The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 19, 1908, Page 32, Image 32

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Larger Attcnaance at Classes This Year Tnan Ever Before in History of TL ribelnfluence of Church
Does Much for Elevation of Red Men
'V if
Study of Indian CLildVen Happy In Tteir Droll Way
r ..' , '. i r
y- . . sc us v ... v- --s v ; j i
1 - . , t r, . ' r .... vs. : i r i 'iv . v : i-i r r v . - , i - - v s . ' f
. K.cAiiV!! ; I;. .jii ff ' a; - A;m-Bc:. Xi; ZT""'
gfiHAWaTg.AVP.. V 1 j ', ' I f . 's -t 1 77 ; r WJ . -I' ; ' mainio m Ch- umt-4 stiui, .lop. How. They Lived.
; 7' ; y. If 't i ' l 1VK at3n III
1 11. 1 .V ' V J I af
T IS KOT mtrtlr biotui thr wr ihow tvldenr of occupation, motily
unrthd In a aacre d ' car of a imporry, prni, muuin u.. u.n it
j Vr - . 1. . . ' t. hjckned With
MhUtorlo popU In Mw JJtxIco. ,mok nd contain much refu.
mummified -turky nd whol Nr Luna, New Mexico, In xcavat
.,. of thl. bird, or b-ct... th-r i".h'-? 'Sl-n"U.r AV,!
wra brought l )IM lri circular. J,r circulwr conatructlon". Ther ,
ubtrranean houiaa of a aort navar wara about U feat acroaa, with vartU
bafora dltcovarad bymodarn whtta man. "l 'd"- iVllX
M , v r or tna floor, ana trace of wooden ooeta.
that a (antral aummary by Dr. Wal- Spattered about were bonee of
tar Ilourh,' 'of the United State! Na flint chlpa. rooflna olay, and near by
tlnnab muaeum of tha reaulta of an ex- . w" burial. Mra at one time waa
uonaa muaauro, or ina rtaune or an ex-ja vin(,te ,f ,ubterranean houaae occu-
padltlon to tha vallaya of tha uppar pi-d by people about whom all that la
Gila and Salt rlvera la Important, and definitely known la that they made
lr.tera.tlne;. In fact baaldea theae flnda. . f r und-eor-aed pottery. Al-
tke party vl.lted 1T4 cavea. cliff dwell- thuh otn bterranean atructurea
Inga, puehloa. ahrtnea. ,and monument. J7 been dlaoloa-d by prevloua ex
of titeaa forgotten people and brought. thla region, and althourh Dr.
, back four or flva thouaand atone lm. Pouf n hlmaelf came upon other !-o-Iplementa.
.peclmen. of pottery, bone... probably u.ed aa ceremonial
and other rellee. But tha reaulta of thla Hic0T lo,if rooni-. hera la tlo record
expedition are Important becauae of P(v'04u "every of a whole-
tha aocurate atory that may be built Ji"??. underground dw-lllnaa auch .
up around theee proof a of a certain da- ! t,hl;- ,Blnc" ovr th' H(I "'
era of clrlllaatlon. tha picture -of tha t"P"blo. three , .ub-awrf.ce
Jlfe. bablta. arta. and Indu.trlea of pre. f n"v rv,Lt' T ,a
. l.l.torlo trlbee, that all thla material flb'-""rller than the prehlatorlo
outlinea to tha arcneologlet and eth- P"?' .buJ,dfr- TJ,.r,,ln cover, many
nologlat. , ' . ' - ' 7i"Ttvmr. 19 eviaenwy, or .greai an-
Dr. Houah'a account of the-reaulta .
of thla trip la Juat publl.hed . ae a hi?"n.n.wJ,5 "L Mt
bulletin of the Bureau of American i?,r M"ehed a human akelai
Ethnology Of lha Bmltheonlan Inatl- I'tJ" ' r rvT' '
t . Aa a) i k. I n . tax
1 1 U T ni L l piniiiivuiiwi .iiwi.,- . . . . .
tut. . W.ahtnrtnn. under the dlrec- .n ..urraca ana
Im r okirh in.titutlnn the National" ' . hard-Jolnted clay, which" ll
" V - Ptrona ae01nlal iiIHum nt .ml aaa
muaeum la aiao conauciaa, wuw ik. .i-.r . -, ...
. The region traveled la In aouth- J't,hhnn2.'.k-iiet.on. "'menU 0
we.tern New Mexico and outheaatarn , rude flint
Arlxona. Moat of It for ft number of il h region the party cama
n.: . ... mi
''at am a aaw nnnaa ai n innareia . -
teacher wtio glrea them drill., laya out tSJx UAnm Tha rouihneaa of tht ' Th rt W ot tE tarl.l gath
afiif',.:.nidonln0t.; rXS MliXt- th. region give. a. r.llabla
f ,.m wh V?r? tfi VtKl22. ' Probably hid much to do with tha an Idea at can be gotten of what
them when not in tha claa.rooma. .ri,l v.rl.tia. f miltura ran. . " . v '
'J,ro"?l r.LU JJ"L- reaented th mnants of dwelling. :?.,rPJM Wf . y fUr
a fAr tha "" - ttntia k ik.u j . i. "
anark of their 'forefnthera' loya for th Jv
""By Lula R. Lorena
IP THB lncraaaed attendance at th
Umatilla ''Indian achool may be
taken aa an evidence of tha prog
reaa of tha tribe, tha .howlng la
moat faVorabla, for tha achool la
enjoying tha largeat attendance thla
year that naa been recorded la th hla
tory of tha achool '
At tha high tide thla year 11 Indian
acholara were enrolled at tha agency
achool, while the attendanc . hereto
fcre baa bean about 10 or 10.
