The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 23, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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(Excessive Drinking
City Is at the Mercy of One Lighting Company-City Ex
ecutive Making: Every Effort to Safeguard Rights ,
N -
1 X 1 I
ita"'-4 rt " " ' r a.r,..w. ,. .,... s Ar i ' t V,"' a ' ' fc'''
, . -; -A .
r i .....,'.. ,t .... . It .
Orrine Destroy! the Craring for
Drink Sold Under Posi
tive Guarantee. ',
jo mm
Excessive or continued um of alco
holic beverag alwaye reeulta la a dle-
leaaed condition of too nervous system.
The drinking man la often beard to
eay, "I oar stop of my own fraa will
and whea J wish," but tba poor fallow
la now drvold of tha power to act at
tha proper Uma and In tha right way
I H a too lata, tha craylnf haa secured a
I firm hold and because of tha dlaaaaed
nervous system ha baa not tha ability
for auatalnad effort. Tba reault wa all
JSOUtliern 1 aClIlC tO l lll 011 Drunkenness la no longer considered a
t . i, j . i i crime; em leant sclentlsta and pnysi-
Xdlmiea lO Oan rrailClSCO clans bare ejrread that It la a dlaeaaa
and muat bevtreated aa such.
of City on the Bull Bun Blyer.
Lllllljlir JJOWH rreseni The home treatment that haa bean
, . i . tr used for a number of years, and la
Schedule Light Hours highly auoc.rui, i. orrine. u oid
r-,tt . . til ir I unuar a positive guarantee ma 11 11
LlieCtlVe ITOOaOly May 1. does not effect a cure your money will
am raiunaea.
Orrine la In two forma. When dealr-
I Inf to give aecretly, purchase Orrine No.
1, and If the patient will voluntarily
i a t if- J iTTiiL I tne treatment, orrine no. i anouiu
COnneCllOn tO lie Mad6 Wltn be given. The guarantee la the aame
I In either case. Orrine coata but 11.00
per box. Mailed In plain eealed wrap
per on rerrlpt ot price. Write for free
Ireatlae on "Drunkenneaa," mailed In
sealed anvalopa by Tha Orrine Co
rew messages to Portland cltlsensiof tba preaant eleorrie eorporaUoaa do-
X. P. Arriving Here at
130 P. M., Giving Direct
Trip From Seattle to
Frisco in 34 Hours.
Washlnaton. 1). O. . Bold br leadlna
druggists everywhere and la thle city
by Clarke-Woodward Drug Co., and
nearly all druggists In Portland.
have created ao much comment aa Mayor
Liana a communication on municipal
lighting whloh appeared In Sunday's
Journal. Mayor Lane haa taken the
atand that tha time baa coma for Port
land to own lta own plant and hla rey
aona for having- euch an Inatttutlon In
tha Rose City have proven the basis of
eplrlted argumenta for and agalnat the
plan today.
loose who take aidea with Mayor
Lane point out that aecUon of the mes-
aaga in whioh he rarer a to tha action
of the Mount Hood Railway A Power
company In atrlvlng to oroaa the Bull
Kun pipe line at the Junotlon of the
ituii Run and Little Sandy rlrera, near
tne aourca or me aity'a water auppiy.
lng bualneaa with the city, neither la It
hla Intention to eaat any obataele In
the way of new eorporatlona aeeklng en
trance intn Portland, but that ha doea
Inaiat on nrotafltinar tha rlahta of the
DeODla aa-alnat encroachments of auoh
oompanlea aa aeak to aacure privileges
that will in any war Jeopardise tba pub
llo'a Interaata. On thla point Mayor
Lena waa emphatlo and aald that
lauv referred to city naniinr.
thla rerard Mayor Lane believes
that on of the remedies for tba praaent
Inefficient lighting aervlee for which the :
city la paying snout iiuu.vuu a year ia ;
an electric plant owned by the elty, and ,
tion ouuinea in
hie message for having the varlou
he reiterated hla auggaat
They aay that the attempt of the com
pany to croaa the Una at thla point I
ung on toe excess water rigota ap
cluba and commercial organlaationa of
the city Invoke the Initiative at the
coming election to provide for the Bale
of bonde sufficient to eover tha ooat of
the remedy decided upon.
