THE ; OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, i PORTLAND, '. MONDAY; : EVENING, : MARCH ' 30, 1008. -11 BUSINESS CHANCES -'Oregon & Califoraia.R.' R, -' ' ':. :"' : D6 It NOW Mflk vnillf lulanttniia mt ArW tlfor 1 decision 1 riiraii an It la tWI lata: tlm W. 1 pBBBinj: and all th bt land la bln 1 ,7,ltI. ...... .,, . ' Wa have a few elalma Uft that win run from 7. to feat of yatiow fir. Xf you want ona coma and e ua about It at one aa wa will taka . f party out about tha nrat of tn montn. AU1 you h ona of them? . ' 1704 84 at. v .'5 Tun""' AbVa rSir tartf 'iWo: WA tared, at Tillamook oounty, Or.t mall nous and barn; 7 aorea cleared, half can t aally cleared at na rat n acra a weak by on inan; tha. balance :, contalna 3.000,000 feet of standing tlm bur: will aall ehean or trad for Inv ! proved property. Call at Btar Real Ea- . state Co., 170 ft Id at. IF FOR rround.floor opportunity on a. gooa tnfli and timber proposition, on the Co lumbia river, Investigate thl. Address B T. City postofflc. ' .THIRT Y-ROOM HOUSE AND 1-YEAR ..- leas:" houaa alwar fulls muit aell .right away. Call at 13$ Waahlngton . aL, between lat and td. , 1 1 WAN! AN EXPERIENCED REAL aetata roan for partner; none put a hustler need apply. Ed O. Mavor, room , . 350ft Alder at J Rit bale resTaUranT IMaVINb ' ,-. location, everything new and clean; ; doing a fine bualneaa; have other pual f.ties that needs my entire attention; no ' a rents: deal with owner. Addreee F. B., 27 Superior at, Unlveralty Park eta- lion. ' lir tiMlt li SMETHlN'O- Y6tT WAttf In the way or business or reai nt haven't the moner to mveai ana ou own anything on God' green .earth hat vou are willing to trade for it. tuat call and aee ua about It. We will , help you out Star Real Estate Co.. vl7ott Id at ; LEGITIMATE BUSINESS THE AMES a Mercantile Agenoy (establlahed 1896 ) " v furnishes free Information on opportunU tlea in mercantile or manufacturing line, city or country. THE AMES MERCANTILE AQENCY. fl; 204-105 Ablngton bldg. HELLOI DROP A CARD AND GET1 your garden or lot plowed by A. D. ouyer, io yannoyer t, .FOR SALE NICE NEW 2 STORY store building, with flzturea and small atock general merchandise; upper ' Story a hall, In a good town. M-$, Jour- rial. A G06b PAYING CIOAR. BTATION ery and notion store. Inquire of olerk Hood hotel, corner 4th and Everett sts. FOR' SALE COMPLETE RESTAU rant outfit coat $1,000; price $450. Taylor at. FOR SALE A FIRST CLASS- HARD- ware business, no competition; win clear $300 per month: invoice about $6,500: cash consideration. Call on R. E, DIt. Hotel Lenox. WANT " HONEST. WILLINO YOUNO man aa partner 'in flourishing busl . ness; no experience necessary; guar- an tee $40 per week; $325 required. A. J Matter, tig Commonwealth bldg. IF" YOtf HAVE FARMS OR ACREAGE", ' Improved or unimproved, and want to ell, bring your property to us; we will furnish the buyer. Star Real Estate Co.. 170H 3d St.. corner Yamhill. FOR SALEREAL ESTATE Notice Modern hnuu mni nnrnti Int inttf 1 Wook to Broadway car; flneat ligation In Holladay addition, and I will talc maa it coat two years j ago it "1. KV.'PJ April j j no agent, fhon or a-17, Journal. Navy . uonnnw -i.khhu vt tared houaa at ifmint Thnp nlnwl for gas; bath, pantry, toilet, closets, not and cold water, cement basement, chicken-house, tl chole fruit trees, about acrland, for $8.700; " $1,600 down, rest easy term. F-1; Journal. BAROAlkONCY " i00 " FEET FROl Hawthorne eve,, -room cottage, ce ment foundation, cement walks and steps; house la nloely finished: nlo kitchen and pantry; lawn graded and aowd i in grass. $J,I00, $1,$00 -cash. If aold before Anrll 1 will tabs 11 SO Call B-m. or 1060 E. Madison. st NEW MODERN HOUSES AND LOTS, or will build to suit In Holladav'a addition or Holladay Park addition. R. B Rice, 0 Wasoo at Both nhonea. FOR BALE FARMS HOOD RIVER ORCHARDS. MACRAE ANGUS, 4J CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 60 t-ROOM COTTAGE. NEAR SUN'- nvsme carllna , $3.000 f-room modern cottaae. Laa Angeles atyle, very swell. $4,00i f-room modern cottage; this is a arena Dargain. McKenna A Wardt for Real Katate. Belmont and 3th; take Sunnyalda car, get on at nun; pnone -lapor use. ST. JOHNS HNAPB. 1.600 feet water front cloae In. or wouia sen nair or lti siso cioee in aoreage at $1,000 per acre. J. B. 4 KINNKI, Exclusive Agent. Office St Johns Height Station, 8b John Car. bUchTeT KERNS MAKE elaltr of east aide realty. loans, etc ei IC. Morrison at. A SPE- rentala -ROOM HOUSE. HIGHLAND, NEW. a...-. am OKA TU n Pharkey Co., ltf 6th st. A-2517. Main teu. H. P. PALMER, $01 ROTHCHILD bldg. make a specialty of selling nouses m tne k. Bumsia district. C R. Donnell & Co, Real Estate Room 11. 163 Stark ABSTRACTS EXAMINED. BY EXPERT REAL- ESTATE ATTY. D. A. TUFTS, 303 H WASHINGTON 8T SIX-ROOM HOUSE, CORNER LOT 100x100, barn. 12 fruit trees, berries. 2,000. Owner, J-4, Journal. -ROOM MODERN HOUSE. $2.