The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 16, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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tew From .tne People
' eeevae
PablUb4 WfT eelg eseupt Seodiy)
Kiuxuy swirnins, .si ia j v,;
Inc. rum M 1 111111111 wnn, n
HE on question of paramount
and overwhelmin importance
in tomorrow'! ' primaries " li
whether the' next legislature
BiH 11,
r. ,.f. Mui or- tor shall be bound to elect &a United
trxxnuMioa uuvufk tu Ji ob4-im I gtateB Benator the man whom the
people name as "their choice in the
June election. This has been recog
nised throughout the state as the
great Issue of the campaign.
The eyes . of , the nation will be
All denmtmrata rvarhrd br Bambera.
TrU t.. nnanlM tha itliart mailt TO WBU
kmmt Hide Trice. BUtf. Ut KM.
i.. rV . ironBfM Portland. April .To the Editor of
fight. Every vote In the county, The Journal Now that th. avM.nn.a
tk . . , . 1. V 1 1 J. 04. A A i . " I
iuviuiuio,, wuu uauuvvs in oiaiomsoi i aoout ail In and wi are to-make tip
NO. 1 Should go to the POUS tomor- our verdict for the primaries, the very
row . and ..voice his faith by .his vote.
By Frederlg 3. Vaskin. ' ; I Tha treat majority of books . trans
(Copyrlgnt, 1101. hy Frederlo J. Ilaekta.) I lated from English Into Japanese ars Of
TokldT March l. The " visitor to la solentlno or technical character. Many
i n nir. r i n aa tli uam i aa .. mamma s vitiAA a tsAAnia wm - tmm wn i - a . : . - .
M.a nn fo.r. to tha r.t tha nni. k.r .kI- JT" . " :""..'.:.- ."Itl -" " " round" in edltiona lor tne siuaent or
::::r..Tr ;.T:: -:r. li English language. Tne aapanaaa, eonuinlnir copious foot notes
lange '
'or man that will rote as yon
want them to.
'' .
There's no plaea Ilka home, for the'
fleat as- wall aa for folka. ' . , 7
as - . m . aa a- a A .At .. A aartfW
,rr....o-i.-Bj.n..D mpmnm, I x . rt tnmnrm rn
IlnitMVrlrK llNlHi I HIT . iD f irm rviiui, i1" liuiucu wnaiu vicguu t.uj.vnt
lork; Trlkoa BaJldlB. lTtlfO. .vr atata In tha Hnlnn la watrhlDS
. saiY(ptioa Tww kr n te r 4df"wlth profound interest for the out
ta lAa Lnita Suim. CamU or Uuleo. I .v. , . , .
Oae year.; J.(iJ on Booth.
One rr tl I One month.......
Om rear. $7M I One mootk f
. i The wise man expects
'everything from himself, they
fool loots to others Richter.
a.m. ntk loan aporttna rood, houaa, the other In tlon. II?retofore Japemeaa poetrjr nasi X(lln,rill Boh'B.
try is watching Oregon, a. .he toads ffAIStia -.aKl "saT aV". KST. of MwraK nd th,nk' b-'
who. under I auclo n.nnnu uuni .. i 7 i -
lr upon the Influence of tha
menta. And
.1.1 k r .' .u. .. tlnF nllt,.". n"r will healta
m tuaivu vi (iiuiru iu tuia iuuv mo five mm ineir aupport, who, under
ular as she did In adopting" the lnitla- otnr circumataacea, would like to do
a poem muat
. a : niiii.i.i n r irnar a i nr ivimuiu: nu . -
womyu7 mora no 1... " "you la scarce! remembered
tlve and referendum. The machine i w. .t Nome. Aia.k in isoi .rt.r L The atudr or . - ?mP'"?TJ, " j aa. ainha.. ; m?5?. " 'Y?" n'n in the
. j... a liivj iiisn auiiuuisi aauia tm uuitia am w a www hivu tawiicu ui emaa am.
their foes.
The right of "the people to select
HESEY1SM. their senators Is embodied in btate-
ment No. 1, which pledges the legis-
. ... .... . 1 . . . - A . A 4 A A
y 1'IMU.Na will airier as to meiiauTe canaiaaie muKfiuioi w tv
(1 accusations brought by Mr. vote for the people's choice. No
, Heney aralnst Senator Ful- man should be nominated for the
' ton. They ought not to dlf- legislature tomorrow who has failed
fer over the merits of HeneyismJ to sign this pledge.
Benator Fulton's friends scorn the All over Oregon the common peo-
accusatlons, They ought not. nor pie have been thinking and talking
should others, find serious disagree- on this subject. The great majority
ment with bis doctrines. He resent I of them are unquestionably in favor
corrupt cltiteaship, and would erad- of the principle which Statement No.
lcatft It " That Is a virtue for all 1 embodies., ; But to make their will
xnen to emulate. It is the doctrine effective ttiey must see to It that a
that has made Mr. Roosevelt eaorm- J decisive majority of ihe legislative
ously popular. It is the profession I nominees are pledged to this propo-
that has made the pame of La Fol- sltion. If the people triumph tomor
lette great.' It Is the theme that row, their rights will be firmly estab-
has made the name of Folk known In Ushed for the future.
every home In the land. If we have . Multnomah county has a larger
commended these things la Roose-1 delegation In the legislature than
velt. La Toilette and Folk, why are any other county and the result here
they sot commendable in Mr. Heney? I may be decisive of the struggle
Mr. Henev not enlv nrehes. bnt throughout the state. It is in this
fievotes his talents to extinction of county that the foes of Statement
corrupt citizenship. His service to
Oreiron In deatrovine: the land fraud Houser and of the late Represents
cabal, and bringing the crooks to tlve Ki-uae, are but a few Incidents
Justice, has been extraordinary.. Only among many of the kind in leglsla-
a man of herculean mould could tlve elections or senators.
