12 THE; OREGON DAILY 'JOURNALS PORTLANDS MONDAY -EVENING, - MARCH-23, . 1003. GENERAL REPAIRING x o u n J 6 V f iVa" k u n N it uVc cleaned, repaired nd polished very month for II. I'linn Psclflo 10. lUk HUUMhH. BICxCLK, KLSXITKIC - ! aAil nllni rttulrlm ana un driest kev-n.tlns.- 4 titark. M. 70S!. I'AI.t 1 3, UIIj AAU ULAS9 V. E. BKACH CO. THB PIONEKK Paint Co. Window glass and glaslng. Its 1st Pnon Uii. ILVCKS AND LIVERIES. Jib STABLES. HACKS. LIVER T. i Hoarding and sale; furniture moving; Jtl Union ave.; Kant 113; night phon Vain 6044. W. a. Hewstan. Prop. HOTELS HOTEL PORTLAND, plan only. II. i aay. EUROPEAN H OlkL OR IXtON. EUROPEAN PLAN TToTKt. IMPKRIAL. EUR, tl AND UH. TERKINU EUROPEAN. $1 AND UP. REAL ESTATE J. M. PIttenger & Co., iti Russell at. Pbona E. 4641. Fir. insurance, loans. real .state. J. W. OOILBEiC REaTTESTATE AND loans: nub. ItM. I46H Ut. room II. ROOFING. SHIP HAS TO PAY CRElVFOft VOYAG 1 E TIN ROOFING. OUTTIRINQ. airing and general jobbing. Jr. tit Jefferson at Pacific 1414. REV losll. Coal Carrier Affected ,. Scarcity of Sailors in Newcastle. RUBBER STAMPS ANU SEALS flULVEIiEHK. European; 4th and Al.ier. HELLKVUE. EUR. 4TH AND BALMON HUMAN HAIR UOOD8. ALSO ALL OrFICK STATIONERY. P. D. C Co.. ill Stark. Tal. 1407. 31 EX BEFORE MAST COXTKOL SITUATION STREET PAVING HAIR ROOTED, CURLED. CRIMPED and waved to stay, and mads up. J. J. Horg. 4 2s K. 9th. East 2211. INSURANCE iAS. lid. WOOD CO.. AM, KINDS OK Insurance, surety bonds. McKay bid g. Isaac u white, fire insurance 144 Sherlock bldg. JEWELERS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Straat pavlnjj. sidewalks and cross ings. 114 Lumber Exchange. THE BARBER ASPHaT-T PAVING CO. of Portland. Office 4&6 Worcester blk. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTEK KLEISER, SIGNS. THE largest alien makera in tba northwest. Itb and Everett sta Phona Prlv. Ex. it. Home A-1186. 7 Henry Aldrldge, American Member of Crew, Tramps Through Japan and Finds Natives Hospitable and Anxious to Learn English. as does the acrobat' who parforms thai Arrived last night, staamss Johan Poul fumous slid for llf. on. from Portland. . , , Tha fact that tha vaaaala ar alraarnl Knrt tlmrtnrA t m n t A ..11 miMim jm river ironi ror a aiatancs or tarduy. ataamer Catania from Portland. several miles, makes It Imnosslbla fori. Kodondo, March 13. Hulled vaster tha alglltsear to aet a full knnlln ! i anhnnnae llv.n. Y,i. slimhla of the extent of (he shipping In ona day, I river. ; ' and there nrs many who have formed I Astoria March tl Pnnilltlon of tha .. ii.in, i viriMunv ainnv rna naanninar mw m a. m . nnmMiwmm w ha amiffn pyery Sunday, morning, ukiiig ona see-Ij6 miles; weather, cloudy. ' iioii pi mi luroor ona week, another 1 Tides st Astoria today High water the next, and so on. TtV'O F1XISII JLOADING. Low P. m jn,.8.Jeet;18;0.p. m., . water, 10:45 s, n.. 0.4 fset; . ieeu feat. 10:10 9. WOLF, t6 WASH. FINE 8PECTA- LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHARLES U MASTICK CO.. FRONT and Oak ata.. leather and aklna of svery description for all purposes; sole and tap cutters: flhdlngtv jayNks.- JOHNSON CO.. SIGNS and cards of all kinds made to order. 211 4th st. Phone Paclno Hit. SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" PORT land Sign Co.. 187 Stark. Paelfle lets. SHOWCASES AND FUTURES SHOWCASES OF EVERY DE8CRIP- tlon; bank, bar and atora fixtures made to order. The Lutke Mfg. Co. MONEY TO LOAN REMEMBER. IF YOU WORK, - WE WILL IX) AN YOU MONET. (ALARY LOANS UPON PI.AIN NOTES. "ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY." OUR RATES ARE, THE LOWEST. WHAT MORE CAN YOU ASK? STATE SECURITY CO, 704 DEKUM BLDG. MONEY. ' For all salaried people. Come and get It; cheapest ra'.oe. smallest payments In city; for any on that wants to make a loan privately and desires to be treated ' honorably this is the place. , HUTTON CREDIT CO.. tit, T fifth floor. Dekum bldy. Loans' made on all stocks and bonds, U. 8. Steel. Southern Pacific Union Pacific and 60 other good stocks sold on Installments; writ ma what you have and wish to buy. sell or bor row on; prompt reliable service. C E. Rankin, Xonaanock b'dg- Ban Francisco. THE JAMES L MAR, SHALL MFG. CO.. showcase, cablnata, atora and offlca fixtures 19 Couch st Pacific 118L it H. BIRD8ALU DESIGNER; AGT. M. Winter Lumber Co.. T Hamilton bldg. SAFES DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES Large atock; lockouts opened, jails, metal furniture. J. E. Davis. 