(00; $600 cash, term on balance. Phono Tabor 700. HAVE t LOTS FOR BALK IN ROBH- mere and Rose City Park: must have money this week: make me reasonable offer; part cash, balance eaxy. C-14. Journal. DO YOU WANT A HOME IN THE best part cf Willamette valley? Fine soil, adjolna railroad station, 6 acres up. 100 per acre; larger tracts at $40 to 30 on your own terms, 6 to 10 years. ou will be Dleased when you see this. Call at once. 714 Villa ave., on Monta vllla carllne. VANCOUVER AND CLARKE COUNTY. $0 acrea, mile from platted portion of olty, and 1H mile from the center of Business district) 15 acre orchard. acre nice areen timber: flna i-ronm house, nloe barn, fruit dryer and all outer necessary outDullaing; city wa ter In houe, $. cletern. Thla 1 a fine home and a good Investment and will be desirable residence city property In a Try enorx nme. trie ti.ooy; terms, mir, ouance in lour aquai pay. tnenta, t per cent InteresL ..4H aorea, S mile from this dry, on lino roaa. " mile rrnm railroad elation all In assorted orchard In full heartna- fln -room plastered house; good barn, plank floor, driveway, eta.: well ai house; fin view of Vancouver laka and Columbia river; a fine home and a bar gain. Price $2,600; $1,000 cash, balance on terma to auit. 10 acrea amid, rich land. IK 'uru un der food state of cultivation, more eaa- uy ciearea; 709,000 to 300,000 feet of nne aaw timber within mils of saw mill; living stream, spring and fin well at house; good 6 -room bouse, good barn dvxdv, cmcaen-nouae and an other out buildings; 10 mile from this city and 1 mile from country town church. tor, school, L O. O. F. hall, te. Thla i an excellent stock and dairy ranch and 1 In the heart of one of tha most prosperous oommunttle In the county. uwner in timper Dusines end vary ana lous to aell. Price $1,700. lit aores, all good, level land; Tt acre under fin atate of cultivation more easily cleared: 2S acrea fine areen timber, good orchard of aaaorted fruit in run bearing; nne 7-room house. 2 gopd barn and all other neoeaaary out- Duuainga; living atream and wen at houaa; niece all fenced and cross-fenced, 1 mil from school, 1 miles from coun try town, 1H mile from railroad sta tion and 7 ml lea from Vancouver, on good level road. Including the follow ing personal property: Good team, wagon, harness, surry, mower, rake, spring-tooth harrow, 2 wagons, wood- rack, etc. Price $,600 H cash. THOMPSON A ((WIN Cltlaen s Nat'l Bank Bldg. Vancouver, waan. 11 ACRES, i MILES FROM P6R- land, half mile from electric line, good county road; 6-room house, barn and chicken-house; 4 acrea In cultivation; with amall stream and spring on aame: laya nice and slahtlv. Price. 32.600. half cash. JORDAN GARBADE. IliU Washington St. $ MILES NORTH OF HILLS- 40 ACRES boro, 6 acrea cleared. ( slaahed. 30 acrea timber, cruised 1,000,000 feet; 3 room house, good tprlng, running wster, nlftnM I ' mmmm If AAA 1 1 11 ' urowaer, bvt Tenino ave. FINK' FARM, 2 MILES FROM McMlnnvllle. Or.: cood bulldlnrs. orchard, running water. 120 acres In high cultivation. Apply 26$ Hassslo. Phone E. 6783. TDIHER 0rcpn!&'CaIifrnla R. R. PERSONAL Do It Now MAke your selections at once before a decision is given and .It is too late; time ti passing and all the best land la being elected. We have a few claim left that -will run from 7,000.000 to 12,000,000 feet of yellow, fir. If you want one come and. see ua about It at once aa we will take a party out about tha first of tho month. Will you be one of them? STAR REAL ESTATE CO.. 170U 3d st. TIMBER FOR BALE REL1NQUISH- raenta In Josephine and Douglas coun ties; also 2 deeded claims cruising U. OOO.OOO feet, cheap. George W. Doug las, $1$ Worcester bldg. ' Woman' and children' dlaeaae treated exclusively by grVduale and licensed women pnyalclan on'.y. Nerv ous and chronic diseases a speolalty. Maternity cases given speol-U atten tion. Up-to-dHte maternity hospital In connection. No charge for consultation. Address all- correspondence to THE LANlfl INSTITUTE Room I to 14 Grand Theatre bldg., $61 ti Washington, corner Park. Phones Main 82H and A-6607. Appoint men'a made by phone. HORSES, VEHICLES. HAJUVE88 SPLENDID CHANCE, FOR FIK8T- Claaa liveryman; property pnys 15 per cent on purchase price; can buy out business, horses, vehicles, etc.. at a bar gain. Full particulars from H. M. l!ar rett, 208 Couch bldg. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR KENT by day, week and month: special raton to business nouses. 6th snd Hawthorne. East 72. $ BAKERY, 2 LAUNDRY. 2 FARM. 1 handcart and 2 delivery waaons. R head horses, 2 saddles, 1 hack, several sets of harness. 420 Hawthorne ave. HORDES, HARNESS. WAG6nh bought, sold, exchanged and rented. 311 Washington st. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR JiENT by day, week and month; special rates to business houses. 6th and Hawthorn East 73. WE CURE All diseases of men, women and chil dren .acute or chronic; dlaeaaea of the eye, ear, nose, throat brain, lung, heart, kidneys, liver, bladder, stomach and skin. Catarrh, rheumatism, goitre, In digestion and constipation permanently cured. All private and wasting diseases hproinptly cured snd their effects per manently removed from the system. We guarantee all our cures. Consulta tion free and strictly confidential. Columbia Sanitarium, offices 14-86, en trance room 22. Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington sts., Portland, Oregon. Diseases cOien and women cured in shortest possible tune by modern sclentlilo metnoas. Electricity for diseases of the prostate and nervous debility. Stricture cured without operation or pain. Violet rays for skin and lung troubles. Best office equipment for treatment of chronic dls eaues. C'oiiHultatlon free. Dr. W. I. Howard, :;04-ti Kothchlld bldg, 21 Washington. $ 1000 REWARD WE POSI guarantee Dr. Houthlngton e REAI ESTATE DIRECTORY: REAL ESTATB AND TIMBER DEALERS ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED FOB THE CONVENIENCE OF JOURNAL HKADfefti , Many men who could have bought Portland properly much ,' cheaper than it is today are sore at themselves for thrtrV;f apathy. Many more will be in the aame boat five years heuccf;', NAME Adair, a D Abraham A Whit. Angeles Exchanaa . Anderaon, John Baker. A. A Barrett Harry M Bunker, C F. (Llnnton) .... Butterworth A Stephenson Co.. ADDRES8. ,,310 Fenton Bldg....... .. Lsbbe Bldg .618 Commonwealth Lldg. Worcester Bldg TELEPHONE " ' ........ Paa 1311 ....A-1I41 I no.. 215 Ablngton Bldg..., ?0 Couch Bldg 614 Chamber of Com.. . Acheson Bldg HORSE. NEW WAGON AND harnkkh for sale, reasonable. 408 Constance ., Union ave. north. FOR SALE A RUBHER-TIHED PONV phaeton: good condition. Ion. 27 Yamhill st. V. N. Hen- FOB SALE LIVESTOCK FRESH COWS, GOOD MILCHEKS. 444 E. Madison St.: cood work home. Phone East 2981. LADIES, tlvely Erro-Kolo "Monthly" Compound. Safe ly relieves lumt of the longest most obstinate abnormal case In 3 to 6 days; no barm, pain or Interference with work. Mall $1.60. Double strength $2.00. Buy of druggist or write Dr. Southlngton Remedy Co., Dept. 17. Kan sas City, Mo. VABHTI. Baths, massagu, chiropody and manl cililiis. corns and bunions cured; lady attendant. Suite 1, iSIVs Alder St.. corner 6th. Clark. G. K. end Cook. J Cook A Co., B. 8 Chsptn A Herlow Crosjlev Co.. The , Cobb Bros Columbia Trust Co. Coast Realty Co. Conklln Bros..... W., , .. 533 Chamber of Cora. 261 Alder 425 Chamber of Com. 703-9 Corhett Bldg. .. 412 Swetland Bldg... (Wlberg Heights) 714 Conch Bldg 2 54V4 Morrison 302 Rotchchlld Bldg. Dunn-Lawrence Co Draper A Co.. Arthur S Dean Land Imp. A Colonisation Co. Fspey-Melne Realty Co Ellis York A Co .74 Alder 341 U Whlngtcn 431 Chamber of Com .. SI3 Commerelsl Bldg.. 201 Merchants Trust Bldg M-I2II ... . ...M-428 A-I3IT M-4814 .M-4311 . . M 48t A-23U ...M-I4AT A-ll1 . ....M-163 A-3918 , .M-14RI . , ..M-7H6I A 6713 . M-4313 ..M-6431 A-1314 ..M-1648 A-4U4' T-804 B-3331 ...M-4S15 A-I31I', . .A-3410 M-3ST .... A A U-137 Fuchs, F Frary A Belt Ooldschmldt's Agency. Goddard, H. W. ....... . .. 221 H Morrison. .. ...130 Fifth ... 253 H Wash!ngton ,..,110 Second M-$4A .M-477S A-1278 ..Pac. 2513 A-4031 Lorna Dale OR BALE 1 JERSEY COW. CHEAP, fresh soon. Phone evcnlnas I'acirtc 3007. MUSICAL LN'STHOIENTS .'WANTED- INTEREST IN SHOE store In good town. Address H-14, ,'Journi. GROCERY STORE FOR SALE CLEAN and up-to-uate in every respect, ai "Invoice; will sacrifice for cash. Long leaae; selling on account of sickness. Be -owner. 470 William ave. GROCERY IT INVOICE A GOOD - place; owner gasping for breath, must leave climate. Hardware out of town, making $460 'pr month at Invoice, a good one. ' Confectioneries and cigars, one for $600. one for $860. one for $400: look thes up;, living rooms. 611 Swetland bldg. WE CAN LOCA.E YOU ON SMALL acreage, chicken, fruit and berrv ranches, tributary to the O. W. P. lec tric lines. O. W. P. Land Co., 1st and Alder. OK HALE AT A BARGAIN GOOD 10- room house on corner of 10th and Di vision sts.; house 479 E. 10th st.. 8. t an on owner. MAKE ME AN OFFER. Must soil my 6-room modern home, lot 60x100, concrete walks, gae. electric, nice r - . . . . ........ ,1 ... uaui, . pantry, big closets, full basement, lawn, i rosea, one block rrom car; very dealr eble location. Call 67 E. Flanders. Lands under the Furnish A Co project, Umatilla county. Or. Call on Columbia Land Co.. 403 Marquam bldg.. Portland. UOMESTEA1 y AND DESERT CLAIMS IXJCATED. All level, good, valley land. For pam phlet write to PACIFIC LAND CO.. LASeview. or. SQUARE PIANO IN GOOD COND1- tlon to be sold at once. Phone Main 3222. YORK BAND INSTRUMENT AND MU slc house; repairing. 227 V Stark. Vapor and steam baths. Salt glow shampoos, electro magnetic msssage; ono call means another. 360 4 Morrison room 16, --'nd floor. Lewis bldg. Don't mistake number. Dr. T. J. Pierce All dlncases and weaknesses of men cured quicker and cheaper than any where else. Call or write. 181ft 1st Bt.. cor. Yamhill. LAND SOUP vV ANTED AND FOll SALE. ALL KINDS. INCLUDINO APPROVED forest reserve scrip for surveyed, un urveyed timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton. "The Portland." A FINE LITTLE FARM, 60 ACRES. 33 In cultivation; barn, 5-roora house, LI, 150 cash, balance 5 veers. Call 644 .. Madison st. Phone East 2391. IRRIGATED LANDS. FOR BALE STORE FIXTURE8, CASH : register, Dayton mone weight scales, cheese cutter: also on oil tank, self measuring 120 gallons. 1048 Hawthorne ave.. St. Louis market. RESTAURANT FOR SALE HASN'T changed hands in two years; open for (Investigation; excellent business: rea son for selling, parties going east; no -agent. 10'fr Washington. ( WANT TO BUY A GOOD ROOMING house, good location; must be cheap. M-18, Journal. 