THE . OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, . PORTLAND. SATURDAY .EVENING,' APRIL' S, 1003. 11 t v I V TO IX) AS REM KM HER., YOU YOll- OI K HATES ARK THK 1AWEHT. ' WHAT MORS CAN YOU ASttT . STATU K'-C'.V"'?!0 T04 DEKLM Mr tvl III GOOD SHAPE iTISS FLACK T OOK THE (JOIN. Ulj MONET. rnr all salaried people. Com Ml" It; tliMpeit city; for I loan prlva riotioratji ISrSSSi Mg- Homer Arrives With Tassen- r an ens that wtnU te ? -TV j x a -r 'w tf.JTrif ? crers and Freight From s. - IPHUT till- " 'V-rtH I 1 BUTTON vKftUl 1 v-"i , . ' 1l"llfth floor, llekiltn h'df: San Francisco. i: L'tting our ton DIOR. IIARRIMAtf LHVER SENATOR DEPARTS SALAKT ANT) MOnTOAOB WANS JO salaried emplsyee And on Pj'"!.,;" nlture, war.houee reoe pts. n2r'B!,,eV .nr. policies and all kinds of ar"' New Era Loa:i a Mortg sge -o without iWuiiiV: cheapt rates, easiest Carrie Big Crowd of Faaaengers and navm.ntai offices in o p- save yourself mony,by terms first jjroimanMjAblnft as Much Freight as Can . B Ac commodated , in , Holds -Popular Craft Expected to Return. Terms i ini.""''ijir-- j every nature, w havesome n01njJ' Installments. Call forpartlculars. Co- I Dorr Is, arrived this morning from San lumbia Life 4V Trust Co. Jl Lumber I Francisco with tOO tons of general Kxchanse pice. - I freicht and 14 passensers, . Bhs rods out The steam schooner Homer, Captain 110.000 TO loan o i ""i,!,;:,! y0 it me worst or yeaieruays storm in ins property In sums of 1760 ana up. u. i ' mirre - I Hm, bat escaped without a scratch.' Iii,ui TO LOAN IN BUMS OF ll.oo The Homer Is a small craft, but rides nrreu, ths wave, Ilk. a duck, and Instead of ?r. i . Uv oimaBTH h;TL, COWH- - (..ViV.i. to t and eay ts pay. say ran mountains high, she rose and; T. Newton, ell Huchanan bidg sank with them, her decks remaining llON'K to LOAN ON GOOD rrAXKi-abovB water throughout It all. Fortu ty at 7 per cent interest. Dabney natety the sea was running behind ths Psbnev, 413 uommwrwi "'" , acnooner, or pruunuij in. np wuuiu VoHTdiut:& fTMl OK SECON U have taken. another day. The wind was iiia aVd her wl estate securities blowing at ths rate of about 7 miles . -lac.nte R K Noble. Commercial bIK. an hour when ths Homer was Oft; Tllla- illMJEWATM LOANS TO S.C00. ON "TfVr discharging her frslrht at Oak ,U securities. R. L , Eckeron ca, dock ,n. Jomer wiJ ,hlft 10 room t. VVaahlngtonlgs'n "-, .nwanlo dork to load a cargo of wheat LOANS 6N KEAL. ESTATETCIIAT- for San Francisco. Bhs will probably tels or personal security. W. A; I lath- take a, small quantity of lumber for ...r, 10 Wa.hlnrton bldg. laome I derkloafl. . . I f- HusM "to Loan;' LaKUJ I-OANM A l Two yjsrs agstha Homer went from SDeclalty. buUdlng loiuta: lowest rates; i ntr. i t-r un ion minni ww iupui.n '?Vi .-.!: u i six Fat Ins. I for a trading company, but ahe has been IT:-'" " . " . .' i' .. -i8 In ths lumber trade alons ths coast 6A1K iAN--l aj yy r.o i rx mOHt of th6 tlm. sInce ,h,n. Ptirser Kmpmyea- imn v . . o Connor wss formerly on ths steamer uAN tXa THE ASK1NU BALABV OH k. A. KUburn that ran between here chattel. The Lonn Co.. tekiirr.. an( gan and way ports. Si ii kI 1 'jAa u4aLL Shkjt'KlTlEH. The Harrlman liner Senater sailed for 8 W. IQnV a WastTbhlg M. 10. B.n Frandsce this morning crrrng t n w..h bid? yhi;Kwat" thV".u"r. cf sfcoriry. W. HolU R. t. VVash bldg. mtir Mut. and henceforth passengers IN SUMS OF I3,ooo 'iU sx,vw ia i will hairs the opportunity or vlewlp W. Goddsrd. TIP ti st ths grand Columbia river scensry. o PAIXTING AM) PATERIXQ box 474. city iXUt BEST WOKK. TKICtb RIGHT. c. 11 P. A. Lioane. m. iu. im unmn th way down. on j:Jkit" ... ! A alii 1 1 1 I BI.V '."fi . rWr I All yisUili ' .a t y? I 1 1 1 1 U-. 