have dona It A, huge political ma- This sort of abuse is tne nnaii;y
chine, with all Ita ramifications and to which boss rule leads, just as the
secret agencies, stood in his' way. It ocean is the ultimate to which the
bid its tentacles In the very vitals of mountain brook speeds. It Is as loa
the commonwealth. 'As court testl- possible to stop tywlsm and ma-
xnony shows; the very officials sworn chines from preying upon the peo-
to' uphold the law, eecretly blockaded Pie as to arrest the flow of water
Ma Ttroa-ress. and placed him at I ocean wara. wnen irom tne lour
enormous disadvantage. A man of I quarters this truth Is confirmed by
less resolution . would : have : been myriad Instances, It seems Incon
driven from the field; but that Is notlcelvable that the present bold effort
Mr. HeneyV way. He stayed with to restore boss rule In Oregon can
-the ship and lhe convictions and sen
wide Importance. The whole coun
come of this campaign.' '-Four years
ago the people of Oregon took to
themselves the right to be heard in
the selection of their senators. That
rigfet is now challenged and assailed
and the whole country waits to see
whether the voters of this state will
servilely surrender the ground they political, life throughout the country, many chargea made againet him at the
have gained at the first onslaught of will rejoice if the machine
wins in Multnomah county tomor
row. On the ' other hand.
politicians, the
rings, the corrupt
predatory political th n of ifltchell to the aenate introduced
. . 1 "nd to conrereatlon with a aentleman I alio A f
pt and corrupting from Astoria who claimed to be a clone iim' k.o,
In the elementary, achoola The agitation In 'favor of abollahing I
few years from, now Engiianithe uae of Chlneae charactera oy .law,
bosses, every element of evil in our of r. Fulton I aspreaaed aoma Mo5 lt w,fi ba tha.natlohal bualneaa Tan- haa re.ulted In tie IntrBductloo. of a amount of Deufndon?
Biouiion aiior luituiei. Tile leal - or tne man acnooi I hill In tha-d.t. hut It will ha manvl . . L .
1 Everything tnuat be doubtful or elaa
tha alight
i. ' 17.' f fn"f?.mJ... fJ,i.1!iii,i"lM P0'- u remarkable. Americana or Brit- y,rs before the change will coma about
ticket 9f t.hav,"m" fSZ laherewho have lived here for aoma he radical difference between the
nmnrw fff, ?xr 'f X Fulton ws an- time become Impatient with the atu- poken and written language of Japan
1mSl lMrtLttAl mk.naho;.onr.Vt'.on, vry
"Ifener aulatl tnnlr a ( .
CaUfornla paper. Seeing who' he wae.
mm train surrenderee at once.
if the Charlie will get It next time. That la tereetei The bora have learned t be S rLT7',':r:'At ' .,. I
Rfatamont Kn 1 tlrknt wins all nn I . V" ' .f V" T lmcV. I on toe looaout lor tna ruDoer-necaeu i Homan charactera would cauae areatl. " TfQ lnc Mr- taraegie'a Income
Statement NO. 1 ticket Wins, all P0- And ao ll 'proved. He had a aka call, .tranger. Let him etoo to watch a game nm; oyl a now Ill-OO a day. It le to be feare4
pie wno are soucuous ior gooa gov- " "'ena" ,V " , nroun I or loo in map winaow in aome aeo- i typewriter the atudr of Engllab and the I ln" n" w,u a in great Oiegrace yeU
vi v"- w .. ...w - n m w id... r iit.r.tur. ara nrinaina i - -
teA,laMAn mw,A 111 k. iim.nnMl f.w I " " w . . . . . . J -
ernment, for true democracy, for the now, unA,T tha old r,gime, theae lm.
rule Of tne' people, rather than tneipor&nt ornciai positiona were frequent
rule of a few predatory politicians. &cr it 'tu TaveracTtiacould or"
will rejoice. ' .1 get a good look behind the acenea and I couraglngly.
i'u.nrv now in pouucai wires ere
a group of high achool boya dreeaed In
wlilte-dotted blue klrnonoa. Hi ha wlU
about a condition which will one day
ao much aa rlance at one of them en-
couraainclv. the conVeraatlon bealna and
. . . -1 . .L i . .
The issue goes beyond tne election I manipulated by a few political boaees. or Interpretera. -They know that prac-
If reducing the rjrloa at rump w.hM
relegate the Chlneae charactera f rom I laareaaa the number of trlviaj traahy
everyday uert tUe Umbo of tha elaae-1 noveia, we might ba Induced to Yote
of senators bv direct vote of the neo-undor the direction of special Interesta. I tlce la reaulred to learn to apeak a lan-
nl thmirh that le Imnnrtnnt h.l?"u "7" innuonco toe popu- guana ana tney never ovenooK en ap
ple, mougn mat IS important, nas ir w)U raaHy haa. under the boasted portunltv. An American on a trol ley
been long demanded, ana ought sure- "representative ayetem, to whlrh wa I car wll nave the aervloea or two or
i, i( ,(.... f Bre aovieea to return, mere would De I tnree Doya to aia mm in rinaing Tiie aee- i j '-"' " ' . . . , .r " , rtr. M.tra f . n.. .iVh T.k ii..
ly to be brought about, it involves no nMitancv aa to Kow his bnllot tlnatlon. while the other oaasenaera comic wfekly modeled along the lines of L' AJ?P-' toK rtn
the Principle of government of. bv should be caat. I have aeen ao many who do not know English look upon 1 Ha New York. contemporary of the aame !J'"trv.TVlV AY
and for the people.