66 Id st. STORAGE WAREHOUSE SPACE FOR RENT. ONj track: roods stored. Western Storace A Transfer Co.. S21 Hawthorns ava TOWEL SUPPLY SALARY AND MORTGAGE LOANS TO ' ' salaried employes snd on pianos, fur . nlture, warehouse receipts, horses. Insur ance policies and ail kinds of securities. New Era Loan & Mortgage Co., 305 .' Ahlnyton Mdg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO - pis and others upon rtielr own names without security; cneapeat rataa, aaaiast payments; offices in 61 principal cities; save yourself moDey by getting our terms first Tolman. til Abin gton bid , fiONKY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING purposes; can be repaid In monthly - Installmenta Call for particulars. Co lumbia Life Trust Co. 216 Lumber Exchange bldg. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY COMB. brush, soap, 11 per monfh. Portland Laundry Towel Supply Co, Ith and Couch sta Phone 41 6. TYPEWRITERS 1100,004 TO LOAN IN SUMS OF 11.000 or more, 4 to 7 per cent, on Improved realty. M. Q. Griffin. 266 Stark. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE. CHAT- tels or personal security. W. A. Hath WH1 away, 10 in gton bldg. Pacific 183a. SALARY LOANS STRICTLY CONFI- deatlal; easy to got snd asy to pay. T. A. Newton. 511 Buchanan bldg AIONKY TO IX)AN ON CITY PRO P- erty; alno some for good chattel se- riirlty. 420 Commercial bldg. JdONEY TO 1X)AN ' ON TIMBER lands on easytcrms; will answer cor respondence. T-7, Journal. DWELLING ALL MAKES. RENTED. REPAIRED, sold. P. I). C. Co, 211 Stark. TeL 1407. TRANSFER AND HAULING C. O. PICK TRANSFER STORAGE company, offlca and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, with separate Iron rooms and fire-proof vault for val uables, northwest corner of 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Phones Main Oil 6, Home A-1996. jVhen the British ship Lsrglemore wss ready, lo leave Newcaatle, N. S. W, for Tortland with a cargo of c?al sail ors were so scare in comparison to the demand that the tars could almost dictate their own terms. As a result Captain tipencar has had to pay off very man that mad, the trip seress the ocean, whereas under average con ditions they would have had to remain three years with the ship to get their full pay. There were S coal laden sailing ves sels ' at Newcastle waiting for crews when the Larglemor got enough men to start out, so the sailors report, and skippers were running about looking for men with poor success. I hose who hipped on the Larglemnre signed at 120 a month, which la said to be pretty good wages 'out of Australia, although the customary rats from this coast is $26 per month. The lsrglemore arrived In the harbor yesterday afternoon and berthed at the bunkers of the Pacific Coast company. She discharged about 1,600 tons of her cargo at Astoria and has about 'that much to discharge here. What she will do after that In not known as she Is still on the disengaged list. i captain Hpncer reporta having en Joyed an Ideal voyage, except for a few I days when in a storm off the mouth of I the Columbia. The weather was so fine and the wind an favorable most of the time that for days not a yard had to be touched. The vessel would have mad better time had her bottom not been foul with seaweed and barnacles. The parasites formed a drag that even ths fine w Ships Arrtlo Stream and Colonna Ready to Depart. The British ship Arctic Stream. Cap tain Dixon, finished loading wheat this morning at Irving; dock. The Norwegian hln Colonna. nantaln Rlrkeland. fin iahed her wheat rare-n at Greenwloh dook Saturday night, snd both are pre paring to leav down the river bound for Europe. The cargoes will renresent about 171 000 bushels of wheat, each carrying about 16.000. Tha veusela are muck of the aame type and slie and will fur nish a solenoid chance for a test of speed on the run to the United King dom. Roth ar noted a fast sailers, especially when heavy laden. The French bark Alice Marts began taxing stiffening this morning at Ir ving oocg. IflSK S. P. TO RESUME Mill TO SCIO Valley Town Anxious to Se cure Hoad to Keep New Industry. I Cure "I claim to know a great deal about a few ailments, rather than a littt of all human ills" m WOBX or A mouiTsv rm soma or riw xsxxaa Burr phyllclan ' living who 'csn'r lent In th treatment of all To attain ths ' Thsrs