1 II t A V7K 3 fcd Ml BOiaJK- C tin BOLD HOLD IIP III HOTEL OAR Oaklanders Made to "Ro vV.Good". at -Point: of Big-Revolver." - (TJalLd Pnes Iiiit4 Wtr..) : Oakland. Cal.. Aprn That a hold up man can saunter Into a hotel bar room, while guests and patrons of ths bar art standing about outside, frighten two or three men Into hysterica and escape with the contents of the till at I o'clock In ths svenlnr has been demon mtrmt M.I In thla flltv. " While W. H. Rollins, bartender, and Frank Dennis, porter, were waiting in the bar-room of ths Mstropols hotel for trade lsst night a ions banait, srmea with a revolver, stepped In and calmly commanded them to throw up their hands. They !!. and stood use ststues while the hold-up man walked to the ommh rarleter and took therefrom 119, in the meantime unanea 4iara. a tour ist from London, stepped In. He also thw ii n hia hands as Dsnnls mads a break for ths door. Ths bandit followed Dennis and a moment later collided with tha manaa-er of ths hoteL Thars was considerable confusion by this tlma, snd ths strsnger, flourishing his rs voiv.r ones more, ran down ths strset followed by a crowd of men. lis es caped. PASTOR SWOONED AS HE PRONOUNCED BAN And Lebanon Bride Baaea Her Suit for Divorce Mainly on Superstition. You Need Not Pay any Doctor An Exorbitant or Fancy Price1 for Treatment When I Offer You a Thorough and Permanent CURB for the Moderate Fee of $!0 oo , m. TATX.OB, ' Ths lisafllag Bpsotallsi, ... z sunr. xnrcostnaoATiB OAa I havs a quick and absolutely certain system of treating ths cases I undertake which posi tively insures ths curs In Isss .than half ths time called for by ths methods . ussd In ordi- ' naryprftC ICS, t . .' t. . m . winfiAmnrw iTVnnArWT m j nose in any truuoie auiierins iruin Amvvuiu, i iwFv, mx BLOOD IOISON or any other disease tending to destroy and disfigure and to render happiness Impossible are urged to call upon me without de lay. Those wasting valuable tlms dissipating their money. and aggravating theinaiiment by submitting to inairect, merrectuai, , unscisnuno treatment that never did and never can cure, are Invited to visit me and Investigate my successful system. I positively guarantee results in au curaois caaea and frankly refuss to accept any pthsr class If for any reason It la too lata to guarantee a ours. - I CURB '" :n Do you feel that you era not ths man you one wer.T Do you feel v.- V . VARICOCHLU By varicocele .ws understand , a twisted, hardened and knotted condi tion of ths reins carrying, tha blood from .the appendages. Tha stagnant blood In tha affsctsd veins seriously Interrupts ths' blood supply, of tha rgans and. of ten Is beoauss of re flex symptoms which' are not easily recognised. ' By my Improved meth ods I uss no knife, causs bo pain nor loaS'Of time from business. My treatment Is scientific, thorough, permanent and never falls. It will pay every man suffering from Vari cocele to Investigate before consid ering other treatments My HONEST AND CANDID ADVICE COSTS tired In tha mornlnr snd easily ex hausted? Is your back weak?' Is our memory falllngT Do you have Ifflculty In flxlna your thoushtsf Are you losing smbltiont If you have any or all of ths above symp toms, you surely do not dsslre to r-i main so. Let me explain to voumv methods of rebuilding the vigor of men, and refer you to the thousands I havs cursd. I eruarantee to cure all the Bpeclal Diseases ef mea, such as Spermatorrhoea. Tarleoeels. Stydneele, Stricture, Contracted Dis orders, Contagious Blood JTolioa. sTsrvoas D.uuity, ete. - OOBTSni.TAtl02f TMX. YOU NOTH1NU. I cheerfully give you -the very, best opinion, guided by Tears gi aucceasiui