Tnoae who took part in tne nrtu
i ' A saw limited train of Pullman cam,
, to be operated between Portland and
Ban Francisco, la under consideration
by the Southern Paclflo company, witli
, t probabUiUaa that the train will go Into
, aervlee by May 1. The operating d
parUnent la aald to be malting an effort
to put thla train through In 21 boura,
reducing the . present achedule eight
( hours. The train would leave Portland
at o'clock D. m.. and arrive at San
( Franelaoo about I o'clock the following
Jvening. it would give a through trip
. rom Seattle to Ban Francisco via tha
Northern Pacific and Southern Paclflo
. In 14 boura for travelers leaving Seattle
7. at ! o'clook a. m. and arriving at Port
land at e:IO p. m. on the Northern Pa
clfica praaent schedule.
The train will. If praaent plana are
adopted, be one of the finest in the
country, and have every convenience
and luxury of travel It la a departure
that haa long been the ambition of Pa
clflo coast traffic offleiala -ot tha Har
f rlman lines.. On previous occasions the
subject has been ap for discussion, but
nothing materialised. It la believed
' that coast travel has reached a stage of
development, aa a result of the erf ec-
tive advertising of the "Road of a Thou
sand Wonder' when such a train la
. 1 virtually forced by the requlreraente of
the public The coming aummer la ex
pected to be a aeaaon of heavy tourist
travel, and a good time for Inaugurating
the new fast train service.
It is also proposed to resume- the op
eration of Noa. 11 -and It, the day
tralna through Oregon on the Southern
Pacific main line. Theae tralna were
, cut off laat year -aa a measure of re
trenchment by the Southern Paclflo
- " ji". ' ' . . i
(Continued tram Page One.)
r three then seized chain and Stevens
''was getting the worst of It when
.;; hotel attaches Interfered and threw
, tha Koreans Into tha street.. Today
-' Mr. Stevens refused to prosecute his
' assailants because he attributed the
attack to the oversealousness of his
. youthful assailant. Mr. Stevens was
leaving the city for the east when he
waa shot down.
i' Stevens a Diplomat
D. W. Stevens baa been an Import
. i ant. although-minor figure, in all of
' tha Important diplomatic negotiations
- that have Involved the empire of Japan
. with, tha United States and European
, nations for many pears. Ills offloial
capacity has. been that of a diplomatic
r advisor to tba Japanese court In IMS,
, shortly after the Japanese secured the
aacenaency over me court or Korea due
' t to tha suooeasful termination of the
Russo-Japanese war, Stevens was ap
; pointed diplomatic advisor to the Kor-
i can court. with the anti-Japanese
. party In the 'Korean oourt Stevens has
never been oopular, due to hla active
interest in tne sucoessful culmination
, r Japanese policies in the "Land of
v ma Morning t'aim." He has also been
unpopular with English Interests In
TCorea and has been accused In English
newspapers In the east as being too
-, partial .to Japanese proposals.
y Da. Allen Incident.
, i'i'JWhm Vr. Allen, who had repreaented
t the United Statea In Seoul for IS years.
-waa removed from hla position In ltoi
., . Stevens , waa declared to have been re-
' sponsible for the action on the part of
i j.lA JLut. depftment at Washington.
, ; At Washington . Stevens la highly re-
- , . carded as an authority on questions of
' , international policy in the far eaat.
. ' ' Ho la in the IJnlted States at present
- . enroute from Tokio to Washington, and
ft Is supposed that he has been de
r tailed by the Japanese government to
, assist Takahlra in solving the intrica
, i . cles f the Japanese exclusion Question
, f with more success than accompanied
i tba efforts of Aoki ,. i
Oregon Senator Says Neva
da's Supreme Justice Made
Best Argument.
(Catted Pre Ua4 Wire.)