Ii not' a elattn to b oroflc human ailment and dlseaaea hlgSSt nosslbl defraa a nmflnUmo In all departments of medieal half a doxen lifetimes of study and as many v fi'uuuii axparienc. -j n regular Practitioner Is nro fir lent in a larva mk of th commonest and most easily conquered Usenses. , Th specialist must flrat h an Am a proficient for general practice, and nuit than go on to nroflaianev la a faw nt Ihn.. tlons and diseases mora difficult to under- snana ana mora Olffloult to cure. . , , ,,,,,, ,.,,,, .,,,. Men CONCERT FOR SAILORS. Seamen's Friend Society Will Eenter- tain This Evening. A concert will be given this evening at ths Institute of ths Tortland Sea men s Friend socletv. corner Third snd Flanders streets. Miss Catherine Cov- uch ha srrnna-ed the prosram as fol lows: Nevln quartette. Miss Catherine Covach. Miss Hilda Hegele, Mrs. Byron E. Miner. Miss Alice Juston; tenor solo, Wliham Conlov: reading. Miss Eugenia cra:: contralto solo. Miss Fetronel la iTonnolly Six cltlxens of 8clo ar meeting with officials of th Southern Paelflo today with th hopes of having; railroad con nection with th main line, which was abandoned by th company several I years ago, resumed as soon as posslbla In addition th Solo man ar consult. Ing with a condensing company to lo-1 caie a puwu mar, jn case tne factory' Is located th ScIo neoola auarantea 41 . ii'u vuunoi di mill iram wiinin a ra. aius or 10 miles, which may bs creased from time to time. Those who ara in tha rlrr ara Ttr A' O.' Prill, mayor of Scio; E. E. Peery, a aruggisi; i. u. LWgger or th News; L T. Parker. reDraaenttns tha lumhae Interests, and Father Henry, also for ine lumoer business. - All ara mamnara slso of tha Scio Commercial club and Moisterslnaer'a Quartette. Wll Ham tinley. Scott Kent. Gustav Crs-lar making their headquarters In Port mer, Stephen Hickte: accompanist. Pro- land at th Oregon hotel. . T.' ftr r", . -. .. 1 1 I mk. 1 1 a . . . . i iia rmiiroaa now runs to L raoiree. It feasor F. W. Oocxlrlch; vocal solo, jamcs nnnon. wevin quartet sccom panlst. Miss Eileen Weber. MARINE INTKLLIGlINCa, Is th dealr of th committee to Indue in railroad officials to relsy a mile snd a half of track from Shelburn and re sume iram service into Scio. Xagnlar XJnsrs dm to Arrivs. Rose City, San Francisco ....March !4 O. W. Elder. San Pedro March 24 Roanoke, San Pedro and way.. March 24 Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. . .March 2 Alliance, Coos Bay Breakwater, Chos Bay . . . Senator, Snn Francisco . . Hnnnlel, San Francisco Arabia, orient Nlcomedla orient Alesla. orient Numantla, orient July 1 Begalar Uasrs to Depart. Alliance, (oos Bay March 12 Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook ....March 24 Breakwater. San Francisco. .. March 25 MARQUA3I TO SHOW MOVING PICTURES .March 2 .March 2 .March 31 ...April 1 ..April 10 ....May 1 . .June 1 RnAnnk. fia n P.Hrn an A m V Mirrh (t eather failed to overcome and ! Km. r-it'v Kan rnnoi whereas other vessels made the run in Qeo. W. Elder. San Pedro ...... .April" 2 nenaior. isan r rMncisco April s OL6EN-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transfer and storage; safes, pianos and furniture, etc, moved, packed and shipped. 201 Oak st, between Front and 1st. Phone Main 647, A-2247 ROSE CITY -TRANS. CO. ALL OR ders given prompt attention. E. 2161; res. E. 1371. J. C Flndley. manager. OREGON TPAN8FER CO, 134 N. 6TH, wain g. Heavy haulln g and storage. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE TRANb fer Co. Storage 324 Stark. Main 407, WHOLESALE JOBBERS M. A. GUN8T & CO, DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND, OREGON. HOUSE , wanted. JZOO up; no Ward. 210 Alisky bldg. MONEY TO MORTGAGES delay. W. S. LOAN ON CITY AND suburban real estate, from $500 up- waro. 9i9 i;ommerciai bldg. EVERDINO FARRELL, PRODUCE and commlaslon merchants. 140 Front st, Portland. Or. Phone Main 17. OREGON FURNITURE MANUFAC turlng Co. Manufacturers of furni ture for the trade. Portland, Or. 'MORTGAGES, FIRST OR SECOND liens and other real estate securities ' ' '"ounted. H. E. Noble, Commercial blk. Immediate loans. $s to $5,000, on all securities. B I. Eckerson Co, . room 8, Washington bldg. Main 4685. r MONEY TO LOAN. LARGIJ LOANS A - specialty, building loans: lowest rates; fire Insurance. W. G. Beck. 112 Falling. SALARY LOANS LOWEST RATE AT Employes' Loan Co 716 Dekum 'LOAN FOR THE ASKING SALARY OR ' - cnattet Th Loan Co, 410 Dekum. 