practice, inenr out ox town, in ' irouDie. wnia ir van cannot call, as many cases yield readily to proper home treatment and eure. My offices are open all day from I a. m. to fl p. m., and Sundays 10 to i. the DRf. TAYLOR co.; 344 KOXmZSOV. STBXBT, COWXB SX00V9, rOBTXUjrO, . OBIOOV Photo of Miss Helen E. Flack, wbo Is under arrest Is New York city. While there is strong probability ef charged with' grand larceny. Her employer, Joseph E. Ellery. alleges the Senator beinsr replaced by another . . . . ... .a PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPKR-1 steamer, it Is understood that she will 6na appropmtea to ner own use too sum oi sio.uuu. aiibs r ibck hanger, decorator, wants your work; make at least one more voyage on the farg ,he was never paid any salary and regarded herself as a partner satisfaction guaranteed. . Address P. O. routs. httlna bavins- hullt It un for her enmlover. When she de posited money to her own account she regarded it as her own and she maintains she was not guilty of embezzlement. WRECKAGE COMES ASHORE. painting AND if AVER . HANG IN a. ErWence ot iMia of Vessel Lands on phone East llos. ... JtCCBEK SXAiU-S A-I SEALS victoria. B. C, April Wreckage P0" of raln and feed. a large part of her cargo being com- Kerr. Glfford St Co. to carry wheat to x,urvye. cno is ai. anciiur in mv iiiwu ALSO ALL OFFICE STATIONERY, p. S reported near. Carmanah that Indl D. c. Co.. ZSi Htara. i.i. nm. , SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES cates, according to Lighthouse Keeper Daykln, that some vessel has .recently met disaster. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. " N. Bsgmlar xUssrs Das to Arrive. MARINE NOTES. Astoria. April 11. Condition of the SHOWCASES OF EVERY DESCRrP- . tl mid showcases, csbtnets. store and of f lee vanlsed hinges; three tin trunks, broken; flxturea 18 Couch st Pacific tltl. I part of sixth hatchway, marked oort Ja. H. BIKDSALL. Da.IGNKR; AUT. M. forward, broken: a topmast, evidently of Winter Lumber CO.. T Mammon mas, i rome rr nip; a iox ox pain tea tum- ner: a narawooa tumoier raca over six feet long; four 18-foot oars: broken ' ' ' a"0 ''" narts of a vnasol'a hlta. aevan fwt Inn.. c . r ' ' . ---- " ? pped BY HER FRIVOLITIES His report, sent late Rr.lcwater. Coos Bar April 19 bar at 8 a. m.. rough; wind, south 16 lsst night, says: Sm H. Klmora. Tillamook April 19 miles; weather, cloudy. ipwubw w a. v. u.n i " 1 "A quantity of wrecksgs has come Eureks. Eureka and Coos April SO I Tides at Astoria today Low water. iLSfce rh f utkJ ?utm "co"" Mhor ot 5.rmanah. It Roie cit San Francisco April U 8:12 a. m.. 0.S feet; 8:18 p. m.. J. 4 feet. tle to order. The Lutse aurg. CO. - . ln,iH,. two larxe boat chocks, about Roanoke Han Pedro and wav ..April 11 San Francisco. April 18. Sailed at JK JAM1CS L MARSHALL MFU. CO, five feet long, of hardwood with gal- Alliance, Coos Bay April 21 12 noon, steamer Rose H.n. rn, Enn i-Ytnrupft Anrii z. i una. O. AV. .Elder. San Pedro, way ..April 28 .Astoria, April 17. Arrived at 12 noon, Nloomedla. orient May 1 steamer Westerner, from San Francisco. Alesla. orient June 1 Arrived at 1:30 and lert up at 1:10 p. Numantla, orient July 1 I m., steamer Homer, from San Francisco. ir.hi. i Am. 1 1 Gibraltar. April 17. Passed April 16. T.nav. a xtvx. British steamer St. Hugo, from Port- ' " ' , , . I land, for Antwerp. Alliance. COOS Bav ...April 18 1 iL IniHI 17 Arrived Anrtl 11. Eureka, Eureka and Coos April -jl Britten steamer Tweeddale, from Port- eue ti. j-.imore. iiimmoon Aprn 'iiiand. Breakwater San Francisco. . . .April 221 s AfMtV QTJOT ENA OFFENDS . Roancke. San Pedro and way. .April 271 Geo. W. Elder. San Pedro April 