Waahlngton, March 21. Tha prize of
11,000 offered by Senator Bourne of
Oregon to tha author of tha best written
argument on the subject, "Why Roose
velt Should be Choaen for a Second
Elective Term," has been awarded to
Frank H. Norcross, aasoclata justice
of the supreme court of Nevada.
in announcement that Justice Nor-
croaa haa won the big prize waa made
today. Senator Bourne aaya that Jus
tice Norcross" argument la an excel
lent piece of work and that It will be
circulated and widely publiahad to edu
cate the people. He la one of the most
enthuslaatlo third-termers.
pears to be a covert attentat to leooar- I menta also referred
dlza the clty'a rlghta as pointed out by I or Mayor Lane's remarks to the
i at mayor.
tha algnlfc3i
e effect
Bo Vot Affeot ripe Line.
that the city la practically at tba meroy
M-.SV Jifht! i-f V IT condition plaoea the city In
PlEI.Ji"-?0"?!.' b fortunate poilUon and that aoi
cauae tha croaalnga have
croaalnga are 11 miles from the pulnt
wnere tne company seeks another cross
ng aaar the junction of the Bull Run
nothing in
Ith the controversy. Theae
Former Captain of Engineer
Corps Will Appeal to
. Roosevelt.
of only one bidder for the contract of
the city with light These
tnat such
aa tin
position and that aome steps
to relieve the city from aucb position
should be taken at once because of
IhA fat that th nrmnf lfvhtinv jwtn
tract witn ins ioruana nauwar. JLiicnt
and Uttla Rand rlv.r. .nd M.vnr " r."w"r ia
lne allowed the ordinances to become v
lawa without hla signature only after Bedaoed Ooat Of Xdgat,
the plans of the company had been A almlfleant fact brouaht out br
checked by O. D. Clerke. engineer of I Mayor Lane la In regard to the ra
the water board. Even then Mayor Lane duced cost of are lighting. .At present
further safeguarded the city's Interests the cltv la eavlnar llxa tnr oanh m
by carefully investigating whether theae I lamp and tba council recently paaaed
croaalnga could in any way. jeopardise an ordinance requiring the executive
the city's rlghta board to advertise for blda for lamps
After deciding that the permits would not to exceed IS. 40 a month. Thla da.
In no way harm the city's water rights spite tle fact that the ooat of such
he allowed the ordinances to become lighting haa decreased It per cent, ao-
laws without hla signature. Such so- cording to Mayor Lane
tlon shows thst he not only carefully afavnr Tim vtnA th nntii... .
protected the city's Interests, but at the It failed to paas over bis veto. In fact
same time was ready to enoourage the the majority party took fright at tba
rK.c. i1, "wh..'tKrJ Jd I",1,0 rtadow or pubYle opinion and after pas.
... v" iuii me oramanoa voiea to auataln
TSli "hT r',onte,nI!1rUan, th bett,r Mayor Lane'a yeto. Another ordinance
it will be for the city. I haa been nrenarad whlnh- whIU ft Anm
Wot Blocking Bond. not restrret the cftv as msch aa tha
Mayor Iane stated today that he was one vetoed, doea not assure tie cltv an
mi BcmuiB in mil wjr iu iiinaar anv'Denein ovor ureaoni conamona.
i '
a.. , a., ,rT -, T-n ' : j;
U If
Food for thoticht
Food for work
Food for brain
(U)fieda Biscuit
The most nourishing of all wheat foodt,
Q In dust tlgU
l V tmttttirm trail ABe
m"mt m fi w i w aS
NtttT sold in kulJL
3Iate of Schooner Oregon
Tells Yarn of Arctic
(Caltad Prees Uaaad Wire.)
Chicago, Maroh IS. Oberlln M. Car
ter, formerly captain In the United
States engineer corps, today announced
that he would seek restoration to tha
army and to hla rank aa a reault of tha
vindication artven him in tha decision or
Judge Kohlaaat, handed down Saturday.
He will, he aaya, appeal directly to
President Roosevelt
Carter claims that he Is tha "Ameri
can Dreyfus." He wag a captain In
the enslneer corps of the United state
army ana at tne time or his downfall
was In charge of harbor Improvement
worn at na van nan. uaoraia. tn run.
traotors belnar the notorious areene and
Gaynor. Frauds were unearthed and
the government accused Carter of abet
ting mem and in snaring the profits.