Everyday uae of English la Increaa-
Ing mora rapidly than exact knowledge
of correct grammar and orthography,
and tha result Is a multiplication of
ridiculous errors. Even tha ambitious
publications are not alwaya careful of I
tneir translation tokio ruca is a
agalnat 1L
e . ,
Aa a national Republican convention
cornea on. New York's shriveled old
"peach" muat think mournful) nf th
days that ara no more."
e . e
Will Senator Bourne pleaaa send Bee.
i. i a a m . . . ' l.w.i- a.-a-a" ui. " m I.J I naMa. la nKvalal m nM ra nnA Ktt A I I elAUtJM .UW sWUIDVW ri Ttjr VO LlJBl T
involves tne lh6 ruIe rather than the exception), approvinn- mile. . I Vt vatfv in tha charactar of Ita hu-l M .
iiiwr. a liia iuuuiiuu i. luumi .ii
Drooosltlon that public officers are where the principal candidatea and do-
servants .of the people, not their 1"
bosses. It means that the people I nothing to (So but "vote the program."
will aav who ahall aervn thm and unieas ne cr.ose to precipitate a fight in
win say wno snail serve mem, ana open ponvenno,, whlch ,w hav
wlll not delegate that duty to a few the hardihood to do. that I am truly
mAnicrui ror a system where each man s
vol. an1 lnnuanca rftiinti a unit wh.r.
selves powerless. honeat. conaclenclous citlaenshlp Is ef-
Such, briefly
the Statement
win in Multnomah
The victory will
sequence for the
Books Sell WalL
Chancellor Da r says heaven la a rood
product of Japanese native-, but it ap-l place to go. Yet he wouldn't go thera
kAA , A. A I
u.ou uwn " - peara witn a auai areaa or japanaaa ana nim now n ae naa a caanoa, nor nuur
go to echool and muat work for their fcnglleh. Ita llluatrated Jokea and car- anybody alaa. 'Tla a pretty good old
MttlH mra..XA 'ZuJmmJi!S toons have thalr-Japanaaa legend at-aarth.
bitloo. Such books aa "English Learned l4cn-d hand of the Dlo- "
at Home" have an .enormous .ale, .nd u,' vocally aid thai" Ens- P0P Vnr Tork City wara
foreigner who la ahopplna la Often aaked uA,iJn5Ti.JL7 "ar,a.u. --n- Interested and even excited ever
by a worklnc bov how to pronouncr
aome eapeciallv difficult word. Shop.
keepers put up English algna, aome of
Hah legend underneath.
Coarse Xaaaor.
Ita humor la so cbarse and
tences that resulted show how ur
gently Oregon needed a house clean
lng. It Js to, the very great credit
of Mr. , Heney, and lt ought to be
eminently satisfactory to Oregon" in
the moral awakening that if left as
a sequel. It ought to secure for Mr.
Heney a patient hearing and respect
ful consideration when he exhorts
Oregon people to hitch their public
aims to a higher star.
s , And there is more than this In the
works pt Mr. Heney. In his appeals
for the .people to resist the encroach'
' menta of special privilege, and of
bOEBlBm, he brings a ringing mes
sage; ; It is the message Roosevelt
has sounded. It Is the slogan of La
Follette. It is the shibboleth .. of
every apostle of good government.
'It ought: to be the watchword of
.every citizen of the republic. Ty
ranny Is the price, Mr. Heney gays,
we must pay, if bosses rule- and
monopolies control, and are not his
words prophetic? Does not every
man, everywhere and every time take
all he can get, and, by that token, if
the boss and the monopolist gain
power, are not the people certain to
be plundered?
- .Whatever men may think as to
Mr. Heney's charges against Sen
ator Fulton, there can be no ques
tion that his clarion warning against
corruption, his appeal for higher cit
izenship,; deserve the most thought
ful consideration. ' '
OUR public official must
bow to the dictates of the
party bosses, or he does
not hold his job," was the
sweeping statement made by ex
United States District Attorney
Bristol in a public address In Port
'. land Sunday night. The evil ef
fects of boss domination, In high
places and low, are wafted on every
Wind. Any . system that tolerates -It,
or Is administered by lt Is as cer
tain to be unwholesome as that night
follows day,, and' day night. The
business of. living, by politics pre
sents temptations that but few men
and rare ones are able to resist. The
big profits in politics are secured by
cheating the "people; from whom the
profits, under guise of law or other
wise, must be collected, f Bosses to
maintain themselves 'in power, must
hare rewards to bestow on their un
derstrappers;? and aa something can
not be extracted from nothing, the
means of reward must the. collected
from the people.1 ; In the process,
laws are nullified, legislatures are
held up and debaucoed,k ana me Dai
lot corrupted.,' 'vlvt-y't'" f;
The reign of boss rule as It ran in
OrcEoa for 50 years or more left a
trail of scandal that time will never
obliterate, 1 A few straggling expos-
ur8 of the methods, told recently as
t ft i taony la the federal ; court of
l)rtland iplte some idea of the char
tot, r of thousands of similar rotten-
. - that have never been uncovered
ITo attempted purchase ot ex-Rep-r.