30 Senator, San Francisco May 2 Nlcontedla. orient May e 1 Im.ii orient June I Numantla. orient July S Duennas of the Spanish Court and TMsniaron. Acme. Am. sh Stream ujignsn xioyamrs auw Jordanhill, Br. sh Linnton ri,i rr, Alln. Mart. ITr hlr fnlnmhln No. 2 1 Cnlae HCr, Broderlck Castle. Br. ship Stream Larglemore, Br. sh o. w. r. aocs Kawira Leiaiue. r. tK.vreenwiun nu. i , . . ,, . . T , Moller. Fr. bk.. Montgomery No. 2 wmon, AVni - " vu rown of India, Br. bk. Drydock cret that the formal English court Is eyland Bros., Br. sh. ..... .....Astoria I njucjj exercised over numerous Indls- Ey"'"xl of Queen Victoria of Spain, Cornll Bart. Br. bk Irving who Is said to be speedily sapping ner (jeiticDurn, r. dk uceanio quickly gained popularity among ui INomia, er. dk .eire.rn ."""f. UU"V, .7. 3 Queen Victoria Is uncommonly garru Urania. Nor. bk Oceanic I , Thi trnrii,.h Alstorkamp, Ger. bk. Astot-U court i0oked on the SDanlsh marrlaae 2:-!" XJ"".-; 'iJ","2" r"J I 8 Inches square; a teak copper cai D11UWLU , flUAI MB B A f SB- , o . -maU but m.rlr- tO ijargs stoca; locxouts openea. jaiis. iimtlty ,t by. xi ths above came metal furniture. J. E. Davis. 46 3d t L.hnM,.n it looks as If the wreck oc- iiKist"KUO aiu xfAntK Af co At ourrea recently." factory prtcss: second-hand safoa I The telegraph line, owing to the gale, Mosler Safe Co.. 108 3d st. -j lis now down to Carmanah. so no fur ther news is svailabls at present. No TYPEWRITERS I report of wreckage haji. been received u.u-1-.- T--u.n. -..-,, -. i ,.' 1 from any points on the west coast ALL MAKES. RENTED. REPAIRED. reacnea ty wireiess. Home surprise sold. P- I). C Co, 231 Stark. Tel. 147. i" " wrrjcimg. owina; to i in mci in in wbb. tiier nai not dnii very rough for two weeks off the straits. y': TRANSFER AND STORAGE. ! Ca ViCK TRANSFER STORAGE , story brick warehouse, with separata GOES ON LONG VOYAGE. iron rooms ana iire-proor vault lor vai- TnB. Xn-th Klnr RmA t Tiv. fni. and Pine " ; ' - vvabtes. northwest corner of 2d ksta Pianos and furniture moved and f packed for slapping.. Phones Main 68. , Home A-l8. - . . t OI EN-ROE TRANSFER CO Bristol Hay. ' The Portland-Alaska Packers' com pany's tug North King leaves down il I mand of Captain Cantlllon. She goes General transfer and storass: ssfe : nlsnos snd furniture, etc moved, nacke rand shipped. 809 Oak st, between Front north as tender to ths salmon fleet I snd 1st. Phone Mala 647, A-3247. - . and particularly to ths ship Berlin, WAHKHUUSS SPACE FOR RENT, ON 7!icii c0,se2, a oupl,?w0' 67 ag0 ' track arooda stored Western fttorara bound for Nushagak with crew and blti Tn'sfCo ' 82r? HawthorS. ave" equipment for the' company's cannery, rnw TP,KiegPP rvi m u-wf .The North King Is a. small craft for AO Uaeww kenllnsi at.ii saA I TUV ""S sua nA akAii4 all hats. A .... AX cat is ' a j hu.ihb av wihv 4 1Vix OOnonif w If n SVA w An T n aMAiivk ttrt I r a i in i - i a i , i tjn.kx a a. vvub.;w t-aiwuKii K. rt 1 .''INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE & TRANd-Jto Uke her to her destination. Stored , fer co. storage Btarx. Main 40 7. in sacks, the fuel covers the entire fKADDERLY" TRANSFER & 'STORAGE1 M" ) oepth of several feet It Is Co, 111 N. 8th. Main 188S: A-1885, WHOLESALE JOBBERS " M. A. GUNST ft CO, PISTRIBUTOR8 OF FINE CIGARS. expected to make the run from Astoria in two weeks st ths most. The North King carries a crew of is au told. Biie has been materiaii strengthened at Suppls's shipyard an this morning Captain Cantlllon took her out for a little spin In the harbor Driore nnnging ner up alongside the ivERDiNn. a- FARRELL. PRODUCE Alder street dock where the final nreo and commission mercnants,. 