4JUICK LOANS ON ALL SECURITIES. 8. W. King. 48 Wash, bldg. M. 6100. ' ilONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS . of security. W. HolL R. 9. Wash bldg. 'In sums of $2,000 to $20,000 h W. Goddard. 110 I'd st 1"- -' SICAJj 3EMIL THIELHORN. PUPIL OF PRO- . lessor vuutar sevcuc, violin and viola teacher. A-4160. 334 Pine. Fao. 289, MUSIC STORE. BAND INSTRU meota L. Seiberllng. 204 Tourney bldg, 3d and Taylor. PIANO. VIOLIN, TROMBONE AND " clarinet. Prof. Smith, 292 12th. M. 4703, A-8340. S-ANDOLIN. GUITAR, BANJO. J. PAR-' ker. suite 42. Mllner bldg, 380 Mor. ' LOUIS, A. CRE1TZ. TEACHER OF violin. Ill Sherman, cor. 1st Pac 1S9. WADHAMSCO, WHOLSESALE GRO cers, manufacturers snd commission merchants. 4th and Oak sta LEWI8-STENOER BARBERS' SUPir-LV Co., barbers' supplies, barbers' furni ture, barbers' chairs. 10th snd Morrison. THE GRATON & KNIGHT MFG. CO oak tanners, leather belting manufac turers. Portland, Or., 81 1st st ' BATES-WIGHT CO, CALENDARS, Ad vertising novelties. 160 6th st 60 days. It took the Largiemore 70. Most of the crew drew their money at Astoria and received Ihelr discharge there. Among three who will be paid off here this afternoon are two young fellows who have had many varied ex periences In the world. August Pfltz- ner. a (iermnn. has tramped through Australia, and Henry Aldrldge, Ameri can, walked most of the way from Yo kohama to Nagasaki. crOHaftig ih Straits of Shlnomosekl In a small boat. He says he has had enough of sailing and will now be satisfied to remain ashore, the United States being good enough. 'It took me eight months to tramp the distance from Yokohama to Naga saki." said the sailor In relating his ex perience, "and during that time I learned that the Japanese are a hospitable pen plo. contrary to my belief when I struck out from the states. I written In Japanese asking tho people Marechal Davont, Fr. bk. oeip mo ir in neea nnd there was no time that I suffered for want of food or shelter. 'The public school teachers In the Interior are very anxious to learn to speak English and every time I stopped at a school, the teacher would per- ntinuv inn id remain a Tew rln vm nr a week. Ho would bring out his English text book and have me rend until I be came exhausted. Ma-iv of the teachers had a good knowledge of English, some of them having irrndiiated from Insti tutions on the Pacific coast. I ran across a couple of fellows from San Francisco and they were anxious to near irom in states. "Blnellsh Is belnsr taueht In ery school In Japan and the school svs. i em Hppears to be much like ours." WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND GLASS wsre. PraeL Hegel A Co, Portland. ALLEN & LEWIS GROCERlEsT TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. 25c 25c 25 MONUMENTS NBO A K1NGSLEY. 26S 1ST, PORT land' leading marble and granite wks. y'i: ,y NOTARY PUBLIO European Clairvoyant. Trane Seer. fsychlo and occult Teacher. Gar man. French and English. Prof. Henry will give COMPLETE SPECIAL readings for the small con sideration of 2Bc thia week only. Ad vice on love, courtship, marriage, busi ness, mining, speculation, lawsuits and real estata matters. 341 MORRISON ST., Cor. 7th, opposite TulL Glbba Bring tnis an. NOTICE HAVING RETIRED FROM tht Eastern Foundry & Machine Co., I will not be responsible for debts of salu concern after March 20, 1908. JOHN F. MURPHY. C P. PFLUGBR, NOTARY PUBLIC, commissioner of deeda Deutsches notarlst H. 1 Muikey bldg, id and Mor. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS B5Tclra1S 1st gynecology and obstetrics, 311-14 Swetland bldg. Main 4566: A-1B66: res. Pacific J7. - RESTAURANT FOR SALE. KUR nlshed complete, good location, nice place; price $360. Room 7, 1814 1st Bt., cor. Yamhill. MANICURING FOR LADIES AND gentlemen, 3434 Morrison, room 2. MODERN SIX-ROOM HOUSE FUR- nlahea; east side; choice location. Call In a storm. aiier o p m. rnone iDast 4to. SAILOR WARNED IN TIME. Leaves Ship Castle Rock After Hav ing Signed for Voyage. Having an Idea that things would not go right. August Ffltiner, a sailor on the British ship Larglemore. refused to go on board the British ship Castle Kock when she was to leave Newcastle, N. 8. W, for Puget sound, although he had signed for the voyage. Instead he went over to the Larglemore, bound for this port. Pfltzner told his story this morning