' -.'atUe Smith, of Representative
broad I
, are me reasons wny - '.v"- . "1 1 luaicrousiy tunny, ana ine imps- i that It would not be permitted to clr-l
v i ti.v.t ,.ht trt Ki-: ai ana municipal govemmenis recoa- eulate In America, and It la condemned In
""e"v " " -J"-"'. '" .-i"i:iuiw ntse Rnallsh as "the other lanruase" bv 1 ... .1.. v.1-1... i... n..l
. . . ror it. mnnnrr wrlfhnnt ti.vlno. tn rr- I , . . , . . . . ' . w "J nw .... v - -,..... w " 1
county tomorrow. . .V.'ZL' ".., placing Knguan aigns over ine aoors 01 D.t,-rs as Indecent and eourrlloua.
be a Victory of con- Losses and bmlt to their" Met, on ' ?" .pu ' L""'UL0J,.TLu " However, lt haa a big circulation. In to.
1 ' - .laiiamai suau ursti b r.u ai 1 1 nil laisnji iuliuiib 1 .iui.. aa a ih. a.,am ami 1 Athaivi
common people. "very o"t wel aa native charactera. K"? "h.".! ..:"T-"a r'i" thin.
: Ik- .r."..".r" - " memory 01 th, thron. In - recent issue An
l"1! v.! ;. ciiuiii youiif men now llvlnr that the cmatest icl"J Z7. ' ' .ci7 . 1
is, it might turn the tide against him.
only who will faithfully uphold the
nrlmarv law and Stat.mont Nn 1 In
The Jews in America now constl- their entirety and thus preserve for the
tufa a vrv InrffA and fl tn rnrmt nf PP" an effective method for'purlfy
tute a very large, ana as to most or frg the body politic from the corrupt-
them an intelligent, enterprising and lng influence of unscrupulous political
Influential nnrtlnn nf nnr nnnnlatlnn macnines. J. U. UAKKrJl 8U.N,
They are diligent, thrifty, progres
sive, patriotic, and take a keen inter
est In politics. Nor are they, as a j
rule, narrowly partisan.
n 1aib Knn nnn inw. I mains
moic aiv uuu,vuu wona, them.
of Japanese scholars declared that En a
lteh-speaklng people were Inherently
wicked because of tha outraaeoua lan
guage they used. He said that an Eng
lishman or an American would say "Bee
the moon" instead of "Moon see." which,
was abaolutely Idiotic, because If the
moon was not there how could anyone
aee ItT Now a knowledge of English Is
required aa a atandard of eligibility to
many positions, and without It no one
is recKoned an accomplished scholar.
Study laagaagr at Borne.
The men educated In the universities
Regarding Street Assessments.
Portland. Or.. Aorll 14. To the lid.
Itor of The Journal Through your val
uable paner. vou have time anil air. In
In the city J advocated good streets, but how It r-
lor you to anow now to - ret
Streets are public cronertv and I . . n u ..n.u.n.
and In the State 1,000,000. In New ahould be made. Improved and main- Enallah. bill ther. V rony J.putit
Jersey there are 75.000. In Clncln- ' 5. ., wno nave never been outside or ineir
' l 1 , ww. viuv-iu taxation. No Individual, no district aa- own country who are eaually aa profl
nati alone there are 125,000. They aesameot. Our present way of assess- dent One of the leading newspapers of
are numerous all over the country, nusation-"1! rt th. Tokio haa an Engiiah aub-editor who
, ,. , . . ' 1. " nff. 5' . . PE? nt thre was born in a small village of Inferior
cm 00 won an cast.. imgo uio- inuum. m cuum men uu a cur-1 japan. His lather and mother were
jorlty of them are Republicans. This outskirts of tow a about Twelfth
is true even In New York City, 1 street, On Nob Hill. Excavation bo
whoro it la ronnrtnd thv laat wbpIt I ,n aboilt equal, their street and aewer
wnere, 11 is reporiea, mey last weea, Usaessments win be about 11.000 each.
in anticipation of the city primaries. Perfectly fair and Just aaya one; that
turned out over 100,000 strong in a t e'.rn. K7. av..
there waa a cartoon ahowlng tha prime
minister and the minister of finance
aeated in a carrlare. their facea dia-
torted aa If In terror, reading a news
paper. Above were portraits or tne iaie
king and crown prlnoe of Portugal, and
underneath, this legend: "Marquis j
Batonjl and Mr. Matauda, who raiaed
the capture of a devil fish. Tha devil la
other forms waa already vary fi miliar
to them.
Norway wives travel I na with thalr
husbands have to pay only half fare
better-half far, wonder if tbay have
take their marriage oerufloatae or
proor aaong j
eastern preacher said In a sermon
that "any man who klaaea a alngle
woman ought to be shot" Then Is aa
unmarried man to klaa aome other man's
wlfeT In that caaa ha might get ahot,
sura enough.
New sorts cf fools develop every day.