140 jtfront araiions lor uie trip are Deing maae. t et, Portland. Or. GOES TO CAVTTE, P. I. Liner Arabia Will Carry Powder and Cannon to Fort, The oriental liner Arabia will take Phone Main 179. f OREGON FURNITURE MAKUFAC- turlng Co. Manufacturers of - Zurnl- ture for the trade. Portland, Or. tWADHAMS CO., WHOLSESALE GRO- cers, manufacturers - and commission 1 merchants. . 4th and Oak sts. I LEW1S-6TENGER BARBERS' SUPPLY 2,000 cases of smokeless powder and a a.. . .7 "- larye cannon to uavite, I', x, tnis trip, ; ture. barbers' chairs. 10th and Merrtsoa making the voyage several . hundred l'HJB GRATON A KNIGHT MFG. CO, miles longer than ordinarily. Hon- oak tanners, leather belting maaufao- Kong being the usual terminus of the ttirers. Portland, Or.. 61 1st st route. BATES-WIGHT CO, CALENDARS. AD- tram nLn lmab9t,S2 vertlslng novelties. ' 160 th st 'rm S", JZSj J1, HZ1 HOLESALE,CRC:KERtANDQL.AS8. t& MfSSnolfl! ware, t-raei. nw " j-"- the greatest care. The shipment Is maae tor tno governments account, Cavite being one of the main fortifica tions In the islands. The Arabia is still dlscharcrlnsr In ward freight at Alaska dock, but will Sronmoiy ne ready to begin, loading ondav. She will take out a full caro-o. rU .L.akin'' m : ; Jil' Immu conelstlmt of wheat, flour and lumber Portland wsanssoay ai o p. b, iron u"m; i"""1" "u uannun men OSK street aoca. lor vinn, ssaxaii- i fleld and coos ay points. - j reign t re ceived till 4 p. in. on day of sailing SETTLEMENT IN SIGHT. -lK. IT Inrrliidlnar berth . and meaia. Inquire city ticket office, Third and j GraJnhandlcrs and Exporters Witt w,8l"n"on ,ireet- w Hold Another Conference fTVtlmTKi2 rImas f.sri9'si It Is understood that a conference vuiumtfiu mrvi -''" .7 .v will likely be held this afternoon be. IilMH 8TEA3CSU. 1 tween reDresentativea of tha rtralrv Daily service between Portland and I handlers' union and the various exnort- The Dalles, except unday, : leavtnf t ing firms for the purpose of seeing it Portland at 1 a. m, arriving about (I a wage scale agreement cannot be ar ... m, carrying freight and pessengers. rived at - 'irndid accommooauons ' xor euints i Two ana a nair-cents an nour for livestock. . !, overtime stand between the gralnhand- .ok foot of Alder st. Portland; loot j lent and their work, the exporters of- 'Jourt at, xns xiaiiea. raone aiaia i lerlng et cents an , nour ror overtime ALLEN' & LEWIS-r-GROCERlES. i TBAySPORTATION . V - t COOS B LINE Alvena. Am. ch.... Northland, Am. ss Portland U .Co. ance whlch would itail the western Arabia. Ger. ss . ..Alaska European 8tates with England In op- JZl??mk position to Germany, and now there U IfiVowAto??i A?' TSJS FJlt danger that these aspirations may be wi'snA bV UMn t0rM' Homer, Am. ss Oak street QUeen victoria has had trouble with Ba Boats to Ioad lumber. several staid duennas at her husband's Echo. Am. tflctn. Callao court The duennas attempted to lm- Melvllle Dollar. Am. ss... San Francisco pose on the queen the stiff Spanish Ravalli. Am. ss.... San Francisco etiquette which regards a young, wife Churchill, Am. sch... Keiourn, nr. dk Virginia. Am. sch Johnn Poulsen, Am. ss.. Chehalls, Am. bktn. . . . W. F. Jewett, Am. ss. . . W. R. Hume, Am. sch . . , Westerner, Am. ss. Tallsc. Am. ss Shoshone, Am. ss Mabel Gale, Am. sch .k'inn as a prisoner. Instead of meeting theso . .MoJillones pretensions tactfully, Queen Victoria Lebanon. Ohio. April II. Just be cause she Is superstitious, Mrs. Inss 1 1 Dlebold haa filed suit for divorce from Louis Dlebold and asks that her maiden I namo, Ines Beedle, be restored to her. Hha aava that 111 omens have "worked' in thlr married life to such an extent that her husband