when preparing to go ashore to get his ...uuc.y mr me run to roruana. He said he considered himself a lucky"'tar be cause there is practically no longer any doubt of the Castle Rock having gone to the bottom. She left Australia more than 160 days ago and not a sign has been seen of her since. The "Largle more arrived here yesterday afternoon, after having been three weks at Astoria discharging a part of the carsro. I was ready to board the Cast'e Rock," said Pfltzner. "but somehow I frot to thinking that tho ship didn't look good and so finally concluded to remain ashore a while longer. Sailors were In hi demand and I had no fear of get ting another ship. "The Cnstle Rock had the reputation of being a starvation ship and tho men who sailed away on her were not Dartlc. ularly anxious to go. What has become oi ner is a mystery. She might have caught fire and burned to the water's edge or she might have gone gone down Hanalol, San Francisco April 1 Arabia, orient April 15 Nlcomedla. orient May I AleLia. orient June I Numantla. orient July 6 Tassels In Port. St Nicholas. Am. sh. Astoria Berlin, Am. sh Gobi Henry Vlllard. Am. ah St Johns Acme. Am. eh. Portland Lbr, Co. Arctic Stream, Br. as Irving jordunhlll, Br. sn Linnton Alice Marie, Fr. bk Irving Andre Theodore, trr. ok Oceanic Hoche. fr. bk Montgomery, No. folonna. Nor. bk Greenwich Collunna, Br. bk Coal bunkers Broderlck Castle. Br. shlD Astoria Larglemore. Rr. all Coal Bunkers Edward Detallle. Fr. bk. Columbia No, Sommerstad, Nor. as. ...Llnnton Strathblane, Br. as Llnnton . .Greenwich Moller, Fr. bk Dolphins Nereus. Ger. bk Elevator Crown of India, Br. bk.Montgomery No. 2 Verbena. Br. bk.-. Elevator Ley land Bros, Br. sh Astoria Turner. Am. sch Tongue Point King Cyrus, Am. sch Prescott Albyn. Rus. bk Stream Ernest Iegouve, Fr. bk ..Mersey Clan Ruchanon, Br. sh Banneid Irene, Am. sch Llnnton J. M. . Wnatherwax, Am. sch Astoria Sue H Elmore, Am. ss Oak street Eugene Berpallne, Fr. bk....On way up Albert Meyer. Am. sch Rainier Cornll Bart. Fr. bk Astoria Celtlcburn. Br. bk Astoria Alliance. Am. ss Couch street Sn Bout to XfOad Xi unlit. Echo. Am. bktn. Csllao St Helens, Am. sh San Francisco Northland, Am. ss San Francisco Melville Dollar. Am. ss. ..San Francisco Ravalli. Am. ss San Francisco Churchill. Am. sch Keelung Kelburn, Br. bk Mojlllones Letitla. Am. sch San Francisco Washington. Am. ss San Francisco F. S. Loop. Am. ss San Francisco Ba Bonts Witb Cement and 0nrat Aberfoyle. Br. sh. Antwerp Edmund Rostad. Fr. bk London Emanuele Accame, It bk Hamburg Asgard, Nor. ship Antwerp Bldart. Fr. bk Antwerp Albert Rlckmers. Ger. bk Antwerp Clan Graham. Br. ah. Cardiff Eugenie Fautrel. Fr. bk Antwer vmcennes nr. sn. Antwerp Gael, Fr. bk London Coal Ships Ha Boat. Ancalos. Br. sn Newcastle, A, Mlndoro. Am. sch. .Newcastle. N. S. W. Tramp Steamer En Boat. Aker, Nor. ss San Pedro Minerva, Nor. ss Panama Stratng-yie. British ss....san Francisco Needles, Br. bs.. Inversklp, Br. ss Elsa, Nor. ss. , Strathtuy, Br. ss. Boverle. Br. ss. Taunton, Br. ss. . Kcmmi or in aiarquam win present loving pictures at this popular house, ginning with March IS. During the tason of motion pictures, the manage- For .an Indefinite period, th man agement of th Marquam will present movin be sea ment will offer the greatest variety of tnese rums obtainable and th enter tainment will be given at' bed rock prices. The performances will bo con tinuous, beginning dally at 2 o'clock and continuing without Intermission until 10 p. m. Patrons can come In and remain as long ss they desire. In addition to the moving pictures there will be illustrated songs. Moving pic tures are popular and when the Mar quam flashed them recently for a week the entertainments were attended by many tnousanas or people, ah the best snd most up to date films will be pro- semea, some oeing imported rrom farm. where the best films are manufactured. Uy Fee for a Core Is 310 In Uncomplicated Cases What Weiknesi Is and Row I Care It "weakness" is merely a symptom of chronlo Inflamma tion In the prostate gland, brought on by th Improper treatment of some contracted disease. A complete and rad ical cure Is therefor, a ques tion of restoring th rtrostat gland to Its normal atite. and this I accomplish promptly and completely without th us of , internal remedies. My treat ment Is a local one entirely. It Is original and scientific and has been proven