Tha Influence of tha churcbea on tha
reaerratlon. tha personal Influence ot
Major X E. McFatrldga. Indian agent,
tha a.aoclation of th Indian parent
with tha white farmers and th alow
proceaa of cIvllKatlon have all com
bined to Increaae the 'attendance at
the achool and to add tof the seal of tha
Indian children. ,- ,
Ther la aomething plcturaaqua. trait, and - to graap th intrlcaclea of
eometning aaa, in r.ct in me apectacie an eauoation
or tna. Indian cnnaren wreatung witn tna Indian
the problem, ot an ngliah education, the claaaea
ror centuriea their rorera there have grade.
be-n enxaaed In hunting, flahlna. flaht- country,
Ing and loafing without making a men apt acholara
' tai or phyaicai errort at aeir-lmprove- never forget
meni. ' xo overcome tneae oentury-oia though
tlona Were, how thev imuinl lhn.
aelvea. what their religion waa like, and
to a certain extent tha nature ot their
rrocery juajiy nrunn 'XT""" oyea coraa ana otner objecta In the
en run banda of Apachea acouredtha territory; lower country the-clothing con.l.ted of
pronaoiy Keeping iwii "'' K xront ana DacK fringed aklrt. of cord.
V J I ..MUh anrf In tmit It U not Until, tin. ,..lmll.. M.ik . .
w i wtin 11 wpin iuu iu aa
tacular war bonnet, and they are never D . ' rm
more harny then when on parade In BefOrt WtUtt Men Umt.
i5"irh.u?m- mrchln 0.ih mu-10 It )a believed that th region waa da- JSl2ufI?2!fi.t.I-.-wi?-l di',rJrl ,hM2
The glrla Uka a real Intereat In the aerted by Its lnhabltanta long bafora (tone or ahall bead. armleta. wri.Uete
domestic aclence department and tha th middle of the alxteenth century and finger ring of .bell, - anklet, of
reeult of this training Is vlalble every -.v.- ih oid-.akln axoedltlon of na Pendente ;of atone, and In the
where on the reaervatlon In tha lm- nn n . . i mountalna they went ao far aa to dec
proved condition of Indian homea. In Coyonado and his adrenturert) ",a orate them.alve with ornament, of
me tncrenaing nuraoar or aitcnen uten- inmo mavim , " ianers . ana rur, portione or in.ecte.
n. and rurniture ana in tna i
bill, which tha leading trlbearn
In Pendleton atorea.
T . . w . . . M .m
nirriDinre. uui ivw ui . iiiv inu u ' . w - . -- . . .
acholara have remained In the achool 1. yeare aao. that ine reneaaos offering to their goda Shall cotton
to flnlah th course which correspond tribes were pacified through tne eatao- blanket, were thrown over tha ahoul
d radically to tha seventh rrada in tha ISahment of mlliUry, poata. dera and larger one. probably aerved
public schools. Tha big boys have It la not known tbat tna traaiiiona wn.,, tner, waB occasion to wrap tho
gone to tna rarma ana tne "t mjmm ot mnj w VT. i JL wnoi" way- i,ioer aannaia proiectei
rrlrla left achool to apend tneir time rid- eoio inawni iir w me iwt in tne mountain aiatrict.
ng over the reeervatlon, but now It la plea. From a com pari eon of their arte there waa need of aomething warmer,
hoped to keep them in achool until moat with thoea of later trlbja. It eema Hera pelt, of anlmala were u.ed .nd
ot them flnl.h th couree. Tha In- likely from daU at hand, thet they were even the downy feathera of the turkey
dlcn parents are now mora willing to distinct from any of the r nelghbora were wound abont corda m auch a wav
holD and aom really humoroua atorlea and sprang from an original local a. to be woven Into blanketa and Jacket..
play aotHTlv or to sit and look at other are told of the Indian mother. Jtaklng eourca. Pno" "ere alao worn, prob&blv
similar a-roupa without maklna any a refractory daughter back to chool. r women, ana large rooea or rur
demon.traHon A few of thi bo?s plaj Comparatively few of the Indian atu- What Became of the People? eord rapd tiui' J5f"f
fnnthaii ht it la not tha v,ii.r..,. Am. dent. io to anv hlrher schooL and If . and a kind of ooaraa woven aock cov-
orlcan aame. A few nip the alrla akin they do. few of that email number .It 1 alao a matter or conjecture as ared their feet.
. an a. . , r , . . . . . : . ' i ...ii- . i i,..,,i .... , .. . .11 .w. m.. . hnu 1 no interiors or ineir nouaea ware not
strenuous a lor KntJlUelL EI JlWnj7v.Cl.WUC UTTV' - ' V" "u,": ZlZ " .v7 irv.; CT-w "" "-'."Y ' "i: erv different from tho nf the mo.1-
chlldren, but atrange to aay - nt .American way. n.veryinmg mey f"' '"7, V 'ufl u -vlllagea are so numerous. Tn cumtwt- - M - lnAlm iirin: . :
average up well with aqu.l hlblt many lovable and ln.plrlng qual- do aeema.o wber and methodical Md o th. blanket Urge y and while h.v- r"" Wlthy for 'i.el. fo enTinnH
in tra public achooia or tne lues of mind. " min, mat wnue tney are enjoy- inn " " tuuwimu . - . , v-rii-j.j eAi ..v. S Si
The youna Indian pupils are Thev ar. hanov in their droll and Ing themselves hugely they appear but little ua of It. But neverthele.a. -lonal favera that are not erloua. Ex- boiling food for containing mU dlf-
; they -learn quickly and methodical ay." Instead of romping .tolc.l and sedate as though engaged they ar. better orxror . ort on ef nun tran.DorUna.toVln. "n "d'tat? h .tin.