has become negli gent. Two years ago. Just ae a minister at South Lebanon had pronounced ths two husband and wife, he swooned, fall ing dltectly- between them. The wife took the affair as a bad omen and would not go to Cleveland with Die- bold to live. He pleaded, but she-would not he moved, declarlna that they would be unhappy. He left but a year later she joined him in Cleveland. There they lived for a year, apparently In happi ness, but the woman says she wss sver haunted bv the thoughts of ths Inci dent of the wedding night A few months ago she returned to her home in Boutn xenanon ana toaay orourni the suit. She Is very pretty. Her father Is marshal of South Lebanon. Dlebold Is a prominent real estate man In Cleveland. The contest for the Democratic nomi nation ior governor of Tennessee will anon ha on In earnest. Ex-uenator ear mark and Governor Patterson, ths rival candidates for the honor, are soon to meet In a series or joint oeDatea. fl.a aae a CGeeVo Tk. Wall-Ksawa Kellakle CHINESE Km aaa H.r DOCTOR lit. stsd at rests aa4 ft.rka, sad Is last .tad; dlarovand una Is gt!a t. U). warld his wondrrfiri rraiediaB. MO MZRCURT. rOIBONS OS DRUOS OSES ME CUBES WITHOUT OrillATIOS. OB , WITHOUT THS ATO Of A KITIIX Be naraatees t eer. Cstarrh. Aathsia, tens. Ttiraat BbMw.rl.aj .Nereoamea, ftwrnma DrMUtV. Stnmrh. liver. KMwf TrMihlHit M txt . Mnhi4. f.1e Weak seM and AU Pilvete THwnwa A SURE CANCER CURE fast BMSrvad Vrom Ftktnf. Cxla. ttt Inn asi Kallakle. ir TOO ARB ArrtlCTRD. ttoiTT DEtAT. DELAYS ABB DANGEROUS. If roe ran not eaU. writs tor arstftai Mass ass curoiar. inctose e eBts is stasatia CONSULTATION FREE tU C. 0X WO CHUIESI UZLlClMt b0 ms x mi st, uv, MEN'S DISEASES Cured to Slay Cored No Pay Unless Cored Free Consultation It win not cost you anything to call at our office, and by so doing it may save youjnuch time, worry and money, and because if wa can not cure yon we will honestly tell you so,- and you will not be under any financial obligation trj us. You pay us our fees for cures not to ex periment; we have proved the fact that our methods are the best, latest and most scientific in every respect There 'are some cases that are curable and we determine whether it is curable or incurable by a thorough physical and mi croscopical examination. We cure Cystitis, Irritation of Neck of Blad der. Enlargement and Inflammation of the Pros tate Gland and all diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys quickly yield to our modern methods of treatment. We especially invite old chronic caAes that have been unsuccessfully treated elsewhere. " Blood Poison, Skin Diseases, Nervous Decline, cured by scientific methods known and indorsed by the medical profession. WRITE if you cannot call. All correspondence strictly confiden tial and all replies sent in plain envelopes. ' , HOURS 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; evenings, 7 to 8:30; Sundays, 9 a. m. ST. 10UIS "IXiT DISPENSARY Corner Second and Yamhill Streets, Portland, Or. tggigaSasgaBxigzsaga SPECIAL rsrtlaao, Orana, aatxa xais aaaa .San Francisco openly opposed them. The offended .San Francisco duennas thereupon began a campaign .... Makawell against the queen's alleged flightlness. Hi 4. Portland, Koaxa: PAcrno steamship co.