8-ACRE TRACTS AND LARGER. near Hlllsboro, between Salem eler ,trlo and Southern Pacific. $30 to $100 per acre; terms. A. S. Draper & Co., aia4 nasnington St., room . EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. $200 CASH, balance $15 per month; new modern R-room cottage, close In. A. 8. Draper & Co., 343ft Washington st., room 6. 0-ROOM HOUSE, HOT AND COLD water, bath and electric wired; tinted walls: all in fine shape; cheap. Owner. 909 E 10th st. N. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Dr. Pliilip T. Ball Paralvsls, goitre, rheumatism, nervous, chronic, spinal and female diseases 0 3 FIFTH STREET, COR. S I1EHMA N. GERMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES, NOV- eis, etc.; German, English, French, Spanish. Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign books of all kinds. S'-hmale Co., 229 1st st. MISS" GRANT; MANICURIST. HAS turned to the city; will be pleased to nuet both old and new patrons. Kevin 6. 145ft 6th st. Hoi brook Co., F. B. (Irvlngton Park) Hotohktss C. R Henry A Bon, C. K Holmee A Menefee (Irvlngton)...., Hawthorno Realty Co Hickman, R. L Investment Co. (K. Qusrkenbush) . . . Irvlngton Investment Co International Investment Co , 1 Worcester Bldg. . . . ,803 Chamber Com.... , 250 Ptark , 8 Third . 1021 Hawthorne Ave.. 1641 Van Itoutcn Ave.. 244 fttsrk 381 Chamber of Com... 309-10-11 Macleay Bldg Jackson A Deerlng.. Jacobs-Stlne Co , 244 Rtark 14 Fifth (Belle Crest Berkeley, Dover) , M A A-106S A A tl-174$ M-K8M , A-340 M-1041 M-2646 A-6234 M-6004 eor 34th. Tshor 814 rortsmouth Ptatloa ' M-S71 A-t87 M-2177 U lift A-464T M-341 A-lIU .M-4K49 FCIlllngsworth. W. M 823 Chamber of Com Knspp A Mackev 7 Chamber of Commerce Keasey A Co., D. E. (Heights property ) Of flee on Heights.. .A A Lamont A Harris McCusker, Tbomaa Mall A Von Borstal Moore Investment Co Mathews A Co.. A. E MeCsIlum A Gregg Oregon Rest Estate Co., The., w ionnn. j F. , , 303-4 Swetland Bldg.. 208 Couch Bldg 104 Second 813ft Washington 209-10 Couch Bldg 223 Chamber of Com.. 88 ft Third 230 Htsrk i e A ...A M-485t V Mr20 V .AU$71 ' ...M-3019 ...M-T44I A M-1434 " A M-I70T , .. M-8t2J .. M-7020 ' EVIDENCE RELATING TO BUSINESS. divorce and politics gathered by an experienced private detective. Addres V -1 5 Journal. $$$$$$$$$$$ Owing to the rapid growth of our business we have been- compelled to en large our store, but although the car penters and painter are at work we are selling more goods und cheaper than Derore- are agents now for the eel- i-kkhoNS OF MARRIAGEABLE AGE, "''' " "ei Mirri either sex. deslrlnir acouainlance. send DOJS T BE DULL ANu INACTIVE; Sexlne 1'llla cure all weakneas; $1 a box. t for $6; full guarantee. Address or call the J. A. Clemenson Drug Co. O. W. P. Ijind Co. Immigration Bureau. First and Alder.... Palmer, 11. P 02 Rothchlld Bldg.... Parkhurat. A. L. (Psrkhurst Add'n) . 425 Lumber Exchange. . . Parrlsh. Watklns A Co 250 Alder Portland Business Agency , 148 Fifth Portland Real Estate Agency 248 Stark Porter A French 807 Commercial Blk. ... Ralston. L. O. 608 Richardson. A. J.. Radium Realty Co.... Market M 7158 South Portland Height. :04 Rothchlld Bldg , 253 Russell. Alblna.... M-170T A-2681 M-4MI M-4588 , M-5t A-8051 ; M-1444 M-3791 A-B144 .A and M-1S21 .... Pao. 126$ M-441 C-1390 J: . 4-w , nn ; r .' 11 1(10 'or clrculur. PorUand Introducing best. Th Dollar. 232 let. Furniture of i Unreal, room 3. 181ft 1st St. city. $ $ We want vour trmle. $ $ $ ! I ihRSoN CO.. SAVIN AND - - : I ntton Wfint T-MIIw mim rsmalv frr BATHTUBS BATHTUBS. delayed periods. $2 per box or 3 boxes Just received, carload new Peerless 35. rr. Pierce. 181ft 1st St. Cast Iron White 'Enameled bathtubs, V, .1 vi oTVi.. .1.,-, w . oo.-.t,0, which we are offering at second-hand iU. ..NU SCIEN1IHC MASSEUSE i' eiecirieai. aicoiiniic. maaneiiu prices. 1 We also rarry a complete line of pipe anq piumning goods. M Harclo & Sons, Eighth. Gllsan and Hovt sts and genuine tub bath. 41 Raleigh, bldg, btii ana Washington six. Sweet Elnathan Steele A Co.. 8. N Swensson A Co., A F. ... Pchalk. George D Sharkey A Co, John P.. Schaefer. George J , 204 Corbett Bldg 11 1710 110 Second 1 A A M-366 253ft Washington A A M-$05( 144 Stark M-S92 A-889J Sixth and Washington M-650 A-263T 817 Chamber of Com... M-6S1S A-3681 (Coos Bay next) Rpler, J. H 1 031 Union Av.N.(Hlghl'd) ..Woodl'n $3 Spanton Co.. The ... 270 Stark M-3838 Stevenson A Taylor 811 Buchanan Bid f-13(l Stewart Wsldo, F 211 Commercial Bldg X-1504 Sphinx Agency 30R Chamber of Com.., M-0f Star Real Estate Co 170ft Third M-$278 PALOUSE IRRIGATED FRUIT LAND FOR PORTLAND PEOPLE. 00 BY OWNER LEAVING CITY; choicest lot in Waverlelgh Heights. Call or address Harry Randies. 490 E. th st. Phone Sell wood 992. $600 TO $1,000 TO INVEST IN ANY - good business In Portland; write full -description. M-14. Journal. FOR SALE REAL ESTATB WALTER & GREGORY, 1000 WIL : - LIAMS AVENUE. T fine lots, close to Peninsula station, St. Johns car line; a snap; $1,260 for the, bunch. 4 well-Improved lots, all Improve ments In and paid. Price $450 each; $25 down, $10 a month. j Fin lots on Vancouver t., near Bain, ;i70o; term. - ' One of the best lots In Peldmont, cor . ner Pearl and Moore Sts., 60x100, $1,000; .'very aey terms. . 