absolutely effective by thousands of tests. I am convinced that by no other methods can full and permanent restoration of strength and vigor be accom plished. Free ConsoIUtlo Call at.th office If possible for Free Advice, Examination and Diagnosis. If you cannot call, write for symptom blank. ' OR. TAYLOR " Tfa Leading 5pedirt ' .YOU t PAY WHEN WELL Varicocele A thorough cur ; without pain or cuttln. Every cas of Varicocele I i-f ti.pr0T,M tn- "uPrlorlty of my mild and harmless method, and th folly of resorting to surgery. In most In stance it is even unnecessary to de tain the patient a single day from hi ji ,i !r . ""B.nsn i employ is distinctively my own, and can be had JLnl.y.omc.0,P,r-. 00 t submit to th anlf and hospital xpenaes, when a eomplet and permanent cur can bo otf pfctt ot ur- nd wUh SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON Others dos th system with mineral poison scarcely less dangerous than Ih disease Itself. Th best they hop to do by this treatment I to keep the disease . from manifesting Its presenos upon th surface of th body. Under my treatment the entire system la cleansed. Th last taint vanishes to appesr no . more. I employ harmless blood-cleansing remedlaa. They ar remedies heretofore unknown In th treatment of this disease. They cure by neutralising and absolutely destroy ing th poison In th system. Suoh cures cannot be ether than comniata ana permanent. the DR. TAYLOR co. 2?iiiIOmJtr,01ir "TBBBT. COBITEB SBOOSTD, POBTUITO, OBXOO BOVBfl, TO i. BTBBIXOS, 7 TO I. BJUBDATS rBOK 10 TO 1 Spectacles $1.00 at Metzger's. DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON: SPE cialist on nervous, acute and chronic oiseases. xn fenton Diag. faciric liso. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP, 415-16,17 DE- kum bids:- 3d Phone Main 849. and Washington sta. examination zree. PAINTING AND PAPERING A. O. CUYLER PAINTING, PAPER- - hanging and tinting. Prices to suit the times. Phone Pacific 1102. th and Uibns. --. PAINTING, i'APKRING, in. W Main 2676. M. Johnson. KALSOMIN 429 , 6th st FOR BEST .WORK, PRICES RIGHT, call P. A. Doane. E. 1095. 104 Union ava. PLATING AND OXIDIZING . REFINISHIN'J. FIXTURES. PORT- tanq nating Co.. 302 E. Wash. E.1282. - ?VliLl? STENOGRAPHERS compiot stenographic office in west 12,000 WILL BUY GENERAL MER 'chandisc store and buildings, 3 miles from Brtish Prairie, Washington. Call on xvye jn. Hambo, rtocKln-son. Wash. LOSS WILL BE SMALL. $275 BUYS THE FURNITURE OF SIX room rjat; rent or flat $26; 4 rooms now rented ror iia. Call 3924 E. Burn1 side st.. 3d floor; walking distance. WANTED GOOD GTRL FOR GEN eral housework: none but competent need apply. Pacific 23. FOR KENT 3 FURNISHED HOUSE kceping rooms, ground floor. 148 Sell wood st, L car. 14 ROOMS. WELL FURNISHED, FIRE- proof brick; rent 5U; Si25: $500 down. Room 7, 181 1st st, corner Yamhill. WANTED YOUNG WOMAN, AV1DOW, or grass widow, slightly disabled: or disfigured, with baby girl preferred, as: housekeeper for man and two children. X-J4. Journal. WISH TO RENT A WELL-FURNISHED 4 or 5-room cottage or flat; must be desirable In every way. 325 Lumber Exchange. 7-IiOOM BUNGALOW, ONE LOT, Firland, for sale cheap. Call L. PLUMBERS DONNERBERCi Ra5eMACHErT303 Bumsid st Phon Main Ult. PRINTING MODERN V R I N T K H V - MOVKjTTt! . 148 6th st, opp. Meier fe Frank's. .JgMif- to- Main 1161146 "i PATENT ATTORNEYS " i'KOTECT YOUR IDEA WE CAN patent It Moulton Scobey sttor. nes, t4 Columbia bldg, l&rffcng"0.? i. J. iilRSHHElMER, 27f. WASH, e) J ' I 'lf-nt--gd. J),n'0" attorney. - I'A I EX1 S, COPYRIGHTS ter, 211 Commonwealth bid. Daugherty, at Kern Park wK HAVE 40 ACRES Tabor 8A3. IN A. Most of Coal That Fell Into River Can Be Saved. It Is now believed that most of the coal that fell into the river when a por tion of the Pacific Coast company's coal dosk collapsed can be saved. The receding water is leavlns- the coal h(h and dry and the loss will be confined to what sank In the soft mud of the river bottom. It Is estimated that about 1,000 tons went through the dock. Posslhlv snn tons Of this will be lost, meanlne a losu of about $3,000. The rebuilding of the dock will cost several hundred dollnrs, as new piling will have to be driven for quite a distance. The dock is located at the foot of Overton street and forms a cart of the large coal bunkers where thousands of tons of coal have been stored all win tor. For