-s . STEAMSHIPS Roanoke and Geo. W.Elder Fall for Eureka. Ban Francisco and Los Anroles direct svery Thursday at Ip. nv Ticket oSK-e 1 Third .near : Alder. t !.J.,JSEg and the gralnhandlers asking 52 U cents. If this point can De solved work on the t a-raln docks will be resumed Monday I morning. ELMORE SHOWS SPEED. . . Rorinnrin and even got veiled references to it Into .San Francisco the press. .San Francisco During her last visit to England the .Sun trrnnniann youna queen ot Spain appeared at .San Francisco Buckingham palace with the front of .San Francisco her 'dress so completely covered witn i t?. f! At Madrid she appeared in slippers umivjn, m. in, ........... .Ainni y i every men oi wnicn, including me neeis, Edmund Rostad, Fr. bk London was covered with pearls. Kmanuele Accarae. It bk. ... Hamburg Teles-rams received statin.- that Asgard, Nor. ship Antwerp Queen Victoria expects another happy K ,1 n c, V. Kir . inln.fti ...... . . An t .. n .1 ' 1 .. t w.a "'m .ium. w... ... . . - . ...... v . uvriii ncic mcucu uy xvtiiK ,uwnru Albert Rlckmers, Ger. bk...... Antwerp with the ironical comment that "Vlf. Clan Graham, Br. sh. Cardiff torla must keep herself in the public rjuaciiiQ rauiroi. it. i ahiwwd ive. v nMnni r mr . inr wurn Kid-?B;:ii-:::::::::H. AND SON OF David de Anjers, it. sn. Antwero Brabloch. Br. bk ......Antwerp Killoran, Br. sh. Antwerp Coal Ships lis Bouts. Ancalos, Br. ah ....Newcastle, A. Mlndoro. Am. sch. .Newcastle. N. S- W. La Roche Jacquelin, Fr. bk . Newcastle, A. Tramp Steatosis En Boats. Strathgyle, British ss. ...San Francisco .san Francisco .San Francisco Guaymas .San Francisco .ban Francisco Bremerton A Society. Leader's Fall. -From the Hometown CPa.) Banner. It la . tt'lth fiol irnn nt rpimif ikit m ltarn of a sad accident to Mrs. George Astoria at 2 a. I m. Wednesday, and after rrenrh The nnnuiar lea.w f , - loading, some 'freljrht - and Jalnjr -;4 ' " ' " 1 about ZU panBeogera n.- yriKwuwi, oa r!sl fmir hundred.- It sems that she I her way at 5 a. m. and crossed the I .l climbed a tre In the back yard to 1 Tillamook bar at 11 a. m. This is the I Makes Run From Portland to TUla- - ' mook in 16 Bonrs.v ;.; ; rSneetal JMapatch to The Jrmro.!.) ' " Tt.v ntv Or.. Aorll 18. The steamer Sue ll. Elmore, which is now In Tllla- . 1. V. .. m A a m Miuw mil tfin iiai. In., trip from Portland, covering the distance In 19 hours, Including a. stop of three hours at Astoria. Leaving Portland at 4 - p. m,- i Tuesday, tne jimore' reached .i..'ih a kite, wi.tna limb broke, and I quickest trip made by the vessel sines .1 cuino dawn and struck a wheelhar-1 she was placed on the Portland-Tilla- n'i't svNiniiiru nui injuries tnat I moK run. ne carriea aooui. iuo- iii le laid-uo fr foitnlght 'of freight for Bay City . and yillan tons mook. Inverklo. Br. ss Boverlc, Br. ss. ...... Taunton. Br. ss ..... . Foerlc, Br. ss Madura, Br. ss Tabor. Nor. ss .4 . . . . River Forth, Br. ss .Everett Xa Bouts la Ballast to Zioad Grain. 1 Manx King, Br. ah Taltral Port Crawford. Br. sh..; Callao Agnes Oswald. Br. sh Callao River Falloch, Br, bk Callao Nordsee. Ger. sh.... ...Callao Oregon, Ger. sh. Yokohama Gen. Faldherbe, Fr, bk. Yokohama Henrietta, Ger. sh.. West coast Bretagne, Fr. sh, San Francisco Aster. Ger. bk Valparaiso Marechael de Noallles. Fr. bk.West coast Helena Blum, Fr. bk ....Bristol oil teamen Sa Boats. Geo. Loo ml a Am. as gan Ftandsce . ALONG THE WATERFRONT. . i '-- -' The steamer Alliance sails for Coos Bay this evening.. v V The steamer Hercules brought the barge Wallacut to the mills of the Portland Lumber company yesterday atfernoon to be lined. The barge will be put in commission carrying g6ne to the jetty at the mouth of theJolum-bla.'