100x160 corner, or will divide; adjoin ing Walnut Park; all improvements In; a snap; $3,000, ft- cash. 4 lots. . 60x100. half block, from car ,Jlne, close to St. Johns Height station; 1 .lay splendid; $460 each. l-room house on Hatght street, 2 r"4cks from car; 50x100 lot. Price $1,- .nv, Wljr oaaj icriiia. ?; New modern 4-room house, full lot, uplendld location, improvement In. Price $3,000; $500 down, balance same .as rant; will take vacant lots part pay nent. Ij; Splendid 6-room, full 2-story house. n improved street one block rrom car: FOR SALE IN THE TOWN OF WEST Portland. Multnomah county, a nice 4-room house with two lots, 50x100. new wood shed, chicken house and some mm trees on place; close to store and school; price $i60; take Salem car get off at Multnomah station. Inquire Gott lieb Muttl. box 60, West Portland. Large 8-room house with large hall, attic and cement base ment. Everything complete and In good condition. Choice fruit trees and roses. Lot 60x100 feet Location can't be beat for convenience to public schools, new hign school, churches, streetcars and stores. Owner. 762 E. Burnsido st, between E. 22nd and K. 24th sts. "Palouse Orchards" in the Washtucna valley, now being developed, Is the best irrigated land proposition in the state of Washington. PALOI'SE IRRIGATED FRUIT LAND FOR PORTLAND PEOPLE. Portland Is the logical shipping and distributing center for this great Pa louse country. Million of dollars are thus exchanged annually for wheat in the Portland market. JEWEL GAS RANGE. $9; DRESSERS, $7.60; K. table, $1; mantel beds, $5.50; $46 davenport for $17; oak ex tension table, $7.75; cook stoves, $C; ami other bargains; your credit Is good. Anstey flrog.. 325 1st st. FOB SALE 1 COUNTER 3 4 FEET long; also 14 stoolx, nt a bargain. Superior restaurant. 1X7 4th st. EGGS BUFF LEGHORN'S, INDIAN U ducks hatch the beat. $7.50 per 10i. Grebe Poultry Co., UreHham, Or. Base Line road. BRING YOUR MATERIAL AND HAVE your hats made In good style at a rea sonable price. Mrs. Paine, 678 Belmont St., Sunnyslde. BUFF ' ORPINGTONS; EGGS thoroughbred stock. $1 per setting 365 E. 34th, cor.-Htephrns MISS ETHEL WARD. MANICURING and chiropody; face, scalp, cdrns, and Ingrowing nails treated. 201ft 8d st. MRS. OBROCK, MASSEUSE. CABINET bath, salt glow, cream massage; ref erences 282ft Park. Main 2403. A-3734. .MASSAGE TUB BATHS. ROOM yg Morrison, formerly 224ft Wash ington st. ! WANTED- A .MIDDLE AGED LADY FROM , correspondent, object ' matrimony. ! -1 1 , Journal. Turner, George W.... Thompson A Ogden.. Wilbur. R. M Word, T. M Wells A Co.. J. L. . . , 415 Rothulrild Bldg Main 1010 848 Mississippi Ave..... Woodlawn 20$ 110 Second 280 Stark , 306 Chamber of Com. ...A A M-2560 A-2581 M-4561 .A-236I M-4564 BT. JOHNS. King A GUlmore Jersey Smith, L. H Burlington .. Woleott O. P 401 S. Jersey .Richmond 81 NEXT TO SWIFT'S. Lots 60x100 each and 4 corners. They must go before Wednesday at $235 each If taken as a whole: a sure bariraln. See Clarke-Clemson Co., 714 Chamber of Commerce. BARGAIN FROM OWNER NEW 6 room house, with bath, hot and cold water, electric fixtures, best of car service; 31,476. 90 E. 46th st. An Immense business will be trans acted In apples, pears and Other fruit from the ."alouse orchard. PALOUSE IRRIGATED FRUIT LAND FOR PORTLAND PEOPLE. STOVE DOCTOR vVE REPAIR. PUT In coll or exchange, buy or sell stoves 232 1 st. TWe Dollar. Main 4374 PEOPLE'S FURNITURE HOU8K" buys and sells everything. Prices right 213ft Front st Phone Main 4290 j MASSAGE. VAPOR AND TUB BATHS; BUN SOON HUIE. JAPANESE GOODS. '"''Y attendants. 110ft 4th. cor. Wash. matting, Chlnaware. silks, tea. rattan ' MANICURING FOR LADIES AND chair swle; prices low. 169-171 2d st ! Rent'emer. :143ft Morrison, room 2. ! mtuir j DETECTIVE SERVICE CO. : 40HHinJlton bldg. M494 3 :A2545L IgRISELDA SHAMPOOS. FACIALMAS nage, and magnetic treatments, 190 ft 3d st.. room 19 ATTORNEY'S TWO VERY DESIRABLE LOTS ON Montavllla carllne; must sell at once; $100 below value, on easy terms; Just the place for workingman. Q-14, Journal. $660 CASH. CORNER 60X100. 4 FEET above grade: aouth of Sunnyslde; don't delay. Owner. 1004 E. Lincoln st PENINSULAR LOTS-CHOICE LOTS adjoining Swift's new townstte. onlv 3175 each. See R. B. Carey at Peninsu lar station. $2,400 FIVE 6-ROOM MODERN BUN galows; $300 down. $20 monthly; S block south of Hawthorne. Ease 44th. 1 ut. uarimg. Now is the time td secure a piece of this land at the beginning of things, be fore prices advance. Today $160 per acre buys one of these 6 or 10 acre tracts, with perpetual water right, on easy lerms. FOR SALE 1 20-H. P. FAIRBANKS i Morse gas engine, as goV)d as new; . ran be seen In operation nt 310- Davis. FOR SALE FINE GENTLE COW: rich milker. Fulton car, Dakota st.. 1 up walk to Peck. INTERSTATE ADJUSTMENT CO.. LAW FOR SALE 1 SET STIMSON COM- 1 collections. 414 Buchanan bldg. M. 8180 puting counter Hcales with pan, good A. 11. TANNER,- ATTY., 809 COMMER- GILLIAM A GILLIAM. ATTORNEYS at law. 720 C. of C. bldg. Main (101. as new; cheap. 909 E. 10th N. WHOLESALE AND RE- SHINGLES tall; best grado, lowest prices. Gilbert 114 Front st. S. E. cltl block. 