Carter served four veara In Fnrt
jueayenwortn military prison.
(United Preee Leased Wire.)
Oakland. Cel.. March 2.V a rim...
Coplln. one of the beat known archi
tects of this side of the bay, died early
this morning from a gunshot wound in
the head, having been rushed to Roose
velt hospital after midnight In an auto
mobile. Great aecrecv In hpln main
tained aa to the identity of the persona
who brought the young man to the hoa
pltaL It waa only after repeated in-
uines this morning that what la de-
area to do me true story of the kill-
g was riven out
It is stated that Cnnlln
death wound through his revolver fall
ing out of his pocket as he was crank
ing his automobile. An investigation Is
being made.
The bullet struck Coplln above one
e ana emerged at the top of his head
e was attended bv Docfnra f.Tn..k
itu oni'un
(Special Dlipateb te Tee Journal.)
New York, March 2S Through tha
shorthand expert of the combination the
ultramarine reporters were able to enter
In their log a few remarkable adven
tures that befell the good Gloucester
fishing schooner Oregon, In recently by
way of the sound and east river with a
cargo of frosted herring from Bay of
Islands, Newfoundland. The adventures
did not occur on the trip from New
foundland, which, barring a stab In
thick snowstorm at the Brenton's reef
lightship, was placid as you please. The
ltghtahlD Just missed a ramming, but
Captain Albert Flygone's man at the
wheel got the schooner's 'helm bard
over Just tn the nick of time.
It was before she cot to Newfound
land to set the herrlnsr that the Oregon
had things happen to her. as faithfully
and stenographlcally reproduced. She
was fishing for halibut, sometimes with
lines dangling In 300 fathoms of loy
water. For days the crew had been
living on fish, canned goods and salt
norse and tney were longing ror Deer
steak. The schooner was weaving in
and out among a fleet of tall bergs
when Captain Flygone alghted a white
bear on one of tne biggest He has a
shotgun, a single barreled piece, and ha
went down in the cabin and Drougni u
up, saying, "Boys, we're going to have
bear steak for dinner."
fceares Skla at Home.
Buy for Cash and Save Money
United States Supreme Court
Decides Against State of
North Carolina,
(United Prees Leased Wire.)
Waahlngton, March 13. The United
Statea aupreme court. In a deolalon
handed down this afternoon, decided
against the etate of North Carolina In
tne railroad rate case, which a few
monina ago inreatened to result In the
oaillng out of troops to settle a dispute
as to the relative rights of the atate
government and the federal oourt, pre
sided over by Judge Prltcbard.
A $33.00
He molds his own slugs for thla gur
Trade Mark Re-. V. S. Pat. Off.
A Run On The ."Walk-Over"
.Lots of' men run over to look' over the "l&MW"
Its obviously fine materials, superior style and excellent fin
ish make quick "buyers of them but they know nothing
about the easy comfort of the shoe until they have -worn
It a day or, two. -
Of course it is easy at first trial, and needs no "breaking in,"
but the comfort is so unexpected that you feel like RUN
NING instead of walking ; i
The present run on the is simply the result of
wearers praising it to their friends.
- $3.50
1 '
Thev are of brass and never have been
known to mlas. The helmsman put tho
schooner close alongside the berg and
the skipper blazed away. The bear
toppled over, his spinal column severed
luat south of the neck.
The yawl put orr ana orougm tne
bear aboard tne uregon. une men
wanted to cut up the carcass in an un-
nrlentlflc wav. but the ekl
not let them, knowing that a perfect
bear skin acquired under such pecuynr
conditions would be valuable. In fact,
the oklpper nays, ho rerusod to sell It
to a fur company that offered him 1500
for it and now has It at his home in
Gloucester. At any rata he didn t show
It lir
The men liked the bear steak very
much and the ship fulled on and awny
from the ineberg rieet. Many aava
(United Preee Uaaed Wire.)
Balem. Or.. March it. W. v Tov.nn !
of Moro. who desires to ha DiMnni-niin
candidate for representative from the
Twnty-elghth dfatrict. this morning
filed his petition with the secretary of I
wif ana aeciarea nimaeir in nnhnM.,
T:.Jrt of Portland, haa filed
ni peuuon ior nomination to the tf
floe of district attornav tnr tha fmi.ih
uia ura on mo nepuoiican ticket.