J hy. wit ai- wildly a. the white, children do. tney war council. ana are oc.n- nwiwu, - " L "''" ZZZTZ,. water were" found. Stone knlvea. bark
arou mtneir waya. and ex- nave a way or grouping orr togetner to mP,r stuoiea mciuo reaamg. writ- ovanC.u uj .u ?"e'" T."" .i'e.VT -t.rt.t. Tr,om out! plattera. baaketa and neta. torchea anl
; y M nemlea There la reaaon to be- gourd, made up part of tha household
ttit V V TT . a'-VTr ft ' t rrtr TT1TT wT TTAT ttitn ft archlat movement which waa develop- Intereat and historical value, and hi. ".""that fail urea of food aupply were furnishing For beds, heaps of ott
lH A Wriril W J 1 14 kTD TYf THT TC W KD W ,n- Varlou. revolutionary clubs had Intimate friendahip with auch men aa ?IIilint In early ttaea thai atnee nd grass held by a net of leave., and
W JjUUIVU and, 1 IT-C1XV lLJJ3J-yl-jiril-JLVO com K -rmea the Revo- Vaa liolt tha Emperor William. Bla- JjJJl Pbywhu.n. but atarvatlon tor plllowa grass leave, were used.
. T ,, e- -1. Ja.-V-f-V-V" - , a-k' M A ' lutlonary Socialist party in J81. And- marck and other Important men, give !JPhiv hn a factor In the decline Bunches of corn bladca folded over and
'''., , v' ' Ina a nubile leader in John Most, who hie letters areat importance. Mr. Ban- I "l i i,.nn. The tied, and new corn ear., atrung on cord.
lira City of DellxhL" by Ellta- a heretofore unexnlored concentlon and richly Illustrated. Baker. Taylor had been excluded from the German croffa Ufa tn thla country aa teachr. .Vl.... ... hn..r. ! believed were hung about the cliff houses, and
conception and richly Illustrated. Baker, Taylor had been excluded .from the German croffa Ufa tn thla country aa teachr. t intent cauae however, is believed were hung about
Mi: company. Price $1.60. Boclal Democratic party and had aerved historian and eecretary of the navy la "h-iv eilated In the aoclal organlxa-' beana and malie"th.'"'..; h. VL!.'i?Wl?Pi- A..?ri l"e.'! "."1 .?Ato.l!AV.dlJl," tlon of th. peopla, which in that J.o- baaketa.
lated country may nave proniouea mar-
beth Miller, la a new arrival ot mind over matter.
Th author first boon, in connection with thla aubjeet tha 'xn Illustrated Way," by Francea Austria and England becauae of hla moat entertaining and lntereatlng.
ina'xoae,- put am Miner auinor saye: "wany years oac we oe- coan Percy, ta a intia book mat taaea revolutionary writing. . . . The
in th front rank of wrttera gan taking up the brain cella. and how Jta title front the i first poem, the open- Socialists declared 'W do not share "Mind in the Making." by Edgar J. lmlK th. listing Pueblo tribes. Among the specimens
e ..llrlnna eii-tlnn ITaa. KnnWa tha ml nil mal tham aa In n,.,. Kiit W " mill icovv .... ln0 ionj Ot tne men WHO COnaiaer ajn- owm, jiroimKir ui vumugj in n.u- aVaral CUeDlO. On tn BUB Iran . .... .
of religious fiction. Few books nave th mind uaed them aa Its organ, but tone of tha whole work; m.t, bomb- aa tha beat mean, of ae-l- lnaton unlveraity. St. Louie. Mi.otirt .pkJ1m, r th. oiia. there ahowlng what aort of a
had a mor striking background, and It la the modern paychologiat who haa nf ja worth living upon this tatlon.'" describes tha varloua phases of a child's silent! evidence of the gradual de- trlea theae Gila people, practiced, there
lew wntera. it any peiore ner, reauaea cvmuinea ma laboratories ot cnemisiry, earth mr- '
were stored In Jar. or
ithln the clan, aa la the caaa Arts ana industries.
brought back
arta and lndua-
Hunter further say a: "There
ia irwwin, iwin t"7 ollns of the race, xne exploring uiirir are atone axea. Siimntri and ruhhlna-
tha possibilities for romantic attach- histology and microscopy with his pay- Though tha storms will come, and loss not , single bocisjisi or Promiw m n e,?r' Z. , i th. examined the cemetery, wh Btone, a d dlsk, f t
meats that wer. almost ceruin to hav. Mftat that ha. mad. It Justus AnA"tl?Zur. of dark and bitter Zt wWfA8.orpJK jfi$i SS2i XSJSST&Sfc rfLlKdSS
developed between th Isrealltes and aclentlflc to apeak of all the cells and Anatearr,- the Inherent social forces and the nat- tlcularly wiahes to reach namely, par- fy found buriaU In th outer rooma. 2 iffi Ifi t-C SJTt h i -w?t - ?t
th Egyptian during tha period of th.'tlasuea being organa of the mind. a. For yet. through the course of change- ural volutlonary Proce.e. working .la.'- Penetrating .till farther thw crn up- r?tu. bfw. and Arrows"
former- bondage. Th. ldaa occurring being spoken of as brain cells. That 'ul years. 2"L,n,"1 tS.Vl?h2 U?F?Zn f ?hJ "mnits Tor m on other burlala in Inner raomav hown f(b)r c,oth , various colors, baa-
" , " .... ... . . , . . , , ... . . .. .. , There la more of pleaaure befalls than haps. In the history of the world, a con- use or the results of tne nest modern to have been mane at a later time oy . . n,rmhr of intrir-nta weave
to Misa Miller, aha took up th inveetl- yery cell la an Intelligent Individual " u "r" vl v etructlve revolutionary movement Is Investigation tn the field of psychology, h. jack of offerings of pottery or trln- 5! ntt?rv n? manJ Si and hucS
gaUon of Egypt and tha Holy Land, and tLllt rlVltVtlJS,Sn There I. mor. of aunahine beetowed than forming that ia based upon a definite aociology and pedagogy. ket. pUced with th dead. 8 til If aft D0w,P0tpfalt?. and rnalf figure. ' '
devoted aom. year, to studying It. hla- .fttEaTn k ?&& J.. ,wA" pubU'W ther &. other room., th. nejd 1 of thm a ,,
tauln. what Uf. Lindsay ha. ... i i v. ..,.-. . . . li.. .. ...i.i v. . v. . DiKn.. n ..i
tory. people, customs and. Indeed. vry- to say- on i. Truth about evil thought day " Far from advocatlne-violence, aociallsm
thing pertaining to it, and when her l,?."" 'jJlects In T the book it la tatJd Tliere -omething beautiful all tha realises, even more than Its opponents. The McClure company haa Just pub- ci,n.