2d and Wash. Main 1446. C. H. PIOGOTT AND H. J. BIGGER, attorneys, rooms 4-5-6. Mulkey bldg. PALOUSE IRRIGATED FRUIT LAND rUK rUKlbAKD PEOPLE. Irrigation system supplies abundance or water by gravity now. fine Inside finish, 2 toilets, bath; full I OWN YOUR OWN HOME LOTS AT .. . . . 1 n e r A . . ! . k a t j ... . , . . . lot, east front Price $2,850; terms. $4,660 -ROOM MODERN HOME, v walking distance, west side. M. E. Xee, room 411 Corbett bldg. QUARTER BLOCK ON YAMHILL ST.; best buy in that district for $37,500. M E- L. room 411 corpett pig, Arbor Lodge. Waverlv or St. Johns ana a orana new 6-room bungalow, mod ern, for $1,800; small payment down balance as rent. Wagoner, 333 Chamber or . ommeree. ' APARTMENT HOUSE SITE, CLOSE in on Yamhill st; nas great future. Price, only $87,500. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. ' 37.600 CHOICE APARxMENT , house ait on Yamhill t; will booh TD6 business property. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. $1,100 BUYS 7-ROOM HOUSE AND ; lot on carllne on Clinton st, near JOth. Call 87 4 th. "ACRE TRACT CLOSE IN, WEST SIDE, only 8 minutes, ride on. SaJem electrlo. fine; ideal for home or Investment: i 'cash, balance to suit you. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. iWEST SIDE ACRE TRACT, CLOSE IN, eoll and lay of land ideal In everv : respect; fine investment at $600. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. CL6&E IN ACRE TRACT. WEST; SfbE. best buy In Portland for $600. M. E. t,e,- room 411 Corbett Mdg1. . AiiB YOU LOOKING FOR A CHOICE -investment? $600 buys a fine acre 'tract, close In, west side. M. E. Lee, 'room 411 Corbett bldg. $700 60xl00-FOOT LOT! ONLY 160 reet soutn or nawtnorne ave. ; fine for noma; urn price same as cash. M. E. I,ee, room 411 Corbett tfldg. i IjARGAlN 16 ACRES, ' GOOD S6IL. l i no gravel; 4 acres in berries, balance OlUtay cleared; mile from electrlo oars, f-.ifft miles east from Sellwood $3,100; terrri; owner. T-llt Journal. ,1YR SALE-'NfAP, 3,560 BUYS FLr: nished cottage,.roodern, 5 rooms, bath, Mollet, brick basement, street lmprove ments paid; lot 60-foot front, corner; lot worth th money; ( blocks from steel bridge. Call if you want a bargain. , 227 Worcester bldg. , . 'FOR SALE 8-ROOM HOUSE, MOD--1"ern, 4 block from carllne: high loca t!rmj term easy. Phone Sellwood 1032. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 7-ROOM modern house, full cement basement; fs, electricity, etc.; block south Haw thorne ave.; $3,600. C37 83d Bt, phone DIOVil, LOOK THIS UP 3-R60M HOtTSE, fine corner lot, $800. 6-room house, lot 76x100. $2,250. 8 lots on E. 21st st, $325 each. Houses and lots near Sellwood car. -aureus, j. w . walker. ii4 wilwau k I e FOR SALE. BY OWNER. SOUTH' u,v,o.iu miu uj. n rooms, nam ana nil modem nlnmhln ea.a.; front, $2,500. Inquire on premises. 841 jst. . , . ETRA CH6ICE 100x100 IMPROVED corner, walled up with granite rock; located Killingsworth avenue, on car line; term. Owner, at Ockley Green Nursery. Woodlawn 1160. Exceptional railroad facilities assure easy access to market. The will al development of a new terwnaita also increase land value. We know what la coming; and 11 thla land with an unqualified guarantee. Write for booklet and further partlou- isrs. PALOUSE IRRIGATED FRUIT LAND (UK X'Ort 1 XiAINU rjBOl'L.K. We will soon have our office In Part land and now want several liv agent to. aell the beat irrigated land 00 the market to Portland people. FOR SALE BY OWNER. A NEW NEAT ..Vfin'8h.e, 3 room cottage, easy terms, $760. Call I 87 Taylor st, Laurelwood, mount peon car. BIJJlG,AL!OW FOR SALE BY OWNER. 757 E. Burnslde. phone B-1978. FOB SALE FARMS $600 CHOICE ACRE TRACT. CLOSE in west - iae; oarain. - so., n. xe, Wm 411 Corbett bldg. SfBICTLY MODERN 8 AND -ROoi house; term to s,uU4;jwDer. , Phone ;East 76.j-x; ; . -,,v- f jfi t AAA A U 4K O Clil l.tof C,' ''thj -bt farm land ing Ti Big Bend country and of .'eastern Oreaon. "Com. A. H. ST. THOMAS, kins, locators in the coml wheat belt or .'eastern Oregon. Come now, before th railroad gets in. get a nuniesivnu vu. imiu worm iuu an acre In less thait 10 year from now. We run and chain all lines to section cor ners, and make no mistakes. Fees very reasonable:. A. II. St Thomas, Bllver ljane, jr. THE PALOUSE IRRIGATION A POW- ER OO., Department B, Alaska " Bldg., Seattle. Local offle at Hooper, Whitman Coun ty. Washington. io Ackaa, a ft kiLfca TigARDVttLa ihuii,, ii ui umtbo, oatance tim ber and pasture; place fenced, good soli. worth desirable personal property; ev erything goes for 88.40O. Thla la a rood buy. Heath, .287 Front at. REGINALD H. M'KAIG. - California Farms. . 137 Montgomery t, San Francisco. Farms, large or small, anywhere. FIVE ACRES. . 2 CLEARED. HOUSE. -barn, young orchard, 7 mile out on Eatacada line, near station and school. ""i, FOR SALE CHICKERING PIANO, IN good condition, cheap; also furniture, at 329 Maegly st. Union ave. cars. MUST SELL INTERN ATIONAITCOR respondence school commercial course 20 per cent off, If sold at once, p 13, Journal. RoIeS 10c, H E L I OtrT) PE, salvia' 2c, lobelia, doz. Sc; verbena 10c; all other plant half price. Pedersen, 410 Vancouver ave. FOR SALE ONE NO 6 20 H.