Two Hungarian officers, brothers, com
mitted aulclde almultaneoualy because
tha taxes, read tha news of the Portu- P"1"1 ."V in i?Un tS. '-.rSTri
ruese aaaa.alnatlon." Borne of Ita at- r. K'frt.T1f!V Jk! irm!hS-.
r.w. nn. .lthnu.h why dldnt tha ldlota let the girl choose
succeed. When every recollection,
every sentence of written history
and every whisper from th last 30
years forbids, when every breeze that
stirs, awaken echoes of discord, parade carrying 'banners on which age per day.
corruption and bitterness that point
a warning finger, how can the people
consent to a restoration of the old
ESIDES the colored vote and the
labor vote, lt Is Intimated that
a large portion of the ordi
narily Republican Hebrew
vote will be cast against Secretary
Taft, and all on account of what
might seem to many a trivial inci
dent. We use the term "Hebrew
vote," like the others, simply be
cause lt is in common use and un
derstandable; not that all Hebrews,
or laborers, or negroes, or Scandi
navians vote the same way; but to
Indicate that a large proportion of
such "vote," or a larger proportion
than usual', will or may be cast for
a certain candidate. There Is cer
tainly no more Intelligent class of
voters In the United States than the
Hebrews, and they are probably di
vided between the parties, ordinarily,
about , the same proportion as
other American citizens. They don't
hang together in politics because of
race or religion, any more than any
other class or group of people; but
now, it is said by some, Taft is es
pecially persona non grata to them
that is, to many, who, except for this
incident would have voted for him.
We all know, the horrible treat
ment the Jews received In Russia but
recently, what atrocities were per- i
petrated, and how the American gov
ernment was appealed to In their be-;
half by American- .Jews. President
Roosevelt did on that occasion, we
think, all that he could do, and most
Jews probably recognize this fact.
But what they, or many of
object to was the sending of Sec
retary Taft through Russia on his
return from Manila, and his friendly
visit to the czar, and particularly his
public speech at a dinner in Mos
cow in which he expressed admira
tion for the czar and his govern
ment. It seems that this ought not
to be cause of great offense, for Taft
was acting and speaking In a diplo
matic fashion; he was a high repre
sentative of Our government travel
lngthrough Russia; he could scarce
ly avoid a formal visit to the head of
the Russian government, and being
entertained he could but speak with
diplomatic tongue. True, he might
have returned some other way, but
since his Itinerary was long before
scheduled this might have been
thought discourteous. In brief, the
Incident . appears to us as one not
worthy of being regarded as cause
for ' hostility to the secretary; but
perhaps it Is not 'strange that the
Jew, with Russia's massacres of Jews
in ' mind and . whati Jew can forget
them?--hduld think differently.
There may not be much In this re?
port -K that.-. Republican " Jews will
largely rote against Taft, but if there
were inscribed antl-Taft sentiments.
it coats mm 11. bo nr
day to live. Ha can -put away 10 cents
per day ior his assessment. It will
Thpsfl were nrohablv larrelv Jews nf take him 27 years to save SI. 000. B.
the poorer and more ignorant class, ixpns.seaves'iJio ft? Street
yet the Incident, if true, may be sig- improvement It will take him four!
nifio.nt montha to pay It. C. la president of a
milCaUl. rnrnoratlnn anil .ana SKA il.v 1
TfMrTTaft Is to lose most of the Vn6 hvW.m &.!b .
nor nome or luuxiu" reer. A. in the rhrlatlana and ha fall under tha Influ.
ence of American missionaries. Ha
studied English li a Japanese unlver
slty. and then went to live with an
American missionary family. He speaks
not only English, but American, and la
equal to malclnr an original Joke in the
purest or ueorge Ade. 111a accent la
atrange, of course, but no one haa any
difficulty in conversing with him upon
the most abstract eubfect. He trans
lates the foreign cablegrams for his
newspaper, and when such distinguished
visitors as Secretary Taft or Mr. Bryan
come to Japan ha la aent to Interview
them. He la orten asked. "Where did
you atudy In America?" and lt la not
witnout paraonaDie pride that he re
plies, "My English waa 'made In. Ja
pan.' "
American tnfraenoe.
The Japaneaa atudents look to Ameri
can aourcea more often than to English,
perhaps because of the fact that Ameri
can translators have been more active
than their British coualna. In the na-
It la even
colored vote, most of the labor vote. I theorethicaL In reality
and a larrn fractlnn nf thn Rpnnh- worse. C. having a good bank account,
ana a large fraction or tne nepuo- n . ...essment before it becomes
llcan Hebrew vote, in addition to due and receives five per cent rebate,
hundreds of thousands of votes of J 1er" vhi" h'r 7!?thl
other Republicans who are tired of loses nor gains. A. gets 10 years' time
the Republican party's performances ??n "commonly called 1 "interest, lch1"tiF."J5.n ' ftb th
and non-performances, is not his raises the a-.ent to $1 eo6
election, if nominated, doubtful, big the 27 rtaklrfa? a foul of 43 KeVA ot nc- Thr are verai different edl-
a . . i.. . . . . w . 1 t inn as ew -1 ' n 1 ira nr -t Aai avtaa 1 r a rt si
ana gooa man tnougn ne is? ma lire, wmcn ne in compelled to give
10 me ciiy or r-uruajiu ior me same
amount nf mimic lmnrovpment whlrh
Assessor B. D. SIgler fairly de- Judre B. pays for with four montha'
RArvAfl rpnnmlnatlnn tnmnrrnw Tn WTK. capitalist U. Wlin IV aaya. Tne
setting the example of raising valua-
old-fashloned way, when the street su
pervisor would go to A. B. and C. in
tlnna nn tn or wall toward ont...l ir.l- 9"r aV ana. leave a notice line tnu:
. - " "You are hereby notified to appear Mon.
ues, ne Has given the county, and I day morning with pick and shovel ut
tlons of "The Life of Roosevelt." and
books which hide their mysteries under
the cryptic Chlneae charactera declare
their oririn by the halftone cover pic-
turee of Washington, Benjamin Frank
lin. General Grant. Lincoln. Brvan?