WVE wu LlllMlir vuuuiuwi Afc waa u in Id ami an a.n.lhl. a manniv .
k.ii aviAentiv seen alven over to .v. , . . ,
lvii, . . . L Li, f ha aiiuwu uy m iiumurr vl ruu. iotii aim
aneitering tne ueyiMu - bone dice, and reed and yucca flutea,
that it haa all to gal
accomplished Tlec of work from every that th veriest akeptio must be ccn- While it is deeply reverent and of a
love by the peaceful method.
lan its opponents, Tne Meuiure company naa just pud- clan. , . and wooden and gourd druma and rat-
n and nothing to If shed a book by T. D. Murray, entitled "We hav here," say. Dr. Hough. tlefc
lethod." "Jeanne d'Arc." This Is a reprint at a "what seems to be the life history- of Although It Is lmpoaalble to tell the
standpoint. Its accuracy, its autnen- v I need. The whole book la filled with decidedly religious character, ther la .i-iDr.
tlclty and It familiarity with th time, Juat .uch valuable and Interesting ma- not a pessimistic note in any of the iianera.
T. . r . . : T . w aa - . . . . r aiiiivuku i b a as niiuugiiuiv a v i
The MacmUlana are Mr. Hunter pun- popular prtce, or an expenaive woric, this pueblo from its culmination to m ,ound 0f their spoken language, plc-
puouanau oy n.'u nnujanj exttr.ctipn, tne iraiumi; " , . " .U. ture writings or human" and animal rig-
.nj nr,i. .Hk whir-h it rflt. com- terial uid it pan ha aaid that nf M,.k .h.r a in all .ht . yeara ago. ii is tne story or tne f room Ounais in v i- urM tracks of bcara and turkeys, sym-
mended ttaelf to tha acholara and clergy few have treated hypnotism, telepathy 100. they are the kind that uplift and 'S"fcarS Vlr"wSi- vET tfZO: 11- .Me nriT.'n. -nd t. th- n?i 5ecr" .'Jit -howi that no audden 'f ,"thf ,un' V 1naI,,ar
of tha country and the two aublecta above mentioned axalt the reader without cant or creed croft," by M. A. De Wolfe Howe, ia one the Maid of Orleana, and la the only dence Invariably shows that no euaaen,, denlgne, and rudely drawn rea'-
0ITrld.5iun.lrZu.. lk. .. 7J . - . L. .T .Ti?"?T.a !?a".1 n.t.ra.-r: wil?ouf.S?T.0J of the most lmr.orta.nt hooks of the known Instance In which a comnlete t.rlv.m overwhelmed th pueblos, no --ne. of hnntln. show that thev
All lJr I fS-MM-l tUCB UU1IM1 "W eaa ea luvt w vvuvtaui VI BblClltlilW ll.ail" CAVCU. IIIO LI CCQ Ul V. IlTJCl I UiJlCBS v 1111.1 . , . " . III i , " . . - 1 I 1 j . M Wwi An m An t tfWtLr i. - ,T . , " ... , .
hr would -noumuUt. a vul amount ner. t.kP. lif- in .rin,i. hut n-ver -ioomv year and will be brought out by the biographical record of hiatorical lm- haaty. disorganised abandonment tooit had ,omethlng in common with later
f knn.ri-H.ra and mm. facts that could Dr. Llndaav'a occasional lecture, tn wv it'ia a titti-vninma nutta wnrthv Scrlbners ths latter part of April. The portance haa been elicited by evidence dace, no ware decimatea inem out Indiana
not be uaed In on book, beside th Portland hav been moat favorably re- a place on the library table or within book, which la publlahed , In two vol- taken on oath. This book : contains, as rather that
i i...k. Scrlhnera tha latter nsrf of Anrll. The nortance has been elicited by evidence ni.,.. no ware decimated them, hut Indiana
k.L... ..kV. .uhi. book, which ia Dubfiahed in two vol- taken on oath.. Thla book contains, as rather that, like a tree, they passed . Bv xmlnlna many piece, of care-
studv muat have been a fasolnating on oelved. and he is looked upon as hla-h eaay reach that it may be often read, umea, contains, among other things, th did the earlier one, the official Latin through the "' monial paraphernalia and orrenngs or
which would lead a student on and on authority among the circles of pay- Richard Q. Badger company. Price 11. ccount of Mr. Bancroft's life as a stu- text or the , trial and rehabilitation or growth, decline, ana aecay w beads, stones, crystals, eic, rrom -tne
to newer fields and deeper inveatlga- chologlcal students in the city. Dr. dent at Gottlngen in 1818-2S, with the Jeanne d'Arc, rescued from - oblivion tlnctlon." th n-nnlaa ,,rlnMj an1 bv. comparing these wltn
bv Nellie C. T. description or tne ceremony or taxing among tne arcnives or jrranc, ana ner as to tne .""' i ui -,T.V.i- ln eringa ot more
PoVtland "Lyrics and Idyls,
Herbert, Is a
tlon,' and to hav stopped with 'Tn Lindsay la his own publisher.