several weeks tha docIC groaned under the weight of the coal that was being piled up in heaps, owing to the bunkers being unable to hold any more. .Magdalena Bay . . . San Francisco Guaymas . .Magdalena Bay . . . San Francisco Guaymas 22a Boat la Ballast to ImO& Orals. Alsterkamp, Ger. sh Caleta Colosa Manx King, Br. sh.,...., Taltral Urania. Nor. bk Valparaiso Port Crawford, Br. sh ....Callao iNomia, uer. ok Tocopllla Agnes Oswald, Br. sh Callao River Falloch, Br. bk Callao Nordsee, Ger. sh Callao Oil Steamers En Bout. Geo. Loomia Am. a. ....San Francisco Asuncion, Am. ss San Francisco ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Begin Today Join Our Family DURING the . past week a large number oi new accounts were opened with us. Whether your busi ness is small or large, you should have a banking house. .Our motto: Prompt service, lib eral treatment and absolute safety. German-American Bank Sixth and Washington Sts. .Portland, Oregon. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES $4.00 AND UP PER YEAR We Cure Men, Don't Give Up W rlT yea a BQT7ABB DBAX Oar serrlo sr the bt jon can get la Portias or ilHwhm. W ear in oias w treat, sad w do not trt any tiling zcpt DISEASES OF ME1N Consult T7s rr of Charge. OTJB TEB BXZD WOT BB lAH TJBXBIS CUBED. W desire to reach the poor as well th deh man, and by making oar fee very low, payable la una mmmj hidi, w uervuy increase oar easiness and oar lasting gratitude from thousand who would otherwise remain afflicted If It war not for this liberal offsr. Investigate and for yourself wj nuuiii vn ua. W our Bervous Debility, Enlarged g r Vein, Sore and Blood Poison, gwol- I Iff P TOO len Glands, Kidney, Bladder and Beo- v,ul tal DlsaaasB. and all diseases of man A- m a A" f Licensed to Practice due to Inheritance, exhanstlon or thS 11) II 111 Medicine in Oregon, result of speclflo diseases. fJlWJV Our treatments are not only scientific, but the best Our results art quickly and permanently acquired. rBXTATB DISEASES Newly contracted and chronic cases cured. All burning, itching. In flammation stopped in 24 hours; cures effected In seven davs. CDiriT, BXUL9DBB ABB PBOSTATIO DIIEASBS We cure all Irritation, pain In back and catarrhal condltlona SL009 rOISOB May be either hereditary or contracted. The former causes eczema, rheu matic pains, scrofula, etc. Tho latter begins with a small pimple, followed by sores In the mouth and throat which have th appearance of whit patches, spots or sores on the body, face or scalp, falling hair and eye brows, and later on other terrible symptoms, such as paralysis or locomo tor ataxia, cancerous growths, decayed bones and flesh. Houra: a. m. to 6 p. m.; evenings, 7 to 8:30; Sundays, I a m. to 11 noon. ST. LOUIS "fir DISPENSARY COBWEB SZCOBH ABU TAMBXLX. STBEBTB. rOBTTAJTD, OBEOOB OF CHOIrt- -suitable for 5-acre CROWDS VISIT HARBOR. tracta For particulars call at room 15, 1 Landlubbers Stroll Alone Wharves to 303 Washington st. : c wvo iiiujiuiuucia, I HAVE SEVERAL CHOICE LOTS ON Alberta st. -near Union ave. for sale. Call room 15, 303 Vt Washington st. $600 FOR A NICE BUILDING LOT near Hawthorne ave.; cash, bal ance to" suit you. M. E, Leo, room 411, Corbett bldg. FOR RENT 4 ROOMS OF 6-ROOM house, nicely furnished. - 819 Mar garita ave.. Montavnia. 912 month. Hundreds of people strolled along th waienrom yesteraay to see tne wind jammers lined up along the wharves or at anchor in the stream. To many me Dig nuus ana towering masts were a great novelty, being the first they had ever seen. Large numbers of people making their iiuius. m rurnana nave recently arrived from the middle states, where HBiiimr lAitMa iv uAunAnuni run unuumm 1 . win iy po uiai visii Portland fcity property. Close in; choice homes I can be seen only on pictures. To these for sale. "Phone East 1210. -f people, especially, does the waterfront ana nsroor, with Its shipping, appeal LADY W'lTH ONE CHILD . WANTS wora in lodging nonse; home more ob- ivki man. wages. - eiiwooa 117. f and they often travel along the' docks in crowds of from five to ten, eagerly It iills them with v awe to behold clumsy, looking tars climbing about In the rigging a hundred -feet "or more above their hoads. to sea them walk- a yard like a tight-rope performer, or tak a slid down on oi.Ui guy ropes The steamer Alliance leaves for Coos Bay tonight She arrived yester day morning. The steumer Breakwater