Gladstone, Napoleon and other great
men of the Occident.
tack, on tha pflm. minister, though ""r"
printed In Enall.h. are so vila that their ana OBl m unlucky one kill nimseiiT
. . . " . . 1 m m craniuifr rajr uvi t w muvu
The usual "Enrllsh-as-khe-la-spoke
curiosities may be aeen everywhere In
Japaneae cities. "Ferrules and ce
Here," Is a pussier until one finds that
"ferrules" is a free rendering of "fuel."
"Beef and Hen Met Hera," la tha algn
Milk" la milk from which tha aerme
have bean expelled by the Pasteur
method. Tha "sublime tailor" And the
"higher waahman" are out for bualneaa,
aa la the man who WTltes "My company
do aend baggages into any direction
with a good cbeapneaa" The algn over
a candy store reads: "European I nf ac
tions Here." Even these things ara to
An exchanre aaya: "France has passed
what la called 'Vn automatlo divorce
law.' Byaita provisions oouples at tha
time of their marriage ara given tha
right to separate at tha and of thre
vaara. ef their own free will, without
appealing to the court" Three years
would be entirely too long for a good
many oouples In this country.
Oregon SitJeliVntl
Newcomers ara numerous in Burns,
e e
Paisley will have a first class flour
be taken as an earneet of tha national mm ne" luk
ambition for western learning. .
Orowtn of Engllih.
The Influence of the Japaneaa adop
tion of Enrllsh on tha future world
politics la not to be underestimated. A
century ago English waa spoken by 20.-(to 10.
VOU, 00V persons, lewer man .inoaa wno
...1,. l5wMMh D.ia.l.n n.n.ln
uui, r1r111.11, w.aa.B.
Several outalde horse buyers ara In
different eastern Oregon counties.
Tha referendum vote on tha cow ordi
nance In Dufur passed by a vote of 62
or Thera ara
4(1 reglatered
votera in
Spanish. Now Enrllah leads tha list of I Curry county and nine candidatea for
European languages, oeing usea oyisnerirr.
1AU.UUU.UUU. LI1D UlUGI uiiiauaKVS lUllvW-
in it. respectively: Russian, German,! Out of 125 eggs a Pendleton man
French and Spanish, tin another genera-1 hatchri and saved 122 White Leghorn
tlon, Japan will acid lo.vvv.uvu or more cmcaena.
tn tha Hat nf Rnrllsh-speaklnr people. I
and for that reason their connection A Bonania, man wno sena ma mittr
writh Ana-ln-Kavnn Meaa and Ideals will fat to the creamery received laat montll
be much more close tnan 11 tney naa ae-ii.i pr cw.
r.AA a An ITrAnth nr Dirmin aa tha I
medium through which they were to Lincoln county is financially better
come Into the western world of letters, off than ever before in Its hlBtory, and
1 .v.. nr...n rfirrinnitt.. hutwMn tha will soon be entirely out or debt.
United States and portions or the Brlt-l
lan amnlr. nn one hand, and Japan on
the other, can be brought to a peaceful
Jacksonville la In great need of amatl
cottagea. Today there la not a sin ale
solution, Anglo-American standards of I bouse In the city for rent, says the Poht.
thought will ultimately triumph In the
helped to give the state, a far bet
ter standing abroad and more self
respect at home. His valuations, so
far as The Journal is aware, have
been fair, and intelligently and con
scientiously made. Besides, he has
obtained for the county a good deal
7 o'clock sharp, to do your street
work." la probably not so up to date.
but is by far more just.
Opinions of State Press on
Statement One
One Man's Plain TalJk.
Eatacada, Or.. April 18. To the Ed
Itor of The Journal All believers In
government of the people, by the peo
ple, and for the people should vote
of revenue from corporations and on 'X N,?:,.11.da'?' JSlX:
account of public utility franchise", dates are anvwhere nearlv eaual should believe In "the . people,-and never will.
vfitu rtniv rnr fnnna wno orifffiiAJiv 11 -"v ' J w ' ui
nlAftir.fl ihAlp aunnnrt tn .tha fttatAm.nt
t.. 1 1 1. ..1 .-i. 11 , If . " r r.. - . ..
r uruer wuia aiuuR tui une may De in preference to warmea-over ' state'
People Believe in It.
From the McMlnnvllle News-Reporter.
Machine politicians become ' weary
when they hear "tha people" sung per-
Islstently In their eara. They never did
rariw .nd o etui ..i.nii. ment No. 1 candidates.
uCu, " uiu.c nvicilLlllc 1 ,.,,. f am ,nt1nrtln, fltif.m.nt N
adjustment of valuations may be de- l because l believe the peoplo ourht
elrable, but Mr. Sigler has at least 1 a,rectlv united states aena
1 . . . , ' ., . , M tors; second, because the Jeglsla
proceeded in the right direction, and twre should do honorably, lnio minutes
handful of Ignorant ragamuffins
rroupea ror tne purpose or being ex
hibited as "the people." The machlno
men were never known to look beyond
tneir own aoorway out into tne wide,
wide world. They ara the ones who
have not displayed the spirit of broad-
mindedness. They believe, - In . their
Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee Roy of Myrtle
foini ceieoraiea in" sixuein anniver-
States senators. There haa always been fT otpf marrlaga Ust week. Ha
a strong sentiment among tne people
for the election of aenators by direct
l. iiv. v .1. Uh.t It no. miatomarv tn tAr..4fl .Ini narrow, egoiiancai way, iumjr people,
UM "W"U""TO mutu Buou r -ne aS i..htV Wt hrThit-J ha.inhTrV but not In ;me ppopie. - - xnis was not
and nights of bribery, debauchery. "."U.." .h.' w.V'a ,,Vi.
fr-nufi an nnrfiintlAn tn QiAnmn th ! I -wwai ; "
Uw. v.ayH.w.. -..a-.-.. , a -laaa ttAkllsaVsl Trinr T HA.