-, ' The steamer Breakwater Is due tn mr. rive nere, tomorrow? night from Coos Bay. , - - -.) ; , ) The ' German bark NOmla, Captain HImmel, . arrived in the harbor- this morning In ' ballast under charter to KAISER GAMBLERS Ostcnd Director Names Princes as Frequenters of His Place v in KursaaL at rwert prtniinQ biaiM i. SMsnn-asw. JM - Bruges. Belgium, April 18. Director Marquet of the Ostend Kursaal, has ad mitted before the azzlzle court that the Duke ot Abruzzl and a son of the Ger man emperor were among the distin guished patrons of hia . gambling club, having been admitted without the cere mony of balloting, owing to their dis tinguished position In life. . i --. .. M. Marquet who Is said to be a part ner of King Leopold, is on trial charged with maintaining a gambling house In the Kursaal. His defense is that rou lette and baccarat are not games of has zard and that besides no one but club members Is allowed to gamble In his place. Intending members, he explained, had to submit to election or rejection by ballot a formality waived only In. the case of princes of the blood royal. - "Name the princes who became mem bers of the club by simply paying dues,' commanded the court The director pretended not to know the Christian names, of his most distin guished patrons, .but gave their titles, as follows: "-.;.: .-;? - -- ; ' "The Duke 'of Abrussl; -.' a Prussian prince, son of the. German emperor;., a firlnce of Saxe-Coburg,. the Duke of -Or eans, the Crown tPrince of., Servla and the rwn.'Prtoe.of.Slani.?:vi..i.t...j.-r ' Senator. Stewart twho haa lust taken the oath-ef office as the 'successor ot Senator Proctor of Vermont, is the old est member of the-tipper; house. He is S3 years old. . Senator Allison - la the.: next oldest, being in bis alghtietn yar, m0m J7fniMi URINARY DISCHARGES RELIEVED IN 24 HOURS Each Can- sals bears (MIDY) the name-V . Satan cfcomlerftiU A AIL DRUGGISTS ' LOW 'FARES TOTHE EAST AND RETURN VIA Northern Pacific Railway Including St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dultith, , Chicago,; St. Louis, Omaha, Kansas City, St .' Joseph, etc For full information regarding Rates, Routes, etc., call on ' of write .7T;' A. D. CHARLTON, A. G. P. A. ' - ' 255 Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon v ' - ii H H r II II . II II II N II 11 . II II H II H H II H II II M N II 1 K II a i M II II II . II V If II II II II II II H H H II II II DR. PIERCE Cures all Wsrvons and Private Diseases oi . MEN , Quicker ' . and cheaper than others, Call and see him first Consultation i free. Phone Main 1965. Office 181 1st st, corner - i . x am mil. XV TXS AITS X. TOBK, International Chinese doctors. post- f OK HOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson's Compound Savin and Cotton Root Pills. The best - and only reliable remedy for DELAYED PER IODS. Curs the moat ebatin- ate cases In I to 10 days. 5, Pries si per box or three boxes $5 0. Sold by Sruggints everywhere. - UR. 1 PIERCE, 1 SI First St, Portland.. Phone Main 166, i G graduates ? canton owui" wmiw China. Specialists In all chronic and private diseases. Call or write for our special free sample medicine and patient report. Address mvt ; i xvwr. oai' non, Ibrtland. Or, wii WZ r r vt k. s w t v N1 1 Scolt's Santal-Pcpsin Gapsulss ' , . POSITIVE CURE Forlnflsmmattoa or Catarrh of ths Bladder and Diseased Kidneys. .No eure no pay. Cures entckly aud Perma nently the worst eases o( Gonorrhoea and Gleet, so matter Ot how long stand ing. Absolutely harmless, Sold by druggists. Price 11.00, or by wall, postpaid, ii uu, s Boxes BA.VB. V.V v "tL1 THE 8ABTAl-PE"8IH CO.; !1V' ILtSrOSTAIHS, OHIO. s IsU by AU .bvukia fO Mrwsr ImtMIW s'WTl If b.eaniiot.nrnlrtbe V? ' . MARVK1. ynt ba Sr' Every Yosnan a uwww ana toeaia no w .,.. ebpt tha woodfnl L WMnino spray ltd tSuctirm. llat-flat et Mt Conrenlent, other, bnt Mnd wains for book Mirf. ft arhM f nil and 1tmtimi liw V.lunbl. to MARVBJf, CO.. 4 rt. 884 bt.. acv norm. tot Bala fey Bktdmor. titug Ca... WoMiard.' ' ; Clark. Os. aaa iAue-Davts Dras C,4 Stona.