -' e .."-:r?.;J- 'X tTV
, Saturday night a man, so full of i
bug Juloe that he did not know his own
name, much less where he was going,
ran across - one Of HUleboro's clergy-
entering the contracting m " begged him to take him home,
about the same time ha I Bay tn? Argus,' After arriving there
wnt in Chlc"g7ponUc ;lth ? 5 P00'
became orominent in Chlcaro nnUti I tie man s wir wnt tnrougn nis p
an active Republican and soon wae rftl"Ba.foJ?n,IJ0,It ft-B0. au that was
of the recognised party leaders -liTtliSt left of A month's wages whloh be drew
"ity? Oni SfiS BSr mthii'Ji'tH that day-end three botUes of whis-
tt... .f -s-i-..j.. . .cr i kev. When It Is considered that, this
I"" "!,iV.''"uo,,, w WerJ .-. ' Ifm, mA amllv Mvmiv
Hva !.- vu -w t j vvu
. can reaauy De seen
x l iuit me b-vsvcv v j w uuiv assviaijiB as xv sgoo
him to defeat. " T. vr. i.V.. -fcT.: toon sorrow into tnat nom.
was mat or superintendent of th water Sri mt,A V-
department In 1895 he was elected to M tirnlnes U
congress and continued to eerv until Ltfh?fftt -
WiWheii a. political landslld swept "it JLi i
ever, he was again returned to congress
and since then h has been twice re
elected. ,
MUd-throwbig Is not new In politics.
but usually it Is no of Quite so literal a
. Irln wa the caaa in tha little Invn
This Date In mnttrw. ... of fihedda the other day. where Mr.
1404 Philin the BoM fnnnri.e a .V. Dawson .and Mr, St. John a rival can
eond hou.P0 Rnr;vU5?.f Hdates. for the high and important of-
work -.near a mud hole full of water.
inn -came up- irom -oenma
, " ,... -. , i . iMwnon i i ace iuu oi in muaar
S'J;. ChCi?.tin-. SP'n. mr-vi mud. captured" St John d I
and then tellinr all about them. The
Aero club said Thomas was a notoriety
seeker, and that ha dressed In whit
flannels and then sat on his front stooo
so that th .barkers and rubber-neck '
coaches could : point him out as the
"celebrated aeronaut" :.y'- ' '
They -have Just elected a new chief
of the fire department on Long Island,
who la so deaf that he cannot hear an
alarm, v-He was nominated as a Joke,
because of his deafness, but he took the
nomination seriously and began an act
ive canvass for votes with the result
that he was elected. - The firemen are
In doubt as to the beet method of arous
ing the deaf chief , quickly, but it has
been practically decided to tie a rope
to his big toe, and give it a Quick Jerk,
when there Is a fir. : - . ,
Th clamor for social distinction In
New York, end th desire, .of wealthy
Oothamites ' to llv ' In th recognized ,
fashionable quarters of .the city has
been carried to an extreme. ' However,
one society woman has started a new
wrinkle that Is likely to extend the
race for social position still further.
The agent for a cemetery company wee
expatiating on the good points of a oer
tain lot- Presently th prospective pur- .
chaser interrupted with the enumeration
of several prominent families .owning
"srtfoet'lotiear theirs?" she asked.
.. The agent admitted that It was quite
a distance off.
"Then," said the woman. "I don't
want It I'd rather pay more and get
in a good neighborhood."
"Has it come to the point," he said, '
''where people consider their next door '
neighbor even in sv graveyard?".
second hous of Burgundy, died.
; U91-HS. F. a Mors. Inventor of th ZhJk at" John
teletrraDh. born. Died AnHi .tii .-., when Hi Jonn
1806-Deme, TiipoJl'" oaniu to fJ5 . Picking Easter Eg.
im.TOS-i. atSffT . Then Dawson grabbed a handj--' From .. St Nicholas.
born at Naniea ri(A .? Yi.T,. a p,un: I-full bf mud, captured bt jonnand p There is an master -custom among
it l Sit ' liavre, August covered . his lace with the stuff. Then Iboys in end around Philadelphia and
lbUS General Ulysses S. Orant Wn
A A 4 nAP ' m. mw mrm, mmm
Died July 28, 1886.
1861 Mail ateamar -li.i.S..
wrecked off Cap4Uce, with loss of 287
1876 Queen
ress of India.
1807 Orant' tnmh . fthuuij. (t.i.
i tha men made UD.- and may be good
friends ever arter.
. Victoria : declared emp-
i J'? Spraying; Lawns.' ,
Spraying Is the easiest and most af
fective method for ridding th lawns of
dandelions and plantain, two pests with
i!H8M"!uJ.ombr,'eA b' tead In his, to make his front
r - uuuofi vumiraj i yard present an attracuve appearance
says an exenange. iron suipnat in ins
proportion of two pounds for each gal-
of - the I ion of water will do th Injury deeired,
ana It must do agmimsierea wun , a
JLnoraw Simiaeth ...mI.m.
ouuors uiwir or th paolflo, is to be
ae of tha fnlnn.,1 4.1...
senting thev American 'Federation of
Lepor at tha annual meeting of the
British Trade Union congresi In . Not
tingham next September.
hand spray -pump which will throw a
fine mist. Do not spray within two days
of cutting and do not cut tee grass or
water the lawn for two- or three day
i after the spraying has been done. ..
other parts of th cduntry of picking
ergo. A boy will go over the eggs In
the pantry (with his mother's consent
it ia hoped) and by gently knocking the
ends on his teeth will select one or
more of the strongest Then he goes
out among his playmates and soon is
challenged or h himself wilt Invite an
other boy to pick. ; .
Before daring to risk this' each boy
will try the other's egs; on bis teeth and
tf he thinks his chances are good he
will accept : the challenge, , The boy '
challenged will then hold his egg so ss
to expose only the - very point, while
tha challenger lightly raps th egg with
the point ; of his own until the shell
of one or the other Is sllahtly nranvt -
The eggs are then reversed and the"
butts are picked in the sam way. 'The
winner gets the broken egg. .