arrived here from Coos Bay last night, bringing 200 tons of coat and considerable general cargo. '! lie steamer Sue H. Elmore got in from Tillamook yesterday morning and Is scheduled to leave for that place tomorrow afternoon. sne Drought a quantity of cheese. Th steamers Rose City and Roanoks are due to arrive early tomunuw mum. Ing from California ports. The French bark Jules Gommes left down this morning for the United Kingdom with a cargo of wheat. The D. P. & A. N. company's offices have been removed from the Union De pot to the Commercial club building. The oil steamer Argyll discharged a rnmtitltv of oil at Portsmouth tanki yesterday and left down the river. ... . . . f T.T a. V. y River association toolf" oil today and Is now practically ready to .resume op erations. She will probably begin reg ular, service on the first of the month. TRANSPORTATION COOS BAY LINE Th steamship BREAKWATER leaves roruana weanesaay at a p. as-, from Oak street dock, for Berth Bead, Mass. field and Coos Bay points. Frelcht re ceived uu p. m. on aay 01 sailing. Passenger fare, first class. 810: second class, $7, Including berth and meal. Inauir city ticket offlca Third and wasnington sireeia or oaa street dock. Cofambia River ftceoery BBOV2VATOB UarS STBAMSattt Dally service between Portland and me uaiiea, except Sunday, leaving Portland at 7 a. mu arriving about! p. m, carrying freight and passengers. Splendid accommodations for - outfits ana iivestoca, Ick foot of Alder et, Portland; foot 01 wran si., m iMiimm. snone UU5 Ai. for o an a. 4444t4M4M4M4444 OREGON'S OPPORTUNITY Colonist Ratei from all parts of the United States and Canada to all parts of Oregon and the Northwest will be again put into effect by THE OREdON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION COMPANY .AND SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. (Line In Oregon.) MARCH 1, 1908 and will continue daily, throjugh out March and April. From the principal cities the Middle West the rates 1 be as follows: of III CHICAGO . ST. LOUIS moat" Ipff auNsrr V-nl " . . ....B30.no :::::Ii8:8g BOBTX riCTTlC BTBAMSBIP CO.S TEAKSB378I Roanoke and Geo. W.Elder Sail for Eureka. San Francisco and Los Angele direct every Thursday at 8 p. m. 1 iicaei onic 112 Third ,nr Alder. MARINE NOTES. $5000 vvest side full lot, with a 4-room ,,..uc, on ma mi., real snap, ror fur ther particulars call on Llnd A Co room 329 - Lumber Exchange, .2d nd Stark sts. ' rxoM wuujnoii BLUFFS KANSAS CITY . 830.00 ST. PAUL .... Corresponding rates from all other eastern polnta Stopovers at Dleaa ure at all points in Oregon. The Colonist Rate is the greatest of all homebuilders. Oregon 'has unlimited resources arid needs more people who desire homes and larger opportunities. Oregon people can accomplish Sjplendid results by heralding this op- Fares Can Be Prepaid Here at home if desired. Any agent Is authorised to accept the required deposit and telegraph ticket to any point Call on any O. R, & N. or B. . ir. agent, -or address WM. McMURRAY. . Oeneral rassenrsr Arent. rortland. Dnma. at Astoria, Or, March 23. Arrived 9 a. m, a four-masted bark. San Francisco, March 28. Arrived at 2 a. m, eteamer Senator; at 8 a. m. steamer Geo. W. Elder from Portland. Astoria, Or, March 28. Arrived down at 9:30 snd sailed at 11:18 a. m, steam er Hanalol, for San Pedro, Arrived at 10' and left up at 11 a. m, steamer Breakwater from Coos Bay. Left up at 10:15 a. m, r rencn oarx isugene rerge llno. 'Left up at 12 noon, steamer El more. Sailed at 6 p. m, U. 8. stetmer KAza ait orrsB. ' Compelled to sacrifice nn th .hu... and most promising- property in Port- imiu. uwnw leaving cuy must sell this wociv. properly cosi casn 7, B00; Will take considerably less. Everything must go. Chickens, cow and many other tnings too numerous to mention. If you want an actual gift, see us. , LIND 4 OO., room 329 Lumber fixehange,. J4 and SUrk ats.; Dr. Sanderson' Compound Savin and Cotton Rant -put. The best and only reliable remedy for DELAYED PER. nio u.r.1, t 1--..1 'c-iti.i. I . ' ijva. ,ure tne moat obstln. steamer Glenstra from Portland. ' " bnrfhrU &." ii San Francisco. March 28.8a!1A 1 -SJf.fliSEJLJ? .'.ift.l .chooner , Vlrglhla for , ColumbU JiverZlpiiMcJE: iSl'Hr-nL: PoVl FOR HOMCN ONLY : ' " " ' ,' . . , - VMM Ptf MM ' mm H -1 BDsw.rlDg aoWtlacauraU Serein, plamM !'- "'"' 's, '1?2b1 ' giaatloa Ike JosraaL - r "aa-.,,.,, . .. , 1