(Tnlted Press Leased Wire.)
Saoramento, Cal, March 23. In re
sponse to an Inaulrv from ttm,,- t
Jennings, manager of Alden & Anderson
vi iu iiiiornia rruit distributors, I
biggest shipping- concern in th .t.
today replied that more thsn wio
"any "Jen would be needed to handle
alio liUU LTUUI mist aSrin than l.a
From all carts of tha ii.t. 1 ..
si in sin tin. I was.. it . . . i v
. ... uumq ui. viiw inon lavontDin indication
1 1 Vi-,- .--,s i
far toward sol vine- th .st
of the unemployed.
Family Quarrel; Suicide.
The skloper had no -distllllni
aratua and they depended on the snow
ig P-
passed and the fresh water supply gave
for a time. They were two days wl.h
out fresh snow when another berg was
sighted. The skipper decided to chop
a few hundred pounds of ice from the
The schooner hove to as close to the
base of the berg, which was 200 feet
tall, as he dared to go, the yawl was
launched and Mate Ed Hansen and a
party of four men boarded the berg and
wen to chopping Ice.
Against Berg's Boll.
The mate Is a venturesome fellow,
and after the yawl had been loaded
rinwn ha told the crew to shove off a
bit and return for him later, as he was
going to the top of the berg to make
an observation. He was about half way
un the berg wnen a piece or u aoout
as big as the new Fulton market fell
ntt into the sea. The berg instantly
began -to turn turtle and the mate to
turn somersaults In his efforts to keep
aboard. He waa like an acrohat un
a barrel rolling tinder nlm. Fortunately,
the rolling of' the berg was not no
swift aa the motion of the mate in
heading against the roll.
At last the berar nettled. But be
tween the mate and the sea, where his
astonished shipmates were, there was a
slippery slide of several hundred feet
ai an anaie oi nnnr umicc
lng down was Impossible and the mate
had to slide. He wore olUktns and thoy
crotecteA him a bit. aa werrvas expedit
ing him. Tha Oregon waa hove to di
rectly opposite the mate'a position, with
forestaysail bellying to the wind. Tho
mate left the edge or . the berg, with
great speed, and It was observed that
the seat of his trousers waa mtsslnir.
He beaded directly for tho forestaysail,
and landed In It like a projectile In a
canvas target in a orack Yankee battle
ship. And the remarkable part of ft
was mat ne stiu naia
The shock of the Impact set the
schooner going before the wind, and the
mam cumoea oui ana apoiogisea Tor MS
abruptness m coming aboard.
(United Preee Leaaed Wire.)
l.os Angeles, Cal., March 2S Afi
a trivial quarrel with her himh.i
Hugh M. Collirrton, because breakfast
nan iiui Bituy. jure. jnniTT. cat
today drank a solution of hiohi.i
of mercury. The husband tried to
force antidotes down her throat but she
resisted fiercelv and
died a few minutes after phvslclaha ar
rived. The traaredv toolc nir. i. .u.
family home on South Johnson street.
Adams corresDondanna nf th
Oregonlan: Farmers are out with e-ana
plows gettlna their snrlna- wnrir J7n.
The fall grain looks fine since the late
rains. In moat places It Is standing
V. u'su wun an even
growth. The farmers nredlot
cellent orop year.
Cove oorresnondenoe of Ta rir-a.x.
Star: The recent eonlnua mine v....
done "worlds of good" to forest and
field, but they have also fed the streams
which furnish the electrio light plant
and we oan aea once more.
We are agents for the Star Es
tate Range, the best on
the market
A $3.50
Iron Bed
All colors
and sizes
Like cut, in golden oak'
and mahogany finish,
from ,
$1.75 Up
166 - 168 FIRST STREET
hla hatchet la hla
What la
be the I
held In the
intended by lta promotara
nlted States la te be
tbe the blrgeat political banquet ever
month, with William J. Brran and etbor
In Kansas City the latter part oft
Demoorats of national prominence aa
gueata al honor.