-P. steam engine, one 25-H.-P. portable boiler, one 6-lnch Houston moulder, one No. 3 surfacer; snap. L'R6 Yamhill. ACCOUNTANTS H. H. COLLIS. Public accountant and estate agent, j .t uu i ii iii (.usaiiiiR auu nynioinaiia- ing. Permanent keeping of books and records a specialty. 324 Worcester block. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS PROFESSOR SHELDON. The Benson bldg., 5th and Morrison-sts. CLAIRVOYANT, TRANCE MEDIUM, PALMIST AND OCCULT MYSTIC. WILL GIVE HIS FULL LIFE $6 READINGS FOR 60o AND $1.00. ALSO your horoscope typewritten. ALL FOR THIS PRICE. AS PROOF of his wonderful nower. he 1 win ten your full name, addreas, occu pation ana the object of your visit au solutely free of charge, if not correct. SHELDON Greatest living astral dead-trance clair voyant of the age; ADVISER OF BU8I- rMtlMH, AMD A1.L AFFAIRS OF 1.1f t.: whom you will marry, how to control the one you love, even though miles away; reunites the separated; gives se cret powers to control others; no dif ference how close or how far away, you can always obtain your desired results. Tells you Just how, where and when to Invest your money to obtain best pos sible results. If you are sick, melan choly, disheartened or discouraged, DO NOT GIVE UP IN DESPAIR; come and receive Spiritual advice that will help you to receive HEALTH. WEALTH AND HAPPINESS. Remember the name and low fee. PROFESSOR SHELDON. The Benson bldg., cor, 6th and Mor. sts. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS MRS. STEVENS 15 YEARS PORT land's leadine palmist and clairvoy ant; for a reliable reading oa past pres ent and future, call on this gifted seer- cas. 343 ft Yamhill St., corner 7th. MISS MAY ANDREWS GIVES COOT) card readings, 25c 325 Main. Mala- 754H. , Zif CLEANING AND DYEING SUNNYSIDE STEAM CLEANING AND Dye Works, cleaning, repairing and dyeing. Wot k called for anu delivered. Tabor 1057, 205 E. 34th St. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED. 11.60 per month. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark st. V H. W. TURNER. dyed a specialty, Main 2518. DYER CARPETS" 606 Jefferson at. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS ART EXPERT MOULDING AND BTATU ary work, plaster - casts and orna ments. Antique, Grecian. Roman and Florentine. G. Adamt Co., 349 Columbia. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR ROSES. OR der manure from Smlth'a Dairy, at once. Phone Main 6683. LAYTON COOPERAGE CO. ALL kinds of barrels and bottles bought and sold. 43 N. Front. Phone Main 3147. EDWIN FRY. DEALER 535 Alblna ave. IN SACKlT Typewriters second-hand and factory, rebuilt, 335 up. 247 Stark t FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE WANTED TO SELL OR TRADE A new carpet and rug loom. A baraaln If taken at once. V. M. Lawhead, R. F. D.. Orchards, Wash. ROOMINO HOUSE. 81 ROOMS. ALL full: trade for property, mortgage or anything' that don't take my time. LiOt 60X1UO at Kuiniiia. Washington: trad for something I can use.' SPENCER, 611 Swetland bldg. IF YOU WANT TO BUY. SELL OR trade real estate see Stevenson A Taylor. 811 Buchanan bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE NEAT, GRO- cerv atore. close in. aooa location: liberal discount ror caan; must sell. Main 6682. Z-12, Journal. HAND CARVING TAUGHT, DEALER IN antique furniture, repairing. 628 Wash. BATHS TURKISH AND RUSSIAN, $1. 207 3D. Ith BODLEY 8 TURKISH BATHS, 1MPE rlal hotel, open day and night. COAL AND WOOD THE PORTLAND FUEL COMPANY Seasoned fir cOrdwood, 4 feet $5.50; sawed, $6. Hardwood and coal. Yard 287 E. Morrison. Phone East 26. B-10! 8 LAB WOOD, GREEN AND DRY, $3"TO WHAT ABOUT YOUR FUTURE? Are you in doubt, worried, or trou bled? Has tho tiling of failure, ill-health.- sorrow, domestic troubles, or bad luck made ou downcast, blue or If worried about health, business, changes, lover,, children, wife, or awpptheart. consult Professor Vree man. Please do not class him with the mHtiv nartinllv developed mediums, palmist or clairvoyant, as his stand ard Ik entirely !Ih ovn. rNT INVEST YOUR MONEY Until you have aubmltted your case to h.. tireless search of his wonderful In tuition. Not a penny accepted unless von are more than satisfied. Infallible advice on love, marriage, divorce, deals, sales, change?, ir;ivei, nuuco, icobch, mortcags. etc. Full and complete $5 readings 50c. Hours 9 to 9 dally. 283 5th St. Ft EE $4 $4.75 fir cordwood 35.60: block wood Union Fuel Co., foot of Mont- WOOI GREEN AND DRY SLAB. block and cordwood; any length; best -quality; quick- service.- Steel Bridge Fuel Co. Phone E-424. C-1773. SEASIDE. S room cottage near beach, furnlshe. worth $1,000, for rooming house or good city property. 81 rooming houses, dolna- well, for city property. 611 Bwetiano ntdg. PERSONAL "PALOUSE ORCHARDS." IRRGATED" rruit land sola on long time payment with a guarantee. .Writs for Illustrated free booklet The Palous Irrigation Power company, dept. B., A,laaka bldg., Seattle. TIMBER I HAVE PERSONALLY EXAMINED a number of valuable timber claim within and claimed fey th Oregon A California land grant, upon whloh I am prepared to locate parties wishing th same. C, W. . Md. 888 E. , Madison. Both pboajtfl. 