Yoke," fine as it is, would nav oeen rnniing wouse.
rear. Th admirer of Miss UiUar will "Around the World in a Tear." by over 100 n0.rt poems. It ia not notable when he visited Goethe, Wolff. Humbolt modern photographs
be pleased to learn that she has chosen George L. Carlisle, takes us with Mr. W ,Par "c 4lar .a ,t1P1ere n,othJnS and Lord Byron. The description of his has as frontispiece t
the wiser part and is continuing to arnaie ana nis family ar
civ fiction readera aom very excellent less wonderful than the
modern Indiana,
collection of .omethlna- the doctor's degree and of his trsvels for the first time rendered into English, there may weir nav 5"" ."" om idea may be obtained or tneir
collection or something .,,K..nn.i i. t..i... i. i. ninatrat-d with nimarnna ..n. tha Gila and Salt rivers sev- r.i zinna belief a and nractlces.
he visited Goethe, woiir, Humbolt modern pnotograpna ana oia prints ana erai irmes oiainiu ... ";rr t". .r. noumi am-- nui wmpi .vm-
artS. JKOVing :iii- v,""J'w.. V" . i " , pieis report on me reunion aim rviy-
i .r.tnr. ranrnniiA
id is little r . .f.V 'TTH j. experiences as minister to FJngland in tion of a sculptured neaa now in tn tory. -iocai popuiu- ;v:-""" mtna mi may "'"''ri1 , " '
trip Jules ,n lt- Aa the title would indicate the 18J;6 and ag mi,,,ter to Germany In Musee Historic at Orleans, which is re- Inaccesslbl valleys, and ther were di- ,urvivlng evidences of this long-for-
and startled -.Tt-hi- L JT; 7 to 1874, a period covering the puted to be an actual portrait of th placement or., one - : gotten culture. e gives mereiy in-
how it could many of them quit suitable to be set vr.nco.Prii(an war i of the e-raatnat savior of France Very aenerally. however, th art, of all main features of each of tha separat
in 80 divs t0 mu"' anl many of them would no r-neo-Prussian war, is or the greatest savior or tTance. ... ;rynouah T alike to be placed in on ruins and monuments In the upper parta
aouui. maKS uweei nine sonxs. dul inev i wviat- rmn(Aft .iners wcrs in nr turn ijiia. nnn kbit vAiifva.
LnriA foundd on historical veoU la Vrne took hit hero unon
and about th Holy JLand. 1 the world by demonstrating
Th nrAaimt torr center a around th actually be encompassed
a..a a l.-naaUm VA A Ti It nnAtifl hv anhArlnlAM thon In asv laf atrrA ifu.
., liHO- Vi arvs UOU1VU1) V -rsk w wsjr '-- . liaiuvvuvn. inimi - . . J rru . . . V,
at Ascalon. when Laodlce, th daugnter practicing law at the New York bar T';t.fya 1 "irY, " ' '"I" .t,,tl h
of the rich and powerful Costobarua for 26 years Mr. Carlisle determined l2 l1""8'1 .Eltu .5"! "fc
was about to set out for Jerusalem to upon a foreign trip as the best and nitration for some of the masters in
. meet the husband to whom she had moat acceptable way to aecure a much an?!.ai Zem' ZLcJ?Lnl ZIa?
been married In babyhood th descend- needed rest. A year was the. limit put JiVfi al """J01" or are Peronally dedi-
ent of th great Judas Maccabaeus, upon his vacation, and the book which caif?. tiw.'. ... .
v Philadelphus Maccabaeua, who. with the has resulted from - this year of pleas- J?r" j Hk . 8 thou ht.8 re, Pure na
dower she waa to tak him; would Ing testifies to th fact that the time J 1 heP.reontha
equip an army and become king. ,av- waa pleasanOy and profitably spent f,L. B.AJ .l - ? 8m,?th' wh ckh "i
in Jerusalem, th Oty of Delight, and Evidently Mr. Carlisle was not a Jl' JaI"theT met7,' .Rlchard
redeeming Judea. ' ; member of the enthusiastic "See Amer- - Badger company. Price 81.25.
. Costobarua. with a retinue of erv- lea First" club, for he chose to taka ji . . . ...
ants, starts for Jerusalem, but on the passage first from New York for the a,:ia,:h,"r n.lmpiS
ve tt thair denarturs th nlaa-ua breaks Mediterranean, and return thronah tha 8tandlsh, Is bv a man who haa won a the thin woman with th larg child en
out in Ascalon. and befor th party Grand canyon of the Colorado, which 5 a.cein tne hearts of every boy and tered the car.
their' manners of living were naturally Aa to the general degree of efft-
' I ' I I Lj I Fa Li ' I 1 l-M U I ' I l I VI:. ia hv tha- elevation, and th elanev ranched hv the neon leu nf tha
I I I J X I IVI I W Vj XJ VJ X xS varied mineral, vegetable and animal whole region he calls attention to a
great prehistoric dsm in Grant county.
'". ' - , ' " New Mexico, first discovered by the en-
Rt i:aroiirn raseorT. nntii everyooay in tne car wianea mat rt !- o..mrA. " ameers on tne aurvey oi tne interna-
F THERE was anythlnjr to make. us Willie was his for Just a few minutes. v. tional boundary line between the United
..n,i.h than -wa r-allv ill nB wnnnK to wet in-; price ot b Thev all naa at nana mnj uummn. states ana mexicu. on mtym. it con-
...W.V .VMUMJ -" V . . 1,1. .1.... ..I . ... ...... ... . . . ... . , . . .1... . . . .... A
. . ull - . h ui n iii j anil l uoiiiuii, ins. .'Ofc c, ci
reaches Emmaus only Laodlce and the he states was hla flr.t visit, 'and
oia mine servani, Momua, nave escapeq wmcn ne saya:
... an AA A th mi..,v rt "That. 1 m
thla haatitifut vounar Jawaaa a consDlr- that we know of." Tn nanDin. wa .tn. rtlend in other books
vi;.'-'. .5h,? OTrU." . .tone. With which to IM it of a gigantic arthworkflvet and
" - - . .--I . w unaf a to v iijiw. x win bibu u wiuui, - .. - a nan iniiea ion, mi u to iroi pikii.