Grape-Nuts food is made
of wheat and barley, in large
10-pound loaves, which are
first baked, then sliced and
again baked until rock-hard.
The slices are then ground
into the -granules called
The long baking changes
the starch of the cereals to a
form of sugar which is eas
ily digested and quickly ab
sorbed by even a child. r-.
i It affords ideal nourish
ment for. all ages -from in
fancy to maturity; for all
conditionsfrom the invalid '
to the athlete. -
There's a Reason.-
(Conjfaed from Page One.)
time given by the court for the docu
ment to be presented haa lapsed and
outlawed. When the caaa cornea to
trial, therefore, tha attorneya for tha
defense will make their presentation of
their case to the court and it will be
considered by the court on that presen
tation unless by special courtesy the
district attorney is permitted to atone
for his neclect bv annearlna- tn hahnlf
oi me etate thrnngn a suspension of the
It would appear therefore from tho
present status of the caso that the In
terests of the state have been jeopar
dised by the neglect of Mr. Manning,
while the defense stands In good posi
tion to profit materially by the neglect
Never can UU when you'll mash a
finger or suffer a cut, bruise, burn or
scald. Be prepared. Dr. Tbomas
lectrio Oil instantly relieves the p
quickly curee the wound.
(Continued from Page On a)
equipped In tha northwest; all loga are
hauled to , tha river bank, six miles
away, by locomotive. This is the camp
or tne Alger iiogging company. ' Tha
operations of the Oregon , Iron ft Steel
company are on the- Coweman river. -A
large dam was constructed on tha Cows
man river by Mr. Aleer that a nniL
able engineering feat i !
Three sons survlva their father, be
sides Mrs. Altar. . Tha aona ar WaIII
E. Alger. Edgar AJger and Morton D.
Aiger. a rourth son, Frank: X Alger,
met his death In a Waahtnctnn lAarlnJ
oamp about a year aa-o. Funeral ar.
rangaments have sot bean announced. '
Excursion Rates Will Be
Made From Portland to
the Bay City.
Telegraphic ad vices to the passenger
officials of the Southern Paclflo com.
pany la Portland today are that the
Paclflo squadron will enter the Oolden
Oats May S, and that the (rand review
of tha fleet In Ban Franclsoo harbor
will oocur on May t. The Southern Pa
cific will make a round trip rats of X3S
from Portland to San Francisco, and a
rate; of ona and a third from points
south in Oregon .and will also aell ex
cursion tlokets at ona and a third fare
from points on the O. R. at N. company
to Portland. '
Tha opporttinlty to aea tha antlra rl.a
and also to vlatt San Franolsoo and ob
aarve tha lmprovamsnta since tha fire
Mexican 1
Mustang I
liniment L
The antiaeptic hesJino; agentfor
Bum, Scalds, Cuts, "Bruises,
Sprains, Frostbites, Sore
Throat, Rheumatism, Aches
and any ailrpent reached
by external applicatioa
The standard household
- remedy since B4S.
Man land Beast.
aacsoe. and Si a boft'e.
t all -
, -. Ior Infants and CSuldrea. ;
Tt3 Klsd Yea Ban Aharajs CcU
and earthquake, la expected to cause v-
heavy travel on these rates. Tha tlok- .
eta wiu te good ior J daya. Bala data -for
the arrival of tha fleet win & MnfT'
f. and tha sale date for the review will -be
May t. Tha tfcketa will be good on '
regular tralna. ( ;r
r'There need be no uneasiness about .: .
aooommodatlons ait San Franclsoo," aald
General Paaaengajr Agent McMurray.
"The elty never btad batter hotel acoeta '
modatlons than it haa today. - Tha rates '
to baitMlt In for the laat will ha. fliaii
first rood - chance tha, rnnla rv.a
northwest have had to aea San Franclco
alnoa the- disaster, Thera has been - a
wonaenui reuuwry snown oy that city.
and It will
aU who. knew tba place before tha fire.
M .Interesting? visit for
,' . - 1. , . . . J. 'i ., 1. - '. a. ft.1 .... , .