'T.,. -"A-, ., DRS. ATWOOD, PRIVATE HOSPITAL. Home for unfortunate slrla: good ear at confinement $06 Allsky bldg. PERKINS NATIONAL HERBS AND Kretol are sold :y A pcone Mam R Bloomer, ion BJ. 4th t TURKISH Baths, $oo oregoniaN bldg.; ladle day, gentlemen nights, Main mis. SOUTH PORTLAND SLABWOOD CO. Pacific, .1974; A-3843. Blockwood. f J KA. . In.M. CA. . wlab6od. $3U)0 and $2.00. 't "c . FIRST-CLASS DRY CORDWOOD.1 $5.60; sawed 60o extra. Churchley Broa, I8th and Marshall. M. 831. A-8981. Promptly delivered Call Main 6963 Foot of Curry St FOR ONE WEEK MORES. BRING THIS AD- AND RECEIVB, ABBVLU I KLiX tlUiJJ One of my CONSULTATION READING!. Always Consult th Beet PROFESSOR KHIMO, Greatest living astral dead-trane clair voyant of th age; adviser on business and all affair of life: tell your full name and what you called for, whom you will marry, how to control tha one you love, even though miles away; re unites tbe separated; give secret pow ers to control; doe all other advertise to do. Hour 10 to 8. dally and Sunday. Ofnce, No. 3 and 4, Grand theatre bldg., 862ft Wash., near Park at. Phone Main 1367. WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO. House and blacksmith coals, coke, charcoal, kindltrx. Phone Main 1018. TELEPHONE EAST 7. Wood and coal. 181 East Water st DR. BlNO CUOONG. LMPORTER CH1 nese root medicines; sells Chinese tea, certain cur for all diseases. 193 3d at LADlKg' BARBER SHOP MaNIcL'R Ing. facial massage. $10 Burnslde-at BALM OF IGS FOR ALL FEMALE diseases. E. 64. N. 13th st. East 4084. lltJLEs. " vWNkleS," SUPERFLUOUS" Fleldner. hair removed. Mrs. Hill. 83 Fleldner. FACIAL AND SCAtP MASSAGE; manicuring. 18-14, 248 ft Morrison. SUNSET COAL CO., BEST LIGNITE coal in city, $7 per ton. Room 18. 268 Alder. Main 6537. CHEAPEST FUEL STANDARD WOOD Co., 347 E. Stark. East 2315. B-1696. COAL AND WOtfD-SUNNYSIDE AND vicinity. B 2067. Prompt delivery. FOR QUICK DELIVERY PHONB Oregon yuei t;o., b Aiaer. WANDA,- OCCULT WONDER. PALM- 1BT ATiU UiAlKVUYAWT. Wanda' advice la much sought bv men and women In every walk of life, j She Is considered the greatest marvel of the twentieth century. Through her astonishing force she will positively read your life like an open book. Her advice In love, courtship, marriage, di vorce, mines, speculation, journeys, etc. is concise and to the point She tells you how to reach the goal of J. J. RANKIN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. ' Jobbing and remodel In a- a ananlaTrw' 287 Front t Phpne Main 6523; 'Wood- lawn. 991. WANTED TO BUILD BRICK CHIM2 neya. lounauuons, cement sidewalks, retaining walls by day or contraut. Phone Main 1798. H. Oeddlng. E. MELTON OFFICE, STORE FtS turea: general jobbing. 67 1st st, Phone Main 8190. F. E. KING. CONTRACTOR, DESIGNS er and builder. 866 E. 7th st N. Phono East 676. ARPETCXEAAINQ JOYCE BROS., PROPRIETORS OF THB cleaned and laid, both dry and com pressed air cleaning; carpet renttlngou? ; specialty; work guaranteed. Phone Mala 2872 and A-2672. 270 Grant st J. HUNTER. STEAM CARPET AND mattres cleaning, 650 Jefferson st, Main 214, A-1214. SANITARY CARPET CLEANING. BUC tlon and compressed air, carpets cleaned on floor. Main 5534 and 8200. . if DRESSMAKING PLAIN SEWING BY THE DAYi shirtwaist suits a snecialtv. Th Beaver. Main 6771. Miss Chlsholm. 7: ALL KINDS OF FINE AND pIITTn? ' sewlna. also embroidery dnn h h Sisters of the Good Shepherd. DANCING WALTZ, "two step, stage dancing; le and gentlemen teachers. Prof. Wal, Wll three-step" and essons 26c; 7 ladle hers. Prof. Wal Wil son's school, office and hall 12. fiellln. Hitsch bldg.. 388ft Wash, bet, W.Park and 10th; also dancing taught by mall. prof. ringLer Dancing academ y1 a select achool; class or private ia. eons dally. 388 ft E. Morrison, phone. M'M I NX'S DANCING ACADEMY. M(jL7 kby oiqg.. una Morrison at. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL DRY FIR CORDWOOD, SAWED. $6.00 load. Segher Wood Co. Main 4868. MOUNT HOOD FUEL CO, 850 WATER t.; prompt dellver3-. phone Main 8270. VAJiASHil'A ' WOOD CO. 6lEAP wood. E. 6th and Main. East, 818. CHIROPRACTORS DR. G. & BRIETLINO GRADUATE p. e. i vo Marquam Mdg. A-l33. DR. L M GORDON. GRADUATE' P. 8. C,r204 8 OrB.'-Wl$. Pbon A-I853. W. M. MILLER. V.S., VETERINARIAN. Jft. Offl0 " Phone Malm 7841 v - "PlL.106 N. 6th st Phone AUlS 4086; A-4086; reaidenc. Paciflo 840 human efforts, to be master of self and CARNEY'S VET ERINAR iintp t TiT tn control whoever vou wish. Teaches ?bo riii-t .1 nt-i. . 17 fyfr to control whoever you wish. Teaches every phase of mediumshlp. Owing to the money strlhgencjr he will thi week Only, with this ad, giv vou a $S reading for $1. Call . early. 265 6th aLA 25C WORLD'S GREATEST CLAIRVOYANT Special Beading T WmTScmm -25c 341 1-2 Mcf risen St C OPP. TUU. ft 61BBS,...;., 289 Ollsan t Phon Main- 144. LEITROM KENNELS.- iiflpAlTTT vision st. Tabor 12S. Dog board ml. ELKCTRICAL SCPPLIES WE8TERN ELECTRIC WORKS, 4t th t Contractors, electrle suppllsa, motor and dynamos; we Install i.iMn'n. PACIFIC ELECTRIC"" ENGIN E J I , . i Co. Motor for sale or rentj wirn. and upplles. 1l 3d t. FURNITVIUE REI'AIIU.NU. FIRSi'-CLASS' WORK, U)f, prices; shirt waist - box,, mattree. BiJt'U Uphoiat., i , , j ilaln 8i, . - - 1 - v n.