day afternoon, when It grew dark as to bet that Wille knew this when his their houses, heavy volcanic rock ror lnvojvnf; i tt8 building the handling
mMnitrht at e n'einrir wa sot lt when mother threatened him befor the .street th walls, strong cramy-whlt , stona of from 8,000,000 to 10.0000.000 cubic
u,t Vlth. ifTln!.: J.$WX:!LV!:. !V?...B2.Ut5! To? floor, lintela and firebox... many yard? of material. : Thejpu. of thl.
a viiiiii tuna w A.iiu vut rw ,i, iiivuio. , - , anitabla for axes ana otner mwvi .. wh.-ii , uiimruuioiiif m -n
means business or when she does not 1", -lava for nottery. plament, artificial character, was to Impound wn-
rit was easy to tell from Willies actions lmple,?.eni!if, ter for irrigation, and the work Is com-
h. V, ku. allnwad tn d aa ha ' for ' ItS OMOraUOIl Witt "J l" . ,, "f . "i .....hi. .hot In tha I..I..IUn
..e e who wvcg Huuri ana wno nas peen
rortunate enoueh to have heard nf tha aub viiiiu waa Bumu oxiuu," iv v..- ic.,. K. .tin-,. . .. ha XOr Its umi"". . .-.--( ..v,i . ,ht ...n l th. l..l..iUn
" - - ... .. .. . a . . . . ii . im ..w. v" w - w ww. ...w i,i.. ...Ann i a I narannarnnua ana ci , i . . . ' , . v. , . v. , . . v.
There la nothing greater on earth PJJiln?nlr3icyTlaier and 1,18 "e neV" "w,4 T, lea" that avstem. of the ancient inhabitants of
acy naa oeen .ei arooi oy tne cousin ot . umB enougn ai mi. point to reiterate ..r'.. ii , .uum ,idea
.i i .... .ki.i, v.v.. ji t,. aikit ..-..!.. i . .-t, . related how Cantata .Tapir and hla
111 nilitu .vuwcyi " " . ...nnjr mini Tj u liavtj Bit 1(1 , wnai s a . .. ' . , ""v. - . .
the dower aha was carrying to her bus. s mistake to visit foreign lands before" raIad,1m.oney and built the gym- hag.
t.nnd and whlr.h took her into the house the beauty and marnlf Wnr- nf nasium St Mlllvllle school, and how the bear.
too big to be carried
atr a. namaT-11 m mnprAaain Tii ai i m flair im is Bopn a t rap naaitMs ax - i-.i.. it v j nan i
trayed her Into the arms of Julian of book one feels this particularly. .. through the right use of these advan-
.. .. f ii'nioiij, as ,Q ...
fine diacrlptlve powers KJi
.pTrecVation'couTd'hlveT.r,pfi7 ar Uke. the same char
i writina up the wonder, of fcters and writes an interesting story i."
n oont,l?er,UtfsseWZdserdonr'" .T, and
Ephesus, th cousin. they wish hi
The story reaches its climax during and keen i
the awful carnna of battle and the hor- devoted to
rora of th sieve bf Jerusalem. While the western
one almost shudders at the realistic de- the beauties and antiquitie. of i the east- eature, although oth
ecriptlons, they cannot but admire the ern. 1 neglected, and. indeed
riowerriii nen bl ins - autnor aa - tneae in nia lournev tna .nthn, v. . . ... va. .tvnuwu.
enes of lov and War are passed In only covered the tourist route but has
view, and they still more admire the gone somewhat Into the byways of
timata acquaintance th author evinces travel. He tarried long enough at each
th ner subject,- - place or importance to familiarize hlm-
ed comfortably. Be- waa aure no punishment would b meted ' we.aP0,"':"c' . the Olla and Sale do valley.. Arlxona.
- . ; in.v . anew uuw w w .. , , . . , ,
the child. ah'carrled an umbrella, ouoa ,. - - - . . , Ther- wertree, of many. ort.. to lw-w sucn . .nn, teat
a muff and th. , child'. Tddy ,tr,ct with xhlldr I .k5r -raUh.1w--Jl VlcVwMmpllW
If course, her dress waa lopni doctor once. "When they ar 3 hour, "tick., etc. rinpra A. 7-- fact that theae people not onlv did not
grace and knowledge .rnlina th- bnftnm tne r it was an- old," waa hi reply. . : - ' ""7' "V;. nS w. .n.d. into know the rudiments of mechanical
feature althnusrh nth., ania, n . .ana
ir. C
tn all nf tia . thai aha couldn't 1 inouani n - waa aun.u uuv -. ..a ,.,., !- waa wnv-n iraneporianoii, uui tuuiu nui
rr - . . v.... t V k.nm nnv nnlnlnn . ai I ut. .imiw ..wu i.. .. .. - - - -.ji uJ .
y moved uo to mak room tor ner,. "S'"'i mt- piher food. drinks. ' medicine "r 'JC"U"1'
ha at..d"? ith. hJ? S5"JnJ?r oorthTe. thread thi 4 fa Aeriyea f n .wild jty; ,T . ffN "Tr T ,TTTm
. . anil corn. Deans. auutiaiieB kiiu rvuiu. . v n : n ivi l i v i
even work
1G U.UM M O.U. . " fc I. " , , . . " ... f ,iW . ..I
:hlld with muddy ihoes, '".r.'k"" w7a cultivated ; for mean of subsls-
nu. i- .m. i irate woman passenger in iigni sain ..... rotton was crown in tn warmer
a llf IV! V ID a T VT3-rX WBI1M HUH lin-Tn- . . . ... a at lBlatlal. I . "I . , r- ' - u-. '- ' 1 . - I . . a
date tale that relates the triumphs and "5fld "trying 'o ? mak Wm " eep hi 6n ever punishment Js worth all . localltle for clothing ana aaorea pur- One College Man Who Proved Ex-
. . tw" v iirv VHICl lUttU UOyS anu -.U. -4ai - tA lla-h Blrl-
,ve" a 8oa tlie case of child
next to him. and frantic mother of the uSl,8a',
rican hnv. and - tha throat a or a lifetime, nut tne Drom- 1 ,
girl. BnRea ",m "'"f of the. region at that Munauwna - vuruue.