.W" ih.e. .3!" .?'.lLl-?.e?P'! laborer and 1 eSploya on the Utm hl'i
i -v . i RxnrnjiKRn iiv h. rnHiuniv vols hiiouiu un i . i . . a i i -
mvery voter m uregon is directly nre untirsaiX expressed PW-H. v"'S5.i" in?
and personally concerned In one Is- be' altered or amended by the people J''StoefSft S I tha cityTThTroountry
sue which Is to be determined at the themselves. f F. M. GILL. b drifting toward that point
. . ' where the pillars of tha republic rock
primaries tomorrow, mat Issue is Aa Inconsistent Position. and a few men in . the nation rule oi
the question whether you. the indi- From the St. Johns. Review. yJS'.A'.-i-iM.fH;
a a ,- I r-t -a. r w a- A A v. t a JSi i jm A 'n Dilll L11D UU1 T TV A. V a,u lillcvn, A li AB av Hire
viauai voter, are to pave a voice in 1"V hi. .."tha people" mora power. If President
the Choice of your United States sen-, for the Republican primaries of Mult- oofveit were a candidate ror united
P?ih J?ln"2f'-! he. iV r;tand saua?ely on SUtemen
sional politicians and the adherents iwiAimria tSjJJJ
of the old-time machine say that StvitMm
ton states that ba does not oppose 11,
you have not sufficient intelligence woaTSo "4.,th " ftl.i5 ,"ot, ""!2fflBiS. &
to choose a senator and thfiv nrno and wUl work industrious jr. ror the poo- XSiZXiiZ. ;.""v"
to take the choice out of your hands.
Do you mean to submit to such ar
rogant dictation? .If not. vote only StionVurunJJrtu t9ttoy'i
p .i i i.un J,ji .1 tnw the foreroinr portion of 1 tors, canaiqatea ior . tne legiaiaturo
his platform, as apparently
pal olank, this rider: . i"l w
the Republican voters' choice
&lnB;"hTwould "take CdlCtloli from fWdbm MLt&1$&
nn man or set of men. ha affirms with representatives to the national .capital.
hi, platform,; a. .apparently .the prlncl- V& "K'
States senator." In other worda, after vv".i'i i.t.ij I nv.i,pi
for those legislative candidates whrj
have subscribed to Statement No. i;
thereby pledging themselves to elect
the people's choice for senator.
man. "".i0"?"!. ""J ".7" Thara are men In th n state who 'aeek
nnn.. .1, u . . ." mi ntxt "".""r ikiiiu ini.i-t,.ii.m ..j t. ..1.:
auwuiu uui iorgei to- tatlon from the rotienesi set ot poiu'' , .
morrow to write the name of George iheSisiativa hills of
E. Chamberlain in the blank space so lakina to patriotism.
i-a a - - I - .:a .,iAt BtaUmont w a l BIV8 Tiaencu, iu iy sir nut ill men
wwv t Mn1. earrAfai tha STlVal II Trtrf' . "1
on the ballot, "For United States
senator in congress." It is neces
sary, also, to mark a cross on the left
of the name. It is a foregone con
clusion that Chamberlain will be the
party's nominee for senator, but the
vote should be made as large as possible.,
Lend a Hand.
When your fellow man la sad,
. . Lend a hand
When ha aaya he's feeling bad, s ? 1
Lend a hand. " '.-
Don't stand 'round and hear bis sigh, ?
duvw tutu wnvr me .unsmnes tugo.
- urua a. nana. 1 v .
. j:-- - Chicago RecotHaraldJ
will vote for the people's choice for. sen
ator." substituting tna woras: "i wui
rnt. tnr th. 'RvnubllCSJl Voters CllOlCS.
words dictated by the same old rotten
sive 'evidence, that they are not fit men
to ba leaders under the old system, for
they ara seemingly unable to learn the
I true wisnes or tneir -aesired roiiowers.
The little country weeklies know that
the farmers are for Statement No. 1,
vote, but some mysterious thing in
the United States senate has alwaya
prevented the adoption of an amend
ment to tbe constitution providing for
such a course. Tne people nave not
changed, however. Their only hope now
lies In the support of Statement-No. 1.
Thla plan secured tne election oi two
United States senators In a few mo
menta at the last session of tbe legis
lature and doea away with any chance
for a deadlock ar the use of money
In procuring the election of a senator.
Do the people want a change? The
election of Statement No. 1 men to the
inviflinrur. will da the same, thin a si
wava unA thera will be no chance for
a repetition or tne cosuy ana awaorai
rnr inf lunncaa that have ever been
nrannnt finder the old system. The
speeches which Senator Fulton Is now
making throughout Oregon, during
which ha reada an affidavit reciting
disgraceful incidents of the passing of
bribery mopey at a former legislative
session, Is one of tna very pest argu
ments yet presentea wny mo pooj
should vote only for Statement No.
candidates. -At-V---'
1 ' .1".
Just Graft. ,
From the North Bend Harbor.
The fifth question to be submitted to
the voters of Oregon under tha referen
dum next June Is a graft pure and aim-
pie, a graft for the sheriff or Multnomah
county. As a Vraft it should be meted
the Just punishment of grafts and
killed. The bill which passed the legis
lature provides for the custody of pris
oners and turns them over to the sheriff
of the several counties, a clause in tna
bill provides that-"in counties of 100,000
innaDltants tne snenrt snail reciyvo a ft
cents per meal for the prisoners under
his care."