This is tfi striking featur In all self with conditions, cuatoms and S It Is rull of adyenlnrea of many sorts. ehf ,l"t" dT-i" toW iorInT ' mdiatly.- only ; jreiult In naklnir tt , "mi. T. irSu and " From the Kw TorK Sua.
.ree of Miss Millers stories. Itwould Die. His trained .eral mind one of the moat thrilling of which is an f?."a J?iS?id KS?,Vi Some college professors Insist that
Ht -"Tti Citv of Delight" haa not in its present them to Juda and lurt h. K anotner aunng a oauoon aacenaion. The '.'V'i.-.'V.l .V;v"iri.. "-iViit -nV ha "n l mTJiCI ATa'1TrTTATT?Ta .. JtS' y can . vit ,uitanc wmcn way. ye-
rIod of tim th tragic or dramatic this case, must be his readers enure dook is clean, wholeaome and in-. STf .ofc.,- , ( jpAlXiO UU AH AiAVO.
Idents that either of her Other book. To have visited so m&nv nlknea and Plrat.,on";1. and w'u fv? boys and girls flld,!L:' ... vl. h..e fall nn - ' ... - - .' -
iki, and the lack Of this may be a dis- met with such a variety of condltlona r 3 fB"Val1 ?r worK and play dur- t. " J .,hndv acroaa the aisle i. t.i j , ' , . s.
-.ointment to som readera. but that in so short a time woufd not SSmii nJ l"a their school days. L. C. Page & Co. ih?, "o0,1:' "d .P'Sat-iw Several Died From Acidents-eTwO Their Dwellinei.
not her fault any close study mto aoclal or eco- ,l'ou' K. -droo ir"Kt. 'Willie : Died Crossing th Atlantic. Amnn , fh. M.tM ,., of man of Kreat capacity who had neglect
Mis Miller has a fine literary style nomic conditions and the author doeg soM-nata .tn . "h mother niesded aaaS "but Willi irmm tha Wetmlnst-r Gaxette ' Thd of th region were or ed 0n course from hi. freshman year
n.i she handles the delicate subject of not assay to do this; but he sees thing" Hnter f t ,hiiT0jik't bjr. RoDert kentS throwlna hlseddy ,bear down , ,ffom tn , e!"m , a"!-- .different aorta antf It Is principally by when he got a condition,. When itcame
iuitian conversion In a reverent and and in an original ' and. bright way e h"t J?. iT11? several 'of his ; predecessor a th tyD of dwelling' that th different down to his senior year he had to make
l-utiful manner and n a way that can write, about then!. 81 7 '.w-lat the Socialists have done and up2nJ!5.5 i.Pn 5r?w tired of WllUe' winner of th Derby, Persimmon . ha, typ or oweuing inai in ouiennt he let It go until th very
fd nn nna in writing nf nni, i, are dolnw the world over. Tn via n had picked It up grew rea or wuue . . . trarlcallv. . - peoples may be distinguished. . ii.r. i lifi. -V.h T
-. - a.. - . , . . - . v-t i id un v Am u.aa- a-.. i aroma nn nam n ill rnHd . uu aai, ioi uwvu . . . . . .... .. i -a.-vu . . . - . - - . HW
1 ne ook aa a coiorea irontmpieoa maaes tne American reader feel at "";' im tin tne recent union 51. ' ,7 . it is not long sinco uuujptbu, wim in th open country, on tna piateaua, to get It off or lose his degree.
f-veral good muatrii tlona. Bobba. home when h says in speaking of Its SilJfiJi?'-" t.t.erestlnK to not aP,t.r.n Wmi" began to' squirm -and bIua,?'boD0n: '0Iati-tJtlik?f -Sn- and. ,Dv w,d.2 Hv8.r valley., theaa .vlhl man knew so little of German,
u-ii.,1 w wsriiwiM .i,e:"S;.,,,nl"lry Is as K il ' prea WPTK1,i. ,d he wanted to stand up on -" ?Su&aaZ'' .a.'.' farlrr 'n?l"taKai ?a'"a iP'lT. 'Jr,"r ' nour .in -.wmcn n was aencient.
' "-i - - jti in us ii i a. ii vy.
"The, New Faycnoiogr. Dy A. A. company has
3: i7-3i.. i, uuuen auu "io tv a ui ou, bwi luejr 'i'nn vkii uiButiicua wmcn nicy uo
fthPVhm?5a idtefha ."fK.51 -f 1,eV bar their "ld ' th CaSe-
. . . with th little meat that they at. , 0n of these faculty men. a -recent
graduate from a la rare university, said:
"When 1 was in college tnere was a
Indway, M. D.. has been received. Th land and pipeline from the government menting on the dlfferen
tst thought one has after reading vr. ana one of its mairnates, tomine- .1 ns. taaen in different countries.
idwiy's book ia. - What a very clear tn same- hotel m Bucharest Where w . uunf ,a.y" lhat ln Ita,y- "between th d .hiciT were
different form .loiT- he jwaniea to .iii.wv be destroyed.