. This is identically the same thing
that threw Cook county Illinois, into a
political hot pot a few year ago when
It . was revealed that a similar law was
netting the sheriff of that county hun
dreds, of thousands of dollars . a year
profit. The sheriff's job In Chicago waa
as hotly contented, as a presidential
campaign and paid about 10 times as
much. - - . " ," . . -" ; '''
Tha snerirr or .- Muunoman county
ring that held up the legislature an en- and lt la singular that some ef the pa
tlra session four years ago in a f rultlee. Prs of Portland are gnorantof the
end4vot- to elect a senator. This Same fact that the laboring men principally
clioua Is again trytns; to get oontrol. pi, mat city are strongly opposed to
If our peopde do not want another hold- this prerogative being taken i away, from
up of tha state for-a like sum they them. The loss of this right woUM be
should vote for only such men as will lessening the importance of a voter,
atani hv statement No. 1. r - What man with any opinion, of Jiin-
wS do not hav2 the Pleasure of Mr. self and of Mr i own 'judgment will
McAfthur-s acquaintance. vHe may be throw-aWay a gift made by himself to
pVrUcularly well fitted for the poaftlon, himself 7 . Give, at fleast the Oregon
ahd doubtless Is. but, wa cannot -vote voter credit for being no blind fool. . ,
for. or aupport, neither before or after ' i, - ,-; -the
primaries, a candidate who will not ; . The People's ,Only Chance. .
stand unequlvocally f Statement No. : From the BrownaWlla .Times.
v,. nni .niiron throurh which tha oeonl. an not tha mamh.ra nf th.
Ihe'.Vthale peQpls can fares tbelr Issues. I legislature malt tbe selection of United
wants-12H cents per meal for feeding
the prisoners ot that county. ; Not a
high price surely, but the rakeoftv going
to one man will ba enormous If Port
land only reaches one half tha slse she
expects to reacn ana oniy one nan tne
criminals she. contains ever reach the
Tienltentiarv. i - U,,.-
The sheriff would be able to pay all
incidental expenses at tha expense of
the county, fuel, rent, ngnta, ana prob
ably help, and then receive 87 K cents
perday for furnishing about a two-bit
ration, putting 12 cants in his Jeans
Off every prisoner, every aav. u rautt
nomah county had 100 prisoners '-thla
rakeoff would be 112.60 per day. The
bill, as It stands, is not only class legis
lation, but Individual leginlatlon, creat
ing . conditions dfslgned for' enriching
one individual, one office - rather, upon
which one Individual may have a cinch,
and. as auoh lt should be met with an
overwhelmlna "No"- from tha voters In
June. - , .
la kl and ahe 80.
e e
Silver Lake Leader: A number of
men fired Into Newell's sheep on
Spragua river ona night last week, about
200 ahots were fired; young Newell
fired a few shots, but no one was hut.
t e e
Albany Democrat: Thera were hobos
f alore at the depot thla morning when
he early train came in. Thirty-seven
were counted In the watting room try
ing to get warm, and lt was said thera'
were enough outside to make at least
100 altogether.
An old man of Drew sat down heavily
In an armchair In which "Miss Amanda
(perhaps a granddaughter) had placed
a lot of newly hatched chicks, snugly
wrapped up. The Canyonville Echo ex
tends sypmpathy to the old man. Miss
Amanda, and tha chicks.
J. SA. Chandler of Frultdala: Union
county, will soon receive 12.000 straw
berry plants from a nursery In Three
Kivers, Michigan. Tney cost mm is
per '1,000 and the express -charge , will
be nearly $50 more. Last year he had
1701.50 worth of strawberries from
three quarters of an acre of ground.
If all the treea grow that are belnnr
planted In Enterprise this week It will
not be long until the entlrw town will
Nearly every prop-
resemble a park.
ertv owner in town aeems to be
ulated with the "city beautiful" fever.
aaya tna cmertain.
a - a .
The country above Elk City In tha
Big Elk valley seems to have taken
on renewed Ufa and activity, says the '
Toledo Leader. Several new settlers
have come Into that region and a gen-'
Aral anolr.nln. hoi hen hail MnnV
pieces of land have changed hands dur
ing the past six montns, ana new- set
tlers are still coming in, ,
T-kiif.i,-nian.tnh? Tt la rArtnrt.d . thnt
the newly elected mayor Is going to try
to pass an ordinance relative to the
taxinr of everv man over tha are of
2S yeara 220 per year for the fun he
Is havlnr durlnr his slnrle blessedness.
This tax will be used for the purpose
Of meeting 'the necessary expenses, ot
the city and the aupport of tha widows
of the community.
The Harney County. Fair association
grounds present a busy -scene these
Adaya, with the finest array of horse
nean mat nas ever oeen on mo grounds,
so that the prospects for Improved
Stock and for high class speed exhl
ltions on tbe track are excellent, says
the News. ; The race . program tor- tha
fair this coming fall will be the best
aver atempted In .thla part of Oregon.
Salem Statesman: ; The crow of tha
beautiful Denny pheasant, the hooting
of our native grouse and the drumming
of the proud'natlve pheasant, the sweet
notes of the "meadow lark, the snowy
white blossoms of the cherry trees, tha
delicate pink petals of the peach trees, '
the fragrance of mllliona of wild lilies
and other flowers afield, ara buta few
signs of one of . the most ,- delightful v
sorinr seasons, tha Wlllametf. v.n
aver experienced. .
1 ;. . ' -t i ..... -. i -