i:a ' m rrr n Tunflv Dear, aim tuni w-g mi ..j
. - '-f - . ij - a .-. niiviu uiun
x vv,vtr. V ."aJ JA
w - -r- v w - JVIIIK13I&1.L. L11V9 . wriiiiict
ail ,mWW.rlUi .,hl - ..n..ln. Ih. At
of 1870.
ul simple handling of a very eom-. went, had been engaged ln the effort reactionaries above and the anarch'lsta ' flili thront;WUli., ' wW,lc?0OTln5 'iSit"-;' varloua-room - wer urnlshad. .with- a et of examination paper,-In that
!. x and baffling uoject" Mverjl months. The question b?1011'., th Socialist, are the only con' U F?n.fflv th middle. someUme a low cours for about six years baclt They
The author ooes not go very deeply; whether th country ahall grant "a - Jtructlv force. . . Anarchism I thft tha very, small picked out the recurrent question until
J . v. .ia atv,, wauv. vh.i..,... - nun. f,v B .nail .it lit t;m WHO
ot mor compact masses ot rooms The wa proficient tn German armed with
J"" varloua rooms were furnished with a set j of examination paper- ln that
anv nna hr.n.h nf fhl. vdrr faanl. mononolv to tha fltandard . -.7 V-? arain mablno- henda.r 'tlat tn IJOn t. wiiiio.
r.!ing subject, but touches upon, th ?ot Into politics snd becn'the cau'e of wretched of the workers and leading whin vmf wl
liorce u.riv -warfare. rnr.tAM.kA.- uicm io aeBnarara onA i r ' .
risurrec-vdon't behave
i ImiKirtant ones, leavinar much ma
Hal fr thought This might' wall bf or -other a quasi-political party ha tlon which the Boclalists, with all : ? Water
' v ui i -1 .n . ii . u bwv. f, . " . ii iviuicv. " ii i ir.. smuuvieui mav oe m. - i'vw, v iiuui prevent or - wh n ...... t..
makes the reader do his own, thinking, said to b,; -Let th Standard In!" onoa- started.. .control ' rii!ral
1 J .J1 i. -'l . I -) f 1 . a a) m . m . . . . a . . 1 W IlilH WV Hfl
r. i.mnsar naa ummoM j iuu- r. v-aruoie nna a aeilgntrui nablt. Of " ranc ne notes that "nnlillnn W .k.r
t-Into seventeen parts, or chaptcrv. referring, ramiiiarlr. to things In often means revolution, and tha mf : u. tint no actlna until
na ronciae ana iinoer- ; America, ano i Jing striking compar- widely varying doctrines, rrom xtrem naclfied him with om cheap
i.L..inV .i,. ..... k' C - !.. ,t.i. J:.w i. ' P'Bces. ""rV ""m extreme statism, are fra- of a bag which she csrriea
" r j r 'lZnm. coionng nu.nwy rnioracea wunin Its scope. . "Now Willie, be good or
I tn a rlear and ronclae, and
nrtuMe way.
tuoioslcal la
i ' wor k out th detail.
Ill tell your pa. Ultt lie ll - . ..... . i. .,,. Jtn.,- .Iv, .. uv""0 ".BwHiB . 'n i limit j t..ic.. mi, mai, wr muUK I
Un we get ' horn If yoa- R??!'. n.ta,.f'Wp-.ra? nt.T,rooma When th pueblo were built which were Included in the varloua pa
o""s-:-7a: ;'.;:Y.rv,sir. i". winner of 4i ii3J'?&j?Zf?'. .f.f5cb er i ;ln-ur P" "
on a OUCKS o. vaar. .am-- llva tn a nml old tn and -.JT" VrV'T'.-. - .t J ,.'.""."- - ' '
waa an lndlviauai or wnom t;"i, .l.. ; .T,7.. i V ln lno mounwina aau aton ins -ims man, . wno, as 1 sald,was of
no more afraid than h wa &?!?airJ?S' JiJLyi'.J? tep bank Of th rivers, generally In great capacity, then proceeded to mem-
. " . i."-r"'i ..w.rri T5,,i c " tn narrow-canyon near tn -read- oris a correct answer to
she finally .t"aJL"?..,S. "'5. ..";l"a ii."" JKF..: waters, peoples very similar to th Questions. He had a
5U.. dana iA nZrf m.Kvl't.rA P?oio inw our enrr owwinga wnici qutioii. m that ne would -
tn ner mniii , ; ." 1 aro now niaciieneo witn smoKe- ana even ir It were - not worded
I'll tell your- -r --' . -- filled with imnlements. refuse and soma. . the nm nn a nravlnua nan...
each ttt theaa
keyword for each -
recognize It-"
exactly as
A a whole It haa In recording tire-history of the move- r, and ha will whale you," ah. ' aald, Dourlaa Fattison haa announced htm. tlmea burials. Single houses wrften
ment in America he av- "fe, ...v ;j wtin. niid iiniu tnt -tnnrisr Mit ti a candidal tor tut uemocratlo -placed ' in nichea or fissures In the
"ia ;iiera:ieB or the party were wss eaten tnen n ofiui w wmuiui 0i,iiiu.uvii t"" ", roi-n.. owiij any icart large examinanon ana passea orr a year
Vn -,in in a n-t. .1 . . .w.. - . . 7 . . ..... .. . .Via narf nrma na noma la in ITr-annrt. - . .. . . . ..n.h tn .hall.. . i.i. . a.T. .... i 7
a wa.wvv a. .imiitii 14 iretug lllll .ill. umuijiuailil. . .
b rhufter on "Intelligence of -th miirh that t Inetructfv and a great n
' 1 perhaps the newest and most deal that ia entertaining , ' -vv
.!icd Wra in tb book and open up . Ti book la quit haBdaomely bound taken tip in ngbtlna tha virT,a .IZ TaainJ and
With this sort of work.- which tonk
the him about all night he went into the